A very sweet birthday greeting. Gentle birthday wishes

On this festive bright day, tell your dear girl the most sincere words coming straight from your heart! Let tears of joy appear in the eyes of the girl, and her smile will warm you.

Comic birthday greetings to a girl with gifts

Happy birthday, congratulations
I want a new fur coat!
Well, do not feel sorry for the old one,
You sew a rug from it!

I want a new kettle
So that the boss comes to tea!

new pan,
To cook food in it!

I want a fridge
To fill up the freezer.

New nail polish
A pair of silk stockings.

Accept a gift for the soul
Do not deny yourself anything! (envelope with money)

Wish for a young girl

One of a thousand nights
You become Scheherizade
And let the beloved be more
Will do whatever is needed.

And you to the music of the night
You dance, you bewitch
And the flame of a bright candle
Breathe out.

Let that scarlet flower
Your loved one will bring.
You become his goddess
Today and henceforth.

Congratulations for the girl “Everything will be! So you know."

Be happy, change
Cool guys everyone
Always just smile
Problems, just a trifle.

Find friends like you
To have fun
And build your dreams
And for everything to come true.

Be easy, don't be shy
Don't regret the past.
Dream about the future
All will be! So know.

Health and fun
And great mood!
Find your love
And be always in the ranks!

Kiss all night long
After all, youth does not wait!

Congratulations for the girl “Congratulations, smile!”

Congratulations, smile
Stretch your hands, hold
We brought a backpack of happiness,
And a big bag of love.

Keep these gifts warm
You with your warm heart
Know you are the best in the world
Don't look at you.

Ahead is waiting for the prince from a fairy tale,
Just look closer
So that your eyes always shine
Well, look, don't let me down!

Congratulations for the girl “I can’t not congratulate”

We were very sad at home
And here is such a beauty
Everything is skillfully prepared
And we know it's delicious!

And the birthday girl, you are a miracle
And I can not congratulate
I wish you a full cup in the house,
I'll put everything in that bowl.
And strength, health, freedom,
And let everything go well in everyday life.

And how beautiful is the song itself,
And this song has the words
Laugh with us more
I collected all the songs in myself.

So just be happy
So that the sunrise pleases you,
We know so many good qualities
In you they are like a round dance.

Be loved, love blazing,
Without any sadness and worries,
And always be young
Only a year has gone by!

Congratulations for a girl, woman “There is happiness!”

Don't chase big money
Don't chase the big crane
And happiness is not in princes - we know
Happiness lies in the fact that we live in the world.

Happiness is that everyone in the family is healthy,
The joy is in having friends
Today we are ready to wish
Life of joyful, bright days.

And of course we wish you love
We cannot live without love
Happy birthday to you,
And we want to be loved!

birthday girl sms

1.) Be passionate and fun
Playful and desirable
And the most beautiful
For their mother's children!

2.) Happy birthday dear,
You are beautiful, everyone knows.
Don't be sick, don't be sad
Life is Beautiful,
So know!

3.) The girl is beautiful
Our birthday girl
Everything will work out for her
It will stick and move.
All matters are resolved
All troubles pass
Stay young
And of course: be yourself!

4.) Congratulations to our lady,
Let it carry you to victory!
You live without brakes
And good luck: “Be ready!”

5.) Happy birthday, mademoiselle,
Life spins the carousel
You shine brighter than the sun
All good things will come back to you!

6.) Ah yes, the young lady with us,
In classmates press: “Class!”
Happy birsday, my dear,
I want to be the best in everything!

Short birthday greetings to a girl from a guy sms

Happy birthday kitty! @->-- This rose is for you! But you are prettier than her!

For a cool girl

The cool girl has a world:
Husband is a banker
Not life - but a feast.

She has a lot of work:
She wants to go to the salon in the morning,
After she fly to the boutique,
Waiting for the latest fashion squeak.

A month later in Courchevel -
To book a hotel.
The dog has indigestion
She needs to buy cookies.

And yesterday, in general, trouble:
Burr at the nail.

I wish my friend
Diamonds in her ears
New Gabbana bag
And there were few problems!

Gentle birthday greetings to a girl

1. Delicate, velvet flower, I will put it on your doorstep
I'll ring the bell soon and I'll rush off with all my legs
Why can't I express it in your eyes
Gentle congratulations, there is no place for tears on the holiday!
I don't want to offend, you're so modest
So I'm running away, how treacherously!

2. Gentle congratulations,
More kind words
I wish you joy
My gift is ready
He is just as gentle as you are
The same mischievous
Like a ray of light in a cloud
It's warm and golden!
Happy Birthday to You,
My kitten!

3. Gently very congratulations,
Happiness, joy, kindness
I sincerely wish
Have fun until the morning
So that the soul does not know grief,
And the house was full of guests
I wish you peace
Bird in the blue sky
Soaring over the expanses
He tells you to wish
To be free from problems
From insults and from dilemmas!

4. I congratulate you tenderly, may hope live in your soul
You hope for success, for work without interference
You live like in a fairy tale - with a secret,
To please everyone by chance,
So that in the eyes of your light
Brighter than all night roads
Illuminated your thorny path,
To eternal life, full of truths!

5. Gentle congratulations to you all from me,
Today I congratulate you with all my heart,
I wish to live smilingly, not hiding resentment,
I wish you joy, hope and good!

6. Tenderness can be like in a fairy tale,
Complete from the heart
Gentle congratulations, fly to you - catch
I am happy for you at the moment
I run with a big heart
I want to congratulate you
Gently very, with simplicity
I just wish you
Don't wake up from the good
To have a sea of ​​affection
Happiness, joy, warmth.

7. Gentle congratulations, come in bouquets
This is my bouquet, beautiful color
In your gentle hands, to you from me
Gifted with a wish, congratulate you
I congratulate you, now I will
I want to note that you have more fun
Beautiful date, such a clear day
I would like to note that I am with fire to you.

8. I congratulate you,
Very gentle, not melting
your wishes,
To have your days
Everyone is better than yesterday
Happy holiday to you
Of good!

9. Gentle congratulations, fraught with the sea
Not a blue sea, but a sea of ​​goodness
Sea of ​​tenderness, not a drop of grief
I wish you this morning
Wake up happy so that life is fair
Got everything in place
So that everyone is near, who is settled in the heart
And so that conversations are always heart-to-heart
I wish you that in the spring morning
You smiled at my poetry!

10. Gentle congratulations
There are different
Tender congratulations
A smile is born
I want you, more tenderness
I wish you happiness longer
You did not end and rushed like a bird
Flying the expanses of the soul
So that each cell breathes sweeter
And sadness quickly flying away,
I forgot the way to you
And put joy in my soul!

11. Gently, gently kiss,
And I'll whisper in my ear
I congratulate you dearly
I wish very much
More joy and happiness
Tender words, good love
I wish you more
Light, happiness and warmth!

12. The coolest girl in the area
An expensive crown will suit!
The royal coat will suit her
Your birthday will be noisy!

Your coolest dress
Well, the hairstyle is just garbage,
Let's sing together on your birthday
Each of us will be happy to vote!

13. In our company you are a lighter,
The brightest, like a flasher!
In the spotlight you light up
You often surprise us with yourself.

Can you
Call it a firefly
Sun, candle
And bright flowers!

In general, the same
Be bright and
And light up
Our life path!

Happy birthday greetings with marriage proposal

It's your birthday today
You are beautiful, young and good.
I'm friends with you without regret
And I look into your eyes, barely breathing.

I am your friend, you know this for sure
You can be sure of me.
But my dream, like an idiot,
Always be alone with you.

I tried many times to say everything,
And confess something for you.
But you know how to torture men.
You say business, business, business.

On this day I will reveal the truth to you:
That I love you for a long time.
Do not be afraid, think as much as you need.
I'm not rushing you at all.

Happy birthday and marriage proposal

I give you for
I'm not sweets, not a service,
I give you my heart,
Let this surprise you.

I love you, I love you madly
And on your birthday
I suggest: be a wife
A good wife to me.

I promise you undead
And carry you in my arms.
And if, my dear, you refuse.
Then I will live bitterly.

In your friend, dear,
Accept gorgeous flowers.
And know that you are not dearer to me.
There is no more love for you.

Birthday wishes for a girl from a loving boyfriend

What can I give you, dear?
Can you give me sunshine?
Maybe, honey, you will become me
After that more love?

Maybe I'll pick the stars for you?
And scatter on your shoulders?
So that yours, remembering me,
Eyes lit up.

Can give me the sound of a drop,
Or the song of a forest stream,
To you, my sweet baby,
Remembered me more.

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood
never know sadness
And all the best in life.

Never lose heart
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

May the house be full of happiness
in which you live
May the path be pure and clear
Which one are you going.
Good luck, your companion
Let it be forever
And life will light the way
Happy Star!

I wish that life does not stand still, but changes for the better, presenting only pleasant surprises. Let all plans and dreams come true: everything will be fine at work and loved ones will be happy with success!

Everything is beautiful in you: appearance and soul,
The ability to live and spend leisure ...
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you on this day,
And I'm in a hurry - your closest friend!
I so appreciate tenderness and kindness in you,
A soft smile and the light of radiant eyes!
I wish you always be lucky
And so that love does not leave you!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood
never know sadness
And all the best in life.

Never lose heart
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

Gentle birthday greetings for birthday people

Live in such a way that your life can be compared with a happy story written by a beautiful fate, in which people admire the nobility of the protagonist and wish him only the best. Happy birthday!

We wish white birch, red rowan,
Easy roads, late gray hairs.
If the sky is the bluest,
If happiness is the strongest,
If grief, then just a little,
So that luck always smiles!

In my usual mocking manner
I hasten to congratulate you on this day.
Let not everyone believe in it today,
But we only live once.

So live it, so as not to be offended
Missing boring days in retirement
To tell the grandchildren a little ashamed,
But sweet and pleasant to remember.

Happy Birthday!
Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything!
I wish you never stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

Your birthday is not a time for boredom.
Let laughter be heard and music sounds!
I congratulate you on this holiday,
I wish you health, love and good luck.
Although life's problems cannot be avoided,
But let it be easy to solve them!
I also want to wish on my birthday,
So that for business, and for all entertainment
And time, and forces always were!
Dreams and ideas to come true.
Achieve your goals faster
Less sad and more laugh!

I want to smile forever
Always swim in gold
Don't lose good friends
Who can be trusted.

Live positively
Keep the warmth of your soul.
Love, be friends, know how to forgive,
Families are valued and respected.

Have good luck always
Everything else is just water.
Let this year pass on "ok",
Without regrets and hassle!

Your holiday again ...
And we hasten to congratulate
You now with a good day,
After all, you and I
Frost and coolness are all nonsense,
I'm sure you are in it.

We want it to start with a smile
Any of your days, and the night was bright.
To be healthy and bathed in joy,
To be more happy and kind.

Once a year, like in a song, a birthday,
Rejoice and hello from the heart,
For you, nature is awakening,
For you, the spring sings in silence.

The springboard year is taken by you, as before,
Another year to puzzle with dreams,
And trust the fiery hope!
Happy Birthday! Happiness and good luck!

May your life laugh forever
Flowers bloom in my soul
And let the heart beat with joy
Not knowing adversity and trouble!
We wish you happiness and good
And eternal youth bloom,
Love, smiles and warmth,
On your bright holiday
On your birthday!

Happy Birthday! May all dreams come true, wishes come true, goals are achieved, health improves and money is added! Happiness, joy and spiritual harmony, brilliant successes, unforgettable impressions and dizzying successes, true love, true friends and a bright rainbow of emotions!

Festive tender words on your birthday

I want to say a lot of good words
Wish you happiness and health
Heart and soul never grow old,
And live in the world for many, many years.
I wish life never ends
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Eternal happiness, good friends,
Good luck, health and sunny days!
I wish you health - because often it is not enough,
I wish you fun - it never interferes.
Good luck - she doesn't come often,
And I just wish you great personal happiness!
Happy birthday!

Let neither grief nor trouble
No power over you
Let them always go near
Health, vitality, happiness.
Never lose heart
Laugh in the eyes of misfortune.
Cheerful, always be kind
Hope for youth.

I heartily congratulate you on your birthday.
Please accept my most sincere wishes for good health, personal happiness, inexhaustible energy and inspiration in all your good deeds,
May peace and harmony always reign in your home, kindness in your heart, and wisdom and balance in your deeds.
May fate continue to be favorable to you, giving you the joy of life, unchanging good luck, faithful and reliable friends.

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
The closest, dearest person,
And I wish you health
Not for a year, but for your long life!
In the midst of intense heat, bad weather,
Among grief, deceit and lies
We wish you only happiness
Only devotion and love!

Happy Birthday. I want to wish you to be the right person, because in this life it is very important that someone could not be without you or someone felt bad without you. So, let there be more than one such person in your life who will truly need you. I wish sincerity of all bright feelings to the depths of the soul.

Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, loved ones give attention, joy, warmth and affection, friends surround you with sincere understanding and support, colleagues respect and cherish. May everything that seemed unrealizable come true, and let the most desired thing happen!

Happy Birthday! Let everything happen in your life as soon as possible - all the best, kind, bright and long-awaited! Let love, luck and prosperity come! May there always be peace within the walls of your home, and peace and confidence in the future in your heart, which will be even more beautiful!

The year has flown by and...
Your birthday!
In fate a new turn
He gives without a doubt!

I wish without looking back
For days gone by
Go through life smoothly
And better not alone!

I want all barriers
Easy to overcome
For petty offenses
Watch with irony!

Happy birthday - tender wishes in verse

Do not regret that on your birthday
One year you grow older
Throw all doubts out of your heart
And run pour champagne!

Our years are hard money
You can't bring them back
And so we must on the planet
To use our life to the fullest.

May the sea of ​​unearthly happiness
Shakes like in a cradle!
Let all dispel bad weather
So that birds sing in the heart!
Good luck, peace and hope,
Fate worthy and beautiful,
Great love, beautiful, tender,
And joy as clear as the sun!

I want to find a path
Among the mysterious roads!
Don't even shed a tear
May only joy await you!
Always go towards the sun
Shine, shine among the heights!
To live royally, to love and believe,
And never lose heart!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
May only true friends always be near!
May all your dreams come true and may you be successful!
And there will always be joy, smiles, jokes, laughter!
Let everything always happen just the way you want!
And life will be beautiful, like the first flowers!

There is no cold and bad weather,
There are no problems there;
The country is called - "Happiness" -
- You rule this country!

May your dominions expand
Knowing neither grief nor troubles,
May your wise government
It will last three thousand years!

And if an idea comes up
Gather around the table again
Call me more boldly -
I'll be right here, around the corner!

On your beautiful birthday
Let the soul open.
Let everyone around be convinced
How good are you!

Let the day begin with a fairy tale
And soft music sounds
Let her heart beat in unison.
Let love hurry to you!

Let about the future today
The cricket will sing to you.
Let your dreams come true
Magic gentle breeze!

Happy Birthday,
Sending congratulations.
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
Let bypass all bad weather.

Be even more beautiful
And slimmer and prettier,
Trouble not to know and not to get sick,
And get better with age!

Rescue children and grandchildren,
Teach them the science of life
Be supportive, help
And never be discouraged.

With her husband so as not to swear,
So that you smile at your friends
Was the best wife
Aunt, mother and daughter-in-law!

And the stars and the sky wish you luck
The flowers of the whole world are yours today!
We want to congratulate you on your birthday,
Hold the box of happiness, great love.

Let the sun paint your mood
For many years, let life spring
Will be filled with smiles and those
Who will warm the heart in a joyless moment!

Happy birthday!
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Happiness joy luck
And spiritual warmth.

May wishes come true
And cherished dreams
And the happiest of all in the world
May you be today!

So that all your aspirations
You could bring it to reality
And found my way to success
Among the roads of life!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
And I want to wish again
Love, desire, inspiration...
Do not lose the soul of delight.

You are so beautiful that I don't know
What more words to add...
I just wish you happiness
Sparkling, from your dreams.

May heaven give you joy
And a light bold breeze
Let sweetness bring fun
And every day good luck flow.

The sun shines through the window again
And inspiration fills the soul
And, as always, for many years,
I congratulate you on your birthday!

But no, not like always! Stronger!
I want happiness to settle in your house,
God bless your family
And the troubles were already in a coma.

And let a cheerful motive sound in your soul,
And joy shines in your eyes
And let there be no lack of anything,
Especially, of course, in friends.

We wish you on this day
Bloom and smell like lilacs
Be irresistible as always
Relatives, loved ones.

Forget about possible difficulties
Let everything that is difficult become clear.
Care, tenderness, kindness!
Don't forget that life is a game.

Health - strong, steel,
And happiness - the most worldly.
And among the roads of life
Find a cozy corner.

On my birthday, all bouquets,
All smiles are for you!
Let couplets and greetings
Friends send from all sides.

Be loved and beautiful
Cheerful and good.
May the road be clear
Let your soul sing.

Let the stars shine brightly
Kind words are flowing.
Guests will gather at home
For a fun evening.

Today is definitely your day!
He is the best for roses and poetry.
Even the slightest shadow
Your dreams do not concern.

Health, love and kindness
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
Let the years fly from the yard -
Don't rush to count them.

May joy (and only she)
Comes to your doorstep.
Be bright like spring
Beautiful like a flower!

Be beautiful and loved
Cheerful, kind, beautiful.
To be respected by the authorities
And the family loved it!

Sing, love and smile
Try not to be sad.
Let at any time of the year -
In the heart of clear weather!

I wish you the same happiness
Let bypass all bad weather
Your home is bright
Long and deaf trail!

A birthday celebration can be different, right? But I want to celebrate every birthday in a special way. If you are going to congratulate your relatives and loved ones, you can’t do it “for show”, because the birthday person will be doubly pleased if you thoroughly and prepare in advance for your congratulations.

When choosing a gift - leave alone shaving foam, pajamas, socks, toothbrushes and other and other platitudes! Life is a daily matter, and on a birthday every person wants attention and warmth.

Give your loved ones a fairy tale, magic. After all, there are many gentle birthday greetings - both in verse and in prose. You can find it online, or you can make your own. The main thing is that the congratulations come from the heart.

When preparing your congratulations, think about what words you would like to say to the birthday man. Be sure not to forget to apologize for the offenses caused - after all, unfortunately, it is the closest relatives and friends that we cause a lot of pain. Tell me how dear this person is to you and that he once appeared in your life. Wish him all the very joyful and bright.

A tender birthday greeting for a loved one can be composed as a declaration of love. For example, beautifully decorate a small jar and a lid for it. At the top, write: "100 (or there 99, 200 - whatever you want, as long as you have enough strength) reasons why I love you." Further - a matter of your imagination and your feelings. You can write some symbolic number for your couple. For example, the number of days, how many you already know, or months, or years.

Gentle congratulations on your birthday will not do without beautiful flowers and some trinkets. For example, you can make something interesting with your own hands. If the birthday boy loves, for example, certain candies, make a long garland out of them and hang the whole room.

Happy birthday to you!
I wish you health, joy.
And so that you live for many years
No tears, no sorrow, no trouble!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood
never know sadness
And all the best in life.

Never lose heart
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

Happy birthday to you.
Have fun on this day, do not be sad.
I wish you a lot of happiness
And especially happiness in love!

I wish you a whole bunch of happiness
Joyful smiles bouquet,
Reliable and cheerful friends,
Happy life for a whole century!

I wish you
On your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck

easy roads,
Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

Be a confident girl
In your struggle, in your path, in your destiny.
Stand in the crowd like you're the only one
As if you were born a Goddess!

If you are an opponent of peace,
So you're still young
And as long as you believe that you can
Overcome any steep climb,
You are always 10 years younger
The age that is in your passport!

May your day be sunny and beautiful.
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening - starry, clean, clear.
(Name), always be happy !!!

May your birthday
The warmth of your family will keep you warm.
And nothing is scary with him
Even though the snow is flying, even though the wind is blowing!

To the sound of a crystal glass
The hiss of sweet wine
I congratulate you on your birthday
We wish you happiness and good.

We wish you a lot of happiness
Illnesses, sorrows do not know
Achieve success at work
And in your personal life, do not yawn!

We wish you health, vivacity, success,
More joy and laughter
Happiness as much as you need
So that the soul would be glad

For your heart to sing
To make things happy,
So as not to grow old over the years,
And bloom and look younger!

Always sad and happy
Celebrate your birthday:
Years go by irrevocably
Just keep counting them.

But time seems to flow
Nothing can hold on.
Today is your birthday
We want to wish you happiness

Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove

More laughter, less sadness -
And never be discouraged.

Congratulations, my love, you
With this bright and joyful day.
It means a lot to me too.
So let's meet him together!

There will be candles flickering on the table,
Reflected in happy eyes
And I can help you in the dark
Everything can be said in two cherished words.

Happy birthday, dear, you!
I am forever grateful to fate
What connected me with you
You are my precious man.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you, Have fun from the heart, do not be sad. I wish you much happiness, And especially happiness in love. May every moment be beautiful in life, And may fate keep you from troubles, May the world of love be wonderful, And joyful dawn with your beloved.

Happy birthday to you!
I wish you health, joy.
And so that you live for many years
No tears, no sorrow, no trouble!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood
never know sadness
And all the best in life.

Never lose heart
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood
never know sadness
And all the best in life.

Never lose heart
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

Happy birthday to you.
Have fun on this day, do not be sad.
I wish you a lot of happiness
And especially happiness in love!

Congratulations to a beautiful woman today!
From the bottom of my heart and sincerely on this day I wish:
Fabulous gifts - those that the heart is waiting for
And bright surprises - let the soul sing!

I wish you many sweet dreams
Joyful and sunny life days,
Dreams of fulfillment that soars in the distance,
A sea of ​​inspiration, happiness and love!

May spring come to you with a smile of a rainbow,
He will smile affectionately, save him from trouble.
Warm whirling to you in everything always
May success and luck be forever.

A pleasant day today promised.
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
Nice, kind woman!
We want to wish her from the bottom of our hearts

To make the eyes shine, radiate,
So that in the heart of spring forever.
Dreams are colored to dream
There was no trouble along the way.

Let your beauty bloom
Throwing envious people into shock!
There's so much more we want
It is impossible to fit everything into a poem.

There are many wishes in the world
Do not count them all.
I just congratulate you
I love it the way it is.
Be beautiful all the time
Both soul and self.
Be loved all the time
Both winter and spring.
Do not bow rowan,
If there is trouble.
Be happy all the time
On this day and always.

Spring is sweeping across the planet
gives smiles and flowers.
Children laugh and rejoice
and more beauty.
On your birthday, bright holiday,
clouds suddenly rise
and the happiness of a variety of fairy tales
will surely come to you.
And there will be many wishes
warmth, hope and love.
The sky will reveal a secret to you -
your dreams will come true.

Today is a birthday celebration!
A wonderful day, whatever one may say.
Please accept our congratulations:
Health, happiness and love.
And let luck be near
Don't forget your friends.
And life was so - chocolate.
Energy - let it over the edge!
Ideas, joyful accomplishments
And amazing ideas!
Gifts, new experiences,
And bright holiday lights!

Gifts will be given more than twice.
Double luck accompanies you.
Congratulations on the birth of both, and immediately.
Congratulations to the two twins.
Share the joy of victory with each other.
You will reach the goal 2 times faster!
Let further troubles be removed 2 times,
New achievements, magical ideas!

Happy birthday, kind, beautiful,
Perfect in everything - from "a" to "z"!
Fatal, feminine, passionate -
You are irresistible as a diamond!

Stay like in a good fairy tale
Young, beautiful always.
Let life save you from shaking,
They will not diminish the harmony of the year.

Let the blush play on the cheeks,
They say about health “blood with milk”,
Life will be a blooming garden of paradise,
Above which you flutter like a moth.

Happy birthday! Fate kaleidoscope
Let bright days please you
Let horoscopes prophesy happiness
Appreciated by family and friends!

A little older and a little wiser.
Friends smiles and flowers
Let the heart warm with sincerity
And the wishes are simple:

It doesn't matter if it's right or left
The road wants to run -
Be a woman and a queen
Keep hoping and waiting.

Onward and upward, always and everywhere,
Beyond the horizon...
Let the winds be fair
You believe in yourself in any season.

Let there be bright moments
Where is the sea, sun and sand.
And whispers compliments in your ear
Good luck gentle voice!

Sweet, gentle, bright, pure,
May this day when you were born
Happiness will smile at you radiant,
Troubles and sorrows pass the attack.
May it never, never end
Your faith in the coming of spring
May all dreams and hopes come true.
Fairy tales and dreams become reality...

Everything is beautiful in you: appearance and soul,
The ability to live and spend leisure ...
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you on this day,
And I'm in a hurry - your closest friend!
I so appreciate tenderness and kindness in you,
A soft smile and the light of radiant eyes!
I wish you always be lucky
And so that love does not leave you!
