Who ate watermelon in early pregnancy? Beneficial properties of watermelon during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body needs additional food and nutrients. To take special care of your unborn child, doctors recommend eating as much fresh fruit as possible.

Watermelons are good helpers for pregnant women in terms of hydrating the body and supplying the vitamins necessary for the expectant mother.

Eating ripe watermelons can relieve some of the side effects such as muscle cramps, morning sickness and leg swelling. It turns out that you can eat watermelon during pregnancy.

Fresh watermelon contains a lot of vitamins A and C, vitamin B6, as well as potassium and magnesium. All these nutrients are extremely important during pregnancy, they strengthen the fetal immune system, promote the development of the brain and vision organs.

Especially valuable for pregnant women, watermelon contains a lot of lycopene, an antioxidant that, according to Stephen Pratt, MD, prevents heart disease and cancer, and also improves a woman's immune system and reduces photosensitivity of the skin.

Ease of pregnancy

It is possible that you have already noticed such a beneficial property of watermelon as eliminating heartburn. By the way, heartburn is a common occurrence during pregnancy.

A large percentage of water and microelements in watermelon vitaminizes and saturates a woman’s body with the necessary moisture, helping a tired body remove toxins.

Morning snacks of watermelon slices will help you overcome nausea and illness.

And potassium and magnesium, found by scientists in fresh watermelons, ease muscle spasms, which are often observed in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Preventing Preeclampsia

Researchers who published their findings in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics in 2003 claim that pregnant women's consumption of plant foods with high concentrations of lycopene (watermelon being one of them) reduces the risk of developing preeclampsia (hypertension in pregnant women) by 50%.

This is a rather serious disease that can negatively affect the health of the mother and baby. High doses of lycopene to some extent guarantee timely growth and proper intrauterine development of the fetus.

Impressed? Want to know what other vegetables and fruits are high in lycopene? Please! These are tomatoes, grapefruit, melons and guavas, which get their bright red color from lycopene.

From juice to salad

Advice for pregnant women: drink, small doses of this drink will help cope with morning sickness and a number of other troubles.

Cut the ripe watermelon into slices and remove the seeds. Extract the juice from the watermelon by hand or in a juicer, pour into a long glass, add a straw and enjoy.

Frozen watermelon puree can be eaten in the middle of a hot summer day. It turns out to be a very healthy and enjoyable dish.

To get even more lycopene from your food, cut fresh watermelon and tomatoes into cubes, stir and enjoy!

Is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy? This is not the only question that plagues women during pregnancy. It’s good that several more articles are devoted to the subject of nutrition for pregnant women. For example, you can find out what bananas are good for during pregnancy.

Women, being pregnant, try to normalize their diet in such a way as to get the maximum benefit from food. At the same time, questions often arise regarding the safety of some products. For example, watermelon is useful during pregnancy, but today, unfortunately, it is difficult to choose a tasty and at the same time safe fruit. Let's figure out how much benefit there is and how much harm there is.

Is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy?

To get the maximum benefit without harming the body, you need to know what benefits watermelon will provide at certain stages of pregnancy.

Did you know? The world's largest watermelon has been included in the Guinness Book of Records.weighing 159 kg, raised by Chris Kent in the USA, in 2013.

In the early stages

The benefits of the aromatic fruit (which is actually a large berry) in early pregnancy are quite high.
You can get the following health benefits from its use:

  1. Reduce swelling. The water contained in it eliminates the slowdown in blood circulation and muscle movements.
  2. Prevent dehydration. Pregnant women need to drink more water so as not to provoke premature contractions and childbirth.
  3. Minimize the possibility of stretch marks. This is quite common in pregnant women. Consumption of melons at this stage will protect against such negative consequences.
  4. Prevent muscle spasms. Some substances in the composition are useful for normal muscle function.
  5. Remove muscle ailments. This includes nausea, which many pregnant women experience. Eating watermelon pulp prevents this.
  6. Strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system.
  7. Fully form the bones of the fetus. The potassium in the composition forms bone tissue and helps the production of calcium.

Important! Watermelon spoils very quickly, and eating it stale can be harmful to the body. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from purchasing an already cut fetus.

The permissible portion is 2–3 slices at a time. Exceeding this amount may lower your blood pressure, causing dizziness.

In the 2nd trimester

Eating watermelon during this period is allowed in the absence of contraindications. However, you need to understand that at this time the uterus is already beginning to enlarge, which means that other organs in the abdominal cavity will experience discomfort. In addition, the load on the kidneys and bladder will increase.

However, as described above, you can get quite significant benefits from consumption, so in any case you can allow yourself a couple of slices - but no more - so that the sweet and aromatic dessert will lift your spirits and improve your well-being.

In the later stages

You need to be extremely careful when eating the fragrant fruit at this time, as this time is especially difficult for pregnant women. During this period, there is a lot of stress on the body - the kidneys are no exception. Some doctors recommend giving up watermelon after the 30th week or consuming it in minimal quantities.
The gynecologist who is caring for your pregnancy can calculate the permissible dose. If there are any contraindications at the end of pregnancy, you will also have to refuse to eat this delicacy.

Contraindications and precautions

Watermelon, like other products, has some contraindications for consumption, which is important for both the average person and a pregnant woman to know. In order not to harm yourself, you need to know in what situations it is prohibited to eat it.

It becomes undesirable if there is:

  • problems with insulin regulation;
  • problems with urinary tract patency;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • intestinal diseases.

However, each person is individual, so everyone should first evaluate their well-being.

How to choose the right one when purchasing

Knowing where it is better to buy and how to distinguish natural products from nitrate ones, you can make the right choice:

  1. Striped fruits should be sold at a distance from the road, and they should also lie at a certain height from the ground.
  2. It is forbidden to purchase watermelons before their active ripening period, which on average occurs at the end of summer. This does not mean that the pulp will be completely free of nitrates, but their amount will be an order of magnitude lower.
  3. It is prohibited to purchase cut fruit. It has been proven that even a small incision promotes the growth of bacteria, which subsequently leads to intestinal infections.

    Important! You can check for the presence of nitrates with a simple test. The cut piece is dipped into water and observed: if the water turns red- there are nitrates, but what if it’s just cloudy?- No.

  4. When pressed, the peel should crack, and when tapped, it should make a muffled sound.
  5. The tail should be dry, and the cut should release sugar grains.

Video: how to choose the right watermelon

How to store at home

For a long stay, a room in which the temperature does not rise above 3°C is suitable. Watermelons need to be laid out on a soft surface so that they do not touch each other. It is important to turn them 1-2 times a day.

The cut fruit can be stored for no more than a day. It is turned over on a plate, cut side down, wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator.

Did you know? For compact storage, a square-shaped watermelon was invented. It was first raised in Japan in 1981.

As you can see, watermelons are very useful during pregnancy. The main thing is to choose the right product and not exceed the consumption rate. Only in this case the body will receive the maximum amount of benefit.

Gynecologists do not have a unanimous opinion about the benefits of watermelon for pregnant women. Half of them claim that it is an extremely useful product for pregnant women, while others only talk about the dangers of this berry, which in pregnant women puts additional stress on the kidneys, increasing swelling.

A beautiful riddle, probably everyone knows about this sugar product: “the caftan is green velvet, but the caftan itself is scarlet, sugar.” He cannot leave anyone indifferent. In the USA, they love it so much that it is the leader among melons and the month of July has been declared national watermelon month (it ripens there at this time). Its homeland is South Africa, where it grew like a wild bush from the very beginning. It has been known since ancient Egypt, 5000 years ago. He was depicted in papyri in hieroglyphs. The name comes from the Turkic word “harbuza”, it means “melon”, “huge cucumber” or “cucumber the size of a donkey”.

So is watermelon good for pregnant women? It is definitely useful for the expectant mother due to the fact that it is a storehouse of useful substances.

It contains in its pulp a lot of mineral elements and vitamins, pectin. It consists of 92.6% water. Of the vitamins: these are A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, PP. Vitamin B9 or folic acid is especially important for the expectant mother. It helps the absorption of iron, participating in the process of hematopoiesis; Without it, iron cannot be absorbed. Therefore, watermelons are especially useful in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition, it contains copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, fluorine, cobalt, iodine and calcium; antioxidant lycopene. Moreover, they contain more lycopene than tomatoes. This is a good prevention of breast tumors. Therefore, watermelon has a beneficial effect on heart patients. The fruit does not contain salts, it is rich in carotene and alkalis. It protects the body from acidification due to alkalis. Alkalis neutralize uric acid, the main culprit in the formation of kidney stones. Carotene helps in the treatment of arthritis.

Yes, it has a lot of sugar, but you're not going to eat a watermelon at one time. Secondly, the calorie content per 100 g of juice does not exceed 30 kcal. The daily norm of pulp is 150 grams. The daily norm of magnesium is completely replenished.

Thanks to pectin, fiber and moisture, the fruits are good at cleansing the intestines of cholesterol and toxins. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, it is good for edema in pregnant women due to its diuretic effect.

In addition to the pulp, according to traditional healers, both the seeds and its peel can bring some benefit. Dried seeds help against helminths. They are mixed in dried form with low-fat milk in a ratio of 1:10 and taken on an empty stomach.

In addition, they are simply delicious, no worse than pumpkin and sunflower ones. They must first be dried and fried with salt. Skilled housewives prepare marmalade and candied fruits from the pulp of the crusts. They are particularly juicy. The peel is generally considered edible, according to some researchers. Watermelon rind applied to the temples in a damp place relieves headaches.

What is the benefit?

The benefits of watermelon during pregnancy are as follows:

  • it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • beneficial for the central nervous system;
  • being a natural antidepressant, it improves mood;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • Watermelon is also useful for pregnant women because it helps the baby develop correctly;
  • the expectant mother’s body is strengthened with vitamins and minerals;
  • it can relieve muscle pain; this property is often used by athletes: drinking a glass of juice before training will help your muscles not hurt;
  • Watermelon during pregnancy protects against sun and heat stroke;
  • improves vision;
  • improves the condition during an attack of asthma (due to the content of antioxidants it relieves bronchospasm);
  • the risk of developing gout is reduced.

Other benefits of watermelon during pregnancy:

  • it does not allow the pregnant woman to gain weight;
  • helps remove toxins and waste from the pregnant woman’s body; sand prevents the formation of stones due to the fact that it is a natural diuretic;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • improves gastrointestinal function by normalizing stool
  • protects the immune system due to the citrulline it contains;
  • this amino acid is transformed into arginine.

The benefits of watermelon for edema

Edema in pregnant women can be associated with heavy loads on the kidneys, especially during long periods of pregnancy or when the functioning of the cardiovascular system is impaired. In these cases, watermelon can help. There is only one BUT. It is indicated for healthy pregnancies. If edema occurs due to toxicosis or kidney dysfunction, melons and melons can aggravate the situation.

Is watermelon good for the intestines?

Question: what are the benefits of watermelon and melons for pregnant women? This is relevant for mothers, because constipation and flatulence are often present during pregnancy. It will help in this case if it does not contain an increased amount of nitrates and is chosen correctly. For colitis, taking the sweet fruit also requires caution.

You should not eat melons with rye bread: this is fraught with intestinal fermentation processes and gas formation. It is also impossible to combine melons with laxative vegetables and fruits, so as not to cause diarrhea.

Watermelon in early pregnancy

Watermelon: is it harmful during pregnancy, its benefits and harms in different trimesters? The first 12 weeks of gestation are the most important, because at this time all the main organs of the fetus are laid and formed.

Watermelon at this time will only be beneficial if it is environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is good if the gestation of lovers of these fruits coincides with their ripening season. Despite all its benefits, pregnant women should be careful when consuming the fruit; it can cause diarrhea, which always increases the tone of the uterus. 3-4 slices a day 3 times a week is enough.

Is it possible to eat watermelon late in life?

Although the fetal organs are already formed, the consumption of melons should not be more than normal, because during this period the load on the woman’s body as a whole increases, especially on the kidneys. This is especially important after 30 weeks.

Why are some doctors against watermelons for pregnant women?

The presence of possible nitrates is the main cause of concern; but it should be noted that this can be scary at the beginning of summer, when watermelons are just beginning to appear on sale. The normal season begins in late August and September.

Excessive consumption of these fruits can lead to swelling. The diuretic effect of the fruit can have a bad effect on existing kidney stones, causing renal colic if the size of the stones exceeds 4 mm.

Due to its increased sweetness, watermelon can sometimes cause flatulence, but this is always individual. But if the pregnant woman is healthy, the fruits can be consumed at any time, but in moderation. You just need to choose it correctly.

Contraindications for eating watermelon

In addition to the disagreement of doctors regarding pregnant women, watermelon should not be eaten under certain conditions and conditions:

  • berry intolerance;
  • UCD with impaired urinary outflow;
  • according to some reports, when melons are digested, insulin is not consumed in the body, so it does not pose a threat to diabetics;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • with breastfeeding, eating a large amount of fruit can cause colic in the child;
  • tendency to flatulence.

How is watermelon beneficial for pregnant women and is it possible for pregnant women to have a watermelon fasting day? It should be noted that eating fruits as a fasting day during pregnancy is not strictly permitted. Fasting days cannot be carried out during pregnancy at all and it is better to wait until after childbirth.

For healthy women who are not pregnant, following a watermelon diet for several days is also risky; other fasting methods are better. During pregnancy, unloading on melons does not provide the body of the expectant mother with the necessary nutrients for her and the fetus, this is elementary.

Watermelon and melons for pregnant women: benefits and harms - how to reduce the latter and increase the former? The main rule for consuming all melons, especially watermelon and melon: do not mix them with bread, tea and other foods; do not eat any foods half an hour before and after eating melons. Then there will never be problems with fruits.

How to choose a watermelon?

The best thing for a woman is to be able to grow melons in her garden. But this is a luxury for many people these days. Therefore, it is worth learning how to choose the “right” watermelon.” Do not risk buying fruit out of season, although it is available for sale all year round. Out of season they are full of nitrates.

Watermelon must be fresh - this is a must! It can be stored, even in the refrigerator, for no more than a day - it spoils very quickly. More than a day has passed and it is full of bacteria. If it is not completely eaten after purchase, turn it over onto a plate and cover with cling film, after which it should be placed in the refrigerator. Do not eat the watermelon with the white part of the rind until it turns green.

More nitrates are contained in the crust, so do not eat about 3 cm to the base. Do not have the habit of purchasing fruit that has already been cut by the seller and do not ask the seller to cut out a piece for testing - this is a violation of all sanitation. Do not take melons with cut flesh. When you return home with the purchased fruit, be sure to wash it under running water and soap.

Signs of nitrate content in watermelon include:

  • its non-seasonality;
  • when cut, the flesh is smooth, glossy and absolutely even; in a healthy fetus it glows with sugar grains.
  • a “healthy” fruit crackles when squeezed, but with nitrates it remains soft;
  • the peel should be shiny, not flaccid, elastic;
  • in a natural watermelon, when cut, the flesh has yellow veins, not white;
  • A ripe natural fruit should not have white seeds;
  • when tapped, a good fruit makes a ringing sound, with nitrates it makes a dull sound, like a deflated ball;
  • “nitrate” fruit gives a red or pink color to the water when the pulp is thrown into it; if there are no nitrates, the water is simply cloudy. More nitrates – brighter water color;
  • Nitrate watermelon may have strange damage and depressions.

Purchase rules: do not buy fruits on the roadsides; at least 10 meters must separate them from the road. Fruits should not lie haphazardly on the ground or in dust; they must be on a clear elevation, no less than 20 cm from the surface of the earth.

Pregnancy is the most crucial period in every woman’s life.

When carrying a child, you need to monitor your diet, since not all foods, even the freshest berries, are healthy for the baby.

The culture originated in the southern part of the African continent. Watermelons were brought to Russia only at the beginning of the seventeenth century.

Watermelon requires a dry and fairly warm climate to ripen. Residents of southern Russia are lucky in this regard; they can grow crops directly in the open ground. Those living in other areas of the vast continent will have to build a greenhouse to grow watermelons.

Healthy watermelon pulp

The largest berries contain a lot of useful substances:

  • vitamins (B1, C, B2, A);
  • trace elements: phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, iodine, fluorine, calcium, sodium, potassium, cobalt and magnesium;
  • acids (pantothenic and folic);
  • carotene, fructose, glucose, fiber, pectin.

Pregnant women benefit from the following components:

  1. Vitamin A - it is directly related to the development of embryonic growth.
  2. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant. A sufficient amount of this element in the body will protect against colds and viral diseases.
  3. Folic acid - every pregnant girl takes tablets containing this acid before and during pregnancy. Eating watermelon provides the body with the necessary substance without the need to swallow medications. Folic acid plays an extremely important role in the proper development of the fetal nervous system.
  4. Iron content is beneficial, as it ensures the quality of blood circulation and prevents the development of anemia.

What diseases does it help with?

Watermelon is a diuretic. It removes toxins well and normalizes kidney function.

The composition contains antioxidant elements that neutralize free oxygen atoms in the body, thereby maintaining the functioning of many organs in a normal state. Antioxidants also prevent the level of the immune system from decreasing, thereby improving resistance to colds or seasonal viral diseases.

Microelements contained in the pulp of the berry stabilize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the digestive system, prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia, play the role of preventive measures against the development of cardiovascular diseases, and prevent the development of cancer.

Contraindications for pregnant women

There are a number of contraindications for pregnant women:

  • Stomach and intestinal disorders.
  • Kidney dysfunction, presence of stones.
  • Abnormal functioning of the urinary tract and fluid removal functions in general.
  • High water.
  • Diabetes.
  • Problems with the pancreas.

Harm to the pregnant woman and her unborn child

As you know, in any situation there are two sides, positive and negative. The negative side of consuming watermelon may be problems with the health of the pregnant woman or risks associated with the fetus.

The presence of fiber can cause the expectant mother to have diarrhea or pass gas. Such disorders, due to their proximity to the uterus, can cause tone and lead to the threat of miscarriage.

A fairly high sugar content in berries can lead to weight gain, which is not always beneficial during pregnancy.

Why is there no consensus among doctors about the possibility of eating watermelon during pregnancy?

Different points of view on the issue of watermelon consumption are associated with the individual indicators of the observed woman.

Also, doctors, observing even the slightest deviation from the normal course of pregnancy, may prohibit the consumption of watermelon.

If the pregnancy is going well and the pregnant woman does not fall into any of the cases on the list of contraindications, eating the berry is allowed and even recommended. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Use in early and late pregnancy

First trimester

In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal nervous system is formed. During this period, vitamins and folic acid are prescribed. If this stage of pregnancy coincides with the watermelon ripening season, you should take advantage of this and enrich your body with the necessary elements, while also getting pleasure from eating large berries.

You should be more careful and monitor the body’s reaction after eating; if you experience diarrhea or flatulence, then you don’t need to eat more watermelon.


If the development of pregnancy does not cause concern to the doctor and according to the results of the ultrasound everything is normal, you can eat watermelon in small quantities this trimester to obtain many useful elements, for example, at this stage, the body really needs iron.


Most gynecologists prohibit the consumption of watermelon after the seventh month. This is due to the fact that in the last 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, the woman’s body is overloaded. The kidneys work in the late stages for two people, and forcing them to process the watery berry is inhumane and extremely dangerous; swelling may occur.

If, according to individual indicators, watermelon causes flatulence or loose stools in a woman, then consumption of watermelon can cause labor earlier than planned.

What amount of berries will not be harmful to a pregnant woman?

The acceptable norm is prescribed by the doctor. According to general data, it is customary to adhere to the norm of 2-3 lobules, provided that after the first, the woman does not feel bad, not heavy, and does not show any negative symptoms.

You shouldn’t eat watermelon every day; there is no need for stress on the kidneys during pregnancy, so you need to give them a break so as not to cause swelling.

If there are no contraindications, then watermelon can be included in the fasting day menu. It perfectly quenches thirst, enriches the body with vitamins and dulls the feeling of hunger.

How to eat correctly?

It is better for pregnant women to eat watermelon only in its pure form. Many people eat the juicy pulp in combination with bread, but this is unacceptable for pregnant women, for the reason that watermelon itself can cause bloating, and together with flour products, the chances of an upset stomach increase.

If a pregnant girl tolerates berries and other fruits and vegetables normally, then you can try a salad. There are various salads with the addition of watermelon, but for pregnant women it is not recommended to mix cheeses and berries, herbs with watermelon and honey.

No matter how strange combinations of foods are desired for a pregnant woman, it should be remembered that any negative reaction of the stomach or intestines can lead to the threat of miscarriage.

Drinks or smoothies made from watermelon pulp are allowed only after consultation with a specialist.

Is it possible to get poisoned by berries?

You can get poisoned from watermelon and this is a well-known fact.

Causes of watermelon poisoning:

  1. Nitrates, or rather, an increased amount of them in the berry.

An excess of nitrates is associated with the abuse of fertilizers during the growing process. There are more nitrates in watermelons sold before mid-August.

  1. Improper storage of crops.

When buying a watermelon, you are not sure that it was stored under the right conditions. Watermelons with cracks, overheated watermelons, spoil and cause poisoning to the body.

Symptoms of watermelon poisoning appear a couple of hours after consumption:

  • Nausea.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Headache.
  • Increased body temperature.

If watermelon is eaten by a person with diseases from the list of contraindications, then acute attacks of chronic diseases are possible.

How to choose when purchasing

Pregnant women are recommended to eat watermelons in the prescribed dosage and only during their natural ripening season. September and October are plenty of time to enjoy seasonal berries without harming your unborn baby.

When choosing a watermelon, you need to check its integrity and the presence of a dry tail.

Under no circumstances should a pregnant woman choose watermelon unaccompanied. After all, lifting weights can have a bad effect on the baby’s health.

No one begged for the usefulness of the berry, but it is better to eat it with the permission of the supervising doctor. After all, after childbirth there will also be ripening seasons for watermelons, and during pregnancy, the baby’s health comes first.

A slice of sweet and cool watermelon will brighten the life of every person, especially if we are talking about a pregnant woman. It easily quenches any thirst, saturating the body with coolness. And, of course, its pleasant and sometimes even honey aroma gives incomparable pleasure.

But it turns out that not all expectant mothers can afford to indulge in such a delicious berry. There are a number of different reasons for this, for example, advice from a female doctor, swelling, personal judgment, and so on. But what do experts think about this? Is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy? The opinions of gynecologists, in fact, as well as the expectant mothers themselves, differ greatly. Some of them say that it is possible, and indeed necessary, to eat watermelons, and they believe that this should be done in almost unlimited quantities. And the other half agrees that it is important to abstain from this controversial delicacy throughout the entire period of gestation, as well as subsequent breastfeeding. But where did such opposing views come from? Let's try to figure it out.

Pregnant women can and should even eat watermelons

So, what are the benefits of watermelon during pregnancy?

Watermelon is definitely good for pregnant women. After all, like any berry, it is a real storehouse of useful substances and microelements. The vitamins contained in watermelon will certainly be useful to the expectant mother and the long-awaited baby, who is still in the womb. And the palette of benefits is so rich that it will undoubtedly serve as a source of immunity for both, because it contains such useful substances as vitamins: A, B2, B1, PP, C. In addition, these green berries are rich in folic acid, which is involved in many metabolic processes. processes, hematopoiesis and protein synthesis, which is doubly necessary for any pregnant woman. Is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy? This is a common question from expectant mothers.

In addition to such a rich list of vitamins, watermelon pulp has a lot of extremely necessary micro- and macroelements, as well as carbohydrates, ash, proteins, fats, pectin, organic acids and a huge amount of fiber. Actually, all this determines such useful properties of this product.

Source of iron

Watermelon is one of the most wonderful natural sources of iron, which, when consumed, is perfectly absorbed by the body. That is why it is an excellent assistant both in the treatment and in the prevention of varying degrees of anemia. In order to satisfy the body's daily requirement of magnesium, it is enough for an adult to eat one hundred grams of watermelon pulp. In addition, the berry facilitates the easy elimination of excess cholesterol, for this reason it is important to include it in your diet against the background of cardiovascular diseases or simply when this system is working hard.

Why is it good to eat watermelon during pregnancy?

Watermelons are characterized by unique properties, for example, they practically do not contain natural salts and acids, but they are a source of a large amount of neutralizing alkalis. This quality has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the urinary system, also helping with various exacerbations, as well as chronic diseases or in the prevention of infectious diseases.

Thus, watermelon during pregnancy for a woman whose kidneys are forced to function under increased load during the second or third trimester will become not just a delicacy, but an excellent medicine.

Diuretic properties

Among other things, the powerful diuretic properties of watermelon pulp and its rind are known. That is why for people suffering from edema, which is caused by disorders of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, watermelon is simply an irreplaceable natural and absolutely harmless remedy.

In addition, the giant berry includes a lot of sugars, which provide it not only with wonderful taste, but also with useful functions, such as, for example, improving mood or, conversely, normalizing sleep. But in some cases, watermelon is not recommended during pregnancy.

Arguments against, or Why pregnant women should not eat watermelon

The product, of course, has many advantages, but no matter how many there are, you can always find negative aspects and qualities. The significant sugar content makes it necessary to limit its consumption for those people who are obese or diabetic. In addition, watermelon can cause the formation of gases in the area of ​​the large intestine, which can cause a certain degree of discomfort. The benefits and harms of watermelons during pregnancy are a controversial issue.

Kidney problems

It is very important to limit the consumption of this delicacy to those who suffer from serious problems associated with the outflow of urine, as well as to anyone with large kidney stones. In situations where a healthy pregnant woman does not have any of the above problems, she can safely eat this delicious berry, which will benefit her exclusively.

But watermelon should be eaten with caution during late pregnancy.

The main reason why doctors do not allow it to be eaten is the possible risk of poisoning. After all, a fresh watermelon that has just been cut can turn sour in just a couple of hours, especially during hot weather, so it is extremely important to store the uneaten berry in the refrigerator and do this no longer than a day.

Is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy? Many people are interested in it. Let's figure it out further.


The biggest danger is, of course, nitrates, which literally fill the majority of watermelons sold on store shelves before the season. These harmful substances can poison any person, not just the expectant mother.

Harmful chemical compounds can penetrate through the placenta into the blood of the unborn child, and in some cases can lead to irreversible consequences.

And yet, is it possible to eat watermelons during pregnancy? Reviews confirm that yes, because not all of them are dangerous. The main thing is to buy berries in season and be sure that they do not contain nitrates. In addition, it is important to learn how to choose the right fruits.

How to choose the right juicy and healthy watermelon?

To enjoy this fabulous dessert without risk to health, it is first of all important to understand that any fruit should be purchased and eaten no earlier than its natural ripening time. As a rule, watermelons, on average, have time to fully gain their strength and grow by the middle or end of August. It is not difficult to determine such a time, because it is always marked by a significant drop in prices for vegetables and fruits, among others. But until then, no matter how much you want to buy a watermelon, you should not give in to the desire, risking the health of your unborn child.

However, not only early, but also, let’s say, intermediate watermelons can also have the lion’s share of poisons. You can determine whether they are such or not at the time of purchase. A watermelon that is too fertilized with nitrates will not seem elastic when pressed, and it will not be able to emit a characteristic crackling sound, but will sound very dull when tapped. Its flesh will be literally streaked with yellow veins. The cut area will look perfectly smooth. In addition, pulp soaked in chemicals can turn water pinkish, while regular pulp, which is not poisonous, makes the liquid slightly cloudy and completely colorless.

About the beneficial properties of watermelon and melon during pregnancy and how to use them

This sweet berry can be a dessert, a light main dish, or an excellent preparation for the winter. As an independent dish, watermelons are delicious to eat in combination with white bread. True, its use with black is not recommended, due to the fact that it is fraught with some digestive complications.

It is customary to make very tasty jam from watermelon, which smells like aromatic honey. In addition, many housewives preserve them in salted or fermented form as a holiday snack. Dried watermelon rinds are usually used as medicines to prevent fluid stagnation in the body; for this reason, it is not necessary to get rid of all the scraps. How else can you use watermelon during pregnancy?

In addition to using the peels for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, you can also use fresh pulp. Doctors advise pregnant women, instead of taking any pills, to apply it to their temples, which will help drive away headaches. If you apply such a mass to the wound, you will be able to stop the bleeding.

Ripe pulp or juice can serve as a vitamin cocktail for the skin of the neck and face, which will certainly help the fair sex maintain beauty not only during pregnancy, but also after it.

Melon has almost the same beneficial properties as watermelon. It helps increase hemoglobin, improves intestinal motility, improves mood, etc. It is recommended to eat melon separately from other foods, but under no circumstances on an empty stomach. And, of course, you need to know when to stop. During pregnancy, a woman will need 200 g of this delicacy per day.

Where to buy?

So, is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy? Of course, you can, but it is recommended to buy them only at authorized points of sale. Such places usually appear in all cities and regions in early August. There, products are subject to mandatory testing for nitrates. Watermelons, which are sold at roadside stands, are extremely dangerous. And here it’s not just a matter of nitrates, but also the fact that the overly porous rind of the berry can quickly absorb all the exhaust gases and heavy metals, which can also cause serious poisoning. Well, in addition to the nitrate danger, pregnant women should abstain from this tasty berry in case of serious edema, which can only aggravate an already unpleasant condition.

Don't eat at night

Also, doctors do not advise eating treats at night, because this can cause a fairly frequent urge to go to the toilet. And in the last months of pregnancy, if there is a tone, eating watermelon can even provoke false contractions. That is why in the later stages it is better to abstain from the berry, especially if there are recommendations from the attending physician.
