Moonstone magical properties zodiac sign Virgo. Application of moonstone

Everyone has probably heard about the moonstone, its other name is adularia. Sometimes it is called fisheye, aglaurite, mother-of-pearl and pearl spar, but not everyone knows what properties this stone has. Today we will try to figure it out.

Moonstone is a transparent or translucent stone with a unique lunar glow; bluish and gray-bluish shades of this stone are often used in jewelry production. The difference between a natural specimen and its imitation is that the radiance of artificial stones shimmers at any angle; in a real moonstone, radiance is present only from a certain angle. Still found in nature purple and light yellow shades of this stone, and very rarely come across stones with drawings of stars.

How much will the decoration cost?

The price of the mineral is also very different, there are both very expensive products and cheap ones, but this does not mean that their quality will be poor. Product cost made up of size, color and, of course, from the transparency of the moonstone. The price will be significantly more expensive for those specimens that are rare in nature, such species include blue moonstone, when rotated at certain angles, it has other shades. Such stones will be very expensive, their price will be about 30 dollars per carat.

If the stone is large, then the price for it will be significant, approximately $80 for one carat. Products from adularia are not very expensive, their difference is in the cutting material from which this jewelry is made. Thus, if you want to buy a ring with a mysterious mineral, then its price will be from 500 rubles and more, depending on the material of the cut and its size. Products with adularia in a silver frame look very nice.

Varieties of the mineral

Adularia there are many varieties, such as:

  • Labrador (it is mined in Madagascar, otherwise it is also called the Madagascar moonstone).
  • Selenite.
  • Belomorit (it has a white or bluish tint).
  • Transparent feldspar with a pale blue sheen (also has asterism and cat's eye).

The magical properties of adularia

Since ancient times, the mineral has been endowed with magical properties. Many nationalities still value this stone more than gold. There were legends about the magical properties of moonstone. A photo of a moonstone will allow you to appreciate its beauty and mysterious, bewitching color.

Adularia dependent on the moon, so you should not forget that on the waning moon he is not your assistant, on the contrary, it is better to remove him. During the period when the moon begins to grow, the mineral must be placed in the place where the moonlight is the brightest, this will allow the adularia to take energy from it.

The moonstone amulet has the ability to reunite the owner with the past (it is recommended by clairvoyants, archaeologists and historians, adularia will help them go in the right direction in all their endeavors).

The lunar mineral also has such magical properties, How:

  1. appeasement.
  2. Allows you to relieve nervous tension and get rid of anger.
  3. Attracts love.
  4. Relaxation.
  5. Awakens imagination and creative impulses.

But the most important thing is that the moonstone (whose photo reveals its mysterious essence) gives you its magical abilities, you need to wear it correctly:

  • If you want to find happiness in your personal life, then wear a moonstone closer to your heart.
  • If you want to always be calm and not get annoyed over trifles, then a ring with this mineral on your left hand will help you with this. Pearl spar will protect you from nervous breakdowns.
  • If you are a creative person, but the muse often leaves you, you need to wear a ring on your right hand. Pearl spar will inspire you.
  • If you cannot make a very important decision, you are tormented by vague doubts and the answer does not come to your mind, take the mineral in your hands, hold it and think about your doubts. After a while, the situation will resolve itself. For such cases, pearl spar will help you a lot.

Several photos of the moon rock

The healing properties of the moon talisman

About healing properties Adularia has long been known:

Mineral and zodiac signs

Adularia is the stone of the Moon, and she, as you know, loves watermarks, therefore, he will be more favorable to these representatives of the zodiac circle.

  • Such a talisman will not help Aries and Capricorns, but only harm them.
  • Taurus will help to find peace and relieve stress.
  • Gemini will make more balanced.
  • Rakov will relieve anxiety over trifles.
  • Wisdom will awaken in the lions.
  • Virgos will give family happiness and harmony.
  • Libra will help you understand yourself and your own destiny.
  • Scorpio will help to gain self-confidence.
  • Sagittarius will help to quickly solve all problems, indicate a way out of difficult situations.
  • Aquarius will get rid of stubbornness.
  • Pisces will support in business and financial affairs, as well as enhance intuition.

But remember, a talisman is certainly good, but we build our own lives.

More often communicate with your talisman, he helps only when we ourselves ask him to help us (with the beginning of the full moon, stand in a place that is well lit by the moon and make a wish, it will come true soon).

We wish you good luck in all your endeavors.

Moonstone and products from it

Since ancient times, alchemists and sorcerers were sure that the crystal with a bewitching glow was sent to Earth by the goddess Moon, as her footprints on the planet. Looking at this special mineral in the palm of your hand, you begin to believe the ancient legends about it.

According to one of the legends, the goddess saw how a young mother could not put her sick baby to bed. He cried for a long time and could not sleep, and the mother, tired during the day, kept rocking the baby in her arms. The goddess was so touched by what she saw that a tear rolled down her cheek and fell on the child's pillow. After a short time, the baby calmed down and fell asleep. In the morning he woke up healthy, and near the bed the woman found a mineral of unusual radiance. Books about magic say that on a full moon, droplets of tears may appear on the stone. They are considered medicinal.

People still note that if you have pearl spar, then insomnia does not threaten you, your sleep will be strong, and your dreams will be bright. The mineral has several names: aglaurite, adularia, pearl spar.

In ancient books, you can read the myth that the moonbeam, having reached the surface of the earth, turned to stone - this is how the moon mineral appeared. Having absorbed the energy of the moon, he is able to work miracles.

Help in treatment

Natural origin predetermines the healing properties of moonstone. Recognized as feminine, adularia cleanses the human aura, frees the head from negative thoughts.

Ailments that the crystal helps to cope with:

  • Nervous system disorders. The healing powers of the mineral give emotional balance, soothe, extinguish uncontrollable outbursts of anger. Amulets from a gem are able to pull people out of a protracted depression, relieve excessive stress.
  • Insomnia. The mineral has a calming effect on a person, facilitates falling asleep. Just put the crystal under your pillow and you will definitely dream something good.
  • Epilepsy. Healers note the power of the healing effect of adularia in the fight against this serious illness. After treatment, the frequency of epileptic seizures is markedly reduced.

How else can a stone help:

  • Activates brain activity. The talisman will dispel all disturbing thoughts and add energy.
  • Facilitates childbirth. With its feature of balancing nervous impulses, the crystal helps a woman tune in to childbirth and endure them less painfully.

Gem magic

The magical properties of the stone are closely related to a woman and love. Adularia balances the level of Yin energy, is suitable not only for women, but also for men, removes negative energy from all chakras.

The mineral contributes to the spiritual development of a person, helps to see the essence of things and not worry about trifles. Crystals come in different colors, and each in its own way manifests its magical abilities.

Magic properties of different colors:

  • Grey. Crystals of this color help shamans see the future, connect with parallel worlds, open the knowledge of the New Moon.
  • Blue bring relaxation during meditation, find a balance between Yin and Yang.
  • Gem white colors bring emotional balance to the lives of men, give women daydreaming, and protect children from night terrors.
  • rainbow color stone will correctly distribute the flow of energy throughout the aura.

It is important how to wear a moonstone so that it helps. The main purpose of adularia is to attract love. He will teach a person to love and give love to others, for this purpose, you need to wear an amulet on the left side. Jewelry with a crystal, worn on the right hand, will reveal the creative potential.

When choosing a mineral for yourself, you need to look at who the moonstone is suitable for (if you find yourself on this list, then feel free to buy it):

  • People of creative professions : artists, writers, artists. The properties of adularia will help them to reveal their talent.
  • People who work with the human psyche : psychologists, teachers, doctors. The crystal helps to better understand the interlocutor.

Lovers gives a good mood and the opportunity to get reciprocity. Suspicious people can bring confidence in their own uniqueness and attractiveness. Suitable for believers to make it easier to find a common language with others.


Who is the moonstone according to the zodiac sign? Most of all - Pisces, Scorpions, Cancers.

More about who and to what extent the adularia is suitable for the zodiac sign:

  • Moonstone for Cancer is of particular importance. Compatibility here is almost perfect. It will bring Cancer luck, harmony, reveal the true meaning of life.
  • For Leo adular prepared calmness and self-confidence, the ability to find a golden mean between bad and good deeds.
  • Virgo zodiac sign will become even more practical and reasonable, will be able to realize her ambitions in her career. For a Virgo woman, a crystal necklace will become a kind of Viagra in a love relationship.
  • Sagittarius will help to solve any problem and get out of an unpleasant situation.
  • For Libra the stone will become a kind of key to revealing one's destiny, creative inclinations, and will tell you how to realize plans.
  • For Scorpio the stone will work like an alarm clock, wake up and reveal the talents dormant inside. For single female scorpions, the acquisition of a gem marks the beginning of love.
  • Financial stability saved the stone for Capricorn.
  • Moon rock for Aquarius woman will become a protector from an envious eye, will give unmarried family happiness.
  • Astrologers cannot unequivocally recommend pearl spar for the ram woman . He absorbs her violent energy, but at the same time softens the obstinacy of Aries. This sign quickly lights up, starts a lot of things and just as quickly leaves everything. Moonstone for Aries is recognized to put things in order, first of all in his head and then already in the house and affairs.
  • The ability to enjoy life gem prepared as a gift for the Taurus woman . This zodiac sign is famous for its prudence, but in anger it is scary. Moon rock for Taurus acts as a restrainer of anger, it does not allow him to act thoughtlessly.
  • The stone will bring wisdom when making important decisions. for Gemini.
  • Moonstone as if specially appeared on earth for Pisces. Amulets, talismans made of stone will bring Pisces financial well-being, reciprocal love and good health.

Summing up, it should be noted: the magical properties of the adularia will fully reward Pisces, Cancers and Scorpions. People who, according to the horoscope, belong to the zodiac signs Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Leo, will react differently to the presence of pearl spar. They will appreciate its beauty, but they will not receive much benefit.

How to use the magical abilities of the crystal

In order for the mineral to realize its strength at full capacity, it must be periodically recharged. To do this, on a full moon, you should put it on the windowsill under the moonlight for the whole night.

How to use:

  • When fortune telling the gem is kept on the table , in a conspicuous place - it contributes to the discovery of secrets.
  • Any moonstone jewelry is worn like an amulet that restrains your anger and those around you . This is especially true for men.
  • To develop intuition and unleash creativity, you need during the new moon, put adularia in the middle of the forehead .
  • Can put the crystal on the heart area , so he will remove all mental anguish and calm.
  • Feng Shui moonstone located in the northwestern part of the house harmonizes all energy flows.
  • To get a good harvest, well put on a gem ornament when planting seeds .

Pearl spar will fully reveal its magical qualities in a silver frame. Moonstone is perhaps the kindest of all, it tames a violent temper and brings harmony to life, helps in love and teaches you to love others. Most importantly, he is not capable of harming anyone.

To feel the beneficial effects of the mineral, you need to know.

Moonstone is particularly fragile and is subject to temperature and weather changes.

The second name of the stone - adularia - is not entirely correct, since colorless orthoclase is adularia, and moonstone includes both orthoclase and albite. However, the overflows of color characteristic of the moonstone under illumination are commonly called adularization.

The legend of the moonstone

One of the rarest varieties of adularia is a yellowish stone. According to legend, it is in such a mineral that a witch on her deathbed can enclose all her strength and thus deceive death. If you own a yellowish moonstone, then you should take a closer look at it on a full moon. If it contains witch power, then the stone will acquire a yellowish-red or even bloody hue that night.

Deposits and cost of moonstone

The richest and most famous place for the extraction of moonstone is located on the Indian island of Sri Lanka. In the second half of the 20th century, several more deposits were discovered. Among them are the island of Madagascar, the state of Virginia in the USA and Tanzania.

Moonstone is quite popular and in demand among jewelers. Prices for it can vary significantly, and the most expensive are specimens with an intense blue color, a bright inner glow and the greatest color depth. Such stones are rare and expensive. Multi-color stones are in the least demand in the jewelry sector and their prices are not high. On average, the cost of small and not the best quality stones starts from $ 1 per 1 carat, larger adularia (from 3-4 carats) subject to high purity and perfect color, they can cost from $ 70 per carat.

Mining and production of moonstone in Sri Lanka. Photo: Gunther Deichmann

The healing properties of moonstone

This mineral has the ability to "pull out" negative energy from the owner and stabilize the energy field. Adularia can also heal minor skin damage: scratches, burns, abrasions. Experts are sure that it has a beneficial effect on patients with epilepsy: it weakens and reduces the time of attacks of this disease.

There is an opinion that even a small stone can facilitate childbirth and stabilize the functioning of the pelvic organs, as well as save its owner from uncontrolled outbreaks of aggression and fear. Moonstone cures insomnia, helps to restore the digestive tract.

With constant contact, the moonstone controls the movement of fluids in the body, eliminates stones in the organs, and with its help it is possible to cure cancer in the last stages.

The magical properties of moonstone

As the name implies, the stone is directly connected with the Moon. Very often you can see a cloudy white speck in it, the size of which depends on the phase of this patron planet. On the full moon, the stone becomes icy to the touch, and it is believed that it is in this state that it is most suitable for performing magical actions.

Moonstone is able to enhance the owner's intuition, especially for those born during the full moon. If there was a quarrel in the family, then the stone is able to pay it off, provided that both spouses have it.

If there are figurines from this mineral in the house, they must be removed during the waning of the moon so as not to become a victim of the "vampirism" of the stone during this period.

Who is Moonstone for?

This amazing stone is recommended to be worn by people with a strong character who tend to be able to dream and fantasize. The moonstone will bring them good luck in business and slightly soften the character. But if a suspicious and capricious person becomes its owner, then the adularia, having strengthened these character traits, will turn the owner into a parody of himself.

It was believed that adularia was able to help the owner find his soul mate and preserve the mutual feeling that had arisen for life. That is why it is advisable for unmarried girls to wear jewelry with it.

As an amulet, it should be constantly worn by people of creative professions: artists, poets, musicians, etc. Since one of the many properties of this mineral is the disclosure of the potential of a person, and the expansion of his consciousness.

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention which of the signs of the Zodiac suits. Jewelry with a moonstone is truly contraindicated only for Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Representatives of other signs can wear moonstone jewelry without fear of consequences.

L Moonstone belongs to the feldspars, which shimmer with iridescent color. Transparent or white shade, while there is a bluish tint, golden shimmer. It originated in India and is now popular all over the world.

Varieties and colors

Traditionally, moonstone is translucent, but peach shades are also found. It can also be blue, gray or black. The black mineral is also called labrador.

A greenish crystal was found in India. But, nevertheless, blue overflows are inherent in the traditional stone. If other multi-colored shimmers are noticeable, then they call it a rainbow moonstone. This is a rare occurrence, so such a stone is considered especially valuable.

The difference between real and fake

The brightest and most beautiful minerals are found in India in Sri Lanka. But the deposits are gradually being devastated, and this is why the cost is growing every year. Rising prices provoke charlatans to make fakes. The number of synthetic on the market is very large, it ranks first among other jewelry.

How to recognize a fake moonstone? The first thing that should scare away is too bright overflows. It is fakes that acquire a more luxurious look when compared with the original. Many buyers fall for this. A real moon rock will not glow blue when viewed from a 90 degree angle. This is due to the fact that the mineral has a layered structure, microflakes can only be reflected at an angle of 12-15 degrees. But for a synthetic moonstone, the brilliance will be the same in any position.

magical properties

Since ancient times, it was believed that the talisman is associated with the gods, namely with the deities of the moon. This is where its name came from. It was used for clairvoyance. This jewel should be held in the mouth during the full moon, it was believed that then a person acquired the ability to see the future. Also, the talisman was placed under the pillow, then prophetic dreams were dreamed at night.

Symbolizes love, tenderness, romance and fertility. In the Middle Ages, lovers wore this stone so that their feelings would never die, and relationships would be filled with tenderness and affection.

In addition, the gem could fulfill wishes, helped in new endeavors. It was believed that the mineral provides the growth of the mind, strength within. Able to overcome stress, unstable emotions, give peace of mind. But it is not advised to wear it to those people who often succumb to their desires, feelings, which are led by emotions. In this case, the mineral will enhance this whim.

People who are associated with the creative profession are advised to wear this jewel. After all, she is an inspiration. Moonstone creates protection for a person during wanderings and travels.

Healing properties

It has a positive effect on the digestive system, removes toxins and unnecessary fluid from the body. It normalizes cell regeneration, restores the functioning of the liver and pancreas. The mineral is considered a female talisman, as it improves her ability to bear children. And men who wear a stone reveal their potential, emotional essence.

As can be seen from the name, the moonstone is astrologically associated with the Moon, which patronizes the signs of the water element - Pisces, Cancers and Scorpio. Representatives of these zodiacs can wear adularia jewelry as an amulet. It will enhance intuition, protect against negative energy, help to cope with anxiety. Moonstone is also ideal for all those born on Monday - the day of the Moon.

People with a stormy temperament will also find a kind of assistant in the moonstone - it extinguishes outbursts of rage and softens the character of excessively hard and unyielding natures. But hypochondriacs and melancholics are better off staying away from adularia: they risk losing touch with the real world and withdrawing into themselves.

Moonstone has long been considered a love talisman. To repair a broken relationship or find a new love, you should always keep it in your pocket on the left side - preferably closer to your heart. Another effective way is on the left hand on the ring finger.

Adularia jewelry should be worn on the growing moon. On the full moon, its magical properties are manifested in all their glory, but on the waning moon, it is better to put the stone aside for “recharging”: during this period, it begins to draw energy from its owner.

How to reveal the healing properties of adularia - the opinion of lithotherapists

In order for the moonstone to fully manifest its magical properties, it must be worn so that it is in contact with the skin. According to astrologers and esotericists, the moonstone restores peace of mind, protecting from failures into deep depression, tantrums, and nervous breakdowns. He does not allow his owner to fall into extremes. The items set in silver work best.

In the old days, there was a belief that if you put a moonstone under your pillow, it will save a person from insomnia, and dreams will be colorful and memorable.
Ancient magicians (for example, the Chaldeans) used adularia for visualizations and enhancing divination abilities. To do this, they put a stone under the tongue. To get answers to disturbing questions, meditation with a moonstone in your hands is also good.

It should be noted that all of the above characteristics are inherent only in natural adularia. But the market sells a huge number of synthetic moonstones, in addition, they are easily confused with selenite and chalcedony.
