How effective are anti-aging skin products? biological aging of the skin. Smoking and skin aging How smoking affects the skin

Even modern cosmetics cannot completely eliminate. But there is a way out! This is a balanced nutrition for the skin of the face (and not only!)

Check out the list of anti-aging skin products, which invariably help in the gentle care of the skin and allow it to be extended for many years.

1. Spinach - nutrition for facial skin against aging

Spinach contains a considerable percentage of lutein - an antioxidant that works against skin aging, improves the water balance of the skin and gives it elasticity.

Observations of nutritionists from France show that 10 mg of this substance (112 g of spinach or 58 g of cabbage), in case of daily consumption, will rejuvenate the skin of the face in just a few months, preventing unwanted wrinkles.

2. Legumes - nutrition for facial skin that produces hyaluronic acid

The inclusion of legumes in the mandatory diet for 5+ works against skin aging, helps it, because this product provokes the production in the body, with the help of which the skin of the face becomes soft and its elasticity increases.

According to Nicky Hembelton-Jones, a well-known stylist and host of the popular television program 10 Years Younger, a large percentage of hyaluronic acid is present in the skin of newborns, but over time it is gradually lost. And legumes are just designed to replenish the supply of this certainly useful and valuable substance in the body, which of course works great against aging.

It is desirable to consume at least two tablespoons of beans (beans, peas) daily. No matter how strange it may sound, legumes work great against aging on only the skin of the face, but on the whole body as a whole!

3. Goji berries - skin nutrition that promotes natural collagen production

Howard Murad, a doctor and expert in the field, claims that goji berries are highly nutritious, have pronounced anti-aging properties and are great for anti-aging skin.

ONE gram of berries contains approximately 400-450 times more ascorbic acid than citrus fruits. It increases the production of collagen, which improves the elasticity of the skin.

5. Flax seeds - nutrition for the skin, restoring the architectonics of the face

Flaxseed is an undeniably useful product! - excellent nutrition for facial skin, directed against aging. , obtained from flaxseeds, you can season vegetable salads, as well as fruit cocktails. The recommended daily allowance of this product, rich in omega-3 acids that help strengthen the layer of fat in the skin cells, through which the skin of the face is supplied with essential nutrients, is at least 1 teaspoon.

6. Prunes

Skin tissues are destroyed with age, being under the negative influence of free radicals. Antioxidants, which are present in significant amounts in prunes, will help neutralize this negative factor. Your facial skin will not age for a long time if you eat 6-7 prunes daily. Prunes not only improve the functioning of our gastrointestinal tract, but also help against skin aging.

7. Beets for the skin will help too

Nutritionist Carrie Ruxton is of the opinion that beets are a valuable source of antioxidants and a special pigment - anthocyanin, which accelerates collagen production. And cosmetologists advise drinking beetroot juice, which has long been famous for its refreshing effect, so that the skin of the face looks beautiful and attractive longer.

8. Olives - nutrition for the skin of the face, to eliminate wrinkles and wrinkles

Numerous studies by Australian scientists have shown that people who regularly eat olives have smooth skin with a minimum of wrinkles. What does it mean? - which means that olives work great against skin aging! Why?

According to renowned dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, olives and extra-virgin olive oil contain oleic acid, which has an amazing effect, rejuvenating the skin from the inside and masking fine wrinkles.

If earlier your face looked like worn leather shoes (sorry for the figurative expression :-), then thanks to the use of olive oil, it will look like rose petals.

Use (just do not forget - only cold-pressed is effective!) As a dietary and nutritional supplement to salads and various sauces, and eat raw olives.

9. Chocolate

Sweet tooth will be happy! Such nutrition for the skin of the face is a pleasure)) As the experiments of German scientists have shown, chocolate (in moderate doses, of course) is incredibly useful for us, it works not only against aging, but also produces the so-called hormone of happiness in our body - endorphin.

Cocoa - the main ingredient of sweetness, improves blood circulation, so the blood begins to supply our skin with a significant amount of moisture and substances necessary for the body.

In addition, chocolate protects the skin surface from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, and dark chocolate is extremely rich in antioxidants and helps against aging.

10. Red pepper

Like a number of other red and orange vegetables, it perfectly protects the epidermis from the negative effects of solar radiation, thanks to the content of antioxidants that create a strong protective layer in the upper skin layers.

According to Ronald Watson, a medical specialist, with daily consumption of 6 servings of such products, the skin of the face will become fresh, smooth and elastic to the touch, and a natural barrier will appear in the body, acting no less effectively than a screen protecting from ultraviolet rays.

Thus, red and orange vegetables work great against aging! These goodies contain proper nutrition of the skin of the face and the whole organism as a whole! For a more detailed study of the issue, we suggest you watch this fascinating, short video, where everything is laid out on the shelves 🙂

Women's magazine PhotoElf " Facial skin care»wishes its readers to take advantage of the above tips and diversify their diet with the above products. If you don't like everything on our list, don't worry! Choose what you like. Or combine. For example, from beets, which few people love, you can make a wonderful salad:

  • 100 gr - grated beets
  • 100 gr - soaked in boiling water and finely chopped prunes
  • 50 gr - walnuts
  • sour cream to taste (it is better to take low-fat)

An incomparably delicious salad that non-beet lovers will also like 🙂 it contains the prunes we need so much. For this salad, not only the skin of the face, but the whole organism as a whole will say “thank you very much” to you. Salad works great against aging! Enter it into your diet, eat at least a couple of times a week and be healthy, beautiful and happy!

Our magazine "Facial Skin Care" is always on guard of your beauty and health!

Do most women take care of their skin? In the morning - a day cream, in the evening - a tonic, a night cream, rarely - a face mask. But serious methods are needed to stop skin aging.

Everyone has heard about collagen, but few know what it is for. A simple example is a mattress. As long as it is new, not broken, it keeps its shape well. But over the years it wears out, sags, dents appear.

If the skin lacks collagen, then the same thing happens. Collagen fiber coils that form the frame of the skin. In the process of aging, they are deformed and the skin sags, sags, wrinkles appear.

In this situation, masks and creams are indispensable. What to do? How to slow down skin aging?

Step 1 for anti-aging facial skin

You need to contact an endocrinologist, collagen ceases to be processed during menopause. The doctor may prescribe hormone therapy.

You need to do fitness - physical education, power loads with dumbbells, improve metabolism and give impetus to the production of collagen.

The menu must include foods with vitamin C that promote the production of collagen:

  • currant;
  • kiwi;
  • cranberry;
  • citrus;
  • useful products with vitamin A;
  • dried apricots;
  • eggs;
  • butter.

The most popular cosmetic procedures against skin aging.

  1. Iontophoresis - helps the skin produce collagen.
  2. Mesotherapy is a gel with collagen, which is introduced using microinjections.
  3. Thermage creates an electromagnetic field that stimulates collagen production.

Collagen cream for skin aging

Creams with collagen are not always effective. If the cream contains animal collagen obtained from the skins of cattle. Such collagen does not penetrate deep into the skin, it can cause allergies. Cheap creams contain just such collagen.

More expensive luxury creams contain vegetable collagen based on wheat proteins. This is really effective, since its molecules are smaller, and they penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, giving firmness and elasticity.

A similar effect in creams with collagen produced from the skin of marine fish. But such creams can cause allergies, so read the ingredients carefully.

Huge damage to the skin is caused by:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • solarium.

Try to be calmer, because chronic stress undermines the immune system and negatively affects the skin.

Step 2 for anti-aging facial skin

Moisturizing is an essential step in skin care. Water helps to produce collagen, well-moisturized skin remains young, beautiful for a long time, elastic. If there is not enough moisture, the skin becomes dry and flaky.

Urgent measures are needed, otherwise the skin will quickly lose its elasticity, become thinner, and wrinkles will appear on it. Therefore, do not allow dry skin, especially in autumn and winter, when the heating is on and the air in the apartment is dry.

Using moisturizing creams is not enough, you need to moisturize the skin from the inside, for this, drink 30 ml of water per kilogram of weight. Coffee and wine have a diuretic effect, and this should not be allowed, so after each cup of coffee or wine, be sure to drink a glass of water.

Humidify the air in the apartment with a humidifier, if it is not available, spray water from a spray bottle or hang a damp towel on the battery.

Moisturizing cream for skin aging

Try to apply moisturizers immediately after showering or cleansing, while the skin is saturated with moisture.

The composition of the cream should be:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • glycerol;
  • avocado oil, jojoba oil, pumpkin;
  • silicones.

It is useful to sprinkle the skin of the face with water during the day. Apply moisturizing creams in winter 40 minutes before leaving the house, otherwise the water will turn into crystals and the skin will frostbite.

If you want to slow down skin aging, then remember what not to do.

  1. Apply tonic containing alcohol.
  2. Washing with soap, it dries, dehydrates the skin.
  3. Use cleansers with sodium lauryl sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate, choose a cleanser with a pH of 5.5-7.
  4. Wash your face with hot water (also take a hot bath, shower).
  5. Often use scrubs and peels, once every two weeks is enough.

Our skin requires nutrition, in the morning and in the evening do not forget about creams.

Pay attention to the composition, it is desirable that there be:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • fruit acids;
  • vitamin A-retinol;
  • coenzyme Q10;
  • vitamins E, C;
  • ceramides;
  • placental extracts.

These substances are able to retain moisture in the skin and maintain firmness and elasticity.

Step 3 Anti Aging Skin

Every woman should have a serum, it contains much more valuable substances than a cream. Serum perfectly nourishes the skin, thanks to its light texture it is quickly absorbed and penetrates deep into the skin.

Choose a serum depending on the type of skin and the problems you are trying to solve.

The action of serums can be different:

  • fights wrinkles;
  • remove enlarged pores;
  • soothe;
  • nourish;
  • moisturize.

Ask a cosmetologist or sales assistant to choose the right serum for you.

Apply a few drops of serum to the skin and lightly rub it into the skin. It is not necessary to apply a lot, since oversaturation of the skin with active ingredients can cause allergies.

You can’t use serum all the time, the course is 3 weeks, then a break for a month or two.

You can not use only serum, to achieve the effect, use the serum together with the cream. Serum first, then a daily cream after a couple of minutes.

Not bad if you have a lifting cream. It perfectly tightens, evens out the skin, makes wrinkles invisible. Let this effect last for a couple of hours, but when you go out, you will shine.

Conclusion: be sure to use methods to slow down the aging process of the skin, drink plenty of water, do fitness, eat healthy food, walk more often and wrinkles are not terrible for you.

Best regards, Olga.

A century ago, women and girls did not think about such problems as fading facial skin, but along with the development of cosmetology, this issue began to be raised more and more often. When it is possible to take care of yourself, do not delay until the age of 35+, because at this time the epithelium undergoes aging processes that are invisible at first glance. Whether you are in your 20s, 30s, or 50s, homemade anti-aging face masks are something that will make things a lot better! Want to start skin care right from today?

Reasons for aging

No matter how old you are, you need to start on the warpath with wrinkles as early as possible. Fading sagging facial skin at an early age is the result of improper and untimely care. Wrinkles in your 20s are almost invisible, especially if you live at a frantic pace. The aging skin of your face as a whole reflects the aging of the body. Mimic, static (decreased tone) and gravitational wrinkles appear.

The general condition depends not only on care, but also on the genetic material. In medicine, natural and premature aging are distinguished. The first type is manifested due to changes in biological processes in the body. When cells divide, disturbances can develop that lead to a decrease in the barrier layer. Water loss increases, and fibroblasts stop producing the required amount of collagen and elastin. Premature aging of the skin occurs for the following reasons:

  • with the wrong lifestyle (poor diet, bad habits);
  • illness;
  • sunbathing without the use of a protective cream;
  • expression of emotions through facial expressions;
  • personal anatomical features of the face.

How to stay young after 30

The structure and appearance of the skin changes with aging. This is a natural process of the body, when the synthesis and exchange of nutrients between cells slows down. The epidermis becomes more vulnerable to external and internal factors. Even the oval and outline of the face changes, because the fading skin at this time becomes flabby, hanging, dehydrated. What care products are needed to delay the aging process after 35 years?

Anti-aging facial treatments in the form of creams and masks are what you need. You should have 3 main products in your care: cleansing, toning and moisturizing cosmetics. Exfoliate your skin several times a month. After this procedure, do not forget to use a "soft" care product, for example, a mask to soothe and smooth the surface of the epidermis. Contact professional cosmetologists for peeling, because after it the skin becomes cleansed, saturated with oxygen.

Premature aging can really be avoided if you do not allow dehydration of the epidermis. Mandatory care includes the following components: a night cream with regenerating properties, an eye contour serum, a moisturizer for the décolleté, neck, and hands. Procedures that will help rejuvenate the face: masks for aging skin, massages to tone up, essential oils - everything you need. Don't miss the details and care days!

Mask Recipes

Prepared cosmetics at home are better than purchased cosmetics, but an excellent effect occurs with complete comprehensive care. If you have free time, then you will definitely like rejuvenating with the help of improvised products, because then you will be sure that there are no chemicals and harmful components in the recipe. Home masks for youthful skin are made at least once a week, the frequency depends on the composition. The main thing in care is systematic. Here are recipes for ages 30+.

  1. Glycerin mask "Youth" with orange. Rejuvenating and toning effect will be provided to you! If the skin type is normal or dry, then 1 crushed orange will suffice. With oily epidermis, it is recommended to use lemon for the base of the mask. Send this gruel to a glass vessel, fill it with cold water (200 ml), keep it in the refrigerator for about a week. After that, filter the infusion, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Apply the product to the skin with massaging movements.
  2. Nourishing face mask with aloe. There is a rejuvenating, toning effect for the skin. Prepare the aloe ahead of time: refrigerate for 2 weeks. You will need 1 tablespoon of the pressed juice from these leaves, the same amount of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of a moisturizing or nourishing skin cream. The mixture should be warm, not hot, so warm it up a little in a water bath or in the microwave. Apply the mask around the eyes for 20 minutes, rinse with water. This care product should be used every evening after washing.

Wrinkle Cream

We will talk about professional care creams developed by the best dermatologists in the world. Each anti-aging lifting product contains collagen, retinol (vitamin A), moisturizing additives, sunscreens and hyaluronic acid. The main effect of professional cosmetic creams is to reduce the depth of wrinkles. TOP 5 recognized effective means to care for and prolong the youth of your face:

  1. Prescriptives Intensive Rebuilding Moisturizer ($85 for 50ml). Country of manufacture: USA, New York.
  2. Future Perfect Anti-Wrinkle Radiance Cream SPF 15 by Estee Lauder ($50 for 50 ml). Country of manufacture: USA, New York.
  3. Regenerist by Olay ($25 for 50 ml). Country of manufacture: South Africa.
  4. Lancome Resolution D-Contraxol Cream ($45 for 50 ml). Country of manufacture: France, Paris.
  5. Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream by Neutrogena ($10 for 30 ml). Country of manufacture: USA, California.

Care after 40 years

Comprehensive three-stage care after 45 years is not all that will provide the desired effect. The main task is to prolong youth without surgery. It is necessary to smooth wrinkles, restore elasticity with the help of deep peeling, radiofrequency lifting. Both procedures are aimed at additional collagen production, but it is not necessary to do them often. Once every few months is enough for the skin to be tightened.


Properties that your face cream should have: deep nutrition and hydration, reliable protection from bright sunlight, improved elasticity due to additional substances in the composition, restoration that will help regenerate cells and tissues, restore after inflammation or irritation. Lifting effect, antioxidant features of the product will help you look younger than you really are.

Lifting masks

A facelift with folk remedies is also possible. Alternate with cosmetic care and then the effect will please you. Lifting face masks have lifting properties. Popular and effective masks are applied for 10-15 minutes, then gently washed off with water, the face is wiped with a cotton swab. Here are a couple of easy recipes:

  1. Protein-oat mixture. Mix 1 beaten protein and a couple of tablespoons of chopped oatmeal. Apply the composition on the face, making massage movements.
  2. Gelatin and milk. You need to melt the first ingredient according to the instructions. Add 2 times more milk to it.
  3. Potatoes, sour cream and olive oil. It is necessary to boil the vegetable in its uniform, peel, mash with a fork. Add a little olive oil and 20 g of sour cream (a tablespoon) to the potatoes.

Care after 50 years

If you do not want to go into plastic, then your cosmetic bag should have: a moisturizing morning and night cream, which will contain retinol, vitamin E and C, hyaluronic acid, oils, mineral salts, biostimulants. Loose neck skin should not be left unattended. Ask your beautician which clay and herbs are right for you as a home remedy. The aging skin of the eyelids is also not left without attention; a not too oily, smoothing cream is applied to this area.

Anti-aging face masks at home

Masks for aging skin do not have to be bought in expensive salons. You will need regular food products to provide care: tighten, moisturize, give radiance to your face. A simple mask for every day is fresh cucumbers, chopped in a blender. Aloe juice is added to them and wheat flour for density. Moisturizing effect guaranteed!

The recipe for a moisturizing mask is suitable for any type of epidermis. You will need Art. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix the mixture, put for a while in hot water. Warm composition should be applied to the face, after 10-15 minutes, rinse with water. Then do a light massage with your fingertips. If your skin begins to fade before your eyes, then this mask with honey in the morning will help you!


The higher the age, the better and more expensive cosmetics should be and always from a professional line. Do not save on trips to beauticians. Top creams praised by dermatologists: Vichy Cellebiotic 60+, Hyalurides Expert, Dr. Sante Argan Oil, Clinians Intense A with Retinol and Carnosine, Dermacol Hyaluron Therapy 3D, Sesderma Retises 0.5%.


Whatever age you are, this information will be extremely useful. Find out the causes of aging of the skin area under the eyes, the increase in the number of wrinkles, methods for reducing them on the face. You need not just to engage in prevention, but to boldly minimize the slightest appearance, because it is unrealistic to completely eliminate wrinkles. With the help of care, it is easy to influence the depth of the wrinkle. To do this, you will need serums, creams, fillers, "reducers" and other products from a proven cosmetic brand.

One day, every woman faces the problem of wrinkles and skin aging. This causes severe psychological stress to all women without exception. They begin to regularly visit beauty salons, stock up on anti-aging creams and new products in the cosmetic industry for skin care. However, rarely, but there are cases when women are philosophical about this process, considering aging inevitable, but, nevertheless, they try to find ways to prevent it. In one case or another, this problem does not leave anyone indifferent. One way or another, only folk remedies against skin aging are available to the broad masses at all times.

The most delicate and vulnerable skin around the eyes, it is devoid of muscle tissue and sebaceous glands and therefore undergoes aging the fastest. The skin in this area is very sensitive. It accounts for a considerable share of the load associated with facial expressions. People who suffer often squint, laugh, cry, and even blink, causing many wrinkles in this area, which turn into chronic wrinkles with age. That is why such wrinkles are called mimic. Such wrinkles can appear already from the age of 18, and if you do not respond properly to their appearance, then by the age of 23 they form a mesh, which is also called "crow's feet".

Prevention measures
The process of skin aging itself is irreversible - this is a fact, but there are excellent methods against it. These methods and skin care programs can stop the appearance of crow's feet. The simplest method is to prevent the appearance of the latter. And the first "helper" in the fight against the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is moisturizing this area. From a very early age, it is recommended to use moisturizing creams for the skin of the eyelids. It is necessary not to forget to remove cosmetics from the eyelids every evening with special means in order to avoid damage and drying of the skin in this area. It is necessary to choose only proven cosmetics for eyelids and eyelashes from eminent world manufacturers.

In the summer, you just need to use sunscreen. Even if you want to get a chocolate tan - use them. After all, such funds reflect only the harmful rays of the sun, and the rays due to which melanin is produced are passed through. Be sure to get yourself sunglasses and hats, they will not only help with sun protection, but also emphasize your individuality.

If you do not want to spend money on expensive new cosmetic giants, you can think of folk remedies. Masks against skin aging - can be attributed to the simplest means of preventing their appearance.

Bread mask for the night. To make it, you need to heat vegetable oil, give preference to olive oil. Soak a small piece of white bread in it. Apply the resulting mass to the skin around the eyes, after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This mask will help smooth and moisturize fine wrinkles. In general, masks based on vegetable oils can fight crow's feet and dry skin very effectively.
Cleopatra mask. To make this mask, you need to purchase cosmetic clay. Lemon juice, honey and (necessarily) fat-free sour cream are added to it in equal proportions. The mask is kept on the face for about half an hour, after which it is washed off with plain warm water. After the mask is washed off, rinse your face with cold water. Such a mask is able to whiten, moisturize, smooth out wrinkles and nourish the skin of the face. The secret of making this mask has come down to our days thanks to Queen Cleopatra, who used it in her time.
Curd mask. Mix half a tablespoon of fat cottage cheese with a teaspoon of heavy cream, add a teaspoon of olive oil and half a teaspoon of warm liquid (not sugared) honey. All this must be thoroughly rubbed and add a tablespoon of warm milk to the mass. Then the mask is applied to the mimic area for 15 minutes. After the procedure, wash it off with warm water.

Ice cubes perfectly tone and restore blood circulation in the skin of the face. You can cook them like this: one teaspoon of lime blossom and one teaspoon of raspberries are brewed in 400 gr. water. After 30 minutes, the tea is poured into molds and frozen in the freezer. The resulting ice cubes wipe the skin in the morning. Within a few days, the skin will become more elastic, elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the skin will acquire a healthy tone.

Essential oils against skin aging - folk remedies are no less effective. Rosewood oil, rose, chamomile, sandalwood, geranium and ylang-ylang have a regenerating effect. Before use, check if you are allergic to them.

On the modern market of the cosmetic industry there is a huge variety of cosmetic creams for rejuvenation, improving skin tone, as well as getting rid of wrinkles. Such creams are quite high in cost, because they contain complex components obtained using the most advanced technologies. Carefully study the packaging of such a product before buying. Pay attention to the composition.
* Substances containing tretinoin can affect the structure of the skin. In many countries, such creams are sold only by prescription and are classified as medicines.
* Means containing alpha-hydroxy acids can injure the epidermis, increase the effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin, which will lead to its strong redness.
* Many of today's anti-aging cosmetics contain retinol and pentapeptides. These substances increase the production of collagen.

The most popular method against age-related changes in such clinics are Botox injections. At the injection sites, blocking of nerve endings occurs and, as a result, paralysis of facial muscles. The disadvantage of such injections is that they must be repeated every six months, since during this time the action of Botox ceases. As a result of many statistical studies, cosmetologists have come to the consensus that such injections are absolutely harmless, painless, and most importantly, very effective.

And of course, to slow down, stop the aging process for some time, use not only folk remedies, but also specially designed anti-aging skin nutrition, rich in antioxidants.

* Vitamin C in the amount of 1 gram per day will help produce a protein that maintains skin elasticity.
* Vitamin E - approximately 400 IU per day will protect cells from the effects of free radicals. Together with vitamin C, they prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
* Antioxidant DMEA consumed at 50mg per day protects the skin from UV rays and prevents age spots.
* Linoleic acid is even better at fighting free radicals than the above vitamins. In addition, restore cells. For this, the body should receive about 50 mg of it per day.

I will list anti-aging skin products that need to be used together, already using the folk remedies listed above:

* Spinach and cabbage. Consume 55 g of cabbage or 110 g of spinach daily.
* Legumes. Consume 2 tbsp every day. bean puree.
* Goya berries. Berries contain vitamin C. It is many times more in 1 g of berries than in a whole orange.
* Turkey contains carnosine, a substance that prevents the appearance of "crow's feet". Therefore, it should be on your table 2 times a week.
* Flax seeds. The omega-3.6 fatty acids contained in them and linseed oil smooth wrinkles.
* Prunes neutralize free radicals. Therefore, every day, eat 5 of its berries.
* Beets contain anthocyanin, which promotes the formation of collagen.
* Extra virgin olive oil and olives contain oleic acid, which reduces wrinkles. Cook with oil salads.
* Chocolate contains antioxidants, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
* Carrots, red peppers work similarly to chocolate.

The skin begins to age not only because of age, often the dermis fades ahead of time due to a lack of vitamins. Unwanted wrinkles and "crow's feet" around the eyes make the face look sad, "not fresh". To avoid this and prevent early aging of the dermis, a woman should take additional supplements. What vitamins to drink from skin aging? Not all nutrients can be obtained from food, some have to be taken additionally.

Ascorbic acid is needed by the body not only for strong immunity. If it is not enough, skin aging begins ahead of time, the dermis becomes flabby, covered with age spots. Another interesting fact is that vitamin C helps to strengthen blood vessels. Some women notice that bruises appear on their skin very quickly - this indicates a lack of ascorbic acid.

Grocery list:

  • parsley
  • citrus
  • rose hip
  • apples
  • cabbage
  • spinach.

Important! If a woman is often nervous, there is an acute shortage of vitamin C in her body. In this case, only the ascorbic acid that comes with food will not be enough. You need to buy vitamin C at the pharmacy and drink it additionally (2 times a day, 2 things).

Vitamin E - the source of youth

The beneficial properties of vitamin E for the skin have been known for a long time. It helps to slow down the aging process of the skin, protect the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, and accelerate cell regeneration. Vitamin E is great for wrinkles under the eyes. If it is not enough in the body, other vitamins will be absorbed worse. As a result, the general state of human health worsens, skin aging begins earlier than it could.

Grocery list:

  • germinated wheat grains
  • seeds
  • sea ​​fish.

Vitamin A anti aging skin

A person receives most of it with food. With a lack of vitamin A, the skin becomes dry, the process of its early aging starts, the dermis lacks moisture. Such problems may be faced by those people who eat mainly processed foods.

Grocery list

  • tomatoes
  • cabbage
  • zucchini
  • peaches
  • lettuce
  • sour cream and cottage cheese
  • butter.

Vitamin F against aging of the dermis

Vitamin F is a complex complex that includes many polyunsaturated fatty acids. It enters the body with food, restores the cells of the dermis, makes the face elastic and elastic.

Grocery list:

  • vegetable oils (peanut, sunflower, linseed oils are especially recommended);
  • ordinary seeds (preferably without salt);
  • Brown rice
  • nuts
  • oatmeal.

The daily norm is 12 teaspoons of seeds.

Vitamin K anti aging skin

In order for the face to remain young and beautiful, it is very important. Vitamin K normalizes blood clotting, fights pigmentation, prevents early aging of the dermis, relieves swelling (bruises and bags under the eyes).

Grocery list:

  • green leafy vegetables
  • Rowan
  • green pea
  • soybean oil
  • fish fat.

B vitamins against skin aging

There are a lot of them in nature. You need to eat a variety of foods so that the body receives them. These substances can slow down the aging process of the skin and improve the general condition of the face, smooth out unwanted.

Grocery list:

  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge
  • bran
  • chicken liver and eggs
  • Brown rice
  • red meat
  • green vegetables.

Vitamin D for beauty and youthful skin

It is formed under the influence of the sun. Vitamin D is very important for the dermis - it slows down its aging, increases protective functions, and accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells.

Grocery list:

  • fish fat
  • sea ​​kale
  • butter.

In order for the skin to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible, it is necessary to give it all the nutrients - this is the only way the aging process of the dermis slows down. Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life does not always give a person the opportunity to eat right. It is sometimes recommended to drink multivitamin complexes, which are sold in pharmacies.

It is important to pay attention to those drugs, which also contain amino acids. You need to drink such complexes 2-3 times a year for 30 days. When the body has enough nutrients, skin aging will not bother a person ahead of time, moreover, his general health will improve.
