Who is better than a chihuahua or toy terrier. Why are Chihuahuas better than Toy Terriers?

Many who want to have a small dog in the house are at a loss as to which breed to choose: a toy terrier or a chihuahua. A person who wants a companion for himself, most likely, needs to take a guide to his own character, while taking into account the nature and age of family members and the characteristics of the breed of both the Chihuahua and the toy terrier.

Comparison between toy terrier and chihuahua

Looking closely at the dogs of both breeds, you can catch a significant difference in appearance. It is recommended that the first thing to pay attention to the tail. Unlike the Chihuahua, the tails of the breed are docked. Pets are tall on their feet, have a long neck and an elongated muzzle with erect triangular ears. A weak point, a feature of the breed of that terrier, is its predisposition to injury due to the fragility of the bones. Therefore, the height for her is categorically contraindicated.

Lower, but leaner and more muscular. He has big eyes, and they say about the muzzle that it looks like an apple.

These dogs also differ from others in the fontanel, which makes them very sensitive to the vagaries of the weather.

Both breeds are long-haired and short-haired. Unlike the Chihuahua, grooming the Toychik takes a lot of time from the owners. This must be taken into account before getting a pet. As for coat color, the Chihuahua breed is striking in its diversity, there is no standard. These dogs do not have a characteristic canine odor and rarely cause allergies.

Toy Terrier and Chihuahua have big differences in character. The heightened emotionality of the toy terrier is opposed to the poise and calmness of the chihuahua, although trembling in the body can be observed in both cases. Breeds are characterized by courage and devotion to their owners. Due to their miniature size, they should not be given to families with small children who see dogs as a toy.

It can be very difficult for uninitiated lovers of pocket dogs to distinguish between such bright representatives of this species as a chihuahua and a toy terrier. We will now try to fill the gap in knowledge and find all the possible differences, both in character and in external features. Perhaps this will help someone make a choice.

First of all, we will pay attention to the characteristic features, which are many in each of the breeds.


Russian Toys are very emotional dogs, they react vividly to everything, most often they express their feelings by barking and jumping. Despite their height, they are brave, and are selflessly protective of their master (although they are more protective of themselves). Chihuahuas are more balanced and may show moderate interest in strangers. It is easy to get along with small children, while toy terrier breeders consider them not the best company for children. Both breeds are dog-like devoted to the owner, they are jealous, they love affection.

They cannot be left alone for long. If desired, you can easily accustom them to the home toilet, but not to the detriment of street walks.

And, it should be noted that in a long dispute - chihuahua or toy terrier, who is better? - everything can be solved by competent education. Since any well-bred dog (regardless of breed) will easily win the title of everyone's favorite.


Chihuahua and Toy Terrier are among the smallest breeds in the world. Both breeds of dogs can be both smooth-haired and long-haired. They are the same height, and have erect ears.

The Russian toy resembles a deer: long legs and neck, elongated skull, bulging eyes and large ears. Its general silhouette looks stretched, in contrast to the Chikhov, which are more compact: smaller legs and ears, shorter and more snub noses, a round head and a short muzzle. Thus, in the two breeds, the Chihuahua and the Toy Terrier, those who can see the silhouette of a deer in the dog can easily find differences. For beginners, or people who do not have imaginative thinking, it will not be difficult to distinguish these two breeds by their tails. In toy terriers, it is usually docked, while in chihuahuas it is bent in the form of a semicircle.

As a standard, there are only ten colors for toys, and for chihuahuas, each color is individual.


As you know, the energy of that terrier is overflowing, one has only to whistle, and he is already ready to turn mountains for the sake of the owner. However, due to its jumping ability, it is more likely to get injured. Otherwise, this breed of miniature decorative dogs is fully adapted to our climate and lifestyle. Chihuahua is the oldest breed in the world and was formed in natural conditions, so its representatives are distinguished by excellent health and a strong psyche.


Buying a Chihuahua puppy costs about twice as much as buying a toy terrier. In both breeds, small representatives, a rare color, long hair, character traits and, of course, origin are valued.

Have you decided to get yourself a small friend of a decorative breed and choose between a chihuahua and a toy terrier?

Which of these dogs should you choose as a pet?
Many are guided only by the appearance of the animal, losing sight of the characteristic features inherent in the breed.

These kids, seemingly similar in appearance, but so different in character and temperament. Consider the main differences between the breeds to decide which one to give preference to.

If the Chihuahua is one of the oldest decorative breeds in the world (only according to the official version, it is over 3 thousand years old), then the toy terrier is a very young breed.

Russian Toy Terrier - a descendant of English elite dogs

Russian Toy

As a result of the October Revolution, English toy terriers, popular with wealthy segments of the population, were almost completely exterminated as a relic of the bourgeois way of life.

In the 50s of the last century, Soviet breeders decided to restore this small hunting breed.

Individuals of the English toy terrier brought from abroad and medium-sized crosses of dogs with a similar phenotype were taken as a basis. As a result of crossing, the Russian toy appeared.

The breed received official recognition by the world community relatively recently - in 2006.

The Origin of the Chihuahua: A Millennium-Long Story

The ancestors of the Chihuahua were the Mayan and Aztec sacred dogs, the Techichi. It was believed that these babies were of extraterrestrial origin, a gift from the gods, the guardians of the soul of their master. The smallest individuals were the most revered, were incredibly expensive and belonged to the highest nobility and clergy.

white chihuahua

Larger dogs were also available to commoners.

As a result of the Spanish conquest, many animals died along with their owners, some were exterminated as game for the table of the Spanish nobility, but some babies managed to escape.

For nearly three centuries, the Techichi survived in the wild before the English and Americans visiting Mexico as tourists in the 19th century began to restore the breed.

Then the little dogs were called Chihuahua (Chivava) - after the name of the Chihuahua area, where the first founders of the "new old" breed were caught.

Comparison of exteriors: all about external similarities and differences

At first glance, the dogs have a similar appearance - compact size, large ears and eyes, a sharp nose. Both Chihuahua and Toy are both short-haired and with a long fur coat.


However, upon closer examination, it is clearly seen that the dogs are completely different - the differences in the exterior are significant.

With relatively the same weight standard (up to 3 kg), there is a difference in constitution: the toy terrier has an asthenic physique, shortened body, long legs and neck. Until recently, the tail was docked for the Toy.

The elongated muzzle of a toy terrier with a movable nose button, expressive huge eyes and ears resembles a hedgehog muzzle.


Chihuahuas are stocky, with a powerful chest and neck. The elongated, in comparison with the toy, body confidently rests on low, sturdy legs.

The Chihuahua's head is more massive due to the structure of the skull, the snub nose is much shorter than that of the Toy.

The Chihuahua breed line, in addition to the difference in the length of the coat, has a conditional division into two types - deer and cobby. Thin, light-bodied chihas of the "dir" (deer) type are outwardly more similar to toys than stocky "cobbies".

The difference in the characters of a chihuahua and a toy terrier

The Toy Terrier is a very temperamental, agile, active and playful dog.

Toy's psyche is quite stable, he is friendly to people, but he needs serious education so as not to grow up as an empty talk.

Due to the emotions overwhelming the dog, he is able to comment on his experiences with ringing barking without ceasing.

Being human-oriented, it will become a wonderful companion for an active owner and even a child, provided that it is handled carefully, given the size of the dog.

However, experts on the breed claim that he is smart enough to tactfully avoid the baby's excessive onslaught.

Comparing the characters of Toy and Chuhuahua, the latter have the following features:

The similarity of the breeds is that both have high intelligence, are easy to educate and train.

Possible health problems

Both those and other dogs, unless they are the product of uncontrolled breeding by unscrupulous breeders, have good health and a stress-resistant psyche.

The constant trembling of the toy terrier is not due to cold or cowardice, as misunderstood people believe, but to its excessive emotionality. Toy needs to see everything, run, play, bark - everything is here and now.

When getting a Chihuahua, you need to know that this dog has such a pedigree feature as a non-overgrowing fontanel.

Therefore, even a light blow to the head can be fatal for a baby.

Also, due to the shortened nose of a cobby type sneeze, overheating or hypothermia (depending on temperature conditions) is possible, and as a result, the respiratory trachea collapses. Breathing problems are usually heart problems in older dogs.

It should be noted the traumatic nature of the limbs in both breeds - jumping from a height of pets must be controlled.

In the house, it is advisable to keep special or impromptu steps near sofas, armchairs, window sills - wherever a small dog jumps.

This will facilitate the access of fragile dogs to the coveted "heights", and the owners will minimize the likelihood of expensive treatment after possible injuries (fractures, dislocations).

Both the Chihuahua and the Toy Terrier are long-lived dogs. Their average life expectancy is 13-15 years.

Feeding and care

There is no difference in caring for short-haired representatives of toys and sneezes. The most common requirements are regular nail trimming, ear cleaning, oral cavity sanitation. In decorative breeds of dogs, increased stone formation on the teeth, which can cause their loss.

Long-haired toys and chihuahuas need regular brushing. You should bathe a decorative mini-dog no more often than a regular dog.

Due to their small size, these dogs get cold during the cold season, so clothing for them is not a whim, but a necessity.

You need to carefully consider the choice of clothing - so that it doesn’t crash anywhere, doesn’t pull, doesn’t hamper movements.

Often decorashek are accustomed to the toilet on a diaper or in a tray. It is convenient during the cold season. However, the dog still needs walks, fresh air, new experiences and communication with their own kind.

There are also no differences in the diets of both babies.

You can feed toy terriers and chihuahuas both dry food for small breeds and canned dog food, as well as natural food. The menu must include vegetables and fruits.

Keep in mind that a small animal has an accelerated metabolism, and if an adult dog is constantly hungry, feed it three times a day (with the daily allowance, of course).

Who is better - chihuahua or toy

There can be no unambiguous answer to the question “who is better”. Dogs are completely different, despite the external similarity.

Choosing a decorating companion should be based on your own preferences and lifestyle, weighing all the pros and cons.

Do not forget that such a small dog is a living creature that needs special attention and care, compulsory education and socialization, so as not to become a burden or a small uncontrollable monster.

Choosing a breed, you can not get around the issue of price. Purebred Chihuahuas are more expensive than toy terriers: the average price for them is 30 thousand rubles.

While the cost of toy is about 15-20 thousand. Mestizos can be bought cheaper - up to 10 thousand rubles, or even found for free on city bulletin boards.

"They are so cute, just like toys!" - you say. Indeed, mini-dogs are usually bought spontaneously, because such sweethearts cannot be denied, they can only be touched. But future owners face the problems of upbringing and care at home only later.

"How! They're not all the same?" Disappointing, no. After all, each breed has its own characteristics, which you need to know about when choosing, otherwise you risk buying a mini dog or puppy at a high price, but completely different from you in temperament. The consequences are such that it will grow completely different from what you wanted. So read and remember...

The terrier's coat needs frequent water treatments and daily combing. If you ignore washing, then it will look like dirty human hair, i.e. will become greasy and untidy.

A Chihuahua is easy enough to wash once every six months. Regardless of longhaired or shorthaired mini dog, but "hairstyle" is ideal without constant combing and washing.

When choosing, keep in mind that Yorkies need a mandatory haircut once every 2 months at least, otherwise the overgrown dog will collect not only all the dirt on the street and dust in the house, but will soon turn into “solid tangles”. Many owners get so tired of constant care that they cut it “under the machine” so that it grows as long as possible, but in the end, such a pet loses some of the breed’s recognition.

Chikhov does not need to be cut at all. This also applies to long hair, it just grows to a certain level and stops. Tangles do not form on it due to the “silkyness” of the coat, but the dog will always be happy with a comb, because her belly will be scratched.

Therefore, if you have little free time and you are not ready to constantly visit a hairdresser for animals (Yorks also need to be cut), but you want to always have a well-groomed dog, then buy a Chihuahua puppy from a nursery near Moscow.

The anatomy of the Yorkie's face is designed so that the hair falls into a bowl of food. If the food is liquid, then the sloppy appearance of the pet is guaranteed. Therefore, some owners put bibs on their pets, while others feed only dry food. If you think that the dog will clean its face by 100%, then you are mistaken, because it is simply inconvenient for it to reach all places.

The muzzle of the Chihuahua is slightly elongated, so they are fed with anything and it always remains clean.

Show Yorkies are a special treat. You need to prepare for constant combing, washing, grooming, but you can’t use ordinary shampoos, only those designed for this breed. You can’t cut it either, so get ready for daily communication with a dog comb.

Chihuahuas do not require special care.

Yorkies are difficult to teach commands. But the problem is in the character, they are very stubborn, and because of the pretty appearance, the owners cannot be strict with them when training.

With a Yorkie, you will forget about silence. They are very active and love to play. Barking does not annoy them, but sometimes it is unnecessary. When choosing a dog of this breed, inform the owner of the kennel about this, as among them there are also “silent ones” and you may be lucky.

Chihi are more silent, but like to bark during the game, as well as "on business", for example, at noise outside the door. But the dog's intelligence, combined with the owner's desire to explain where to be silent, the problem is immediately corrected.

The Yorkshire Terrier is loyal to children but does not show much enthusiasm for having them. They are more fond of calm caresses and strokes, rather than children's squeezing and dragging their tails.

But chihuahuas enjoy the company of kids, because they are not against games, including active ones, so your child will be happy, because a real clockwork toy will appear in the house.

Terriers without human attention become aggressive. The chance to get on a dog that calmly endures ignoring the owner, for example, because of work, is extremely small. Therefore, get ready that every day you need to pay attention to him so that the “plush toy” remains her. He is a 100% companion dog.

Chihuahuas are accommodating and self-sufficient, so the lack of communication with family members does not affect their emotional mood. But she is always ready to play and caress, but she will not force you to do this either.

When choosing a future pet from miniature dog breeds, most often people opt for two representatives of decorative four-legged friends. This is a toy terrier and a chihuahua. To date, these two breeds are recognized by the standard as the smallest.

Look at the PHOTO of that terrier and chihuahua and we are more than sure that you will be confused by the complexity of determining the best dog.

Skeptics may argue that the chihuahua is recognized as the smallest dog. But if you compare who is smaller than that terrier or chihuahua, you will see that both have the right to be called the smallest. The official championship for the Chihuahua is a temporary matter. The breed of Russian Toy is very young and it will still climb the first step to the Chihuahua.

The difference between a chihuahua and that terrier.

Most of the confusion arises when comparing smooth-coated chihuahuas and toy terriers. And there is an explanation for this. When breeding the Toy breed, Chihuahuas were used.

The main difference between a Chihuahua and that terrier (look at the PHOTO) is ... in the head. In a Chihuahua, the head is shaped like an apple with its roundness and volume. At the transition of the forehead to the muzzle, the dog has a pronounced snub nose. About a small neat muzzle, on which huge round and inquisitive eyes fit surprisingly, sometimes they say "baby face".

The Toy head cannot boast of a snub nose, since the shape of the skull is much narrower. At the same time, a long, slightly rough muzzle is clearly proportional to the head. This trait was inherited by the progenitor of the English Terrier.

Toychik, the owner of bulging eyes (there are some) confuses the definition with the breed. However, breeders in nurseries try not to allow similarities with the Chihuahua in the breeding material.

The graceful smooth-haired Toy has a thin bone, long neck and legs, but in general it is more compact. Putting representatives of two miniature breeds next to each other, visually it will seem to you that the one is taller, and the Chihuahua is longer.

A significant difference by which you can always distinguish a toy from a chihuahua

  • color. A real toy comes in only one color (red or fawn) with all kinds of tan, from black to lilac. And the Chihuahua trumps with all sorts of shades of color and the most unusual combination of colors.

The long-haired representatives of both breeds have huge differences. In addition to the color and structure of the skull, they also differ in the amount of long hair on the body.

In a chihuahua, the coat is distributed evenly throughout the body, there is an undercoat, thick feathering behind the ears, and a kind of “frill” flaunts on the neck.

Toy terriers are devoid of undercoat, the distribution of fur is uneven and a little bit, but a characteristic fringe grows on the ears.

Like other breeds, Toy and Chihuahuas are loyal creatures. They love games, explore everything new with pleasure and fearlessness, prefer to stay away from small children. According to the owners of chihuahuas and toy terriers, complexes are not inherent in dogs because of their small stature. A big loving heart throws a small pet into battle to protect its owner, even if the opponent is several times larger than its size.

In relations with the owners, the Chihuahua is more restrained and balanced. Therefore, they bark less than toys. However, they are able to be jealous of the owner of another dog, and, moreover, look as if they were offended by the whole world.

Toychiki - flying bells. They have time to be everywhere, nothing should escape their attention.

You know, when the answer to the question “who is smarter than that terrier or chihuahua” is that they are chihuahuas, then I would like to defend the toy. The intelligence of dogs is the same, however, due to their irrepressible energy and natural sensitivity, vulnerability, emotionality, they are more difficult to train. But again, it all depends on the owner. If the owner from the very first days of the appearance of the toy in the house does not allow his attention to disperse, then, believe me, the most well-mannered dog in the world will come out of the toy.

Who is better - toy terrier or chihuahua?

Of course, you will not get a clear answer, who is better - that terrier or chihuahua.

If you hesitate about which of these dog breeds to give preference to, read all the possible information about one and the other dog, learned the pros and cons from the owners of that terrier or Chihuahua, and still can’t decide, then the last one remains. Look at yourself and your family. What are you? Quiet, calm? Or energetic and unpredictable? Do you prefer to live by planning everything in advance, or are you guided by momentary desires?

So, a chihuahua will harmoniously fit into a calm, measured life, but that terrier will support your outbursts of emotions.
