Minimum old-age pension without work experience. What is the minimum pension in Russia? The minimum amount of old-age and labor pensions

The minimum pension in Russia is a relative concept and not precisely defined. The main indicator of "minimum" in this case is the size of the subsistence minimum, which is set for each region. If the pension is higher than it, then everything is fine with you. But even if it is lower, the state will not leave you anyway.

What is the average pension in Russia

According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the average old-age pension in Russia as of the end of 2018 - the beginning of 2019 is approximately 14,100 rubles.

If we compare it with wages, then, according to analysts, this amount of pension is about 40% of the average salary in Russia.

The average social pension is 9,045 rubles.

The average pension paid to disabled children is 13,699 rubles.

Pensions received by citizens with a disability due to a military injury, on average, amount to 30,700 rubles.

It should be noted that in the post-Soviet space, the Russian Federation is one of the richest countries in terms of providing pensions to citizens. Only the Baltic region can compete with us, but it should be borne in mind that in the Baltic States there are rather high costs for utilities, which “eat up” all the “earnings” of pensioners.

If you pay attention to the pension policy pursued by the state, it can be noted that, compared with the 90s of the twentieth century, the crisis in this area began to come to naught.

What is the minimum old age pension

Having reached the age established by law, a citizen begins to wonder, what is the minimum pension that awaits him?

Note that in Russian legislation the concept of "minimum pension" does not exist; its size depends on various circumstances.

The minimum amount of the old-age pension should not be lower than the subsistence minimum for pensioners established in the region where the pensioner lives.

But if, nevertheless, such a situation takes place (a citizen's old-age pension with all allowances below the subsistence minimum for pensioners), then additional social benefits are established for the pensioner: in such an amount that the pension is equal to the regional subsistence minimum. The social supplement is established on the basis of a pensioner's application. There is no social supplement for working pensioners.

The minimum pension can be increased in the following cases:

  • a citizen crosses the 80-year milestone;
  • one or more relatives appear on his dependents;
  • the insurance pension is indexed;
  • pensioner goes to work.

In order to receive at least the minimum old-age pension in Russia, you must have at least 15 years of work experience. But the thing is, not everyone has it. In this case, you will be paid a social pension.

Maximum old-age pension

It is currently impossible to calculate the maximum amount of the old-age pension. It will depend on many circumstances - retirement age, seniority, wages, pension contributions, etc.

And now let's turn to the new pension legislation, namely the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions".

from January 1, 2019, the retirement age has been increased: women now retire at 60, men - at 65. And as before, citizens who will retire later than the age established by law will receive an increase in pension in proportion to the time during which they were not retired (but they could!).

Accordingly, the later you retire, the higher the pension will be.

Retirement Calculator

On June 25, 2013, a pension calculator was posted on the official website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in other words, a mechanism by which citizens of the Russian Federation can calculate their future pension.

But, according to the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation, the calculator is not designed to derive the exact amount of the pension; he can only predict a certain amount at various indicators.

When calculating your future pension, you will be asked to enter your salary, gender, length of military service, etc. in the columns. But the calculator gives the amount as of today, that is, as it would be if you retired tomorrow.

The calculator bases its calculations on the new pension formula, which is provided for in the law "On Insurance Pensions" dated 12/28/2013 No. 400-FZ, effective from 01/01/2015.

But! It is worth remembering that the pension formula initially included an instrument that could affect the size of the pension in the direction of its reduction. This is the so-called cost of the pension coefficient, which is set depending on the economic, demographic situation in the country and other indicators.

What do we have besides pensions

Due to the fact that pensioners (the majority) are not engaged in labor activity, they are considered to be socially unprotected categories of citizens.

That is why, in addition to pensions, pensioners can count on other benefits and benefits.

  1. The tax legislation provided for "indulgences" for pensioners in the form of exemption from paying property tax; the pension is not taxed, and even a property deduction for the purchase of real estate can be obtained if you apply for it within 3 years after retirement (pensioners are allowed to draw up a deduction for the previous 3 years, unlike other citizens).
  2. In the health sector, too, everything is fine: all pensioners are covered by the compulsory health insurance program and are entitled to receive medical care free of charge. Citizens receiving a minimum old-age or disability pension are required to sell prescription drugs at a 50 percent discount.
  3. Compensation for utility bills. If a pensioner is recognized as poor, then he is entitled to a subsidy for utility bills. In addition, in some regions, compensation for housing payments is provided as an additional measure of social support.
  4. Preferential travel in public transport, provided for by the legislation of the regions.

If we summarize federal and local legislation, we can conclude that, in addition to pensions, citizens are entitled to additional benefits provided by the state.

Pensions in 2018 - 2019

The pension formula, which provides for the recalculation of pensions in points and an increase in the length of service for calculating a pension, due to its complexity, raises many questions.

It should reassure current pensioners and everyone who managed to retire before 2015 that their pension rights will not be violated, but will have the same force.

Now it is especially beneficial for citizens to receive a “white” salary and forget about envelopes, since the amount of wages and deductions from it also affect the size of the future pension.

The new law introduced the concept of "annual pension coefficient" (APC), which means the result of a citizen's work for the year. The APC is equal to the ratio of the amount paid by your employer to the amount that can be paid from the maximum contributionable amount multiplied by the maximum value of the pension coefficient.

Another plus was that the "work" experience required for the appointment of a pension includes leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old, for a total of 4.5 years. Moreover, this leave is counted not only for the mother, but for the one who was officially on leave for care.

The pension also remains in 2 parts: insurance and funded. Insurance is calculated according to the law "On insurance pensions", and funded - according to the law "On funded pensions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 424-FZ, which also entered into force on January 1, 2015.

If we take a closer look at pension reforms and the latest changes in pension legislation, we will see that the state is trying to gradually "bring" the country out of the pit called "low pensions". Evidence of this is the indexation of pensions 2 times a year, the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, etc.

However, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion that everything is fine in the pension field. It is necessary to give an "incubation" period for the new reform and wait for what kind of "chicken" will emerge from this "egg".

Moscow is rightfully considered one of the most expensive cities in Russia. Prices here are significantly higher, which leads to an increase in the minimum wage. Along with the growth of the indicator, pensions also increase. It is believed that the region has the highest amount of old-age payments. However, the assertion is wrong. Studies have shown that residents of the Far East receive the largest pensions. The discovery of such information confuses some people. Like people who will soon go on a well-deserved rest, those who are interested want to know what is the minimum pension in Moscow?

Accrual procedure

Unlike other cities, Moscow has a special status. However, this does not affect the specifics of the calculation of pensions. The process is governed by the same laws that apply in other cities. As elsewhere, residents of Moscow go on a well-deserved rest after 55-60 years.

In order for the state to provide a pension, a person must work for at least 5 years. If there is no such experience, the citizen has the right to apply for social benefits. However, the age that must be reached to receive it increases significantly. The payment is provided only after the woman turns 60 and the man turns 65.

The minimum value of the pension that can be assigned to Moscow pensioners

Unlike other regions, the minimum pension in Moscow for different categories of citizens can vary significantly. So, if a person was born in the capital or lives in it for more than 10 years, he is considered a native Muscovite. The amount of pension for this category of citizens has been maintained at level 1 for several years now. The indicator is called the urban social standard. Its size is 14 500 rubles . So, if a citizen's pension is less than this mark, an additional payment will be assigned from the city budget.

The above information relates to labor pension. The amount of social pension is lower. Its size is about 8,300 rubles.

If a person arrived in the capital recently, he will not be able to count on the minimum pension in Moscow provided to its native residents. The amount for pensioners living in the city for less than 10 years is much lower. Its size for 2017 is 11 561 rubles .

The average amount of pension accrued to residents of Moscow

The average pension in Moscow is in constant motion. Its size is influenced by indexation and allowances that the state charges. So, in 2016, the amount of the labor pension was 12,896 rubles. At the same time, the minimum level of the indicator in the city was 12,400 rubles. The value of the social pension was significantly lower. On average, citizens received 7,800 rubles.

In 2017, the average value of the indicator should change. The fact is that the state plans to carry out several indexations, which will lead to a slight increase in old-age accruals.

Maximum value

The maximum amount of payment in the capital is not set. The fact is that the pension is always calculated on an individual basis. Its size is affected by:

  • age at which a person went on a well-deserved rest;
  • the number of years during which the pensioner has been working;
  • the amount of wages;
  • amount of pension contributions.

Statistics show that the maximum pension in Moscow is accrued not only to persons who had a large salary, but also to citizens who did not apply for a payment for a long period of time.

Does the presence of a temporary residence permit affect the size of the pension?

Moscow operates social standard, the amount of which for 2017 is 14,500 rubles. If the amount of pension that a person has earned is less than the level of the indicator, he will be assigned an additional payment from the city budget. The operation of the rule led to the fact that a large number of people decided to increase their income in a dishonest way. Pensioners living in other regions began to register with relatives who live in Moscow for the provision of monetary rewards. At the same time, if employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation began to search for citizens at the place of their new registration, it turned out that they continued to live in the old place, and received the payment on a bank card or issued a power of attorney for a relative. It also happened that a person who was soon to retire tried by any means to settle in the capital.

However, in pursuit of additional income, people began to forget that having a social standard is not a privilege for Moscow residents. The payment is assigned in order to compensate for higher expenses for:

  • travel by public transport;
  • payment for utilities;
  • purchase of food;
  • domestic service spending.

Due to the higher cost of living in the capital, Moscow companies pay higher wages to their employees. This leads to higher pensions. If the level of payment assigned for old age does not reach the established norm, a person is assigned an additional payment from the city budget.

The influx of citizens who want to increase the amount of pensions forced the city authorities to take action. So, from January 1, 2013, the social supplement is assigned only to native Muscovites. To receive a payment, a person must live in Moscow for at least 10 years. Only the period during which a person had official registration in the capital is taken into account. In this case, the period may be interrupted. The number of years that the pensioner has officially lived in Moscow throughout his life is taken into account.

The rest of the citizens receive a pension at the level of the subsistence level of the capital. When a person reaches the required number of years of residence in Moscow, a social payment is established for him. In order to continue accruing it, a person will have to visit the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation annually.

Moscow pension: how long do you need to live in Moscow? This question worries all visiting pensioners. To date, only indigenous residents of the capital receive special surcharges. To be included in their number, a person must live in Moscow for at least 10 years. Wherein The person must be legally registered. If it is missing, the period will not be taken into account when calculating the number of years that the pensioner has lived in the capital.

Monthly compensation

In addition to the fact that pensioners are paid a supplement to their pension in Moscow, some categories of citizens may qualify for monthly compensation. This right has:

  • disabled people and participants in the Second World War who do not work;
  • persons with 1 disability group;
  • citizens who have 2 groups of disability.

To receive compensation, a person must have lived in Moscow for at least 10 years. It is not necessary to live in the capital itself. The residence in the territories that are attached to Moscow is taken into account.

Some categories of working pensioners may also apply for compensation. These include individuals who work in:

  • organizations providing health care;
  • the housing and communal services system;
  • social security authorities.

The list is not exhaustive. If the work is carried out part-time, a person will be able to receive monthly compensation only if his monthly income does not exceed 20,000 rubles.

How much do labor veterans earn in the capital

The state encourages people who managed to earn the title of veteran of labor with additional increases. So, if a resident of the capital has the title of Federal significance, he will be able to receive special city payments. To find out their size and nuances of accrual, you need to refer to the legislation of the city. In addition, labor veterans can count on receiving benefits.

Social benefits

The state supports its citizens not only with cash payments. So, residents of the capital can apply for various benefits. Retirees can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Get the opportunity to go to a sanatorium for free. The benefit is not available to everyone. To use it, a person must be in a category that falls under the benefit, and have the appropriate medical indications.
  2. Carrying out dental prosthetics and repair work with them. At the same time, the benefit does not compensate for the costs of using precious metals and cermets in the process.
  3. Landline reimbursement. The opportunity to use the benefits is provided only to disabled people and participants in the Second World War, people who lived in besieged Leningrad, as well as military personnel and former employees of the internal affairs bodies.
  4. No radio and landline phone charges. The benefit is provided to persons with a visual impairment.
  5. Free receipt of medicines. The advantage can be used by pensioners who took part in the defense of Moscow, as well as family members of citizens who suffered from repression. In addition, a person must have special medical prescriptions.
  6. If the age of the pensioner exceeded 70 years, he can only pay half the cost of the overhaul. Having reached the age of 80, a Muscovite is completely exempted from the obligation to pay a fee.
  7. Individual assistance if a person finds himself in difficult life circumstances.
  8. Financial assistance to pay for communication if the pensioner has dependents.
  9. Telephony allowance if the pensioner is single. In addition, a person with a similar status will not be able to pay for the collection of solid household waste.

The list of bonuses was extensive. So, before pensioners could use public transport free of charge. However, this exemption has now been withdrawn.

Subsidies for Moscow pensioners

Residents of Moscow can receive assistance in paying utility bills. The subsidy is provided to individuals who spend more than 3-10% of their total income on electricity and other utilities. In addition, the social service is obliged to assign a benefit if the monthly income of a person who is on a well-deserved rest is less than 21,367 rubles. If 2 people live in the room, the amount increases to 34,672 rubles, if 3 - then 49,127.

When assigning a subsidy, representatives of state bodies take into account the size of the living space. If the pensioner lives alone, the benefit will be assigned only if the area of ​​the premises does not exceed 33 sq. m. As in the case of the amount of monthly income, if more people live in the premises, the subsidy will be assigned if there is a larger area. So, if 2 people live in an apartment, the value of the indicator will be 42 square meters, if 3-18 square meters. m for each.

If a resident of Moscow, who is on a well-deserved rest, meets the minimum requirements, he will be assigned a subsidy. However, if housing conditions change or the pensioner's income increases, the benefit may be withdrawn later.

There are also additional bonuses. Some categories of Moscow residents who are on a well-deserved vacation may not pay for waste collection and telephone communications.


In 2017, pensioners in Moscow, as well as residents of other regions, expect an increase. The increase in the amount of the payment will occur several times. 1 indexation will take place on February 1. It will affect insurance pensions. At the same time, if a person who is retired continues to work, he will not be able to receive an increase. If the pensioner does not work, he will be able to expect that the amount of the monthly payment will be increased by the inflation rate of 2016. Approximately the size of the indicator was 5.8%. The pension in Moscow for visiting pensioners will be increased by the same amount.

Interesting statistics

The indexation of the social pension will be carried out from April 1. The payout will be increased by 2.6%. The increase will affect both people who are on a well-deserved rest, and citizens who continue to work.

Upon reaching a certain age, most citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to insurance pensions. But there are several categories of persons who do not claim insurance payments due to their disability. The state does not forget about needy citizens and provides them with the right to social assistance. The minimum amount of a social pension is directly dependent on the subsistence minimum in the subject of the Russian Federation where the recipient lives.

What is the amount of payments in 2019, and what changes await pensioners in the future? More on this later.

Social pension as state aid

Social pensions are called regular benefits, which are assigned to disabled persons who are deprived of the right to receive a labor pension. Like regular pension payments, social benefits are paid regularly, and the nature and conditions of their accrual are regulated by the main Federal Law “On Pensions in Russia” N 166-FZ.

The legislation distinguishes 3 types of such benefits:

  1. On the loss of a breadwinner. It is intended for orphans under the age of 18 (up to 23 years of age, subject to full-time study at a university or any other educational institution), left without one or without both parents. It is paid only to those children whose deceased relatives have not accumulated a single day of work experience.
  2. By disability. It is intended for children with disabilities, as well as adults with any category of disability in the absence of work experience.
  3. By old age. It is paid to disabled citizens of a certain age by law (it is 60 and 65 years for women and men, respectively), as well as residents of the Far North regions who have reached the age of 55/60 for women / men.
  4. Children whose parents are unknown. Paid from 01/01/2018 to minors whose parents have not been identified. The conditions and amount of payments are similar to those for full orphans.

The main requirement for receiving social security is belonging to one of the listed categories. Also, a citizen must permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Important! The main condition for the appointment of social benefits for old age is the absence of insurance experience for a period of 8 years. Upon reaching 8 years of service, a citizen receives the right to transfer to insurance coverage.

The minimum amount of social pension in 2019 depends on the type of benefit, as well as on a number of other factors.

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Minimum State Security

This table shows the size of state pensions, taking into account all indexations made for disabled Russians.

The assignment of payments occurs on the 1st day of the month in which the applicant applied for it.

The benefit is paid over the life of an old-age pensioner. A disabled pension is paid until the person loses his or her status, or indefinitely. For children who have lost their breadwinner, the provision ceases to be valid upon reaching the age of majority or after employment, but no later than the age of 23 years.

The amount of the payment may vary depending on several factors:

  • change in the category of a pensioner (in relation to the disabled, if the category of disability changes);
  • annual indexation using the inflation rate;
  • departure from the subject in which a regional allowance or a special regional coefficient is applied (for residents of the RCS);
  • transition to insurance coverage (for example, when an orphan, upon reaching the age of majority, begins working).

How is the amount of collateral determined?

The source of social payments is the state budget. This means that their size does not depend on the length of service of the recipient or on the fact that he paid insurance premiums to the Pension Fund. The minimum social pension in the Russian Federation is set in a fixed amount separately for each category of recipients. According to article 18 of the current pension legislation, payments are indexed annually.

The statutory minimum social pension in the Russian Federation is increased by a certain coefficient for residents of the regions of the Far North (RKS). The district coefficient is designed to compensate for the severe climatic conditions that make life difficult for pensioners in the CSW.

Indexing order

The instability of the Russian economy is forcing the Government to regularly review the amount of pension payments. The depreciation of the Russian ruble against more stable currencies, the constant increase in prices - all this must be reflected in social benefits in order to restore the purchasing power of citizens dependent on state security.

Twice a year, in February and April, the inflation coefficient is calculated, with the help of which the amount of the social pension is recalculated. In 2016, social payments were increased only once by 4% with inflation of 12.9%, since the country's budget did not have enough funds to fully cover the price increase. The shortfall was compensated by a lump sum payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

In 2017, as promised by the authorities, the minimum social pension was indexed in the traditional manner - on February 1 and April 1. The amount of benefits increased by 5.8%. This does not mean that pensioners have become more free in their means - their income has only caught up with the level of increased prices for goods and services.

State pensions, including social pensions, have been indexed by 4.1% since April 1, 2018.

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Increasing Benefits in the Northern Regions

In the regions of the Far North (RKS), as well as in areas with difficult climate conditions, where residents require additional financial costs for comfortable living, pension payments are increased by a special coefficient, determined by legislative acts of local executive authorities.

Only representatives of the peoples of the Far North listed in the official list of Art. 11 of the Federal Law "On Pension Provision". The law also contains lists of areas whose residents are entitled to a pension increase by a coefficient.

Attention! If a citizen no longer intends to live in extreme climatic conditions and leaves his region, the amount of his state support will be calculated without taking into account the regional coefficient.

Supplement to pensioners

According to Federal Law N 178-FZ "On Social Assistance to Citizens", the monthly income of a pensioner who is on state security cannot be lower than the subsistence level established in his region (Law 4).
Therefore, the state provides citizens with sums of money as an additional payment.

Good to know! The state is ready to pay additional funds to the required minimum only for non-working citizens. Social assistance does not apply to working pensioners.

The amount of money for each pensioner is set individually and depends on the total amount of his monthly income. In addition, the surcharge comes from two different sources:

  • from the federal budget - a federal surcharge, which is assigned by the PFR.
  • from the regional budget - a local surcharge, appointed by the social protection authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Executive authorities exchange information on the subsistence minimum in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the basis of its PFR and social services of the region set the amount of additional payments to pensioners.

Initially, the Pension Fund pays a cash benefit in the amount that is missing from the subsistence level in the country (8136), and in the regions this amount is correlated with the local subsistence minimum, making another additional payment if necessary.

Important! Changes in these values ​​are also reflected in the amount of additional payment to the minimum social pension. If the cost of living decreases, the size of the increase in the pensioner's monthly allowance also decreases. Download for viewing and printing:

Average benefit

Federal statistical services have summed up the number of pensioners in Russia and their payments received in 2018. According to Rosstat, at the moment about 43 million citizens who receive pension payments live in the Russian Federation. Of this amount, only 7% are on state security and receive one of the 4 types of benefits.

The statistics established the average amount of social payments in the current year - it was about 8.5 thousand rubles. Given the fact that the main recipients of social security are citizens with a disability status who do not have other sources of income, this amount seems insignificant.

In 2018, after the April indexation, the average annual amount of social pensions increased to 9,045 rubles. (103.7% to the pensioner's PM). The average amount of social pension for children with disabilities, incl. disabled since childhood 1st group, amounted to 13 thousand 699 rubles.

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Last changes

As early as January 2018, they began to make social and pension payments to children whose parents were not identified - monthly in the amount of 10 thousand 68 rubles. 53 kop.

By 2019, it is planned to increase pension payments to 14.6 thousand rubles, as well as the minimum social pension.

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Watch a video about who is eligible for a social pension

June 20, 2017, 23:48 Mar 3, 2019 13:48

general characteristics

Citizens of the Russian Federation with seniority, subject to reaching a certain age, are paid a lifetime monthly payment at the expense of the state - an old-age pension. Based on the fact that we are talking about a monetary amount, it becomes clear that there are limits. This means that a maximum and minimum old-age pension has been established.

According to the Federal Law, this monetary allowance may consist of three parts: basic, funded and insurance. It is necessary to deal with each individually and consider the main points of the definition. So, a basic pension is a cash payment established by the state, which does not take into account earnings and various contributions during employment, that is, the state guarantees a certain income, even if a career has not developed. Cumulative is to invest in assets to generate additional income. Every citizen has the right to choose a savings management organization. The insurance part is a state-guaranteed payment upon reaching retirement age. It is the main source of livelihood for persons who have reached a certain age. In this regard, an urgent question immediately arises: "What is the minimum old-age pension?"

Pension amount

Like any other source of income, a pension has its own size. The share provided for payment is calculated taking into account the length of service, which must comply with the standards.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the amount of the pension is determined based on the total length of service actually available to the person. The established amount is 55% of earnings, and 1% is charged for each year of excess service. The amount of payment established in this order cannot exceed 75% of earnings. There is also a minimum old-age pension, the amount of which is determined individually in each region of the country and is about 6,000 thousand rubles. This amount is calculated with an error, since it is different in each subject of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for calculating the pension

The old-age pension is calculated in proportion to the length of service. This method of calculation includes the determination of the full pension, where the total amount is divided by the number of months of required work experience. Further, the amount received is multiplied by the length of service, which is actually already available. The minimum old-age pension is calculated based on the subsistence minimum. Early payments provided by law are assigned according to the same principles as full ones. However, it is worth considering that the pension is paid in the presence of a mandatory full total length of service only to those persons who have reached retirement age.


Due to various changes in pension legislation, the minimum old-age pension increases every year. Indeed, this process is simply necessary for the prosperous life of the country's pensioners. It is worth agreeing that it is almost impossible to live on such monetary allowance as the minimum old-age pension. In this regard, it is necessary to fix at the legislative level the established amount of funds that will satisfy the needs of our pensioners.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

On the Internet and in life, you can increasingly find various rumors that in 2018 the social minimum pension will fall in relation to the subsistence minimum. interested in a natural question - how then to live on this money? Let's find out more about the additional payments to the pension, the planned minimum wage for the next year and what inflation will be.

News: what is the minimum pension set in Russia from January 1, 2018

On the eve of the New Year, many residents of our country are interested in how much the pension will be next year, whether it will increase and what size it will take. This indicator depends on the subsistence minimum, and it is individual for each region and is set on the basis of prices for goods present in the consumer basket.

The size of the minimum pension by regions of Russia

The highest living wage for non-working pensioners was recorded in Moscow. After watching the latest news, pensioners have probably heard the words of the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, at the beginning of 2018, its value, and hence the size of the minimum pension benefit, will increase to 11,500 rubles. The mayor is sure that the city's budget allows to increase the amount of pensions and guarantees timely payments to the residents of the capital.

Other regional leaders are not always able to find funds for such support and hope for help from the state budget and for the money released from cutting payments to working citizens of retirement age. The Government, in turn, has many other social programs, so it offers districts to solve problems on their own

Sergei Sobyanin

The size in Russia in 2018 for all regions for clarity is presented in tabular form:

Table of the minimum pension in Russia

Who will receive the minimum pension benefit

The minimum pension benefit will be received by those who have not earned insurance experience or have not scored the required number of points. The right to receive it arises in three cases:

  • old age,
  • on the loss of a breadwinner,
  • by disability.

Additional payments to the minimum pension and indexation percentage

In 2018, pension payments will be made. Its size will be 3.7%. If the pension is below the subsistence minimum, its size is increased to this indicator through special social supplements. Thus, the minimum pension will be set at the subsistence level in a particular region.

Minimum Retirement Points

Preferential pension - the amount in rubles and the documents required to receive

A preferential pension is understood to mean a pension that is assigned ahead of schedule to a regular one. The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a list of positions that have the right to early retirement (Federal Law No. 173, Articles 27, 28).

But there are also industries with harmful working conditions that allow you to retire:

  • women aged 45 with 7.5 years of experience in hazardous work and a total work experience of 15 years,
  • men aged 50 years, with 10 years of work experience and a total work experience of 20 years.

We list some categories of citizens with early retirement:

  1. Divers.
  2. Theater artists.
  3. Pilots GA.
  4. Drivers of trams, buses, trolleybuses.
  5. Subway workers, railway.
  6. Emergency workers and firefighters.
  7. Working in places of detention.
  8. Working in the Far North.
  9. Women tractor drivers.
  10. Women employed in hard work in the textile industry.
  11. Lumber workers.
  12. Court workers.
  13. Employees involved in hydrological, geophysical, exploration and other works.

To calculate an early pension, you must apply to the FIU with the following documents:

  • application for early retirement,
  • employment history,
  • passport,
  • insurance certificate,
  • clarifying certificate with information on bonuses, other payments and the right to a preferential pension,
  • certificate of average salary in 2000-2001 or 60 months before 2002,
  • military ID (for men),
  • birth certificates of children.

Minimum pension: basic accrual parameters

An example of calculating a preferential early pension.

Pensioner B. has a total work experience of 25 years, 15 of which he worked in the Far North.

81.49 rubles - the cost of a pension point in 2018

4982.9 rubles - the amount of a fixed payment

1.5 - the coefficient of increase in the fixed payment for the length of service in the Far North

172 points - the number of all individual pension points.

Having received the right to early retirement in 2018, citizen B applied to the FIU at the age of 55. His pension was:


Thus, the size of the preferential pension for each case is considered individually.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that the minimum is not the only issue that worries pensioners. Recently, the Government has been actively discussing an increase in the retirement age. It is quite possible that a new reform awaits our country.
