My year birthday poster. How to make a beautiful poster or wall newspaper for a child’s birthday with your own hands: ideas, templates, photos

/ 5.10.2015

What is possible? This question is quite complex, because at this age the baby, in fact, still understands little and perceives the world exclusively through visual images. A 1 year old happy birthday poster doesn’t seem at all like something banal and uninteresting. On the contrary, the baby will be happy to receive this kind of present for his birthday.

What to draw on such a poster? Yes, whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that the poster is colorful, bright and visually interesting. It is unlikely that a child will understand intricate plots and compositions. Everything should be quite simple, but at the same time beautiful, so that the baby visually remembers this gift. If you can’t come up with anything useful, then you can take ready-made wall newspapers for your 1st birthday on our website. We present to your attention various ready-made works, which, after downloading, all you have to do is print and give as a gift. What could be simpler?

Choosing the right and suitable option will not be difficult for you, because there is a lot of work here. If you are in doubt about which one to choose, then print several at once - you won’t go wrong. Believe me, 1st birthday posters are perhaps the best thing you can give to the baby himself.

Poster for a 1 year old girl

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Poster for my son's first year

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Posters for children's birthdays for ages 1 year and older. Templates and tips for drawing wall newspapers.

Although in our age of speed we delegate many of our responsibilities to other people who are strangers to the child, reducing their influence is a feasible task for parents.

Give your child little but quality attention when you are 100% present with him, for his best interests and joy. As, for example, when preparing and celebrating his birthday.

One option is to create a birthday poster with your own hands.

Continuing the topic, today we will pay attention to children's wall newspapers.

Poster, wall newspaper for a child’s birthday made from sweets: ideas, photos, templates

Children love sweets, and parents try to dose them. An interesting original option for this is a wall newspaper, a poster with birthday sweets pasted on.

When creating it, consider a number of points:

  • Plot. Think it over in advance and prepare materials. For example, cut out your child’s favorite cartoon character from paper or draw him on whatman paper.
  • Main inscription. For example, the child’s name, the words “Happy Birthday.” They should attract attention and be bright.
  • Layout of sweets. Be sure to sketch it in a notebook before transferring it to a large sheet of paper.
  • Method of their fastening. Light ones - glue, heavy ones - secure with a stapler.
  • List of sweets and poems/slogans, their location.
  • Elements for decoration, for example, sparkles, pebbles, cut-out details, photographs of the hero of the occasion, ribbons, beads.

Your favorites can be used as sweet inserts on the poster:

  • candies and cookies
  • juice and chocolates
  • glazed cheese curds

The text for a wall newspaper can be:

  • classic poems
  • compliments with an emphasis on sweets
  • emphasis on talents and skills
  • advertising slogans
  • your poems
  • short fairy tale

The list of materials for creating a children's wall newspaper is as follows:

  • whatman
  • felt-tip pens
  • paints
  • tassels
  • scissors
  • pre-prepared sweets in wrappers
  • stapler
  • silicone glue
  • magazine clippings
  • elements for decoration

For inspiration, we add a photo of a number of ready-made wall newspapers for a child on his birthday.

Original ideas for translating your thoughts into a sweet poster:

  • book
  • puzzles
  • the name of the birthday person, collected from small candies
  • postcard

After viewing the photos of the finished posters above, you will get even more ideas for realizing your ideas and use the first ones as templates to create your own unique children's “sweet” posters.

Poster, wall newspaper for a child’s birthday with photographs: ideas, photos, templates

An original, hand-made poster with photographs.

If you have knowledge of specialized computer programs, you can easily combine it from photos and bright inscriptions. Then you just need to print the result and give it to the birthday person.

However, wall newspapers with pasted photographs and handwritten words “breathe” with great warmth.

Think about the topic. It will become the idea for the poster. For example:

  • in chronological order - from birth to the present day
  • about the achievements of the birthday boy - sports, artistic, musical
  • dreams of a child with wishes for their fulfillment
  • with an emphasis on a loving family of relatives and grandparents

In order not to let archival photographs fall under the scissors, scan them and print duplicates.

Below we add a photo of a number of ready-made children's birthday wall newspapers from photographs.

And a few more ready-made templates for creating your own posters:

Congratulatory poster, wall newspaper for a child’s birthday with wishes: ideas, photos, templates

Wishes are a mandatory attribute of a birthday, including for children.

In most types of greeting posters they are present in:

  • poetry
  • catchphrases
  • in separate words

Some ideas for posting wishes:

  • between drawings/photos/sweets
  • in pictures, for example, balls, carriages, windows, gift boxes
  • in a specially designated place - a large frame, occupying the lion's share of the congratulatory wall newspaper
  • under/in a glued volumetric part, for example, an envelope, a ball, a photograph, a gift box

Ready-made congratulatory wall newspapers with wishes to the child on his birthday:

ready-made children's poster template with birthday wishes, example

And templates for your own creativity:

How to draw a poster for a child's birthday?

Stock up:

  • Whatman paper
  • felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, pens
  • scissors and linear
  • eraser
  • auxiliary materials - magazines, photographs, decorative elements

Creation order:

  • on a rough draft, sketch out a sketch of the future wall newspaper,
  • determine the place for the main inscription and complete it,
  • take the brightest colors,
  • Using watercolor paints, also change the tone of the canvas to bright, but not too catchy, so that the main inscription remains visible,
  • decide on your wishes and their location,
  • draw/glue the plot of the poster,
  • If desired, decorate with ribbons and three-dimensional figures.

If you are fluent in design programs on a PC, draw a congratulatory poster for your child in electronic form or use ready-made templates. Supplement them with wishes, photographs, drawings at your discretion.

What poster to make for a 1 year old child's birthday?

The first holiday after the birth of a baby is an exciting and joyful event. Young mothers treat holiday preparations with special trepidation. Many people want to create an interesting and special poster for their little one’s birthday. And although the baby is unlikely to show interest in it, parents will be able to keep the wall newspaper as a family treasure and pass it on to their older child.

The most popular option is a poster with photos by month. Place them:

  • arbitrarily
  • on the template

In the second case, you will find wall newspapers with:

  • cartoon characters and photo windows
  • balls
  • place in the trailers
  • windows

Alternative poster options for a child’s first year:

  • with monthly dynamics of weight and height and a photo of the birthday boy in the center
  • with windows for wishes from guests, which they write in their own hand
  • according to the “who do I look like” template with photographs of mom, dad, grandparents or just parents in infancy
  • with a monthly indication of the baby’s skills and the heading “my achievements”
  • Memorable moments from life captured in photographs
  • your option

What poster to make for the birthday of a 2, 3, 4 year old child?

interesting wall newspaper for a girl on her second birthday

Children after one year will already be interested in birthday greeting posters.

Therefore, young parents take a responsible approach to their creation. For example:

  • in photo collage format
  • defining the development of skills and talents
  • taking as a basis a template with the child’s favorite cartoon characters
  • independently making a voluminous wall newspaper - with pasted animals, balloons
  • with sweets in moderation
  • congratulatory option with filled text or empty cells for guests to enter it in
  • an extended version of the “who do I look like” template with more photos of the birthday boy

What poster to make for the birthday of a 5, 6, 7 year old child?

Children of early school age will definitely be interested in a poster made by their parents for their birthday. Now your child can read it and look at pictures and photographs with pleasure.

Therefore, ideas for implementing such a wall newspaper would be:

  • from photographs of a child,
  • with a congratulatory poem and wishes pre-printed/written or added by guests on the day of the holiday,
  • on a template with your favorite cartoon characters,
  • montage of a photograph of the birthday boy and the body of a cartoon character,
  • wall newspaper made of sweets,
  • photo selection of memorable events from the moment of birth,
  • your creative option.

Texts of congratulations and birthday wishes for a child for a poster

If you know how to rhyme lines, then it will be easy for you to make a unique wish for your baby on his birthday.

Otherwise, use ready-made texts, for example, these:

ready-made congratulations in verse for a children's birthday poster

Parents wish every child the best and the most correct. Therefore, they try to please with attention, gifts and their joyful mood on this day.

If your baby is very young and does not yet appreciate the congratulatory poster, make it anyway. It adds joy and awakens the most tender and touching memories.

Video: how to draw a poster for a child’s birthday?

Wall newspaper- This is a special type of “press”, which is made by hand and is made in a single copy. For this purpose, a single sheet of high-density paper of size A1 (594 mm wide and 841 mm long) is predominantly used, on which an image and text are printed using a printer or drawn by hand. There are various wall newspapers: school, holiday, news, humorous, student, army, etc. But there is also a special variety of them - a wall newspaper for a child’s birthday.

As is already clear from the name, the release of such a wall newspaper is timed to coincide with the most important children's holiday - birthday. Of course, all the information in it should in one way or another be dedicated to the birthday person and all topics related to this significant event.

What, why and why?

Why do you need a wall newspaper? It performs several functions at once:

1) This is an interesting and accessible form of congratulations for a child.

2) This is a good way to demonstrate attention from parents, relatives and friends.

3) This will be a good souvenir: subsequently, a child (and especially an adult) will be interested in reviewing old wall newspapers and immersing himself in warm memories.

4) This is a fun entertainment - the process of creating a wall newspaper itself brings a lot of positive emotions to all those who take part in it (the birthday boy himself can, if desired, be among them).

5) This is one of the elements of festive home decoration: an appropriate color is created that affects the mood of the guests. In addition, guests will be interested in reading the contents of the wall newspaper - this could even become one of the children's games during the celebration.

Instructions for beginner "newspaper workers"

How to create your own wall newspaper? There is nothing complicated about this. You will need a sheet of paper, a collection of photographs, felt-tip pens or paints, pencils, a pen, a ruler, glue, push pins, paper clips, and tape. If you have a computer, printer, scanner and copier, they can also come in handy.

The creation process can be divided into stages:

1) First you need to figure out where the wall newspaper will be placed.

If in the case of traditional printed publications everything is clear (they are sold at newsstands or brought by the postman), then with a wall newspaper the situation is different: it needs to be placed on the wall. Actually, this is reflected in the title of this publication. It would be most logical to attach a wall newspaper to one of the free walls in the birthday boy’s room. If for some reason this does not work out, you can use the corridor for this purpose. You should not hang a wall newspaper in the kitchen or bathroom.

2) Distribute the newspaper space.

Before starting the creative process, you need to make a clear plan: what information will be placed, in what part of the newspaper, how much free space to allocate for it. As a rule, at least three key blocks are created:

  • A congratulatory inscription (for example, “Happy birthday, Petya!” or “Congratulations to Petyunya on her 5th birthday!”). Usually it does not take up very much space, but it should be clearly visible - large letters, bright colors.
  • A selection of photographs (both of the birthday boy himself and of friends, relatives, as well as drawings with any characters from fairy tales or cartoons). This is the most voluminous part of the wall newspaper - it takes up most of the free space.
  • Text block (this could be poems, wishes for the birthday person, interesting news, etc.) You should not overload the newspaper with text information, especially if readers are not yet comfortable with independent reading.

3) Prepare a layout.

When the plan for the newspaper has been drawn up, you need to “make up” a trial version: lay out photographs on a sheet of A1 paper, try on letters from a congratulatory inscription, select the font size for poetry, select the optimal color scheme, etc.

A ready-made template layout can be found on the Internet - in this case, you just need to print it on a printer, and then, if necessary, paste in photographs or any applications. In a more advanced version (this will turn out to be a real professional newspaper), the layout can be completely created on a computer using some kind of graphic editor, then all that remains is to print it.

Here are examples and ideas for creating a wall newspaper:

4) Attach the newspaper to the wall.

The most solid and convenient option is to place the newspaper in a frame and place it on the wall. An easier way is to use buttons or tape (in this case there is a risk of damaging the wallpaper or other home decor elements).

1) For a wall newspaper for a child’s birthday to be a great success, it is advisable that it fits into the thematic direction of the holiday.

2) If children have difficulty reading (or cannot read at all), one of the child’s parents can read the newspaper.

3) The most popular version of a newspaper is a collage of photographs with captions. These can be photos of the birthday person at different ages, friends and relatives with wishes, etc.

4) Using humor is always a great way to liven up a homemade printable. Jokes, funny rhymes, funny photographs and pictures, as well as comments on them - excellent content for the newspaper!

Just yesterday you were choosing the name of your long-awaited baby, wondering who he would look like, preparing the first dowry for the baby, and almost a year has passed since your “bellie” was born.

The first year of a child's life- this is a special stage in its development. During this period, he must learn a lot, from holding his head upright to taking his first steps. Every day we watch how he discovers the world - the first smile, “Aha” and the first mess in the apartment, not to mention the sleepless nights spent near the baby’s cradle.

Your baby's first birthday is approaching, and now you are faced with a new task of how to celebrate the first year and make the holiday beautiful and original. If you want to arrange a real holiday, do not forget about such attributes as balloons, garlands and, of course, a wall newspaper for the one-year-old. To make the holiday bright and unforgettable, beautiful outfits of the guests are not enough, but you have the power to create a festive atmosphere!

Some will say why celebrate, much less do wall newspaper for the first year. All the same, the child does not understand anything and will not remember. But you and I know that the first birthday needs to be celebrated in some special way. We need to make sure that this joyful event is remembered for a long time!

Children grow up quickly, but I really want to preserve a piece of their childhood. A wall newspaper for a one-year-old child will not only give a lot of positive emotions, but will also remain as a keepsake for the baby. The layout we make is saved in electronic form, and you will be able to show it to your child when he becomes a mother (father).

The wall newspaper will reflect bright moments from the baby’s life and his achievements. We will decorate it with photographs of the child, arranged in chronological order. So everyone can see How the baby grew and developed!

At your request, the anniversary poster can depict:

Photos by month (up to a year);

Wishes from the child’s mom, dad, and grandparents;

Weight gain and height chart by month;

Teeth growth chart;

- “sit, crawl, walk” - information about the physical development of the baby;

Any idea you have, for example, you can leave space on the wall newspaper to make impressions of arms and legs.

The main thing is that while you are preparing your birthday, planning purchases, drawing up a guest list, we will create a colorful wall newspaper for you in 2-3 days!

We guarantee unsurpassed quality of the “picture” and its originality! Down with templates, coloring and gluing sheets. Our creativity, although more troublesome, does not require any effort from you, provides more opportunities and is much more interesting!

After you approve the anniversary poster we have created, we will send you a print-ready layout. You can print it anywhere in the country in any number of copies, and give it, for example, to your grandparents!

Colorful wall newspaper for one year old Not only will it give a lot of positive emotions, but it will also remain as a memory for the baby for many years! Write to us all your wishes and place an order, and we will do everything to ensure that the birthday boy and all your guests are completely delighted!

To create a festive mood on a birthday, beautiful congratulatory wall newspapers are traditionally used. They decorate a home or office work environment. It will be a great pleasure for the birthday person to receive as a gift a colorful poster that relatives and colleagues drew especially for him.

1. Wall newspaper for a woman or a man

If you don’t know how to draw, but really want to please the hero of the occasion with an original congratulation, use the template created by professional artists especially for visitors to our site. If you carefully color the finished drawing, no one will ever guess that the author of the masterpiece is someone else!

Download wall newspaper fragments

The wall newspaper template consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of a large picture.

2. DIY wall newspaper (poster) for a child’s birthday

Use a ready-made birthday wall newspaper template.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The template of this newspaper consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of a large pattern.

How to make a wall newspaper (poster) for a birthday

  1. First of all, all eight fragments should be saved on your computer or immediately printed on a black and white printer.
  2. The next step is gluing the elements into a single pattern. This can be done with glue or tape glued to the back.
  3. To compact the newspaper, it is recommended to duplicate it on the wrong side with thick paper or whatman paper.
  4. The last stage is coloring the poster with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.
  5. The finished picture can be supplemented with voluminous paper flowers and sparkles.
  6. Can fit into every frame or cloud
