Puppet show in the younger group on the theme: Autumn. Puppet theater in the second junior group

Autumn entertainment is held in the 1st junior group. You will need:

  • screen;
  • fairy-tale characters: hare, fox, hedgehog;
  • basket with treats (candy or apples);
  • umbrella;
  • leaves - 2 pieces;
  • shishiki - 1 piece;
  • mushrooms - 3 baskets. leaves 2 pcs, cones 1 pc. mushrooms, 3 baskets.

Progress of autumn entertainment WHAT'S IN AUTUMN'S BASKET

Children enter the hall to the music and are greeted by Autumn. Children sit on chairs.


- Autumn has come to us again, brought a cheerful holiday,
She dressed everything up and didn’t forget about us.
Hello, autumn! It's good that you came.
Stay with us, Autumn, and listen to our song.

Song "Autumn has come to us."

1. Autumn, autumn has come to us.
Brought rain and wind.
Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip -
Brought rain and wind.

2. The green garden will turn yellow,
The yellow leaves rustle.
Shur-shur-shur, shur-shur-shur -
The yellow leaves rustle.

3. Bird songs are not heard.
Let's wait for them until spring.
Chick-tweet, chick-chirp -
Let's wait for them until spring.

Autumn: - Guys, I didn’t come to you empty-handed, I have a big basket, and there’s a lot of interesting things in there. Want to know what I have? (Children's answers.) I have a magic umbrella. I’ll twirl the umbrella, I want to start the game.

Magic music sounds.

Presenter: — The sun is shining in the morning, which means it’s time for us to go for a walk.

Game "Sunshine and Rain".

The soundtrack of rain sounds.


- So the drops of capital began to knock on my palm,
The clouds are gathering, the rain is starting.

Children run under an umbrella.

Song "Rain".

Autumn: - Thank you, dear friends! You made us happy! And in my basket for you there are painted autumn leaves - here they are. Let's dance with the leaves! (Hands out leaves to the children.)

Dance "Oak Leaves".

Autumn: - And in my basket there are cones for you - from them. Let's play with them. (They hand out cones.)

Game "Bumps".

Text, description of movements and music by Sizova N.Yu.

1. We roll the cone (Roll the pine cone between your palms.)
Between two palms.
These are the bumps
Our little ones have it!

2. Turned into a hedgehog- (Take the lump in your right hand and carefully prick your left palm.)
Pricked with a needle
To our left little hand
Very, very caustic!

3. Tickle with a bump (Take the bump in your left hand and tickle the palm of your right hand.)
right palm,
How nice the bump is
Tickle a little!

4. Grab the bump (Grasp the lump with your right hand, nose down, wide side up, tap with the index finger of your left hand.)
Here comes the drum!
Turned into a stick
Our merry little finger!

5. Little sisters have grown up ( We turned the cone over with the wide side on the palm of the left hand and held it slightly. We swing our hand a little.)
On the edge of the summer -
These are our bumps
Christmas trees with a secret!

6. It’s raining, (The fingers quickly touch the individual “petals” of the cone.)
Dripping down the branches
Grow up, Christmas trees,
All for the joy of the children!

7. The little bump is tired (Place the pine cone in your palm, cover it with your other palm and rock it.)
And lay down in bed,
Sleep well, little bump,
It's sweet in the cradle!

Autumn: - I'll look in the basket again. Oh, there are mushrooms here, they want to play.

Game "Collect mushrooms in baskets."

3 children take part in the game.


“I came to your party and brought a fairy tale with me.”
Close your eyes, children, we will find ourselves in a fairy tale.

Puppet theater "Autumn Basket".

Presenter: - Oh, how much fun we have, it’s time for us all to start dancing.

Dance “Squat” (Estonian folk melody to lyrics by J. Entin, arrangement by A. Roomer).

1. Start dancing
And bow to my friend. La-la...

2. We will all squat:
Sit down together! Stand up together! La-la...

3. The guys are waving their hands -
These are birds flying. La-la...

4. Foot top, foot top,
Once again, top yes top. La-la...

5. Handles - clap, handles - clap,
Once again, clap and clap. La-la...

6. So the dance is over,
Bow down again. La-la...


— My basket is big and it’s not empty.
There are treats in it for all the kids. (Gives the basket to the presenter, the children thank.)

Presenter: “And now we ask Autumn to take a photo with us.” (They leave.)

Autumn fairy tale with puppet theater
based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “A BAG WITH APPLES”
Junior preschool age
Musical director
MBDOU Kindergarten No. 27
Balandina K.V.
The hall is decorated for the autumn holiday.
Decorations: trees, Christmas trees near the screen, bibabo toys: hare, crow, bear, fox, hedgehog. Autumn costume.
Attributes for games: cones, baskets, mushrooms, umbrellas, leaves for dancing.
Children enter the hall to the music “The Fairy Tale Begins.”
The children sit down and a hare appears behind the screen.
The hare sadly sings:
Come out, come out, sunshine
Red bucket.
Have pity on the bunny
Warm the bunny.
Autumn has come
Cold and damp.
Bunnies are waiting at home
Hungry guys.
HOST: Guys, look, a bunny. Yes, how sad. What happened to you?
HARE: Oh, woe, woe to me! I got cold in the forest. It got completely cold! And all because autumn has arrived. Brrr! Freeze!
HOST: Bunny, autumn is not always so gloomy. There are also warm days. Look how she dressed up the forest. You stay with us, warm up, and the guys will sing you a song.
Song “Zainka-bunny” (r.n. song arr. G. Lobachev)
HARE: Oh, well done guys, I liked it! But the bunnies are waiting for me at home, crying from hunger. I'll go find some food for the bunnies!
CROW: (flies in) Kar-kar-kar! What a nightmare! The bunnies are hungry, and he’s chilling here.
HARE: Oh, it's you crow! Don't croak, I'm sick without you! I can’t find anything for the bunnies! And here is the apple tree. That’s great, I’ll pick some apples and feed the bunnies!
CROW: Kar-kar-kar! What a nightmare! Everyone will come here, not a single apple will be left under the tree!
HARE: You're croaking in vain. There are a lot of apples here. There's enough for everyone. I have hungry bunnies at home, shame on you Raven!
CROW: Kar-kar-kar! I’ll tell everyone in the forest that the hare collected all the apples and didn’t leave them to anyone. Nightmare! (Flies away)
The Bear appears to the music
BEAR: Hello, Bunny! What's in your bag?
HARE: Apples!
BEAR: Apples! Oh, how I haven’t eaten apples for a long time. Probably very tasty?
HARE: Help yourself, Misha. Take it! (The bear tries)
BEAR: Well, come on, I'll try! And I collected a lot of cones in the forest. Do you want to play with cones?
Game "Collect cones"
2-3 children collect cones scattered on the floor into baskets.
My option: Velcro on cones and on Christmas trees, which team will transfer the cones to their Christmas tree faster.

BEAR: Listen, Hare, can I take some apples for my bear cubs? They love apples too.

HARE: Of course, of course, take it, Uncle Misha. (The bear takes the apples, thanks and leaves).

The soundtrack of rain sounds.

HARE: Oh, it's raining! Now I’ll get wet, I’ll get sick, who will feed and care for the bunnies! Oh!

HOST: Don’t be upset, bunny. Here's an umbrella for you. And so that you don’t get bored while it’s raining, the guys from the group will sing you a funny song about the rain.

“Kids and the Rain” by O. Devochkina

(Magazine “Musical Director No. 4/2010)

Umbrella game

The Hedgehog appears to the music

HEDGEHOG: Hello, Bunny!!

HARE: Hello, Hedgehog. What are you doing in the forest?

HEDGEHOG: I sometimes fall

The thick one went into the forest

Let's just say don't go for a walk

And collect mushrooms.

So that in winter in the frost and cold

There was always lunch and dinner.

Look, guys, how many mushrooms I collected. Help me hang them up and dry them.

Game "Hang the mushrooms"

Two mothers are holding a rope with hooks. (Mushrooms have holes, or loops, or rings.) Children take a mushroom from the basket and hang it on a hook.

“Autumn Game” // Palette No. 5/2012

HEDGEHOG: What do you have, Hare, in your bag that smells so delicious?

HARE: These are apples. Hedgehog help yourself. I picked it under the apple tree! They are very tasty!

HEDGEHOG: Can I take it to the hedgehogs?

HARE: Take it, don’t mind!

HEDGEHOG: Thank you, Hare. I'll take it to the hedgehogs, goodbye! You are very kind!

The Fox appears with a song, followed by the Crow

CROW: How-kar! Look, Fox, the Hare is giving away apples to everyone, but he forgot about you!

FOX: What kind of uninvited guest has appeared and is in charge of other people's apples?

HARE: Calm down, Fox, here, take an apple and eat it for your health. And take it to your foxes, let them eat too!

HOST: Of course, Chanterelle! No need to be angry! Look, what kind of dance with leaves our kids will dance for you!

“Dance with leaves” by A. Filippenko

FOX: Thank you for the funny song and for the rosy apples. I’ll go and make the little foxes happy! (Lisa leaves).

CROW: Kar-kar! Ugliness! There are hungry children sitting there, and he is handing out apples to left and right! What's going on in the forest! Kar-kar!

HARE: (Looks into the bag) Oh, really, the bag is empty! What have I done? Shall I bring an empty bag for the hungry bunnies? Well, what should I do now?

Autumn appears to the music

Autumn: Don’t cry, Zainka, don’t worry. For your kindness, for the fact that you spared no apples for all your friends, I want to thank you. And I give you, Bunny, and your little hares, and all the animals in the forest these gifts! Look how much there is, come on, I’ll put it in your bag!

HARE: That's great! What a beauty! Thank you from me and from my beloved bunnies!

CROW: Lovely! Kar-kar!

I was the most worried

And the hare got gifts! Not in order!

HARE: Stop croaking, crow! Let's go and treat ourselves to some goodies! Goodbye guys! Happy Autumn holiday to you!

HOST: These are the wonderful gifts the sorceress Autumn has prepared for everyone!

Let's have fun together

It's not time to be sad

Get into pairs together

Let's dance the polka.

Dance “Squat”, traditional folk melody

Autumn fairy tale.

Matinee in the younger group.

In the music room there are autumn leaves on the carpet.

Children enter the hall to the music. They sit on the chairs.

Ved.: - Autumn has come to us again, brought a cheerful holiday,
She dressed everything up and didn’t forget about us.
Golden autumn invited us to visit

And now we'll set off on the fun train !

Children ride on a steam locomotive - “The locomotive goes, the locomotive goes”)

Ved.: - Autumn walks slowly along the paths.

The leaves rustle under autumn's feet.

Look at the leaf (raises one)

Painted by the sun,

It was green in the spring, but now... CHILDREN: ORANGE!

Ved.: - Golden leaves sparkle

Like festive fireworks,

They whisper, rustle, laugh,

Invitations to dance await!

Let's guys collect autumn leaves and dance with them.

Dance with leaves

(after the dance the children hid behind the leaves)

Ved.: - Why was there suddenly silence amidst the fun?

Only the leaves remained...Where did the kids disappear to?

Golden leaves, have you seen our guys? CHILDREN : NO!

Ved.: - Whose pens are these? CHILDREN : OURS!

Ved .: -Whose legs are these? CHILDREN : OURS!

Ved.: - So these are our guys hiding behind the leaves!

Suddenly a breeze woke up

And he rushed, rushed the leaf

(children run to chairs)

Ved.: - I’ll collect a bouquet of bright leaves now and then take it to our group.

(the presenter collects leaves into a bouquet and brings out 2 readers)

reb .: The wind sweeps yellow leaves in the garden

This happens only once a year - it happens in the fall.

reb .: What time of year is it?

The rain is drizzling.

It's just autumn

He's in a hurry to go to kindergarten.

(Autumn comes out to the music with an umbrella and a basket )

Autumn: - Hello my friends! I'm glad to see you all!

I was a little late: I was still working, getting dressed up.

I distributed multi-colored scarves to all the aspens:

Bright, noticeable, noticeable from a distance.

And now I want to play with you and find out how you are doing.

How are you guys doing?

CHILDREN :- LIKE THIS ! (children show a fist with a raised thumb)

Autumn :- How are you going? CHILDREN :- LIKE THIS! (children stand up and walk in place)

Autumn:- How do you take it? CHILDREN : LIKE THIS ! (children clench their fists)

Autumn:- How do you give? CHILDREN: LIKE THIS ! (unclench their fists with palms up)

Autumn:- How are you being naughty? CHILDREN : (puff out their cheeks and “clap” them with their fists)

Autumn:- How are you threatening? CHILDREN : LIKE THIS! (“threaten” with index finger)

Autumn:- Can you sing songs? CHILDREN : YES!

Ved.: - We continue our joyful holiday together.

We will give an autumn song to autumn.

Song “Autumn has come to us”

(the sound of rain is heard)

Ved : Guys, are you listening? It looks like it's starting to rain.

Reb: Autumn walks along the paths,
Got my feet wet in puddles!

Reb: It's raining, it's raining -
He won’t let us go for a walk! ...

Ved.:- Autumn, what should we do? ?

Autumn :- Here’s an umbrella that’s not simple (gives it): it’s elegant and big.

When the sun shines brightly, children walk without it.

And like the rain: knock-knock-knock, everyone will run under the umbrella!

Game "Sun and Rain"

Autumn: - Let me look in the basket. Oh, there are mushrooms here, they want to play.

Game "Collect mushrooms in baskets."

3 children take part in the game.

Autumn: - I came to your holiday and brought a fairy tale with me.
Close your eyes, children, we will find ourselves in a fairy tale.

Puppet theater "Autumn Basket".

The presenter thanks the animals, treats the children with fruit and takes them to the group.

You will need: a screen;
puppet characters: hare, fox, hedgehog;
basket with treats (candy or apples);
mushrooms, 3 baskets.

Scenario of the puppet theater “Carefree Bunny”.

Target audience: preschool age

Characters: The merry old lady; Cat; Bunny; Hedgehog; Bear.

Equipment: musical accompaniment, a basket of mushrooms for the Hedgehog, a Bunny's house in the left corner of the screen, autumn leaves all over the screen.


Merry old lady: Hello my little viewers! I am very glad to see you again in our “Fairytale Tower”. Today you will find an instructive tale about a carefree bunny who did not want to do anything, but was still having fun, jumping and playing... But first, I will tell you three riddles, and you must guess them. Are you ready guys? My first riddle:

Who, answer when you see a wolf,

Does he immediately hide under the tree?

Does the fox run across the lawn?

This is familiar to everyone... (Bunny)

That's right, guys. This is a fluffy, gray bunny. Tell me, what color does a bunny’s fur coat become when winter comes? Red? Maybe green? Well, of course, the bunny has a white fur coat in winter, so that the fox and wolf cannot see him in the white snow. Fine. Next riddle:

A ball is rolling through the forest,

He has a prickly side

He hunts at night

For bugs and mice. (Hedgehog)

Well done boys! This is the familiar Hedgehog. And the last riddle for you:

This animal lives only at home.

Everyone is familiar with this beast.

He has a mustache like knitting needles.

He purrs and sings a song.

Only the mouse is afraid of him...

Did you guess it? It's a cat.

Cat, that's right guys, well done! Oh, what smart guys came to us at the Fairytale Teremok.

So, it's time for a fairy tale. Once upon a time there lived a small little bunny. All summer he walked, played with friends and had fun. Autumn has come imperceptibly.

I'm a funny bunny

The bunny is mischievous.

All animals love

Play with me!

Where are all my friends?

I'm a little bored.

(Hedgehog appears with a basket of mushrooms)

Bunny: Hedgehog! It's so good that I met you! I'm bored alone. Let's go play with you. I came up with such a game!..

Uh-uh, Bunny, wait a minute,

I can't play with you.

The red summer has passed

Autumn is coming.

Winter will come soon,

It's going to get so cold!

Hunger for the animals in winter

You need to be careful.

Need food for the winter

Stock up quickly!

Bunny: What are you talking about, Hedgehog! There's still so long until winter! Let's go play while it's warm and the sun is shining!

Sorry, Bunny,

No time to play.

I need some mushrooms

Recruit for the winter.

Look, buddy,

Don't yawn either.

Carrots for the winter

Better stock up. (Hedgehog leaves)

Bunny: Carrots, carrots!.. It’s all boring! I'll go look for someone else.

I'm a funny bunny

The bunny is mischievous.

All animals love

Play with me!

(Bear appears)


Clubfoot and big,

I sleep in a den in winter.

I love pine cones, I love honey,

And I love raspberries...

Bunny: Uncle Bear, hello!

Bear: Hello Hare, if you're not joking.

Bunny: Uncle Bear, let's play together? I came up with such an interesting game...

Bear: Nooo, Hare, I'm not your company. Winter is just around the corner, I need time to stock up on fat, there’s a long winter ahead, I’ll be hiding my nose from the frost in my den. So I don't have time to play with you.

(The bear leaves)

I don't understand anything.

And where is everyone in such a hurry?

Stocking up, stocking up

Everything for the winter.

It's still a long time until winter.

You can still make it in time.

I'd rather have fun

Dance, play and sing!

(The bunny dances, a cat appears)

I'm a little cat

I'm just a baby.

Meow meow meow,

I always sing songs.

Meow meow meow,

I always sing songs.

Bunny: Cat! I am so glad to see you! Let's go to the clearing and play. I came up with such an interesting game...

Bunny, Bunny, ah-ah-ah!

Well, what a lazy person you are!

Animals don't know rest

And they stock everything up for winter.

Well, you sing and dance,

You wave your fluffy tail.

Hurry up and run to your mom,

Better help mom!

Bunny: Do you know, cat? You're probably right! And the Hedgehog is right, and the Bear! I have to go and help my mom! After all, if we don’t stock up on cabbage and carrots now, we’ll have nothing to eat in winter!

Cat: That's right, Bunny. Run quickly!

Bunny: Goodbye, Cat. Mom-ah, I’m running to help you!!!

Merry old lady: Today the fairy tale introduced us to the life of animals in the forest. What did the fairy tale teach you? Bunny realized that he needed to prepare for winter in advance. You can't be lazy, you need to help your mother. It’s not for nothing that the proverb arose: “There’s time for work, there’s an hour for fun.”

And now we say goodbye to you and tell you:

All together: Goodbye! See you again!
