Is it possible to celebrate the anniversary a day earlier. Why You Shouldn't Celebrate Your Birthday Early or Late

To the question Is it possible to celebrate a birthday earlier, asked by the author casually the best answer is There is an old occult rule: men do not celebrate their fortieth birthday, women fifty-three, and children thirteen. Empirically revealed: it is these births that are a turning point in the life of each person - a further program of the individual's life is laid, therefore, on such a day when a promising energy start for the future occurs, you can easily spoil everything if you interfere in this most important process in the life of each person (unexpected gifts, toasts, wishes, a feast, etc.).
In general, there are a few more very important rules in this regard.
1. A birthday person is never given an even number of flowers - such a sign of attention means a sincere wish for the deceased to go to heaven without problems, but an odd one promises prosperity, good luck, and success in his personal life alive.
2. They do not celebrate a birthday if one of the relatives has recently died, and forty days have not passed since that mournful date.
They say in the affirmative that the dishes beat fortunately, but not on a birthday - in this case, a sign of fate promises misfortune.
At the same time, negative signs are spilled salt, spilled water, tea, alcohol.
With the departure of the last guest, it is necessary to immediately carry out a wet cleaning of the rooms in which the guests were, at least for a purely preventive purpose: to remove a possible negative.
3. You can’t accept gifts from the hands of the giver if you are not sure of his good attitude towards you, otherwise the birthday person can easily receive an unkind program along with the present.
If you suspect a negative, mentally say: “My gift, your pledge, so be it.”
4. Do not celebrate a birthday before the desired date, as it is not customary to accept congratulations on this occasion in advance. This is how long you will shorten your life.
For example, they started celebrating one day earlier, and 25 people attended the celebration.
It is not difficult in this case to figure out that you will shorten your life by twenty-five days.
5. When celebrating a birthday, it should be remembered that dove dishes, pancakes, pies, a pig's head, rice porridge with raisins are not put on the table on this day - these dishes from time immemorial belonged to funeral, besides, they energetically attract sorrow, extinguish the solemnity of the occasion.
6. They don’t invite 9, 13, 18, 21, 50, 90 and 100 guests to a birthday party (unfortunately, such a number of guests also shortens the birthday man’s life), and if that’s how many arrived, then they put a free chair in front of him on the table a device, as well as in front of the arriving guests.
7. It is not good to give soap, shampoos, balms, washing and washing powders; they will attract tears, failures.
Cutting and piercing objects will bring family strife and discord.
Yellow flowers will pull deceit, insincerity, and often parting with a loved one.
Shawls of any kind and purpose, allegedly, will call for betrayal, treason, vile intentions. Source: link

Answer from Edor Pinkov[active]
According to traditions and signs, this is not recommended.

Answer from chevron[newbie]
by no means

Answer from Yoiny cat[guru]
Of course! I've been celebrating for six months...

Answer from low grade[guru]
No, you can't, but you can just eat the cake

Answer from Knabino4ka[master]
they say it's a bad omen! ! can't even say goodbye

Answer from Galina borodina[guru]
Yes, a cake is eaten at any time, it is not necessary to wait for a birthday.

Answer from SWETIK[guru]
find the name day of your saint in the calendar - and celebrate at least every month ...
and even better, celebrate all prof. holidays - Trade Worker's Day, Hug Day (yesterday was) ... etc.
or in extreme cases - the first Friday of this week - why not eat your favorite cake ???

Answer from Natalia Shklyaruk[guru]
no you can't, it's not a commemoration

Answer from Yuliya Khodoreva[guru]
Better say go down. And if you mark not to congratulate

Answer from Sonia[master]
You can later, not earlier!

Answer from Fffffffffff[newbie]
Madhouse! We always put pancakes on the river. never been sad. You can get a bad program even if you are repaid! Or change in the store! From time immemorial they say that you can’t take pictures of little sleeping children - have you taken pictures? Passing by the church you need to cross yourself, everyone is baptized?? No, we believe in signs that are convenient for us to believe! My son-in-law celebrated his 30th a day early, he's alive! thank God! already 5 years!!!
All these are your prejudices!

Answer from 123 [active]
in no case! no matter how much you want a cake, wait for your birthday! are you completely stupid? don't ruin your life you fool!

Answer from exit games[newbie]
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Slavic beliefs say that when a person is born, three spirits come to his cradle: Woe, Nedolya and Kruchina and send suffering to the child. They spare neither the poor nor the rich. But they have a sweet tooth, and if you put a saucer with honey, a sweet bun and a cup of red wine near the cradle of a newborn or on a closet in the same room, then Grief, Nedolya and Kruchina will pounce on sweets and spare the newborn.

Subsequently, evil spirits approach the tables of people celebrating a birthday every year to mischief. Therefore, there must be honey or mead, sweet pies and red wine on the table.
A sign is associated with the appearance of evil spirits, according to which one cannot celebrate a birthday earlier or later, but only on the day when one was born. After all, if the celebration is postponed, then Woe, Nedolya and Kruchina, having appeared at the festive dinner, will remain hungry.

After the evil spirits have eaten and gone about their demonic deeds, good spirits come to the newborn: Will, Share and Delight. They are majestic, beautiful and never in a hurry, so the evil spirits always have time to fuss earlier.

But you should not think that if Will, Share and Delight have arrived, then they will immediately bestow patronage on the newborn. Their patronage still needs to be earned. For this, the birthday boy should be beautifully dressed, preferably in red. Cleanliness and order should reign in the rooms, the music of stringed instruments should sound, and the newborn himself should be in a good mood. If he is not in the spirit, then, looking at the gloomy physiognomy, the spirits can leave. Hence the sign that on your birthday you should not indulge in sad thoughts and quarrel.

There is another sign: if the birthday man does not thank the guests, then good spirits may not send him profit. Previously, there was a custom according to which the birthday celebrant had to give each guest a gift. In our time, this custom has been lost and has been preserved only in some countries of the East.

A pie with eggs and buckwheat porridge is broken over the head of the birthday celebrant. In addition to good luck, this ritual brings money, profit, health. Pie is then not eaten. In the old days, after the holiday, it was given to the poor or taken to the crossroads. The fact is that, according to popular beliefs, an evil spirit lives on the left of a person, and a good one on the right. The crossroads is their meeting place, and both will receive their half of the pie there.


The tradition that makes you listen to a lot of congratulations on your birthday dates back to the times when you had to verbally admire at the cradle of a newborn: “Smart, beautiful, happy” ... Such praising of the baby was a spell for his luck: if you don’t praise him, he will grow up unhappy. But when the child grows up, praise, of course, needs to be moderated. The rite of praise applies only to very young children. An adult on his birthday also needs to hear kind words addressed to him. Best of all - in verse, because rhymes and rhythm attract positive energies much more actively than a brief wish: "Good luck to you and health."

A large layer of beliefs is associated with the number of guests who come to the holiday.
An odd number of guests can bring misfortune for one reason - one of them does not have a couple. A guest who feels lonely in a company may jinx, envy or wish evil. The main thing is to make sure that guests do not feel deprived of attention, so that everyone feels good and has fun.

“When a person is born, a new star lights up in the sky to light his way,” says the legend. The star is a symbol of the human soul, hope and strength that lead. This is a guardian angel that protects from misfortune, gives strength to life and fulfills cherished desires.

On earth, the symbol of the guiding star is the flame of a candle. This tradition is associated with the custom of lighting candles for birthdays and extinguishing them, making a wish, with your breath. The number of candles, equal to the number of years to come, shows the accumulated potential, experience, without which the fulfillment of desire is impossible. Candles, arranged in a circle, create a "ring of power" and endow with the energy necessary to fulfill the desire. Well, if a person put out the candles, the desire began to come true.

It is considered bad luck when one or two candles do not go out, although the person blows and blows. You can attribute the failure to the quality of the candles, the presence of drafts, but in reality this shows that the fulfillment of the desire is being delayed.

Now some authors write that you can’t put candles in a cake if a person turns 3, 9, 12 or 18, 40, 95 or 100 years old. This very controversial sign works if you believe in it. In this case, you can buy one candle, writing on it the number of years lived.

In no case should you buy a gift for yourself, and then give it to someone so that the person gives it as if on his own behalf. This erases the energy of good luck inherent in each gift. There are things that are forbidden to give, as this can lead to misfortune.

Sometimes it happens that guests, voluntarily or involuntarily, with their gifts can inflict an "energy blow" on the hero of the occasion. To neutralize the negative effect of such a gift, it is necessary, as it were, to buy it, redeem it, giving an odd number of coins for it. But you can also increase the impact by saying to yourself, before you took the gift in your hands; "What they brought me, they took away."

To tears and anxiety - give handkerchiefs, toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, brushes, mops, washing powder and other detergents and cleaning products.

And one more thing: Remember that during the celebration of the birthday, the hero of the occasion cannot change clothes twice.
When does the need to change clothes arise? When she got dirty! According to psychics, clothes get dirty when someone else's negative energy has infiltrated the newborn's aura. To avoid an unkind effect, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder and whisper the words: "Not for worse, but for good."

Of course, on a birthday, none of the vases should have an even number of flowers. And an odd number of flowers presented to the birthday man symbolizes changes for the better in his fate, successful overcoming of difficulties.

Dishes broken during the festival are not thrown away until the last guest leaves the house.
This custom is associated with the idea that broken dishes, spilled salt mean that one of the guests brought trouble with them. Therefore, immediately after the departure of the last guest, the broken dishes are taken out of the house so that troubles and troubles leave the house with it.

And finally, about those "security measures" that it is desirable to take so that your birthday is not overshadowed by annoying troubles.
If a person needs a set of bed linen or a set of towels, he can ask to give these items, but then you need to give a symbolic amount of money for a gift - a “penny”. Once upon a time, the piglet was a good luck talisman and an analogue of the fiat ruble from fairy tales, which brings profit and neutralizes evil will.

To quarrels - give sharp, piercing and cutting objects, including forks and electric razors.
To separation - to give watches, including electronic, decorative water and hourglasses.
By parting - give jewelry with amethyst, onyx, moonstone.

Again, if five kopecks are given for such gifts, then signs may not work. But still, it’s better to remember that a birthday is a very important holiday, and save knives and axes for a gift on another occasion, and give the birthday man something that will in no way bring evil!

On a birthday, a birthday person can neither borrow money nor lend. According to popular observation, "if you lend - you give back (well-being is implied), if you borrow - you accept someone else's misfortune."
You can not celebrate a birthday earlier or later than the actual date.
Forty years for a man, fifty-three years for a woman, and thirteen years for a child are not celebrated in crowds.

Never invite guests in the amount of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine and one hundred people. These numbers shorten the life of the birthday man.

If you want to put candles on the table for beauty, avoid this number: three, nine, twelve and eighteen candles. It's better not to light candles at all!

It is not advised to serve pancakes on the table on a name day if a rice dish (pilaf) is planned for a hot meal.
They don't put a pig's head on the table, they don't eat pigeons. These dishes - to the death of the birthday man.

If you have a dog in your apartment, then consider the following: guests may sing, and some dogs have a habit of howling when people sing or play musical instruments. On any other day, it would be touching: they say, the dog also sings. However, know that a howling dog calls death to the birthday man.

If you decide to celebrate your birthday in a cafe or canteen, ask if they celebrated a commemoration here the day before after the funeral. If you celebrated, look for another place or celebrate at home. Recently I saw an entry in Elena's blog that has the answer to this question. Slavic beliefs say that when a person is born ...

We celebrate many holidays in advance, choosing the most convenient time. For example, it is customary to celebrate such national celebrations as the New Year, March 8 or February 23 even before their onset in the circle of work colleagues.

However, everyone knows that it is impossible to celebrate a birthday earlier than the due time. Where did such a strange superstition come from, and what consequences could be fraught with non-compliance with signs?

  • There is an opinion among fatalists that fate has measured out a certain number of deeds and events that must occur in a strictly allotted time. Among them is the moment of the next growing up. Anyone who celebrates a birthday before it arrives involuntarily speeds up the course of his own life, as if assuming in advance that he may not live to see another wonderful date and die in his prime.
  • There is another mystical interpretation of signs. Superstitious people are sure that the souls of their ancestors look after every person from the next world, helping in difficult situations and supporting them in sorrows. Every year, together with the ward, they solemnly celebrate another year, but they do it in strict accordance with the calendar. An unexpected celebration of a birthday boy a few days earlier or later can greatly anger the spirits who do not have time to take part in it. Thus, you can lose the patronage of otherworldly forces for the whole next year, and this usually leads to a variety of troubles from minor failures to serious illness.
  • Individuals who do not believe in the mystical background of life also do not like to celebrate their birthday in advance. They believe that the moment of the next growing up is not only a holiday for relatives and friends, not only an occasion to meet and chat with loved ones. In addition, this is the moment when the time comes to reflect on the achievements of the past years and make plans. However, the speculative moment of perceiving one's own life, as a rule, comes precisely on the appointed date, and an untimely celebration nullifies the entire philosophical meaning of the event.

A rational person will immediately reject all of the above arguments. He quite reasonably notes that all the troubles that occur after a solemn date celebrated at the wrong time are just a simple coincidence, of which there are many in our lives. But at the same time, it is worth considering that any signs are based on the centuries-old experience of previous generations. And beliefs confirming the absolute safety of an early celebration do not yet exist. So, perhaps even pragmatists should listen to the voice of their ancestors and not take unnecessary risks?

Remember how each of us in childhood waited for the onset of his birthday? We were worried, we were looking forward to seeing the long-awaited gifts. Sometimes, we rejoiced at the gifts, sometimes we were upset that they gave us not what we ordered. But, despite all the gifts and all the joys of this exciting day, for each of us it remained the most mysterious why it is impossible to celebrate a birthday earlier? However, to such questions, we were most often answered with a simple word - it is impossible. For many, this question remains in adulthood.

So, what is the matter - superstitions, traditions or something else? In fact, the “ban” on celebrating a birthday earlier than the due day lies in our deep history.

In the old days, it was believed that on the birthday, the birthday person is visited not only by people living today, but also by the spirits of deceased relatives, as well as dark spirits / forces. Based on this, it was believed that if you celebrate your birthday earlier, then the spirits of relatives will not be able to get to your holiday. They will not be able to have fun and be happy for you. But dark spirits, on the contrary, can harm you. They will bring bad luck.

If we look at some of the old writings, we can see a more radical result of the early celebration. If a person celebrated his birthday earlier, then he may not live to see the real birthday.

And more importantly, all these beliefs work even if a person decides to celebrate his birthday later. The reasoning is exactly the same. But why, today, a belated celebration is considered the norm, it is difficult to say. Everyone knows that it is impossible to celebrate earlier, but most have forgotten that it is also impossible to celebrate later. Here is such a metamorphosis, which, however, can be explained from happiness. In our century, when a birthday falls in the middle of the work week, the temptation to postpone the celebration to the weekend is too great.

Whether to postpone the celebration is a purely personal matter. But is it worth the lines to anger the Higher powers? According to all the same beliefs, on his birthday a person is most weakened, prone to illness and troubles such as accidents.

As for the ancient traditions and beliefs, I would like to recall one more. Today, also under the pressure of modern times, this belief has undergone a change. For hundreds of years, it was believed that as you celebrate your birthday, you will live the whole next year. Therefore, during the celebration, a person should be surrounded only by loving and dear people. It was the birthday, and not the new year, that was considered the transition to a new life stage. It was the birthday that was considered the beginning of the countdown of the new year.

The only really conflicting moment in this whole story is the leap year. There are far too many people like me who were born on February 29th. And here, you are faced with the choice of either celebrating it like a new year, violating the old beliefs "to the fullest", or follow these signs and celebrate only once every 4 years.

By the way, one more sign: wishes should not be with “no”: not to get sick, but to be healthy. That is, the wishes should sound only affirmation, not denial. Otherwise, you do not wish the birthday man all the best, but you are inflating dark forces on him, who will try to harm the birthday man as much as possible during the year.
