Paraffin hand masks. Paraffin hand mask: secrets of using it at home

The beneficial effects of paraffin on the skin have long been used not only for medicinal but also for cosmetic purposes, especially in the form of masks. A cosmetic paraffin mask is applied to the face, hands, feet, which helps improve the condition of the skin and rejuvenate it.

For these purposes, white purified paraffin is used, which does not contain dyes, harmful and irritating chemical elements, and is electrically neutral. Cosmetic masks can be prepared from pure paraffin or in combination with various special cosmetic additives. These include biologically active substances, cosmetic fragrances, nutritional, anti-inflammatory, softening and moisturizing substances - vitamins “A”, “E”, vegetable oils (almond, olive, peach), extracts of medicinal plants (aloe, calendula, chamomile, etc. ).

The effect of paraffin and indications for the use of masks

The skin of the face and hands are the most vulnerable areas of the body to external negative factors. The cosmetic effect of a paraffin face mask, noticeable from the first procedure, is explained by the physical properties of paraffin itself - high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. Despite the fact that it begins to melt at a temperature of 48-54 degrees and is applied to the skin in a liquid state, paraffin does not cause skin burns even after heating to 65-75 degrees.

After applying the mask, the temperature of the skin under it increases by 1.5-3 degrees and remains within 38-40 degrees for almost the entire session. Slow heat transfer of paraffin, long-term heat retention, impermeability to moisture and air lead to slow, uniform heating of tissues and the creation of a greenhouse effect under the mask. This promotes the development of positive physical and physiological processes of a local nature in the skin of the face and underlying tissues. Cosmetic products have the same effect. These processes are:

  • softening of the upper layers of the horny epithelium;
  • increasing the space between cells;
  • stimulation of the function of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • blood flow due to expansion and increase in the number of functioning capillaries;
  • acceleration of local metabolic processes;
  • relaxation of facial muscles and hand muscles.

The result of this is increased sweating under the mask, which leads to easier desquamation (exfoliation) of dead epithelial cells, freeing the excretory ducts of the skin glands from sebaceous “plugs” and impurities, and removal of salts and toxins through sweat. The return flow of water through enlarged pores helps to moisturize the skin, and the large size of molecules and toxic elements prevents their reabsorption.

As a result of increased microcirculation of blood and lymph, metabolic products are removed more quickly, the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients to cells is improved, metabolic and regenerative processes and renewal of the skin layers are accelerated. The additional therapeutic and cosmetic effect of paraffin is due to a gradual decrease in its volume during the cooling process, reaching a maximum after half an hour. This leads to stretching and “compression” of tissues, smoothing out fine wrinkles, improving lymphatic drainage and outflow of venous blood.

After paraffin treatments, the skin acquires a natural color, becomes smooth, soft, velvety and elastic. Thus, face and hand masks have moisturizing, detoxifying (removal of poisons), moderate decongestant and rejuvenating properties. They are recommended to be used:

  1. For dry and “fading” skin, pale or dull complexion.
  2. For resorption of post-acne infiltrates.
  3. To eliminate swelling of the tissues of the face and hands.
  4. To accelerate the healing of residual effects of skin damage and eliminate pain.
  5. In the presence of acne without signs of inflammation and post-acne.
  6. In order to strengthen nails and prevent their fragility.
  7. To eliminate fine wrinkles and reduce the appearance of deeper wrinkles.
  8. After some plastic surgeries, as well as as preparation before skin cleansing procedures.
  9. For preventive purposes.

Practical use

Almost all beauty salons offer different treatments for different areas of the body using paraffin. However, in pharmacies and many specialized stores selling cosmetics you can purchase cosmetic paraffin, with which a cosmetic mask at home can be applied to the face and hands for 15-20 minutes 2 times a week as a systematic skin care.

Before starting the procedure, the face and/or hands must be cleaned of dirt, preferably with a scrub, and dried. After this, you can apply a moisturizing, nourishing, vitamin, anti-inflammatory or other cream or lotion, which will serve as the basis for applying paraffin. It ensures deeper penetration of the necessary active ingredients.

Solid paraffin is melted to a liquid state in a special tray or dry pan, which is placed in another pan with hot water (water bath). The latter is heated to 50-60 degrees until the paraffin completely melts. First, to determine the temperature of the paraffin, apply a light smear in the forehead area with a flat, dense brush. Then a thin layer is applied to the entire area of ​​skin (face, hands), with the exception of the eyebrows and eyelids, wings and nasal septum. Another 2 or 3 layers of paraffin are applied to the frozen first layer so that the thickness of the mask is 1-1.5 cm. To retain heat for a longer time, you can put a terry towel on it.

Contraindications to the use of thermal procedures with paraffin:

  1. Skin damage, acute inflammatory processes and pustular rashes.
  2. , And .
  3. Hypertrichosis, papillomas and birthmarks on the intended area of ​​application of the mask.
  4. Arterial hyper- or hypotension, diabetes mellitus.

The paraffin used to prepare masks, even after thorough cleaning and rinsing, can retain epithelial cells, hair debris, dirt and bacterial infection, which can cause skin irritation and an inflammatory reaction. Therefore, its reuse is undesirable.

For a paraffin mask you need cosmetic paraffin. It melts at a lower temperature than normal, and therefore does not leave burns during the procedure. In addition, moisturizing oils and vitamins A and E are usually added to cosmetic paraffin, which nourish the skin. Manufacturers of cosmetic paraffin also attribute antiseptic properties to it. It can speed up the healing of small wounds.

Of course, the characteristics of paraffin will depend on the manufacturer, but even the simplest composition can be improved independently. Just add a couple of drops of essential oils of lavender, ylang-ylang or liquid vitamin E.

Before the paraffin therapy procedure, moisturizing cream or natural vegetable oil is rubbed into the skin. Paraffin, when hardened, creates a dense layer under which the effect of nutrients is enhanced several times.

A wax mask will be a complete alternative to paraffin therapy. The difference is that paraffin can be either natural or artificial, while wax is always based on natural ingredients. The wax therapy procedure is absolutely identical to paraffin therapy.

Indications for the use of paraffin masks

A paraffin mask will help cope with rough skin, dryness and flaking. Thanks to enhanced nutrition, the face will have a rejuvenating effect, small wrinkles will be smoothed out.

However, it also has its contraindications.

Paraffin baths are not suitable for people:

    With diabetes

    With hypertension

    With infectious diseases

    With eczema

Even if you do not have the above diseases, you should consult your doctor before undergoing the procedure.

Paraffin therapy cannot be performed if there are cuts or wounds on the hands.

Paraffin bath for hands at home

If you decide to make a paraffin bath at home, you will need:

    Cosmetic paraffin

    An enamel bath that fits your hands

    Plastic gloves or bags

    Warm mittens

    Moisturizer or nourishing oil

Choose cosmetic paraffin from proven popular companies. Pay attention to its melting point. The lower it is, the better.

How to make a paraffin mask: step-by-step instructions

Before making a paraffin mask, the paraffin must be melted. Of course, this is much easier to do with a special electric bath, but you can use a regular steam bath.

Make sure that no water gets into the heated paraffin. Even a small drop can cause a burn during the procedure.

When the paraffin is completely melted, it needs to be poured into a bath and allowed to cool slightly.

While the paraffin is cooling, you need to prepare your hands for the procedure in two steps.

Step 1: Clean your hands with a scrub.

You can use homemade mixtures based on coffee or ground fruit seeds. Make sure that the skin is not injured during cleansing. If this occurs, paraffin therapy will have to be delayed until the wounds have healed.

Step 2: Apply nourishing cream or vegetable oil to your hands.

Coconut and almond oils are especially good at moisturizing. If there are no cosmetic oils, olive oil will do.

After this, paraffin therapy can be performed. The procedure is done in 4 stages:

The paraffin should remain on the hands for 15-30 minutes, then it must be carefully removed and the procedure repeated for the second hand.

Used cosmetic paraffin cannot be reused.

VIDEO. How to make a paraffin mask correctly:

After the first use you will get visible results. The skin will be deeply hydrated and visually rejuvenated. To achieve a lasting effect, up to 10 procedures may be required. However, baths should not be done more than once a week.

You can also make paraffin masks for your feet at home, after removing the rough layer with pumice.

Share your hand beauty secrets in the comments.

Different types of products are used to care for the skin of the body and hands: masks, wraps, applications, scrubs, peelings, compresses, massage. Paraffin therapy is a type of heat compress, or mask, and its task is to soften and nourish the skin, making it more hydrated. Particularly popular are paraffin and wax masks for the skin of the hands, which can be successfully done at home.

What does the paraffin therapy procedure provide?

Warm paraffin hand masks, due to their slightly higher temperature than the body, ensure blood flow to the skin tissues, normalize lymph movement and help quickly get rid of toxins accumulated in cells.

Paraffin masks have been shown to be effective against swelling and age-related changes in the skin on the hands. By applying such a mask to the skin of your hands, lubricated with nourishing cream, oil or lotion, you significantly increase the usefulness of the nourishing product.

Reviews of the use of paraffin masks confirm that the procedure helps cleanse the skin, making it softer and more delicate to the touch. The smoothing effect is explained by the compression of paraffin or wax when cooling, which helps smooth out wrinkles and even out the skin texture.

Paraffin hand masks are indispensable for home care for aging or dry skin, and they are especially valuable in the cold season, when hands are most susceptible to moisture loss.

Cosmetic special paraffin often contains useful additives, which contribute to more effective softening. It also contains the compound azulene, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Paraffin masks are recommended for use in cases of pain in the joints of the fingers, after prolonged work on the keyboard. The procedure also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the nail plate and cuticle, and reviews from satisfied girls only confirm this.

Impact on the emotional sphere

Many manufacturers enrich cosmetic paraffin with aromatic additives - essential oils of lavender and vanilla beans. The paraffin therapy procedure with this product is especially pleasant and has a slight calming and relaxing effect. If the paraffin that you purchased for use at home does not have any essential oils in its composition, then you can enrich it yourself at home by adding 4-5 drops of a suitable phytoessence to one bath of molten paraffin.

Therefore, take note of the effects of some essential oils:

  • lavender - perfectly calms, drives away depressive thoughts and insomnia;
  • rosemary – relieves fatigue, both mental and physical, eliminates apathy;
  • ylang-ylang – removes tension and anxiety, awakens sexual desire;
  • peppermint – eliminates overexcitation and depression, promotes restoration of strength;
  • patchouli is a rather active aroma that helps get rid of depression, sadness, improves mood and libido;
  • vanilla is a relaxing, warm, pleasant aroma and is also an aphrodisiac.

How to make a paraffin bath at home?

For the procedure, buy only special purified paraffin or wax intended specifically for cosmetic purposes. It is sold in salons and specialized departments and cosmetics stores. The following brands of cosmetic paraffin have good reviews:

  • Christaline;
  • Marina Lupine;
  • Depilflax;
  • Arabia Professional;
  • Sustabin.

The ideal option would be to purchase an electric bath for melting paraffin, but even without it, every woman can make a paraffin hand mask at home. You will need 2-3 kg of cosmetic paraffin, which must be placed in an enamel container of such a size that you can freely immerse your hands in it.

Melt wax or paraffin in a water bath, and it is important to ensure that drops of boiling water do not fall into it.

In the meantime, clean your hands with a scrub or peel, for example, mix honey and coffee grounds, or use any of your usual ready-made products. After exfoliation, apply a nourishing cream or oil to the skin. You can take olive, almond and any other.

Be sure to check the melted paraffin for a temperature that should be comfortable for your skin: the paraffin should not be very hot.

If everything is in order, then put your hands in the container for 2-3 seconds, take it out, let it harden, and lower it again. Thus, you need to ensure that a thick layer of paraffin is formed on the skin. Then put plastic gloves or a simple bag on your hands, and a warm mitten on top.

The action time is 25-30 minutes, after which the paraffin layer is removed. According to reviews, the effect after a paraffin mask lasts 1 week. For the next procedure, it is not recommended to use paraffin removed from the skin of your hands; you need to throw it away, and once again just add 300-400 g to the total volume.

special instructions

Before you begin the paraffin therapy procedure at home or in the salon, remember the list of contraindications for its implementation:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • eczema, irritation on hands.

If you have other health problems, consult your doctor about the possibility of making paraffin masks.

From this article you will learn:

  • how is paraffin therapy performed on the face, hands and feet,
  • how to choose the right bath and cosmetic wax.

Paraffin therapy for hands and feet, face - is widely used by cosmetologists to achieve good skin hydration, improve its condition, and also as an addition to manicure and pedicure procedures (to improve the condition of nails). This is not an expensive service - paraffin therapy for hands, the price in the salon will be only about 500-800 rubles.

In this article we will tell you what results this beloved paraffin therapy can achieve. How to properly perform paraffin therapy on the face at home, as well as on the arms and legs, and how to choose the right cosmetic paraffin for paraffin baths.

Paraffin bath for hands: photo

What is everyone’s favorite paraffin therapy used for in cosmetology?

Paraffin therapy has been used since the 1930s - initially only for the treatment of diseases of muscles and joints. Paraffin has a very high heat capacity, i.e. it is capable of absorbing and retaining large amounts of heat for a very long time. The deep effect of heat ensures blood flow to the heated areas, which can reduce joint pain and relieve muscle spasms.

Moreover, in cosmetology, to improve the condition of the skin, not ordinary, but special cosmetic paraffin with the addition of oil extracts is used. This paraffin perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it soft and smooth. Paraffin therapy for legs, arms and face, due to deep heating and increased blood flow, allows you to achieve the following effects -

  • deeply moisturizes the skin,
  • opens pores and promotes the removal of toxins,
  • soothes and smoothes the skin,
  • perfectly heals cracked skin,
  • helps calm and relax facial muscles,
  • promotes deeper penetration of cosmetic products into the skin,
  • improves skin condition with psoriasis and eczema.

Sometimes beauty salons or spas offer paraffin wraps - where the patient's body is completely covered in warm paraffin and then wrapped in a warm cloth to help retain heat for a longer period of time. It is believed that this kind of procedure has a very beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole and even helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Paraffin bath for hands and feet - how the procedure works

A paraffin bath for hands and feet is a procedure in which the limbs are immersed in a container filled with heated paraffin to deeply moisturize the skin of the limbs. Hands or feet are lowered into a bath of molten paraffin several times: each time after the previous layer has hardened, to create the next paraffin layer (usually 3-5 layers are made).

If you have dry skin on your hands or feet, or have cracked skin, then a paraffin bath for your hands and feet is an excellent solution to these problems. Cosmetic paraffin in the molten state creates an air- and waterproof film on the skin, which facilitates the penetration of oils contained in the cosmetic paraffin itself into the deeper layers of the skin.

Paraffin therapy for hands and feet: video

Therefore, paraffin hand baths - reviews confirm this - are very well suited for soothing and healing chapped skin, especially in the autumn-winter period, when exposure to weather conditions has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin of the hands. And it’s not at all necessary to go to the salon for this, because... It’s very easy to make paraffin hand baths at home.

Both in the salon and at home the procedure will be absolutely the same. In salons, paraffin therapy for hands, the price ranges from 500-800 rubles per procedure. All you need is to purchase a paraffin bath once and periodically replenish your supplies of cosmetic paraffin. Below we will describe in detail how to make paraffin baths for hands or feet.

Paraffin therapy at home - what is needed for this

If you really like the paraffin therapy procedure, but you don’t have time to constantly visit beauty salons, then you can set up a salon at home. Paraffin therapy for hands at home requires only a few things:

  • A paraffin therapy bath for hands and feet can be bought on the Internet for relatively little money (from 2,500 rubles).
  • Cosmetic paraffin - you can also buy it on the Internet or in a pharmacy. For cosmetic paraffin, the price at the pharmacy starts from 220 rubles per 450 ml. To start using a paraffin bath, you will first have to fill it with 1.5 kg of paraffin, and then add it as you use it.
    As a rule, 450 grams of paraffin is enough for 4-6 procedures for hands or 2-4 procedures for feet.

1. Paraffin bath for hands and feet – which one is better to choose?

Many may have completely reasonable questions - how to choose a paraffin bath, what you need to pay attention to when purchasing, what a comfortable bath for paraffin therapy should look like. So, a good and comfortable paraffin bath for hands and feet should -

  • Have sufficient volume and size
    so that you can freely put your hands, elbow or feet into it. So, a volume of 1500-2000 ml is usually enough if you are going to use the bath only for your hands. More volume is already needed for the legs, but again it all depends on your build.
  • Have fast heating function
    Different baths have different heating times for paraffin (from 1.5 to 4 hours). Of course, the faster the paraffin heats up, the more convenient and better it is for you.
  • Have a paraffin heating indicator
    as well as a thermostat to maintain the desired temperature.
  • Have a filter at the bottom
    to collect unwanted particles and make it easier to clean the bath itself, as well as a cover for the bath so that you can store cooled cosmetic paraffin directly in it.
  • Be resistant to capsizing
    It is best to attach it to the surface of a table or floor using suction cups.
  • Have an affordable price
    On the Internet you can buy paraffin baths for hands and feet ranging from 2500 to 4500 rubles.

What paraffin baths do we recommend?
On the Russian market, the choice of paraffin baths for home (and not for salon) use is small, and is represented by only a few manufacturers, most of which are of unknown origin. We have noted 2 models, the manufacturers of which provide more or less complete specifications, and which are quite convenient for home use -

  • (Fig.4) –
    This is a paraffin bath from a French manufacturer and costs about 4,000 rubles).
  • (Fig.5) –
    from a Chinese manufacturer, priced from 2500 rubles.

Both baths heat up paraffin in 1.5-2 hours, have a volume of about 2000 ml, with a minimum paraffin level of 1500 ml. Also, these paraffin baths are equipped with thermostats that allow you to heat and maintain the temperature of the paraffin within 52-70 degrees.

2. Which cosmetic paraffin to choose –

Cosmetic paraffin is made with the addition of oil essences, various fragrances, and dyes. Therefore, choosing which cosmetic paraffin to buy depends on your personal taste, aesthetic and olfactory preferences. Often additional aroma oils are added to cosmetic paraffin: lemon, jasmine, peach, aloe, rose, green tea, lavender and others.

Most often, cosmetic paraffin is sold in 450 ml packaging. This volume is enough for 4-6 procedures. However, keep in mind: to carry out the first procedure, the paraffin bath must be immediately filled with approximately 1500 ml of paraffin.

Important: If you are going to make paraffin hand baths at home only for yourself, then after the procedure the paraffin can be added back to the bath and reused. And if someone else (except you) uses a paraffin bath, then the paraffin removed from the skin must be thrown away. Sometimes the manufacturer of cosmetic paraffin writes whether or not this type of paraffin is suitable for reuse (website).

Paraffin therapy at home - method of implementation

First, heat the cosmetic paraffin in a bath to the required melting temperature (50-65 degrees). Modern paraffin baths are equipped with special sensors that heat the paraffin to the desired temperature and turn off the heating. Cosmetic paraffin from different manufacturers may have different heat capacity, and therefore the heating temperature may differ slightly (the recommended temperature is indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions).

Thus, it will not be possible to overheat the paraffin. But just in case, check the temperature of the heated paraffin on the back of your hand - you should feel warm, but not burning. The sequence of your further actions is

  1. Remove all jewelry and jewelry from your fingers.
  2. Wash and dry the skin on the treated area thoroughly. Keep in mind that the clearer the skin, the longer you can use the same paraffin for subsequent treatments.

  3. Treating the surface of the skin with cream. In general, this stage is performed only at your request, and is not mandatory, because Cosmetic paraffin already contains skin-moisturizing oils. The advantage of pre-treatment with cream is that the hardened paraffin will then be easier to remove.
  4. Relax your arm or leg and slowly immerse it in a paraffin bath with heated liquid paraffin for 10 seconds. Lower your hand slowly and carefully, without touching the walls and bottom of the bath, so as not to get burned (Fig. 11-12).

  5. Remove your hand/foot from the bath and wait a few seconds until the paraffin hardens and stops dripping.
  6. Place the limb back into the bath and remove it after a few seconds.
  7. Repeat until the arm/leg is covered with several layers of paraffin (usually 3-5 layers).
  8. After this, wrap the limb in cling film or put a plastic bag on it (Fig. 13).

  9. Wrap the limb in a terry towel on top to increase the duration of the thermal effect.
  10. Rest like this for about 15-30 minutes, imagining how the skin on your hands (or feet) becomes soft, tender and moisturized.
  11. After 15-30 minutes, simply remove the frozen paraffin from your arm or leg. You can put it back in the bath to use next time (Fig. 14). Next, enjoy moisturized and soft skin on your hands or feet.

How to make a paraffin face mask correctly -

Important: For the procedure, only special cosmetic wax is used specifically for the face, intended specifically for home use. You must carefully read the instructions for the wax, and pay special attention to the temperature to which it needs to be heated.

Paraffin facial therapy: video

How is the procedure performed?

  1. The skin of the face and neck must be cleansed with a special cleanser. Thorough washing ensures that dirt, dust, and traces of cosmetics do not clog pores and cause inflammation.
  2. Before applying a paraffin face mask, reviews from some cosmetologists recommend applying a cosmetic cream or lotion to the skin, which will help additionally nourish the skin with beneficial substances. You can also add your favorite cosmetic and essential oils to the paraffin itself, which will provide additional effects to the procedure.
  3. Heat the wax in a paraffin bath to the desired temperature. Before applying to the face, check the temperature of the paraffin. To do this, it is recommended to apply heated paraffin to the back of your hand - it should be pleasantly warm, but not hot.
  4. Warm paraffin is applied to the facial skin with a special brush, along massage lines, avoiding the eye area, mouth and around the nose, so that you can breathe freely during the procedure. Start applying paraffin from the middle of the chin, moving up to the cheeks and ears. The chin is covered last.
  5. Typically 3-4 layers of paraffin are applied, and the resulting paraffin face mask should be about 5mm thick. Paraffin wax may be too thin and drip, so use old or unwanted T-shirts during the procedure.
  6. Typically, a paraffin facial mask should remain on your skin for 10-15 minutes or until it sets completely. After which it is carefully removed from the face completely or in parts, starting from the chin.
  7. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the skin. In winter, after the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside for an hour.

Paraffin therapy: indications and contraindications

We discussed above what the use of paraffin therapy in cosmetology can achieve. This method is also used to treat the following diseases –

  • joint inflammation (arthritis, bursitis),
  • joint dislocations,

Hello readers. Today I want to talk about our pens. They, like the face and body, need care. We often forget about this. At best, lubricate your hands with cream. Delicate, smooth skin on your hands is the result of caring for it. I recently had a manicure done by a friend, a very good manicurist, I’m always pleased with her work. So, she said that they have a “paraffin therapy” service in their salon. That some clients are simply delighted with this procedure. Of course, the procedure is not cheap. After a paraffin bath, the skin of your hands is tender, soft, and well-groomed. This procedure is especially suitable for those who have dry hand skin and a feeling of tightness. I became so interested in what this procedure was and I decided to find out a little more about it. Arriving home, I started looking for information about whether it was possible to make a paraffin bath for hands at home. It turns out it’s possible, now I’ll tell you everything.

Paraffin therapy is a procedure that helps eliminate defects on the skin and has a therapeutic effect. This is a rejuvenating and toning procedure. It turns out that paraffin therapy can be used not only for the skin of the hands, but also for the legs, as well as in the fight against cellulite.

What paraffin is needed for paraffin therapy? For the procedure you need to use cosmetic paraffin. Surely, when we hear the word paraffin, we think of candles, but such paraffin is not suitable. Cosmetic paraffin without impurities, dyes, which is characterized by good cleaning from harmful substances. When choosing paraffin, it is important to look at the composition so that it does not contain artificial colors and flavors.

There are different types of paraffin, oil-based, honey-based, and fruit-based. Paraffin based on peach oil is excellent for sensitive hand skin and allergy sufferers. It is cosmetic paraffin that does not burn the skin, but gently warms it up.

The result of a paraffin bath. The result of the procedure is good. Hands are well-groomed, soft, moisturized, smooth. Paraffin hand masks have a regenerating effect; they are very good for treating cuticles.

After the paraffin therapy procedure, the elasticity of the skin of the hands increases, the skin becomes elastic, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, paraffin masks are used for arthritis.

Nails are also strengthened after the procedure. If you have brittle nails and want to strengthen them, tips on strengthening your nails can be found in the article " "? This procedure is wonderfully relaxing and calming.

How to make a paraffin bath for hands at home

In order to do the procedure at home, you need to buy cosmetic paraffin. You can buy it at a pharmacy or in online stores. Paraffin is heated in a special bath, my friend calls it a “paraffin melter”. But you can melt the paraffin in a water bath. It is not advisable to melt paraffin in the microwave.

You will also need a scrub, cream, bags or cellophane gloves, and thermal gloves for your hands. I would like to note once again that candles cannot be used for this procedure, only cosmetic paraffin is needed.

1. Paraffin needs to be melted. Heat paraffin at a temperature of 50 degrees. Place paraffin in a clean and dry container. It is very important that not a single drop of water gets into the paraffin, since water in heated paraffin can cause skin burns. We put the paraffin to melt in a water bath. While the paraffin is melting, let’s prepare our hands for this procedure.

2. You need to wash your hands. Remove nail polish.

3. Clean your hands with a scrub to remove the keratinized layer of cells. If you don’t have a scrub, you can prepare it at home. Mix milk powder and oatmeal crushed into flour in equal proportions, add a little baking soda and salt. This is how a dry scrub turns out. Before using it, you need to take a little product in your hand, add olive oil and a little water and massage your hands with the scrub. Rinse off with warm water.

4. Wipe your hands dry with a towel and apply cream. It is important what kind of cream you apply, since it is the substances in the cream that will care for the skin of your hands. You can make homemade cream from wax and oils. To prepare homemade cream, you need to melt a tablespoon of yellow beeswax in a water bath and add a spoonful of olive oil, sea buckthorn oil, or you can also add a spoonful of St. John's wort oil. If you have liquid vitamin A and E, then add 5 drops of these vitamins to your homemade cream.

5. Apply the cream to your hands with massage movements. You need to massage your hands so that your hands are warm, since it is not advisable to put cold hands in warm paraffin.

6. Now you can put your hands in warm paraffin. Be sure to try paraffin before giving up. The paraffin should be warm, but not hot, otherwise you may get burned. We dip our hands in warm paraffin 3 to 5 times. We make these “paraffin gloves”.

8. Remove the paraffin from your hand when you feel that the paraffin has cooled down and your hand is sweating. This is approximately 20 to 30 minutes in time. Paraffin can be easily removed from your hands, like a glove. Remove the paraffin from your hand and throw it away.

9. Try not to leave the house after a paraffin bath for at least an hour. At home, you can do a paraffin bath for your hands once a week. This procedure can be done as a course. Course - 7-10 procedures.

It is advisable, of course, if they help you with this procedure. For example, they help to put cellophane bags and warm gloves on your hands.

Contraindications. This procedure is contraindicated for wounds on the skin of the hands, abrasions, pustular wounds, and cuts. That is, there should be no damage to the skin.

With regular use of this procedure, the skin of your hands will be soft, tender, and smooth. The result is noticeable after the first procedure. This procedure is especially relevant in the cold season, when our hands most need care.

By doing this procedure you will forget about dryness and flaking of your hands. If you have dry hand skin, read the article ““, also in it you will find information about the reasons that lead to dry hand skin.

Cosmetologist Olya Seymour explains in more detail all the intricacies and details of the “paraffin therapy” procedure. Everything is clear and detailed, so if you still have questions, I recommend watching the video material.
