On the hygiene of newborns. Hygiene procedures

Proper skin care is primarily about keeping it clean. To do this, regularly wash the entire skin with soap and water at least once a week. Depending on the contamination of the skin, washing can be done even every day.

When washing the body with soap and water, the skin is cleansed of sebum and sweat, dust and dirt, various substances that a person comes into contact with at work, microbes that have fallen on the skin - pathogens, and finally, horny scales. Under the influence of warm, and especially hot water, the sweat glands begin to work intensively, with sweat, metabolic products - slags - are removed from the body. Under the influence of water and rubbing, blood circulation in the skin increases, its tissue, nerves, glands and hair are better and more abundantly washed with blood and nourished. There is an increase in metabolism in the body, which contributes to health. This improves both the condition of the skin and its appearance.

Water temperature for water procedures. For water procedures use both warm and cold water. Cold refers to water at room temperature or slightly lower. To keep the skin clean, warm or even slightly hot water should be used, which washes away dirt better and cleanses the skin. Cold water in the form of cold baths, washings and rubdowns is used to strengthen the body and harden and keep the skin in a healthy, fresh state.

Hygiene procedures with cold water. Cold water procedures are supposed to be taken in such a state when a person feels slightly warm. Water should be at room temperature or slightly colder. The procedure lasts from a few seconds to one minute. After that, they vigorously rub the whole body with a dry towel until a pleasant warmth is felt, then quickly dress and make moderate movements. Cold water procedures can be taken only by those people who tolerate them well - after which redness of the skin quickly sets in, a feeling of pleasant warmth and good health. If, after taking such a procedure, the skin turns pale and turns blue, and the person is slightly chilled, then you should refrain from cold water procedures or take them carefully.

bathing. It is very useful to swim in the sea or in the river, while health is strengthened, the body is tempered and the skin is maintained in good cosmetic terms. Bathing in the open air is very useful, since the action of water is joined by the influence of sunlight and fresh clean air.

It should be remembered that with regular use of cold water, some people's skin becomes dry and hard.

Water quality. Soft water should be used for washing, washing and other hygiene procedures. This water does not contain lime and magnesium salts and does not irritate the skin. Soft water is rain, snow, partly river water. When using such water, the soap is easily lathered, which leads to a good cleansing of the skin.

Water that contains lime and magnesium salts is hard. From washing with such water, the skin becomes dense, dry, rough and ugly. Prolonged use of hard water can lead to skin irritation, especially for people who have dry, thin skin on their face. Therefore, hard water should not be used for hygiene procedures.

Any hard water (well, from sources) becomes soft if it is boiled for a long time. Hard water can be made soft by adding baking soda to it at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per basin of water or 1-2 tablespoons of borax.

The rules of personal hygiene of a woman are associated with the physiological characteristics of the female body. This means that along with the generally accepted principles of personal hygiene, additional rules are required throughout life. These additional rules should be observed from an early age of the girl, in order to prevent various inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

Feminine hygiene rules

All the fair sex knows that underwear should be changed regularly. In addition, daily hygiene procedures of the genital organs should be carried out. They should be washed with clean, soft and warm water. Moreover, the jet of water must be directed from front to back, and not vice versa. Toilet paper should also be used in this direction.

This is very important, as it allows you to protect yourself from getting into the vagina of infections, such as E. coli. This microorganism often causes inflammation of the female genital organs.

The modern world is characterized by poor ecology, which largely contributes to the emergence of various diseases, weakening of the immune system. Therefore, do not rely on chance, follow the elementary rules. When taking water procedures, try not to get the soap or gel that you use into the vagina. They can have a detrimental effect on the natural flora of the mucosa, which provokes the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

On the days of menstruation, do not forget to wash the genitals more often with clean, better boiled water, without soap. Such procedures should be at least 3-4 per day. These days, the inner surface of the uterus is extremely sensitive and vulnerable. It can easily get infected. Therefore, these days, refrain from swimming in open water, do not visit the sauna and pool. Shower daily, morning and evening. Sex is also undesirable these days.

However, the intimate hygiene of a woman's genitals is not only about daily water procedures. Sex education also applies to these rules. After all, it is no secret that a huge part of gynecological diseases is associated with the frequent change of sexual partners by a woman. And it is very sad that for these reasons young girls often get caught. Therefore, it is necessary to explain the norms of moral education, as well as talk about some aspects of sexual life in order to protect a young girl from wrong steps, and hence from many sexually transmitted diseases.

Another common cause of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area is hypothermia. The modern girl is more concerned about how she looks than whether she is warmly dressed. Youth fashion dictates its own style: short jackets, low-cut jeans or short skirts with thin tights. The result of blindly following fashion is inflammation of the appendages.

Therefore, it is very important from childhood to instill in a girl not only a taste for fashion, the ability to navigate it, but also respect for her health. You need to teach her to combine fashion and the necessary care for her health.

You should know that any inflammatory disease of the female genital area very easily becomes chronic. This guarantees the appearance of strong, persistent pain, medication, sometimes painful procedures and endless queues to the doctor. To avoid all this, you need to remember that a woman's personal hygiene is above all for her. Everyone knows them without exception, but each approaches them in its own way, often incorrectly. For example, often women's diseases are directly related to the use of low-quality sanitary pads, tampons, wearing synthetic underwear. And it is also very important for maintaining a woman's health.

Which sanitary pads to choose?

Modern trade offers a great variety of sanitary napkins from different manufacturers and companies. Such products for daily use are in great demand, as they help maintain cleanliness and freshness all day long. However, it is very important to carefully approach their choice.

When buying, make sure that the absorbent pad of such a pad is made of natural material. The top layer should also be made of natural, hygienically clean material that is safe for women's health. High-quality pads allow the skin to "breathe", keeping it from inflammation and diaper rash. This is especially true in hot weather when sweating increases. Therefore, you should properly approach the purchase of this delicate product.

Women who have undergone various operations, such as a caesarean section, or after childbirth, require special personal hygiene products. A real breakthrough in this direction can be called the appearance on the shelves of diapers specifically designed for adults. They solve emerging delicate problems of women after surgery. They can also be worn by pregnant women, in case of urinary incontinence. A woman's body can respond negatively to various irritants, so it is important to choose hypoallergenic hygiene products.

You should also adjust the choice of hygiene products according to age, because over time, a woman's skin type can change dramatically.

To maintain your health for many years, strictly follow these simple rules throughout your life. They are not recommended, but mandatory. From childhood, explain to your daughters all the consequences of improper self-care. This will save them from many health problems in the future.

It is not uncommon for the seriously ill person you care for at home to be completely helpless. As days go by, the patient gets weaker, and your caregiving problems pile up.

And one of the problems of care, which is complex, are various hygiene procedures. They must be carried out without fail, since untidiness and dirt lead to the development of infections and complications of the course of the underlying disease. For the patient himself, everything associated with untidiness, as a rule, is painful, but he cannot always complain about it, being ashamed or not wanting to once again burden the person who cares for him. Therefore, dear nurses, please be attentive to your wards, have pity on them and do everything possible in a timely manner to make your patient feel good. And we continue to tell how to carry out care, presenting it in a simple form.

How to clean the patient's nose?

Mucus and dust gradually accumulate in the nose, which, when combined, form crusts. In a neglected patient, they can be so large that they make breathing difficult.

To soften the crusts, cotton flagella (turundas) moistened with vaseline oil are introduced into the nostrils with rotational movements to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, and left for 1-3 minutes. Then, with the same movements, turundas with softened crusts are removed. If necessary, the procedure is repeated using dry turundas.

Mucus and pus from the nasal passages can be removed with a cotton swab moistened with petroleum jelly, menthol, peach or some other oil. Also, for washing the nose, it is possible to use a weak saline solution prepared at the rate of 1 h. l. salt per 1 liter of boiled water, as well as infusions of chamomile and lime blossom.

How to drip medicinal drops into the nose and lubricate it?

If the patient is sitting or in a semi-sitting position, then his head should be slightly thrown back, and if he is lying on his back, then his head should be turned to one side, and then to the other.

Examine the patient's nasal passages, and, if necessary, clean them. Type the drops prescribed by the doctor into the pipette, insert the pipette into the nostril by 1-1.5 cm, squeeze out the drops and press the wing of the nose against the nasal septum with a cotton ball for 1-2 minutes so that they are absorbed into the nasal mucosa. Therapeutic ointment is injected into the nose with the help of turunda.

Perform procedures with the patient's nose with clean hands, using sterile care items (cotton wool, pipettes, etc.).

How to wash your eyelids?

Often, the patient's eyes begin to fester. This is especially noticeable in the morning, when eyelashes can even stick together with discharge from the eyes.

To wash my eyelids, I used traditional medicine - a decoction of eucalyptus leaves filtered through a dense tissue (3 tsp per glass of water) and an infusion of chamomile and calendula (1 tbsp per glass of water). I did the procedure 3 times a day, especially carefully in the morning, removing all the crusts.

You can also wash your eyelids with a solution of furacilin (1: 5000).

Washing should be done with gentle cleansing movements using a cotton swab dipped in a healing solution. Movement should be directed from the inner corner of the eye (located near the nose) to the outer.

All care items must be very clean, cotton wool must be sterile, and hands must be thoroughly washed.

How to instill medicinal drops in the eyes?

The drops prescribed by the doctor are instilled into the eyes of the patient with a sterile (boiled) pipette. When doing this procedure, exercise maximum caution, that is, try not to touch the eyeball with a pipette. Pull the lower eyelid with your finger, drip the required number of drops behind it and, with the eye closed, press the inner corner of the eye with a cotton swab for 1-2 minutes. This is done so that the medicine does not leave the eye along the lacrimal duct. Blot the leaked tear with a sterile napkin.

How to take care of the patient's ears?

The auricles of the patient should be washed daily with soap and water during the morning toilet.

In addition, it is necessary to periodically free the ear passages from the sulfur accumulated in them. This cannot be done with sharp objects. Ears are cleaned with special sticks sold in pharmacies. If a small amount of sulfur in the ears has dried up there, then, pulling the earlobe, drip a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into it, wait 2-3 minutes, insert a gauze turunda into the ear passage with rotational movements and remove the softened sulfur.

The resulting large sulfuric plugs, which lead to hearing loss, are removed by a nurse or doctor, whom you can call to a bedridden patient at home.

Every new mother should be able to properly organize the hygiene of a newborn baby. It is from the correct and regular hygienic care for an infant that its immunity, well-being and health in general largely depend. Daily procedures involve the systematic implementation of simple activities related to caring for the baby, his skin, nails, ears, eyes, nose, hair, umbilical wound, etc.

The main goal is to keep the baby's skin clean and optimal moisture, because through clean skin gas exchange with the external environment occurs. In addition, systematic bathing helps to cleanse the skin pores, sebaceous glands, sweat glands from waste products, blockage of which can lead to impaired skin respiration.

The daily morning toilet of a newborn from the first days of his life is not just a standard and symbolic procedure, but also a powerful barrier that prevents various infections from entering the fragile children's body from the outside. It is known that an infant is very vulnerable, and its skin is a lighter barrier to microbes than an adult. In this regard, the parents of the crumbs have the important task of keeping the baby's skin clean.

Every morning the baby should begin with washing. At the same time, his face is wiped with gentle movements, moistened and slightly wrung out with cotton pads, capturing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neck, chin, cheeks and forehead of the child. Then, with a dry cotton pad, the washing area is wiped, and excess moisture is removed.

In addition, among the morning daily hygiene measures, the following can be noted:

  • warm boiled water or decoction of chamomile, calendula using cotton pads or swabs. To do this, moisten the prepared cotton swab in water, wipe the baby's eyes alternately with light movements in the direction from the outer corner to the inner one. Wherein each eye must be wiped with a separate swab.
  • from accumulated mucus, which can make it difficult for the baby to breathe, especially during breastfeeding. Liquid secretions from the spout are easily removed with ordinary cotton swabs, which can be moistened in pre-prepared sterilized vegetable oil. Cotton flagella are gently, but not too deeply inserted into each nasal passage and, with rotational movements, remove the accumulated mucus to the outside. Dry crusts, which often form in the nasal passages of babies, needs to be softened first. by dripping a few drops of boiled water into each nasal passage.
  • Removal of contaminants from the ears, in which only the outer shell is cleaned. This must be done very carefully, as it is easy to injure the child's delicate ear canal or cause pain. For these purposes, you can use both special cotton buds (necessarily soft) and cotton pads, after wetting them in water.
  • Washing of the genitals, which has some specific points for and taking into account physiological characteristics. This procedure includes washing the child's genitals and buttocks with warm water. There are many baby folds in this area of ​​the body, which should be given special attention: clean them thoroughly, give them enough time to dry and lubricate with special baby products or treat them with powders. Due to the presence of talc in baby powders, such an unpleasant phenomenon as diaper rash can be avoided when using diapers.
  • for the first time after discharge from the hospital, it will be necessary to carry out daily until it is completely healed. For these purposes, you can use traditional hydrogen peroxide (3%), brilliant green. It is best to carry out the procedure with cotton swabs or discs. You will need to gently moisten the wound with hydrogen peroxide and allow the formed crusts to soften a little. Then remove easily peeling scales and treat the wound with brilliant green. The umbilical wound requires especially careful attitude and care. So, any redness in this area, especially accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process, should be a signal for an urgent appeal to the pediatrician. Complete wound healing usually occurs within 10 days.

Daily hygiene measures

Carrying out morning hygiene does not mean at all that during the day the baby will no longer need care, up to evening bathing. Throughout the day, the newborn repeatedly urinates into the diaper, from which irritations (typically), redness and may appear on his skin. To avoid this, the child should be washed as necessary or simply dried the skin in the buttocks and genitals, lubricated with special baby products or treated with talcum powder. Only after that it is recommended to put a clean diaper on the baby. It is also necessary to wash the child after each act of defecation.

After each feeding, both breastfeeding and artificial, it is necessary to gently clean the baby's skin around the mouth. Food leftovers in these areas can cause breakouts and redness.

Trimming and nail care

As you know, literally from the first days of a child's life, his nails begin to actively grow. If they become too large, the child may get hurt, because his movements with the handles are not yet sufficiently coordinated, chaotic. In addition, under the nails there may be a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms. Thus, it is necessary, and then file them down to avoid the appearance of sharp tips.

Many parents are afraid of this procedure, they do not know how to carry it out correctly so as not to cause pain and discomfort to the baby. In fact, this process is quite easy, especially when both parents are involved. The main thing is to follow simple rules, for example:

  • in the first-aid kit of a newborn () there must be special scissors with rounded blades, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or other specialized store;
  • to trim the nails of a baby, you can use special infant tweezers, which have a built-in magnifying glass, which allows you to quickly and safely trim the nails;
  • the optimal period for trimming nails is the time when the baby is sleeping and will not feel any manipulations with his handles, however, excessive caution in this situation also does not hurt - the handle must be carefully held and fixed;
  • nails should not be cut too close to the edge of the finger, it is necessary to leave a small area above the fingertip;
  • the edge of the cut nail must be filed down to eliminate all the irregularities with which the child can easily be injured.

In addition, the standard list of daily hygiene procedures includes. In the area of ​​​​the neck of a child, it is quite often possible to observe accumulated villi from clothes, which must be removed with a slightly damp swab.

Evening bathing of a newborn

Evening is considered the best time of day for swimming. The procedure will allow the child to relax and prepare him for a calm and good night's rest. The ritual of bathing should not be neglected, it is recommended to do it daily, especially in the first weeks after discharge from the hospital.

To turn bathing into a pleasant and comfortable procedure for the baby, parents need to follow some simple rules:

  • it is necessary to choose the optimal bathing room, where it will be warm and comfortable, and there will be no external noise and drafts, for example, in the bedroom;
  • bathing a newborn will require a special small baby bath;
  • you need to purchase a bathing thermometer and use it to maintain the optimum water temperature - about 37 degrees;
  • the child should be very gradually and carefully lowered into the bath with water, especially the first time, since a negative experience may adversely affect his perception of bathing in the future;
  • for bathing it is necessary to use only special children's products: soap, shampoo, although bathing with soap is not recommended too often;
  • while bathing, the child should be gently supported in the water with one hand, especially his head, so that he does not swallow water;
  • after bathing, which for the first time should last no more than 7 minutes, the baby must be rinsed with pre-prepared clean water and wrapped in a soft diaper or towel.

Thus, it is possible to formulate a list of basic hygiene measures for a newborn. On the part of parents, maximum care and participation in the life of a small person will be required, because his well-being and normal development depend on this.

Hygiene is the most important element of infant care, the key to successful development and good health of the newborn. It includes both morning procedures and procedures that are carried out throughout the day.

After the baby wakes up, the first thing you need to do is wash your eyes, clean your ears and nose, and wash. At the same time, pay attention to your hygiene. Before starting the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Means choose only high-quality and safe. Let's take a closer look at how to properly carry out morning procedures for a newborn baby.

Morning breast care

Eye care carried out using a cotton swab, which is moistened in warm boiled water. Wipe the swab over the eye from the outer corner to the inner. Take a new swab for each eye! When a child's eyes are very watery, you can prepare a special infusion of pharmacy chamomile or calendula. Dilute 1-1.5 tablespoons of herbs in 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then wipe each eye with infusion. For children older than 3-4 months, the infusion can be instilled into the eyes, this will prevent the appearance.

Nose care it is important to exercise every day so that the snot does not clog the mucous membrane and does not interfere with normal breathing. A newborn is characterized by a physiological runny nose, which disappears on its own by 2.5-3 months. At this age, the baby still does not know how to blow his nose, so you need to clean the nasal passages of the baby. The nose can be cleaned with soft cotton swabs dipped in vegetable oil. Instead of cotton swabs, flagella from cotton swabs are also used, as they are softer and safer.

Liquid mucus is removed with light rotational movements with a stick or flagellum, dry mucus is removed with sea water. Sea water does not cause allergies and is safe for a newborn. It eliminates allergic, colds and other types of rhinitis. How else to treat a runny nose, and how to properly clean the nose of a newborn, read.

Ear care must be done very carefully and at least once a week. Only the external auricle needs to be cleaned, as the delicate ear canals of a newborn are easy to injure. To clean, take soft cotton swabs and soak them in water, then gently wipe the ears.

Facial care carried out after you have cleaned your nose, eyes and ears. Wipe the baby's face with wet wipes or wash with running water. In addition, you can use a special decoction of chamomile. To do this, pour two tablespoons of dry pharmaceutical chamomile with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Moisten a cotton pad with infusion and wipe your face. After washing, it is important to wipe the skin dry with disposable wipes.

Umbilical wound care needed in the first days of a newborn's life, since the wound heals 10 days after birth. Sometimes she bleeds during this time, which is normal for babies. For processing, take hydrogen peroxide 3% and brilliant green. Soak a cotton swab or swab in peroxide and wipe the navel area. Remove dry crusts when they soften. Then clean the wound again with peroxide, dry and treat with brilliant green.

intimate hygiene is also very important newborn. Washing the genitals and buttocks is done with warm water without soap, and rubbing is best done with dry wipes, as towels dry and irritate the skin. In addition, disposable wipes are more hygienic. After drying, the skin and skin folds are treated with special products, for which you can use baby diaper creams or powders containing talc.

Breast care throughout the day

In addition to morning hygiene, it is important to perform other procedures throughout the day. So, after each bowel movement, you need to organize washing the baby. When the skin is dry, the skin folds are smeared with baby cream with talc or powder. For dry skin, baby moisturizing oil or milk is best, and for oily skin, powder is best. After feeding, carefully wipe the corners of the baby's mouth, milk or food residues can lead to allergies, thrush and other problems.

Change diapers after each act of bowel movements and every 3-4 hours, regardless of the degree of wetting. It is important to do air baths after a diaper, as it negatively affects the baby's skin, can cause allergies and leads to diaper rash.

Regularly check the skin folds on the neck and the spaces between the fingers, as small threads and villi often accumulate in such places. Wipe with wet and dry wipes.

In addition, the baby needs to cut his nails regularly, as the long edges of the nails can lead to wounds and scratches on the skin, because the baby cannot yet follow the movements. The child begins to realize and control the movements of the arms and legs only after three months. It is better to cut nails when the baby is sleeping. For the procedure, choose scissors with rounded edges and thin blades. If you are afraid of injuring the baby, get special forceps with a magnifying glass that will enlarge the nail area.

Bathing is one of the main rituals when caring for a baby, which must be done every day! The first time bathing is carried out for 10-15 minutes at a temperature not lower than 37 degrees above zero. Then you can gradually reduce the indicators by one degree every four to five days. But for babies up to four months, you can not lower the temperature below 32 degrees. After bathing, it is important to dry the child thoroughly with a towel so that moisture does not remain on the skin. Otherwise, the child will become cold and sick.

Bathing and swimming are important for more than just hygiene. Exercises in water develop muscles, help the legs, arms and fingers of the child to straighten faster, improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure. Bathing strengthens the immune system, and procedures before bedtime relax and soothe the baby. As a result, the child will sleep soundly and peacefully.

Hygiene products for babies

It is important to choose the right hygiene products for newborns, because many formulations can cause an allergic reaction. As a rule, an allergy in a baby manifests itself within two days. If during this time a negative reaction has not appeared, you can safely use creams, lotions and other cosmetic items. If your baby develops an allergy, stop using this remedy immediately and consult a doctor.

What tools will be needed to care for the baby:

  • Baby liquid soap;
  • Children's shampoo "without tears";
  • Cotton pads and cotton swabs;
  • Powders in the form of liquid talc;
  • Wet and dry wipes;
  • Baby oils and lotions;
  • Baby creams with moisturizing properties;
  • clean towels;
  • Diapers;
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% and brilliant green;
  • Nail clippers and hairbrush.

Take only special products for babies from the first days of life. Before buying, carefully study the expiration dates and composition, check the packaging for integrity. Let's find out in more detail which products are suitable for children up to a year.

How to choose hygiene products for babies

Choose wet wipes impregnated with lavender, chamomile, calendula and other plant extracts, as they are less likely to cause allergies. Do not use products containing alcohol and chlorine, chemicals and various preservatives!

Choose cotton buds for children up to a year with special restraints. Standard adult products can penetrate too deep and injure the baby. It is important to choose good quality sticks with cotton wool tightly attached so that it does not accidentally remain in the nasal or ear canal. Choose wipes and cotton swabs in airtight plastic containers.

Oils and lotions for newborns are used during massage and bathing. Such oils moisturize the skin, relax and remove crusts on the head. Choose only natural products without dyes and other chemicals. Soap for newborns, choose a neutral, liquid, plant-based, fragrance-free. It is desirable that the composition included glycerin or lanolin. Such substances soften the skin. Take liquid soaps, oils and lotions in sealed containers with a dispenser.

Creams also choose plant-based with glycerin and without mineral oils. The composition of the cream may include almond or olive oils. Please note that the shorter the shelf life of the product, the more natural the composition. Moisturizing cream is used after bathing and water procedures. Additionally, you can purchase a special cream for diaper rash.

In the second or third month of a baby's life, shampoo will be needed. It will effectively cope with dirt and excess fat on the head. Baby shampoos will strengthen hair follicles and improve hair growth. Do not buy products containing sulfates, diethanolamine, dioxane and formaldehyde. Choose “no tears” shampoos for children under one year old, as they do not contain fragrances and do not cause allergies, they are characterized by mild and gentle washing properties.

Baby powder absorbs moisture well, which prevents irritation, diaper rash and redness. Today, powdered powders, which our grandmothers and mothers are accustomed to, are rarely used. Such funds, when interacting with moisture, form lumps, which causes discomfort to the child. Modern mothers choose liquid talc, which does not create lumps and forms a protective layer on the baby's skin.

Brushes are not used for combing, because the baby's hair at this age is still very small. Brushes with frequent and soft bristles made of natural high-quality materials effectively massage the scalp and stimulate hair growth. In addition, they remove crusts from the head of a newborn. After six months, when the baby's hair has already increased, buy a special baby comb with rounded teeth. Don't forget about nail clippers. They should be with rounded edges and a thin blade.
