Low temperature in a child after illness: causes, threat, recommendations. Low body temperature in a child - what to do

When a baby has a fever, we understand that something in the child's body is going wrong. We are looking for the cause, fighting the disease,. The high temperature looks to us as a red flashing inscription: "".

Low temperature - is it worth sounding the alarm.

So a low temperature in a child is good? A sign that the danger has passed, and the baby is healthy? We will talk about this now.

The numbers on the thermometer. Normal or Hypothermia?

Reduced body temperature (or hypothermia, as doctors call it) is a rather arbitrary concept. And not at all because the doctors could not finally agree among themselves. Simply, the physiological norm of body temperature is different for a newborn child and an adult, for the state of people during sleep or wakefulness, and even for a man and a woman.

The baby's body is sensitive to everything that happens: a low temperature can be caused by many factors.

The notorious 36.6 ° C is not at all the only and unshakable requirement for the temperature of a healthy person. Fluctuations of plus or minus 1˚С occur in our body constantly throughout the day, and are not even noticed by us. But still there are boundaries, going beyond which becomes dangerous. So:

  • The thermometer mark at 27˚C is critical. At this temperature, the body goes into a coma.
  • The thermometer reading at 29˚C also does not bode well. This is the border of fainting.
  • Starting from 33˚С, the situation becomes less dangerous. These values ​​are already talking about the general hypothermia of the body.

But, basically, these numbers can be seen on a thermometer in some extreme situations. And in "peacetime" thermometer readings are unlikely to fall below 35 degrees.

What is hypothermia anyway?

If everything is quite clear with hyperthermia (high body temperature) - the body mobilizes all its forces to fight infection or inflammation, then hypothermia is a kind of "white flag" in unequal conditions.

For your little "frog" during this period, lethargy and drowsiness will be characteristic.

By lowering the temperature, our body goes into hibernation mode, trying to minimize losses. With hypothermia, all metabolic processes slow down, and the need for oxygen in organs decreases.

Doesn't it remind you of anything? Yes, yes, the frog is in suspended animation, the bear is in hibernation. The body saves resources for self-preservation.

What can cause a drop in temperature?

I remember how my mother, already making the last control measurements of the “microclimate” with her armpit after an illness, stated with relief: “Thirty-six exactly. Everything is fine. Just a breakdown."

Mommy should find out the cause of temperature fluctuations in crumbs!

In this case, after the past heat, the baby's body temperature can really fluctuate between 35-36˚С. If this happens within a day or two, and then the values ​​​​of the thermometer column return to their usual values, there is nothing to worry about. The child's body gradually rehabilitates its ability to thermoregulate.

What else could be causing the low temperature?

In newborns and infants:

In a newly born child, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are still in their infancy. A small individual is entirely dependent on his surroundings, often unfavorable, environment.

"Acclimatization" in a child does not occur immediately, and the low temperature is proof of this.

If the baby, moreover, was born prematurely, the situation with his heat transfer becomes even more difficult. The tiny organism expected to use its mother's reserves for a few more weeks, and not its own reserves.

Gradually learn.

In children after a year:

When the ability to regulate the temperature of one's body is relatively established, jumps in the mercury column can already signal a particular problem in the child's body. The most common cause of hypothermia in one-year-old toddlers is hypothermia.

If the baby is cold, then warm pajamas with a blanket will quickly correct the situation.

In what cases may medical attention be required?

In most cases, hypothermia can be managed on your own. If the baby is overcooled, we make sure that his linen is dry, we dress warmer, hot drink, and the situation returns to normal.

But if lethargy, tearfulness, refusal to eat is added to the symptoms of chills, a consultation with the local pediatrician is necessary.

If you are in doubt about the correctness of your treatment, call your doctor.

Similarly, in cases of chronic decrease in temperature for several weeks, we must undergo an examination both with “our” doctor and with an endocrinologist.

The temperature of the human body is an indicator of the state and health of the body. If one of the organs is sick or infected, then the body temperature may rise or fall. When a child gets sick, he has a high temperature, this indicates that his body is fighting the virus. And parents often know what to do in such cases. But it happens that the thermometer shows a low body temperature in a child, although he behaves quite actively. Then the parents are perplexed why the child has a low temperature.

Sometimes a low temperature in a child is a feature of his body. However, more often this indicates bad changes occurring inside, which can harm health. The reasons are different, but it is worth noting that this fact cannot be left without the attention of adults. How to be in this case, call the doctor or hope that everything will pass by itself?

Low temperatures can also occur in very young children. In a premature infant, a low temperature occurs due to the fact that the heat exchange of his body is not yet accustomed to sudden temperature changes, and its temperature can be normalized with the help of mother's warmth by applying it to the chest. If the baby was born prematurely or with a very low weight, he is placed in a specialized chamber, where the temperature necessary for his life is maintained. But there are more serious causes of low temperatures, which we will now consider.

Causes of low temperature in a child

  1. The temperature in a child below 36 degrees may be due to a cold virus that he recently suffered and it signals a weakened immune system.
  2. Also, a very low temperature in a child can be due to thyroid disease or poor adrenal function.
  3. Body temperature drops with various infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.
  4. A child's temperature may be below normal if he has a low hemoglobin content in the blood or with a brain disease.
How to help a child with a low temperature?

All these symptoms are accompanied by a sharp decline in strength and malaise of the body. The patient shows drowsiness, apathy, headaches, loss of appetite. If you feel that the child has a low body temperature at night, try to take action right away. Do not rub the child with warming ointments, this will only worsen the situation. It will be better if you lie next to him and warm him with your warmth. Until the body temperature is completely normal, let the child sleep with you. In case of hypothermia, the baby should be dressed warmly, but not wrapped up, the legs must be warmed. If the temperature drops in winter, reduce the number of walks.

In addition to physical factors, there may also be psychological reasons for the decrease in temperature in children. Depression, bad mood and headaches also lead to a decrease in body temperature. To determine a more accurate diagnosis, you need to seek help from a doctor. The therapist will appoint you to take tests and be able to determine the reason for such a decrease in temperature.

Try to pay attention to the child's behavior and body temperature at any time of the year to avoid complications. Strengthen your child's immunity with hardening, vitamins. Be sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your child's diet, which will help the body restore its immune system, strengthen its body and protect against various infections.

In full-term healthy children, it is customary to measure the temperature in the armpit or on the inside of the thigh. In premature babies with, skin indicators are determined using special equipment. They do this in a hospital, since such children should be under the supervision of a neonatologist.

Normal temperature in infants fluctuates throughout the day and depends on sleep, wakefulness and nutrition. After eating some foods, the temperature may rise slightly - this is due to energy metabolism.

Scientists have found that the average normal body temperature is 36.6ºС. Fluctuations, depending on the time of day, can be from 36.2ºС to 37.0ºС. The decrease and increase in temperature outside these limits are caused by various factors.

Important to remember! Although rectal temperature measurements provide the most accurate results, This procedure is not recommended for small children.. Since the thermometer must be inserted into the rectum of premature babies 2 cm deep, full-term - 5 cm, respectively, you can inadvertently injure the intestines. With the rectal measurement method, normal values ​​​​are 3ºС higher.

Hyperthermia in children

Body temperature may be:

  • increased (37.1ºС - 38.0ºС);
  • high (38.0ºС - 38.5ºС);
  • fever (above 38.5ºС).

Increased rates

An increase in body temperature in children under 1 year of age can be caused by:

  • overheating;
  • taking certain medications;
  • inflammatory processes.

A slight increase in temperature can be observed in an absolutely healthy child in the morning, after eating. It arises due to the peculiarities of energy metabolism in young children.

If the baby has a fever, you first need to make sure that he is dressed for the weather. The cause of hyperthermia may be too warm clothes, or closeness in the room. In this case, the child must be undressed (the optimum air temperature for the baby is not more than 25ºС)

If the baby is dressed according to the weather and the temperature persists for some time, it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps the case is in various kinds of diseases, such as: violation of the thermal balance, infectious diseases, inflammation.

Elevated body temperature does not need to be brought down, the fact is that its slight increase is a defense mechanism against infection.

It is important to know! In some cases, an increase in temperature to 37.5ºС may occur with congenital diseases or impaired heat transfer.


The temperature in infants above 38ºС occurs with various diseases, but the most common cause of its occurrence is -. Only a pediatrician can determine the exact cause.

High temperature negatively affects the child's body, so it must be reduced, for this, drugs based on paracetamol are used.

For babies it is better to use:

  • candles;
  • syrup;
  • suspension.

To lower the temperature, the baby must be undressed. Give plenty of fluids, as high temperatures cause dehydration and it is necessary to replenish fluid reserves. In addition, if you constantly give the child to drink, it will help reduce the temperature. If the fever does not subside, the baby needs to be given medicine (syrups and suspensions are used orally, suppositories - rectally). The doctor prescribes the exact dosage.


If a child has a body temperature above 38.5ºС, it should be knocked down as soon as possible and an ambulance should be called. With heat, pathological changes in organs and systems are possible. Temperatures above 39.9°C can be fatal.

In the event that there are no medicines at hand, the heat is brought down by rubbing with cool water.

It is strictly forbidden to rub the baby with water with vinegar or vodka. The thing is that the toxins of these substances through the pores on the skin enter the body of the baby, and lead to poisoning.

  • "Nurofen";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Tsefikon D" candles;
  • "Efferalgan" candles.

With hyperthermia, after taking the drugs, it is imperative to measure the temperature. Measurements are preferably carried out every half an hour. so as not to miss a significant increase (over 40ºС).

It is important to know! Hyperthermia is not only a symptom of the disease, but also harms the health of the child. With an increase in temperature, the heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, which can lead to irreversible changes in the functioning of the organs. With strong heat (over 40ºС), the child may die, and the cause will not be a disease, but hyperthermia.

Hypothermia in infants

A decrease in temperature to 36.2ºС can occur during the day (most often this is observed during sleep). Such changes are normal and are associated with the peculiarities of heat exchange in young children.

Significant decreases are observed in certain diseases and hypothermia. The low temperature leads to narrowing of the blood vessels, there is a lack of oxygen, and the nerve cells are the first to suffer. It was revealed that low body temperature, especially in the first months after birth, negatively affects the development of the brain.

The reasons may be:

  1. exogenous;
  2. endogenous.

Exogenous - associated with the environment. The air temperature is too low, the child is very lightly dressed. In this case, it is enough to wrap the baby more tightly. After a while, you need to re-measure the temperature to make sure that it becomes normal.

Endogenous - various diseases:

  • dystrophy;
  • heart or vascular insufficiency;
  • severe liver disease;
  • kidney failure;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • decreased work of the adrenal glands;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • allergic collapse.

In healthy children, if they are not frozen, the temperature does not drop below 36.2 - 36.1ºС.

Important to remember! Since the mechanisms of heat transfer and thermoregulation are still developing in young children, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not overcool or overheat - for this it is necessary to control the body temperature DAILY. Remember, low and high temperatures are not only symptoms of the disease, but also occur in adverse thermal conditions, which in themselves negatively affect the development of the child.

Physicians have revealed that each person has his own, individual body temperature. Its norm ranges from 36.4 to 36.8 degrees, with a fluctuation limit of 0.2 divisions on the thermometer. The temperature, both in an adult and a baby, may vary slightly depending on the weather, nutrition and emotional state.

Everyone knows that if the thermometer shows a temperature above 37, then this is a sign that the child is sick and his body is fighting a virus or infection. But what temperature is considered low in a child, a question that pediatricians unambiguously answer is below 35.5. If parents notice that the baby, in the morning, after sleep, the thermometer shows 35.6 and above, but during the day it rises to a normal level, and the child is active, then there is no reason to worry - this is considered normal. Another thing is if you notice that the baby is lethargic, and the temperature is at the mark, for example, then you need an urgent doctor's consultation.

Why is there a low temperature?

There can be many reasons for low body temperature in a child. The most common are:

  1. postpartum period. As you know, in the first 4 days after birth, the temperature is lowered due to cold stress. This is due to the fact that the baby is accustomed to a higher temperature while in the womb. A week after childbirth, as a rule, the temperature returns to normal and is 36.6 - 37 degrees. Therefore, if a child has a low temperature, then he needs to be warmed, preferably by attaching a crumb to his body.
  2. Transferred diseases. Very often, a child after an illness has a low body temperature. This is due to the fact that the immune system of the baby is quite weak. In order to help the body recover faster, try to feed your child foods that contain a large amount of vitamins and those that increase hemoglobin.
  3. Hypothermia. If the child is cold, then this is a reason for the temperature to drop by several divisions. In this situation, you need to warm the baby, first of all, wrapping his legs and upper body. After that, offer him a warm warming drink, such as ginger tea.
  4. Stress. Everyone has stressful situations in life. Children, with their fragile psyche, are especially susceptible to them. A bad grade at school, a quarrel with friends, misunderstanding on the part of adults and many other reasons. All this can lead to a decrease in body temperature in a child.
  5. Diet. It so happens that teenage girls are often addicted to various diets. Malnutrition and a change in hormonal levels is a situation that will contribute to a decrease in body temperature. Develop a menu with your child that will allow you to get rid of extra pounds and, at the same time, enrich the body with vitamins and microelements.
Dangerous causes of low temperature

Children can get sick. It is always sad, but a disease detected in time will allow timely treatment to begin. There are a number of diseases in which low body temperature is one of the symptoms: chronic bronchitis, thyroid disease, brain disease, and that's not all. Also, a low temperature may indicate internal bleeding or intoxication of the body.

What to do with a low body temperature in a child, if you need to urgently correct the situation - a question with which improvised means will help to understand. It is very good to give the child hot sweet tea and conduct a massage course, as well as give the baby to drink decoctions of ginseng, St. John's wort, Chinese magnolia vine or rose radiola. These herbs can be combined with each other, or can be used separately.

So, if you notice that your baby has a low body temperature and nothing hurts, try to wrap him up and give him warm drinks. However, you should consult a doctor if, regardless of the time of day, for more than three days, your baby has a temperature below 36 degrees.

The body of a young child is a cause of concern for many parents. I am one of them. Moms and dads begin to stuff their child with antipyretic drugs, syrups and pills, call the doctor and much more. However, the thermometer can show a completely different value. What to do if a child has a low temperature, not every parent knows. Should I call my pediatrician, or is it best to do nothing? Let's see what it means for children.

In most cases, if a child has a low temperature, there is no need to talk about the presence of any infection in his body. However, you don't have to let it all go by itself. Of course, in many babies, low temperature is considered the norm or a feature of their organisms. In other cases, this may be a serious illness that threatens the health of the child. That is why it is recommended, first of all, to determine the exact

Weakening of the immune system, disruption of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, some oncological diseases are not all the reasons that a child has a low temperature. Parents should take into account recent colds. In addition to all of the above, often the reason that a child has a low temperature can be banal hypothermia. Apathy, depression and other psychological changes are also often accompanied by a decrease in the baby's body temperature.

In order to find out exactly what low temperature means in a particular case, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will order an examination. Based on the results obtained, a verdict will be issued. If, for example, it’s all about a weakened immune system, then it’s enough to start taking vitamins, change the child’s lifestyle and rebuild his diet. There are other situations when the baby has a low temperature. The reasons in this case are much more serious. Sometimes an additional examination of the entire body of a small patient is required. Parents should remember that you should not refuse the recommendations of a specialist. After all, it is a complete and detailed examination that can as a result reveal a disease that is rapidly progressing without the necessary and correct treatment.

The body temperature of a child is, first of all, an indicator of the state of his body. Even small changes in this parameter lead to disruption of the work of all internal organs and systems. At thirty degrees, a person loses consciousness in 90 percent of cases. As already mentioned, it is this indicator that indicates the presence or absence of problems in the body. In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that a low temperature in babies and adults can be observed after surgery if the body is depleted, there are not enough nutrients and vitamins. Intoxication, too low a level of hemoglobin in the blood, shock, AIDS, intoxication, brain disease - all this can be accompanied by a decrease in body temperature.

The very first signs of a decrease in temperature in babies are irritability, drowsiness and weakness, some lethargy.

According to statistics, only two percent of children (including premature babies) have a low body temperature that is normal for their bodies. In all other cases, close attention should be paid to this aspect. Low temperature in a child in most situations is accompanied by headache, apathy, lethargy and bad mood. Do not rub a sick baby, wrap him up. According to doctors, all such actions are more likely to cause harm.

Pediatricians of various countries recommend tempering babies from early childhood. Thanks to such procedures, it soon returns to normal and becomes much more resistant to viruses and infections. Daily wiping with water, dousing and sports are the main helpers in this matter. It is worth noting that the activity of your child will increase markedly if you work with him. All of these tips are suitable for healthy babies. After all, for each type of procedure there are contraindications.

Vitamins. We must not forget that the child's body constantly needs them, especially in the cold season. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly buy fruits, seafood and the like for your baby, you should think about purchasing complex vitamins in the form of drugs. A pediatrician will help you choose the most suitable vitamin complex for you. You may need to take some tests for this, because only in this way you can determine what exactly in your child’s body is not enough for normal growth and development.

As already mentioned, low temperatures can be caused by hypothermia. It is easy to avoid such a situation. Try to dress your child according to the weather. There is no need to wrap up the child or, conversely, dress in light clothing when it is cold outside.

In conclusion, let me remind you once again that there are a huge number of reasons for low temperature in children. If your baby has it often enough, be sure to show it to your doctor.
