Work plan for the senior group for September. Morning conversations in the senior group

Tikhomirova Natalya Yurievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten "Ivushka"
Locality: Nizhny Novgorod region. Bor village October
Name of material: Calendar and thematic planning
Subject:"Planning educational activities in the senior group"
Publication date: 15.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

(Bye, summer!)

1.Physical development

2.Social and communicative development.

Conversation on the topic “ How I spent summer?" OC: offer children based on

family photos tell about summer vacations, teach how to answer questions

teacher To develop coherent speech in children, to form coherent speech in children,

develop communication skills.

3.Social communicator. development.

to form knowledge about school, interest in school, cognitive motivation.

4.Social and communicative development.

Labor activity. Canteen duty.

OC: learn independently, perform duty duties (carefully

arrange cutlery)

4.Individual work with Alyosha K, Nina Ts, Taya D, Dasha Ch, Nastya T

“Name three things.” OC: Exercise children in grouping objects according to

a given characteristic, learn to come up with tasks based on the model. Develop

imagination, coherent speech.

1.Offer children coloring pages on the topic "Autumn", stencils. OC: Develop

2. Suggest a plot for a s/r game “ School» OC:

Improve and expand

play ideas and skills of children, encourage and support desire

organize role-playing games.

GCD. 1 Knowledge of the objective and social world, security

"Games in the yard" Avdeeva p.122

OC: Discuss with children various dangerous situations that may arise

when playing in the yard of the house, teach them the necessary precautions.

Methods and techniques: Conversation, looking at illustrations, physical education,


2. Physical development No. 1 (outdoors)

OC: Practice lining up in a column one at a time; practice balance and

Benefits. Bags according to the number of children, 3 cubes, 2-3 hoops, 2 cords,

ribbons for the game.

3. Fine art activities (applique, modeling)

“Memories of summer. Wonderful shells" Leonova p.167

to develop an interest in summer, the ability to reflect one’s impressions in

productive activity, improve the ability to flatten the original

shape (ball, ovoid, egg, cone, truncated cone) and modify it to

creating expressive images. Continue to learn how to use molded

material: pinch, pull, press, make notches, add

markings in the form of stripes and spots, teach how to use various tools and

materials for the decoration of sculpted shells (stacks,

caps, beads, beads, small buttons). Cultivate an interest in modeling.

Methods and techniques: Problem situation, conversation, looking at illustrations,

physical education, independent activity, ind. assistance, work analysis,


Walk. Cognitive development.

Labor activity: Sweeping paths.

OC: cultivate the desire to work.

P / And: “Faster than the wind”, “Who is taller?” OC: develop running speed; learn

jumping is easy.

- Individual work with Danya Ch, Alyosha K, Alesya Ch, Alina K: "Jump

1.Social and communicative development.

Problem situation/game: “Carefully I bite and fight.” OC: Learn to lead

behave correctly in problematic situations, treat peers in a friendly manner.

2.Social and communicative development.

Di: "Body" OC: continue to reinforce polite words.

(The children sit around the table on which there is a basket. The teacher turns to

to the child: “Here’s a box for you, put a polite word in it.”)

3.Artistic-aesthetic development.

Reading fiction. OC: Cultivate the ability to enjoy

artistic words, feel and understand the figurative language of fairy tales, plays,

stories, poems... Getting to know S. Marshak’s poems “The First Day”


First day of the calendar

First of September!

First of September!

First of September - First day

Calendar, -

Because on this day

All the girls

And the boys

And villages

We took the bags

We took the books

We took breakfast

Under the arms

And we rushed for the first time

It was in Barnaul,

In Leningrad

And in Torzhok,

In Blagoveshchensk

And in the village,

And in a distant village.

At sea

Where the shore is


Where are the guys

In Georgian

Where for breakfast

Sweet grapes.

In Altai,

Between the mountains

In Valdai,

On the Dnieper,

Among the fields

Where the school is

Behind the trunks

Who managed

Live in the world

Eight years,

Tech today

Not home,-

Because on this day

All the girls

And the boys

Towns and villages

We took the bags

We took the books

We took breakfast

Under the arms

And we rushed for the first time

Independent activity.

1.Suggest a game " Developmental lotto" (Geometric figures)

Walk. We continue to monitor changes in nature. OC: continue

form an idea of ​​precipitation; develop observation skills.

Labor activity: Collection of dry waste on site.

OC: learn to work together; cultivate a love of work.

P/games: " Hares", « Breeze" OC: teach to play, following the rules; develop

agility, reaction speed, attention.

OC: continue to teach children to choose their own games, support

friendships during games.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development

Morning exercise complex. OC: develop coordination of movements, attention;

create a positive emotional attitude.

2.Social and communicative development.

Conversation on the topic “ On the way to kindergarten» OC: to form in children

ideas about a safe route from home to kindergarten. Develop

observation, attention, coherent speech, memory, ability to form

remember the sequence of events, convey information in words and


3.Social communicator. development+ Artistic-aesthetic. development

Examination of illustrations, posters about autumn and autumn phenomena. OC:

Expand your understanding of autumn. Develop the ability to install

spatial connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.

4.Social communicator. development

D/n: " What is where??», « Every thing has its place» OC: consolidate the rules

safe behavior in the group room.

5.Individual work with Ivan A and Danya Ch.-Conversation “How to play with

comrades" OC: strengthen the skills of a friendly attitude towards others,

the ability to play together and share toys.

Independent activity.

1.Offer children coloring books of birds, stencils, paints, pencils. OC:


GCD 1 Cognitive-research. activity, natural world, experiment.

"Turtle Watching" OA Voronkevich p.197

OC: Summarize children’s knowledge about a living object (breathes, moves, eats, grows,

reproduces, escapes from enemies) Consolidate knowledge about appearance. Develop

evidentiary speech. Cultivate cognitive interest in features

animal behavior.

Methods and techniques: Surprise moment, conversation, questions, Reading by E.I. Zolotov

“Introducing children to the world of animals”

"Counting to 5" Novikova p.4

OC: Practice counting to 5; teach to compare two groups of objects by adding to

giving a smaller group a missing item or removing an extra one from a larger group;

learn to navigate in space and indicate direction with the words “left”

“right” “in front” “behind” “side”

Methods and techniques: Game “Put it in a basket”, “What, where?” "Show as much"

questions, funny account.

3 Musical activities

(according to the music director’s plan)

OC: Expand children’s understanding of human feelings that exist in life

and expressed in music; form sound-pitch perception; encourage

teach children to sing melodiously; distinguish between introduction, verse, bridge; Right

pronounce words. Improve children's dance skills.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Monitoring different types of transport

OC: expand knowledge about ground transport, their classification, purpose;

to form an idea of ​​the purpose of buses, their importance in life


Labor activity

Teamwork in the garden to clean up trash. OC: build skills

collective work.

Outdoor games:

« Wolf and kids", "Needle, thread, knot».

OC: teach gaming activities with strict adherence to the rules, develop

speed and reaction; cultivate courage.

-Individual work with Dasha M, Dasha Ch, Alina K, Rita S in development

jumping. OC: strengthen the ability to jump on one leg.

Independent play activities of children.

OC: continue to teach children to choose their own games, support

friendships during games.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading and conversation based on a poem by S. Makhotina "Senior group" OC:

introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic

perception and aesthetic taste.


Senior group - what does it mean?

So no one cries in the morning anymore,

No one will spill soup on their shirt,

Everyone learned to put on a coat.

Even shoes with tight laces

They don't trust

Neither dad nor mom.

/WITH. Makhotina/

2.Cognitive + Social communication. development

D/n: " What do I need at school?» OC: to consolidate children’s ideas about school


3.Aesthetic artist. development

Making attributes for the story game “School” OC: Strengthen the skill

analyze an object, establish a connection between its purpose and structure;

develop visual-figurative perception.

Improve memory, fine motor skills, thinking, perseverance, creativity


4.Aesthetic artist. development

Musical activity. Listening to the song " What they teach at school»

OTs: Development of musical, creative abilities; Creation

a friendly attitude towards the school; creating a good mood.

Walk. We continue to monitor transport.

Conversation " What I drove to kindergarten? OC: expand knowledge about ground

transport and the rules of behavior in public transport.

Labor activity. Collection of leaves for the herbarium. OC:

learn to create at home and

other children are in a joyful mood from the work done; bring up

ecological culture.

Outdoor games:

« Third wheel". OC: teach to follow the rules of the game; develop dexterity and

running speed.

« Owl"

-Individual work with Dasha Ch, Rita S, Vika R.

OC: improve jumps with forward movement.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development

Morning exercise complex. OC: develop coordination of movements, attention;

create a positive emotional attitude.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation on the topic “ We are now in the senior group» OC: give an idea of ​​the new

status of children in the senior group. Playing out the situation " You

came to kindergarten in the morning» OC: consolidate forms of verbal expression

politeness when meeting.

3.Social communicator. development

Exercise " Kindness»

Leading. In each of us, to one degree or another, a sense of kindness is developed,

good attitude towards people. What kind and good things can you say about

peers, teachers, parents? You have 5 minutes to

prepare for the story. You choose the person yourself, preferably

so that he is familiar to other participants or present in the group. Your

the story should be short and specific, while emphasizing that you

appreciate in each of those you talk about.

4.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading and conversation based on the poem by G. Ladonshchikov “ About myself and about the guys»

The sun disappeared behind the houses,

We leave kindergarten.

I tell my mom

About myself and about the guys.

How we sang songs in chorus,

How they played leapfrog,

What did we drink?

What did we eat

What did you read in kindergarten?

I tell you honestly

And about everything in detail.

I know mom is interested

Know about

How we live.

Independent activity.

Offer children the fun game “Light Feather”

OC: performing game actions (blowing a small amount from the tip of your nose

feather), correctly take in air through your nose and release it through your mouth.

Promote the formation of correct nasal breathing.

2. Offer printed board games and tasks.

OC: develop the ability to play in small groups, promote the use

children previously acquired knowledge in the game; develop children's cognitive

GCD. 1 Speech development

Retelling of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crayfish” Ushakova page 41

OC: Learn to tell a fairy tale coherently, consistently and expressively without

help from the teacher's questions; lead to a descriptive story

based on the painting “Fox”; learn to form words with similar meanings,

use words with opposite meanings in speech (big-small,...)

Methods and techniques:

2 Fine art activities (construction)

"Freight car"(construction material) Kutsakova p. 64

Strengthen the ability to analyze a subject, establish connections between it

purpose and structure; Develop children's ability to “read” graphics

images of the object presented in all projections (front view, view

side view, top view, etc.);

Introduce children to the world of technical invention.

Methods and techniques: Making riddles, looking at illustrations and

toy truck, physical education, independent activity,

individual assistance, analysis, exhibition.

3 Physical education№1

Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, in scattered running;

teach to maintain stable balance, forming correct posture when walking

on a gymnastic bench; practice vigorous pushing with two

with your feet off the floor (ground), in jumps moving forward; practice in

throwing the ball.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Spider watching

OC: expand and consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of appearance

spider, its life manifestations; form realistic ideas about

Labor activity - Seed collection.

OC: consolidate the ability to carefully collect flower seeds and correctly collect them

Outdoor games

« Run and jump», « Jumpers" OC: develop motor activity,

long jump ability.

-Individual work with Alina K, Dasha Ch, Danya Ch, Taya D, Dasha M on

development of movements.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Aesthetic artist. development

2.Social communicator. development

D/i " Similar - not similar».

OC: compare objects, notice signs of similarity in color, shape, size,


S/r game " Kindergarten": plot " Daily regime».

OC: learn to distribute roles, improve the ability to unite in a game.

Form the habit of carefully putting toys away in the designated place.

3.Cognitive development

Individual work on FEMP with Vanya A, Nastya T, Rita S

OC: exercise children in counting to 5 (quantitative and ordinal); secure

idea of ​​equality and inequality of groups of objects based on counting.

Independent activity.

exercise “Birds are flying.”

between children.

Walk. We continue to monitor changes in nature. OC:

continue to develop an understanding of precipitation; develop


Labor activity: Clearing paths of debris.

OC: teach how to use a spatula; cultivate a love of work.

Outdoor games: " Hares», « Breeze" OC: teach to play, following the rules;

develop dexterity, speed of reaction, attention.

Independent play activities of children.

OC: continue to teach children to choose their own games, support

friendships during games.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development

Morning exercise complex. OC: develop coordination of movements, attention;

create a positive emotional attitude.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation on the topic: “ Etiquette in kindergarten» OC: continue to form in children

cultural hygiene skills. Introduce the concept of “etiquette”, form

ideas about the rules of etiquette that must be observed in kindergarten,

learn to compare your actions with the requirements of etiquette. Consider

various situations, explain how to act in them.

3.Social communicator. development

Work in a corner of nature: looking at fruits and vegetables.

OC: clarify children’s ideas about fruits, clarify and specify

the concept of “fruits” and “vegetables”; practice research activities.

4.Social communicator. development

Who works in kindergarten» OC:

develop respect for kindergarten staff.

D/n: " School items» OC: consolidate the purpose of school


5. Artistic-aesthetic development

Working in the library " Every book has its place» with girls OC: to educate

Children have a careful attitude towards books.

Independent activity.

1. Offer a S/R game “ Salon».

OC: expanding ideas about the work of a hairdresser, instilling respect for

people of this profession.

independence and ability to model according to diagrams.


Subject. Vowel sound A, letter A, a. Determining the place of sound in the words stork, aster,

moon, poppy Dividing words into syllables. Conditional

syllable designation. Game situation “Show the letter.”

Equipment. Large format cut alphabet, individual cut ones

alphabet books containing only the letter A, a, object pictures.

2 Physical Culture No. 2OC:

Exercise children in walking and running in a column

one at a time, running in all directions; learn to maintain a stable balance, forming

correct posture when walking on a gymnastic bench; practice in

energetic push-off with both legs from the floor (ground), in jumping

moving forward; practice throwing the ball.

Independent activity.

Invite children to look at illustrations for works about autumn OC:

Walk. Cognitive development.

Observation of plantain. OTs: Introduce the folk names of this

plants; show the adaptability of plantain to life near roads.

Labor activity Collection of medicinal plants.

OC: teach how to properly collect medicinal plants.

Outdoor games "Owl".

OC: learn to act on a signal. “The deer has a big house” OC: consolidate

ability to correlate movements with text.

-Individual work with Alina K, Nastya T, Rita S, Dasha Ch-

"Brave guys." OC: exercise in fast running;

Independent play activities of children.

OC: continue to teach children to choose their own games, support

friendships during games.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Speech development +

Aesthetic artist development

Conversation " Why do the leaves turn yellow?» Coloring an autumn bouquet OC:

2.Social communicator. development

D/u: " Who will fold clothes correctly?» OC: consolidate the skill correctly

place your things in the closet.

3.Cognitive development

Tour of the OC kindergarten: instilling in children respect for work

kindergarten employees

Independent activity.

Creating conditions for gaming activities. Games in a dollhouse.

OC: create conditions for children to play with small toys, dolls,

promote the expression of imagination, the development of friendly relationships

between children.

Offer construction games.

OTs: Teach children to make various constructions from Lego constructors

Equipment: Lego set

Walk. We continue to observe the dandelion.

OC: continue to get acquainted with the medicinal plant - dandelion;

to develop the ability and desire to actively preserve and protect nature;

Outdoor games:

“Run and Jump”, “Jumpers”. Goal: develop

motor activity, long jump ability.

Individual work

Development of movements.

OC: improve jumping over a long rope (stationary and

swinging, on two legs, standing facing her and sideways).

Labor activity is collecting garbage in the children's area. OC: teach to work

together; cultivate a love of work.

Independent play activities of children.

OC: continue to teach children to choose their own games, support

friendships during games.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation " Rules for duty officers» Purpose: to remind children how to set the table,

teach to act consistently and accurately, discuss the importance of the task being performed

work. Continue to develop the work skills required while on duty.

3.Social communicator. development.

D/n: " Find out by description» OC: Consolidate knowledge about indoor plants,

growing up in a group.

4.Cognitive development

Reviewing and filling out the nature and weather calendar. OT: compare with

middle group calendar. Find similarities and differences.

Independent activity.

Offer children a magnetic construction set. OC: Develop children's ideas

about the main groups of physical phenomena, introduce a magnet and some

its simplest properties. Develop an emotional and value-based attitude towards

environment, stimulate children's cognitive activity and


2. Offer a S/R game “ Kindergarten».

OC: Improve children’s ability to develop a plot based on knowledge,

obtained from the perception of the environment.

GCD 1. Fine art activity (drawing)

"Our summer is flying away" Leonova p.62

OTs: Teach children to reflect summer impressions in drawings, to draw simple

plots, conveying human movements, place images on the entire sheet

paper; compose a composition. Strengthen the ability to draw with pencils,

apply shading depending on the subject. Involve children in collective

talk; interaction with peers; develop creative activity;

identify the ability to convey mood in a drawing.

Methods and techniques: looking at family photographs, reading a poem

“Golden Summer”, conversation, practical part, physical education, ind. help,

analysis, exhibition.

2. Musical activities

(according to the music director’s plan)

OC: OC: Expand children’s understanding of human feelings that exist in

life and expressed in music; form sound-pitch perception;

encourage children to learn to sing; distinguish between introduction, verse, bridge;

pronounce words correctly. Improve children's dance skills


Walk. Cognitive development.

Weather observation (rain).

OC: consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Labor activity

Sweeping paths. OC: cultivate the desire to work.

P/n: “ By the bear in the forest" OC: consolidate the ability to move quickly on a signal.

« Throw it - catch it" OC: improve movements.

-Individual work with Nastya, Vanya, Dasha Ch, Alina, Rita, Polina.

Walking on a log. OC: strengthen the ability to maintain balance.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1. Aesthetic artist. development

Work in the book corner: solving riddles about animals, birds and insects.

OC: continue to teach children to solve riddles, consolidate knowledge about them

genre features, instill through riddles a love for all living things around

2. Social and communicative development

D/n: " Name three things».

OC: train children in grouping objects according to a given characteristic, highlighting

a sign by which objects are grouped.

3. Social communicator. development

Work in a corner of nature. Watering indoor plants.

OC: tell children about the need to water plants, cultivate careful

attitude towards nature.

4.Individual work with Rita S, Nastya T, Ivan A, Alesya Ch - exercise

children counting up to 5 (quantitative and ordinal); consolidate the idea of

equality and inequality of groups of objects based on counting.

Independent activity.

S/r game "Family".

arising during the game.

2. Work in the thin corner. creativity - drawing on a free topic

OTs: Teach children to draw, choosing their own topic.

Walk. Cognitive development

Observation of plants.

OC: invite children to find the first signs of autumn, name the most beautiful ones

plants on the site.

P/n “We are funny guys.”

practice running.

Labor activity. Cleaning the site.

OC: to cultivate in children a desire to participate in joint work


Independent play activities of children.

OC: continue to teach children to choose their own games, support

friendships during games.

(Autumn time, the charm of the eyes.)

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development

Complex of morning exercises. OC: develop coordination of movements,

attention; create a positive emotional attitude.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation on the topic:

« Autumn" OC: To cultivate a feeling of love for native nature.

Continue to introduce children to Russian folk culture. Activation in speech

children's "autumn" dictionary: leaf fall, harvest, bad weather, bad weather, slush; about color

foliage: crimson, gold, rusty, red, purple, brown.

3.Artistic-aesthetic development

Looking at illustrations and reproductions of paintings about autumn. Drawing

« Birch vernissage" Goal: To arouse children’s interest in depicting autumn

birches based on the lyrical poem by V. Nabokov “Birches”

4.Social communicator. development

D/u: " Assistants» OC: Strengthen skills independently and in a timely manner

prepare materials and aids for classes, put away work without reminders

Independent activity.

1. Offer a s/r game “Family”. OC: to form an idea of ​​the collective

housekeeping, family budget, family relationships.

2. Games at the request of children

OC: develop mental, communicative and motor activity.

The history of the origin of the native city. Aleshina page 15

OC: To consolidate children’s knowledge about their hometown acquired in the middle group:

name of the city, main attractions. Introduce history

the origins of the city, its name, ancient buildings. Bring up

interest in the history of your native city and country.

2 Physical education on the street№2

develop coordination of movement in high jumps, energetically pushing off

Benefits. Balls (diameter 6-8 cm) according to the number of children, 2 stands, cord, several


3 Fine art activities (applique, modeling)

"Pictures for our lockers"(applique) Leonova page 201

OC: teach children to determine the design in accordance with the purpose of the drawing

(picture for the locker). Create conditions for independent creativity -

draw an object picture and frame it with a frame of colored stripes.

Develop creativity and imagination; cultivate interest in children's

Methods and techniques: reading the poem by G. Lagzdyn “Here is our corridor”, conversation,

excursion to kindergarten groups, practical part, ind. help, analysis

works, exhibition.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Observation: soil in early autumn.

OC: expand and clarify children’s ideas about nature. Discuss with children

why soil is necessary for trees, shrubs, herbs, and flowers. Convert

attention to the fact that with the onset of autumn the soil becomes colder and

P/n " Shooting at a target».

OC: improve the technique of throwing an object at a horizontal target with

distances of 3-4 meters. Develop accuracy and interest in shooting.

Riding a scooter.

OC: identify children’s ability to ride a scooter. Give an opportunity

ride on your own and evaluate your skills. Develop dynamic


S/r game " Trip to the zoo».

OC: to develop the ability to distribute roles, clarify and activate in speech

names of animals and their cubs, teach them to talk about their impressions.

Independent activity.

1.Offer sports attributes to children. OC: form and improve

Independent play activities of children.

come up with a plot for the game.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1. Artistic-aesthetic development

Reading poems from their collection " Signs of autumn» OC: instill love and

interest in poetry, teach children to listen carefully to poems.

2.Social communicator. development

D/ and " What why?: OC: consolidate knowledge of the names of the autumn months.

3.Social communicator. development Labor activity.

Caring for indoor plants. OC: Expand children’s knowledge about needs

plants in light and moisture, teach how to recognize moisture-loving and

drought-resistant, light-loving and shade-tolerant plants.

4.Aesthetic artist. development

Musical activity. Listening to P. Tchaikovsky's disc Seasons

“October” OC: develop attention and cognitive interest.

Independent activity.

1. Suggest D/i " Gardener and flowers».

OC: teach children to use their knowledge about garden flowers in the game;

activate children's vocabulary on this topic.

Didactic board and printed games.

Albums with illustrations for viewing.

Evening. Walk.

Watching bugs.

OC: continue to introduce children to representatives of the insect class.

Invite children to examine and compare beetles with each other, find features

similarities and differences. Expand children's understanding of how cold weather and

The length of the day changes the lives of animals.

P/n " Aircraft". OC: improve children’s ability to navigate

space, move around the playing field as part of a team. Develop

attention, develop the ability to react to the actions of other players.

Work assignments: collecting medicinal plants (calendula seeds).

OC: consolidate children’s knowledge about the benefits of medicinal plants.

Playing with sand: building a house.

OC: learn to build a house out of sand, using your knowledge about the properties of dry and

wet sand.

Independent play activities of children.

OC: developing in children the ability to independently find partners for games,

come up with a plot for the game.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development

Complex of morning exercises. OC: develop coordination of movements,

attention; create a positive emotional attitude.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation-observation " Autumn time» OC: to form children’s ideas about

changes in nature; learn to distinguish and characterize the signs of early autumn.

3.Aesthetic artist. development

Unconventional drawing ( leaf print) “Magic Forest” OC:


Children have imagination and creative abilities; fine motor skills of hands; feeling

4.Individual work with Nastya T, Rita S, Alesya Ch, Dasha Ch, Ivan A " WITH

what tree leaf?» OC: clarify children’s knowledge about trees and seeds.

Independent activity.

Suggest n/a game " Developmental lotto" (Geometric figures)

OC: consolidates knowledge about geometric shapes and colors, develops attention,

perception, logical thinking.

2.Offer children different types of construction sets. OC: Development of motor skills,

independence and ability to model according to diagrams.

“Can a plant breathe?” OV.Dybina p.55

OC: identify the plant’s need for air and respiration. Understand how it happens

respiration process in plants; determine that all parts of the plant are involved in

Methods and techniques: Questions, riddles, conversation, looking at illustrations,

experimentation, physical education, drawing.

2 Mathematical and sensory development.

"Square" Novikova p. 6

learn to make a square using counting sticks; practice counting within

5; learn to correlate a number with a number and a card with circles; learn

navigate on a piece of paper, indicate the direction of movement with the words:

“left”, “right”, “top”, “bottom”, etc.

Methods and techniques: Working with counting sticks, riddles, D/and “What’s what?”

looks like”, physical education lesson, d/i “Aerobatics” “Show as much

3 Musical activity.

(according to the music director’s plan)

OTs: To develop the ability to distinguish between changes in moods and their shades in music.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Observation " Trees in autumn": OC: help enrich children's vocabulary,

expand children's knowledge about autumn changes in nature.

And m/n: “Draw leaves on the sand with a twig.” OC: development of mindfulness

and consolidation of knowledge of tree names.

Labor activity. Cleaning up garbage in the area of ​​children OC: to educate

children desire to participate in joint work activities.

« Shaggy dog": OC: develop in children the ability to act on a signal,

practice running in different directions.

Independent activities of the OC:

continue to teach children independently

choose a game, maintain friendly relations during games.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1. Artistic-aesthetic development

Reading the poem by K. Balmont “ Merry autumn» OC:

Introduce children to

with a new poem, to activate children’s vocabulary; Learn to answer questions

expressiveness of speech.

The chirping of sparrows,

Subtle whistling of tits.

Behind the clouds

There are no more lightning flashes.

Thunders died at the bottom

Blue skies.

All in purple fire

Golden forest.

The wind ran fast

He shook the brocade.

The color of the rowan became scarlet,

The song is sung by the beam.

In a colorful dream I live

A ringing string.

Autumn, I love you

Just like Spring.

2. Physical development.

R/n p/i: “ Centipede» OC: improve children’s ability to walk with springs

walk, raising your legs high, run easily, walk with a stomping step. Movements

convey in the character of the music

Progress of the game:

Children stand with each other and sing:

A centipede was walking

On a dry path.

Suddenly it began to rain: drop!

Oh, forty paws will get wet!

- They walk like a “train” with a spring step.

- easy running.

I don't need a runny nose

I'll go around the puddles.

I won’t bring dirt into the house,

I'll shake each paw.

They walk with their legs raised high

- standing, shaking the right leg

- left foot

A centipede was walking

On a dry path

And then she stomped

Oh, what thunder from the paws!

- They walk like a train with a springy step.

- They walk with a stomping step

3.Artistic-aesthetic development. Musical activity.

Listening to audio recordings " Autumn" A. Vivaldi from the cycle “ Seasons»

« Autumn song» OC:

Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn.

Develop musical culture, imagination, fantasy of children. Form

ecological culture of children.

Independent activity.

Offer children coloring books on the theme “Autumn”, stencils, paints, pencils.

OC: develop motor skills, perseverance, accuracy.

2. Suggest a plot for the game: “Daughters and Mothers” OC: Pin

ideas about relationships, care and respect.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Observation of plants.

OTs: we continue to watch the first signs of autumn, name the most

beautiful plants on the site.

P/n " We are funny guys».

OC: develop children’s attention, develop the ability to act on a signal,

practice running.

S/r game " Family».

OC: teach children to agree on the plot and rules of the game, develop the ability

use substitute objects. Learn to resolve conflicts on your own

arising during the game.

Independent play activities of children.

to form and improve children’s motor skills in

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development.

Complex of morning exercises. OC:

Promote children's health

2.Social communicator. development

What grows is alive! OC: suggest

tell children about why they need to take care of plants as they are

take care. To form ideas about the diversity of nature and its interconnections

objects. Enrich your vocabulary with figurative words and expressions.

3.Social communicator. development

Watching the puppet show “Stargazer” OC: environmental education

consciousness of children.

4.Social and communicative development

D/n: " What has autumn brought us?» OC: teach children to use knowledge about

plants in the game, compare the fruits of a tree with its leaves and seeds.

5.Individual work with Dasha M, Katya E, Taya D, Danya Ch, Alyosha K.

D/i “Who Hears What” OC: to develop children’s auditory perception and attention.

Independent activity.

1. Offer mosaics, puzzles, lacing for games. OC: develop thinking,

memory, perseverance.

motor activity

GCD 1 Speech development

Storytelling based on the painting “Cat with Kittens” Ushakova p.43

OC: Learn to compose

short story

about events

preceding those depicted in the picture, come up with an ending. Learn

note and name the differences and similarities between cats and kittens based on

comparing their appearance, behavior, choosing the exact words for

characteristics of actions; learn how to independently form nicknames for animals;

clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds (s) and (z)…

Methods and techniques: Working on questions, looking at a picture, conversation,

physical education lesson, surprise moment, d/i “What is a sound, word, sentence”

“What do you see around”, poetry reading.

2 Fine art activities (design)

"Bird" (natural material) Kutsakova p.79

Exercise children in design and develop creative abilities.

Methods and techniques:

3 Physical culture No. 3

Repeat walking and running between objects; practice walking on your toes;

two feet off the floor (ground) and swinging the arms while jumping to reach the object;

practice throwing the ball up with both hands; running up to 1.5 min.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Observation of passersby. OC: To form in children ideas about similarities and

differences between people in appearance. Learn to identify changes in clothing

in autumn compared to summer, why? Learn to identify people by age, gender,

growth, etc.

Labor activity. Remove dried plants from the flowerbed. OC: educate

children desire to work together, to bring joy not only to themselves, but also to others

people; develop the ability to negotiate.

P/n: “ Mousetrap» OC: development of dexterity and attention.

Individual work with Polina E, Dasha Ch, Nastya T-getting into the ring

ball OC: development of the eye and strength of the arm muscles.

Games with external material.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Cognitive development.

Conversation on the topic “ Why do flowers wither in autumn?? OC: install dependency

plant growth on air temperature.

2. Aesthetic artist. development

Unconventional drawing(Printing with fruits) « Gifts of Autumn» OC:


children's imagination, creativity; fine motor skills of hands; feeling

compositions, color perception; to form aesthetic and artistic

taste; cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional

responsiveness to the beauty of autumn; interest in the drawing process; bring up

aesthetic attitude to reality, hard work, accuracy,

patience, ability to complete a task, mutual assistance in completing work,

economical approach to the materials used.

Social communicator. development.

D/n: " Dress the doll for a walk» OC: To consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal

clothes. " Seasons», « Lotto seasons» OC: Pin views

children about autumn, teach to name the signs of autumn, know the names of the autumn months,

expand your vocabulary on the topic “autumn”.

Independent activity.

1. Suggest some games. Lotto “Plants, Animals”

LOTTO allows you to simulate many different gaming situations. IN

During the game, logical thinking, observation, attention develops,

memory, fine motor skills of the hand are improved.

2. Offer a s/r game “Let’s go for a walk”

OC: teach children, when going for a walk, to dress for the weather, choose something comfortable

clothes and necessary accessories; develop vocabulary (names

items of clothing); foster respect for the environment,

to develop skills of aesthetic contemplation.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Watching the wind. OC: develop cognitive interest. Compare summer

breeze with autumn. Find out what the differences are.

P/n: “ Bird and cat» OC: improve children’s motor skills,

learn to accurately perform game actions, quickly respond to signals,

use the entire playing area in the game. Develop children's powers of observation

speed of movement, dexterity.

S/s with external material.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

Physical development

Morning exercise complex. OC: develop coordination of movements, attention;

create a positive emotional attitude.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation on the topic:

« Is a greengrocer's shop...?" OC: clarify children’s ideas

about the vegetable store, intensify in speech: the names of vegetables and fruits,

verbs denoting the actions of sellers and buyers.

A GAME " Guess the taste» OC: learn to distinguish vegetables by taste, remember them


3.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading the epic “Ilya Muromets” OC: developing interest in historical people and


4.Social communicator. development

D/i: game "What season?"

OC: learn to correlate the description of nature in poetry or prose with a certain

time of year; develop auditory attention and quick thinking.

How to play: Children sit on a bench. The teacher asks the question “When is this

It happens?" and reads a text or riddle about different seasons.

5.Individual work with Rita, Polina, Alesya, Nastya " It happens or

No» OC: learn to notice inconsistency in judgments, develop

logical thinking.

Independent activity.


gaming purposes.

GCD 1 Preparing for literacy


Subject. Vowel sound (U), letter U, u. Place of sound in the words duck, watermelon, kangaroo.

Determining the number of syllables in words.

Methods and techniques: Reading a fairy tale about sound (U), riddles, working with definitions

places in a word, physical education, drawing the alphabet.

2 Physical culture No. 4

Repeat walking and running between objects; practice walking on your toes;

develop coordination of movements in high jumps, energetically pushing off

two feet off the floor (ground) and swinging the arms while jumping to reach the object;

practice throwing the ball up with both hands; running up to 1.5 min.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Cat observation.

OC: consolidate knowledge that a cat is a domestic animal, a mammal,

has certain characteristics; cultivate humane feelings towards animals,

which were tamed by man.

Labor activity

Cleaning up fallen leaves.

OC: to teach to finish the job started; cultivate neatness,


Outdoor games

"". OC: learn quickly

-Individual work with Danya Ch, Alyosha K, Vanya A, Nastya, Alina,

Dasha M, Dasha Ch, Nina Ts - Development of movements.

the other back).

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Social communicator. development

Household work: Washing take-out material after playing while out for a walk.

OC: teach children to use a sponge, a cloth, help the teacher clean

toys from sand and wash them. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys,

2.Physical development

Learning r/n games "Crow"

OC: move in accordance with the dance character of the music and convey

step and various familiar dance movements.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle. One child is selected in advance to portray a “raven”.

(He stands in a circle with everyone)

Oh guys, ta-ra-ra!

There is a mountain on the mountain,

And on that mountain there is an oak tree,

And there are craters on the oak tree.

Raven in red boots

In gilded earrings.

Black raven on an oak tree,

He plays the trumpet.

Turned pipe,

Gold plated,

Okay pipe

The song is complex.

At the end of the song, “Raven” runs out of the circle, everyone closes their eyes, “Raven”

runs around the circle, touches someone’s back, and stands in the circle.

3.Individual work with Alyosha K. and Nastya T. Game task “Circle

bird along the contour" OC: develop fine motor skills of the fingers, teach correctly

hold a pencil, draw a straight line.

Independent activity.

Creating conditions for work. Household work –

wipe dust from construction parts. OC: to arouse in children a desire to support

toys and building material in a clean and orderly manner, develop the ability to do

work quickly and accurately, bring the job started to completion.

2. Creating conditions for visual activities. Replenish the corner

new coloring pages on the theme “Birds of Migratory”.

making strokes in one direction.

Evening. Walk.

We continue to observe the signs of golden autumn. OC: Pin

children's ideas about autumn signs and changes.

Labor activity: collecting leaves for the herbarium.

Independent play activities of children.

independent activity, encourage the desire to independently select

sports attributes and organize games.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

Physical development

Morning exercise complex. OC: develop coordination of movements, attention;

create a positive emotional attitude.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation on the topic: “ Where did the birds fly?» OC: Getting to know the seasonal

changes in the life of animals in the autumn. Learn to distinguish and name

birds by external characteristics. Create a desire to observe behavior

3.Artist-aesthetic development

Examination of illustrations with migratory birds OC: introduce

the name of migratory birds and their appearance. Nurture love and

caring for birds.

4.Individual work with Rita and Nastya D/i " Settled into houses» OC:

determining the gender of nouns.

Independent activity.

Creating conditions for play and artistic activities. Manufacturing

jewelry - beads and bracelets for role-playing games

OC: to form in children the desire to independently make attributes for

role-playing games, develop fine motor skills and aesthetic taste.

2.Creating conditions for productive activity. Modeling “Treat for

dolls": candies, cookies.

OC: encourage children to use a variety of modeling techniques learned

earlier, to cultivate the desire to do something for others.

GCD 1 Fine art activity (drawing)

"The red summer has passed" Leonova p.63

OC: Teach children to create a harmonious color composition, conveying

impressions of summer; introduce a new way of creating abstract

composition - free, continuous movement of a pencil or felt-tip pen along

paper; improve the technique of working with watercolor paints (often

rinse and wet the brush, move it freely in all directions)

Methods and techniques: Conversation, looking at illustrations, experimenting

with mixing paints, independent activity, individual assistance, analysis,


2 Musical activities

(according to the music director’s plan)

OC: OC: To develop the ability to distinguish between changes in moods and their shades in music.

Form sound-pitch perception. Learn to distinguish sounds. Exercise in

sound production and sound science. Develop the ability to sing “in a chain”;

continue to teach children to sing melodiously and to pronounce the endings of phrases correctly.

Develop the ability to move easily, to coordinate the words of the song with the movement.

Exercise in clear, rhythmic walking and easy running.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Sky observation. OC: to arouse interest in looking at the sky, to develop

children's ability to convey impressions from observation in speech, develop


P/n: “ Bell


will you come with me?

“Who will come to play with me?” a child with a bell in his hands runs out and

shows a bell.

P/n: “ From hoop to hoop

Evening. Cooperative activity.

Cognitive development.

Conversations and reasoning " What is hygiene» OC: Expand ideas about

health and healthy lifestyle. Create sustainable motivation and

the need to maintain one's own health.


Reading by A. Barto " The girl is grimy» OC: Expand the “reading” experience of children,

introduce children to the poem. Introduce children to the work and

bring children to understand that cleanliness is the key to health, encourage

performing basic hygiene skills: washing hands, face, body,

comb your hair, keep your clothes clean. Repeat names

personal care supplies.

Independent activity.

Suggest a plot for a game: “Daughters and Mothers” OC: Pin

ideas about relationships, care and respect.

2. Offer board games: “Geometric Lotto”, “Dominoes” OC: Teach

children follow the rules of the game, repeat the names of geometric shapes.

Evening. Walk.

We continue to introduce children to changes in nature. OC:

expand children's understanding of changes in the plant world in the autumn.

Labor activity. We clean up the veranda after games.

OC: to form in children a conscious attitude towards order, the desire for it

support. Cultivate hard work, form an idea of ​​value

P/n: “ Who is faster? (to the birch tree, to the Christmas tree) OC: exercise children in running,

develop reaction speed, agility, speed, ability to act on a signal,

consolidate the name of trees, the ability to distinguish them.

Independent play activities of children.

OC: to form and improve children’s motor skills in

independent activity, encourage the desire to independently select

sports attributes and organize games.

(People's work in autumn.)

Morning. Cooperative activity.

Physical development.

and awakening the body for normal functioning.

create a joyful emotional upsurge, “awaken” the child’s body,

set up in an effective way; develop the habit of daily physical activity

exercise; develop all muscle groups and coordination of movements. Strength and

endurance, cultivate the ability to simultaneously start and in a timely manner

finish exercises with music

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation with the visiting children on the topic: “ How our ancestors worked» OC:

3.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading proverbs and sayings about work. OC:

consolidate children's knowledge about signs

autumn, remember poems, proverbs and sayings about autumn, develop

observation, activate vocabulary on the topic.

4.Social and communicative development

Consideration of the thematic album " Who to be and who is more important» OC:

to form children’s concepts about work and agricultural professions.

5.Individual work with Danya, Nastya, Rita, Vanya, Alesya D/i: “ Time

of the year» OC: consolidate the names of the seasons and the names of the autumn months.

Independent activity.

1.Offer children coloring books, stencils, paints, pencils. OC: develop

motor skills, perseverance, accuracy.

2.Offer children different types of construction sets. OC: Development of motor skills,

GCD 1 Knowledge of the objective and social world, safety

“How bread is grown.” Aleshina page 23

OC: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the differences between the city and the village; houses, transport, work

of people. To consolidate children's knowledge that bread is one of the most important

food products in Russia, it is very difficult to grow. Introduce children to

the labor of grain growers in the fall. Instill in children a sense of respect for people's work

and to bread.

Methods and techniques: Looking at illustrations, conversation, looking at

ears of corn, drawing, guessing game (cookie and bread tasting)

2 Physical education on the street No. 3

OC: Exercise children in continuous running for up to 1 minute (alternating with walking);

learn game exercises with jumping; develop dexterity and eye in

exercises with the ball and coordination of movements and dexterity in the game “Fast

Benefits. Balls (diameter 6-8 cm), cubes according to the number of children, 6-8 pins.

3 Fine art activity (modeling)

“Let’s make squawks”(testoplasty) Leonova page 168

OTs: Continue to introduce children to still life as a genre of fine art.

Introduce the painting by I. Mashkov “Still Life with a Samovar” Bring to

understanding the unity of the content of the meaning of the picture and the means of expression,

found by the artist; make you want to come up with your own still life, sculpt

objects made from salt dough in a sculptural manner; develop a sense of form and

compositions, fine motor skills when creating a molded composition; consolidate

skills in working with molding material (salt dough)

Methods and techniques: Examination of Mashkov’s painting “Still Life with a Samovar”,

conversation, practical part, individual help, analysis, exhibition.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Observing changes occurring in nature. OC: teach

analyze the results of observations and draw conclusions about some

patterns and relationships in nature; show that inanimate nature is

the environment in which plants and animals exist.

D/i " Who needs what?» OC: practice classifying objects.

P/n: “ Faster than the wind", "Who is taller?"

OC: develop running speed; Learning to jump is easy.

-Individual work with Alyosha K, Taya D, Katya E, Polina E “Jump

Evening. Cooperative activity.

Cognitive development.

dressed» OC: to form an interest in one’s own body, well-being,

mood related to health status. Learn to dress properly

2.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading the book by S. Shurtakov “ The grain fell into the ground» OC:

3.Social communicator. development

D/n: " Who needs what for work?? OC: repeat classification and name

subjects and professions.

Independent activity.

Walk. We continue to monitor seasonal changes

OC: consolidate knowledge about the relationship between living and inanimate nature; teach to highlight

changes in the life of plants and animals in autumn; form

idea of ​​the autumn months.

Labor activity

P/games: “The third wheel” OC: teach to follow the rules of the game; develop

agility and running speed.

« Owl" OC: learn to navigate in space; develop interest in the game.

Independent games with external material.

Morning. Independent activity.

Physical development.

Complex of morning exercises. OC: Promote children's health

and awakening the body for normal functioning.

create a joyful emotional upsurge, “awaken” the child’s body,

set up in an effective way; develop the habit of daily physical activity

exercise; develop all muscle groups and coordination of movements. Strength and

endurance, cultivate the ability to simultaneously start and in a timely manner

finish exercises with music.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation on the topic:

"Journey to Bread Country"

OTs: Give children the concept that bread is a daily food product;

introduce children to a variety of baked goods.

« Bread is the head of everything" OC: To instill in children a caring attitude and respect

to bread and the people who raised it;

Expand children's knowledge about the importance of bread in human life;

To reinforce children's knowledge that bread is one of the most important products

food in Russia.

3.Cognitive development

D/n: " From field to table» OTs: Give an idea of ​​how bread came to us

table; Pay attention to the content of people’s work, their coherence and

mutual assistance in work, labor mechanization. Introduce children to the process

growing bread.

4.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading a Belarusian folk tale " Light bread» OC:

introduce children to

a new fairy tale, teach to follow the development of action, characterize actions

heroes. Teach children to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate interest in fairy tales of other peoples, hard work.

Independent activity.

Offer children coloring books on the theme “Bread” and stencils. OC: Develop

fine motor skills, accuracy, learn how to color carefully.

Offer children different types of construction sets. OC: Development of motor skills,

independence and ability to model according to diagrams.

GCD 1 Cognitive-research. activity, natural world, experimentation.

“Consideration and comparison of vegetables and fruits” Voronkevich p.198

OC: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristic properties of vegetables and fruits (shape,

color, taste, surface features). Find out who grows vegetables and where and

fruits (in the garden - vegetable growers, in the garden - gardeners). Develop the children’s skills

compare using models (shape, color, surface character, taste,

habitat - garden, vegetable garden) Form an idea of ​​​​the fruit and seed.

Methods and techniques: Surprise moment, questions, riddles, physical education,


2 Mathematical and sensory development.

"Comparison of objects by length" Novikova p.9

OTs: Learn to compare objects by length by folding them in half and with

using a conventional measure; practice counting within 5; teach to increase

number per 1 unit; form the idea that the number does not depend on

size and color of the object.

Methods and techniques: questions, work with measurements, d/i “Name it quickly.”

3 Musical activities.

(according to the music director’s plan)

dance sequences.

Walk. Cognitive development.


for the weather. What sky? What's on it? How can you say about

weather? (cloudy, sunny, rainy). Is the wind blowing now? How will we know

what is he blowing? What sways and flutters in the wind? How can you say about this

weather? (windy, quiet) Is it cold or warm today? What are the children wearing? How

Can you tell me about this weather? (warm because they are wearing blouses, or

cool if they are wearing jackets).

Outdoor game " Mousetrap» OC: consolidate the ability to act on a signal.

« Find your gingerbread» OC: Continue to develop physical activity

children, attentiveness, speed of reaction, ability to navigate


I/R in PHYS with Danya Ch, Vanya A, Alyosha K - obstacle course.

Work. activity: remove leaves from the veranda.

Independent play activities of children

Games with external materials, construction games with sand “Building garages for


Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Social communicator. development

Duty in the corner of nature OC: Update and generalize children’s knowledge of

caring for plants in a corner of nature.

2.Social communicator. development

D/i " What is made from flour

OTs: Develop cognitive interest, thinking, visual attention.

3.Cognitive development

Examination of ears and grains of wheat, rye and oats, their comparison (similarity and


Independent activity.

1. Offer a job in the art center. creativity. Drawing on the theme: “Spikelet”

OTs: Teach children to choose their own means and techniques.

2. Invite the children to build castles from the “builder”. OC: Develop skill

use diagrams, develop imagination.

Walk. We continue to monitor the weather.

What is the weather today? What can you say about her? What sky? What's on it?

Look around, is there any wind? How did you discover it? Is it colder today or

warmer than yesterday, the day before yesterday (another day of the week)? What am I wearing? How can

tell me about the weather today? (cloudy, quiet, cool).

Game moments: ribbons, flags, tubes for determining the wind, tubes

to find the sun in the sky.

Sign: in September the leaves don’t stick to the trees.

P/game: " Homeless hare» OC: development of running, ability to jump on two legs.

Individual work on PHYS with girls - jump over the track from

leaves. OC: development of jumping ability.

Work. activity: collect a bouquet of leaves. OC: to cultivate desire in children

participate in joint work activities.

Independent play activities of children.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

Physical development.

Complex of morning exercises. OC: Promote children's health

and awakening the body for normal functioning.

create a joyful emotional upsurge, “awaken” the child’s body,

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation with children " Miracle machine» OC: Give children an idea of ​​sowing grain.

Introduce the tools that were used in ancient times and are still being used

Now for this work - a seeder. Strengthen children's knowledge about conditions

necessary for the growth and development of plants (ear of grain)

3.Cognitive development

Examination of illustrations, pictures, photos with images

agricultural machinery.

4.Social communicator. development

Didactic game " Name your profession and activities"(the plowman plows the land,

combine operator, agronomist, tractor driver...)

5.Speech development

Learning tongue twisters " Peter the Baker baked pies in the oven»

Independent activity.

Offer mosaics, puzzles, lacing for games. OC: develop thinking,

memory, perseverance.

2.Create conditions for playing with sports toys. OC: develop

motor activity.

GCD 1 Speech development

Story on the topic “Our toys” Ushakova p.46

OC: learn to describe the appearance of a toy, talk about how to use it

you can play what toys you have at home. Strengthen the ability to form close

words with the same root meaning, use complex words in speech


Methods and techniques: Conversation, work with the pronunciation of sounds (s) and (z),

physical education, memorizing proverbs, riddles.

"Van and Truck" (building material) Kutsakova p.64

Development of general cognitive and creative abilities in children.

Teach children individual and collaborative design.

Learning to analyze how parts are arranged based on a sample,

correctly position geometric shapes in space

Formation and consolidation of spatial representations (left, right,

above, below, in the center, in front)

Methods and techniques: looking at illustrations and a children’s car, conversation,

questions, ind. work, analysis.

3 Physical education No. 5

Benefits. Balls (diameter 20-25 cm) according to the number of children, 2 gymnastics

benches, 2 ropes (cords).

Walk. Cognitive development.

Ant watching

OC: expand knowledge about the features of the appearance of ants, their life

manifestations; arouse interest in the world around us.

Outdoor games " One - two», « Pass silently».

OC: learn to walk clearly, rhythmically, with good posture and coordination of movements

(use walking as a means of teaching children endurance).

-Individual work with Alyosha, Vanya, Danya - pull-up.

OC: develop endurance.

Independent play activities of children.

OC: to form and improve children’s motor skills in

independent activity, encourage the desire to independently select

sports attributes and organize games.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Social communicator. development

D/i " Arrange the pancakes»

OC: Develop the perception of shape, size, train children in the ability

visually determine sizes in ascending (descending) order, develop

eye, visual perception.

2.Physical development

Learning the game " Spikelet" OC: Promote the development of coordination

movements, orientation in space, develop dexterity, speed.

« Loaf» OC: to develop the ability to independently organize mobile

games with peers, combining movements, being creative


Social communicator. development

D/i " What first, what then» OC: Fix the sequence of actions in

process of growing bread, develop the ability to understand causally

investigative connections.

Sl./i « Who can name more bakery products?»

OTs: Develop cognitive interest, memory. Enrich your vocabulary.

4. Physical development

« The dough rises"-exercise for cheeks and lips: 1) you need to pull in your cheeks; 2)

you need to inflate your cheeks, and then inflate them one by one.

Walk. Cognitive development

Watching a ladybug.

What bug are we going to talk about today? Why did this bug get

is that the name? Yes, people believe that the ladybug brings good luck, destroys

harmful insects, aphids. How many black dots are there on the back of a bug? They call it for this

seven point. What mushroom can a ladybug be compared to? (fly agaric)

Why is the ladybug called Doctor Aibolit? Ladybug eats

harmful insects.

Artistic word: The back is covered in freckles, oh, how awkward and God’s blush

cow. Ladybug fly to the sky, bring us bread, black and white,

just not burnt.

D/i " Find out by description» OC: consolidate the ability to recognize insects by

description or describe another insect yourself.

P/game: " Ladybug» OC: develop jumping, agility.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1. Physical development.

Complex of morning exercises. OC: Promote children's health

and awakening the body for normal functioning.

create a joyful emotional upsurge, “awaken” the child’s body,

2.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading the work " Spikelet"(Ukrainian folk tale)

OC: Continue to develop an interest in fiction.

3. Cognitive development

Looking at paintings

OTs: Give children an idea of ​​grain processing - grinding, what is in

Depending on the cereal, different flours are obtained (rye, wheat). Introduce

with tools that were used in ancient times and are used now for

for this work - mortar, pestle, millstone, windmill, electric

mill. To form an idea of ​​the process of baking bread (kneading dough,

ingredients, flour products).

4.Social communicator. development

D/i " Guess the riddle about bread» OC: Develop the ability to listen to

subject, compare them, select objects and phenomena that correspond to all

description points.

« Tell me which one? OTs: Enrich vocabulary, develop speech.

« What fairy tale does bread live in?

OTs: Recall with children fairy tales that mention bread or bakery products

5.Individual work

Canteen duty OC: Continue to develop the skills necessary for

performing duty duties.

Independent activity.

Invite children to look at illustrations for works about OC bread: -

Cultivate a caring attitude and love for nature.

2. Offer printed board games Dominoes “Animals”

OTs: Teach children to follow the rules of the game, repeat the names of animals.

GCD 1 Preparation for learning to read and write.


Subject. Consolidation of sounds A, U; respectively - letters and

syllables. Shumaev “How to be able to read well”

OTs: Consolidation of sounds A, U; respectively - letters and

syllables. (Give the concept that a vowel, when alone, forms a syllable.)

Correlation of spoken and composed words from the cut

large format alphabet with syllabic pattern.

2 Physical culture No. 6

OC: Exercise children in walking with high knees, in continuous

run up to 1 minute; practice crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on

palms and knees; in throwing the ball up; develop dexterity and stability

balance when walking on a cord.

Benefits. Balls (diameter 20-25 cm) according to the number of children, 2 gymnastics

benches, 2 ropes (cords).

Walk. Cognitive development.

Rowan Observation

OTs: continue to introduce children to rowan.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does rowan look like? Where does it grow? What animals love rowan berries?

What birds peck rowan berries and when? What does rowan give to people?

Labor activity

Collecting poplar, rowan, and willow leaves for autumn crafts.

OC: learn to carefully collect and distinguish leaves of different trees.

Outdoor games

OC: learn to run, holding each other, listen to the teacher’s signal.

Independent play activities of OC children:

shape and

organize games.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Social communicator. development

D/i " Finish the sentence» OC: Practice using

complex sentences.

example: Mom put the bread... where? (into the bread bin), Ears of corn grow...where? (on

field), The combine went to the field to...(harvest the grain harvest), The grain was transported

to the mill to...(grind flour), The cook kneaded the dough to...(bake

bread), etc.

2.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading the work of V. Krupin “ Current bread»

OC: Encourage people to talk about their attitude to a specific action

literary character

3.Aesthetic artist. development

Modeling bakery products from salt dough. OC: give children an idea of

the work of adults, about professions; cultivate interest and respect for people who

work for the benefit of other people; develop a substantive attitude towards objects

man-made world.

Communication and activities based on children's interests.

Independent activity.

1. Offer a s/r game “Bakery”

OC: To develop the ability to establish and regulate contacts in a joint game,

agree on the sequence of joint actions.

Walking on a boom and jumping on both feet. OC: develop a sense of balance and

ability to jump from heights.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1. Physical development.

Complex of morning exercises. OC: Promote children's health

and awakening the body for normal functioning.

create a joyful emotional upsurge, “awaken” the child’s body,

2.Social communicator. development

Looking at the picture “Harvest”, “Threshing grain”

OC: Give children an idea of ​​the grain harvest. Introduce the tools

labor that was used in the old days and is now used for this work -

sickle, scythe, flail, sheaf, combine, elevator; with professions - combine operator, grain grower.

3.Social communicator. development

D/i " What kind of flour was baked from?»

OC: To consolidate children’s knowledge about cereals, types of flour, bakery

products that are made from them.

D/i " Name your profession» OC: Expand children’s ideas about professions

people involved in the cultivation and production of bread, expand their vocabulary.

4. Cognitive development. Use of ICT

Watching a multimedia film about bread.

OC: To consolidate children’s knowledge about growing bread: sequence of work,

agricultural implements and machines.

Independent activity.

1. Invite children to make confectionery products for children from salt dough

junior group. OC: development of fine motor skills, creativity.

2.Suggest the game “Snow Queen”

OTs: The game develops voluntary attention, logic, visual perception and

"Beautiful still life" Leonova p.70

OC: To introduce children to still life, its content, composition, selection

items by color. Learn to understand beauty in the combination of shapes and colors; learn

draw a still life using a schematic algorithm; consolidate the skill

use visual materials correctly; develop an eye,

attention, perseverance.

Methods and techniques: Examination of paintings, conversation, questions, self. Job,

2 Musical activities

(according to the music director’s plan)

OC: Expand ideas about human feelings; distinguish between mood swings and

their shades in music. Form sound-pitch perception; distinguish sounds

quarts Encourage to expressively convey the image of the song. Contribute

melodious lingering performance. Promote memorization

dance sequences.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Monitoring the work of the janitor

Labor activity

Transplanting flowering plants from a plot to a group (marigolds, daisies).

OC: teach to carefully dig up a flower and, together with the ground: carefully

replant into pots; cultivate a love of plants and work skills.

Outdoor games " Cat and mice" OC: continue to teach to follow the rules

games; intensify physical activity.

« Corners" OC: strengthen agility and running speed.

Independent play activity of children OC: forming and

improve children’s motor skills in independent activities,

encourage the desire to independently select sports attributes and

organize games.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading the work " The legend of how a delicious cupcake appeared or the tale of

magic seed" OTs: To develop the ability to carefully and

interested in listening to a work of art.

2.Social communicator. development

Household work - Washing dishes in a doll corner

OC: To instill in children a positive attitude towards work and a desire to work.

3.Speech development

« Who can name more proverbs about bread?»

OTs: Encourage children to be interested in the meaning of words, to enrich their vocabulary.

4.Social communicator. development

R/n and "Owl"

OC: develop in children the ability to expressively convey a playful image.

Learn to move easily and freely. Cultivate endurance and attention. manifest


Progress of the game:

One of the players portrays an “owl”, the rest - mice. The owl calls out:

"Morning!" Immediately the mice begin to run, jump, and make various body movements.

The owl shouts: “Day!” The mice keep moving. Owl says: "Evening1"

The mice stand in a circle, walk around the owl and sing:

Oh, you little owl,

Golden head.

Why don't you sleep at night?

Are you still looking at us?

The owl says: “Night!” At this word, the mice instantly freeze and do not move.

The owl approaches each of the players with different movements and cheerful

tries to make any movement with grimaces, drops out of the game.

Independent activity.

Offer children coloring books, stencils, paints, pencils. OC: develop

motor skills, perseverance, accuracy.

2.Offer children different types of construction sets. OC: Development of motor skills,

independence and modeling skills.

(The earth is our common home.)

Morning. Cooperative activity.

Physical development.

Complex of morning exercises. OC

develop a habit in children every day

do physical exercises in the morning; instill a culture of healthy

lifestyle in children.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation: " Garbage does not suit the Earth"

OC: organize children’s activities to study the problem, compare,

analysis of experimental results and practical knowledge acquisition

some properties of objects in the surrounding world; develop skills to lead

observations, compare, draw conclusions, draw up results; bring up

culture of behavior in the surrounding world.

3.Social and communicative development

Looking at a wall newspaper on the topic “It’s better to get out of the habit of littering now, children!”

OC: to cultivate a culture of behavior in the surrounding world.

4. Artistic-aesthetic development

Reading and memorizing A. Usachev’s poem “ Trash fantasy»

Never throw away peels, skins, sticks -

Our cities will quickly turn into landfills.

If you litter now, then pretty soon

Garbage mountains may grow here.

But when they start flying to school on a rocket -

More terrible troubles will happen on the planet...

How will they throw it into space from a rocket?

Jars, bottles, husks, torn bags...

Then the snowflakes won’t fly on New Year’s Day,

And old shoes will fall like hail.

And when it starts raining from empty bottles -

Don't go for a walk: take care of the back of your head!

What will grow in the garden or vegetable garden,

How will the waste cycle go in nature?..

And although we don’t fly to school class in a rocket,

Better get out of the habit of littering now, kids!

OC: To develop a sense of respect for nature, love for one’s family

earth. Awaken in children a sense of kinship with nature, the ability to admire

the surrounding world. To develop an interest in the world around us, books about

nature. To develop an understanding of human responsibility for conservation

5.Individual work with Nastya, Vanya, Danya-D/i " Settled into houses»

OTs: determining the gender of nouns

Independent activity.

1.Offer children coloring books, stencils, paints, pencils. Draw clean

yard OC: develop motor skills, perseverance, accuracy, environmental


2. Suggest a plot for the game “Away” OC: Remember the rules of personal

hygiene and table manners.

GCD 1 Knowledge of subject and social. peace, security

Transport classification: land, air, water. Aleshina

OTs: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the generic concept of transport. Teach children

compare different types of transport, find different types of transport,

find differences and common features and “place of movement” based on common features

classify transport into land, water and air.

Methods and techniques: Riddles, conversation, questions, looking at illustrations, playing.

2 Physical education on the street No. 4

OC: Exercise children in continuous running in a column one at a time, in throwing

ball, developing dexterity and eye, practice jumping.

Benefits. Balls (diameter 20 cm), 8-10 pins.

3 Fine art activity (application)

"Our Pets" Leonova page 203

OC: introduce children to pets; learn to create images from ovals

different sizes: large - body; small - head. Strengthen the skill

cut out ovals from paper folded in half, with rounded corners. Learn

use materials and tools for application; develop a feeling

colors and eye; cultivate interest in the application; develop skills

create a collective composition, work in collaboration with the teacher and

other children.

Methods and techniques: Examination of illustrations, conversation, d/i, examination

toy horse, independent work, ind. help, physical education,

analysis, exhibition.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Bird watching in autumn. OC: teach to recognize and distinguish birds by

friendly attitude towards birds.

Labor activity - " Tricks of the Trash King"

OC: cultivate diligence, bring the job started to the end, careful

attitude towards nature.

« Sunny Bunny"

develop speed of movement.

Independent play activity of children OC: forming and

improve children’s motor skills in independent activities,

encourage the desire to independently select sports attributes and

organize games.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Social communicator. development +Cognitive development

Watching a short film " The best planet in the Galaxy»

OC: to generate interest in the problem of the environmental crisis on Earth and its consequences

human activity; form an emotionally positive attitude towards

the world around us, to understand its states from human actions;

cultivate a love of nature

2.Social communicative development

Labor activity: " The neatest box» OC: to accustom children to

neatness and cleanliness.

3.Physical development

Game m/n " Remember the move»

OC: develop visual-motor memory, attention.

Evening. Walk.

We continue bird watching. OC:

cultivate benevolent

attitude towards birds.

D/u " Guess by description"OC: teach how to write a descriptive story,

develop attention, coherent speech, find similarities and differences.

Labor activity: collect seeds from marigolds. OC: form a careful

attitude towards flowers, develop a desire to care for flowers.

Sedentary game " Ocean is shaking»

OC: Teach children to find an expressive image. Develop your imagination

imagination. Cultivate endurance.

Games based on interests: games with external material OC: learn to unite for

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development.

lifestyle in children.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation: " The importance of the sun, air and water in the life of nature and man»

OC: summarize existing knowledge about the meaning of the sun, water and air; develop

ability to conduct a conversation (speaking and listening); cultivate love and kindness

attitude towards living things.

3.Aesthetic artist. development

Drawing " Light, airy, obedient to the breeze" (Balloons)

OC: exercise children in drawing round objects; bring up

develop observation skills, accuracy in working with paints, the desire to complete

it's up to the end.

4.Physical development

Breathing exercise:

Learn the poem.

Every day I blow into a balloon

I conjure my breath.

I'm trying to inflate a balloon

And I'm getting stronger.

5.Aesthetic artist. development

Musical activity. Learning the song " Oh, what autumn» with backing track

Individual work with Danya, Vanya, Alyosha - Standing jumping. OC:

develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with


Independent activity.

1.Offer children sports equipment (sandbags) OC: practice

throwing at a horizontal target with the right and left hands.

2.Suggest a game " Zoological lotto»

OC: fix the name of the animals, features of the appearance of the animals.

Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction.

GCD 1 Cognitive-research. activity, natural world, experimentation.

"Excursion to the children's laboratory" Tugusheva page 41

OTs: Clarify the idea of ​​who scientists are; introduce the concept

“science”, “hypothesis”, about the way of knowing the world - experiment (experience), about

purpose of a children's laboratory; give ideas about the culture of behavior in

children's laboratory.

2 Mathematical and sensory development.

"Quadrangle" Novikova p.11

OC: introduce the features of a quadrilateral; learn to navigate

space, reflect the direction in speech: “left” “right”, consolidate

names of parts of the day “morning” “day” “evening” “night”.

Methods and techniques: Conversation, riddles, surprise moment, questions,

physical education lesson, d/i “Where is the right, where is the left” “Playing with sticks” “What are we

3 Musical activities.

(according to the music director’s plan)

OC: Expand ideas about human feelings; distinguish between mood swings and

their shades in music. Form sound-pitch perception; distinguish sounds

quarts Encourage to expressively convey the image of the song. Contribute

melodious lingering performance. Promote memorization

dance sequences.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Watching the rain.

OC: To enhance children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, to develop speech,

agreeing verbs with nouns.

Labor activity. Cleaning the children's area. OC: educate

hard work, finishing what you start, caring for nature.

P/n: “Wolf and kids”, “Needle, thread, knot”. Goals: teach gaming

activities with strict adherence to rules; develop speed and reaction;

cultivate courage.

-Individual work on the development of jumping with Alina, Polina, Dasha Ch,

Alesey, Nastya, Rita. OC: strengthen the ability to jump on one leg.

Games based on interests: games with external material OC: learn to unite for

playing together, maintaining friendly relations.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading the story by N. Grigorieva “ Song of the Rain"

The weather was very hot. There was no rain for several weeks. And although

We were watering the beds at our summer cottage, the ground was cracked. And we

Grandma was tired and overheated.

And finally, late in the evening, dark clouds clouded the sky. Now in one, now in

Elsewhere lightning flashed. The rain was coming. Grandma and I

We went up to the very top room of our country house. Rain is coming. He

drummed on the roof and the window.

Grandmother said:

Listen to the sound of the rain. It seems to me that he is singing a song.

What do you think the rain is singing about?

I started to fantasize:

He probably sings that he will water all the fields, there will be a rich harvest. That's right,

In the gardens, fruits and berries will be filled with sweet juice, and juicy vegetables will grow.

And also,” I continued, “all the herbs will be washed with this water and will become even more beautiful.” On

there will be puddles of warm water outside that you can run through

“A good song of the rain,” said the grandmother, “the rain sings...

But I didn’t hear what else the rain was singing about. Because the song of the rain is after all

monotonous. I fell asleep listening to that song like a lullaby.

OC: Formation in children of a consciously correct attitude towards natural

phenomena and objects as a means of developing the foundations of ecological culture.

2.Social communicator. development

Didactic exercise " Guess by description"

OC: teach how to write a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech,

find similarities and differences.

3.Physical development

Bow to the Earth»

So we threw up our hands,

As if they were surprised.

And to each other to the ground

Bowed to the waist!

Bent over, straightened up,

They bent over and straightened up.

Lower, lower, don't be lazy,

Bow and smile.

4.Social communicator. development

Work activity: watering flowers

OC: develop a caring attitude towards flowers, develop a desire to care for

5.Speech development

Conversation: " Proverbs about water»

OC: to form ideas about the benefits and importance of water in human life,

teach children to understand and explain the meaning of proverbs; cultivate hard work.

Independent activity.

S/r games at the request of the children. OC: encourage children to develop independently

role and bring it to completion, use a variety of attributes, objects

deputies, build role interaction.

2. Provide logic games - “Labyrinths” OC: development of attention,

logical thinking, orientation on the plane of the sheet.

Evening. Walk.

Labor activity: sweep the veranda, paths.

OC: cultivate diligence, bring the work started to the end.

Outdoor game " Sunny bunny»

OC: learn to run easily, catching up with the glare of the sun, changing direction and pace

movements in accordance with the nature of the movement of the sunbeam,

develop speed of movement.

Independent play activities of children.

OC: continue to teach children to choose their own games, support

friendships during games.

Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development.

Complex of morning exercises. OC: develop a habit in children every

do physical exercises in the morning; instill a culture of healthy

lifestyle in children.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation: " Forest rules» OC: form a positive attitude towards

nature, interest in the world around us and curiosity; bring up

culture of behavior in the forest, park

3.Social communicator. development

Reading fairy tales about nature conservation " Gray Riding Hood and the Red Wolf", "There Lived -

there was a river"

OC: introduce tales about nature; develop the ability to see and feel

the beauty of native nature; awaken love and caring attitude towards family

nature and all living things; teach correct behavior in nature.

4.Aesthetic artist. development

Mobile musical game " Flowers»

OC: promote the development of motor skills; continue to teach

perform dance movements corresponding to the text

Individual work with girls. “Dress Marina and Denis” OC:

Consolidating knowledge about seasonal clothing for girls and boys.

Independent activity.

1. Offer children a game " Plants, animals»

OC: the game introduces the animal and plant world of our planet, expands

horizons, teaches you to identify a common feature of objects and group them according to that feature.

S/r games at the request of the children. OC: encourage children to develop independently

role and bring it to completion, use a variety of attributes, objects

deputies, build role interaction.

GCD 1 Speech development

Writing a short story using a tongue twister Ushakova p.48

teach children to write a short story using a tongue twister. Pin in

use of complex sentences in speech. Pin the correct one

pronunciation of sounds (s) (ts).

Methods and techniques: conversation, riddles, reading poetry, working with tongue twisters and

purely speaking.

2 Fine art activities (design)

"Toy Store" (paper) Kutsakova p.68

OC: Teach children to fold paper in different directions.

Methods and techniques: riddles, questions, showing ways of doing work,

independent activity, ind. help, analysis, exhibition.

3 Physical culture No. 7

Walk. Cognitive development.

Monitoring the work of the janitor

OC: expand knowledge about adult labor in the fall; cultivate respect for work.

Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​branches and stones; preparing land for planting seedlings.

OC: cultivate diligence and the ability to work collectively.

Outdoor games

« We are the drivers", "Obedient leaves».

OC: teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s commands; develop attention.

-Individual work with Alina K, Rita, Taya, Katya.

Walking on a boom and jumping on both feet.

OC: develop a sense of balance and the ability to jump from heights.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Cognitive development

Review of the album " Green pharmacy» OC: consolidate children’s ideas about

medicinal wild plants, their health values, rules

use; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

2.Social communicator. development

Riddles about natural phenomena

OC: distinguish changes in nature at different times of the year; understand and appreciate

the beauty of native nature; develop memory, thinking, logic.

3.Social communicator. development

Didactic game " Ecological traffic light»

OC: continue to clarify children’s ideas about environmentally correct


Aesthetic artist development

Musical activity. Repeating the song " Oh, what autumn» under minus OC:

Independent activity.

Offer children sports attributes. OC: form and improve

motor skills of children in independent activities, encourage

the desire to independently select sports attributes and organize

2. Independent play activities of children.

OC: encouraging children to independently find play partners,

come up with a plot for the game.

Evening. Walk.

P/n: “Flies - runs” OC: improve the ability to quickly respond to

signal, develop coordination of movements, attention.

Progress of the game: children stand in a circle when naming birds, raise their hands up, animals

-they are walking.

Work activity: collecting toys after a walk

OC: teach to perform a task well, shaking sand from toys;

Foster a positive attitude towards work.

Independent activity. Free games.


Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development.

Complex of morning exercises. OC: develop a habit in children every

do physical exercises in the morning; instill a culture of healthy

lifestyle in children.

2.Social communicator. development

Conversation " Our country is Russia. Nature of our country" OC: update,

systematize and supplement children’s knowledge about the nature of our country, its

diversity. Encourage children to want to know more about it.

3.Physical development

Learning p/n: “ Earth, Water, Fire, Air»

How to play: The players stand in a circle, with the leader standing in the middle. He throws

ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: Earth,

Water, Fire, Air. If the leader says the word "Earth", the one who caught the ball

must quickly name some domestic or wild animal. On word

“Water” the player responds with the name of the fish, to the word “Air” - with the name

birds. at the word “Fire” everyone should quickly turn around several times,

waving his hands. The ball is then returned to the leader.

Rules of the game: the one who makes a mistake leaves the game.

4.Aesthetic artist. development

Reading the poem " our planet» N. Migunova

Our Earth -

This is a blue ball

Where was the luck

You and I can live together.

Rivers and mountains

Forests and seas -

Gave us everything

Our Earth.

Remember, adults,

Remember children

We were born

On a beautiful planet.

We need nature

Take care and love.

5.Aesthetic artist. development

Drawing on the theme " our planet» « Inhabitants of the planet» OC:

Continue draw on the background in a circle(planet), contemplating the content of its

work. Strengthen the ability to draw an outline with a simple pencil and paint over it

paints. To cultivate in children a sense of beauty, a love of nature,

native land. Cultivate independence and accuracy.

Contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood in the group.

Independent activity.

Invite children to review the encyclopedia “Our Planet” OC: -

Cultivate a caring attitude and love for nature.

2. Offer printed board games, dominoes “Animals”

OC: Teach children to follow the rules of the game, repeat the names of animals

GCD 1 Preparing for literacy


Subject. Vowel sound O, letter O. Shumaeva

organize activities for children to familiarize themselves with letters,

denoting the sound [o], teach to sound letters, promote the formation

the ability to isolate a stressed syllable, divide syllables into sounds, develop phonemic

hearing, attention, work on students’ speech culture, teach clearly and

correctly express your thoughts, cultivate interest in learning activities.

Methods and techniques:

2 Physical education No. 8

Learn to walk and run, changing the pace of movement at the teacher’s signal;

learn how to climb into the hoop sideways without touching the edge of the hoop; practice in

maintaining stable balance and jumping forward.

Benefits. Gymnastic sticks according to the number of children, bars or cubes (6-8

pcs., height 15 cm), 2-4 hoops (arcs), bags.

Walk. Cognitive development.

We continue to monitor the plantain

OC: introduce the medicinal plant - plantain; develop

cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about

medicinal plants, rules for their collection, storage and use.

Labor activity

Cleaning the area of ​​dry branches.

OC: to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task by common


Outdoor games

« Find where it's hidden».

OC: learn to navigate in space.

« Jump higher».

OC: learn to act on a signal.

« Wolf in the ditch».

OC: teach jumping.

-Individual work with Vanya, Danya, Rita, Nastya, Polina, Nina-

Development of movements (jumping, walking on a log straight and sideways):

“From hummock to hummock”, “Cross the river”.

OC: develop coordination of movements.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Social communicator. development

Getting to know " Red Book of Rare and Endangered Animals» OC:

develop cognitive activity; arouse children's interest in nature and

the problem of its protection; cultivate interest and respect for nature.

introduce children to the Red Book of Russia. Give knowledge that in Nizhny Novgorod

the region also has a Red Book; create an environmental culture;

2.Physical development

Learning a new physical education lesson: “ Earth is our common home»

Here is the Earth - our common home,

There are many neighbors in it: according to the text.

And furry kids,

And fluffy kittens,

And winding rivers

And curly sheep,

Grass, birds and flowers,

And, of course, me and you.

3.Social communicator. development. Safety. KGN

Develop the ability to behave correctly in the washroom: do not make noise, do not

push, do not splash water. Strengthen the ability to roll up before washing

sleeves, wash hands after using the toilet

4.Individual work with Danya, Rita, Alesya, Alyosha K, Nastya " Show me

and name the parts of the tree» OC: develop children’s ability to name parts of a tree

(root, trunk, branches, buds; needles, cones - in conifers) and show them.

Independent activity.

Creating conditions for musical activity. Gaming musical

exercise “Birds are flying.”

OC: develop in children the ability to hear changing parts of a melody, to respond to

changes by changing movements (to loud music, children perform movements

“Birds are flying”, to the quiet music “Birds are sleeping in their nests”).

2. Creating conditions for gaming activities. Games in a dollhouse.

OC: create conditions for children to play with small toys, dolls,

promote the expression of imagination, the development of friendly relationships

between children.

Evening. Walk.

Outdoor games:

« Who can stand on one leg longer? "," Zhmurki" OC: learn quickly

act when losing balance.

-Individual work with Alina, Nastya, Polina, Alesya

Development of movements.

OC: consolidate the skills of jumping in place (legs apart - together; one forward -

the other back).

Independent activity. Free games.

OC: teach yourself to independently find something to do according to your interests, develop

motor activity, strength, agility; cultivate friendly


Morning. Cooperative activity.

1.Physical development

Complex of morning exercises. OC: develop a habit in children every

do physical exercises in the morning; instill a culture of healthy

lifestyle in children.

Cognitive development

Conversation: " What is the Earth rich in?? OC: expand the vocabulary and horizons of children,

instill love for all living things on Earth, teach them to care for the environment

world, develop an emotional response and interest in natural phenomena

3. Social communicator. development

Looking at the globe. OC:

develop a research approach to

surrounding reality, systematize the knowledge acquired by children in

Everyday life. Cultivate emotional responsiveness, kind

feelings, the ability to correctly understand the emotional state of others.

Create conditions for children’s research activity, formation

basic knowledge and concepts about planet Earth.

4.Social communicator. development

Quiz " What does the Earth give us?? OC:

Deepening environmental knowledge,

development of attention, memory, education of a humane attitude towards nature, feelings

responsibility for all life on earth. Form the initial

an idea of ​​ecology, its role in human life;

Develop a cognitive interest in nature, a sense of responsibility for one’s own

actions, mental activity and creative abilities of children;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

5.Individual work with the canteen attendants Nastya and Vanya OC: teach

set the table correctly.

Independent activity.

1.Creating conditions for work. Household work –

wipe dust from construction parts.

OC: induce in children a desire to keep toys and building materials in

cleanliness and order, develop the ability to do work quickly and accurately, bring

a job started to completion.

2.Creating conditions for visual activities. Replenish the corner

new coloring pages on the theme “Birds” “Animals”

OC: to form the ability to identify birds by appearance, develop

attention, fine motor skills, learn to color birds within the outline,

strokes in one direction

GCD 1 Fine art activity (drawing)

“The little gray cat sat on the window...” Leonova page 69

OC: continue to introduce children to pets, teach them to pretend

expressive image of a cat and her cubs. Learn to create a paired story

composition, independently using previously mastered drawing techniques;

introduce the art of silhouette; cultivate love and respect for family


Methods and techniques: conversation, examination, self. activity,

physical education, ind. help, analysis, exhibition.

2 Musical activities

(according to the music director’s plan)

OC: Expand ideas about human feelings; distinguish between mood swings and

their shades in music. Form sound-pitch perception; distinguish sounds

quarts Encourage to expressively convey the image of the song. Contribute

melodious lingering performance. Promote memorization

dance sequences.

Walk. Cognitive development.

Monitoring seasonal changes

OTs: Continue to consolidate knowledge about the relationship between living and inanimate nature;

learn to identify changes in the life of plants and animals in autumn;

form an idea of ​​the autumn months.

Outdoor game

« Which leaves are there more?».

OC: develop running speed, thinking, agility.

Individual work with Alyosha, Vanya, Danya, Katya, Taya-

Labor activity

Cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves.

OC: teach yourself and other children to create a joyful mood from completed

work; cultivate an ecological culture.

Independent play activities of children.

OC: continue to teach children to choose their own games, support

friendships during games.

Evening. Cooperative activity.

1.Social communicator. development

Conversation " Take care of the good forest - it is the source of all miracles. "Isn't the tree

hurt?" OC:

help children understand their relationship to nature, the rules

behavior in the forest, in nature,

help you understand how and why you need to treat it with care.

2. Social communicator. development

D/i " Wonderful pouch» OC: improving tactile sensations and

perception; developing the ability to recognize and name objects; speech development.

3. Aesthetic artist. development

Musical activity.

Learning the dance " Colorful game» OC: develops imaginative imagination,

feelings and rhythm. Instills collectivism, the ability to work in a team, a sense of

mutual understanding and mutual respect.

4. Social communicator. development

Creative animal imitation game " Cots are grazing in the meadow...»

OC: development of auditory perception, attention, fantasy.

Independent activity.

Creating conditions for research and educational activities. Games with


OC: develop children’s attention, fine motor skills, encourage them to lay out stones

in shape, size, color, show children the possibility of using stones in

gaming purposes.

2.Creating conditions for gaming activities. Contribute to the organization and

development of role-playing games “family”, “shop”.

OC: to develop the ability to organize one’s leisure time, to develop the ability

select objects and attributes for games, encourage the use of remote

material in role-playing games.

Evening. Walk.

We continue to watch the sky.

OC: to arouse interest in looking at the sky, to develop children’s ability

convey impressions from observation in speech, develop observation skills.

P/N: “ Bell"(according to the “Ring - ring” type) OC: develop attention,


(“I walk around with a bell, I look at the kids, the bell is blue, who will play

will you come with me?

The teacher quietly passes the bell into the hands of one of the children. After the words

« Who will play with me?? a child with a bell in his hands runs out and

shows a bell.

P/n: “ From hoop to hoop» OC: teach children to calculate the distance of a jump,

regulate the strength of the push, perform several jumps in succession.

Develop leg muscles and coordination of movements.

S/r games with external material at the request of the children.

OC: learn on your own

find something to do that interests you, develop motor activity, strength,

dexterity; cultivate friendly relationships.

Natalya Petrovna Syritsyna
Morning conversations in the senior group


(senior group)

So summer has passed

1. "Day of Knowledge"

Target: clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the holiday - Knowledge Day, September 1. Explain to children that this holiday is the beginning of the school year, not only in schools, but also in kindergarten. Expand children’s understanding of the profession of teacher, educator, and educational institutions (kindergarten, school, college, university). Form friendly, friendly relationships between children. Develop aesthetic feelings, evoke a desire to maintain cleanliness and order in group, Location on. Foster respect for the work of kindergarten employees.

2. « Conversation about summer»

Target: generalize and systematize the idea of ​​summer, summer plants and the life of animals at this time of year; clarify the idea of ​​some types of agricultural labor in the summer. Develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly; cultivate a desire to share your knowledge and memories with peers.


Target: summarize and systematize the idea of ​​summer according to the main essential signs: length of day and night, temperature conditions, weather phenomena (thunderstorm, rainbow, lightning, sunshine, state of plants (growth and flowering, ripening of berries and fruits, features of animal activity in the forest; clarify the idea of ​​some types of agricultural work in the summer; learn to establish connections between a set of conditions (heat, light, moisture) and the condition of plants and animals; develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly and understandably to others.

4. "Be polite"

Target: to foster a culture of communication between boys and girls. To instill in boys a desire to protect girls, help them, and for girls to thank boys for services rendered. To form in children an understanding that politeness is an important component of the quality of a well-mannered person. Encourage attempts to express your point of view, agreement or disagreement with a friend’s answer.

5. “Our kindergarten is a big family”

Target: to consolidate children’s knowledge about kindergarten employees, the ability to call them by name and patronymic, the habit of saying hello and goodbye to them. Cultivate modesty, the ability to show concern for others, and be grateful for help and signs of attention.

We are now in senior group

1. "We are adults"

Target: create a joyful mood, cultivate mutual respect.

You have grown up and become older. You are no longer kids, but senior group.

Senior group. What does it mean?

This means that someone is already in the group doesn't cry,

No one will spill soup on their shirt,

Everyone has learned to put on a coat,

Even shoes with tight laces

We don't trust either dad or mom.

2. "Country of Friendship"

Target: clarify children’s ideas about what it means "to be able to be friends"- ability to play together and share toys. Learn to comprehend and evaluate the situation, independently understand the motives of behavior and relate these motives to existing norms of behavior. Introduce proverbs and sayings about friendship. Develop listening skills interlocutor, do not be afraid to express your point of view, clearly answer the questions posed. Continue to develop dialogic speech.

3. "My favorite kindergarten"

Target: cultivate love for your kindergarten, a friendly attitude towards peers. Cultivate respect for kindergarten employees, the ability to call them by name and patronymic, and the habit of saying hello and goodbye to them. Cultivate modesty and respect.

4. "Our names"

Target: tell children about the meaning of their names; enrich ideas about themselves, about the family; encourage the desire to show friendliness towards people, learn to express your emotional state in words.

5. "Daily regime : what is it for?

Target: to develop healthy lifestyle skills in children related to their daily routine; ability to perform activities consistent with the daily routine (exercise, hygiene procedures, walk). Foster a love for physical education and a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Autumn has come

1. "Autumn"

Target: expand children’s understanding of the characteristic signs of autumn; teach to find them in nature; clarifying ideas about the changes that occur in autumn in the life of plants. Learn to establish connections between the length of the day, air temperature, the condition of plants, and the availability of food for animals. To cultivate cognitive interest, a caring and aesthetic attitude towards nature, sensitivity to the perception of the beauty of the autumn landscape.

2. Conversation about people's work in autumn

Target: systematize knowledge about people’s work in autumn: harvesting, preparing food for the winter, insulating the homes of pets; learn to establish the reasons for changing types of work, compare them with the work of people in the summer, draw conclusions about the direction and meaning of work; enrich vocabulary by introducing words: procurement, cleaning, granary, vegetable storage, canned food, wintering; to cultivate respect for people’s work and the desire to help them.

3. "Migratory birds"

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about migratory birds, distinguish them by appearance, what they eat, why they fly away for the winter; continue to teach how to consider the appearance and habits of migratory birds, compare them with other birds; cultivate a caring attitude and love for birds.

4. "Golden Autumn"

Target: create conditions for generalizing children’s ideas about autumn as a time of year, its signs (decreasing day length, lowering air temperature, typical precipitation, etc.); generalizations of ideas about the connection between living and inanimate nature in the autumn period, about human adaptation to seasonal changes in nature (appearance, behavior, recreation, ways to satisfy needs, about the rules of behavior in extreme or dangerous situations in the autumn period (fog, rain, wind, frost, etc.); developing skills to describe natural events using symbols, icons of the nature calendar, observation diary, phenological calendar; cultivate a desire to observe the beauty of autumn nature.

5. Conversation about wintering and migratory birds

Target: to form a generalized idea of ​​wintering and migratory birds, to learn to distinguish them according to essential attribute: ability to satisfy food needs; deepen the understanding of the reasons for the flight of birds (disappearance of the main food, freezing of water bodies, land, death of vegetative parts of plants); teach to classify wintering birds (crow, jackdaw, sparrow, tit) and migratory (swallow, rook, duck, starling, swift) based on establishing a connection between the nature of food and the possibilities of obtaining it. Cultivate a love for birds and a desire to help them in winter conditions.

1. "Visiting the Hedgehog"

Target: create conditions for the development and consolidation of children’s ideas about mushrooms, appearance features, places of growth; teach to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms; expand and activate vocabulary on the topic; develop cognitive interest; foster respect for the environment.

2. "Mushroom basket"

Target: to cultivate in children an interest in the life of the forest, an understanding of the need to preserve its integrity, and the ability to behave in the forest; contribute to the deepening and generalization of children’s existing ideas about living nature, expand children’s ideas about the forest and its inhabitants; teach to identify parts of a mushroom (leg, cap, root, recognize mushrooms, name their names, classify mushrooms based on edibility (edible - inedible).

3. "Poisonous mushrooms"

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about mushrooms, introduce children to poisonous mushrooms, cultivate a sense of caution, responsible behavior for their lives and the lives of others, develop attention, thinking, memory, speech.

4. "Rules for collecting mushrooms"

Target: introduce the rules of conduct in nature when picking mushrooms; develop in children speech and cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants, as well as memory, the ability to analyze, and draw conclusions; activate and expand children's vocabulary on the topic.

Rule #1: Collect only mushrooms that are familiar to you.

Rule #2: Never try mushrooms you are unfamiliar with.

Rule #3: Always ask adults if the mushrooms you collected in the forest are edible. Try to remember, which mushrooms are edible and which are not.

5. "Mushroom Tale".

Goals: expand children’s knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms; introduce another name for porcini mushroom - boletus; form ideas about the rules for collecting mushrooms; explain the importance of mushrooms inedible to humans for the forest community; develop observation skills and coherent speech; to cultivate love and respect for the forest and its gifts.

Vegetables and fruits

1. “Fruits are healthy foods”.

Target: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about fruits: appearance, surface character, taste, methods of eating.

2. "Walk through the garden".

The goal is to consolidate general concepts "vegetables", "fruits", distinctive features of vegetables and fruits.

Questions for conversation:

What do we call vegetables? What vegetables do you know?

What do we call fruit? What fruits do you know?

What is the difference between vegetables and fruits? What do they have in common?

Name your favorite fruit. Where does it grow - on a tree branch or on a bush?

Which vegetable do you like best? How is this vegetable grown?

What fairy tales do you know where the heroes are vegetables and fruits?

When conducting conversations you can use the didactic game “Guess the Vegetable” (fruit) for answers and questions."

3. “Vitamins strengthen the body”

Target: continue to reinforce children’s knowledge of the benefits of vitamins for our body. Introduce the concept of “vitamins” groups"A, B, C, D, E" and the products that contain them. To consolidate children's knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about the benefits of foods that contain vitamins. Cultivate a desire to be healthy.

4. “You need to eat not only tasty, but also healthy!”

Target: continue to teach children to take care of their health, be conscious of their nutrition, expand knowledge about healthy and unhealthy foods, vitamins; consolidate knowledge about useful substances and vitamins contained in different products; develop a conscious attitude towards your health.

5. Conversation about vegetables

Target: to form a generalized idea of ​​vegetables (vegetables are parts and fruits of plants that are grown in the garden for consumption); clarify the idea of ​​the variety of vegetables; to develop the ability to generalize according to essential features, to use the simplest model, to reflect the result of generalization in a detailed speech judgment; develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, to answer the question posed accurately and completely.

Take care of your health!

1. "Safe Walk"

Target: continue to introduce children to models of safe behavior and sources of danger on the street; develop observation skills, activate vocabulary; learn to answer the teacher's questions.

2. "Country of Health"

Target: clarify the idea of ​​what health is and how to preserve it; develop an understanding of the importance of hygiene procedures, proper nutrition, the benefits of vitamins, hardening, physical education and sports.

3. "Athlete's Breakfast"

Target: to form in children ideas about healthy foods and dishes, about the impact of proper nutrition on human health; teach children to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods, talk about what athletes eat for breakfast.

4. "Vitamins"

Target: to form in children initial ideas about proper nutrition, its importance for maintaining health, and a healthy lifestyle; discuss concepts with children "vitamins", "health", "disease"; enrich your vocabulary.

5. “Morning of joyful meetings with Doctor Aibolit”

Target: develop cultural and hygienic skills; development of practical skills and techniques aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

Russia is my homeland!

1. "My city, my home"

Target: generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about their native city: names of streets, means of transportation, what our city is famous for, about the state symbols of the city, district (coat of arms, flag); systematize children’s knowledge about the sights of the city and district; cultivate love for your hometown and home.

2. "Flag of Russia"

Target: cultivate a sense of pride for your country, your city; consolidate knowledge about Russia, about one of its symbols - the State Flag, with the functional purpose of the Russian flag, about the symbolic meaning of color, what the colors on the Russian flag mean; to form an aesthetic attitude towards the Russian flag.

3. "Coat of Arms of Russia"

Target: to form patriotic feelings based on conversations about home country; introduce the coat of arms of Russia, talk about the symbols depicted on the coat of arms, reveal what they mean; instilling in children a sense of patriotism and respect for their homeland.

4. "My city - my country - my people"

Target: expand children’s ideas about their native country and hometown, develop interest in Russian folk art, traditions and customs of the Russian people; show children the beauty of their hometown and country, introduce it to its history; to form a careful and caring attitude towards nature and all living things; to instill in children civic feelings, a sense of love for the Motherland, hometown.

5. "Native Nature"

Target: expand children’s ideas about the animal and plant world of our region, its originality and characteristics; tell that the white birch is a symbol of Russia; cultivate interest in the world around us, develop a caring attitude towards our native nature, and cultivate patriotic feelings.

Main city of Russia

1. “Where does the Motherland begin?”

Target: to form children’s ideas about Russia as a multinational, but united country; develop a desire to be useful to your country; consolidate knowledge about the symbols of the state - anthem, flag, coat of arms; to cultivate patriotic and civic feelings, respect for people of different nationalities, feelings of admiration, and pride in one’s country.

2. "Our Motherland-Russia".

Target: to cultivate love and respect for the Motherland, introduce the State symbols of Russia, continue to introduce children to their native land. To instill in children feelings of patriotism and respect for their Motherland.

3. “Moscow is the capital of our Fatherland”

Target: give children an idea that Moscow is the largest city in our country; bring to the understanding that this is the main city of our Motherland, the capital. Foster respect for state symbols, traditions and customs of your people. To cultivate a love for Moscow and Russia in general, broaden one’s horizons, pass on knowledge about history and sights. Foster a sense of pride for your people, patriotic feelings. To foster interest in the history of the city and country, love for their Motherland, to evoke in children a feeling of admiration for the beauty of their native nature and the talent of the Russian people.

4. "Planet Earth is in danger"

Target: to promote the formation of children’s ideas that planet Earth is a huge ball (most of the globe is covered with water - oceans and seas, in addition to water there are continents - solid earth, land where people live). To contribute to the generalization of knowledge that many living creatures live on planet Earth, that they all need clean water, clean air, clean land. To form the idea in children that planet Earth is now in danger. To cultivate a love for nature, proper communication with it, a desire to study it.

5. "Our Motherland"

Target: expand children’s ideas about the state symbols of Russia, about the rights of people that the state protects; cultivate a sense of pride in one’s country and patriotism.

Famous people of Russia

1. "Famous people of Russia"

Target: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about famous people of Russia, how they glorified Russia (V.V. Putin, Yu.A. Gagarin, G.K. Zhukov, A.S. Pushkin, I.P. Tchaikovsky, N.I. Pirogov) to develop attention and memory; develop the ability to write a short story about a famous person.

2. “Whose portrait?”

Target: develop speech, the ability to answer questions with complete answers, recognize famous people by portrait, cultivate a sense of respect for the great people of Russia, their achievements and a sense of pride in their country.

3. “Heroic exploits of the Russian people - a journey along the river of time”

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the heroic exploits of the Russian people; to show that the gratitude and memory of the people about them lives in works of fiction and fine art; to form ideas about heroism and courage; to cultivate a sense of patriotism, an emotionally positive attitude towards the defenders of the Fatherland, the desire to be like heroic people.

4. "Space"

Target: expand children’s ideas about space and space flights; tell that people of different nationalities fly into space, they are friendly and that’s why everything works out for them. To introduce the Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics - K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev. To consolidate the knowledge that the first cosmonaut was a citizen of Russia - Yu. A. Gagarin, the first woman cosmonaut was also from Russia - V. Tereshkova. Bring children to understand that only a healthy, educated, persistent and fearless person can be an astronaut. Build pride in your country.

5. “Life and exploits of A. V. Suvorov”

Target: introduce children to the life and exploits of the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov; to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the heroic past of our Motherland, towards the memory of outstanding people who glorified it.

Household professions

1. "Parents' profession"

Target: expand knowledge about the professions of your parents, about how important their work is for society; cultivate love for family and friends, a desire to help and care for them.

2. "About the profession of a firefighter"

Target: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the profession of firefighter. To intensify children's interest in various professions. Establish fire safety rules. To cultivate respect for people of courageous and heroic professions.

3. "Candy store"

Target: teach children to follow the rules of behavior in public places; enrich your understanding of the work of a pastry chef and activate your vocabulary.

4. "Postman"

Target: expand children’s understanding of the profession of a postman, the necessity and benefits of his work. Expand children's general awareness of the world around them. To form in children basic experience of professional actions. Improve dialogical speech: teach to participate in conversation, it is clear for others to answer and ask questions.

5. "World of Professions"

Target: expand children’s understanding of the work of adults, the results of labor, its social significance; to educate children to respect what is made by human hands.

Russia is rich in talents

1. “Rus is rich in talents - Rus' is strong in talents”

Target: consolidate children’s lessons about folk arts and crafts, about Russians fisheries: Gzhel, Khokhlome, Dymkovo; develop children's creative imagination and fantasy; to cultivate a sense of pride for Russia, for the Russian people, the ability to work from the heart and have fun.

2. "Russia is my homeland"

Target: to cultivate patriotic feelings, pride in one’s Motherland, love for the Motherland and native land; continue to cultivate a desire to learn about the culture of your people (through proverbs, sayings, songs, dances); evoke a feeling of admiration for the beauty of our native nature and the talent of the Russian people.

3. “They greet you by their clothes, but they send you away by their intelligence”

Target: education of moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children through familiarization with the origins of Russian national culture and folk traditions; reading poems, riddles, proverbs about family, Russian life.

4. "Visiting the nesting doll"

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the history of the Russian nesting doll; introduce the Semenovskaya, Zagorskaya and Polkhov-Maidanovskaya nesting dolls; develop interest in folk art; cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards folk toys and a kind attitude towards each other.

5. Stanislav Brzezowski

Russia is rich in talents,

Richer than the whole wide world!

Every third artist here

Every fourth poet!

Their songs flow like a river

The silver snows will sing too

Spin over the brown braid

One plays the harmonica

Another one sings like Chaliapin

And the third verse composes

This is how my people live!

What is autumn like?

1. "Autumn. Signs of autumn" (signs of autumn, characteristic natural phenomena)

Target: to form a generalized idea of ​​autumn, of autumn phenomena in inanimate nature (precipitation, air temperature, soil and water conditions, the state of plants and its causes, the characteristics of animal life.

2. "Gold autumn"

Target: teach children to distinguish and characterize the signs of golden autumn, make observations; expand ideas about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards the natural world.

3. “How good he is, where else can you find something like this?”

Target: to train children in the differences between plants in autumn attire, to enrich the aesthetic experience, to evoke a joyful experience from the perception of the beauty of nature in autumn; clarifying and expanding children’s ideas about the autumn forest; tell how beautiful nature is at this time of year.

4. "Leaf Fall"

Target: show children the variety of colors of golden autumn; develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena; conduct seasonal observations.

5. "Kaleidoscope of autumn colors"

Target: to consolidate ideas about changes in nature in autumn, about fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, to create a joyful mood in children, to evoke emotional responsiveness, and the ability to develop interest in the world around them.

Winter is coming soon

1. « Conversation about autumn»

Target: consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about autumn signs: cooling, leaf fall, days become shorter, nights become longer, how the life of plants, animals and birds changes in the fall, how a person prepares for winter; develop dialogical speech, communication skills, observation, the ability to analyze, cultivate a culture of communication, love for nature, a sense of beauty.

2. "First snow"

Target: develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations, notice the beauty of winter nature; expand children's understanding of winter phenomena in nature; give a basic understanding of the concept of the relationship between man and nature.

3. "Wind"

Target: expand children’s understanding of the wind; teach rules of behavior in windy weather; develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations.

Target: provide basic information about diseases and medications, disease prevention, the benefits of vitamins; introduce to a healthy lifestyle.

5. "How wild animals prepare for winter"

Target: introduce children to preparing wild animals for winter; Show children the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature.

Early winter

1. "Winter"

Target: systematize children’s ideas about winter phenomena in winter, teach to establish a connection between air temperature, the state of water, land, plants, animal life, birds. Learn to notice and give an aesthetic assessment to winter landscapes. To form a poetic perception of nature. Develop memory, thinking, imagination. Foster a caring attitude towards the nature of your native land.


Target: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter (cold, frost, the sun does not warm, there is snow everywhere, it turns silver in the light, the wind is cold, prickly, people are dressed warmly, trees, bushes and grass under the snow do not grow, they sleep) .

3. "Winter Fun"

Target: continue to introduce children to winter How: time of year, with winter sports; to cultivate love and respect for nature, to admire the beauty of winter nature, to receive joy from winter entertainment and fun.

4. “Features of winter nature”

Target: expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the features of winter nature (cold, frost, snowfall, strong winds) features of people's activities in the city and countryside; about safe behavior in winter; maintain interest in events taking place in the city and district; cultivate love for your hometown, district, region.

5. "Signs of Winter"

Target: clarify and expand knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter (cold, frost, the sun does not warm; there is snow everywhere, it silvers in the light; the wind is cold, prickly; people are warm dressed: trees, bushes and grass under the snow are alive, but do not grow, they sleep); consolidate the ability to find and recognize wintering birds in nature (sparrow, magpie, crow, tit, bullfinch, teach to see the peculiarities of their behavior in winter; practice distinguishing trees by the arrangement of branches and remaining seeds; cultivate an aesthetic vision of nature, the desire to protect it.

Tatiana Zolotsevskaya
Card file of conversations with children of senior preschool age

No. 1. Conversation with children on the topic: “What cartoon did you watch on the weekend?”

The goal is to cultivate the desire to express one’s attitude towards the actions of other people. Form a self-assessment of your actions.

Questions for the conversation:

What is the name of the cartoon you watched on your day off? Where does the cartoon take place?

Name its characters, characters, heroes.

Which character do you like the most, and why?

Which character didn't you like? Why?

What qualities of the main character would you like to have in your character, and which ones would you refuse and why?

What is the main idea of ​​this cartoon?

No. 2. Conversation with children on the topic: “Is fire our friend or enemy?”

The goal is to teach children to carefully handle fire, electrical appliances, and fire in nature.

Questions for the conversation:

How did fire help ancient people?

Now let’s talk about the good deeds of fire these days: tell us where fire works today and how it helps people?

Why can fire be dangerous for people? When does this happen?

In what cases does careless handling of fire lead to fires?

What precautions should tourists take when lighting a fire in the forest?

What precautions should you take at home during the New Year holidays when using candles, fireworks, sparklers, and firecrackers?

What precautions should you take when using electrical appliances?

How to call the fire brigade if you smell smoke or see fire or flame?

No. 3. Conversation with children on the topic: “Nature asks for protection.”

The goal is to introduce children to the world of nature, to understand its value in the life of every person.

Questions for the conversation:

Can a person live without sunlight and warmth?

And without air?

Solar heat, plants, animals, water, air - it's all nature!

Can people live without nature?

And if they can’t, then how should they treat her?

Do people always treat nature well and with care?

Who can nature ask for help?

Which inhabitants ask a person for help?

What kind of person should a person be to protect nature?

How can you help birds (plants, fish, animals, river, etc.).

No. 4. Conversation with children on the topic: “My pet.”

The goal is to cultivate humane feelings for your pets.

Questions for the conversation:

How many of you have pets?

Tell us what they are like and why you love them?

What are the names of your little friends?

What do you play with them? Where do you go for a walk?

How do you care for your pets?

No. 5. Conversation with children on the topic: “Do you know the rules of the road?”

The goal is to consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules and explain the meaning of some signs.

Questions for the conversation:

Why do people need traffic rules?

If there were no rules, would people's lives be better or worse?

What do traffic lights mean? Where can you cross the street?

Which crossing is considered the safest? Why?

What rules of conduct on the roadway do you know?

What road signs do you know? What do they mean?

No. 6. Conversation with children on the topic: “Walk in the forest.”

The goal is to consolidate children’s knowledge about the forest kingdom and plants that are characteristic of the forest. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Questions for the conversation:

Have you ever been in the forest (in a grove? Tell us what new and interesting things you saw and learned during this walk?

What kind of forest was it - coniferous, deciduous or mixed? Which trees were there more - coniferous or deciduous?

What coniferous trees have you seen in the forest? Which ones are deciduous? By what signs did you distinguish them?

What mushrooms did you find during your walk? How did you collect them? What did they do with them when they returned home?

What else do you remember during this walk?

No. 7. Conversation with children on the topic: “Walk in the garden.”

The goal is to consolidate the general concepts of “vegetables”, “fruits”, the distinctive features of vegetables and fruits.

Questions for the conversation:

What do we call vegetables? What vegetables do you know?

What do we call fruit? What fruits do you know?

What is the difference between vegetables and fruits? What do they have in common?

Name your favorite fruit. Where does it grow - on a tree branch or on a bush?

Which vegetable do you like best? How is this vegetable grown?

What fairy tales do you know where the heroes are vegetables and fruits?

When conducting a conversation, you can use the didactic game “Guess the vegetable (fruit) based on the answers and questions.”

No. 8. Conversation with children on the topic: “Bread is the head of everything.”

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about bread as one of the greatest riches on earth. Fix the names of the professions of people who grow bread.

Questions for the conversation:

How do you understand the phrase “Bread is the head of everything”? Why do they say this?

How far does bread go before it reaches our table?

What professions do people grow bread?

What professions do people make bread and various flour products?

What other products can be made from flour?

What proverbs and sayings do you know about bread?

How should people treat bread?

No. 9. Conversation with children on the topic: “How to behave”

The goal is to consolidate children’s knowledge about the positive actions, qualities and actions of people.

Questions for the conversation:

What actions do you consider bad and unworthy of respect? (Take someone else’s property, deceive, offend someone, fight, shout, etc.).

Have you ever done something bad? Tell us about it.

What actions do you think are considered good? So be what?

What kind words can you say if you quarrel or offend someone?

What kind and polite words should we use in our speech?

Explain why they say: “Like the mind, so are the speeches”?

No. 10. Conversation with children on the topic: “What grows in the garden?”

The goal is to develop the ability to correctly name vegetables, describe their color, shape and other qualities.

Questions for the conversation:

Where are vegetables grown? What does it take to grow them?

Which vegetables grow underground and which above the ground? How are vegetables harvested?

What geometric shapes do vegetables resemble (the teacher lists them, the children name the shape).

What are vegetables for? What can you cook from them?

How are vegetables prepared? (They are washed, cut, fried, boiled, stewed, baked, salted, pickled, frozen).

municipal government preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 13 of a combined type" of the city of Novosibirsk


Card file of conversations in the senior group of kindergarten

Prepared by:

teacher of MKDOU kindergarten No. 13

Tarasevich A.S.


Conversation “Rules for duty officers” Purpose: remind children how to set the table, teach them to act consistently and accurately, and discuss the importance of the work being done. Continue to develop the work skills required while on duty.

Conversation “How did I spend my summer?” Target: Invite children to talk about their summer vacation using family photographs, and teach them to answer the teacher’s questions. To develop coherent speech in children, to form coherent speech in children, to form communication skills.

Ethical conversation “Polite request” Purpose: Help children understand the meaning of polite words when communicating with someone with a request. Teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions and events, to understand their essence.

Conversation, analysis of situations “Etiquette in kindergarten” Purpose : continue to develop culturally hygienic skills in children. To introduce the concept of “etiquette”, to form ideas about the rules of etiquette that must be observed in kindergarten, to learn to compare one’s actions with the requirements of etiquette. Consider different situations and explain how to act in them.

Life Safety Conversation “On the way to kindergarten” Purpose : to form children’s ideas about a safe route from home to kindergarten. Develop observation, attention, coherent speech, memory, develop the ability to remember the sequence of events, convey information and impressions in words.

Ethical conversation “The fairy teaches politeness” Purpose: Together with your children, remember the rules of polite communication. Give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children, images of fiction and other forms of art.

Conversation on the topic “A vegetable store is...?” Target: atto clarify children’s ideas about a vegetable store, to activate in speech: the names of vegetables and fruits, verbs denoting the actions of sellers and buyers; qualitative adjectives.

Conversation on the topic “Moscow is the capital of Russia.” Target: Aupdate and supplement knowledge about the capital of our Motherland, Moscow. Create a desire to learn more about this city and its history.

Conversation “Families big and small” Purpose: to give children the idea that, regardless of the number of relatives, the seed is a home for the child, where he is loved and cared for. Show children how grandparents take care of their family. It is important that children understand that older people need to be helped, that they need to be taken care of.

Conversation “Together is crowded, but apart is boring” Purpose : tell children how to avoid a quarrel, how to make peace, teach them to see the moral side of a given situation, teach them to evaluate their actions and the actions of other people.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation "I am a pedestrian." Target: PContinue to introduce children to the rules of behavior on the street, invite the children to tell them how pedestrians should act in various situations.

Conversation “Our country is Russia. The nature of our country." Target: Ato update, systematize and supplement children’s knowledge about the nature of our country and its diversity. Encourage children to want to know more about it.

Conversation on the topic “What grows is alive!” Target: PInvite children to talk about why they need to treat plants with care and how to protect them.To form ideas about the diversity of nature and the interconnection of its objects. Enrich your vocabulary with figurative words and expressions.

Conversation “We travel on public transport” Purpose: form the basis of safe behavior, consider various situations with children, discuss the rules of behavior in public places and in transport. Offer to tell why it is important to be polite and show respect to adults and peers.

Conversation “Food is tasty and healthy - What grows in the garden” Purpose : teach children to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, arrange events in a certain sequence, and lead them to understand how to eat properly.

Ethical conversation "A man of culture." Target: Pinvite children to talk about what culture should be likeny person, to generalize, supplement and concretize their ideas.Teach children to analyze and draw conclusions using examples of various situations.

Conversation “What I think about myself and others.” Target: Rto develop in children the ability to analyze their actions and actions, to correlate them with social norms of behavior.Develop coherent speech, learn to freely construct sentences of different grammatical structures.

Demon food "My favorite animal". Target: Aactivating relevant concepts in children’s speech, developing the ability to compose a coherent story, and participate in dialogue.

Ethical conversation "Ethical and unethical behavior." Target: RLook at different situations with children, discuss which people did the right thing and who broke the rules. Teach children to compare their desires and actions with ethical and moral standards and accepted rules of behavior.

Conversation “City where I live." Target: hstrengthen children's knowledge about the sights of their loved onecities; learn to recognize protected places in photographs and name them.Develop coherent speech, imagination, the ability to select adjectives, coordinate words in sentences.

Conversation about children's rights enka "First name, patronymic and last name." Target: RTell children why it is important to know their rights and responsibilities, that a person receives a first, patronymic and last name at birth by agreement of the parents.

Conversation about table manners. Target: Invite children to remember the most important rules of behavior at the table, depict them using symbols (eat without rushing, chew food thoroughly; remember that all troubles occur due to haste or overindulgence; you cannot talk or laugh while eating; you need to clean up after yourself, etc.). Teach children to follow rules when eating.

Conversation "Who built the kindergarten." Target: Give children an idea of ​​the importance of the work of builders,talk about different construction specialties, develop respect for their profession.

Conversation “Bread is the head of everything” Purpose: will strengthen children's knowledge about bread and the work of people who grow bread. Enrich your vocabulary of nouns and adjectives. Intensify the use of figurative expressions in speech (“Work hard”, “What goes around comes around”). Reinforce knowledge of rituals associated with the harvest


Conversation “How plants prepare for winter” Purpose: to form primary ideas about the signs of autumn, the cyclical nature of changes in nature, to learn to observe and summarize the results of observations: by changes in weather, the appearance of plants, to establish the relationship between living and inanimate nature.

Conversation “Counting chickens in the fall” Purpose: Explain to children the meaning of an idiomatic expression. Develop the cognitive sphere of children, develop the ability to generalize knowledge, highlight similarities and differences.

Conversation “Transport” Purpose: teach children to correctly name types of transport and machine parts. Practice forming prefixed verbs and adjectives from nouns. Encourage the use of comparisons and definitions in speech.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “Let's save the house from fire” Purpose : introduce children to fire safety rules, tell them how they can make drawings at home with their parents - “reminders” of what is necessary when leaving to turn off gas, electrical appliances, and lights.

Conversation “Weather and Health” Purpose: generalize and supplement children’s ideas about the characteristics of autumn weather and the health hazards it poses. Learn to dress appropriately for the weather and follow basic safety rules.

Ethical conversation “Stupid people quarrel, but smart people come to an agreement” Purpose: help children understand that quarrels can lead to trouble. How to avoid a quarrel and what methods children know for reconciliation. Teach to observe moral standards of behavior.

Conversation “If the family is together, the soul is in the same place” Purpose: to form a value-based attitude towards the family as the moral basis of education. Systematize and deepen children’s knowledge about the family and family relationships. To form in children a feeling of love and respect for the closest and dearest people - family members, pride in their family, spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to their home and family. Deepen knowledge about the rules of behavior and norms of relationships in the family, family traditions.

Conversation on the topic: “How did I spend my day off?” Target: fdevelop the ability to compose stories from experience, conveying well-known events; with the help of the teacher, build a story in accordance with the requirements for the structure of the plot narrative (exposition - a description of the characters, time and place of action; plot - the cause of the event, the development of the event, the denouement).

Conversation with children on the topic “The best” . Target: PInvite the children to talk about why they love their mother, what she is like, help them understand that their mother needs care, help, they need to take care of her, try not to upset her.

Conversation “How people arranged their home before.” Target: Rexpand children’s ideas about the life of our ancestors, their way of life. Arouse children's interest in history, the cultural heritage of their people, and develop their imagination.

Conversation on the topic “Customs and activities of our ancestors.” Target: Rexpand and systematize children’s ideas about the customs of our ancestors and the traditions of their native land. Help to understand the meaning of various traditions of the past. To foster a sense of pride in the rich heritage of our ancestors.

Conversation on life safety “When you are left alone at home.” Target: ODiscuss with the children what rules need to be followed if the child is left alone at home. Ask for an explanation of what rules the little goats, the characters from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” violated. Tell us what to do in a similar situation in real life.

Conversation “Who is called modest” Purpose: Bring to the attention of children various situations, discuss which of the participants behaves modestly and which defiantly. Learn to evaluate behavior and its consequences.

Conversation “Friendship Lesson” Purpose: Discuss with children what children know about friendship and friends. What does it mean to be friends? Develop the ability to reasonably evaluate your own actions and the actions of your friends. To update and clarify children’s ideas about friendship and the forms of relationships in a team. Invite them to recall various situations and classify the actions of their participants as friendly or unfriendly.

Conversation “How our family takes care of health” Purpose: invite children to talk about family traditions associated with a healthy lifestyle, how family members take care of their health, and about their loved ones. Promote the formation of a conscious attitude towards health.

Conversation “Colorful mood”. Target: fto develop in children the ability to pay attention to their actions, experiences, attitudes towards others, to teach the simplest techniques for self-regulation of behavior and mood.

Conversation about matches. Target: Tell children about what matches are needed for, how they work, and what they are used for. Discuss the dangers of trying to use them yourself.


Conversation “How animals prepare for winter” Purpose: to form ideas about seasonal changes in the lives of animals and the variety of options for preparing them for winter; cultivate a caring attitude towards wintering birds, the desire to feed them; give the first ideas about the adaptation of animals to changes in nature.

Conversation “Don't be greedy” Purpose: continue to instill in children a negative attitude towards greed. Teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions and events, to understand their essence. Give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children.

Conversation “Beautiful places of our city.” Target: strengthen children’s ideas about iconic places in their hometown, teach them to recognize them from photographs. Develop interest in your hometown.

Life Safety Conversation “Don’t play with fire!” Target: Explain to children the dangers of playing with fire, tell them about the rules of behavior in case of a fire.

Conversation “Good habits”. Target: to form in children a conscious attitude towards their health, to consolidate ideas about what is useful and what is harmful to health. To form the foundations of health-preserving competencies: mastery of elementary methods of physical self-improvement, emotional self-regulation and self-control, the ability to apply personal hygiene practices, take care of one’s own health and safetydanger.

Conversation “I am among people.” Target: To develop sociocultural competencies in children: possession of knowledge and experience in fulfilling typical social roles (son-daughter, brother-sister, grandson-granddaughter, friend-girlfriend); the ability to act in everyday situations in the family and everyday sphere in an effective way
we organize free time. Determine your place and role in the world around you, in the family, in the team.

Conversation “In the Thirtieth Kingdom” Purpose: Bring to children's attention excerpts from familiar fairy tales, teach them to evaluate the actions of fairy-tale characters using the TRIZ “Good - Bad” technique, and teach them to see their ambiguity. Learn to express sympathy, empathy for fairy tale characters, and empathy in speech.

Conversation on the topic “The street where you live.” Target: to arouse in children a desire to learn about the history of the streets on which they live, to develop information competencies (learn to work with various sources of information, search and select the necessary information).

Conversation on the topic “Coat of arms of the native city.” Target: Tell children about the functional meaning of the coat of arms, give an idea of ​​its history, talk about what is depicted on the city’s coat of arms.

Life Safety Conversation “What can happen if you get your feet wet on the street.” Target: tell children about preventive measures to help prevent various colds in late autumn. Learn to choose clothes and shoes according to the weather, follow safety rules on the street.

Conversation “In the world of polite words.” Target: Bring to the attention of children various situations, discuss which polite words are appropriate and necessary in each specific case, what is the meaning and purpose of polite words.

Conversation “What good things can you do for friends.” Target: Introduce children to various situations, enrich their experiencemanifestations of friendship. Stimulate the desire to do somethingsomething good for friends.

Conversation "My friend, girlfriend." Target: develop children’s coherent speech, develop the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly. Cultivate friendly feelings.

Conversation “Kindergarten is a second home.” Purpose: invite children to compare kindergarten and home, say what is common and what is different. Talk about the work of many people who are trying to make the kindergarten cozy and the children’s stay in it comfortable. To educate children to respect everything that surrounds them in the garden.

life safety fundamentalsConversation “What do teeth like?” Target: teach children to take care of dental health, discuss what is useful and what is harmful to teeth. Learn to care for your teeth correctly.

Conversation "Globe". Target: expand children's ideas about our Motherland, about its place on planet Earth. Introduce the concepts of the North and South Pole, Arctic and Antarctic. Develop curiosity.

Ethical conversation “My advantages and disadvantages.” Target: introduce children to the concepts of “dignity” and “disadvantage”,tell us that if you want, you can overcome any shortcomings in yourself. Together with the children, make a table in which you need to write down what you wanteach child achieves or learns. Opposite each desire, put a “-.” sign, which may soon turn into “+”.

Conversation "Kapitoshka". Target: update children's ideas about the water cycle in nature, talk about how this process occurs in winter. Develop coherent speech.

Conversation “My best friend is my mother” Purpose: develop children’s coherent speech, develop the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly. Master initial ideas of a social nature based on the formation of family affiliation.

Conversation “How I meet my mother” Purpose: activate affectionate words and expressions in children’s speech, invite them to remember how the characters of various cartoons and fairy tales addressed each other. Discuss how a person’s mood changes when using kind words.

Ethical conversation “The Bunny Who Helped Everyone” Purpose: introduce children to the concept of mutual assistance, using E. Bekhlerov’s fairy tale “The Cabbage Leaf”; explain to children that helping others can bring joy to those who provide it. Explain that real help is selfless.

Ethical conversation “Be able to see those who need help” Purpose: Explain to children that all people need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him.

Ethical conversation “Good deeds” Purpose: reveal the meaning of the word “benevolence”, talk about the need for a friendly attitude towards people around you, explain to children that a good deed brings joy to the one who does it


Conversation “How did you spend your weekend?” Target: teach children to accurately name the place where they were, develop the ability to talk about what they saw using precise spatial notations, and activate ideas and vocabulary.

Conversation “Winter” Purpose: consolidate knowledge about the seasons (especially winter) and related natural phenomena and changes in the lives of people and animals.

Life Safety Conversation “Meeting a stranger on the street” Purpose: instill in children caution towards strangers, consider options for behavior in various situations, and formulate general rules. Develop caution and prudence in children, teach them to see potential dangers, and avoid problematic situations.

Ethical conversation “The truth is always known” Purpose: help children understand that any lie is always revealed, that the person who lies feels guilty not only for his action, but also for the fact that he told a lie. To help master concepts such as “truth”, “honesty”, and their opposites: “untruth”, “dishonesty”, “lies”, “deception”.

Ethical conversation “Lazy Fedorka always has excuses” Purpose: Remember with your children the rules that exist in every family: be attentive to each other, help relatives, take care of them, fulfill the requests of elders. Explain the essence of the proverb. Talk about the importance of work in a person’s life, its usefulness and significance.

Life Safety Conversation “How to avoid getting sick in winter” Purpose: update children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior and health preservation in the winter. Form a conscious attitude towards health, teach how to take care of it, and form healthy habits.

Conversation "Our Planet". Target: Introduce children to the names of various ecosystems, clarify the concepts: steppe, ocean, sea, lake, teach them to name various natural objects correctly.

Life Safety Conversation on the topic “Safety when using electrical appliances.” Target: tell children about the complexity of the device and the rules for using electrical appliances, explain why children should not turn on some electrical appliances (stove, iron, microwave oven, etc.) on their own, and why they need to seek help from adults.

Conversation on the topic “If you are kind.” Target: to form in children ideas about justice (in a group all children are equal, they must be able to distribute toys and roles in games kindly, follow the rules of the game, and not shift their responsibility to a friend), teach them to act in various situations. Enrich positive communication experiences.

Conversation on the topic: “Boys and girls.” Target: invite the children to divide into two teams - boys and girls. Each team needs to answer similar questions: “What do you like to play?”, “What foods do you like?”, “Which cartoon and fairy tale characters are your favorite?” Discuss with children what are the similarities and differences in the preferences of boys and girls, what other gender differences are known to children.

Life Safety Conversation “Safe outfit for the Christmas tree” Purpose : introduce the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. Develop a positive attitude towards family and public holidays. Introduce children to safe garlands, enrich their understanding of the dangers of pyrotechnics. Form ideas about safe ways of behavior of people.

to form communicative competencies in children: to teach various ways of interacting with people around them, to conduct a dialogue, to master methods of joint activities in a group, methods of action in communication situations, to develop the ability to seek and find compromises. Enrich positive communication experiences.

Conversation on the topic “My family.” Target: deepen children's understanding of family relationships (brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandson, granddaughter). To form sociocultural competencies: possession of knowledge and experience in performing typical social roles; the ability to act in everyday situations in the family and everyday sphere, to determine one’s place and role in the surrounding world, in the family, in the team. Introduce children to cultural norms and traditions.

Conversation on the topic “My name.” Target: Introduce children to the history of people's names,tell how people's names sound in different languages, how ours treatedancestors to a person's name. Explain the concepts of “patronymic” and “last name”. Expand vocabulary, introduce word formation techniques.

Conversation “Let's get to know each other!” Target: teach children the rules of speech behavior during acquaintance: update and supplement children’s ideas, teach them to use various models of behavior and corresponding speech structures, enrich the experience of communication, develop coherent speech.

Conversation with children on the topic “What could happen if...” Purpose: teach children to predict the consequences of events, build racesjudgment about the development of events, based on knowledge and personal experience. (What happens if you don’t brush your teeth every day, if you get your feet wet on the street?)

Conversation “Streets of our city.” Target: Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “street”, “alley”, “square”, “square”, and the streets of their hometown. To form children’s idea of ​​themselves as residents of a certain city (village, hamlet, town). Cultivate love for your hometown, the desire to see it beautiful and clean.

Conversation on the topic “New Year’s Moscow.” Target: tell children that the main Christmas tree of the country is located in the capital of our Motherland, talk about New Year's events traditionally held in Moscow. To update and supplement children’s ideas about New Year’s traditions that are observed in the family of each of the children.

Conversation - analysis of “Home Alone” situations Purpose: invite children to look at the plot pictures, compose short stories based on them, explain the essence and reasons for what is happening. Discuss relevant situations with children. Learn to identify the source of danger, determine the category of a dangerous situation, choose a program of action based on previously mastered behavioral patterns.

Conversation “Holiday in my family” Purpose: invite children to talk about the traditions and customs of celebrating the holiday in their family. Deepen children's understanding of family relationships, introduce them to cultural norms and traditions, and develop sociocultural competencies.

Conversation “Santa Claus is coming to us” Purpose: teach children the rules of speech behavior when communicating with Grandfather Frost, update children’s communication skills, teach them to use various behavioral models and corresponding speech structures. Enrich communication experience, develop coherent speech.

Conversation “Who to be” Purpose: continue to introduce children to various professions. Systematize and consolidate children’s ideas about people of different professions, their business and professional qualities, and the significance of their work for society.

Conversation “You need to put things away - you don’t have to look for them” Purpose : introduce children to the rules of caring for things; remind you to save your time. Bring to the consciousness of children the idea that the attitude towards people is manifested through the attitude towards things and work.


Conversation “We are going to visit” Purpose: continue to introduce children to the rules of behavior when visiting, offer to consider various situations, and discuss what to do. Enrich positive communication experiences, expand ideas about behavior patterns in certain situations.

Life Safety Conversation - analysis of the situation “If a stranger called on the phone” Purpose: Tell children about the need to be careful when communicating with strangers, and introduce them to the appropriate rules of personal safety. Teach children to act in various situations taking into account these rules, enrich children’s communicative experience.

Conversation “Winter Morning” Purpose: teach children to answer questions based on the results of observation, to activate in speech concepts related to natural phenomena, natural objects, and human actions. Develop observation skills and coherent speech.

Conversation “Weather in January” Purpose: invite children to characterize the weather and answer the questions: “Is it always frosty on a sunny day?” or “Is it always cloudy when it snows?” Discuss with children how to check the correctness of their assumptions. Develop observation skills, learn to convey what you see in speech, and enrich your vocabulary.

Conversation “How do forest animals winter?” Target: continue to introduce children to wild animals, enrich their understanding of the peculiarities of their life activities in winter. Talk about how they insulate their homes for winter, how they get food in the cold season and prepare for hibernation.

Conversation with children on the topic “Our friendly family " Target: PInvite children to talk about their families, family relationships, and favorite holidays. Cultivate love and respect for loved ones.

Ethical b ese Yes "My attitude towards other people." Target: atteach children to choose the right line of behavior towards people in different situations, show with examples that the same model of behavior will be ideal in one case, but unacceptable in another.

Conversation “Our heart is like a fist!” Target: Introduce children to the purpose and work of the heart, with basic rules that allow them to strengthen and protect the heart.

Conversation “You can’t say all the tongue twisters.” Target: PContinue to introduce children to types of oral folk artqualities: proverbs, tongue twisters and sayings; pay attention to the ability of the Russian people to notice and accurately, vividly express in words what they noticed. Cultivate interest in the creativity of the Russian people.

Ethical b ese Yes "How to Handle a Book" " Target: PInvite children to tell what can happen to a book if it is handled carelessly, based on their experience working in a book repair workshop. Organize a rice competitionNKOV on the topic “Illustrations for favorite fairy tales».

Conversation “We know everything, we can do everything.” Target: atteach children to formulate rules of behavior in certain situations, analyze their own actions to determine their compliance with accepted rules, explain their thoughts and conclusions.

Conversation “What good deed have I done?” Target: RExamine with the children various situations that took place in the life of the group, invite the children to name the good deeds they have committed. Teach children to find a place for good deeds and be proud of them.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation "Traffic signals." Target: Discuss with the children what the traffic light is for, why you need to cross the road only when the traffic light is green. Invite the children to consider various situations and answer the question “What could happen if in this situation you don’t listen to the traffic light?”

Conversation “Why are there rules?” Target: PBring to the attention of children various situations, discuss the rules that must be followed. Offer to imagine what will happen if everyone does not act according to the rules, but as he wants. Help to draw a conclusion about why rules are needed.

Conversation “Magic words”. Target: Invite children to choose polite - “magic” words necessary in various situations. Enrich your vocabulary, strive to be polite.

Conversation "My dream". Target: Rdevelop children's creative imagination, fantasy, logical thinking, and coherent speech.

Ethical conversation "Might is not right." Target: PInvite children to consider various situations from the life of the group, from children’s favorite cartoons and fairy tales. Teach to highlight actions committed from a position of strength, without taking into account the interests of the other side, to show the negative consequences of these actions.

Conversation "Accidentally and intentionally." Target: Tell children about the motives behind various actions. Show, using examples of how good intentions sometimes lead to actions that seem bad to others, and vice versa. Learn to see not only the action, but also what caused it.

Conversation “Animals near us” Purpose: draw children's attention to the fact that living creatures live next to them that require attention and care, give an idea that each animal is adapted to certain living conditions and food. Foster a caring, respectful attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for it


Conversation “Weather conditions in February” Purpose: acquaint children with the peculiarities of the weather conditions of February, with the natural phenomena characteristic of this month (blizzards, ice, the formation of icicles, massive snow “caps” on the roofs). Introduce dangerous situations that may arise in these weather conditions, learn to identify the source of danger, and avoid it.

Conversation “Caution, ice” Purpose: introduce children to the basic rules of moving on slippery surfaces, develop the skills of a careful and prudent attitude towards their health. Form ideas about potentially dangerous situations for a person, teach them to avoid them.

Conversation “Oral hygiene products” Purpose: continue to introduce children to oral hygiene products, talk about the purpose of such products as dental floss, tongue brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth rinse. Form a conscious attitude towards health, the desire to properly care for your teeth.

Conversation “The benefits and harms of chewing gum” Purpose: introduce children to the beneficial and harmful properties of chewing gum, talk about life situations in which chewing gum under the supervision of adults is beneficial. Strengthen knowledge about hygiene products.

Life Safety Conversation “Stranger” Purpose : teach children to act correctly in various situations, find solutions independently, and accurately express their thoughts. Learn to apply previously learned rules of safe behavior and follow the rules of behavior when communicating with a stranger.

Life Safety Conversation “Behind a Closed Door” Purpose: During the discussion, lead the children to formulate rules of behavior if they are alone at home (under no circumstances should you open the door to strangers, you cannot leave the door open...). Develop safe behavior skills in various situations.

Conversation “Polite request” Purpose: introduce children to speech structures of requests addressed to various people (an older stranger, an older close person, a peer). Learn to choose appropriate options for expressing requests in various situations.

Conversation "Forests of Russia". Target: expand children’s understanding of the types of forests (deciduous: birch grove, oak grove; coniferous: pine forest, spruce forest; mixed forests). Learn to name a forest by its predominant plant species, introduce the inhabitants of various forests.

Life Safety Conversation “The danger of talking at the table.” Target: introduce children to the purpose, structure and operation of the digestive system, tell why a person eats. Teach children to take care of their health, follow the rules of etiquette and safety at the table.

Conversation on the topic “Russian nesting doll” Purpose: to intensify children's interest in the life of their ancestors, products of folk applied art, and Russian folklore. Introduce oral and folk art dedicated to the Russian nesting doll.

Conversation “The World of Adults” Purpose: expand children’s understanding of the diversity of adult roles in society, teach them to “try on” different roles, and identify the personal qualities that are necessary to fulfill them.

Conversation “Let’s make peace” Purpose: To develop in children the ability to understand other people, to teach them to see motives, and not to be offended over trifles. Encourage peacefulness and responsiveness.

Conversation “Winter - winter - winter!” Target: show children examples of the works of Russian poets who sing of winter, the beauty and greatness of the Russian winter. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Conversation about the culture of behavior “Behavior in public transport.”

Tasks. Tell children how to behave in public trance

Conversation about the culture of behavior “Behavior in public transport” Purpose: Tell children how to behave in public tranceport, consider different situations, compare the compliance of participants’ behavior with the rules; teach to choose models of good behavior.

Conversation “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Purpose: update, systematize and supplement children’s knowledge of how animals adapt to unfavorable living conditions in winter. Offer to examine the cat, analyze its behavior in winter and other periods of the year, and draw appropriate conclusions.

Conversation “About compliance” Purpose: Consider different situations with children. Discuss what qualities their participants display (mutual respect, kindness, mutual assistance, compassion, pity, empathy). Help children understand why it is important to be able to give in.

Conversation “The house you live in” Purpose: To update and supplement children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior at the entrance, in the house, in the yard. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to maintain order where the children live.

Conversation “Broad Maslenitsa” Purpose: continue to introduce children to Russian gostep traditionsRomanism, with the holiday of Maslenitsa and its characteristic rituals. Aboutawaken interest in the history of the Russian people.

Conversation “Birthday Gift” Purpose: teach children to focus when choosing a gift on the interests of the person to whom it is addressed, discuss how you can find out about the interests of a friend.

Conversation “Kind words” Purpose: teach children to use kind “magic” words in speech, consider various situations in which they are needed. Discuss how the attitude towards a person using these words changes.

Conversation “A healthy mind in a healthy body” Purpose: expand children's understanding of the components of a healthy lifestyle; proper nutrition, movement, hardening.

Conversation “Beautiful, but dangerous” Purpose: to supplement children’s knowledge about the formation of icicles, to clarify what natural factors contribute to their occurrence. Explain what safety signs are installed in places where icicles may collapse.

Conversation “Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest” Purpose: consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter, about the life of animals in winter, about folk signs. Intensify the use of adjectives, figurative words and expressions in children’s speech. Cultivate a caring attitude in children.


Conversation “Spring” Purpose: consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring. Practice using words denoting signs, actions of objects and phenomena. Develop children's imaginative thinking and imagination. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena.

Ethical conversation “Conversation with a younger person” Purpose: to develop in children the skills of cultural behavior when communicating with children, to teach them to understand the age characteristics of younger children, to properly build relationships with them, to play the role of elders, and to take responsibility.

Conversation “Russia is our Motherland” Target: hstrengthen children's knowledge about nature, about Russian national costume, about Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes. Cultivate love in childrenlove for your homeland, arouse admiration for the beauty of Russian nature, creativityhonor of the Russian people.

Conversation on ethics and culture of behavior on the topic “Bread” Purpose: to update and complement children’s ideas about how bread is grown and about the work of grain growers. To instill in children respect for the bread and labor of these people.

Conversation “My City” Purpose: update and supplement children’s knowledge about the history of their hometown, important events and famous fellow countrymen. Foster a sense of pride in your city and responsibility for its future.

Conversation “How I help my mother” Purpose: Discuss with children why it is important to help elders and teach them to talk about their responsibilities. Develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary. Foster respect for the work of adults and encourage independence.

Conversation “Our Mothers” Purpose: discuss with children who their mothers are by profession, to form ideas about the social roles performed by each person. Learn to write a short story - a riddle about a profession. Develop imagination and verbal imagination.

Conversation “Maslenitsa” Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​one of the most joyful folk holidays, of how Maslenitsa week was spent. Introduce the rituals, the symbolism of the holiday, talk about the purpose of songs, chants, and sayings. Cultivate interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

Conversation “Family competition” Purpose: invite children to invite their family members to participate in a competition for the best pancake recipe and the most interesting “Maslenitsa story.” Discuss what is needed to participate in the competition. To instill in children an interest in family traditions, to promote the formation of productive child-parent relationships.

Conversation “Seed - seedling - tomato” target: hstrengthen children's knowledge of how to grow a plant from seeds, clarify their understanding of vegetable crops and their seeds (tomatoes and cucumbers). Introduce the techniques of planting seeds, tell how to grow seedlings.

Conversation “Poetry Day” Purpose: tellchildren that World Poetry Day is celebrated in March, invite them to remember and recite poems that each of the children likes. Continue to explain, based on the works you have read, the genre features of the poems. Read passages with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, epithets, learn to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text.

Ethical conversation “Help a friend everywhere, don’t leave him anywhere” Purpose: continue to develop figurative speech. Develop creative imagination. Foster a sense of friendship and mutual assistance.

Conversation on the topic “Old lady - old lady” Target: atteach children to compare what corners of the city looked like, various objects in the past and today, teach them to use historical names in speech, activate and complement children’s ideas about the life of our ancestors.

Conversation on the topic “Library” Target: RTell children how books are created and by whom, continue to introduce them to the work of the library.To cultivate respect for the work of adults, to activate the vocabulary.

Conversation “Bread - the head of everything" Purpose: continue to introduce children to various professions, talk about the profession of grain grower and its significance. Develop interest in various professions, cultivate respect for working people, and respect for bread.

Conversation “Who is this braggart?” Target: teach children to distinguish between boasting and a joke, exaggeration, and to see the negative in boasting. Offer to consider various situations, see how others perceive boasting, how they treat braggarts.

Conversation “Sorceress” water" Purpose: Invite children to talk about the importance of water in our lives, summarize, specify and supplement the children’s answers. Tell where and in what form water exists.

Conversation "Our capital" Target: Aupdate, clarify and supplement children’s knowledge about Moscow. Learn to talk about familiar historical places, monuments and other attractions.

Conversation “My rights” Target: Aupdate and supplement children’s previously acquired knowledge about children’s rights. Form ideas in the relationship between desires, needs and human rights.


Conversation “Day of Smiles” Purpose: tell children about the holiday that is celebrated on April 1, about the role of humor and good mood in people's lives. Discuss why a person’s mood changes and how to improve it. Develop a sense of humor and communication skills.

Introduction to art: conversation “Bogorodskaya Toy” Purpose: Summarize children's knowledge about clay toys - Dymkovo and Filimonovsky; introduce the history of Bogorodsk crafts; deepen knowledge about folk art.

Life Safety Conversation “Home Address” Purpose: find out if all children remember their home address; discuss why it is important to know your address and in what situations it may be useful.Tell us how to avoid unpleasant situations, what to do iflost.

Conversation “Might is not right” Purpose: Invite children to consider various situations in which the heroes act from a position of strength, evaluate their actions, suggest what other people feel in these situations, what they think about those who resolve issues with force. Teach a sensitive, friendly attitude towards comrades, encourage moral actions.

Conversation “Journey to the land of road signs” Purpose: teach children to use their knowledge in the game about the rules of traffic and pedestrians on city streets, about road signs, and systematize children’s ideas on this topic. Develop attention, visual perception, and develop the ability to compare.

Ethical conversation “My attitude towards other people” Purpose: Rexamine different situations with children, teach them to choosea strong line of behavior, tactfully expressing your thoughts and feelings.

Conversation “Who will praise me?” Target: teach children to see a reflection of a person’s internal state in their external appearance, and to focus on it when building interactions. Learn to use polite words according to the situation.

Conversation “Can you make friends?” Target: introduce children to sayings about friendship and friends, prizesurging us to be tolerant of people, to show leniency towardsrecognize the shortcomings of your friends, but do not recognize as friends people who commit bad deeds.

Conversation “How the love of loved ones helps children grow” Purpose: help children understand the meaning of love for the life of a family and each of its members; teach to distinguish such qualities as love, respect, friendship.

Conversation “I am brave” Purpose: invite children to talk about what worries each of the children, to show that there is a way out of any situation. Consider various problem situations with your children, find ways out of them, and help them master appropriate speech structures. To form in children a sense of security and self-confidence.

Conversation about animals. Target: talk with children about animals, talk about their habits, attitude towards humans, the role of humans in their lives. Nurture feelingcompassion for homeless animals, teach to show kindness towards them.

Conversation “How we breathe” Purpose: introduce children to the structure of the respiratory system, the work of the lungs, and tell them what role the nose plays in breathing. Teach children to take care of the health of the respiratory system.

Conversation "Art native land" Goal: introduce children to paintings by contemporary artists; learnname familiar places, monuments, city streets. To form an interest in inventive art, to teach to perceive the content of works.

Life Safety Conversation “Learning to follow traffic rules” Purpose: Discuss with the children why a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing sign is needed, offer to explain why it is necessary to strictly follow the rules and cross the road in designated areas.

Conversation “Who is an architect?” Target: Introduce children to the profession of an architect, talk about the significance of his work, and about the tools of labor. Cultivate interest and respect for this profession.

Conversation “My favorite dishes” Purpose: help children write a story about their food preferences, talk about their favorite dishes. Learn to use concepts related to the time of day in speech, to distinguish between dishes traditionally served for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Conversation “I’m going to the theater” Purpose: consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in public places, consider various situations that may arise in the theater, and choose optimal models of behavior together with the children. To stimulate in children the desire to behave culturally. Help to master appropriate speech structures.

Conversation “The Bravest” Purpose: continue to introduce children to the life of the first cosmonaut on the planet, develop the desire to be like the hero, cultivate dedication and perseverance in achieving goals. Invite children to talk about what qualities in the character of astronauts they like and what they want to become.

Life Safety Conversation “Safety near bodies of water” Purpose: introduce children to such phenomena as ice drift, river floods, teach them to see the beauty of natural phenomena and their destructive power. Develop the ability to avoid dangerous situations. To update and supplement children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior near bodies of water.

Conversation “Take care of plants” Purpose: tell children about rare plants, about the reasons that led to the appearance of endangered species. Cultivate a caring attitude, teach to see the consequences of irresponsible actions.

Life Safety Conversation “On the Road” Purpose: to form in children ideas about situations that are dangerous to humans and ways of behavior in them. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between your own safety and knowledge and application of traffic rules. Contribute to the improvement of dialogical speech, stimulate participation in the conversation.

Conversation "Learning to manifest goodwill" Target: RLook at different situations with children, discuss how you can show your affection for a person in each of them. To contribute to the enrichment of communication experience and the development of various behavior patterns by children. Encourage the desire to be friendly towards people; learn to correctly express your emotional state in behavior.

Conversation "Who made the book?" Target: fto develop children's interest in the work of people involved in the production of the book, ideas about their work. Encourage people to treat books with care.

life safety fundamentals Conversation “I’m on the street” Target: PContinue to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in public places, offer to consider various situations, discuss how to act in each of them, and encourage children to learn appropriate behavior patterns.

Conversation “The River of Our Land” Target: PInvite children to talk about rivers they know, to look at photo and video materials about the rivers of their native land.Oharakterify the rivers, tell what their significance is in the lives and economic activities of people.

Conversation “How to deal with stubbornness in yourself?” Target: ODiscuss with children the differences between a firm position on an issue, the ability to defend one’s opinion, and stubbornness. Talk about why stubbornness is a bad character trait. To develop children’s skills of self-regulation and behavior control.

Conversation "Victory Day" Target: Rtell children about the Great Patriotic War, about the cost of victory over fascism. To cultivate respect and a sense of gratitude for everyone who defended the Motherland.

Conversations A "What is heroism?" Target: fto formulate children’s ideas about the best qualities of a person, talk about heroism, and arouse the desire to imitate heroes. To instill in children an emotionally positive, effective attitude towards soldiers.

Conversation "We are part of nature" Target: fto develop natural history and health-preserving competencies in children: to expand the experience of orientation and environmental activities in the natural environment (in the forest, in the field, on reservoirs, etc.).

Conversation "The Great Patriotic War" Target: PContinue to acquaint children with historical events, instill respect for the people who defended their Motherland.

Ethical b Yeseda "Table manners" Target: PContinue to acquaint children with the rules of etiquette, behavior patterns and speech structures of polite expressions of invitation, gratitude, and apology. To promote the development of patterns of behavior at the table, enriching the communicative experience of children.

Conversation “My phone rang” Target: atteach children to observe speech etiquette when talking on the phone; help them master behavioral patterns in various situations and appropriate speech structures.

Conversation “I Empathize” Target: atTeach children to be attentive to each other, understand the mood and emotional state of their comrades, express empathy, sympathy, and provide all possible assistance.

Conversation "The word "Hello" Target: RConsider different situations with children, discuss which words of greeting are appropriate in each of them. Help to master various behavioral patterns and speech structures used when meeting people of different ages, relatives, acquaintances and strangers. Enrich children's vocabulary and communication experience.

life safety fundamentals Conversation "Safety in the forest" Target: Pfamiliarize children with the rules of behavior in the forest, discuss them, and explain their meaning. Invite the children to tell what will happen if this or that rule is broken.

Conversation “Matches are not a toy” Target: ODiscuss with children why you should never take matches or try to light them. Consider several problematic situations caused by the use of matches by children. Talk about what to do in case of a fire.

Conversation "Teeth and care" Target: RTell children about how teeth “work” and why it is very important to chew food thoroughly. Invite children to tell how to take care of their teeth, summarize and supplement the children’s answers, talk about problems that may arise if the rules of caring for teeth and the oral cavity are violated.

Conversation “Our names” Purpose: Tell children about the meaning of different names. Offer to tell how loved ones affectionately call children at home, teach them to address each other by name, discuss how you can show your affection for a person in a conversation. Encourage the desire to show friendliness towards people, teach them to express their emotional state in behavior.

Conversation “History of the fire service in Russia” Purpose: introduce children to the history of the fire service, cultivate interest and respect for the profession of firefighter. Continue to form ideas about the role of work in people’s lives.

OBZh Conversation “You and Fire” Purpose: continue to acquaint children with the causes of fire, teach them to avoid fire-hazardous situations. Develop a conscious attitude towards personal safety, instill responsibility for the safety of others.

Conversation - analysis of the situation “At the holiday” Purpose: continue to introduce children to the rules and models of safe behavior in public places. Learn to observe personal safety rules and cultural norms of behavior in various situations, to exercise caution and prudence in potentially dangerous places.

Conversation “Morning Greeting” Purpose: remind children of the need to greet adults, peers, and younger preschoolers, and tell them about the etiquette rules associated with greetings. Practice behavior patterns in various situations, learn to use appropriate speech structures.

Conversation “Who helps animals?” Target: continue to introduce children to different professions: veterinarian, clinics where they provide care to animals. Invite children to write stories from personal experience about how veterinarians treat animals.

Life Safety Conversation “You and Water” Purpose: update and systematize children’s ideas about the rules of behavior near and in water, introduce them to potentially dangerous situations, ways to avoid and overcome them. Promote the understanding of safe behavior.


Conversation “Rules for duty officers” Purpose:remind children how to set the table, teach them to act consistently and accurately, and discuss the importance of the work being done. Continue to develop the work skills required while on duty.

Conversation “How did I spend my summer?” Target:Invite children to talk about their summer vacation using family photographs, and teach them to answer the teacher’s questions. To develop coherent speech in children, to form coherent speech in children, to form communication skills.

Ethical conversation “Polite request” Purpose:Help children understand the meaning of polite words when communicating with someone with a request. Teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions and events, to understand their essence.

Conversation, analysis of situations “Etiquette in kindergarten” Purpose: continue to develop culturally hygienic skills in children. To introduce the concept of “etiquette”, to form ideas about the rules of etiquette that must be observed in kindergarten, to learn to compare one’s actions with the requirements of etiquette. Consider different situations and explain how to act in them.

Life Safety Conversation “On the way to kindergarten” Purpose: to form children’s ideas about a safe route from home to kindergarten. Develop observation, attention, coherent speech, memory, develop the ability to remember the sequence of events, convey information and impressions in words.

Ethical conversation “The fairy teaches politeness” Purpose:Together with your children, remember the rules of polite communication. Give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children, images of fiction and other forms of art.

Conversation on the topic “A vegetable store is...?” Target:to clarify children’s ideas about a vegetable store, to activate in speech: the names of vegetables and fruits, verbs denoting the actions of sellers and buyers; quality adjectives.

Conversation on the topic “Moscow is the capital of Russia.” Target:update and supplement knowledge about the capital of our Motherland, Moscow. Create a desire to learn more about this city and its history.

Conversation “Families big and small” Purpose:to give children the idea that, regardless of the number of relatives, the seed is a home for the child, where he is loved and cared for. Show children how grandparents take care of their family. It is important that children understand that older people need to be helped, that they need to be taken care of.

Conversation “Together is crowded, but apart is boring” Purpose: tell children how to avoid a quarrel, how to make peace, teach them to see the moral side of a given situation, teach them to evaluate their actions and the actions of other people.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “I am a pedestrian.” Target:continue to introduce children to the rules of behavior on the street, invite the children to tell them how pedestrians should act in various situations.

Conversation “Our country is Russia. The nature of our country." Target:update, systematize and supplement children’s knowledge about the nature of our country and its diversity. Encourage children to want to know more about it.

Conversation on the topic “What grows is alive!” Target:invite children to talk about why they need to take care of plants and how to protect them. To form ideas about the diversity of nature and the interconnection of its objects. Enrich your vocabulary with figurative words and expressions.

Conversation “We travel on public transport” Purpose:form the basis of safe behavior, consider various situations with children, discuss the rules of behavior in public places and in transport. Offer to tell why it is important to be polite and show respect to adults and peers.

Conversation “Food is tasty and healthy - What grows in the garden” Purpose: teach children to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, arrange events in a certain sequence, and lead them to understand how to eat properly.

Ethical conversation “Cultural Man”. Target:invite children to talk about what a cultured person should be, to generalize, supplement and concretize their ideas. Teach children to analyze and draw conclusions using examples of various situations.

Conversation “What I think about myself and others.” Target:develop in children the ability to analyze their actions and actions, correlate them with social norms of behavior. Develop coherent speech, learn to freely construct sentences of different grammatical structures.

Conversation “My favorite animal.” Target:activating relevant concepts in children’s speech, developing the ability to compose a coherent story, and participate in dialogue.

Ethical conversation “Ethical and unethical actions.” Target:Consider different situations with children, discuss which people did the right thing and who broke the rules. Teach children to compare their desires and actions with ethical and moral standards and accepted rules of behavior.

Conversation “The city in which I live.” Target:consolidate children's knowledge about the sights of their favorite city; learn to recognize protected places in photographs and name them. Develop coherent speech, imagination, the ability to select adjectives, coordinate words in sentences.

Conversation about the rights of the child “First name, patronymic and last name.” Target:tell children why it is important to know their rights and responsibilities, that a person receives a first, patronymic and last name at birth by agreement of the parents.

Conversation about table manners. Target:Invite children to remember the most important rules of behavior at the table, depict them using symbols (eat without rushing, chew food thoroughly; remember that all troubles occur due to haste or overindulgence; you cannot talk or laugh while eating; you need to clean up after yourself, etc.). Teach children to follow rules when eating.

Conversation “Who built the kindergarten.” Target:Give children an idea of ​​the importance of the work of builders, tell them about different construction specialties, develop respect for their profession.

Conversation “Bread is the head of everything” Purpose:will strengthen children's knowledge about bread and the work of people who grow bread. Enrich your vocabulary of nouns and adjectives. Intensify the use of figurative expressions in speech (“Work hard”, “What goes around comes around”). Reinforce knowledge of rituals associated with the harvest


Conversation “How plants prepare for winter” Purpose:to form primary ideas about the signs of autumn, the cyclical nature of changes in nature, to learn to observe and summarize the results of observations: by changes in weather, the appearance of plants, to establish the relationship between living and inanimate nature.

Conversation “Counting chickens in the fall” Purpose:Explain to children the meaning of an idiomatic expression. Develop the cognitive sphere of children, develop the ability to generalize knowledge, highlight similarities and differences.

Conversation “Transport” Purpose:teach children to correctly name types of transport and machine parts. Practice forming prefixed verbs and adjectives from nouns. Encourage the use of comparisons and definitions in speech.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “Let's save the house from fire” Purpose: introduce children to fire safety rules, tell them how they can make drawings at home with their parents - “reminders” of what is necessary when leaving to turn off gas, electrical appliances, and lights.

Conversation “Weather and Health” Purpose:generalize and supplement children’s ideas about the characteristics of autumn weather and the health hazards it poses. Learn to dress appropriately for the weather and follow basic safety rules.

Ethical conversation “Stupid people quarrel, but smart people come to an agreement” Purpose:help children understand that quarrels can lead to trouble. How to avoid a quarrel and what methods children know for reconciliation. Teach to observe moral standards of behavior.

Conversation “If the family is together, the soul is in the same place” Purpose:to form a value-based attitude towards the family as the moral basis of education. Systematize and deepen children’s knowledge about the family and family relationships. To form in children a feeling of love and respect for the closest and dearest people - family members, pride in their family, spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to their home and family. Deepen knowledge about the rules of behavior and norms of relationships in the family, family traditions.

Conversation on the topic: “How did I spend my day off?” Target:develop the ability to compose stories from experience, conveying well-known events; with the help of the teacher, build a story in accordance with the requirements for the structure of the plot narrative (exposition - a description of the characters, time and place of action; plot - the cause of the event, the development of the event, the denouement).

Conversation with children on the topic “The best”. Target:invite children to talk about why they love their mother, what she is like, help them understand that mother needs care, help, she needs to be protected, and try not to upset her.

Conversation “How people arranged their home before.” Target:expand children's ideas about the life of our ancestors, their way of life. Arouse children's interest in history, the cultural heritage of their people, and develop their imagination.

Conversation on the topic “Customs and activities of our ancestors.” Target:expand and systematize children’s ideas about the customs of our ancestors and the traditions of their native land. Help to understand the meaning of various traditions of the past. To foster a sense of pride in the rich heritage of our ancestors.

Conversation on life safety “When you are left alone at home.” Target:Discuss with your children what rules need to be followed if the child is left alone at home. Ask for an explanation of what rules the little goats, the characters from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” violated. Tell us what to do in a similar situation in real life.

Conversation “Who is called modest” Purpose:Bring to the attention of children various situations, discuss which of the participants behaves modestly and which defiantly. Learn to evaluate behavior and its consequences.

Conversation “Friendship Lesson” Purpose:Discuss with children what children know about friendship and friends. What does it mean to be friends? Develop the ability to reasonably evaluate your own actions and the actions of your friends. To update and clarify children’s ideas about friendship and the forms of relationships in a team. Invite them to recall various situations and classify the actions of their participants as friendly or unfriendly.

Conversation “How our family takes care of health” Purpose:invite children to talk about family traditions associated with a healthy lifestyle, how family members take care of their health, and about their loved ones. Promote the formation of a conscious attitude towards health.

Conversation “Colorful mood”. Target:to develop in children the ability to pay attention to their actions, experiences, attitudes towards others, to teach the simplest techniques for self-regulation of behavior and mood.

Conversation about matches. Target:Tell children about what matches are needed for, how they work, and what they are used for. Discuss the dangers of trying to use them yourself.


Conversation “How animals prepare for winter” Purpose:to form ideas about seasonal changes in the lives of animals and the variety of options for preparing them for winter; cultivate a caring attitude towards wintering birds, the desire to feed them; give the first ideas about the adaptation of animals to changes in nature.

Conversation “Don't be greedy” Purpose:continue to instill in children a negative attitude towards greed. Teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions and events, to understand their essence. Give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children.

Conversation “Beautiful places of our city.” Target:strengthen children’s ideas about iconic places in their hometown, teach them to recognize them from photographs. Develop interest in your hometown.

Life Safety Conversation “Don’t play with fire!” Target:Explain to children the dangers of playing with fire, tell them about the rules of behavior in case of a fire.

Conversation “Good habits”. Target:to form in children a conscious attitude towards their health, to consolidate ideas about what is useful and what is harmful to health. To form the foundations of health-preserving competencies: mastery of basic methods of physical self-improvement, emotional self-regulation and self-control, the ability to apply personal hygiene practices, and take care of one’s own health and safety.

Conversation “I am among people.” Target:To develop sociocultural competencies in children: possession of knowledge and experience in fulfilling typical social roles (son-daughter, brother-sister, grandson-granddaughter, friend-girlfriend); the ability to act in everyday situations in the family and everyday sphere in an effective way
we organize free time. Determine your place and role in the world around you, in the family, in the team.

Conversation “In the Thirtieth Kingdom” Purpose:Bring to children's attention excerpts from familiar fairy tales, teach them to evaluate the actions of fairy-tale characters using the TRIZ “Good - Bad” technique, and teach them to see their ambiguity. Learn to express sympathy, empathy for fairy tale characters, and empathy in speech.

Conversation on the topic “The street where you live.” Target:to arouse in children a desire to learn about the history of the streets on which they live, to develop information competencies (learn to work with various sources of information, search and select the necessary information).

Conversation on the topic “Coat of arms of the native city.” Target:Tell children about the functional meaning of the coat of arms, give an idea of ​​its history, talk about what is depicted on the city’s coat of arms.

Life Safety Conversation “What can happen if you get your feet wet on the street.” Target:tell children about preventive measures to help prevent various colds in late autumn. Learn to choose clothes and shoes according to the weather, follow safety rules on the street.

Conversation “In the world of polite words.” Target:Bring to the attention of children various situations, discuss which polite words are appropriate and necessary in each specific case, what is the meaning and purpose of polite words.

Conversation “What good things can you do for friends.” Target:Introduce children to various situations, enrich the experience of showing friendly disposition. Stimulate the desire to do something good for friends.

Conversation "My friend, girlfriend." Target:develop children’s coherent speech, develop the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly. Cultivate friendly feelings.

Conversation “Kindergarten is a second home.” Purpose:invite children to compare kindergarten and home, say what is common and what is different. Talk about the work of many people who are trying to make the kindergarten cozy and the children’s stay in it comfortable. To educate children to respect everything that surrounds them in the garden.

life safety fundamentals Conversation “What do teeth like?” Target:teach children to take care of dental health, discuss what is useful and what is harmful to teeth. Learn to care for your teeth correctly.

Conversation "Globe". Target:expand children's ideas about our Motherland, about its place on planet Earth. Introduce the concepts of the North and South Pole, Arctic and Antarctic. Develop curiosity.

Ethical conversation “My advantages and disadvantages.” Target:introduce children to the concepts of “dignity” and “disadvantage”, tell them that if they wish, they can overcome any shortcomings in themselves. Make a table with the children in which you need to write down what each child wants to achieve or learn. Opposite each desire, put a “-.” sign, which may soon turn into “+”.

Conversation "Kapitoshka". Target:update children's ideas about the water cycle in nature, talk about how this process occurs in winter. Develop coherent speech.

Conversation “My best friend is my mother” Purpose:develop children’s coherent speech, develop the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly. Master initial ideas of a social nature based on the formation of family affiliation.

Conversation “How I meet my mother” Purpose:activate affectionate words and expressions in children’s speech, invite them to remember how the characters of various cartoons and fairy tales addressed each other. Discuss how a person’s mood changes when using kind words.

Ethical conversation “The Bunny Who Helped Everyone” Purpose:introduce children to the concept of mutual assistance, using E. Bekhlerov’s fairy tale “The Cabbage Leaf”; explain to children that helping others can bring joy to those who provide it. Explain that real help is selfless.

Ethical conversation “Be able to see those who need help” Purpose:Explain to children that all people need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him.

Ethical conversation “Good deeds” Purpose:reveal the meaning of the word “benevolence”, talk about the need for a friendly attitude towards people around you, explain to children that a good deed brings joy to the one who does it


Conversation “How did you spend your weekend?” Target:teach children to accurately name the place where they were, develop the ability to talk about what they saw using precise spatial notations, and activate ideas and vocabulary.

Conversation “Winter” Purpose:consolidate knowledge about the seasons (especially winter) and related natural phenomena and changes in the lives of people and animals.

Life Safety Conversation “Meeting a stranger on the street” Purpose:instill in children caution towards strangers, consider options for behavior in various situations, and formulate general rules. Develop caution and prudence in children, teach them to see potential dangers, and avoid problematic situations.

Ethical conversation “The truth is always known” Purpose:help children understand that any lie is always revealed, that the person who lies feels guilty not only for his action, but also for the fact that he told a lie. To help master concepts such as “truth”, “honesty”, and their opposites: “untruth”, “dishonesty”, “lies”, “deception”.

Ethical conversation “Lazy Fedorka always has excuses” Purpose:Remember with your children the rules that exist in every family: be attentive to each other, help relatives, take care of them, fulfill the requests of elders. Explain the essence of the proverb. Talk about the importance of work in a person’s life, its usefulness and significance.

Life Safety Conversation “How to avoid getting sick in winter” Purpose:update children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior and health preservation in the winter. Form a conscious attitude towards health, teach how to take care of it, and form healthy habits.

Conversation "Our Planet". Target:Introduce children to the names of various ecosystems, clarify the concepts: steppe, ocean, sea, lake, teach them to name various natural objects correctly.

Life Safety Conversation on the topic “Safety when using electrical appliances.” Target:tell children about the complexity of the device and the rules for using electrical appliances, explain why children should not turn on some electrical appliances (stove, iron, microwave oven, etc.) on their own, and why they need to seek help from adults.

Conversation on the topic “If you are kind.” Target:to form in children ideas about justice (in a group all children are equal, they must be able to distribute toys and roles in games kindly, follow the rules of the game, and not shift their responsibility to a friend), teach them to act in various situations. Enrich positive communication experiences.

Conversation on the topic: “Boys and girls.” Target:invite the children to divide into two teams - boys and girls. Each team needs to answer similar questions: “What do you like to play?”, “What foods do you like?”, “Which cartoon and fairy tale characters are your favorite?” Discuss with children what are the similarities and differences in the preferences of boys and girls, what other gender differences are known to children.

Life Safety Conversation “Safe outfit for the Christmas tree” Purpose: introduce the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. Develop a positive attitude towards family and public holidays. Introduce children to safe garlands, enrich their understanding of the dangers of pyrotechnics. Form ideas about safe ways of behavior of people.

to form communicative competencies in children: to teach various ways of interacting with people around them, to conduct a dialogue, to master methods of joint activities in a group, methods of action in communication situations, to develop the ability to seek and find compromises. Enrich positive communication experiences.

Conversation on the topic “My family.” Target:deepen children's understanding of family relationships (brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandson, granddaughter). To form sociocultural competencies: possession of knowledge and experience in performing typical social roles; the ability to act in everyday situations in the family and everyday sphere, to determine one’s place and role in the surrounding world, in the family, in the team. Introduce children to cultural norms and traditions.

Conversation on the topic “My name.” Target:Introduce children to the history of the origin of people's names, tell how people's names sound in different languages, how our ancestors treated a person's name. Explain the concepts of “patronymic” and “last name”. Expand vocabulary, introduce word formation techniques.

Conversation “Let's get to know each other!” Target:teach children the rules of speech behavior during acquaintance: update and supplement children’s ideas, teach them to use various models of behavior and corresponding speech structures, enrich the experience of communication, develop coherent speech.

Conversation with children on the topic “What could happen if...” Purpose:teach children to predict the consequences of events, build reasoning about the development of events, based on knowledge and personal experience. (What happens if you don’t brush your teeth every day, if you get your feet wet on the street?)

Conversation “Streets of our city.” Target:Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “street”, “alley”, “square”, “square”, and the streets of their hometown. To form children’s idea of ​​themselves as residents of a certain city (village, hamlet, town). Cultivate love for your hometown, the desire to see it beautiful and clean.

Conversation on the topic “New Year’s Moscow.” Target:tell children that the main Christmas tree of the country is located in the capital of our Motherland, talk about New Year's events traditionally held in Moscow. To update and supplement children’s ideas about New Year’s traditions that are observed in the family of each of the children.

Conversation - analysis of “Home Alone” situations Purpose:invite children to look at the plot pictures, compose short stories based on them, explain the essence and reasons for what is happening. Discuss relevant situations with children. Learn to identify the source of danger, determine the category of a dangerous situation, choose a program of action based on previously mastered behavioral patterns.

Conversation “Holiday in my family” Purpose:invite children to talk about the traditions and customs of celebrating the holiday in their family. Deepen children's understanding of family relationships, introduce them to cultural norms and traditions, and develop sociocultural competencies.

Conversation “Santa Claus is coming to us” Purpose:teach children the rules of speech behavior when communicating with Grandfather Frost, update children’s communication skills, teach them to use various behavioral models and corresponding speech structures. Enrich communication experience, develop coherent speech.

Conversation “Who to be” Purpose:continue to introduce children to various professions. Systematize and consolidate children’s ideas about people of different professions, their business and professional qualities, and the significance of their work for society.

Conversation “You need to put things away - you don’t have to look for them” Purpose: introduce children to the rules of caring for things; remind you to save your time. Bring to the consciousness of children the idea that the attitude towards people is manifested through the attitude towards things and work.


Conversation “We are going to visit” Purpose:continue to introduce children to the rules of behavior when visiting, offer to consider various situations, and discuss what to do. Enrich positive communication experiences, expand ideas about behavior patterns in certain situations.

Life Safety Conversation - analysis of the situation “If a stranger called on the phone” Purpose:Tell children about the need to be careful when communicating with strangers, and introduce them to the appropriate rules of personal safety. Teach children to act in various situations taking into account these rules, enrich children’s communicative experience.

Conversation “Winter Morning” Purpose:teach children to answer questions based on the results of observation, to activate in speech concepts related to natural phenomena, natural objects, and human actions. Develop observation skills and coherent speech.

Conversation “Weather in January” Purpose:invite children to characterize the weather and answer the questions: “Is it always frosty on a sunny day?” or “Is it always cloudy when it snows?” Discuss with children how to check the correctness of their assumptions. Develop observation skills, learn to convey what you see in speech, and enrich your vocabulary.

Conversation “How do forest animals winter?” Target:continue to introduce children to wild animals, enrich their understanding of the peculiarities of their life activities in winter. Talk about how they insulate their homes for winter, how they get food in the cold season and prepare for hibernation.

Conversation with children on the topic “Our friendly family” Purpose:invite children to talk about their families, family relationships, and favorite holidays. Cultivate love and respect for loved ones.

Ethical conversation “My attitude towards other people.” Target:teach children to choose the right line of behavior towards people in various situations, show with examples that the same model of behavior will be ideal in one case, but unacceptable in another.

Conversation “Our heart is like a fist!” Target:Introduce children to the purpose and work of the heart, with basic rules that allow them to strengthen and protect the heart.

Conversation “You can’t say all the tongue twisters.” Target:continue to introduce children to types of oral folk art: proverbs, tongue twisters and sayings; pay attention to the ability of the Russian people to notice and accurately, vividly express in words what they noticed. Cultivate interest in the creativity of the Russian people.

Ethical conversation “How to handle a book” Purpose:invite children to tell what can happen to a book if it is handled carelessly, based on their experience of working in a book repair workshop. Organize a drawing competition on the topic “Illustrations for your favorite fairy tales.”

Conversation “We know everything, we can do everything.” Target:teach children to formulate rules of behavior in certain situations, analyze their own actions for their compliance with accepted rules, explain their thoughts and conclusions.

Conversation “What good deed have I done?” Target:Consider with the children various situations that took place in the life of the group, invite the children to name the good deeds they have committed. Teach children to find a place for good deeds and be proud of them.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Conversation “Traffic signals”. Target:Discuss with the children what the traffic light is for, why you need to cross the road only when the traffic light is green. Invite the children to consider various situations and answer the question “What could happen if in this situation you don’t listen to the traffic light?”

Conversation “Why are rules needed?” Target:Bring to the attention of children various situations, discuss the rules that must be followed. Offer to imagine what will happen if everyone does not act according to the rules, but as he wants. Help to draw a conclusion about why rules are needed.

Conversation “Magic words”. Target:Invite children to choose polite - “magic” words necessary in various situations. Enrich your vocabulary, strive to be polite.

Conversation “My dream”. Target:develop children's creative imagination, fantasy, logical thinking, and coherent speech.

Ethical conversation “Might is not right.” Target:invite children to consider various situations from the life of the group, from children’s favorite cartoons and fairy tales. Teach to highlight actions committed from a position of strength, without taking into account the interests of the other side, to show the negative consequences of these actions.

Conversation "Accidentally and intentionally." Target:Tell children about the motives behind various actions. Show with examples how, out of good intentions, actions are sometimes committed that seem bad to others, and vice versa. Learn to see not only the action, but also what caused it.

Conversation “Animals near us” Purpose:draw children's attention to the fact that living creatures live next to them that require attention and care, give an idea that each animal is adapted to certain living conditions and food. Foster a caring, respectful attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for it


Conversation “Weather conditions in February” Purpose:acquaint children with the peculiarities of the weather conditions of February, with the natural phenomena characteristic of this month (blizzards, ice, the formation of icicles, massive snow “caps” on the roofs). Introduce dangerous situations that may arise in these weather conditions, learn to identify the source of danger, and avoid it.

Conversation “Caution, ice” Purpose:introduce children to the basic rules of moving on slippery surfaces, develop the skills of a careful and prudent attitude towards their health. Form ideas about potentially dangerous situations for a person, teach them to avoid them.

Conversation “Oral hygiene products” Purpose:continue to introduce children to oral hygiene products, talk about the purpose of such products as dental floss, tongue brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth rinse. Form a conscious attitude towards health, the desire to properly care for your teeth.

Conversation “The benefits and harms of chewing gum” Purpose:introduce children to the beneficial and harmful properties of chewing gum, talk about life situations in which chewing gum under the supervision of adults is beneficial. Strengthen knowledge about hygiene products.

Life Safety Conversation “Stranger” Purpose: teach children to act correctly in various situations, find solutions independently, and accurately express their thoughts. Learn to apply previously learned rules of safe behavior and follow the rules of behavior when communicating with a stranger.

Life Safety Conversation “Behind a Closed Door” Purpose:During the discussion, lead the children to formulate rules of behavior if they are alone at home (under no circumstances should you open the door to strangers, you cannot leave the door open...). Develop safe behavior skills in various situations.

Conversation “Polite request” Purpose:introduce children to speech structures of requests addressed to various people (an older stranger, an older close person, a peer). Learn to choose appropriate options for expressing requests in various situations.

Conversation "Forests of Russia". Target:expand children’s understanding of the types of forests (deciduous: birch grove, oak grove; coniferous: pine forest, spruce forest; mixed forests). Learn to name a forest by its predominant plant species, introduce the inhabitants of various forests.

Life Safety Conversation “The danger of talking at the table.” Target:introduce children to the purpose, structure and operation of the digestive system, tell why a person eats. Teach children to take care of their health, follow the rules of etiquette and safety at the table.

Conversation on the topic “Russian nesting doll” Purpose:to intensify children's interest in the life of their ancestors, products of folk applied art, and Russian folklore. Introduce oral and folk art dedicated to the Russian nesting doll.

Conversation “The World of Adults” Purpose:expand children’s understanding of the diversity of adult roles in society, teach them to “try on” different roles, and identify the personal qualities that are necessary to fulfill them.

Conversation “Let’s make peace” Purpose:To develop in children the ability to understand other people, to teach them to see motives, and not to be offended over trifles. Encourage peacefulness and responsiveness.

Conversation “Winter - winter - winter!” Target:show children examples of the works of Russian poets who sing of winter, the beauty and greatness of the Russian winter. Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Conversation about the culture of behavior “Behavior in public transport.”

Tasks. Tell children how to behave in public transport, consider various situations, compare the compliance of participants’ behavior with the rules; teach to choose models of good behavior.

Conversation about the culture of behavior “Behavior in public transport” Purpose:Tell children how to behave in public transport, consider various situations, compare the compliance of participants’ behavior with the rules; teach to choose models of good behavior.

Conversation “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Purpose:update, systematize and supplement children’s knowledge of how animals adapt to unfavorable living conditions in winter. Offer to examine the cat, analyze its behavior in winter and other periods of the year, and draw appropriate conclusions.

Conversation “About compliance” Purpose:Consider different situations with children. Discuss what qualities their participants display (mutual respect, kindness, mutual assistance, compassion, pity, empathy). Help children understand why it is important to be able to give in.

Conversation “The house you live in” Purpose:To update and supplement children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior at the entrance, in the house, in the yard. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to maintain order where the children live.

Conversation “Broad Maslenitsa” Purpose:continue to introduce children to Russian traditions of hospitality, the Maslenitsa holiday, and its characteristic rituals. Arouse interest in the history of the Russian people.

Conversation “Birthday Gift” Purpose:teach children to focus when choosing a gift on the interests of the person to whom it is addressed, discuss how you can find out about the interests of a friend.

Conversation “Kind words” Purpose:teach children to use kind “magic” words in speech, consider various situations in which they are needed. Discuss how the attitude towards a person using these words changes.

Conversation “A healthy mind in a healthy body” Purpose:expand children's understanding of the components of a healthy lifestyle; proper nutrition, movement, hardening.

Conversation “Beautiful, but dangerous” Purpose:to supplement children’s knowledge about the formation of icicles, to clarify what natural factors contribute to their occurrence. Explain what safety signs are installed in places where icicles may collapse.

Conversation “Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest” Purpose:consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter, about the life of animals in winter, about folk signs. Intensify the use of adjectives, figurative words and expressions in children’s speech. Cultivate a caring attitude in children.


Conversation “Spring” Purpose:consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring. Practice using words denoting signs, actions of objects and phenomena. Develop children's imaginative thinking and imagination. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena.

Ethical conversation “Conversation with a younger person” Purpose:to develop in children the skills of cultural behavior when communicating with children, to teach them to understand the age characteristics of younger children, to properly build relationships with them, to play the role of elders, and to take responsibility.

Conversation “Russia is our Motherland” Purpose:to consolidate children's knowledge about nature, about Russian national costume, about Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes. To instill in children a love for their Motherland, to arouse admiration for the beauty of Russian nature and the creativity of the Russian people.

Conversation on ethics and culture of behavior on the topic “Bread” Purpose:to update and complement children’s ideas about how bread is grown and about the work of grain growers. To instill in children respect for the bread and labor of these people.

Conversation “My City” Purpose:update and supplement children’s knowledge about the history of their hometown, important events and famous fellow countrymen. Foster a sense of pride in your city and responsibility for its future.

Conversation “How I help my mother” Purpose:Discuss with children why it is important to help elders and teach them to talk about their responsibilities. Develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary. Foster respect for the work of adults and encourage independence.

Conversation “Our Mothers” Purpose:discuss with children who their mothers are by profession, to form ideas about the social roles performed by each person. Learn to write a short story - a riddle about a profession. Develop imagination and verbal imagination.

Conversation “Maslenitsa” Purpose:to form in children an idea of ​​one of the most joyful folk holidays, of how Maslenitsa week was spent. Introduce the rituals, the symbolism of the holiday, talk about the purpose of songs, chants, and sayings. Cultivate interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

Conversation “Family competition” Purpose:invite children to invite their family members to participate in a competition for the best pancake recipe and the most interesting “Maslenitsa story.” Discuss what is needed to participate in the competition. To instill in children an interest in family traditions, to promote the formation of productive child-parent relationships.

Conversation “Seed - seedling - tomato” goal:consolidate children's knowledge of how to grow a plant from seeds, clarify their understanding of vegetable crops and their seeds (tomatoes and cucumbers). Introduce the techniques of planting seeds, tell how to grow seedlings.

Conversation “Poetry Day” Purpose: tell children that World Poetry Day is celebrated in March, invite them to remember and recite poems that each of the children likes. Continue to explain, based on the works you have read, the genre features of the poems. Read passages with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, epithets, learn to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text.

Ethical conversation “Help a friend everywhere, don’t leave him anywhere” Purpose:continue to develop figurative speech. Develop creative imagination. Foster a sense of friendship and mutual assistance.

Conversation on the topic “Old lady - old lady” Purpose:teach children to compare what corners of the city looked like, various objects in the past and today, teach them to use historical names in speech, activate and complement children’s ideas about the life of our ancestors.

Conversation on the topic “Library” Purpose:tell children how books are created and by whom, continue to introduce them to the work of the library. To cultivate respect for the work of adults, to activate the vocabulary.

Conversation “Bread is the head of everything” Purpose:continue to introduce children to various professions, talk about the profession of grain grower and its significance. Develop interest in various professions, cultivate respect for working people, and respect for bread.

Conversation “Who is this braggart?” Target:teach children to distinguish between boasting and a joke, exaggeration, and to see the negative in boasting. Offer to consider various situations, see how others perceive boasting, how they treat braggarts.

Conversation “Water Sorceress” Purpose:Invite children to talk about the importance of water in our lives, summarize, specify and supplement the children’s answers. Tell where and in what form water exists.

Conversation “Our Capital” Purpose:update, clarify and supplement children's knowledge about Moscow. Learn to talk about familiar historical places, monuments and other attractions.

Conversation “My rights” Purpose:update and supplement children’s previously acquired knowledge about children’s rights. Form ideas in the relationship between desires, needs and human rights.


Conversation “Day of Smiles” Purpose:tell children about the holiday that is celebrated on April 1, about the role of humor and good mood in people's lives. Discuss why a person’s mood changes and how to improve it. Develop a sense of humor and communication skills.

Introduction to art: conversation “Bogorodskaya Toy” Purpose:Summarize children's knowledge about clay toys - Dymkovo and Filimonovsky; introduce the history of Bogorodsk crafts; deepen knowledge about folk art.

Life Safety Conversation “Home Address” Purpose:find out if all children remember their home address; discuss why it is important to know your address and in what situations it may be useful. Tell us how to avoid unpleasant situations, what to do if you are lost.

Conversation “Might is not right” Purpose:Invite children to consider various situations in which the heroes act from a position of strength, evaluate their actions, suggest what other people feel in these situations, what they think about those who resolve issues with force. Teach a sensitive, friendly attitude towards comrades, encourage moral actions.

Conversation “Journey to the land of road signs” Purpose:teach children to use their knowledge in the game about the rules of traffic and pedestrians on city streets, about road signs, and systematize children’s ideas on this topic. Develop attention, visual perception, and develop the ability to compare.

Ethical conversation “My attitude towards other people” Purpose:Consider different situations with children, teach them to choose the right line of behavior, and tactfully express their thoughts and feelings.

Conversation “Who will praise me?” Target:teach children to see a reflection of a person’s internal state in their external appearance, and to focus on it when building interactions. Learn to use polite words according to the situation.

Conversation “Can you make friends?” Target:introduce children to sayings about friendship and friends, which encourage us to be tolerant of people, to show condescension towards the minor shortcomings of our friends, but not to recognize as friends people who do bad things.

Conversation “How the love of loved ones helps children grow” Purpose:help children understand the meaning of love for the life of a family and each of its members; teach to distinguish such qualities as love, respect, friendship.

Conversation “I am brave” Purpose:invite children to talk about what worries each of the children, to show that there is a way out of any situation. Consider various problem situations with your children, find ways out of them, and help them master appropriate speech structures. To form in children a sense of security and self-confidence.

Conversation about animals. Target:talk with children about animals, talk about their habits, attitude towards humans, the role of humans in their lives. Nurture feelingcompassion for homeless animals, teach to show kindness towards them.

Conversation “How we breathe” Purpose:introduce children to the structure of the respiratory system, the work of the lungs, and tell them what role the nose plays in breathing. Teach children to take care of the health of the respiratory system.

Conversation “The Art of the Native Land” Purpose:introduce children to paintings by contemporary artists; learn to name familiar places, monuments, city streets. To form an interest in inventive art, to teach to perceive the content of works.

Life Safety Conversation “Learning to follow traffic rules” Purpose:Discuss with the children why a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing sign is needed, offer to explain why it is necessary to strictly follow the rules and cross the road in designated areas.

Conversation “Who is an architect?” Target:Introduce children to the profession of an architect, talk about the significance of his work, and about the tools of labor. Cultivate interest and respect for this profession.

Conversation “My favorite dishes” Purpose:help children write a story about their food preferences, talk about their favorite dishes. Learn to use concepts related to the time of day in speech, to distinguish between dishes traditionally served for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Conversation “I’m going to the theater” Purpose:consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in public places, consider various situations that may arise in the theater, and choose optimal models of behavior together with the children. To stimulate in children the desire to behave culturally. Help to master appropriate speech structures.

Conversation “The Bravest” Purpose:continue to introduce children to the life of the first cosmonaut on the planet, develop the desire to be like the hero, cultivate dedication and perseverance in achieving goals. Invite children to talk about what qualities in the character of astronauts they like and what they want to become.

Life Safety Conversation “Safety near bodies of water” Purpose:introduce children to such phenomena as ice drift, river floods, teach them to see the beauty of natural phenomena and their destructive power. Develop the ability to avoid dangerous situations. To update and supplement children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior near bodies of water.

Conversation “Take care of plants” Purpose:tell children about rare plants, about the reasons that led to the appearance of endangered species. Cultivate a caring attitude, teach to see the consequences of irresponsible actions.

Life Safety Conversation “On the Road” Purpose:to form in children ideas about situations that are dangerous to humans and ways of behavior in them. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between your own safety and knowledge and application of traffic rules. Contribute to the improvement of dialogical speech, stimulate participation in the conversation.


Conversation “Learning to show kindness” Purpose:Consider different situations with children, discuss how you can show your affection for a person in each of them. To contribute to the enrichment of communication experience and the development of various behavior patterns by children. Encourage the desire to be friendly towards people; learn to correctly express your emotional state in behavior.

Conversation “Who made the book?” Target:to form in children an interest in the work of people involved in the production of the book, ideas about their work. Encourage people to treat books with care.

Life Safety Conversation “I’m on the street” Purpose:continue to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in public places, offer to consider various situations, discuss how to act in each of them, and help children learn appropriate behavior patterns.

Conversation “River of our region” Purpose:invite children to talk about rivers familiar to them, to look at photo and video materials dedicated to the rivers of their native land. Describe the rivers, tell what their significance is in the life and economic activities of people.

Conversation “How to deal with stubbornness in yourself?” Target:Discuss with children the differences between a firm position on an issue, the ability to defend one’s opinion, and stubbornness. Talk about why stubbornness is a bad character trait. To develop children’s skills of self-regulation and behavior control.

Conversation “Victory Day” Purpose:tell children about the Great Patriotic War, about the cost of victory over fascism. To cultivate respect and a sense of gratitude for everyone who defended the Motherland.

Conversation “What is heroism?” Target:to form children’s ideas about the best qualities of a person, talk about heroism, and evoke the desire to imitate heroes. To instill in children an emotionally positive, effective attitude towards soldiers.

Conversation “We are part of nature” Purpose:to form natural history and health-preserving competencies in children: to expand the experience of orientation and environmental activities in the natural environment (in the forest, in the field, on reservoirs, etc.).

Conversation “The Great Patriotic War” Purpose:continue to acquaint children with historical events, instill respect for the people who defended their homeland.

Ethical conversation “Table behavior” Purpose:continue to acquaint children with the rules of etiquette, behavior patterns and speech structures of polite expression of invitation, gratitude, and apology. To promote the development of patterns of behavior at the table, enriching the communicative experience of children.

Conversation “My phone rang” Purpose:teach children to observe speech etiquette when talking on the phone; help them master behavioral patterns in various situations and appropriate speech structures.

Conversation “I Empathize” Purpose:teach children to be attentive to each other, understand the mood and emotional state of their comrades, express empathy, sympathy, and provide all possible assistance.

Conversation “The Word “Hello”” Purpose:Consider different situations with children, discuss which words of greeting are appropriate in each of them. Help to master various behavioral patterns and speech structures used when meeting people of different ages, relatives, acquaintances and strangers. Enrich children's vocabulary and communication experience.

Life Safety Conversation “Safety in the forest” Purpose:introduce children to the rules of behavior in the forest, discuss them, explain their meaning. Invite the children to tell what will happen if this or that rule is broken.

Conversation “Matches are not a toy” Purpose:Discuss with your children why you should never take matches or try to light them. Consider several problematic situations caused by the use of matches by children. Talk about what to do in case of a fire.

Conversation “Teeth and care” Purpose:tell children about how teeth “work” and why it is very important to chew food thoroughly. Invite children to tell how to take care of their teeth, summarize and supplement the children’s answers, talk about problems that may arise if the rules of caring for teeth and the oral cavity are violated.

Conversation “Our names” Purpose:Tell children about the meaning of different names. Offer to tell how loved ones affectionately call children at home, teach them to address each other by name, discuss how you can show your affection for a person in a conversation. Encourage the desire to show friendliness towards people, teach them to express their emotional state in behavior.

Conversation “History of the fire service in Russia” Purpose:introduce children to the history of the fire service, cultivate interest and respect for the profession of firefighter. Continue to form ideas about the role of work in people’s lives.

OBZh Conversation “You and Fire” Purpose:continue to acquaint children with the causes of fire, teach them to avoid fire-hazardous situations. Develop a conscious attitude towards personal safety, instill responsibility for the safety of others.

Conversation - analysis of the situation “At the holiday” Purpose:continue to introduce children to the rules and models of safe behavior in public places. Learn to observe personal safety rules and cultural norms of behavior in various situations, to exercise caution and prudence in potentially dangerous places.

Conversation “Morning Greeting” Purpose:remind children of the need to greet adults, peers, and younger preschoolers, and tell them about the etiquette rules associated with greetings. Practice behavior patterns in various situations, learn to use appropriate speech structures.

Conversation “Who helps animals?” Target:continue to introduce children to different professions: veterinarian, clinics where they provide care to animals. Invite children to write stories from personal experience about how veterinarians treat animals.

Life Safety Conversation “You and Water” Purpose:update and systematize children’s ideas about the rules of behavior near and in water, introduce them to potentially dangerous situations, ways to avoid and overcome them. Promote the understanding of safe behavior.
