What determines the color of various gold alloys? What color is gold: Crimson's precious color palette.

Colors are of great importance in our life. Just imagine your life without them for one day - the world around you will become gray and uninteresting - and you will see how much we need them. With the help of colors, they even determine the sides of the character and personality traits in psychology! As for English, just like in all languages ​​of the world, colors are used everywhere to describe objects, their state; people and their appearance, environment, etc.

Let's look at the basic nuances of using colors in English, and also stop and remember some interesting exceptions and idioms associated with them.

Let's start with the very basics. From the very word "color" in English.

Which is correct "colour" or "color"?

Some beginners who begin to learn English come across both versions of this word and are perplexed which version is correct or preferable. In fact, both are correct!

Color is the American version color used in Britain, New Zealand. The second option is more traditional and classic. There are no differences in pronunciation. Therefore, feel free to write as you like.

Let's look at a few examples of both variants of the word "colour/color":

  • What's your favorite color? - What's your favorite color?
  • Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their color, flavor and texture. - Food subjected to industrial processing loses quite a lot of color, smell and quality.
  • This garden was a mass of color /color. This garden was a concentration of flowers.

The following are examples of how you can replace the word "color":

  • a bright, dark, deep color/shade/hue - bright, dark, deep shade/color/tone;
  • a pale, delicate color/shade/hue - pale, subtle color/shade/tone;
  • a light / strong /natural color/shade - light, saturated, natural color/shade.
The main synonyms for the word "color" are:
shade- shade, shade
hue- tone, color
tint- shade
tinge- shade

Interesting idioms with the word "color":

  • your true colors - your true face, character.
    People will never know my true colours. People will never know my true face.
  • with flying colors - very good; with great success, great results
    I am going to pass my English test with flying colours. - I'm going to pass my English exam with great success.

Primary colors of the English language

As you know, there are a huge variety of colors, however, the main and most used are the following:

Red- red
Gray- grey
Blue- blue
dark blue- blue
Green- green
Yellow- yellow
Pink- pink
Orange- orange
Brown- brown
White- white
Black- black
violet- violet

For a more detailed description, you can use a huge variety of colors that are present in English in the same way as in Russian:

Gold- golden
Silver- silver
Amber- amber
Azure- blue, azure
Beige- beige
body color- flesh color
Bronze- bronze
Chocolate- chocolate
Coral- coral
Denim blue- denim
Lilac- lilac
Pearl- pearl
Raspberry- raspberry
Sand- sandy
Snow- snow-white
Vinous- burgundy
light sea green- aquamarine

As for shades, it is quite simple to form them in English. Just follow the following scheme and you will be fine:

Green(green) + light(light) = light green(light green);
green + dark(dark) = dark green(dark green).

  • She has very beautiful dark green eyes. She has very beautiful dark green eyes.
  • This light green color suits you so much. - This light yellow suits you very well.
  • I would like to buy this green curtain. - I would like to buy this green curtain.

And if something is not clear, the teachers of our school will be happy to help you.

Also, there is an option to add words bright And pale:

bright green- bright green;
pale green- pale green.

To suit- go, approach
Curtain- curtain, curtain
Bright- bright
Pale- pale, dim

The use of colors in sentences

There are several options:

The name of the color is used after the verb

  • This plate is white. - This plate is white.
  • This cup has pleasant yellow color. - This cup is a nice yellow color.

Color is a noun

  • This white plate is nice. - This white plate is beautiful.
  • Yellow cup was bought yesterday. We bought a yellow cup yesterday.

The color comes before the noun it describes.

  • This white plate is mine. This white cup is mine.
  • That yellow cup belongs to him. - This yellow cup belongs to him.

Idioms about flowers

Modern English contains a huge number of idioms and set expressions. No native speaker can do without them. And of course, for all English learners, it would be quite nice to master a couple of idioms regarding colors.

black as ink- gloomy, gloomy
to look blue- look sad
Once in a blue moon- very rarely, almost never
out of the blue- thunder from a clear sky, unexpectedly
Grass is always greener on the other side- Well, where we do not
green hand- an inexperienced person, a novice in some business
to see red- get angry, get angry
golden opportunity- a great, brilliant opportunity for something
To give the green light- allow something
A gray area- riddle, riddle

jokes in english related to flowers
What's black and white and red all over?
(A newspaper!)

What happens when you throw a white hat into the Black Sea?
(It gets wet!)

(A penguin rolling down a hill!)

What's black and white, black and white, and black and white?
(A zebra caught in a revolving door!)

What's black and white, black and white, and black and white?
(A panda bear rolling down a hill!)

Just like in life, in our everyday communication, both in Russian and in English, knowledge of colors is simply necessary. Without them, it is impossible to fully express everything that you see, feel and imagine. Learn something new and interesting, improve, and your life will not only become brighter and more colorful, but you will definitely find your “golden opportunity”.

Large and friendly EnglishDom family.

Table (palette) of html colors gives you the opportunity to independently choose the tone you need. The color value is displayed in three formats: Hex, RGB, and HSV.

  • Hex consists of three two character values ​​in hexadecimal notation. For example: #ff00b3, where the first pair of numbers is red, the second is green, and the third is blue.
  • RGB (RedGreenBlue) has the form "200,100,255" indicating the amount of the corresponding tone (red, green, blue) in the resulting color.
  • HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value - tone, saturation, value) - a color model in which the coordinates are:
    • Hue - color tone, can vary from 0° to 360°.
    • Saturation - saturation, varies between 0-100 or 0-1. The larger this setting, the "purer" the color is, which is why this setting is sometimes referred to as color purity. And the closer this parameter is to zero, the closer the color is to neutral gray.
    • Value (color value) - sets the brightness, the value can also vary between 0-100 or 0-1.

Enter color code: GO

List of colors with names

The table lists the English color names (which can be used as values) supported by all browsers and their hexadecimal values. All colors listed are "safe", meaning they will display the same in all browsers.

Color name HEX Color
dark blue#00008B
Medium Blue#0000CD
dark green#006400
Dark Turquoise#00CED1
midnight blue#191970
Dodger Blue#1E90FF
forest green#228B22
sea ​​green#2E8B57
Lime Green#32CD32
Royal Blue#4169E1
steel blue#4682B4
Medium Turquoise#48D1CC
Cadet Blue#5F9EA0
Dim Gray#696969
Slate Blue#6A5ACD
sky blue#87CEEB
blue violet#8A2BE2
dark red#8B0000
Light Green#90EE90
Medium Purple#9370D8
dark violet#9400D3
pale green#98FB98
Dark Orchid#9932CC
yellow green#9ACD32
dark gray#A9A9A9
light blue#ADD8E6
Powder Blue#B0E0E6
Medium Orchid#BA55D3
light gray#D3D3D3
golden rod#DAA520
Alice Blue#F0F8FF
Sandy Brown#F4A460
white smoke#F5F5F5
ghost white#F8F8FF
antique white#FAEBD7
Old Lace#FDF5E6
Blanched Almond#FFEBCD
Papaya Whip#FFEFD5

Any person imagines gold as a yellow metal, but this is not entirely true. Metal particles found in nature most often have a greenish-gray tint, so only a specialist can recognize the precious metal in them. Saturated yellow color and pronounced brilliance has a processed metal of 999 standard, from which bank ingots are made. Jewelers do not use the precious metal itself to make jewelry, but its alloys with different ligatures. Depending on the composition of the ligature, the color of gold may be different. This feature is used by jewelers to create unusual and exclusive jewelry that embodies fashionable design solutions.

What are the shades?

In addition to the standard yellow color, pink and white gold are popular with buyers. Pink color is obtained by adding copper to the ligature. By increasing the proportion of copper in the ligature of the metal alloy, the master can get both a pink tint and red or even orange. What specific shade will turn out depends on the sample of the alloy and the amount of copper added. When choosing jewelry, remember that pink metal can only have 750 or 585 fineness. The standard ratio of components in an alloy with a 750 marking is as follows: 75% Aurum, 9% Silver and 16% Copper.

An orange or reddish color is typical for low grade gold 375 markings. The components of the ligature are also silver and copper. To obtain an orange tint, increase the proportion of silver, and for red - copper. The reddish tint corresponds to the color of old gold, most of the products of the Soviet 583 standard are characterized by a red tint.

Rose gold jewelry is considered a symbol of love and looks very romantic. From the material of this color, rings and pendants are most often made, which are very popular with lovers who choose a gift for their soulmate.

The white color of gold is no less popular among customers of jewelry stores. Even in the photo, light alloy products look refined and elegant. The white alloy is usually 750 fine, the remainder of which is divided between palladium and silver. When choosing white gold jewelry, you need to make sure that the composition of the alloy includes palladium. Unscrupulous manufacturers replace it with cheaper nickel, which can cause an allergic reaction on the skin when wearing the product.

White metal is popular due to the fact that its shade is similar to the steel-white color of platinum. The light alloy is ideally combined with diamonds, as such a setting allows you to fully reveal the brilliance of stones, additionally illuminating it. According to stylists, white aurum jewelry is suitable for any look, regardless of the type of appearance and is considered more versatile than yellow metal.

What color is gold still if other components are added to the alloy? Fusions of gold with certain chemical elements are called metallides. Such compounds are characterized by unusual beautiful shades, brittleness and low ductility. These materials are rarely used to create whole pieces of jewelry, usually used as inlays or exotic stones.

When aurum is combined with potassium, an olive shade of the alloy can be achieved. Jewelry with such a green surface color is rare and quite expensive due to its beauty.

You can also get gold with a greenish tint with the help of silver, which is added in small quantities. With an increase in its proportion in the alloy, the metal acquires a yellowish-green tint, then yellow-white and completely white.

The metallide, which, in addition to aurum, includes indium, is characterized by a blue tint. Many experts consider blue gold to be a myth, since only the Argentine master Antiniassi managed to reproduce an alloy with such a shade, who left his secret of the ligature composition undisclosed.

The blue color of gold is obtained by adding iron and chromium to the alloy. Like other metallides, the material is brittle, so it is good only as inserts in products from traditional options. Experts recommend that when choosing jewelry with blue gold, you should pay attention to the location of the inserts: they should come into contact with the skin as little as possible when worn. This requirement is due to the fact that the blue alloy oxidizes rapidly with constant contact with the skin.

A violet-colored alloy is obtained by combining aurum with aluminum or potassium. It owes its birth to the creative curiosity of jewelers. The first jewelry made of purple metal was created in ancient Egypt, but the recipe of the Egyptians has not survived to this day. Modern masters reproduced the composition of the compound again.

Very dark shades

The dark shades of the precious metal are becoming increasingly popular: brown and black. What determines the color of gold in this case? To obtain these shades, chemical methods of processing the finished product are used.

Brown gold has recently become extremely fashionable, although in the past, due to its hardness, it was mainly used to create watch cases. As a standard, it has either a 585 or 750 sample with a high copper content in the rest of the ligature. The brown color is obtained not by adding cuprum to the ligature, but by repeated chemical treatment of the decoration. The material acquires a brown tint after several special procedures.

Brown gold is most often paired with a rose-colored alloy – this is how jewelers create spectacular jewelry that is typical for the precious collections of autumn-winter seasons. The combination of alloys of different colors is used quite often. Combinations of golden yellow, pink and white alloys also look unusual.

According to the compatibility of stones with brown gold, white diamonds are best suited. Very often in new collections you can find a combination of a dark shade of precious metal not only with jewelry alloys and precious stones, but also with materials that have a completely different nature. These include wood, leather and fabrics. The unusual shade of the precious metal allows you to create the same unusual design jewelry.

Black gold is distinguished by its special sophistication and charm, but its color is also obtained through special processing. To give the decoration shades of black and gray spectrum, you can use several tricks. If the color is achieved by galvanic treatment, then in the process it is possible to obtain a shade in the range from light gray to deep black. What color the gold will turn out depends on the degree of processing and the features of the technological process.

Other methods for producing trendy black gold are to coat the jewelry with a layer of rhodium or amorphous carbon. Instead of rhodium, the master can use ruthenium, as a result of the work, a product is obtained that has a kind of black coating. To obtain a black tint, they also resort to compiling a special alloy of 750 samples of the precious metal, the ligature of which also includes cobalt and chromium. To obtain a dark surface, the compound is oxidized at high temperatures.

The most advantageous option is a combination of black gold with precious compounds of other shades, and among stones, black diamonds are considered an ideal complement to such jewelry, which not only do not fade against a dark background, but also reveal the full depth of their color. The use of white diamonds, rubies and sapphires is acceptable.

The quality of the metal does not depend on its color. Many people prefer white gold to the usual yellow alloy, arguing their choice with a higher standard. In practice, a 750 sample of a precious metal can have both white and yellow or pink hues.

The reddish tint is very often characterized as the color of old gold or the cheapest - this is another misconception. Light reddish pink tints are also characteristic of high samples of gold, if the ligature provides for the presence of copper in the alloy.

The cost of jewelry is not affected by its color, but by the marking of the sample and the complexity of the work of the master. The more complex the technological process of manufacturing a product and obtaining a beautiful shade, or the more difficult it is to implement the designer's idea, the higher the price of the decoration will be.

Gold is usually associated with a sunny metal. Yes, and Aurum is translated as "yellow". Pure gold does indeed have a bright yellow color and is incredibly soft. For practicality, other metals are added to it, which subsequently change color. What do the shades of the 79th element of the periodic table depend on, and does black gold exist?

What color is gold

Ligature- additional elements that are added to the alloy to pure metal in order to increase its wear resistance. These same components affect the color change. The composition of the ligature is gold, silver and copper. But there are more complex combinations.

Pure gold is called gold, which in the product is more than 90%

Surprisingly, non-ferrous metal was known as early as the 19th century, when osmium, rhodium and palladium were discovered. But in the view of the majority, the metal has an exclusively yellow or red tint. In recent years, pink and white gold have been gaining popularity.

Types of colored gold:

1. Alloys of classic shades.

2. Intermetallics- special color combinations for exotic shades. These are not alloys, but new substances.

3. Gold with an oxide film that changes color due to temperature or special treatment.

Palette creation scheme

red gold makes copper. Jewelry 585 samples from this color of metal is the leader in jewelry preferences among compatriots.

Red gold was the most popular in Rus'

yellow gold has a lemon hue, which is obtained due to the correct proportion of copper, silver and aurum. In 750-carat jewelry, the ratio of the first two elements is equal; for 585-carat jewelry, 20% more copper is added to the alloy than silver.

For the first time the word "golden" as a designation of color was recorded back in 1300.

The higher the percentage of silver, the lighter the shade of yellow

White gold acquires a noble shade due to the content of palladium, silver or platinum. Jewelry made of this metal looks elegant, and for shine they are covered with rhodium. But the cheaper nickel in the alloy can provoke an allergy.

The beauty of diamonds is best revealed when set in white gold.

Pink gold- "merit" of copper. This is one of the shades of red metal with 9% silver and 16% copper in the composition in 750 jewelry.

Rose gold differs from red gold in a higher silver content in the alloy.

Silver makes the metal soft green color, and to make the color more intense, cadmium is added to the alloy. Also, an olive hue is obtained through a combination of gold, zinc and potassium.

If you apply pure 99% gold in a layer of one atom, you get a rich bottle color

Green gold has a muted olive tint.

Color blue gold- a secret. The proportions are classified, but it is known that the composition contains steel, chromium or cobalt. This is a rather brittle metal, so it is used more as inserts. With constant contact with the skin, blue gold jewelry quickly oxidizes. You can see stunning masterpieces in the collection of the Italian brand Jarretiere.

blue gold with indium is considered by many to be a myth. The Argentine master Antiniassi became the lucky one who managed to bring out a unique shade of 985 samples! One of the options for creating a soft blue hue of 585 gold is the addition of gallium.

The effect of blue gold can also be achieved in the process of sintering metals and coating the usual yellow aurum with a thin film of blue tint.

Some experts argue that it is wrong to apply the concept of gold to exotic colors like black or blue, since the precious metal itself does not form such a palette.

Gold purple or amethyst the color becomes so thanks to aluminum and potassium. But this shade is possible only for products from 750 samples.

Interesting: Scientist-metallurgist Lo Peng Cham created a unique alloy of purple gold, palladium was used for plasticity. In 2002, the Singapore company Aspial Corporation Limited bought the rights from the man and patented the alloy. In 2006, designer Toshiyuki Kita released the Purple Gold collection. The specific composition of the alloy and the manufacturing process are still kept secret.

Purple Gold Jewelry Collection

Brown the color has an original shade due to repeated chemical processing. The alloy also contains palladium. Looks best when paired with rose gold and diamonds. One of the most stunning chocolate palette decorations is from the de Grisogono brand.

Brown gold is often referred to as chocolate gold because of its soft hue.

An amazing spectacle in jewelry masterpieces. The British jewelry house Stephen Webster or de Grisogono use it in their collections, combining it with black or stones of saturated colors. A stylish and magical shade is obtained in several ways:

    Cobalt, chromium are added to the alloy and the metal is oxidized at high temperature.

    Galvanic method: ordinary gold is plated with black rhodium or ruthenium.

    The metal is treated with amorphous carbon. This method is used more often for the watch case.

    With the help of a powerful laser pulse, the optical properties of the metal are changed.

Black gold looks spectacular in combination with colored minerals and transparent diamonds.

Gold standard, color and price of jewelry

The most common are 585 and 750 samples. The share of pure gold in jewelry is 58.5% and 75.0%. According to the Western system, respectively, 14-carat and 18-carat. The 999th sample is the best in composition, but because of its softness, it is not used in jewelry. Bank bars are made from pure gold.

There is a popular misconception that the price of gold depends on the color, but this indicator is influenced by the sample - the amount of precious metal in the composition. The complexity of the work of the master and the laboriousness of the technological process are also important.

And which of the exotic shades of metal would you like to get into your precious collection of details for a flawless look?

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The study of colors in English usually does not present any particular difficulties due to the clarity of the material being studied. In this article, we will introduce you to how the primary colors are called in English with a translation into Russian. Not all English learners are familiar with English transcription, so we will teach you how to name colors in English with Russian pronunciation.

So, in the world there are a huge number of colors and shades. And far from each of them we can call one word even in our native language, not to mention a foreign one. And in order not to have a shortage of words denoting colors in English, it is not necessary to study all possible color options. It will be enough to know a couple of dozens of the main names most often used in speech.

Color names in English

Here are ten basic colors that children are first introduced to when learning English.

Yellow - yellow (Elou) [ˈjeləʊ]

Green - green (green) [ɡriːn]

Blue - blue, blue (blue) [bluː]

Brown - brown (brown) [braʊn]

White - white (white) [waɪt]

Red - red (ed) [red]

Orange - orange (Orange) [ˈɒrɪndʒ]

Pink - pink (pink) [pɪŋk]

Gray - gray (grey) [ɡreɪ]

Black - black (black) [blæk]

The pronunciation of colors in English for children is usually not very difficult, most colors are indicated by one-syllable words and are easy to remember.

After you have mastered the first ten colors in English, you can add ten more colors to your vocabulary that you can see quite often in different situations.

Beige - beige (beige) [beɪʒ]

Golden - golden, golden (golden) [ˈɡəʊldən]

Emerald - emerald (Emerald) [ˈemərəld]

Coral - coral (coral) [ˈkɒrəl]

Copper - copper (kopa) [ˈkɒpə]

Olive - olive (Olive) [ˈɒlɪv]

Purple - purple, purple (ash) [ˈpɜːpəl]

Silver - silver, silvery (silva) [ˈsɪlvə]

Lilac - lilac (lilak) [ˈlaɪlək]

Khaki - khaki (kaki) [ˈkɑːki]

Thus, now you know the basic colors in English with transcription in Russian. There are twenty words in total, with which you can easily name the color of any item that you need.

In addition to the name of the color, sometimes you need to name the shade. The names of shades can be indicated by adding certain adjectives to the main color. For example: bright, dark, light, etc. They will allow you to convey the color saturation of the described phenomenon or object. Here are words that will help you more accurately indicate the desired color.

light- light (light) [ laɪt ]

Dark- dark (dak) [dɑːk]

Bright- bright (bright) [braɪt]

Dull- dim (gave) [ dʌl ]

Pale- pale (pale) [peɪl]

After you have learned the names of all colors in English, for better memorization and further training, you can try to name objects familiar to you in English, adding the name of the color to them. For example, a red sofa (red sofa), a white fridge (white refrigerator), light green walls (light green walls), dark blue socks (dark blue socks).

You also need to know how to correctly ask in English what color this or that object is. To do this, use the What color? (what colour). For example:

What is this?- What is this? (wot from zis?) [‘wɒt ɪz ðɪs]

This is a flower.- This is a flower. (zis from e flaua) [‘ðɪs ɪz ə ˈflaʊə]

What color is it?- What colour is he? (wat kala from it) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ɪt]

It is yellow.- He is yellow. (it from Yelou) [ɪtɪz ˈjeləʊ]

Learning colors in English in a playful way

If you are learning flower names in English with your kids, there are many fun game activities to come up with. Starting from playing with pencils - asking what color the pencil you are holding, and vice versa, so that the child asks the question.

One of the variants of such a game is "Guess". One participant hides a pencil behind his back, and the second tries to guess what color this pencil is. Structures used in this game:

-Is it...(color name)? - He ... (color name)?

- Yes, it is. (No, it isn't)- Yes. (No)

For example:

Behind the back, the participant holds (a blue pencil)

Then he asks the second player a question:

What color is the pencil?- What color is the pencil? (wat kala from ze pensil) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ðə ˈpensl]

The second player starts guessing:

Is it red?- He is red? (from it ed) [ɪz ɪt red]

First member:

No, it isn't.

Is it yellow?- He is yellow? (from it Yelou) [ɪzɪt ˈjeləʊ]

No, it isn't.- No. (know, it iznt) [ ‘nəʊ ɪt ‘ɪznt]

Is it blue?- Is it blue? (from it blu) [ɪz ɪt bluː]

Yes, it is.- Yes. (eu it from) [ ˈjes it ‘iz]

It is also good to remember colors in English for children to help your questions on a walk, when cleaning toys - “What color is this?”. The more memory exercises you do, the faster and more lasting the effect will be.

So, as you can see, remembering the names of flowers in English will not be difficult for either adults or children. Now you can go further in learning English. And most importantly - do not forget from time to time to return to the passed words and use them in combination with the newly learned ones.

Color memory exercise

To consolidate the result, right now, you can go through the online exercise. We wish you success!

Complete the sentence with the missing word (color name)

Complete the sentences with the correct word combinations

Make an offer

    Colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like .

    Healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruits.

If you are interested in learning English quickly and effectively, then register in our online learning service Lim English and start exciting classes!
