Permanent eye makeup is dangerous. Why I am categorically against eyebrow tattooing - personal experience and comments of cosmetologists Is it harmful to do permanent makeup

Probably, each of us has such a friend or acquaintance who likes to experiment with her appearance, keeps up with the times and experiences almost all fashionable novelties. I also have such a friend Katya. Sometimes she manages to persuade me to try something new on myself, sometimes not. I, unlike her, do not conduct experiments without first studying the product or service, and without reading the reviews.

This time, the idea came to her blond head to get an eyebrow tattoo. Before that, she made herself a tattoo on her shoulder and on her ankle.

I immediately refused a tattoo, because I absolutely do not like tattoos and consider them vulgar. Especially on the female body. But her body is her business. And now she calls me and happily talks about the delights of eyebrow tattooing: how convenient it is (like you don’t have to pluck it every week), beautiful, practical, and most importantly for a long time . A friend of mine did it and she's very happy with it. Well, Katya could not help but try, and she was very determined, but I, as usual, began to doubt and began to collect information about this procedure.

How is eyebrow tattoo done?

To begin with, there are several eyebrow tattooing (coloring) techniques: shading, shotting, hair (European and Asian style), 3D volume and manual reconstruction. I will not describe each technique in detail, but only describe the principle of this procedure. And those who still decide to make themselves a tattoo will study each technique on their own and choose the right one.

Skin coloring is carried out by a tattoo artist or cosmetologist who has the appropriate skills and has received special training for this procedure. During the procedure, a specialist, using a manipulative pen, pierces the top layer of the skin and injects a coloring pigment with a needle. The procedure takes about 1.5 hours. The procedure is quite painful, judging by the reviews. Although local anesthetics are used. After it, it is necessary to go through a rehabilitation period and carefully care for the treated area. .

In 99 percent of cases, after a short period of time, correction will be required to give the perfect shape to your eyebrows.

The choice of the master who will do the tattoo is extremely important. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with his portfolio, if any. . Or go to the master on the recommendation of friends who he already had.

Pros and cons of eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing, like any other procedure, has its pros and cons. Let's figure it out, so these pluses are significant.

The advantages include:

  1. Save time on make-up.
  2. Savings on various eyebrow products.
  3. Save money on visiting salons for eyebrow tinting.
  4. Tattoo is long term.
  5. Tattooed eyebrows are noticeable.
  6. The ability to correct the natural asymmetry of the eyebrows.
  7. Tattooed eyebrows will not let you down in the sauna, swimming pool or on the beach, because the paint will not flow from them during any water procedures.

Cons of eyebrow tattooing:

  • Tattooed eyebrows are noticeable.
  • Go out of fashion.
  • The coloring pigment may change color over time; which means that black eyebrows can become blue, brown - brick or pink; some pigments can give a green or purple tint. The saddest thing is that this unwanted shade on the skin can persist for years.
  • Tattooing will become a problem when changing hair color or wanting to change the shape of the eyebrows.
  • May get bored.
  • Over the years, it can “float”, that is, sink along with the tissues of the face
  • risk of infection.
  • Adds age.
  • It's no longer fashionable.
  • The only way to get rid of it is with a laser.
  • High probability of getting an unsatisfactory result.
  • The high price of this procedure (and further regular corrections).

In my opinion, the listed pluses are rather dubious, with the exception, perhaps, of the last two points.

If the eyebrows are extremely unsuccessful by nature, then perhaps it is worth correcting them. Although, in my opinion, this can be done in a more gentle way than tattooing. As for saving on salons and funds, then let me: what kind of savings is this if the procedure itself is not cheap at all, plus the same expensive regular corrections. In addition, after the procedure, a rehabilitation period follows, during which you will also need to spend money to restore the affected skin. I do not think that all of the above will be cheaper than buying an eyebrow pencil or dyeing your eyebrows in the salon.

On average, the price of a quality tattoo varies within 20,000 rubles per procedure. Correction within - 8000-10000. If you are offered to get an eyebrow tattoo for 5,000 rubles, the risk of getting a poor-quality result increases significantly.

You were probably surprised that the item “tattooed eyebrows are noticeable”, I attributed it to both pluses and minuses. Let me explain. Noticeable bright eyebrows suggest bright eyes, otherwise it will look comical. And the statement that eyebrow tattooing will save time on makeup is definitely false. In my opinion, just the opposite tattooed eyebrows oblige you to do makeup regularly and you are unlikely to run out without makeup . Well, unless you plan, of course, to scare or make your colleagues at work laugh.

Eyebrow tattoo contraindications

There are contraindications to this procedure.

  • Diabetes.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

Never hide the presence of diseases from a specialist. This is dangerous not only for your beauty, but also for your health in general!

My friend's personal experience

Now about the results of the tattoo, which I personally observed and am sincerely glad that I did not succumb to Katerina's persuasion. I can only speak about the procedure itself from the words of a friend: it turned out to be very painful. And the result was just terrible.

I do not know who advised her this "specialist", but her eyebrows were made very wide. I then measured the width of the eyebrows - 7 mm. Katya is a very petite girl and her face is small, and those eyebrows looked like a real disaster on her face. She cried for a very long time both from the result and from what then began to happen to her eyebrows.

The first two weeks, the eyebrows were covered with a crust and itched terribly. They had to be processed with special means, which are assigned individually (as the master said). After all the crusts came off, the result became clearly visible, and it was frankly unsuccessful. . Katya went to the master to evaluate his work himself. The master was pleased and said that everything looks great, but in some places it needs to be corrected. I signed up for a correction: again a crust, itching, treatment, tears.

Now Katya is saving up money to remove those terrible eyebrows from her face with a laser, but for now she has to mask them with special means and draw new eyebrows on top. Here is such an unsuccessful experiment she turned out.

What do cosmetologists say about eyebrow tattooing?

You will be surprised, but cosmetologists unanimously argue that if there is no special need, then it is better to refuse it.

There are only a couple of exceptions: obvious natural asymmetry and scars.

All other arguments, according to cosmetologists, are not convincing. In addition, they offer a completely reasonable way out for those who still do not want to dye their eyebrows daily - this is henna.

Absolutely natural and harmless way. And the color range is quite wide: from golden to dark brown. In addition, when dyeing eyebrows with henna, you will not only give them color, but also strengthen them thanks to the beneficial properties of henna.

Cosmetologists are convinced that naturalness and naturalness, correctly emphasized with a minimum of cosmetics, looks much more attractive than tattooed eyebrows, eyes, lips and other things. .

Are you still deciding whether to do it or not? Then look at the photos of girls on the Internet before and after eyebrow tattooing. Your doubts will be completely dispelled.

Which of the fair sex, regardless of age, does not dream of "eternal" beauty? Not spending half an hour on makeup, having a flawless eyebrow shape to the envy of your friends, and forgetting about painful plucking is everyone's dream. And eyebrows, the most expressive part of the face, very rarely differ from nature in an impeccable shape and color. Permanent makeup seems to be a way out of the situation, but some are afraid of the possible consequences. Let's see if eyebrow tattooing is harmful and what the consequences may be after it.

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Every girl has heard about permanent makeup of eyebrows, eyes and lips, and many have thought about resorting to such a procedure. But the question of whether tattooing is harmful to them remains relevant, and the forums are filled with conflicting information.

A modern procedure - permanent make-up (or tattooing) is performed by introducing a coloring substance of natural and safe origin under the outer layer of the skin. This cosmetic procedure is popular and affordable, and is offered today in every salon.

The procedure is painless and is performed by special professional equipment. The cosmetologist competently selects the tone of paint, which most accurately suits the type, shade of the face, hair and eyes. If, then their shape, thickness are carefully selected, all this is agreed with the client, and only then is the procedure done.

The result is a perfect brow makeup that does not have to be touched up. The tattoo lasts for five years, periodically it is worth making a correction so that the eyebrows look perfect.

Possible risks

Eyebrow, lip and eye tattooing is extremely popular today, and its benefits are obvious. However, many girls and women are afraid to resort to this procedure. There are many myths and even creepy stories about the dangers and negative consequences of tattooing, but is it true?

In general, this method is safe, there is no real risk to health and beauty, if everything is done by a professional, in the proper conditions. Many "craftsmen" can tell you how to do this procedure yourself, at home. But every self-respecting woman who is not going to spoil her face will never resort to such a method. Only in a beauty salon, and with a proven master!

Tattooing has contraindications that you need to know. Among them:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • somatic diseases;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases;
  • oncological diseases and neoplasms;
  • mental disorders.

It is also worth refraining from the procedure for pregnant women, nursing mothers, girls with high blood pressure.. During the menstrual cycle, it is better to wait for it to end, and then go to the beautician.

It is extremely important to make sure in advance that there is no allergy to those components that will be used during tattooing. To do this, you need to test the drug for allergies, and after that you can safely use it.

Ideally, consult with your doctor, get a detailed consultation, and, if necessary, take tests. Take the time and do not be too lazy to properly prepare for the procedure, especially when it comes to eye or eyebrow tattooing. Then there will be no problems, and you will be satisfied with your new beauty!

Where to get a tattoo

If you decide, the next important step is the choice of a beauty salon and a master. And the price here is not a criterion! The desire to save money can lead to sad results, this procedure is already quite affordable, and choosing the cheapest place is risky.

What you need to know when choosing a salon:

  1. Choose a beauty salon that has a license for permanent make-up of lips, eyes and eyebrows. Feel free to demand that you be shown this document - and without it, do not agree, and look for another place.
  2. The salon must have official hygiene certificates for all equipment and materials that will be used in eye or eyebrow tattooing. If they are not, then low-quality or cheap materials and non-professional equipment are used. It is very dangerous!
  3. An autoclave is required to sterilize instruments.

How to choose a master

Tattoo must be performed by an experienced and competent specialist. A beautician can give you divine beauty, or ruin your whole face, you are actually given into his hands. So choose carefully:

  • a good cosmetologist will not persuade you to do the procedure, saying that you definitely need to fix your eyebrows;
  • the professional is constantly improving, has a certificate of special training, and other documents that confirm his competence;
  • beautician will definitely take the time for a consultation. The master will help you decide on the shade and shape of the eyebrows, advise, select the perfect option. A good master will never push you, or get annoyed that you cannot finally decide and make a choice for a long time. A professional always understands how important this step is for a woman;
  • the specialist will definitely ask you, in detail and thoroughly, about the state of health and its features. He will also warn about contraindications, describe in detail the procedure and all the nuances.

If you have any doubts, or you came to the salon, and the beautician offers you to start without any questions - confidently look for another place and, of course, another specialist.

Eye tattoo is one of the largest branches in the field of permanent. Both natural and decorative techniques are used here. Thanks to this method, you can visually enlarge the eyes, change the shape, emphasize depth, thicken the eyelashes and just always remain gorgeous. The possibilities of this method are really huge. What is an eyelid tattoo? Micropigmentation of the eyelid using a device with fine needles, allows you to make paint under the top layer of the skin. Creating the necessary pattern on the eyelid. This is the only species in which black pigment is used.

Photo of eyelid tattoo using decorative arrow technique

How is the procedure

How is eye tattoo done? According to the technique, the procedure resembles or. The same apparatus, with the finest needles and pigments of different shades. The same disposable materials and the use of painkillers. Mandatory consultation of the master and approval of the sketch. An important difference: local anesthesia is applied to the eyes, as this is one of the most sensitive areas for tattooing. And the pigment is injected a little deeper, about 1.25 mm under the skin. This is a jewelry work, only a qualified craftsman with artistic taste and professional dexterity can do it.

What are the types of permanent eye

Photo of eyelid tattoo with colored shading

There are several techniques that the master uses when tattooing the eyelids. Each of them solves a number of questions:

  • . Visually makes eyelashes thicker. The look is more expressive.
  • . This decorative direction allows you to adjust natural data. Available in both black and color.
  • . Allows you to adjust the shape, shape of the eyes. Most often, black pigment is used to draw a classic arrow.

Photo of eyelid tattoo using the “arrow” technique with interciliary tattooing of the lower eyelid

Eye permanent can be divided into upper eyelid tattoo and lower eyelid tattoo. All techniques can be used individually or in combination with each other. Masters advise making eye tattoos as natural as possible so that during the day you don’t have to go with “screaming” makeup. And in the evening there is always the opportunity to add a little color and saturation.

Why is eye tattoo dangerous? Its harmfulness and pain

Why is eyelid tattoo dangerous? The main danger is a low-skilled specialist. The second thing to pay attention to is contraindications. If you do the procedure with an illiterate master, then the likelihood of several harmful effects of tattooing increases:

  • Ugly drawing on the eyes. Asymmetry, uneven edges, poor quality drawing, wrong color. An illiterate master may make a mistake in calculating the manifestation of the pigment, bring down the symmetry and simply may not be able to make a high-quality drawing.
  • Prolonged swelling of the eyelids after tattooing. With the wrong impact on the tattoo area, a bad specialist can cause severe damage to the eyelid, which will lead to its long recovery.
  • Infection. When working, it is important to use high-quality disposable materials and work in a clean room. Sometimes unqualified specialists do not pay due attention to this.
  • Long term tattooing. Working on low-grade devices, it is difficult to provide a high-quality and long-term result. Often the consequence of bad masters is the rapid convergence of color.

Photo of a tattoo of the upper eyelid with a device - a pen

And if you carry out the procedure contrary to contraindications, you can spoil not only the appearance, but also harm your health.

Soreness of the procedure and harm from eye tattooing

Before going for the procedure, many people ask themselves the question: is eye tattoo harmful? The procedure itself is harmless. If carried out with high-quality hypoallergenic materials in accordance with the necessary safety requirements. Whether it hurts to do an eye tattoo depends on the characteristics of the body. But in general, pain is minimized due to the use of local anesthesia, which allows you to almost completely avoid pain. When tattooing the eyelids, special anesthetics are used that do not burn the cornea.

In order to decide whether it is worth doing an eye tattoo, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Decide on the desired result and the possibilities for achieving it. And to dispel the myths about the dangers and dangers of the procedure, you can watch the video review:

Stages of healing of the eyelid permanent. The duration of wearing such makeup

Permanent eye tattoo immediately after the procedure and healed work

Edema of the eyelids and "tearful eyes" will pass within 1-3 days. Then follows the most important stage of healing - crusts. As with tattooing any other part, the crusts should not be injured or torn off. Details on how to care for the eyelids after the procedure:. On average, the external healing stage lasts about 7 days, and the final result can be seen in 3 weeks. Two main factors influence how long the eyelid tattoo heals:

  • The quality of the craftsman.
  • Proper and timely care after the procedure.

Another question that interests women who have decided on a permanent: how long does eyelid tattooing last? The answer that everything is strictly individual, although it is the most truthful, does not answer the question. Factors that affect the duration of wearing permanent eye tattoo:

  • The quality of the craftsman. And here it is one of the most important aspects.
  • Materials. Professional paint and equipment, the key to a good and long-lasting permanent.
  • Features of the regeneration of the body. Metabolic rate, lymphatic processes.
  • Protection and respect for the permanent. To increase the wearing period, it is necessary to protect the eyelids from frequent ultraviolet radiation. Use protective equipment.
  • Complete care after eyelid tattoo procedure.

Photo of the tattoo of the upper and lower eyelids, a few years after the procedure

This knowledge will help prolong the age of wearing eye tattoos. The average "life expectancy" of such a tattoo is about 3 years. Over time, the color will gradually fade and fade. To refresh the color, it is necessary to correct the tattoo of the eyelids. After that, the permanent will please another 2-3 years.

Consequences of tattooing and contraindications

The main unpleasant consequences after eye tattooing:

  • Swelling in the first days.
  • Healing stage, crusts, swelling.
  • Possible hematomas in the eyes. If a permanent is made by a good beautician, then this is an extremely rare occurrence.
  • pain of the procedure. The manifestation of strong discomfort is possible if the wrong anesthesia is selected.
  • Unjustified expectations. After the eyelid tattoo has completely healed, the final color appears. And it may differ from the selected one. It depends on the skill of the cosmetologist and the characteristics of the body. To correct the result, a second correction is carried out a month later, after healing.
  • . An extremely unpleasant situation that can be avoided if you take a responsible approach to choosing a master and adequately understand the cost of a good eye tattoo.

The consequence of the tattoo of the upper eyelid - puffiness

Contraindications for eye tattooing are the same as for other types. Main feature: it is forbidden to tattoo the eyelids with any eye diseases during the period of exacerbation. With chronic conjunctivitis and other infectious diseases.

Real feedback after the eye tattoo procedure:

Cost of the procedure

Several factors influence the formation of the price of eyelid tattoo:

  1. The place where the procedure is done. Salons, depending on their level, set the appropriate prices. At home, of course, such a procedure is cheaper to do, but much more dangerous.
  2. Professionalism and qualification of the master. A good educated specialist, uses high-quality materials and appreciates and respects his work.
  3. Geographical position. In large cities, the range of prices for tattooing is wider than in small ones.

So how much does an eyelid tattoo cost on average?

  • In the technique of shading from 4000 rubles.
  • Arrows of the upper eyelid from 4000 rubles.
  • Lower eyelid from 2500 r.
  • Inter-eyelash tattoo from 2500 r.

Good eyelid tattoo with shading

Prices can increase to large values, depending on the factors mentioned above. It is better not to pay attention to too cheap procedures. This can end badly for appearance, health and wallet.


Eyebrow tattooing is far from a new service in cosmetology. Permanent makeup, despite modern techniques and the compositions used, has not managed to acquire absolute safety and sparseness for medical reasons.

Like any tattoo, the introduction of a coloring pigment into the eyebrow area is performed using a manipulative needle subcutaneously, to a depth of 1 mm. The depth of color injection directly depends on the type of skin and the durability of the desired result, however, damage to the upper layer of the epidermis cannot be avoided.

Permanent makeup is an invasion of the human circulatory and immune system, so the question of whether eyebrow tattooing is harmful to the client is decided taking into account not only his personal wishes, but also full awareness of the patient's health status.

About the procedure

For a classic tattoo, you need:

  1. Medical room with disposable instruments and instruments properly disinfected.
  2. A qualified master who has certificates of admission to the service.
  3. Professional coloring compositions and compositions with anesthetic, with a valid expiration date.

For an experienced master, the procedure takes no more than 30 minutes, taking into account the coordination of the shape and color of the eyebrows.

Modern anesthetics for permanent makeup and the fineness of the needles - maniples allow us to consider the method painless, but in practice it all depends on the client's sensitivity and psychological preparation for the tattoo.

Given the popularity of eyebrow tattooing, at present, every beauty salon and hairdresser offers this service, along with specialized tattoo parlors.

In addition, there are a huge number of pseudo-masters who, at home or on a visit to a client, offer to get a tattoo done at a low price. The question of whether eyebrow tattooing is harmful, in the case of a master at home, is usually missed. Unfortunately, in this case, it is impossible to fully maintain sterility, as well as to prove the incompetent work or mistake of the master.

Criteria for an ideal tattoo, and is tattooing harmful for you?

An ideal permanent make-up is a combination of even symmetrical lines and shapes, suitable design, a short recovery period and a complete absence of skin inflammation and blood poisoning in the post-period.

In this regard, the issue of preparing for a permanent and finding out whether tattooing is harmful for you, as well as whether your body will tolerate an invasion of the immune system, should be clarified in advance.

Tattooing has a long-term effect, so you need to be prepared for the fact that within three to five years you will need to partially repeat the procedure several times in order to correct it.

Why is eyebrow tattoo harmful?

The question is whether eyebrow tattooing is harmful and to what extent, in the absence of contraindications to it, every future client of a tattoo artist asks, in anticipation of an ideal long-term make-up.

The most common consequences of eyebrow tattooing are exacerbation of chronic infections or infection with new ones.

In the first case, the appearance of herpes or dermatitis can be caused by both a weakening of the client's immune system and a lack of compliance with sanitary standards. In the second case, the reason is the lack of disposable instruments, the procedure bypassing medical standards and requirements for working with skin and blood.

In the case of a non-sterile procedure, the harm, of course, is greater than the benefit.

Possible risks

When deciding to get a tattoo, you should be aware that any tattoo carries the risk of infection with pathogens of various infectious diseases (including HIV, hepatitis and other infections). The damage from such manipulation will require a long and costly recovery period.

Make sure that all tools and consumables are sterilized by the master!

Eyebrow tattoo contraindications

Like any medical intervention in the epidermis and circulatory system, all tattoo techniques have a number of absolute contraindications that apply to both the initial service and subsequent corrections:

  1. Any diseases of the circulatory system, acute viral diseases during the period of exacerbation and 7 days after.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases,
  3. Oncology, autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, chronic mental disorders,
  4. The tendency to form keloid scars, the presence of warts, warts, deep wounds and burns on the face.
  5. Pregnancy 1.3 trimester, lactation period, as well as the client's age up to 14 years.

The question of the use of anesthesia and subcutaneous administration of coloring compounds during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in adolescence, remains open due to the lack of proper research. However, an increased tendency to allergies, a weakened immune system, an increased pain threshold, a long process of tissue regeneration, combined with a high risk of exacerbation or infection, determine the answer to the question “is eyebrow tattooing harmful?”

Ignoring the presence of contraindications dangerous for health and threatens to aggravate the general condition, a protracted post-rehabilitation period and distort the expected result from the tattoo.


Evaluating all the pros and cons of the procedure, weighing the benefits and possible harm , as well as making conclusions for yourself about the absence of contraindications for health, you should carefully approach the choice of a salon and a tattoo master.

The question "Is eyebrow tattoo harmful?" conceived depends on the human factor. It is not worth saving on the cost of the service, as well as blindly relying on a high price without making sure that there are certificates, licenses for activities and medical equipment.

A professional will definitely find out the features of your health, take the time to prepare in detail and describe the procedure / its nuances, offer various options for the shape and color of the eyebrows, and also acquaint you with the composition of the drugs used.

Beauty is a valuable wealth, so a serious approach to choosing a tattoo procedure and masters will provide you with not only flawless lasting makeup, but will not harm your health.

New masters in the "Eyebrows" section



Eyelashes, eyebrows

Makeup, eyebrows


Beauty requires a lot of time and effort from a woman. To emphasize natural beauty and hide flaws, women all over the world apply cosmetics to their faces every day.
Technology has stepped far forward and modern beauty salons offer a service for applying permanent makeup. What is permanent makeup and is it harmful to the skin?

Permanent makeup (tattoo) is the introduction of coloring agents into the skin. It gives stable lines. The permanent makeup procedure is performed in 2-3 sessions, one session lasts about a couple of hours. The result is long-lasting permanent make-up.
For tattooing, high-quality paints are used, which contain vegetable and mineral color pigments. The application of paints is carried out using disposable tools, needles, caps and nozzles. The needle must be of high quality, made of an alloy of nickel, alloy steel and platinum. Permanent makeup has a number of advantages:

  • Gives a woman the opportunity to correct natural colors and facial features;
  • Allows a woman to forget about the morning make-up on duty;
  • Allows you to stay in shape in "extreme" situations, such as swimming pool, sauna, beach, etc.;
  • Solve the problem of allergies to cosmetics;
  • Helps people hide congenital and acquired defects.

Every woman wants to look attractive always. Permanent makeup with all its benefits will fulfill these desires. But you should still think about whether permanent makeup is harmful? The risk is as follows:

  • The process of performing permanent makeup on the lips can cause cold sores. To avoid this, take a prophylaxis a week before the procedure;
  • Tattooing has a number of contraindications - these are cardiovascular diseases, oncology, blood clotting disorders, diabetes, HIV, hepatitis, and a tendency to scarring. If you have physiological problems, then you can easily determine for yourself whether permanent makeup is harmful;
  • Never do a tattoo at home. To reduce the risk, choose specially equipped medical rooms; It is not advisable to do permanent makeup for pregnant women. There is no harm in the pigment, but the pain of the procedure will not bring anything good. Many painkillers and anesthetics are contraindicated during pregnancy;
  • Do not apply permanent makeup in case of peeling, inflammation and other diseases on the eyelids, lips or eyebrows.

The biggest harm to your health can be caused by a bad master, non-sterile instruments and cheap dyes. Don't risk your appearance by answering "no" to dubious offices and you won't have to think: "how bad is permanent makeup?". To avoid the negative consequences of tattooing, strictly followed recommendations of a cosmetologist will help.
