Samples of curtains from fabric flowers. Flowers for curtains: a master class on making do-it-yourself curtain ties

In the everyday life of people, such attributes as curtains have become an integral part of the room and interior. They are constantly being decorated and transformed. One of the options for decorations are flowers. There are a great many design models, but a do-it-yourself interior will be exclusive and will bring much more positive thoughts and mood than a faceless project.

Change of scenery

Sometimes the situation in the apartment is tired or there is simply a desire to change something in the interior - a great option is to make flowers with your own hands and new photos of the room can be taken in a day or a couple of hours. The material for making decor is different: paper of various density and quality or all types of fabric.

For clarity, it is necessary to conduct a certain master class, after viewing which no one should have questions about how to build this or that composition.

Constructions and examples

For the construction of the necessary scenery, the simplest paper or wrapping material is suitable.

field chamomile

  1. Making such flowers for curtains is quite simple: several hearts are made from ordinary paper (5-6 pieces, the leaflet is folded in half). Thin paradise needs to be made slightly rounded.
  2. All available leaves are fixed on a button (glue, threads) and a wire is attached to the back of the button.
  3. Entire combinations are constructed from such flowers: they are combined into a bouquet or inflorescences are collected and attached to curtains. It turns out stunning photos of such scenery.

Delicate garden rose

With his own hands, a rose is simply assembled. Assembly schemes are similar to chamomile, but the number of petals should be larger and they are cut out in different sizes: you should remember the common rose - what leaves it has and the assembly video is not needed at all.

Fabric also becomes an assistant in great art

Fabric flowers for curtains are also striking in their diversity. Sizes and colors can be adjusted depending on the desire and availability of materials.

The master class on making a ball begins:

  • Fabric - a thin strip of plain color, the diameter of the ball will also depend on the width. On the short side should be collected in an accordion.
  • Rectangular edges gradually become semicircular by cutting.
  • In the center, the strip should be pulled tight.
  • Fluff up all the folded sides of the ball and that's it!

Flowers - balls are attached to curtain pendants or its tacks.

It is as easy to make a rose from material as it is from paper. Required: fabric, transparent and narrow, thread and scissors.

  1. You should take the tape and bend its corner at an angle of 45 degrees, repeat several times - this will be the middle of the future flower.
  2. Then create a petal with a tape, turn away from you. The splendor and the number of petals is adjustable at will.
  3. Cut off the tape and make a few more folds with your own hands and sew the entire middle tightly.

If the last master class was successful and all the proposed flower assembly schemes were successful, then you can move on to more technically complex models.

The next step is to consider the manufacture of the bouquet.

  • For him, you will need a satin ribbon no more than 2 cm wide, a lighter, a needle, scissors, threads and beads.
  • The tape should be cut into pieces of 5-10 cm, their length is regulated by the size of the future flower.
  • The edges of the tapes are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. and carefully processed with a lighter (this is necessary so that the edges of the ribbon do not bloom, otherwise all the flowers will soon become worthless).
  • Several ribbons are assembled and tied together. The edges of the thread remain free.
  • Each fragment should be assembled, as the steps for assembling the scheme of one rose were described. But the peculiarity of the assembly is that the threads remain on the wrong side.
  • At will, in one combination, flowers are collected in several bouquets.
  • In the middle of each flower, you can sew a bead and decorate with such flowers curtains in the living room and in the dining room. And photos against the background of such curtains will please more than one year.

There is an original model for making carnations or dahlias, the way they are placed depends on the imagination of the needlewoman.

  • A circle of arbitrary size is cut out of paper, preferably 7-10 cm. Then it is folded 4 times and scissors should be shaped into a petal. It is on this blank that flowers will be made.
  • The fabric is cut according to the shape of the blanks and the quantity is determined individually at will.
  • Workpieces should be strung on a thread, like beads - in the middle.
  • Then all blanks must be tied with a thread at the junction. It is the knot that will be the center of the flower. Then the edges of the petals straighten.

Any decoration for curtains made of material or paper will definitely update the entire interior and give a joyful mood even on a cloudy autumn day, and looking at photos on long winter evenings, the whole family will remember these days.

When you want something new, but there is no time to update the familiar interior (and in general it is expensive). When the room lacks comfort and warmth. Then flowers for curtains will be a great solution. Handmade, these cute and practical accessories will be the pride of any housewife.

Consider all kinds of options for making flowers: from, ribbons and other materials; from the simplest (but no less spectacular) to complex compositions that will not leave anyone indifferent.

This is the easiest decoration option. This material does not fray and, therefore, does not require edge processing. All you need is to decide on the type of fabric. Felt is from 1 to 2 mm. thick, soft or hard. The second one keeps its shape better, so the products made from it seem “drier”. But soft felt makes more delicate “petals”. Korean and Spanish fabrics are considered the best among needlewomen.

To make a “rose”, you need to cut the workpiece in a spiral and then assemble it in the center with simple stitches with a strong thread. As in this sample.

For the "chrysanthemum" you can cut out each "petal" separately and then also collect them in the center.

Handmade printed flowers for curtains

Three-dimensional flower grips sewn from simple cotton fabrics look cute and spontaneous. Such decorations are not suitable for curtains in a classic living room or curtains for the kitchen, but they will look wonderful in a nursery.

For such work, one cannot do without a pattern - a paper blank of future “petals” and “core”. It should be borne in mind that when stuffing, the length and width of the product becomes smaller, so you should immediately make an allowance for volume - from 0.5 to 2 cm.

To get fabric details, you need to put a paper pattern on the material folded in half (to make the front and back of one part of the flower at once) and cut out the details with a seam allowance along the edge (from 0.5 to 1 cm).

Each part is stitched separately, turned inside out and loosely filled with stuffing (synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, etc.). The "core" connects the rest of the details and is sewn on by hand.

At the end of the work, the flower is attached to the tape - the curtain grip is ready.

The most delicate flowers: from chiffon and organza

It is difficult to cut small parts from thin synthetic fabrics, since the edge of the product begins to crumble rather quickly. The problem is solved if you burn the sections with a candle or cut the details not with scissors, but with a burning apparatus.

To process the edge of the “petal” with a candle, you need to bring the piece of fabric to the bottom of the flame and quickly draw a cut to melt the threads. If everything is done quickly, the fabric will not turn black or burn, and the part will take on a slight concave shape, like a petal on a real flower.

Work with the burner is carried out on a wooden surface, the fabric is laid on it before processing. When the device is warm enough, you need to press it with a tip on the material and draw a line along the preliminary marking of the pattern. The parts obtained during such “cutting” do not crumble and remain absolutely even.

In both the first and second cases, the resulting blanks can be sewn together with threads or joined with hot glue. It is important to remember that the firing method is not suitable for natural fabrics.

Buds and bouquets of satin ribbons

Having mastered the techniques for making flowers from kanzashi-style ribbons, you can make wonderful ones.

The easiest way is to fold a “leaf” out of a square. To do this, the fabric is folded in half once and again. The workpiece is collected with small stitches along the cut line. The result is a rather voluminous detail. For a flower of these, you may need 10 - 30 pieces.

A more complex technique is to gradually fold the tape at an angle of 45 degrees. The base is assembled with a thread. You can duplicate the main tape of another, contrasting color. This is how "melange" buds are obtained.

Still, the easiest way is to collect a satin ribbon with simple stitches along one edge and pull the thread at the end. If you carefully lay the assembly in a spiral, you get a "chrysanthemum". Or fold the flower like a bow.

Flowers from floss or yarn

Knitting lovers will love this method. You can choose schemes for work depending on the level of skill or come up with your own.

It should be remembered that the thinner the threads, the neater the finished product will look on the curtains.

Flowers-bells with oblique trim

From sufficiently dense fabrics, you can sew original decorations for a lambrequin - a cascade of flowers in the shape of bells. You will need:

  • fabric (for a “flower” 10 cm long, you need a square 10x10 cm);
  • oblique inlay (about 25 cm for one "bell");
  • wire and beads (beads) for making "stamens".

One part of the flower looks like a birch leaf and is cut out of the fabric without seam allowances. The cut is sheathed with an oblique inlay. The edges of the workpiece are joined together, forming a "cup".

Beaded stamens look good in such “flowers”. For their manufacture, 3 pieces 10 cm long are needed from thin wire. Beads or beads are strung on each piece of 7-8 cm. Then they are connected together and sewn into the middle of the "bell".

For the cascade, fabric “flowers” ​​are sewn in several rows onto a ribbon and decorated with “leaves”, also processed along the cut with an oblique trim.

From polymer clay

One of the most difficult and costly ways is the manufacture of flowers from plastic. Crafts made from light self-hardening polymer clay seem to be the most realistic, but at the same time, products made from a material that requires firing are more durable.

From plastic, you can make a brooch or grip for curtains in the form of a whole necklace of "flowers". As a rule, each of the "petals" is molded separately, and then they all need to be glued to the base or to each other.

Incredible flower cascades

The most unusual, but at the same time the most energy-intensive decoration option is the manufacture of curtains made entirely of flowers. Most often, a strong thread (for example, twine) or a fishing line is taken as the basis, on which several “buds” and “leaves” are attached one after another.

For such complex work, a large amount of materials is needed. But at the same time, fabrics, beads, beads and even paper can be used. To prepare for a significant event, you can even take fresh flowers. Such beauty, of course, will not last long, but unusual photos from the holiday will please you for a very long time.

Tulle flowers are a decoration that can visually transform any, even the simplest curtains. Such products give the curtain an elegance, make it truly unique, because what you make yourself cannot be bought in any store.

Curtain decor

From this article you will learn how flowers are made from old tulle with your own hands. We will take a detailed look at the sequence of steps for making roses, asters and lotuses, and also find out where such decor can be used.

We make flowers from curtains: a master class

To make flowers from tulle, fabric of any shade is suitable, however, we recommend using milky white textiles and dyeing it in the process of creativity with batik paints or acrylic paint.

So you get a soft transition of tones, visually bringing the handicraft closer to a living flower.

The technology for dyeing tulle petals for any crafts is the same:

  1. Cut out the required number of flower elements;
  2. We lower it into clean warm water for 4-5 seconds;
  3. We lay the petal on the glass and press it to the working surface with a terry towel to remove excess moisture from the fabric;
  4. We take the paint and dilute it with water or alcohol to get a soft, less saturated shade;
  5. We paint the petal creating a gradient transition - from a saturated color in the lower part to a light, airy shade in the upper part (you can paint in the same intense tone, but the gradient can literally revive a flower from chiffon or organza). If desired, we add additional shades to the main color - there are no restrictions here, show your imagination;
  6. To dry the product faster, we shift it with tweezers to a cotton towel;
  7. To fix the color after dyeing, iron the blanks at the minimum power of the iron through the newspaper.

To make flowers from tulle for curtains with your own hands, prepare all the necessary tools and materials in advance:

  • Cardboard and pen (for patterns);
  • Sewing accessories - needles, threads, scissors, ruler, round-nose pliers;
  • Light fabric - organza, tulle, chiffon;
  • A candle (for finishing the edges of the petals) or a soldering iron for burning fabric;
  • silicone adhesive;
  • Beads for decor.

We figured out the preparatory stage - we begin to make crafts from tulle with our own hands.


To make a tulle lotus, we also need a piece of felt fabric, which we use as a dense base for the petals.

The sequence of manufacturing a textile lotus:

On thick cardboard we draw domed outlines of a large and small petal - this is a blank on which we will cut the tulle.

If you are making a flower for the first time, stick to the indicated sizes - in the future, as you gain experience, you will be able to experiment with the dimensions of the products at your discretion.

We lay blanks on tulle

We lay the tulle on a hard surface, place the blank on it and cut out the petals with a fabric soldering iron. At the same time, we make the lower cut inclined, we will need an additional section to sew the petal to the base.

Cut out the petals

Trimming the bottom line

We need 24 large and 6 small petals.

We cut out 3 even strips of 40 * 5 mm in size from tulle

Cut out 3 even strips

We give the petals a shape - squeeze the workpiece in the middle with your finger so that the edges of the corner cut meet, fix the petal with pliers and, using a soldering iron or a drop of glue, fix the upper parts of the petal at the point of contact.

Let's take a blank

Squeeze in the middle with your finger

Fix the petal with pliers

Finished petals

We cut out a circle with a diameter of 5 cm from felt fabric and begin to sew lotus petals to it.

From felt fabric cut out a circle with a diameter of 5 cm

The first three layers are large petals (8 pcs each), the last one is small (6 pcs).

The first three layers are large petals

Lay each subsequent layer on top of each other so that the petals are placed closer to the center of the lotus.

Lay each subsequent layer on top of each other

We decorate the middle of the flower with beads.

Decorate the middle with beads

We fasten a bead on each side of the ribbons prepared by us and sew them to the inside of the lotus

Sew ribbons with beads to the wrong side

That's all - a beautiful homemade lotus is ready.

Ready flower


You can make an aster out of old tulle using tulle, which is used as a rigid substrate for the petals, making the flower voluminous and expressive.

We need four similar in size (40 * 25 cm) rectangular cuts of tulle and 2 cuts of tulle fabric.

flower fabric

We cut out the required pieces of fabric and stack them on top of each other: on top - tulle, on the bottom - tulle. Next, we collect textiles in an accordion with a distance between folds of 2 cm.

Having collected the accordion, we bend it in the center and fix it with a thin rope.

Collecting an accordion

We process each fold of the workpiece with scissors - we cut it at an angle so that the aster acquires an interesting shape.

Fold over the center

Cut off the corners

It remains only to form a full-fledged flower from the blank - we straighten the tulle around the circumference so that the aster gets a round shape. In this case, the folds will disperse and become less dense.

We straighten the tulle around the circumference

The tulle keeps its shape well, so you shouldn't have any problems with it. Next, lift the layer of tulle up.

Raise the layer of tulle up

We form neat petals, evenly distributing the tulle around the circumference of the aster.

We form neat petals

If the tulle is poorly fixed in a given position closer to the base of the flower, fix it with a drop of glue.

Ready flower

It does not take much time and effort to make an aster out of tulle with your own hands - it is an easy-to-make flower, which, at the same time, looks very beautiful.


Do-it-yourself organza roses are also not difficult to perform. We recommend using a dense organza, as it holds its shape and lends itself better to draping.

First of all, you will need to cut square blanks for petals 3-4 cm in size.

Cut out round petals

We process each petal with a soldering iron or burn it on a candle so that it does not fray over time. Do this carefully, remove the fabric from the fire as soon as its edges begin to melt.

We tighten the first petal and fix it with a stitch at the bottom

We cover the first petal with the next blank and fasten them with a thread to each other.

We fix the second and first

Similarly, we continue to increase the volume of the rose until it becomes quite lush.

We continue to increase

As a result, you will get an elegant flower, very similar to a real rose.

finished rose

Where to apply the finished product?

Similar floral products that can be sewn from old organza are a real work of art. Use them to decorate curtains, lambrequins, tulle curtains - even a simple tulle with hand-made flowers looks incomparably better than the most expensive store products.

Also, homemade flowers can be used as a decor for clothes - sew a rose to a jacket or skirt and the old thing will sparkle with new colors. Such crafts also look advantageous as independent accessories - decorate them with a brooch, hair hoop or hairpin.


Interior decoration is another area of ​​​​application for homemade floristry. Form full-fledged bouquets from textile flowers, decorate pillows, upholstered furniture with them, make paintings and design compositions.

So let's get started. For our flower we need:

  • heavy fabric (from curtains);
  • Needle with thread;
  • big pearl
  • super strong adhesive.
  • cardboard.
  • candle

First you need to make circles:

  1. diameter 14cm -> 5pcs
  2. diameter 12cm -> 5pcs
  3. diameter 10cm -> 5pcs
  4. diameter 8cm -> 4pcs
  5. diameter 6cm -> 3pcs.

Our fabric is heavy, there is a wrong side and a front side.

On the inside we draw circles, you can even draw with a pen.

So, cut out the circles and lay them in size.

Now we take a candle, light it and singe the edges of each circle. Just be careful. We need to singe so that the matter does not roll up.

Take a circle, fold it in half, as shown in the picture.

We take a needle and thread and we baste the thread along the scorched ends.

Since we have a heavy fabric, the petal will not shrink much, but you still need to pull as much as possible. So we make all the petals.

We need to fold all the petals in one direction, I have a bent edge looking to the right.

When all the petals of the same size are pierced with a thread, we need to sew the first petal with a needle to make a flower.

Now that all the petals are ready, put them in a pile.

We put a smaller one on the first large flower, smearing the inner bottom with glue.

We try to make all the petals in a checkerboard pattern

Engaging in interior design of your own home is a very exciting and useful thing, especially if some of the decor elements are made by yourself. For example, to add sophistication and elegance to the design of windows, you can make flowers for curtains with your own hands, a master class for sewing which we offer in this article. Fabric flowers look appropriate on any curtains - from light tulle to dense draped curtains.

DIY decorative flowers for curtains

Every housewife wants not ordinary curtains to hang on the windows, but curtains with some unusual accessories that attract the eye. Of course, you can immediately sew curtains decorated with a wide variety of ruffles and flowers, but flowers created from organza, voile or chiffon, which are different from the material of the curtains, give the interior a special charm.

Important! DIY decorative flowers for curtains are the perfect decoration for plain canvases. Against the background of such a curtain, the flowers will stand out expressively and contrast with the color of the curtain. But patterned curtains should be decorated with flowers with restraint so as not to overload an already rich composition.

There are several options for arranging flowers on curtains.

Decoration of tiebacks

By placing a man-made flower on the arm, you will get an elegant, but not too catchy design. For this purpose, you can use both textile tiebacks and thin chains and laces that merge with the curtain and give the impression of a flower floating in the air.

Lambrequin decor

Do-it-yourself fabric flowers for curtains will look expressive on a lambrequin if you use a large number of them. You can arrange handmade flora in a straight line, using single flowers in the upper part. Or collect in a voluminous bouquet in the center and sides of the lambrequin.

Important! Bouquets look very advantageous at the junction of the lambrequin waves.

Decoration of panels

For draped curtains, the design of panels with flowers is suitable in places of sagging and kinks. If the curtains are straight, then the decor must be fixed in a straight line along the eaves or in the places of the eyelets.

The canvas is completely covered with handmade flora

A radical solution - curtains made of fabric flowers are only suitable for a classic interior.

Important! To attach the decor to the curtains, the flowers must either be sewn on or planted on a magnetic base. A decorative element is fixed on different sides of the curtain.

To make decorative flowers for curtains look complete, decorate them with beads or glass beads.

How to make a flower for curtains?

Fabric flowers for curtains are made in stages:

  1. Choice of fabric.
  2. Paper pattern making.

Important! The number of patterns depends on the chosen flower. In a chamomile, all petals are the same, but in an orchid, each petal requires its own pattern.

  1. Preparing fabric for cutting. The fabric will not hold its shape unless it is treated with gelatin.

Important! If necessary, the fabric must first be dyed in the desired shade, and already dry, treated with gelatin, dried and shirred.

  1. Creating a flower blank.
  2. Covering the petals with inlay.
  3. Collecting a flower from the elements.
  4. Complementing decorative flowers with textile leaves or a bow.
  5. Fastening a flower to a curtain.

Let's dwell on each stage in more detail.


Ready-made templates can always be found on the Internet. According to the patterns, the petals of the corolla, leaves, and calyx are usually cut out. It is best to make a pattern on thick cardboard, as the light fabric will wrinkle under the paper. The contours of the elements on the fabric can be applied with a remnant or a pencil.

Important! Lay out the fabric pattern only obliquely.

  1. If you are going to pause in the work on making decor, then put all the cut out parts in a separate envelope so that there are no creases on the fabric, otherwise it will be problematic to correct the situation.
  2. Leaves and petals according to the pattern can first be made from a gasket, and then glued to the fabric and cut out. In this case, the details of the flower will be more voluminous.

Important! If the fabric is well gelled, then you can do without gluing with interlining.


To make flowers for curtains with your own hands, ordinary edible gelatin is used. The fabric can be soaked in gelatin, diluted according to the instructions. However, experts recommend this recipe:

  1. Dissolve gelatin according to instructions.
  2. Freeze it.
  3. Melt after freezing.
  4. Using a brush or medium-hard toothbrush, apply gelatin to the fabric on one side.
  5. Let the material dry well.

Creating a flower blank:

  1. After the gelatin dries on the prepared fabric, it is necessary to draw the petals according to the patterns. When using scissors and patterns, be extremely careful and careful.

Important! In no case should the fabric be wrinkled, otherwise, the flowers for curtains with your own hands will not turn out to be lush enough.

Trimming petals with inlay

All petals must be trimmed. It is desirable to process the petal on two lines. After you sew the petals, remove the tailor's pins.

Important! It is already possible to form a flower or a garland of leaves from the petals trimmed with inlay, which can be hung on a lambrequin or a curtain.

For the bud:

  • It is necessary to take two glued petals and process them with an inlay, folding them inside out to each other.
  • For convenience, you can glue them with a cobweb so that they do not move out in the process.
  • From a double-sided petal, form a bud by wrapping the edges inward and carefully sewing them together.

Important! You can create “double” buds from ready-made buds by inserting small buds into a large one (for example, of a different color). From these buds you can collect whole bouquets.

Pistils and stamens

DIY decorative flowers for curtains will not look natural without stamens and pistil. Choose the material for these details carefully and position them accurately in the flower. The stamen can be made from a pre-sewn inlay or made from wire and beads.

Instructions for making stamens for flowers:

  1. Prepare wire (0.5 mm) and beads.

Important! The length of the wire per stamen should be 17-20 cm. The beads should be the same size, however, at least one of them should be larger than the others to make it the top of the stamen.

  1. The length of the stamen can be 8-10 cm, but you can make your own length.
  2. String the largest bead on the wire first, and then all the other smaller ones.
  3. Fasten the wire around the first bead so that the beads don't fall off the wire.
  4. Create several stamens for the flower in the same way. You can collect 3 stamens for each product.
  5. Twist the ends of the wire of three stamens.

Assembling a flower from elements

To assemble the product, lay out all the elements on the table. Proceed as follows:

  1. Apply glue to the base of each petal.
  2. Take the stamens twisted with wire.
  3. Glue petal by petal to the base of the stamens. The first row should be of three smaller petals.
  4. Fasten each row at the base with several turns of wire.
  5. Glue the larger petals in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. Fasten the next row with wire.
  7. After the flower has taken shape, cut off the remaining wire.
  8. Glue the base with corrugated paper.

Fastening a flower to a curtain

To attach a decorative flower from the wrong side, make a special fastener. With the help of such a device, the flower can be easily fixed on the curtain. You can buy a clasp at a fabric store.

In order for the work to be done with high quality and flowers for curtains with your own hands to become a real unique decoration, use these tips:

  1. Sew the clasp very carefully so as not to damage the base of the crepe paper flower.
  2. A composition of fabric flowers can be decorated with several turns of satin ribbon. Treat the edges of the tape with a lighter so that they do not fray.

DIY veil flowers for curtains

To make a delicate flower, such as a rose, a light fabric, such as a veil or organza, is perfect.

How to make a veil flower?

For one rose flower, you will need square blanks:

  • 1 with sides 7 cm.
  • 1 with sides 9 cm.
  • 1 with sides 11 cm.
  • 1 with sides 13 cm.
  • 2 squares with sides: 8 cm, 10 cm, 12 cm.

Important! If, in your opinion, the rose turns out to be “thin”, then increase the number of petals at your discretion.

Use blanks like this:

  1. Fold the squares diagonally.
  2. Cut off the corners.
  3. Cut out the petals.
  4. Fold the smallest petals diagonally, sew them to the middle, at some distance from the edge. Pull the petals a little.
  5. Take the next size petals: fold, sew and pull off.
  6. Connect all the petals.
  7. Tighten the thread connecting all the petals. At the same time twist the petals into a spiral. In the center should be the smallest petals, and at the edges - the largest.
  8. Adjust the degree of contraction of the flower yourself.
  9. After the final stage of contraction, gently unroll the flower.
  10. Gradually twist the product, gluing it with a glue gun.

Important! Decorate the rose with leaves. To make them, you will need squares with a side of 13 cm. Fold the blanks twice diagonally and tighten with a thread.

Fabric flower ball

If you want to make a spherical composition, then make decorative flowers for curtains with your own hands in the amount of 20-25 pieces. You can apply the technology for making roses, which we discussed above.

As a base, use a foam ball blank, which can be purchased at a needlework store. The number of elements also depends on the size of the ball. For example, for a ball with a diameter of 10 cm, 25 roses are enough.

Important! For a spherical decor, you can use roses that differ in the shade of the material. Due to the contrasting variety, the product will turn out to be stylish and very beautiful.

Manufacturing master class:

  1. In the foam blank, fix the bracket for hanging the ball.
  2. Secure the bracket with silicone glue.
  3. Thread a satin ribbon (plain thread) into the bracket.
  4. Tie the ends of the ribbon together.
  5. Glue textile roses to the ball.
  6. An elegant accessory will decorate any interior.

Bouquet of decorative flowers

To create a curtain bouquet:

  1. Prepare the foam base.
  2. Nail a piece of plastic of the appropriate size to the base with a stapler. You can use the front of the folder for papers.
  3. Wrap the workpiece with fabric. The plastic should be on the back.
  4. Nail two satin ribbons to the workpiece with a stapler, perpendicular to each other.
  5. Sew textile leaves to the base. Decorate them with a future bouquet.
  6. Glue or sew the made flowers to the workpiece.
  7. Attach the finished bouquet to the curtain.


Show your imagination, experiment, and the result will not be long in coming.

Having gained experience, you will not only decorate the curtains with flowers, but also be able to arrange a full-fledged design composition. Creative success!
