Lunar haircut calendar September world of space. Moon calendar

Useful tips

The first month of summer brings the first joys of harvesting. But this month is no less busy than the previous one. With the arrival of warm weather, I want to spend more time outdoors, but I can’t rest now: summer cottages require special attention.

In June, vegetable seedlings and potatoes continue to be planted. 1, 2, 17-30 June 2015- time of the waxing moon. These days it is recommended to plant all ground vegetables, but during the waning moon ( from 3 to 16 June 2015) it is best to plant root crops, control pests, remove weeds, fertilize plants.

Try not to plant anything on unfavorable days of the lunar month, when the Moon changes phase or is affected by malefic planets: 1, 2, 8-10, 14, 16, 21, 23, 26 June 2015.

In some areas it is still possible in Junequite cold weather, even frosts occur. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and not to plant seedlings in the ground in early June. In addition, these dates this month are unfavorable for planting.

Large quantities are collected in June medicinal plants, including their fruits. Remember the rules of collection and storage in order to preserve all the beneficial properties as much as possible. Plants need collect outside the city, away from roads (at least 100 meters). You should also avoid collecting herbs near fields that are treated with harmful chemicals or near landfills. It is best to collect plants high in the mountains or in places away from human habitation.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for June 2015 section:

Lunar calendar for plants 2015


Moon without course from 13:01 to 21:39

This day is not suitable for landings, as the Moon is afflicted malefic planet Saturn, besides, in the afternoon it will be “idling”, which also does not contribute to successful landings. Moreover, the Moon will soon begin to wane, so plant terrestrial vegetables in the coming 2 weeks It's better not worth it. Wait for the period of the waxing Moon.

Indoor flowers : watering day. With the arrival of hot weather, you should remember that you will have to water your house plants more often. It is necessary to take into account whether the plant is moisture-loving or not, and also observe drying out of soils. On rainy days, air humidity increases, so the earthen ball can dry out very slowly.

Full moon at 19:20

Indoor flowers : bad day for caring for plants.


Moon without course from 08:59

If tree trunks and roots become shoots form, it must be removed at the very base.

Today you can apply fertilizers for fruit crops. Before boarding beans(about 2 weeks in advance) you can apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to enrich the soil in which the beans will grow. Nitrogen fertilizers It is best to avoid, as they will stimulate foliage growth, and this will delay the ripening period of the beans.

You can collect the first harvests your garden. If you live in more southern areas, you can already collect strawberries or early cherries.

Indoor flowers : Check your houseplants thoroughly for pests today. It is especially important to observe the plants and inspect them carefully every day to notice the problem in time. Especially carefully inspect plants that stand on balconies and open terraces, where the risk of pests is significantly higher. This is a good day for pest control.

Especially useful today loosen the soil, and the weeds removed today will not bother you for a long time. It is important to remove weeds before they begin to bloom so that they do not have time to produce seeds. Weeding a garden in June requires a lot of work, but it is especially good to weed the beds in Capricorn days when the moon wanes.

Today you can prepare a compost pit and compost, which you will use to fertilize your garden in the future. Try to put only vegetable waste, you should not throw meat waste there, which attracts unnecessary pests and predators to the garden. Also, diseased plants should not be placed in the compost pit.

Indoor flowers : today it is worth loosening the top layers of the soil so that the soil does not become sour and is saturated with oxygen. The earthen lump tends to compact over time, and in order not to replant the flower very often, a little loosen the top layer of soil. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Moon without course from 13:54

Very effective today remove weeds: They won't bother you for a long time. Thinning and weeding are now required roots that were planted earlier. Thin out the crops carrots, leaving between the plants 3-5 centimeters free space so that they do not interfere with each other’s growth, the roots do not grow together and so that the quality of the crop does not decrease.

It is better to thin out in the evening or when it rains, so that do not attract pests. If today is a clear day, sprinkle the beds ground pepper to repel flies, and immediately remove the dug up root crops from the site.

Indoor flowers : Now is an unfavorable time for planting and transplanting: it is better to wait for the days of the waxing Moon. Today you can visit cleaning your home garden, remove dry leaves and stems, remove faded inflorescences, etc.

Moon without course until 08:02

Today you can do digging up bulbous plants. For example, digging up faded bulbs tulips, hyacinths. The bulbs should be dried well, then left in a cool, ventilated area until autumn. Bulbs are also dug up crocuses, mouse hyacinth and snowdrops if the leaves have already turned yellow.

Indoor flowers : Now it is useful to take care of beautiful flowering plants. You can apply fertilizers when budding and flowering so that the plant has enough strength to bloom longer.

Moon without course from 17:30

Today it is allowed to care for flowers in your flower garden. The growth should be removed from roses and lilacs, who have been vaccinated. It is best to remove with pruning shears at the base. You can feed the plants mineral fertilizers. It is especially good to feed roses so that they bloom profusely.

Today you can trim the inflorescences from lilac, which by this time had already faded. It is better not to touch the branches, as they are located buds for flowers, which will bloom next year.

Indoor flowers : on this day you can also apply fertilizers for beautifully flowering at this time indoor plants, including large-leaved pelargonium, jasmine gardenia, violet-flowered Saintpaulia, common oleander, ever-flowering begonia, Scherzer's anthurium and many others.

Moon without course until 11:15

In the morning you can do cleaning the flower garden. Flower fertilizers are allowed. You can mow your lawns in the afternoon if you want the grass to grow slowly but be very thick and lush. Also this day ( after 11:15) is suitable for trimming hedges. Trimming will help give the hedge a neat shape.

Indoor flowers : It is better to water the plants in the evening. Also today you should spray the leaves of plants that like to be sprayed. It is useful to give flowers a shower so that wash off room dust.

Planting plants according to the lunar calendar

The fourth phase of the moon from 18:43

Today is a dangerous day for landings due to Moon defeats, it’s better not to do complex work today. You can water the plants. Bad day for harvesting and for spinning. Vegetables and berries are very watery and your canned food will not taste good and can also spoil quickly.

Indoor flowers : Watering day. Today you can also water, spray or wash houseplants. Complex work, such as planting or transplanting, is not allowed.

Moon without course until 14:14

In the afternoon you can do pinching shoots at cucumbers to stimulate the growth of side shoots. These shoots produce more female flowers than the main stem. Another secret: next to the beds they place containers with fermented weed solution or slurry, which highlight carbon dioxide. It also promotes the production of more female flowers. In order for the ovaries to form faster, you should not water the cucumbers these days.

Indoor flowers : If you haven’t brought your indoor flowers out onto your balconies yet, it’s not too late to do so. Plants that are outdoors in the summer feel better, improve their immunity and easily endure the winter. It is especially useful to keep on balconies in summer cacti and succulents, roses, aucubas, fuchsia oleanders, abutilons, hibiscus and others.

U garden strawberries should remove mustache with the exception of those necessary for plant propagation. You also need to pinch the tops of the shoots blackberries and raspberries that reach heights 0.6-1 meters. This will help encourage branching and also increase future yields.

On this day you can sow beets. Beets are quite unpretentious, but you should not sow them in too acidic soil and fertilize them fresh organics. You don’t have to water too often, but you should weed regularly.

Today you can start collecting garden strawberries and cherries, if they have already produced crops in your area.

Indoor flowers : The sun's rays can be especially dangerous today. Try not to keep plants in sunny windows without shade. Pay special attention to very delicate plants, including epiphytic cacti, gesneria ferns, orchids, aroids.

Moon without course until 17:16

Should mulch today raspberries, especially after watering. The roots of the plant are sufficiently close to the ground.

Today is a good time to start harvesting: you can collect radishes, greens: It is best to collect what you will immediately eat.

Indoor flowers : in the first half of the day you can apply fertilizers for home fruit bushes: lemons, avocados, tangerines, pomegranates etc. In the evening, you can apply fertilizer to other plants for the development of the root system.

Late in the evening or at night you can dig roots of medicinal plants, For example, Angelica officinalis, greater burdock, comfrey, orchis, dandelion.

At this time they may already appear summer mushrooms: boletus, boletus, summer mushrooms and russula. Today you can collect mushrooms that you are going to use for drying and storage.

Indoor flowers : Today it is useful to loosen the top layer of soil. You can remove the top layer and add fresh soil to it.

Moon without course

Today the Moon will be at idle speed, so landings are not recommended. Also, before the new moon planting something is inauspicious: Plants have too little energy. Today you can fight pests that live above the ground. Nowadays there are a lot of not only useful pollinating insects, but also pests, which are attracted by lush foliage and flowering cultivated plants.

Indoor flowers : Today it is not recommended to plant or replant plants. You can remove dry branches and leaves. Prepare soil mixtures for future plantings. If you prepare such mixtures yourself, today you can bake soil collected from the forest in the oven. This will kill all germs and pests.

Try not to water the plants today, as they will not absorb nutrients from the water well. Best today get rid of garden pests that live on trees, shrubs or other plants.

Indoor flowers : Fertilizers can be applied to flowering plants. If possible, do not water your flowers today.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2015

New Moon at 17:06

Moon without course from 17:07

Today is the New Moon and also unfavorable 29th lunar day. This day is not suitable for planting and any complex work, as well as watering. It is best to rest on this day. After 17:00 you can plan things for the next month.

Indoor flowers : unfavorable day for working with plants.

What indoor plants should you give for Gemini's birthday?

Gemini plants are climbing plants with lush foliage, usually small leaves. These plants are also useful for those who feel very lonely, who lacks communication. They will attract more interesting, outgoing people into your home and life.

Here are a few indoor flowers that are especially suitable for representatives of the Gemini sign:

1) Asparagus pinnate. This plant is able to pacify those who are too restless, and it also stimulates a person to keep his word and change his principles and beliefs less often. Asparagus will save you from fuss and help you put things in order, getting everything done. It is able to relieve a person from chronic diseases.

2) Ferns. These plants are capable of bringing down to earth those who tend to lose their heads and get too carried away by something, and are also suitable for those who are prone to exaggeration. They help instill a sense of proportion and include common sense where it is needed. Ferns are also able to tidy up the atmosphere at home; they help household members to be more organized. These plants are also useful to give to those who have a lot of unfulfilled desires, who want to get what they want at any cost.

3) Ivy. These plants with flexible stems help those who lack self-confidence and are not independent. If household members have a hard time at heart, they want to get rid of some heavy thoughts or bad habits, ivy is the best helper! The plant helps alleviate the condition and helps to recover faster for those who suffer from diseases of the lungs, bronchi, hands, and those who have broken ribs.

4) Cirrus palms. These plants, in addition to representatives of the Gemini sign, are useful to have for those who are pessimistic by nature and often suffer from a sad mood. They are able to absorb negative energy, clearing the space of sad thoughts, helping a person become more joyful and optimistic. Also date and coconut palms help people finish everything they start.

5) Tradescantia. These plants will help cleanse your home of an atmosphere of envy. If you have envious people in your house or you yourself feel envy towards someone, it is worth getting one of the plants from this group. Also, these plants help get rid of any depressing thoughts and bring more joy to the house, help protect against lung diseases, bronchitis, and neuralgia.


Watering day. Today you can water any plants in your garden. It is especially important to provide plants with the right amount of moisture during the flowering period. A very moisture-loving plant - black currant, which should be moisturized regularly. Can't be allowed severe drying, which affects the quality of the crop.

Indoor flowers : watering day. Give your plants a shower today to remove all the dust from the leaves and stems.

Watering day. Before planting vegetables and herbs, do not forget water the soil generously. It is best to heat the water. To do this, just place a container of water in the sun. Planting is best done in the evening. Today you can plant greens, leafy vegetables.

Water everything first moisture-loving plants. After watering, some of them require mulching.

Indoor flowers : watering day. If you need to leave and there is no one to water the flowers in your absence, you can arrange special irrigation systems using a bucket of water and bandages. Of course, this simple device will not replace full watering, but it can protect the soil from severe drying out and save plants from death. You can also use upside down plastic water bottles.

Moon without course from 08:52 to 09:23

A good day for planting seedlings of heat-loving vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash and others. For tomatoes, you should choose the brightest and highest place in the garden. Tomatoes do not tolerate dampness or shade; even slight shading can negatively affect the harvest, except for early ripening varieties.

It is also not recommended to plant tomatoes in the same place where they grew last year, or next to potatoes, so that the plants are not affected nightshade fungi, which could survive in the soil. If plants grow in greenhouses and there is no way to change its location, then it is necessary to treat the soil and plants against diseases. You can learn more about planting tomatoes from the following video:

Indoor flowers : It may be a very hot day today, so try to protect your plants from direct sunlight.

Transplanting plants according to the lunar calendar

Today you can plant beans which is also quite heat-loving plant, unlike some other legumes, so it is worth planting it in the second half of the month. Choose a well-lit place, without shade, and provide the beans with fertile soil. Beans do well next to onions, lettuce, carrots, peas, spinach. Also the best plants that grew before beans are cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Indoor flowers : You can plant fruit bushes on the window. For example, they often plant lemons or avocados, which grow beautifully from seed. Don't forget to water the planted seeds regularly. An avocado seed planted in the ground can take quite a long time to germinate. – up to 3-4 months. Therefore, be patient and wait until the sprout hatches, which will then grow quite quickly.

From the month of March, most Russians begin to prepare for the gardening season, of course, while working on seedlings at home. In the southern regions of our country, residents can afford to plant vegetables in greenhouses. The March planting calendar will help you plant crops on the most favorable days. Unfavorable days according to the planting calendar in March: 2-3, 5, 16-17 and 19-21.

Culture Favorable days Unfavorable days
Basil, marjoram, rosemary 1, 4, 27-31 2-3, 5, 16-17, 19-21
1, 4, 22-26, 27-31
1 ,4 ,27-31
1 ,4 ,27-31
Garden strawberries 1, 4, 22-26, 27-31
22-26 2-3, 5, 16-17, 19-21
6-8, 12, 13-15, 18
Onion on turnip 6-12
Bow on feather 1, 4, 22-26, 27-31
Raspberries 1, 4, 22-26, 27-31
Carrots, parsnips, horseradish 6-12 2-3, 5, 16-17, 19-21
Cucumbers, corn 22-26
Sweet pepper 1, 4, 27-31
Hot pepper, leek 1, 4, 22-26, 27-31
Leaf parsley 22-26
Parsley root 6-12 2-3, 5, 16-17, 19-21
Tomatoes 1, 4, 27-31
Radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip 6-12
Lettuce, spinach 22-26
Beetroot, rhubarb 6-12, 13-15, 18
Celery 13-15, 18, 22-26 2-3, 5, 16-17, 19-21
Dill, fennel 1, 4, 22-26, 27-31
Garlic 1, 4, 6-12, 27-31
Flowers from seeds 1, 4, 22-26, 27-31
Flowers from bulbs 6-12

Sowing calendar for April 2015

In April, it is time to prepare a site for future planting of crops; it is not at all necessary to wait for the May holidays to fully restore order in the garden. Of course, nature does not obey the sowing calendar, and in many regions it may still be cold. Melting snow can also be a barrier, but winters have been fairly warm in recent years. According to the garden calendar, the most unfavorable days for planting are April 4, 12-14, 17-19 and April 25-27.

Culture Favorable days Unfavorable days
Basil, marjoram, rosemary 2-3, 28-30 4, 12-14, 17-19, 25-27
Melon crops (watermelon, melon) 1-3, 20-24, 28-30
Eggplants, zucchini, squash, pumpkin 1, 3, 28-30
Legumes (peas, beans, beans) 1-3, 28-30
Garden strawberries 1-3, 20-24, 28-30
Red cabbage, white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus 20-24 4, 12-14, 17-19, 25-27
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, peanuts 8-11, 15-16
Onion on turnip 5-11
Bow on feather 1-3, 20-24, 28-30
Raspberries 1-3, 20-24, 28-30
Carrots, parsnips, horseradish 5-11 4, 12-14, 17-19, 25-27
Cucumbers, corn 20-24
Sweet pepper 1-3, 28-30
Hot pepper, leek 1, 3, 20-24, 28-30
Leaf parsley 20-24
Parsley root 5-11 4, 12-14, 17-19, 25-27
Tomatoes 1-3, 28-30
Radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip 5-11
Lettuce, spinach 20-24
Beetroot, rhubarb 5-11, 15-16
Celery 15-16, 20-24 4, 12-14, 17-19, 25-27
Dill, fennel 1-3, 20-24, 28-30
Garlic 1-3, 28-30
Flowers from seeds 1-3, 20-24, 28-30
Flowers from bulbs 5-11

Sowing calendar for May 2015

In May, the ground is already warm enough for planting most garden crops, but there is still a slight possibility of night frosts. Sowing and planting of such plants as onions, greens, lettuce, radishes, garlic, tuber crops (potatoes, celery, carrots, etc.), zucchini, beans, strawberries is carried out. Seeds are also planted for seedlings of peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and cabbage. According to the sowing calendar for 2015, unfavorable days for this are the 4th, 10-11, 17-19, 23-24 of May.

Picking and planting seedlings should be planned for 1-3, 20-22, 30-31, sowing grain on 5-9, 30-31, and it is better to plant and replant fruit trees and berry bushes on May 12-13. Grafting, garden pruning and cuttings should be done at the end of the month. During the same period, you can plan to weed the garden and process the strawberries. The sowing lunar calendar 2015 for May will help you more carefully determine favorable days for work.

Culture Favorable days Unfavorable days
Basil, marjoram, rosemary 1-3, 26-31 4, 10-11, 17-19, 23-24
Melon crops (watermelon, melon) 1-3, 20-22,26-31
Eggplants, zucchini, squash, pumpkin 1-3, 26-31
Legumes (peas, beans, beans) 1-3, 26-31
Garden strawberries 1-3, 20-22, 26-31
Red cabbage, white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus 20-22 4, 10-11, 17-19, 23-24
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, peanuts 5-9, 12-16
Onion on turnip 5-9
Bow on feather 1-3, 20-22, 26-31
Raspberries 1-3, 20-22, 26-31
Carrots, parsnips, horseradish 5-9 4, 10-11, 17-19, 23-24
Cucumbers, corn 20-22
Sweet pepper 1-3, 26-31
Hot pepper, leek 1, 3, 20-22, 26-31
Leaf parsley 20-22
Parsley root 5-9 4, 10-11, 17-19, 23-24
Tomatoes 1-3, 26-31
Radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip 5-9
Lettuce, spinach 20-22
Beetroot, rhubarb 5-9, 12-16
Celery 12-16, 20-22 4, 10-11, 17-19, 23-24
Dill, fennel 1-3, 20-22, 26-31
Garlic 1-3, 5-9, 26-31
Flowers from seeds 1-3, 20-22, 26-31
Flowers from bulbs 5-9

Sowing calendar for June 2015

June is characterized by active gardening work and the possibility of replanting many crops. You can calculate favorable days for this using the sowing calendar for June 2015. So greens, onions, lettuce, as well as carrots, beets, celery, peas and beans can be sown on June 1, 18, 21-23, 24-30. It is better to plant potatoes and radishes on the 3rd-5th, 7th, 9th-14th, immediately before the new moon and during the waxing moon.

Vegetable seeds planted on June 1, 24-30 - before the full moon and when the moon is waning - will do well. Unfavorable days are the 2nd, 6th-7th, 15th-17th, 19th-20th of the month - the periods of new moon and full moon. It is better to graft and prune the garden on June 2-4, 20-21, avoiding June 5, 12-14. You need to plan the planting and sowing of plants by checking the lunar sowing calendar for June 2015, where the required dates are precisely indicated.

Culture Favorable days Unfavorable days
Basil, marjoram, rosemary 1, 24-30 2, 6-7, 15-17, 19-20
Melon crops (watermelon, melon) 1, 18, 21-23, 24-30
Eggplants, zucchini, squash, pumpkin 1, 24-30
Legumes (peas, beans, beans) 1, 24-30
Garden strawberries 1, 18, 21-23, 24-30
Red cabbage, white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus 18, 21-23 2, 6-7, 15-17, 19-20
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, peanuts 3-5, 7, 9-14
Onion on turnip 3-5,7
Bow on feather 1, 18, 21-23, 24-30
Raspberries 1, 18, 21-23, 24-30
Carrots, parsnips, horseradish 3-5, 7 2, 6-7, 15-17, 19-20
Cucumbers, corn 18, 21-23
Sweet pepper 1, 24-30
Hot pepper, leek 1, 18, 21-23, 24-30
Leaf parsley 18, 21-23
Parsley root 3-5, 7 2, 6-7, 15-17, 19-20
Tomatoes 1, 24-30
Radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip 3-5, 7
Lettuce, spinach 18, 21-23
Beetroot, rhubarb 3-5, 7, 9-14
Celery 9-14, 18, 21-23 2, 6-7, 15-17, 19-20
Dill, fennel 1, 18, 21-23, 24-30
Garlic 1, 3-5, 7, 24-30
Flowers from seeds 1, 18, 21-23, 24-30
Flowers from bulbs 3-5, 7

Sowing calendar for July 2015

In July, as a rule, plants are treated against pests, fed and the soil is weeded. All this work needs to be planned by checking the sowing calendar for July 2015, which contains information about the cycles of the Moon. So it is better to start planting onions, herbs and kale on July 1, 19-23, 24-30, and radishes, radishes and other root vegetables - on July 5-7. The 2nd-4th, 15th-18th, and 31st days are considered unfavorable for this – the period before the new moon and full moon.

Culture Favorable days Unfavorable days
Basil, marjoram, rosemary 1, 24-30 2-4, 15-18, 31
Melon crops (watermelon, melon) 1, 19-23, 24-30
Eggplants, zucchini, squash, pumpkin 1, 24-30
Legumes (peas, beans, beans) 1, 24-30
Garden strawberries 1, 19-23, 24-30
Red cabbage, white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus 19-23 2-4, 15-18, 31
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, peanuts 5-7, 8-14
Onion on turnip 5-7
Bow on feather 1, 19-23, 24-30
Raspberries 1, 19-23, 24-30
Carrots, parsnips, horseradish 5-7 2-4, 15-18, 31
Cucumbers, corn 19-23
Sweet pepper 1, 24-30
Hot pepper, leek 1, 19-23, 24-30
Leaf parsley 19-23
Parsley root 5-7 2-4, 15-18, 31
Tomatoes 1, 24-30
Radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip 5-7
Lettuce, spinach 19-23
Beetroot, rhubarb 5-7, 8-14
Celery 8-14, 19-23 2-4, 15-18, 31
Dill, fennel 1, 19-23, 24-30
Garlic 1, 5-7, 24-30
Flowers from seeds 1, 19-23, 24-30
Flowers from bulbs 5-7

It is recommended to plan to plant strawberries and strawberries on July 1, 19-23, 24-30, fruit trees and berry bushes - on July 1, 24-30. At the same time, the 17th-19th and 26th-28th are considered “infertile” days for this purpose. Favorable days for harvesting the harvest for storage are July 9-10, 19-21, and it is better to postpone harvesting on July 1-5, 15 and 24. All gardening work this month should be checked against the lunar sowing calendar for July 2015.

The 2015 sowing calendar, which details the best time to carry out work in the garden and garden, can help you plant garden crops on time and reap a good harvest. By tracking the phases of the moon, you can accurately determine the periods most favorable for planting seedlings, seedlings and sowing seeds and avoid unfavorable ones. The 2015 sowing calendar for the gardener is an indispensable assistant during the most important sowing work.

List of cities and regions for which the sowing calendar is relevant

Altai region
Amur region
Arhangelsk region
Astrakhan region
Belgorod region
Bryansk region
Vladimir region
Volgograd region
Vologda Region
Voronezh region
Ivanovo region
Irkutsk region
Kaluga region
Kemerovo region
Kirov region
Kostroma region
Krasnodar region
Krasnoyarsk region
Kurgan region
Kursk region
Leningrad region
Lipetsk region
Mari El
Moscow region
Murmansk region
Nizhny Novgorod Region
Nizhny Novgorod
Novgorod region
Novosibirsk region
Omsk region
Orenburg region
Oryol Region
Penza region
Primorsky Krai
Pskov region
Altai Republic
Republic of Bashkortostan
The Republic of Buryatia
Republic of Karelia
Komi Republic
Mari El Republic
Republic of Tatarstan
The Republic of Khakassia
Rostov region
Ryazan Oblast
Samara Region
Saint Petersburg
Saratov region
Sakhalin region
Sverdlovsk region
Smolensk region
Stavropol region
Tambov Region
Tver region
Tomsk region
Tula region
Tyumen region
Udmurt republic
Ulyanovsk region
Khabarovsk region
Chelyabinsk region
Chita region
Chuvash Republic
Yaroslavl region


  • The time has come for green cuttings of perennials and shrubs: for most of them, 2-3 internodes are the optimal length. Arrange the cuttings according to crops and varieties, tie them into bundles, and attach labels.
  • Treat the lower ends of the cuttings with a solution to enhance growth and plant them in the moist sandy soil of low greenhouses to a depth of 1/5-2 centimeters. After 6-8 weeks, the cuttings will take root well if they are provided with shade from direct sunlight and timely watering.


  • After flowering ends, remove faded forsythia and lilac inflorescences. For early flowering plants, prune branches that have already bloomed. In their place, new shoots are formed that will decorate the garden next year.
  • Heavily prune old branches of plants (such as cinquefoil) whose flowers appear on young shoots. In their place, new powerful shoots are formed, blooming in the same year.
  • After reducing the crown of the tree by radical pruning, we remove excess tops, otherwise the crown will become very thick and will also require pruning next year.


  • Regularly (twice a week) mow fast-growing grass grass to at least 2.5 centimeters. Tough grasses and weeds cannot withstand frequent mowing, so they give way to soft-stemmed grasses. Very fine grass cuttings left on the surface of the lawn do not need to be removed. Water and feed your plants to create a beautiful lawn.


  • In the first ten days of June, night frosts are still possible, threatening even seedlings in greenhouses. Therefore, all methods of protection used in May are relevant.
  • Seeds and seedlings of sage, which cannot withstand even light frosts, are planted in open ground when the danger of frost has passed.

Flower garden

  • The main work in a flower garden is weeding and weed control, constantly loosening the soil and thinning out excess shoots. At the beginning of the month, deal with weeds as early as possible.
  • Flowering plants (peonies, irises, cornflowers, honeysuckle honeysuckle, mock orange) require a lot of moisture. After watering and weeding, cover the ground around the plants with mulch.
  • In a rose garden at an air temperature of up to +20 ° C, water the soil with warm water in the evening after 5-6 days; on hot days - after 3-4 days. The next day after watering, loosen the soil by 3-4 centimeters. Once a month we mulch the plantings with peat, compost or humus (layer 1-2 centimeters).
  • When the irises have finished blooming, break off the growing old fan of leaves and flower stalks. Treat the cuts with crushed charcoal; feed the plants with complex mineral fertilizer.
  • Start digging up tulip and hyacinth bulbs in mid-June. Pickle them in a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, let dry well and sort by size.

Lunar sowing calendar for June 2015

June 1, 2015, 15th lunar day (19:21), Moon in Sagittarius (21:38), 2nd phase. Planting peppers and eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers, pumpkin seedlings, zucchini, squash, cabbage. Picking flowers. Biennials are sown in the flower garden. Replanting and dividing indoor plants.
June 2, 2015, 16th lunar day (20:26), Moon in Sagittarius, full moon (19:20). It is good to loosen the soil around trees and shrubs, but it is not scary to slightly damage their root system. Preparation of medicinal plants and birch brooms for the bathhouse.
June 3, 2015, 17th lunar day (21:25), Moon in Sagittarius, 3rd phase.
Sowing spicy vegetables: onions, garlic, for eating and obtaining high-quality seeds. Pinching, pinching. Planting cherries, pears, plums, apple trees. Pest and disease control.
June 4, 2015, 18th lunar day (22:17), Moon in Capricorn (3:49), 3rd phase.
Rooting strawberry tendrils. Thinning carrots, parsley, turnips, radishes and beets. Planting green cuttings of fruit and ornamental shrubs. Hilling potatoes.
June 5, 2015, continuation of the 18th lunar day, Moon in Capricorn, phase 3. Thinning carrots, parsley, turnips, radishes and beets. Planting green cuttings of fruit and ornamental shrubs. It’s good to uproot stumps and weeds. Hilling potatoes.
June 6, 2015, 19th lunar day (23:00), Moon in Aquarius (8:00), 3rd phase. It is undesirable to plant or sow. There is a high risk of getting gnarled and infertile plants. Cutting strawberry tendrils and shoots in the fruit and ornamental garden.
June 7, 2015, 20 lunar day (23:36), Moon in Aquarius, 3rd phase. It is undesirable to plant or sow. It is very good to destroy pests, loosen and feed the plant. Breaking out the shoots of garlic. Digging up varietal tulips and daffodils.
June 8, 2015, 21 lunar day (0:07), Moon in Pisces (11:15), 3rd phase.
Last planting of eggplant seedlings. Sowing seeds of lettuce, sorrel, root parsley, onions, carrots, beets and others. root vegetables The sown crop is difficult to store and is immediately consumed.
June 9, 2015, 22 lunar day (0:34), Moon in Pisces, last quarter (18:42). Sowing seeds of lettuce, sorrel, root parsley, onions, carrots, beets. Planting tomato and cucumber seedlings. Picking beets. Cuttings of shrubs and rooting of strawberry tendrils.
June 10, 2015, 23rd lunar day (0:59), Moon in Aries (14:12), 4th phase. Last planting of eggplant seedlings. Sowing seeds of lettuce, sorrel, root parsley, onions, carrots, beets and others. root vegetables Planting tomato and cucumber seedlings.
June 11, 2015, 24 lunar day (1:22), Moon in Aries, 4th phase. Cutting strawberry tendrils and shoots in the fruit and ornamental garden. Pinching and pinching vegetable crops, breaking out the arrows of garlic. Loosening, mulching, hilling and mowing.
June 12, 2015, 25th lunar day (1:47), Moon in Taurus (17:15), 4th phase. You should not plant or replant any plants, but sowing flowers, herbs and root vegetables is acceptable. Fast growth, average yield. Pest and disease control, weeding.
June 13, 2015, 26th lunar day (2:15), Moon in Taurus, 4th phase. Any work in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden. Picking beets in the phase of 3-5 true leaves, thinning carrots. Improvement of the flower garden, development of alpine slides.
June 14, 2015, 27 lunar day (2:46), Moon in Gemini (20:49), 4th phase. Any work in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden. Sowing (planting) vegetable crops for long-term storage. Picking beets in the phase of 3-5 true leaves, thinning carrots.
June 15, 2015, 28 lunar day (3:23), Moon in Gemini, 4th phase. Sowing herbs for salad, climbing flowers, and crops with “mustaches” (beans, peas, pumpkin, strawberries). Planting roses, clematis. Removing old and diseased inflorescences and shoots.
June 16, 2015, 29, 1st lunar days (4:08), Moon in Gemini, new moon (17:06). On the day of the New Moon, it is recommended to sow crops whose seeds hatch slowly: celery, asparagus, parsley, onions, etc. This is the time when the seeds have the least vitality.
June 17, 2015, 2nd lunar day (5:00), Moon in Cancer (1:49), 1st phase.
June 18, 2015, 3rd lunar day (5:59), Moon in Cancer, 1st phase. Excellent for planting melons and melons. You can plant potatoes. Planting seedlings of cucumber (15-20 days old), cauliflower and kohlrabi in the phase of 5-6 true leaves (35-40 days).
June 19, 2015, 4th lunar day (7:03), Moon in Leo (9:21), 1st phase. It is not recommended to sow or plant any plants. Digging, disinfection, drying and storing bulbs. Collection of greens and vegetables for salad. Drying plants. Mowing the grass.
June 20, 2015, 5th lunar day (8:09), Moon in Leo, 1st phase. It is not recommended to sow or plant any plants. Replanting indoor plants is prohibited, the survival rate and viability of the root system is reduced.
June 21, 2015, 6th lunar day (9:15), Moon in Virgo (19:57), 1st phase. It is not recommended to sow or plant any plants. Replanting indoor plants is prohibited, the survival rate and viability of the root system is reduced. Careful weeding is advisable.
June 22, 2015, 7th lunar day (10:22), Moon in Virgo, 1st phase. Do not sow vegetables. Sowing and replanting flowers: phlox, asters, lilies, gladioli. Seedlings of marigolds, zinnia, amaranth, fragrant tobacco, dahlia and petunia (60-70 days old), and salvia are planted.
June 23, 2015, 8th lunar day (11:28), Moon in Virgo, 1st phase. Do not sow vegetables. Sowing and replanting flowers: phlox, asters, lilies, gladioli, etc., excellent seedlings. Seedlings of marigolds, zinnias, amaranth, aromatic tobacco, dahlias and petunias are planted.
June 24, 2015, 9th lunar day (12:34), Moon in Libra (8:39), first quarter (14:03). Sowing and planting vegetable crops for long-term storage. Sowing “tops” in open ground. Different varieties of biennials are sown. Division of rhizomes of peonies, irises, phlox, chrysanthemums, delphinium.
June 25, 2015, 10th lunar day (13:40), Moon in Libra, 2nd phase. . Sowing and planting vegetable crops for long-term storage. Sowing “tops” in open ground. Sow equal varieties of biennials. Division of rhizomes of peonies, irises, phlox, chrysanthemums.
June 26, 2015, 11th lunar day (14:47), Moon in Scorpio (20:55), 2nd phase. Sowing and planting vegetable crops for long-term storage. Dividing rhizomes of peonies, irises, phlox, chrysanthemums, delphinium and other perennials.
June 27, 2015, 12th lunar day (15:55), Moon in Scorpio, 2nd phase. Planting peppers and eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers, pumpkin seedlings, zucchini, squash, cabbage, sprouted legumes, asparagus, spinach, watercress. Picking flowers. Biennials are sown in the flower garden.
June 28, 2015, 13th lunar day (17:03), Moon in Scorpio, 2nd phase. Planting peppers and eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers, pumpkin seedlings, zucchini, squash, cabbage, sprouted legumes, asparagus, spinach. Picking flowers. Biennials are sown in the flower garden.
June 29, 2015, 14th lunar day (18:10), Moon in Sagittarius (6:20), 2nd phase. Rooting strawberry tendrils. Pinching, pinching. Planting cherries, pears, plums, apple trees. Pest and disease control, weeding, loosening the soil. Cutting out unnecessary growth.
June 30, 2015, 15th lunar day (19:12), Moon in Sagittarius, 2nd phase. Sowing and planting fast-growing herbs, greens, spicy vegetables: onions, garlic, for food and to obtain high-quality seeds. Rooting strawberry tendrils. Pinching, pinching.

Attention! Gardener's calendar for June 2015 designed for moderate climates.

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, current now:

Lunar calendar for the gardener 2015 - caring for tomatoes, re-seeding

June 2015

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from a universal one made for the convenience of planning work related to work in the garden beds; garden strawberries are present both in the garden section and in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view work related to it in the “garden garden” "calendar section.

In June, dawn meets dawn.

In June, the first harvest is harvested: radishes and early green crops; by the end of the month, strawberries ripen, and early cucumbers appear.
In the middle of the month, potatoes are hilled. Supports are placed under climbing plants. Cucumber seedlings should be thinned out. It is not recommended to loosen cucumber beds, since the roots of these vegetables are located close to the surface, so quite frequent weeding is necessary. In June, special attention should be paid to the formation of tomato stems and regular pinching of tall varieties should be carried out - otherwise you may miss a significant number of tomatoes.
In June, you can re-sow dill, lettuce, chervil, and broccoli.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Work in the garden, activities for caring for vegetables and strawberries

from 01 June 2015 00:00 (Mon)
to 01 June 2015 19:18 (Mon)
Favorable days for watering and fertilizing vegetable crops with mullein infusion. Sowing legumes (beans, peas, beans) and green crops (various varieties of lettuce, dill, etc.). Soaking seeds of zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers and sowing them in greenhouses, under film cover or for seedlings (depending on weather conditions). Planting white cabbage seedlings. Sowing seeds of late varieties of cauliflower into a nursery for autumn consumption. It is possible to plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants in greenhouses under additional cover; planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, and squash in open ground under cover. Rooting strawberry rosettes, which will be required to update the plantation. Loosening and mulching the soil, composting. We still maintain a blog "Dacha and Garden", entry only from the lunar calendar
from 01 June 2015 19:18 (Mon)
to 03 June 2015 21:22 (Wed)


Prohibited days for working with plants. Unfavorable days for salting. (You should not salt cucumbers, for example, during the full moon.) Loosening and mulching of the soil is possible.
June 02, 2015 19:19 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month - until June 01, 2015 21:39 Moon in Scorpio, then in Sagittarius
from 03 June 2015 21:22 (Wed)
to 04 June 2015 03:50 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Residents of the Far East and Eastern Siberia can take advantage of this period.
Plowing, digging, loosening and mulching the soil. Sowing root crops (carrots, root parsley), in greenhouses and hotbeds, sow radishes, daikon, summer radish, turnips. It is possible to plant onions on turnips, spring garlic and potatoes. Beans and beans planted together with potatoes enrich the soil with nitrogen and repel the Colorado potato beetle. It is effective to spray heat-loving crops with growth stimulants.

June 3 (23.05 old style) - Elena and Konstantin (Deer Day)
"Olen's day - plant cucumbers. If there is bad weather on Olen, then autumn will be stormy"

from 04 June 2015 03:50 (Thu)
to 06 June 2015 08:02 (Sat)

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Weed control, loosening and mulching of the soil. Sowing radishes for winter storage, second sowing of turnips. Raking soil from onion bulbs, hilling leeks. Application of fertilizers for root crops and potatoes. Feeding tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage.

In June, planting tomatoes is still a hot topic. For readers visiting our calendar for the first time, I am transferring the link to the video: from the May calendar page. You can also watch how tomatoes are formed and a VIDEO of their pinching by clicking on the picture (a new window will open).

There is no need to wait for favorable days to plant tomatoes. Tomatoes begin to shoot no earlier than two weeks after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place, but then, the sooner you remove the stepson, the better - the plant will not waste its energy in vain...
from 06 June 2015 08:02 (Sat)
to 08 June 2015 11:16 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing plants. Spraying vegetable crops with growth stimulants. Mulching the soil with humus, rotted sawdust, compost, weed control.
from 08 June 2015 11:16 (Mon)
to 10 June 2015 14:14 (Wed)

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

Watering and fertilizing vegetable crops with organic fertilizers with an increased dose of nitrogen fertilizers. Favorable time for re-sowing green crops. Hilling potatoes. Thinning carrot crops.
from June 10, 2015 14:14 (Wed)
to 12 June 2015 17:16 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Aries

Spraying all heat-loving crops with growth and fruit formation stimulants. Fertilizing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage, etc. Growing tomatoes. A favorable time for loosening, mulching, weed and pest control. Removing whiskers from strawberries. Hilling up early potato plantings. Thinning of seedlings. Making compost.
from 12 June 2015 17:16 (Fri)
to 14 June 2015 20:51 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Watering and applying organic fertilizers to root crops (carrots, beets, radishes, etc.) and potatoes. The beds with root crops are loosened and mulched with humus. Planting kohlrabi seedlings for summer consumption. It is possible to re-sow radishes and turnips for winter storage. Thinning carrot and beet crops. Growing tomatoes. A favorable period for pest control. A favorable period for laying compost heaps.
from June 14, 2015 20:51 (Sun)
to June 16, 2015 04:08 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Gemini

Weeding, thinning seedlings in vegetable beds. Pruning tomatoes and peppers, forming vines of cucumbers, pinching lashes of pumpkins and melons. Removing yellowed leaves on cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes. Removing unnecessary strawberry whiskers.
from June 16, 2015 04:08 (Tue)
to June 18, 2015 06:00 (Thu)


It is not recommended to plant or replant anything. Any housekeeping work, working with soil, composting is possible.
June 16, 2015 17:05 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month. Zodiac sign: - until June 17, 2015 1:51 Moon in Gemini, then in the sign of Cancer.
from June 18, 2015 06:00 (Thu)
to June 19, 2015 09:22 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Unfavorable days for pinching and pinching vegetables. It is favorable to water and fertilize heat-loving crops and cabbage with an increase in the dose of potassium fertilizers in rainy, cold weather. Spraying vegetable crops with growth and development stimulants and preparations for fruit formation. Spraying fruit crops with growth and development stimulants. Good period for pickling
from June 19, 2015 09:22 (Fri)
to 21 June 2015 19:59 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Leo

This is an unfavorable time for watering, liquid root feeding and other work with vegetable plants. Spraying is useful against diseases and pests. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.
(from June 21 to 23 - according to Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days months for pickling cucumbers)
from June 21, 2015 19:59 (Sun)
to June 24, 2015 08:41 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Fertilizers cannot be applied. A good time for loosening, hilling, mulching, composting, weeding and watering. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.

June 21 (08.06 art. style) - Fyodor Letniy (Stratilat)
“If there is heavy dew on Stratilata, the summer, even if it is dry, will produce a good harvest.”

from June 24, 2015 08:41 (Wed)
to 26 June 2015 20:56 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

A favorable time for re-sowing dill, lettuce, chervil, and broccoli. Sowing perennial onions, grains, fodder and leguminous crops. Loosening, composting, mulching, weeding, watering. You can cut and dry green vegetables.
from June 26, 2015 20:56 (Fri)
to June 29, 2015 06:21 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Pinching vegetables and other crops is strictly prohibited. Watering and loosening the soil are favorable. Sowing perennial onions, dill, lettuce, chervil. Harvesting early lettuce, spinach, early cucumbers and cauliflower. Rooting strawberry rosettes. Loosening and mulching the soil, working with compost. Foliar feeding of tomatoes and cucumbers.
from June 29, 2015 06:21 (Mon)
to June 30, 2015 19:10 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Loosening and mulching the soil, working with compost. Harvesting early vegetables and herbs and processing them. Collection of remontant strawberries for consumption. Sowing perennial onions. Application of inorganic fertilizers, hilling. Disease and pest control.

"The sun is quieter on Tikhon" - An amazing fact that makes people marvel at observation - at this time the Earth is in the aphelion zone of its orbit and really slows down its movement around the Sun, one would think that this is a coincidence associated with rhyming, but the next day - “Manuel” and again statement:"The sun stagnates on Manuel." Nowadays, the date of the Earth's passage through the aphelion point is July 4, but 250-300 years ago the Earth passed aphelion at the end of June!

from June 30, 2015 19:10 (Tue)
to June 30, 2015 23:59 (Tue) onwards


It is not recommended to plant, replant, prune, shoot or pinch anything. Unfavorable days for salting. (You should not pickle, for example, cucumbers during the full moon.) Any household work or working with the soil is allowed.
07/02/2015 05:19 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, Zodiac signs Lunar calendar 2015- I propose making a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And distribute information across these columns.

June :
Folk signs about the weather in June:
June will show what December will be like, and December will show June.
Sultry June - spit on boletus mushrooms.
June is summer for the heat, and sun for winter.

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, it is compiled Weather forecast(for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Many people think that winter is a time free from garden work. This is not entirely true, because already in January you need to think about buying seeds: decide on varieties, number of seeds and producers. Once the seeds have been successfully purchased, it’s time to make sure there is something to sow them into. Whether it will be cardboard cups, plastic boxes, peat tablets, thick polyethylene or anything else depends only on your choice.

Try to do all work in accordance with the phases of the moon. Then your seedlings will grow a strong root system and develop properly, and the plants planted in a permanent place will delight you with a good harvest.

Many gardeners believe that there are favorable days for planting tomatoes. This applies not only to sowing seeds, but also to transferring grown plants to a permanent place. The choice of date is largely determined by the phase of the moon. For this purpose, a lunar calendar has been developed, which shows favorable and unfavorable periods for carrying out dacha work.

The time for planting tomatoes is determined taking into account the signs of the zodiac and the phase of the moon, which it passes on certain days of the month.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in January 2019

In January, they begin planting tomatoes for seedlings only if their further cultivation will be carried out in heated greenhouses. The most favorable days for sowing seeds according to the Lunar calendar will be:

  • January — 1, 12-14, 20, 21, 24-26, 28, 29

The days of the new moon and full moon are considered completely unsuitable days for any planting and for working with plants in general. Moreover, during the new moon it is not recommended to disturb the plants for three days.

Planting tomatoes according to the Lunar calendar in February 2019

If you plan to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, sow the seeds from late February to mid-March. Remember that the day before sowing they need to be soaked in warm water.

  • February — 18-20, 25-28

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in March 2019

It is very convenient to sow seeds in March. Nature begins to awaken, daylight hours are quite long. This is the most suitable month for growing seedlings.

  • March — 1, 17-20, 24-28

Favorable days for sowing tomato seeds in April 2019

If the ground has warmed up, then at the end of April you can sow tomato seeds in a greenhouse or under a film cover. Tomatoes planted directly in the ground and grown without picking begin to bear fruit 10-15 days earlier than those grown on the windowsill. the most suitable days for planting tomatoes:

  • April — 20, 21, 27-29

Sowing dates

Growing tomatoes yourself is not that difficult. But most of the success depends on the correct sowing of seeds for seedlings and the initial care of seedlings. We will tell you about all the intricacies of these procedures.

First of all, choose the right variety. Tomato is a heat-loving crop, so only the most cold-resistant specimens survive in unstable climates. The rest often get sick or simply do not bear fruit. Therefore, carefully read the information on the seed packets and give preference to unpretentious varieties.

Typically, seed manufacturers indicate on the packaging exactly when a particular variety should be sown. If there is no exact information, then pay attention to the ripening period of the fruit.

So, sow early-ripening tomatoes approximately 100-110 days before the expected harvest, of which about 7 days are for the emergence of seedlings. Sow seeds of mid-ripening varieties 120 days before, and late-ripening varieties – 130-140 days before the first fruits are harvested.

Preparing tomato seeds for sowing

If the package with seeds does not indicate that they have already been treated with a fungicide, disinfect them yourself: keep them in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with water and dry slightly.

To avoid catching the seeds from the water for a long time, wrap them in gauze before soaking them.

If the tomato seeds have been disinfected by the manufacturer, simply soak them in clean running water at room temperature for about half an hour. Because swollen seeds germinate better.

In addition, seedlings will sprout faster if the seeds are pre-germinated. Wrap them in gauze, a cotton cloth or paper napkin moistened with water, place them in a plastic bag and place them on the battery. Check the seeds regularly and maintain high humidity.

When the seeds hatch (usually after 3-5 days), start sowing. At the same time, discard specimens that have not sprouted, since there is a high probability that they are “empty”.

How to sow

Purchase ready-made nutrient soil at the store, intended for growing vegetable seedlings, and drainage, such as expanded clay. You can use eggshells instead.

Choose a suitable container. Tomatoes can be grown in individual plastic cups, small pots (up to 0.5 liters), cassettes or in a common container for seedlings.

Place drainage at the bottom of the container (1-2 cm layer), add nutrient soil, and water with warm water.

When the moisture is absorbed, use a wooden stick or pencil to make indentations (about 1 cm) and sow seeds in them. Place 2 seeds in separate containers (in case one dies), and in a common container, sow the seeds in grooves made at a distance of 4 cm from each other. Maintain a distance of 2 cm between seeds.

Then sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of moist, fertile soil. If the soil is dry, spray it with water from a spray bottle.

Cover the container with a plastic lid or cling film and place in a warm (temperature 22-25°C) and well-lit place. When the first shoots appear, reduce the temperature to 17-18°C.

Unfavorable days for planting tomato seedlings in 2019

During the new moon, it is better to refrain from any agricultural activities.

  • January — 2, 16-18, 31
  • February — 15-17
  • March — 2, 16, 31
  • April — 15-17, 30

Caring for tomato seedlings

To get a noticeable tomato harvest, you first need to grow seedlings. In our conditions, tomatoes are a seedling crop. The best thing you can do to guarantee a harvest is to grow seedlings yourself. This process is not too complicated or painstaking, but mistakes made in it will certainly have a negative impact on fruiting.


After emergence, special attention should be paid to lighting and care. The container with the sprouts should be placed on the brightest windowsill.


Watering should be done once a day using a spray bottle. You should not water from a watering can, so as not to damage the still weak root system with a stream of water.

The water should be at room temperature. Watering should be moderate, as excess moisture will lead to fungal diseases.

Feeding seedlings

The first fertilizing must be done 14 days after the appearance of the first shoots. In the future, fertilize every week.

Fermented mullein or chicken manure are best suited for tomatoes. You can also use ash, crushed eggshells, and onion peel infusion. Fertilizers must be applied after watering in the morning or evening. Fertilizers are applied to the root zone.

Picking seedlings

The first picking is carried out (from individual containers - transplantation) at the age of seedlings 7-12 days, as soon as the first true leaves appear. For replanting, larger individual containers (volume 200 ml) are used, filled with soil of the same composition as when sowing the seeds.

Advice! Many people, including experts, recommend shortening the taproot by a third. Experience shows that after this procedure, the development of seedlings slows down for about a week. Whether or not to pinch the root is up to you. Two to three weeks later, the seedlings are transplanted a second time. The volume of the pots is at least a liter.


Hardening of seeds

This procedure allows you to grow plants that are stronger and more resistant to drought, cold and disease. In addition, many believe that thanks to properly done hardening, the tomato crop begins to ripen earlier.

  • To harden the seeds, you need to first soak them in a plate of water. The seeds are placed in a cloth and placed in a plate. The depth of the plate should be no more than 1 cm.
  • The soaked seeds are left for a day at room temperature.
  • After this, the plate is put in the refrigerator.
  • The water should not freeze completely, only the formation of a thin crust of ice is allowed.
  • Over the course of two days, the seeds are moved from cold to warm and back, and then sown.

Hardening procedure at home

When the weather does not yet allow you to take the plants even onto the veranda or balcony, you need to start hardening at home. It is to increase the resistance of plants to drought and cold. Plants are watered once a week, and the temperature is changed during the day to 16-20 degrees, and at night it is reduced to 8-15 degrees.

To ensure a temperature difference, you need to take the plants out to an insulated loggia, or keep them in a warm room during the day, and place them on the windowsill closer to the window at night. Hardening is carried out gradually; you can also open the window for a short time in the early morning.

How to properly harden before planting

This is the last stage of preparing plants for growing season in open ground. Hardening begins approximately two weeks before the planned planting. Tomatoes are first placed on the balcony or veranda. On the first day, the plants are brought back in the evening, and then gradually you can leave them overnight.
After a few days of hardening on the balcony, you can take the tomatoes outside, the temperature should not be lower than +10 degrees. On the first day, the plants are left outside for two hours. At the same time, sunlight should not fall on them. The next day, the hardening time is extended to 6 hours, and on subsequent days it is left for the whole day.

Three days before planting, the plants can not be hidden from the sun's rays and left outside overnight. When hardening a tomato, it is worth remembering that the condition of the plants must be carefully monitored. If their condition worsens, the tomatoes should be returned to the house. It is correct to carry out the hardening procedure for at least three days, but this is the minimum period.

It is best to increase the duration of the procedure to two weeks. This way the plants will get stronger, get used to new conditions, and after planting in the ground they will not experience stress and will take root faster. The procedure helps to increase the amount of sugar in the stems and leaves, as well as increase the thickness of the epidermis.
Thanks to these indicators, the plants are reliably protected from wind and temperature changes. In general, this contributes to earlier harvesting and abundant fruiting; the difference in yield between hardened and non-hardened plants can be up to 40% upward.

Favorable days for planting tomato seedlings in open ground in 2019

Favorable days for planting tomato seedlings must be taken into account by everyone who wants to get a good harvest. And there is a simple explanation for this: the rapid development of tomatoes grown in gardens and garden plots is greatly influenced by the different phases of the Moon. Of course, this is not the only guarantee of an excellent harvest, but experienced gardeners try to take into account all the circumstances that increase the quantity and quality of fruits.

  • May - 18-19, 31;
  • June - 1-3, 10-12.

Timing for planting seedlings of early tomato varieties in a greenhouse

When the temperature outside stabilizes and the threat of severe frost passes, the seedlings need to be transplanted into a greenhouse. At this point, the tomatoes must meet some requirements:

  • The height of low-growing tomato varieties should be about 15 cm; for tall tomatoes, 30-centimeter seedlings are considered the norm.
  • By the time of transplantation to a permanent place, the stems should have at least eight true leaves.
  • The diameter of the stem of a strong seedling should be approximately the size of a pencil.
  • The bushes already have one or two ovaries with flower buds, but there are no small fruits yet.
  • The leaves are tight, bright green, without damage or spots.

Timing for planting tomato seedlings in open ground

When the seedlings are one and a half months old, subject to normal, full development, the formation of flower clusters begins. At this time, it is necessary to begin preparations for planting in the ground.

Tomato seedlings ready for planting have a low but well-developed bush with a powerful main stem; large, healthy, intensely colored leaves; voluminous roots and buds ready for flowering.

Advice! If you calculated the time incorrectly, the seedlings are ready for planting, but the weather or other factors do not allow it, pinch off the first flower cluster and calmly wait until the next weekend until the second cluster appears. After this, the seedlings must be planted.


In the process of repeatedly growing seedlings, certain rules and skills are formed. Therefore, experienced gardeners can give some useful tips to beginners:

To increase productivity, it is recommended to plant two plants in one pot at once. After twenty days, the strongest sprout is selected and left, and the top of the second plant is pinched. After this, the stems are tied with nylon thread. Thus, you can get a bush with two roots, which will be twice as durable and productive.

Many recommendations for growing seedlings say that before planting tomatoes in a permanent place, the soil in the pots must be thoroughly moistened. However, this method leads to the breakage of part of the root system - when the glass is turned over to remove the tomato, half of the roots break off and remain on the walls and bottom of the glass. In order not to damage the roots, it is better, on the contrary, not to water the tomatoes for two or three days - the soil will shrink and move away from the walls of the glass, which will allow you to easily remove the plant.

Since tomatoes do not tolerate transplantation well, it is better not to pick up the seedlings, but to immediately sow the seeds in disposable cups.

In the greenhouse you need to install two horizontal crossbars - trellises, to which the tomatoes are tied with a soft rope or a strip of fabric. Immediately after planting, the seedlings are tied to the first trellis, which is 20-30 cm above the top of the tomato. The second support is located under the ceiling of the greenhouse; they switch to it when the tomatoes outgrow the lower trellis.

In the first weeks after planting, the seedlings are covered with spandex or lutrasil, throwing the canvas over the lower support. During the day, the greenhouse is opened for ventilation; the shelter does not need to be removed.

Now it has become clear when it is better to plant tomatoes as seedlings for the greenhouse - to calculate the date, you need to take into account several factors at once. Planting seedlings yourself is much more effective than buying ready-made ones. After all, this is the only way to be sure of the quality of the variety, the durability of the plants and the timing of fruit ripening.

If you buy seedlings, you do not need to choose tomatoes with too thick stems and dense leaves. Such tomatoes look presentable, but they will bear fruit poorly, since they are oversaturated with nitrogen fertilizers and growth stimulants.

