Send with Easter. How to congratulate you on Easter? The best congratulations on Easter in SMS, poetry, prose: short and beautiful

Sweet, delicious Easter cakes,
Good, joyful guests,
May Easter day give
Comfort and prosperity for you.

Congratulations on Happy Easter,
And I wish you grace
The saints will protect
Protect from all adversity.

Happy Easter, we wish you a spring mood, happy changes, joy, good luck, warmth and happiness.

Let the flame of the holiday candle
It will fill your souls with warmth.
Let the Easter cakes glow with heat,
They drive away the cold from the house,
So that on the Resurrection of Christ
You were happy and healthy.

The Easter holiday has dawned,
He called us all to celebration.
Invite friends to your house
The holiday is more fun together.
Thank you from heaven.
Happy Easter to you! Christ is risen!

There is Easter cake on the table,
The egg burns with beauty!
Happy Easter, people, Happy Easter to you
Congratulations on the bright hour!

Christ is risen, the earth sings,
I congratulate everyone on Easter.
Let the voice fly to the skies,
Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen, congratulations!
Let goodness fill your home.
I wish you warmth and happiness,
And live under an angel's wing!

I congratulate you on Happy Easter!
I wish you health and joy,
Good luck, wealth and good news.
May everything you desire come quickly.

May Easter fulfill your wishes,
Fill your soul with happiness and joy.
Let goodness always reign in the house,
And let your heart be warm.

Christ is risen! I praise him today.
I wish everyone warmth and kindness,
Health, happiness, peace and good luck.
May the Lord protect you from harm.

Great joy, salvation
And grace to you from heaven.
Good luck, have a good mood!
Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Christ is risen! Sounds everywhere
And I will wish you good health!
So that joy warms the soul,
And our life became happy.

The bells ring easily and clearly,
And grace came down to us from heaven.
The sun smiled at us radiantly:
Christ is risen! Truly risen!

I wish you prosperity, love and warmth
May I bring you a bright Easter!
May God bless you with happiness
And joy will attract you like a magnet!

The holiday is bright,
The holiday is the main one,
He is Orthodox by faith!
We welcome him with all our hearts.
We glorify, magnify,
Shouting to the skies:
- Christ is truly Risen!

Christ is risen, good for you,
Let troubles be away
May the Lord bless you
And everything will be forgiven to you now!

I wish you happiness on Easter holiday,
Wonderful, joyful moments,
Love, kindness and a lot of affection,
Let everything go smoothly.

May your faith in God protect you,
Let peace come into your life.
And on Easter they will meet you at the doorstep
Luck, happiness and love.

Happy Easter, congratulations,
I wish you delicious Easter cakes,
The most colorful eggs
And happy faces all around!

Happy Easter to you, Christ is risen,
From earth to heaven
Let this news spread
Believe that there is a miracle!

Especially for Easter we offer you a collection SMS congratulations on Easter. Choose from this selection the most suitable SMS for you and send it to your loved ones, family and friends to...

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SMS congratulations on Easter in verse and prose

"Christ is Risen!" I say and congratulate you, and on Easter I wish you to live in complete health and joy, without sorrow, grief and envy.

Grandmother, beloved, happy holiday to you! Our whole family congratulates you on Easter, we wish you joy, happiness and love, and we are counting the days until we meet!

The Holy Fire descended in the ancient city of Jerusalem! I wish that everything goes well with you and that this year be bright and happy!

Congratulations - Christ is risen! We wish you good things, great miracles, so that you can live brighter with God in your heart, he is with us again - Christ has risen!

Great miracle! Oh, miracle of miracles! The people are rejoicing, having fun, Christ, he is truly, people, has risen, let the miracle be repeated a hundred times.

Here the dome plays with gold, congratulating everyone on Sunday. On Easter I send you an SMS - a miracle of miracles has happened!

This is the holiday of God's salvation, Christ is truly risen. He suffered severe torment, he carried his heavy cross.

On the Day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ - love, hope, light and humility! Aromatic paska and a ring of sausage, wine and lard, a hard-boiled egg!

SMS messages are flying to the clouds and to the heavens today, Christ has come down from the cross, and behold, the people are rejoicing and celebrating!

The song of Sunday, love, happiness, and forgiveness sounds to us as a covenant of the blessed heavens - Christ is Risen!

The spring bells will ring, and our hopes will awaken again. Easter is the holiday of the Resurrection. Let Faith and Love rise again!

The most wonderful canon sounds for the Resurrection of the Lord. The Easter holiday is today, of all generations and times.

Here's to the bright holiday of Easter! Health and happiness to everyone! Christ is risen!

Drops are dripping loudly near our window. The birds sang merrily, Easter has come to visit us!

The bells ring and sing, calling everyone to the liturgy. Praise be to the great Creator! Christ is risen and ascended to heaven.

And Easter came with spring, and the bright days of Sunday. And the domes burn in gold in the sky, we believe there will be salvation.

Like Easter, like Easter, the eggs were all painted. The fast is over, let's put on weight. Good afternoon Christ is Risen!

They tell us - Christ is risen! We answer, firmly believing that he has truly risen and we celebrate Easter in April.

On the lecterns the mourning is lifted, the light azure veil is a rite of passage for the Easter holidays, the beginning of the great holidays. Let SMS congratulate you on your great day, at your special hour!

Easter ringing. Christ is risen! And he sent grace from heaven, and faith, and goodness to everyone! You - happiness, joy, good laughter!

Easter is the best holiday Easter is the best holiday! Easter is better than name day! On this day, the holy Savior, Jesus, my patron, the Strong Warrior, the inhabitant of heaven, reconciled us all with God!

Congratulations! Christ is Risen, I wish you good things, great miracles, so that you can live brighter with God in your heart. He is with us again - Christ is Risen!

Nature is full of tender trepidation, the stars twinkle in the depths of the heavens. Silence reigns over the sinful world. Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Spring has come - the time for miracles, the spring is babbling - Christ has risen! There are no brighter words in the world - Truly Christ is risen!

I woke up and heard - Spring is knocking on the window! Drops are rushing from the roof, It’s light and light everywhere! And it seems that not birds, but angels are flying. They will tell us that Easter is coming!

Lent has already passed, and with it - sadness and sadness and passions... To the return of life - a toast! May we be healthy and happy!

Let grace reign in the soul and the generosity of the heart not fade! The Lord will save and preserve and give prosperity! Happy Easter!

May the day of Holy Sunday bring good news, cleanse the soul and warm it with warmth, and save the world from all bad weather!

Let your soul freeze with hope in anticipation of the mercy of heaven, may the Almighty not leave you in His kindness! Christ is risen!

Let your soul freeze with hope in anticipation of the mercy of heaven, may the Almighty not leave you in His kindness! Christ is risen!

Let it spread throughout the world: He is risen! We will always be together in hope. With faith in love, in the golden years. Together. Today. Now. Forever.

May spring bloom with sunshine, may the Easter holiday be bright! Let there be bread, a sip of wine, let the year be generous!!!

The birds, the river and the forest will tell you - today is a holiday! Christ is risen!

I send SMS in April, so they sing, glorify the Resurrection of the Lord now, he has risen, he has saved the faith of God!

Holy Sunday has arrived! How calm and light your soul is! Let life be generous with joy! Full of warmth, hope and kindness!

Today the sun shines brighter, the wind beats stronger in the window, and the cry rushes to heaven: Christ is truly Risen!

The domes of the churches shine with gold, and all the bells ring in the morning! I wish you God's warmth and light, happy Easter, happy day of goodness!

White tablecloth, candle, aroma from Easter cake. Cahors is pouring in a glass - don't drink too much - an agreement! Colorful eggs and smiles of bright faces. Happy holiday! Christ is risen! Kindness! Love! Miracles!

Hail, majestic Easter! The Lord looks down from heaven as the Orthodox rejoice: Christ is risen!

Glory, glory, majestic Easter! Christ looks from heaven as the Orthodox celebrate and rejoice. Christ - “Christ is Risen!”

Sweet Easter, smoked sausage, tasty salsa, hard-boiled egg! Christ is risen!

He came down from the cross, rose above us, today we glorify him with you! Easter blue height, then the gate to the Lord's paradise.

Happy Easter, I wish you happiness and joy! To make it more fun, eat eggs, whoever is faster!

With a deep sense of joy, we congratulate you on Easter and the Holy Resurrection of Christ. We wish you the fulfillment of all your hopes, good undertakings, peace, kindness and love.

Good news has come from distant Palestine, CHRIST IS RISEN!!!

Christ is Risen! Easter has come to us - a dear holiday for me! how much joy he brought, and how much sorrow he took away.

Christ is Risen! On this brightest and holiest day, I hug you with love and wish with a grateful heart to always rejoice in the victory of Life over death! Truly Christ is Risen!

Christ is risen, Christ is risen! The sun is shining from heaven, the dark forest has already turned green, Christ is Truly Risen!

I congratulate you on Sunday! Christ is truly risen! God's reward for torment. I'm sending you an SMS for Easter!

Portal editors"Orthodoxy and Peace"I have collected congratulations for you on the holy holiday of Easter, in the form of poems and letters, as well as SMS messages.

Letters and written congratulations on Easter - this is how Orthodox Christians rejoice at the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ since ancient apostolic times. Both church writers and ordinary lay people congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of Easter.

“For us Orthodox, every day is a holiday,” believers sometimes say, as if jokingly. And indeed. The church calendar is a continuous holiday. Written congratulations from believers on Easter, Merry Christmas, patronal feast day or Angel's Day are an important and joyful event for every Christian. In the Christian world, it is customary to congratulate those closest to you with a postcard. If it is not possible to send a postcard, you can send a short message with the joyful news “Christ is Risen!” These words are relevant at all times. And receive the answer: “Truly He is Risen!”

Happy Easter greetings in verse and via SMS

“Christ bless you!»
Christ bless you
From any bad weather,
From an evil tongue
From pain, from illness,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And God grant you
If it is in His power,
Health, long years,
Love and happiness again!

“Happy Sunday of Christ to you»
Spring has come again. Now
Life has become a bright fairy tale again:
Happy Sunday of Christ to you,
Happy great and wonderful Easter!

“I congratulate my husband»
I congratulate my husband,
I have no one closer to me.
And on Easter I wish, dear friend,
To protect his family from blizzards.

Walk with luck shoulder to shoulder,
I also want to wish you good health.
That all adversity passed by,
May you be happy at any time of the year!

“The sun is shining from heaven!»

The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has already turned green,
Christ is truly risen!

Spring has come - it's time for miracles,
The spring is babbling - Christ is risen!
There are no brighter words in the world -
Truly Christ has risen!

"Easter Divine Shadow"»
Christ has risen on this great day!
May pleasant excitement come to you,
Easter divine shadow
Let it touch this Sunday!

We wish that the Lord gives you everything -
Health, prosperity, prosperity!
So that nothing interferes with your business,
Let there be only sweet things in this life!

“This day is called Easter!»
This great day has come!
It is called Good Easter.
And may the divine shadow
Will touch you today.

And let the bad things go away
And in life there will be only happiness,
Who seeks will always find,
Taking part in your destiny!

"Christ is Risen, my beloved»
Christ is Risen, my beloved.
The Easter holiday has arrived
I so dream that, darling,
He gave you joy.

May the Lord protect from filth,
And it will protect you from losses,
So that you follow true goals,
May joy only find you.

“The bright holiday of divine Easter»
On this day I want to wish
Good deeds and beautiful deeds,
Greet every day with a smile,
More sunny and clear holidays,

Let luck go ahead
Gives the world only bright colors,
Let nothing stand in your way
On the bright holiday of divine Easter!

“Happy Easter, my mom!»
Happy Easter, my mom,
I congratulate you.
There will be happiness - over the edge,
Just don't forget

Smile more often
Don't give up in life.
Be the most beautiful
And always happy.

“I wish you, my brother»
I wish you, my brother,
May you be a saint on this holiday
He received special favors,
And he never lost heart.

May the Lord reward
To become rich and famous.
I wish you complete happiness,
Let spring bloom in your soul!

“May Easter bring goodness»
Today the great holiday has come,
Easter cakes and eggs in multi-colored colors,
Everything is on the tables, there is fun, screams everywhere,
"Christ is Risen". Happy Easter!

May this Easter bring goodness,
There is so little of him in our world,
Let your soul become warm,
And it will always be like this from now on!

"Bells are ringing from heaven»
Bells are ringing from heaven:
"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"
Like a promise of miracles:
“Risen! Truly risen!”

So let this heavenly voice
Bless spiritual work,
May the best feelings be resurrected
And they will never die!

“Darling, congratulations on Easter!»
Darling, happy Easter!
Let life be like a fairy tale.
Always love me alone
And your dreams will come true.

May your wishes come true
The fruits of your efforts will come.
May every day bring goodness,
And it will save you from problems.

"Easter bell"»
Easter ringing. Christ is risen!
And he sent grace from heaven,
And faith and goodness for everyone!
You - happiness, joy, good laughter!

“I want to wish my wife»
I want to wish my wife
I am on this Easter day,
So that you trust only me,
So that with unrealistic passion

Our union was decorated
Two loving people
Let sadness not touch you at all,
And loyal friends!

“On Easter day I wish you»
On Easter day I wish you
I am all kinds of pleasures,
Trust true friends
And give up doubts.

To bring warmth into your home,
To be lucky in all matters.
Luck - joys without troubles,
And different life victories!

“Happy Easter Sunday!»
Hello Happy Easter Sunday!
On this glorious day let the soul celebrate,
Imbued with Divine salvation -
After all, life in the world is so good!

Get rid of unnecessary doubts from your heart,
Forget all the insults from the ignorant.
I wish you fulfillment
All your thoughts, ideas and hopes!

“You live for many years!»
Happy Easter holiday
May good luck come into your home
And with unrealistic success,
May it bring you joy.

I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
Limitless victories,
Celebrating the bright holiday,
You live for many years!

“The Holy Fire has descended!»
The Holy Fire has descended!
This is a symbol of Christ Sunday!
I want you to enter your soul
Holy Light, and bring salvation!

May God forgive you all your sins,
May he cover you with his grace,
So that your days are easy,
May they lead you to peace and happiness!

“Holy Sunday has come!»
Holy Sunday has arrived!
How calm and light your soul is!
Let life be generous with joy!
Full of warmth, hope and kindness!

"My dear daughter»
My dear daughter,
Happy Easter!
Christ Himself commanded us
Leave everyone with a lot of things to do,

May there be plenty of luck,
And there will be no sorrow in life.
I wish you joy
And goodness and sweets!

"My dear wife»
My dear wife,
Happy Easter!
I’ll say – Christ is Risen!
And wish miracles

I want you today
Like New Year's Eve,
Let your dreams come true!
Health and beauty!

“Happy Easter to my son»
Happy Easter to my son,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
Only a beautiful wife,
To love her alone.

Don't be sad and don't be sad,
Achieve your goals.
Never be discouraged
Feel free to step forward!

"It is a holiday today!»
The birds, the river and the forest will tell:

The song rushes up to the heavens:

The stars are shining for us, the darkness has disappeared.
It is a holiday today! Christ is risen!
More wonderful than fairy tales and all miracles
Brightest holiday! Christ is risen!

"The spring bells will ring»
The spring bells will ring,
And our hopes awoke again.
Easter is the holiday of the Resurrection.
Let Faith and Love rise again!

“They tell us – Christ is risen!»
They tell us – Christ is risen!
We answer, firmly believing,
That he is truly risen
And we celebrate Easter in April.

"To my beloved brother»
Today I, beloved brother,
I am very glad to congratulate you.
May Easter be bright
Let no one judge

I wish you love in life,
And be faithful to the Fatherland.
Luck and peace!
And on this holiday there is a feast.

“Congratulations with all my heart!»
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil!
Glory to him eternal!
Conqueror of darkness!
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

"True friend»
We've been through a lot
With you, faithful friend,
We found common goals,
Even though there were a lot of blizzards.

Today I want to say
For you - Christ is risen!
I will congratulate you on Easter,
The Lord has come down from heaven!

“I will congratulate you on Great Easter!»
Descent of the Holy Fire -
This is the greatest miracle!
Receive a text message from me today,
I will congratulate you on a great Easter!

I wish that on this day,
Your face lit up with a smile,
So that all people on Earth are happy,
After all, there is no need to be discouraged, no matter what happens!

"Christ is risen!»
Christ is risen!
We wish you well
Big miracles!
So that with God in your heart
Life was brighter
He is with us again -
Christ is risen!
We wish you
Always love:
Where love melts -
The soul is empty.

“Easter cakes are baked on holiday»
Christ is risen! And it smells like baking
Easter cakes are baked on holiday.
After all, this day is so special.
Christ is risen! Our light in the night.

"Holy Fire»
The Holy Fire has descended
In the ancient city of Jerusalem!
I wish everything goes well for you,
May this year be bright and happy!

“To my dear grandmother»
Happy Easter
I congratulate you today,
Let it be gold leaf
Your life is covered, I wish

Dear grandmother, good health,
And never lose heart!
May the world be full of love!
I wish you to prosper.

“The Holy Fire has descended upon us again!»
Today is a holiday in the Christian world -
The Holy Fire has descended upon us again!
Millions saw this miracle live,
And that means everything will be fine with us!

I congratulate you on Great Easter,
I wish you a lot of happiness and sorrows,
May life always be a beautiful fairy tale.
And I want to wish the same to all your family!

“Christ came down from the cross»
To the clouds and to the skies
SMS is flying today,
Christ came down from the cross, and behold,
The people rejoice and celebrate!

“All Orthodox Christians rejoice»
All Orthodox Christians rejoice,
They call for light and goodness!
I congratulate you on the Resurrection of God
And I’m looking forward to your visit!

“Blossom, grandma, again!»
May you have a good Easter holiday
Brings you love
Let life be like in a fairy tale,
Bloom again, grandma!

Let the second youth
You'll be lucky in life!
Happy Easter!
Let life go easily.

“I’m sending you an SMS for Easter»
Here the dome plays with gold,
Happy Sunday to everyone.
On Easter I send you an SMS -
A miracle of miracles has happened!

"To my beloved grandmother»
Grandmother, beloved, happy holiday to you!
Happy Easter to our whole family,
We wish you joy, happiness and love,
And we are counting the days until we meet!

“Lent is already over»
Lent is already over,
The cathedral is changing its decoration.
God's faces flicker in the candles,
The verses are sung by the choir.
I congratulate you via SMS,
I wish you salvation and happiness.

"Great day»
On the lecterns, mourning has been lifted,
Light azure bedspread
Easter holidays ritual,
Great holidays have begun.
Let SMS congratulate you
On a great day, at a special hour!

“Kindness, love, miracles!»
White tablecloth, candle,
The aroma of Easter cake,
Cahors is pouring into glasses.
Drinking a little is an agreement.
Colorful eggs
And the smiles of bright faces.
Happy holiday!
Christ is risen!
Kindness, love, miracles!

"Dear friend»
We have been friends with you for many years,
Dear friend,
On Easter day, and at the holy hour,
I sincerely wish:

May all your dreams come true,
Let there be a lot of beauty.
May life give you flowers
And there will be less fuss!

“My dear mother»
Christ is risen! Today is Easter.
My dear mother,
Let life be like a fairy tale,
I wish you sincerely, lovingly!

Let the luck come
And joy will come into your life,
Let your heart become warm -
Not only on Easter, all year round!

“We sincerely wish you a Happy Easter»
All around nature is washed by the sun,
A new spring has arrived!
Let the grievances be forgotten,
Life is illuminated with a wonderful light!

We sincerely wish you a Happy Easter,
Christ is risen - these are the main words!
May the Lord protect you from troubles,
And reward for good deeds!

"Forgive all people today»
Forgive all people today
Who offended and let you down!
Today is the best day of days -
The Lord gave it to us.

Today is Easter. So let it be
Your dreams will come true.
And don’t forget to do
Your good deeds!

“I wish you this Easter, daughter»
I wish you this Easter, daughter,
So that life doesn’t throw you over the bumps,
The road should be smooth
And you walked along it bravely.

To find your love
And preserved tenderness in my heart.
So that I can achieve everything,
And never make a mistake.

“On Easter I wish my sister»
I wish my sister this Easter
Endless good luck,
Let the sadness burn in the fire,
And the joy will be eternal.

May this Easter be blessed
You let me into your life,
I wish you not to lose heart.
You are the best - you know.

"Easter holiday»
For Easter from century to century
Flying down from heaven
From person to person -
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

On Easter day of the messenger of heaven
I ask you to give me health,
Goodness, love, luck, bread.
To help you in your destiny!

“Happy Easter, congratulations»
I want to wish you happiness,
And bloom this Easter,
Like sunny spring
To a tender violet under the moon.

I wish you good luck and goodness,
Congratulations on Great Easter.
Let your dreams come true!
Love, health, beauty!

"That's how you are, my love.»
Like a weightless rose petal,
What is fragrant on the seven winds,
Like a breath of spring air,
That everything around in the world is refreshing,

That's how you are, my love,
And on Easter I wish you well,
Please don't turn your back on me
I will love you forever, I promise!

"My dear sister»
My dear sister,
You are my favorite.
I congratulate you on Easter,
I wish you well.

May you be beautiful
Cheerful and happy.
Luck, kind faces
And a world without borders!

“On Easter I wish you»
"Christ is Risen!" I say and congratulate you,
And on Easter I wish you,
To live in complete health and joy,
Without sorrows, grief and envy.

"Let your dreams come true!»
How much I want to say
Today is Easter, congratulations!
I want to wish you:
Health and love without end,

Let your dreams come true,
And there was so much happiness!
So that there are roses, and not their thorns,
And so that there is always enough for everything!

"My beloved son»
Accept, my beloved son,
Congratulations on this Easter,
So that you are not alone in life
And I forgot about all the worries.

I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Be healthy, hurry to love.
May luck be near you
Caressing you with his gaze.

“So that everything you dream about comes true»
On Easter day, so transparent
I sincerely wish you
Health, joy, good luck,
May you be rewarded for your deeds!

So that everything you dream about comes true,
Today they will be on our lips
Only speeches with kind words
And the name of the Lord Christ!

"Easter day»
Easter day. Nature is pure.
And every moment today is sweet!
Among the Orthodox people
The great holiday has arrived.

Happy Easter to you
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you fewer sad days,
More happiness and love!

“I hug you tenderly»
How music flies from heaven:
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
I hug you tenderly
And I press it tightly to my heart.

Always be protected by God
Always protected from harm!
Your lucky star
Let it burn in the sky for many years!

"I wish you great health»
Happy holiday of Christ
Congratulations to you today!
I wish you great health,
Great love without end!

I wish you happiness and warmth
On Easter Day, joyful and pure!
So that life, like a May garden, blooms
Your radiant smile!

“I congratulate you on Easter!»
Today the Orthodox world
Celebrating a wonderful holiday
And in every house there is a noble feast!
I congratulate you on Easter!

Christ is risen! Today you
Feel yourself renewed
Let your dreams come true
On a great day unbeatable!

“Congratulations to you, my friend.»
Congratulations to you, my friend -
A bright Easter has come to us!
I wish you good health,
May my friend be faithful.

Fun, joy and laughter,
Fewer worries in life.
And unreal success!
May you be lucky in everything!

“Happy Easter to dad»
Happy Easter to dad,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
There is no point in angering God
And always be happy.

Experience a lot of happiness.
Don't know any problems
So that for good deeds
Mercy was given!

“My beloved husband, dear»
My beloved husband, dear,
Happy Easter to you,
I want to congratulate you, my dear,
And drink wine.

Let every day and every hour
You won't have any troubles with us.
May there be a lot of luck,
And a bright path in life.

“Christ's resurrection has arrived!»
Easter bells ringing?
Christ's resurrection has arrived!
Easter Day brings joy and love,
So that the world becomes better and brighter.

I wish that this spring
The Lord has pleased you with gifts,
So that happiness and peace reign,
And you responded with good deeds.

"Easter has arrived»
Christ is risen! Saint again
Easter has arrived. And golden
The head of the capital beamed
And my soul became sweeter:

The sun is shining brighter today,
The wind beats stronger at the window,
And the cry reaches the skies:
Christ is truly Risen!

“There is no better friend in the world»
I've known you for many years,
There is no better girlfriend in the world.
I congratulate you on Easter,
And I wish from the bottom of my heart

May God give you warmth,
Let him bestow love.
You deserve happiness
Let there be a sea of ​​strength!

“Let the day of Holy Sunday...»
May the day of Holy Sunday
He will bring good news!
It will cleanse the soul and warm it with warmth,
He will save the world from all bad weather!

“We are all God's creations»
May the day of Holy Sunday
Grants you earthly blessings,
We are all God's creations,
Let Him be in your heart from now on!

And let the blessed fire
Which came down like a miracle,
Promises you bright Love,
What reigns everywhere on Easter!

"Bright Resurrection of Christ"»
Holy Resurrection of Christ,
The ringing of bells flies from heaven,
And hymns to the glory of God,
Rejoicing - “Christ is risen!”

On this holiday I give you an Easter egg.
Congratulations that Christ has risen!
Our discord is a random phenomenon,
On the Bright Holiday, his trace disappeared.

There is no offensive languor in the soul,
And love rose again, like Christ.
Our reconciliation is inevitable!
Christ brought us hope again.

“Happy Easter to my beloved girl»
Congratulate your beloved girl on Easter
I want from the bottom of my heart now,
To wish you health, to glorify your tenderness
I will hurry at this hour.

Let your beauty only bloom,
Please don't change forever.
May every day greet you with happiness,
Beloved, dear person.

"Celebration of the human soul"»
Today Easter is a holiday for the body too,
And a holiday of the human soul,
Which divinely took off,
Turning our world upside down and crushing it!

To you, family, friends, acquaintances -
I wish everyone happiness and warmth!
And so that the road that leads from home,
So that it leads back to the house!

"Wonderful Easter holiday»
Have a wonderful Easter holiday
Let this hour turn around
We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
And wish you happiness now.

Good health forever
Joy accompanied you,
So that happiness is endless,
And passion settled into life!

“Easter has arrived!»
Easter has come
Joy overwhelmed:
Jesus beloved,
Having suffered, he rose again.

Congratulations on your affection,
Happy God-given Easter -
A wonderful holiday,
Miracle of Miracles!

"The bells are ringing and singing»
The bells are ringing, singing,
Calling everyone to the liturgy.
Praise be to the great Creator!
Christ is risen and ascended to heaven.

“I congratulate dad from the bottom of my heart.»
On a special day that is full of kindness
I congratulate dad from the bottom of my heart,
May your dreams always come true,
What do you wish for in the silence of the night?

You have always been by my side, father,
I want to finally confess to you
That there is no one more important in life
My dear father, my dad.

“I congratulate you on Sunday!»
I congratulate you on Sunday!
Christ is truly risen!
God's reward for torment.
I'm sending you an SMS for Easter!

“Lent has already passed»
Lent has already passed,
And with it - sadness and sadness and passions...
A toast to the return of life!
May we be healthy and happy!

"Bright days of Sunday»
And Easter came with spring,
And bright days of Sunday.
And the domes burn in gold in the sky,
We believe there will be salvation.

“Great miracle!»
Great miracle! Oh, miracle of miracles!
The people rejoice, have fun,
Christ, he truly, people, is risen
May the miracle be repeated a hundred times.

“We glorify Christ today»
Having ascended to Golgotha ​​for the Cross,
The Lord brought salvation to you and me.
And today we all glorify Christ
On the wonderful Sunday of Christ.

Christ is risen - let life be bright!
May troubles pass us by!
Be healthy and lucky. In the warmth of home
Always be happy, my dear!

"Resurrection of the Lord»
For the Resurrection of the Lord
The most wonderful canon sounds.
Easter holiday is today,
All generations and times.

"Easter blue height»
Came down from the cross, rose above us,
We glorify him with you today!
Easter blue height,
That is the gate to the Lord's paradise.

“I send SMS in April»
I send SMS in April,
So they sing, they glorify the pipes
The Sunday of the Lord is now,
He has risen and saved God's faith!

"Feast of God's Salvation"»
This is the holiday of God's salvation,
Christ is truly risen.
He suffered severe torment
He carried his heavy cross.

How to congratulate?

Easter occupies a special place among the Lord's holidays. This is the main holiday for Orthodox believers, and among all Christian holidays it “surpasses all celebrations, even those of Christ and those celebrated in honor of Christ, as much as the sun surpasses the stars.” All services and church rituals of this holiday are especially solemn and full of joy in the Risen Christ.

At the end of Matins, after singing, “Let us embrace each other, brethren! And we will forgive all those who hate us through the resurrection” - all believers begin to greet each other in a truly Christian tradition - with the words “Christ is Risen” and christen themselves, kissing each other on the cheek three times.

The joyful Easter greeting reminds us of the state the apostles were in when the news of the Resurrection of Christ suddenly broke. With amazement and delight they said to each other: “Christ is Risen!” and answered: “Truly He is Risen!” Mutual kissing is an expression of love and reconciliation with each other, in memory of our universal forgiveness and reconciliation with God through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The entire period from Easter to the celebration of the holiday, that is, forty days, the first words of greeting among Christians are the words “Christ is Risen!”, and in response they say: “Truly He is Risen!”

Written Easter greetings also begins with the words “Christ is Risen!” You can highlight these words in red. If you are congratulating not a clergy person, but a lay person, it is best to address it like this: “Dear brother (or sister) in Christ!” or just by name:

You can address a priest whom you know closely as “Dear Father!” or “Dear Father, Father Joseph...”

Congratulations must be sincere and breathe love. The beautiful congratulations of Father John (Krestyankin), full of spiritual joy, can serve as a high example.

Congratulations on Easter from Father John Krestyankin

A congratulatory message on Easter may be preceded by words from the irmos, troparions or songs of the Easter canon. Let us cite, as an example, excerpts from some of Father John’s holiday messages:

Congratulations to Fr. Ioanna (Krestyankina)

Easter greetings always end with the words “Truly He is Risen!”, also highlighted in red. The final words of Father John’s letters are solemn, significant and sincere:

Source: Church etiquette, M., 1999.

Congratulatory letters from Archimandrite John Krestyankin for Easter

Dear Father in Christ! Christ is Risen!

What wonderful words these are! How they change everything around us and in ourselves! These words contain a message of victory, a call to joy, a greeting of love, and a wish for peace.
Saying these joyful words, I extend my hands to you to fraternally hug you along with the Easter triple kiss and wish you bright joy, good health and a strong spirit in the service of the eternal Bishop Christ and His Holy Church.
I rejoice with you, your family and friends in the Risen Christ.
Truly Christ is Risen!

Your unworthy brother and wretched pilgrim

Easter, 1982.

My dears!XChrist is Risen!

I congratulate you, my friends, and your relatives on the bright days of the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ!
I sincerely wish you all to meet and celebrate this great celebration of Christian celebrations in peace and spiritual consolation, good health and all prosperity.
May the Risen Christ support and renew your strength so that you can always stand firmly and unshakably on the rock that is Christ. It is good and joyful to be in His will in everything.
Truly Christ is Risen!

With blessings and love

Easter, 1982.

Dear father!
Christ is Risen!

I cordially congratulate you, family and friends on the joy of the Brightest Feast of the Resurrection of Christ - a joy that surpasses any other joy, the main and fundamental one in the life of a Christian, and no one can take this joy away from us.
May the merciful Lord protect you and, with His gracious help, assist you in your further care and good deeds for the Holy Church and the flock entrusted to you.
I kiss you three times. Truly Christ is Risen!

With love about the Risen Lord, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).
Easter, 1983.

Shine, shine, new Jerusalem...

My dears!
Christ is Risen! Rejoice!

Let us hear with our hearts the first words of the Risen Savior to the Myrrh-Bearing Women: “Rejoice!”
And no one can take this joy away from us. This gracious and endless joy is the threshold of eternal life. It is also given to us, the weak and sinful children of our Heavenly Father, to Whom every child living on earth is dear.
So thank the Lord for all His gifts and benefits and give and do good yourself, sharing this joy with everyone: He is Risen! Christ is Risen!.. Christ is Risen Truly!

With blessings and love about the Risen Lord

Easter, 1983.

Christ is Risen!
Dear father!

On the day of the glorious Resurrection of Christ, the source of enduring joy and inner peace, I congratulate you, your family and friends, and prayerfully wish you to partake of the gracious joy of this bright holiday.
May we continue to testify to the Resurrection of Christ not only by mutual greetings and congratulations, but also by the action of the power of His Resurrection in our affairs in the difficult earthly field, in order to inherit, by the ineffable mercy of the Lord, eternal Easter and endless joy in Heaven. Truly Christ is Risen!

Easter, 1984.

Christ is Risen!
My dears!

Today, when “all flesh rejoices and rejoices,” I cordially congratulate you on the Day of the glorious Resurrection of Christ, the source of enduring joy and inner peace - the holiday of the solid foundation of our faith!
I wish you to fully enter into the joy of our Lord Jesus Christ and with a pure heart glorify His rise from the Life-Giving Tomb.
May the radiant and saving light of the Resurrection of Christ accompany you in all your good endeavors and may it be your consolation in this time and in the eternal days of His Kingdom.
Truly Christ is Risen!

With blessing and love for the Risen One, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1984.

Dear father!
Christ is Risen!

On the Bright Feast of the Life-Giving Resurrection of Christ, I greet you, your family and friends, with these ever-living words that contain comprehensive, inexpressible joy.
May the Risen Christ help us with His unfailing grace to testify in thoughts, words, and deeds that He is our Lord and our God, and that for us in the world there is nothing higher and dearer than to serve and please Him, who died for us and rose again .
Truly Christ is Risen!

I hug you with love in the Lord and kiss you three times with the holy Paschal kiss, your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1985.

Christ is Risen!
My dears!

I am glad to greet you again on the infinitely joyful and bright Feast of the Life-Giving Resurrection of Christ and from the fullness of my spiritual feelings to enthusiastically exclaim again and again: Christ is Risen!
These wondrous words unshakably express the most gratifying truth of the triumph of Christian love, faith and hope for our immortality.
Worshiping with you the Risen Savior, I pray His goodness to grant you the most precious of all - eternal salvation.
Let us believe that all our sorrows and sorrows are inevitable on the way to Heavenly Jerusalem and are allowed by the Lord for the sake of our salvation.
May the joy of the Risen Savior comfort and encourage you and be with you forever. Truly Christ is Risen!

With love and blessings, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1985.

Christ is Risen!
Dear father!

Moved by a feeling of love for the Risen One, I hasten to congratulate you, your family and friends, on the great holiday of the Bright Resurrection of Christ!
Hearing the voice of the Orthodox Russian soul, yearning for the light of faith and the warmth of love, we, shepherds, with God’s help, will carry the light of Christ’s Truth, setting an example of Christian love in the name of the truly Risen Lord and warming those who thirst with the grace-filled gifts of the Sacraments of Christ’s Church.

With brotherly love about the Risen Lord, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1986.

Christ is Risen!
My dears!

I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice. (John 16:22)
Just as the sun shines on us and warms us, so the light of the soul and the joy of the heart come from our Lord Jesus Christ.
And don’t we now also feel a special enlightenment in our soul and a special warmth in our heart - the warmth and joy of the Brightest Feast of Holidays - the Resurrection of Christ?
We see! The Lord is undoubtedly among us, rejoicing at His rise from the Tomb!
Sharing this joy with you, I warmly congratulate you on the Feast of Holy Easter and pray to the Lord that He will see you with the bright eye of grace, the fiery eye of love and accompany you everywhere.
Truly Christ is Risen!

With blessing and love, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1986.

Christ is Risen!

Dear father!

I joyfully greet and congratulate you, your family and friends, on the Bright Feast of Easter and exclaim with brotherly kisses: Christ is Risen!
There are no more life-giving, miraculous words in the human language than these two words.
Accepted by the heart and embodied in pastoral deeds and good care for the Holy Church, they transform our lives and the lives of the children of Christ.
Thus, daring in the name of the Risen One, we will rejoice in the victory of Life over death and be strengthened by the strength needed for life and piety.
Truly Christ is Risen!

Easter, 1987.

Christ is Risen!

My dears!

We rejoice and joyfully celebrate on this day, praising and glorifying the feat of victory of Divine Love.
Christ is Risen!
Let us open our hearts to meet Him who suffered and died and rose again for our sake.
And He will enter and fill our lives with Himself and His Light, and transform our souls.
And then, with love, we too will rush after Him along our way of the cross, for at the end of it, undoubtedly, our resurrection into eternal life also shines.
I cordially congratulate you on the day of our common joy, a holy day, a luminous day! Truly Christ is Risen!

Your Archimandrite John (Peasant).

Easter, 1987.

Thy Resurrection, O Christ the Savior, Angels sing in heaven...
...Bless the youths, sing to the priests, people extol the Risen Christ forever...

And again the Easter gospel filled the world.
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
And this is the victory of life.
Christ is risen!
And he opened the resurrection path for all flesh, having resurrected it with Himself.
Christ is risen!
And the hopelessness of death has been crushed, and the power of death has already been exhausted.
For a thousand years, year after year, the news of the beginning of eternal life has been proclaimed in Rus'.
And the gospel of the Resurrection, of Life sounds, it sounds differently.
It sometimes sounds like a festive, victorious ringing of bells to the whole world, sometimes it sounds in a whisper and timidly, and sometimes it freezes and seems to die completely, only to suddenly ascend again and again by an unknown, invisible force, reaching the hearts.
And this power is the Love of Christ for us.
My dears, let us carefully preserve this call to Life with all of Holy Russia, washed by the faith of the strong in spirit and their feat. And through the healing to immortality given by Christ Himself in the Holy Eucharist, we will defeat the power of sin and darkness, rising against Life.
My dear, family!
Truly Christ is Risen!

Archimandrite John (Peasant).

Easter, 1988.

Christ is Risen!
Dear father!

In these bright days of joy and joy, the special closeness of the Risen Lord, when everyone who has not destroyed a living soul within themselves sings with one heart the words of Eternal Life: Christ is Risen!
And not a single dead person is in the grave...
Christ is Risen!
And today is spring for souls.
I also congratulate you, your family and friends, on the holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ.
How much joy, how much hope I want to put into these words, expecting from them living strength for all who follow Christ, and especially for those who bear full responsibility for the work of Christ on earth, for the life of the Holy Orthodox Church, for the life of the people of God.
May the Risen Lord protect every worker in His field into eternal life, may he increase their strength and boldness in service and make their work fruitful.
Truly Christ is Risen!

With a fraternal Easter kiss, your brother and pilgrim Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1989.

Rejoice! And again the river, rejoice!

Christ is Risen!
My dear, family!

The Savior has risen, He has risen once, to illuminate the world forever with the light of His Resurrection. Suffering and the Sepulcher revealed the fullness of God’s Love for us and gave us an understanding of the great mystery of Life, which conquers death itself, hell itself. And this secret is Love!
Love it! And you will rejoice with others and for others.
Love your neighbor! And you will love Christ. Love the offender and the enemy! And the doors of joy will open for you, and the Risen Christ will meet your soul risen in love.
That's all! The Lord expects so little from us! This is our paradise! This is our Resurrection! Love Love and you will live as the Savior Risen in the suffering of Love!
Truly Christ is Risen!
May the Lord bless us to live through the labors of Love and Faith in the promises of the Lord.

With love in the Lord, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1989.

Dear father!
Christ is Risen!

With these sacred, ever-living words, I greet you in an abundance of gracious joy and love.
And we are commanded to bring this good news about the manifestation of eternal Life, about the great Victory over death and hell, into the world, to sow and cultivate, and to be co-workers of God in the field of Christ.
Glory and thanksgiving to the Lord, who has vouchsafed us for this great service!
Let us carefully preserve in a clear conscience the spiritual joy of true service to God, preserving the purity of the teaching commanded to us, so that the great and terrible day of our exodus will be sanctified by the light of the joy of unity with God - the joy of Endless Eternal Life.
I congratulate you, family and friends on the Great Day of the Triumph of God's Truth - the Resurrection of Christ!
Truly Christ is Risen!

With love about the Risen Lord, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1990.

We celebrate the killing of death... the beginning of another eternal life.

Christ is Risen!
My dear, relatives, children of God!

With what joy I send you two words that warm your soul: Christ is Risen!
Into the darkness of inconsolable grief over the desecrated, trampled life of the Divine Teacher, like a piercing ray of sunlight, these angelic words once invaded: Christ is Risen!
And the world was transformed and fell at the foot of the Cross, accepting in its heart the victorious news and the revelation of the mystery of what had happened.
My Lord and my God, having passed through the gates of death and hell, gave the world the eternal Triumph of Life.
And from then to this day, all those for whom Christ was resurrected follow in His footsteps, led by the great power of God’s Grace. I congratulate you, my dears, on the Great Day of the Triumph of God’s Truth - the Resurrection of Christ!
Truly Christ is Risen!

With love about the Risen Lord, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1990.

We celebrate the killing of death... the beginning of another eternal life.

Christ is Risen!
Dear father!

Now it is again given to us to taste the eternal bliss of Easter joy; The newly Risen Savior is here with us in the radiance of the Divine.
Christ is Risen!
Let us lift up our spiritual eyes to the mountain - there is the Church Triumphant in Eternal Glory!
Let us bow our knees, souls and bodies, before the altar - the Cross of the Lord - this is our path to Life!
Let us fall to the Tomb, which exuded the Light of Eternity with the Risen Christ, and calmly meet, and courageously bear, and with joy endure everything that the Lord has prepared for us in the earthly Church on the path to Eternity, to the glory of our resurrection. Truly Christ is Risen!

With love about the Risen Lord, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1991.

Rejoice! And again the river, rejoice!

To you, my dears, relatives, children of God, and this is my heartfelt greeting!
Christ is Risen!
Heaven and earth, and all living things today proclaim to the whole world that the Lord lives, holding the destinies of the world in His hands.
His Holy Church is alive, enlightening and endowing the faithful and faithful with the gifts of Christ’s Resurrection.
And unearthly joy - to be in God and with God - embraces everyone who exclaims the victorious song of Love:
Christ is Risen! Truly Christ is Risen!
May the love of God and the Risen Christ be with you all.

Archimandrite John (Peasant).

Easter, 1991.

Tetsite and preach to the world that the Lord has risen, the one who puts death to death...

Dear Father, about the Risen Savior!

I hasten from heart to heart, from lips to lips, with joyful news to you:
Christ is Risen!
And in these Great days, isn’t it worthy for us to raise our voices with the Mother Church, dear father, and testify to the world that we, we, the performers of the Mysteries of God, have seen the Resurrection of Christ.
We saw the Light of the Resurrection of the soul even here on earth, when we opened the Gates of the Kingdom of Heaven for it with the Divine power and power to knit and decide.
We saw the Light of the Resurrection of Christ in the eyes of foolish babies at the font of holy baptism, we saw its reflection at the tombs of the departed righteous who entered the rest of Eternity.
So let us hasten, let us hasten with the news of the Resurrection of Christ into a world engulfed in confusion, into a world sick and suffering from unbelief and ready to descend into the dark vaults of the depths of hell.
Let us not be afraid of temptations, let us not shy away from Golgotha, proclaiming the Gospel of Truth to the world.
Yes, and our life will reflect the Light of Christ’s Resurrection.

With love about the Risen Lord, your poor pilgrim Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1992.

Christ is Risen!
I congratulate you, your family and friends, on the joyful news of the triumph of God’s Love! Christ is Risen!
May the world come to life, may our hearts come to life with these saving words, and may the sad spirit rise from the earth, rising on the wings of faith and repentance above troubles. For they too are the voice of the Risen Christ, now knocking with menacing rebuke on the souls of the living.
And in these two words, life and death are wonderfully and incomprehensibly intertwined today, for some - Eternity in the brilliance of the Divine, for others - an eternity of darkness in the depths of hell.
My dears, we already believe in the Light and we will become sons of the Light and rise with Christ!
Truly! Truly! Truly Christ is Risen!
The grace of the Risen Lord will strengthen you on the path of salvation.

With love in Christ, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1992.
Now everything is filled with Light, Heaven... and earth, and the underworld...

Christ is Risen!
Children of God!

Out of an abundance of unearthly joy, I also greet you, scorching with the power of Divine words:
Christ is Risen!
The Holy Fire of this saving message, again flaring up with a bright flame over the Holy Sepulcher, flowed throughout the world. And the Church of God, filled with the light of this Fire, gives it to us:
Christ is Risen!
So, my dear, dear ones, kindle your souls from the Eternal Fire of Life, kindle and carry this unquenchable lamp throughout the world, affirming and testifying in word and deed that:
Truly Christ is Risen! May the love of God embrace us in the one Spirit of Christ.

Yours always Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1993.

Now everything is filled with Light, Heaven and earth and the underworld... Christ has risen, eternal joy!

Dear father!

I heartily congratulate you, your family and friends, on the joy of the luminous Resurrection of Christ!
Christ is Risen!
May your pastoral labors shine with the glory of the eternally living and eternally active Risen Christ in His chosen ones.
And the children of God - your flock, as evidence of your much-painful and much-sorrowful labors and love, intercede for you the inheritance of Eternal Easter and endless joy in Heaven.
Truly Christ is Risen!

With love about the Risen Lord, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1994.

Children of God!

From heart to heart, from soul to soul, I hasten to you, my dears, with the ever-living and always new and joyful news of God’s Love for us:
Christ is Risen!
Let us also preserve with our reciprocal love for Christ the guarantee of life - by becoming Christ’s through baptism, living piously in Christ, and let us leave the earthly vale into the Light and Joy of Eternal Pascha with Christ.
Truly Christ is Risen!
With the joy of Eternal Life, I congratulate you, my dears and loved ones!

Your Archimandrite John (Peasant).

Easter, 1994.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not embrace it. (John 1, 5)

The Risen Christ walks on earth today as the Triumph of Life over death.
Arise, Orthodox Rus'! Immortality is knocking with bright Easter joy on your now sad heart.
Christ is Risen!

All, all who are called to the Feast of Faith, let us not be rejected by despondency and lack of faith in our election, let us not extinguish the fire of hope in the great Power and Authority of the Risen Christ. And, despite all the evidence, we will carry the light of the blessed news through the darkness of timelessness in our native Rus'. Truly Christ is Risen!

With love about the risen, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1995.
Christ is risen, and life lives!

Earthly life is swallowed up by the timelessness of eternity, and the names and deeds of great and small go into obscurity, erased in the memory of the earth. But only one event, not subject to the destructive power of time, invariably and autocratically reigns in the world, giving it the Triumph of Life.
Christ is Risen!
And the holy Easter joy embraces all living things, and the saving grace of Easter expands with the harbinger of future heavenly blessings.
My dear, family!
I congratulate you on the Feast of Feasts and the Triumph of celebrations - the Resurrection of Christ. Let us enter into this Great Mystery of God, and She will resurrect all who accepted Her with faith and love. Truly Christ is Risen!

With love about the Risen One, Your Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1995.
You will be in a world of sorrow: but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

Christ is Risen!

From the great sorrow of the Calvary Sacrifice, the joy of Christ’s Resurrection shone to the world, and Life conquered death. Sorrow became the herald of joy, and death the birth of New Life.
And this Divine Gift of Love to people united Heaven with earth, and the Saving Cross of Christ became the Tree of Life to the world.
And our pastoral cross, dear father, is the Life of Christ lasting in the world, may it be for us the embodiment of the Spirit of Truth.
Let us ourselves love the suffering of a difficult and painful life with its healing sorrows and teach this saving feat to the children of God.
And the voice of God:
My joy! Christ is Risen! - will lead us through sorrows to holiness, and the “sorrowful” joy of life will be added to the bright joy of the resurrection of our souls on earth. Truly Christ is Risen!

I embrace Archimandrite John (Krestyankin) with love and Easter kisses.

Easter, 1996.

Today the world will be saved, for Christ has risen and is omnipotent!..

My dear, family!

Divine Love once again illuminated the world with heavenly light and unearthly joy:
Christ is Risen!
And the mysterious power of Christ’s feat, which devastated hell and trampled down the power of darkness, today pours Easter joy into the souls of the faithful, giving them abundant strength to live by faith, hope and love, even where the concept of life in God disappears from the face of the earth, where faith dies .
Glory, Lord, to Your Holy Resurrection!
I greet you all on the luminous days of the omnipotent Resurrection of Christ. May they enlighten our hearts with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, burning away the tricks of deadly sin and malice in us, so that we can live joyfully and fearlessly on earth in anticipation of the fulfillment of God’s Great Promises.
Truly Christ is Risen!

Easter, 1996.
Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus...

Dear father, family and friends!

The Resurrection of Christ was, is and will be! And every year God’s testimony about him flashes with the grace of Heavenly light on the eve of the Greatest Event.
And the seal with the custodian for twenty centuries invariably preserves the Holy Sepulcher and does not protect the autocratic power of the Divine.
Fire flares up and with it the news of the truth of Christ's Resurrection, testifying to the most joyful Mystery of Eternal Existence in Christ.
Christ is Risen!
And history cannot hide the Light of Christ’s Resurrection, breaking through the thickness of time and illuminating the darkness of earthly life.
And the cloud of evidence of the Resurrection of Christ is growing, and in each generation lightnings of the Divine Light give birth to those who have seen and worshiped the Risen Christ.
Dear Father, today, greeting you with an Easter kiss, I testify in spirit and truth:
Truly Christ is Risen!

Your well-wisher and pilgrim, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1997.
Today is salvation for the world, for Christ has risen and is omnipotent.

My dear, family!

Our God is wondrous, He alone works miracles! Now again He has given us evidence of His boundless love - Easter joy in the Risen Lord - the joy of salvation!
Christ is Risen!
Let us cling to the Risen Christ. In Him is the true knowledge of the great values ​​of Existence, in Him is the bliss of Eternal blessings, and the knowledge of immortality is only in Him.
Let us be enlightened by His light, and everything in our life will become simple, clear and obvious. The fog of the enemy's fears will dissipate, and the unpeaceful world raging with anger will fade and wilt before the Kingdom of God, which has come in its power into our souls.
Truly Christ is Risen!

Your well-wisher and pilgrim, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1997.

My soul magnifies Christ the Life-Giver, who rose three days from the Tomb. (chorus before the 9th canticle of the Easter Canon)

The Light of the Resurrection again flared up autocratically in the cave of the Holy Sepulchre.
The light of the Resurrection again illuminated the Church like lightning.
The Light of the Resurrection again rose like the sun over the world, enlightening and renewing its existence.
Christ is Risen!
My dears!
Let us also now partake of the Divine light and Divine power of Christ’s Resurrection. And may we forever be children of light, testifying with our lives in God the truth of Divine Revelations.
Congratulating you, your family and friends, on the joy of the holiday and hugging you with love, I exclaim: “Truly Christ is Risen!”

Your Archimandrite John (Peasant).

Easter, 1998.
Great joy and unearthly consolation - “Christ is the new Easter, the living Sacrifice, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,” descended to earth, reviving the hearts of the faithful with His grace and power.

Christ is Risen!
Dear father!

The Lord is near, stay awake!
Let us fall to Him in pastoral prayer and faithfulness in labor, asking for the resurrection of the people of God in Rus'. May the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, descend again on Russian souls, so that, having salted them with the knowledge of God, they may be revived by the love of God. And may the spirit of the once bright people rise again, illuminated by Divine light and Divine power. And Russia, resurrected to life, will testify to the world the truth of its resurrection by the power of the Risen Christ.
I congratulate you, dear father, your family and friends on the joy of the holiday!
I hug with love and kiss three times, exclaiming:
Truly Christ is Risen!

Your Archimandrite John (Peasant).

Easter, 1998.
This day, which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad on it.

Christ is Risen!
My dear, family!

Let us be renewed in spirit again on this day of Christ’s Resurrection, exceptional in its greatness.
The power and authority of Christ’s feat, which gave the world the Resurrection from the dead, will be enough for all times, for all peoples, for every person,
- just love the Savior who suffered for you and the Risen Savior,
- love the feat of life.
And the reality of life in God will bring us the knowledge of the Eternal Joy of the Resurrection.
Remember, my dear children of God, about the great promises of God in the bustle of everyday life, light a lamp in your heart every day before the image of the Risen Savior, and its light will illuminate and transform your life.
Truly Christ is Risen!

Your poor pilgrim Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1999.
Today is salvation for the world, for Christ is risen, for he is omnipotent.

Christ is Risen!

And the reality of the omnipotent Resurrection of Christ has now sunk like a drop of life-giving dew onto Orthodox Rus'. And the currents of this autocratic God’s power raise the temples of God from the ruins, and the triumphant hymn of eternal life raises the Russian people from the dead.
And we, the shepherds of God, have been given the opportunity to see with our own eyes the resurrection of human souls and the beginning of life where death reigned.
Dear father, family and friends!
I congratulate you on the joy of the greatest Holiday.
Let us hasten to meet the Risen Lord, let us work for His glory and for the resurrection of our souls and the souls of our flock, testifying in word, deed and life to the omnipotent power of the Risen Christ.
Truly Christ is Risen!

I hug you with love and greet you with an Easter kiss from Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 1999.

Children of God, my family and friends!
Christ is Risen!

There are no words to fully convey the greatness of the event.
But come and see and feel!
At the doors of the temple on Easter night we will see how the stone fell away from the Holy Sepulcher and the shining, jubilant joy of the Resurrection illuminated the darkness of the night, the darkness of life.
Let us join Easter week as one great day of the Resurrection of the Lord, and our hearts will be filled with the celebrations of the Feast of Life.
Forty days before the Ascension of the Lord, let us look for a meeting with the Risen Lord in the temple and find the joy and strength of Faith, leading us through life following Christ.
My dears!
Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to us who are in the tombs.
Christ is Risen!
Truly Christ is Risen!

With love about the Risen Lord, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter of Christ, 2000.
Rejoice, and again the river: rejoice!
Once again the Heavenly joy of Christ's Resurrection rises as the unshakable Sun of Truth and Truth, giving the world Life.

Christ is Risen!

And the life force of this greatest event overcomes the centuries-old expanse of time, and the faith of the truth of the Resurrection gives life to the vast expanse of the earth.
Dear father, family and friends!
I cordially congratulate you on the Feast of Holidays - the Resurrection of Christ!
Let us accept from the Risen Lord a priceless gift - the joy of life and, following Christ, imbued with the spirit of Eternity, let us bring to the children of God this living power of the Sacraments of God, conquering the sorrows of the earthly vale, transforming sadness into joy, bodily illnesses into mental health, death into Life Eternal. Christ is Risen! And life lives on. Truly Christ is Risen!

With love about the Risen Lord, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter of Christ, 2000.
Christ is risen from the dead!
And... where is your sting, mortal?
Where the hell is your victory?

My dear, family!

We believe and confess the Resurrection of Christ - the Easter of Christ - eternal rebirth, eternal grace-filled power, eternal light power, renewing my soul and yours and the entire human race and giving life to the world.
We believe, children of God, without any doubt, that we live and die in Christ to be resurrected with Him by His all-conquering Power and His all-encompassing Love.
And now, my dears, with one mouth and one heart let us join the conciliar voice of Christ’s Church with the grateful eternal joy of the annunciation:
Christ is Risen!
Truly Christ is Risen!

With blessing and love for the Risen One, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 2001.

Glory, Lord, to Your honorable and holy Resurrection Cross!
Christ lifts me up by crucifying me,
Christ makes me put to death,
Christ gives me life: the same with joy...
I sing a victory song to the Savior:

Christ is Risen!
My dears, family and friends!

My Christ and my God gave me another earthly Easter to experience. And from the bed of my illness, in a weak voice, but with great fullness of joy and spiritual triumph, I greet you:
Christ is Risen!
Rejoice, my dears, rejoice and give thanks to our Christ the Savior both in prosperity and especially in suffering.
For the days of the cross in our life are the days when Christ Himself sees our heart and, in response to our fidelity and love, gives us the depth of insight into His Divine Truths, in which the Light of the Resurrection of Christ absorbs earthly suffering, and Eternal Easter joy in the heart testifies to the truth of Divine promises . Truly! Truly Christ is Risen! I embrace you with Easter joy and again and again I exclaim:
Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen!

Your well-wisher and poor pilgrim, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 2002.
We worship Your Cross, Master, and we glorify Your Holy Resurrection

The once again bright sermon of the Resurrection is revealed to us by life itself.
The Holy Fire, testifying to God’s love for man by the Holy Spirit, visibly soared over the Life-giving Holy Sepulcher and flowed over the world with Paschal rejoicing:
Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen!
Truly Christ is Risen!
My dears, family and friends!
Let us also accept in our hearts God’s testimony of our salvation.
Let us accept and, carefully maintaining and preserving the lamp of our faith, we will pass through life, carrying, as a reflection of Christ’s suffering, our small burdens on the cross to the foot of the Great and Saving Cross of Christ, illuminated by His Resurrection Glory. And the Risen Christ will also resurrect us with Himself.
I congratulate you on the holiday of universal joy - the Bright Resurrection of Christ!
Truly Christ is Risen!

I embrace with love the Lord Savior your pilgrim Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter of Christ, 2003.
We will not be afraid of your fear, but we will be embarrassed: For God is with us!

Christ is Risen!

With the bright Easter joy the Risen Christ is now knocking on our sad heart.
“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid of anything, just believe,” tender encouragement sounds to us from Love
And we receive a slight reproach together with Peter, drowning in Lake Gennesaret:
- Why, the one of little faith doubted? Just believe and you will be saved.
My dears!
Christ is Risen!
Let us follow in the footsteps of Christ across the sea of ​​life raging with sin and malice, full of undoubted faith and love for Christ, strong in His power, living and acting in our weakness.
Thy Resurrection, O Christ the Saviour, enlighten the whole universe, Omnipotent Lord, glory to Thee!
Always be happy.
Pray without ceasing.
Give thanks for everything.
And the Lord of the world, the Risen Savior, leads us with the Truth and Grace of His ways to the non-evening Day of Eternal Pascha in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Truly Christ is Risen!
I wish you to be established by faith on the rock that is Christ, who suffered, was crucified and rose again forever for our sake.

Your poor pilgrim Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter of Christ, 2004.
Truly Christ is risen and lives forever!

Christ is Risen!
My dears, family and friends!

Congratulations on the Feast of Holidays - the Resurrection of Christ!
And again we see the Living, Risen Lord, and again He is near, and the joyful grace of Easter fills our hearts with joy.
I have been celebrating this Great Day for ninety-five years now. And now, when the longed-for edge of the azure of Eternity is close, I want to please your hearts with my personal testimony.
The Day of Resurrection has always come throughout my long life, bringing with it the Power and Love of Christ who loved me, transforming my faith into undeniable knowledge.
He blessed me with pure, exultant joy as a child. He strengthened me, exhausted in labor and illness. He also came into the darkness of captivity, testifying to freedom in Christ and promising freedom to the prisoner.
My dear children of God!
Live the joy of Holy Pascha, feed on Its promises. Bring to the Savior who loved us both your love for Him and living faith that the Truth and Mercy of the ways of the Lord leads us into the joy of Eternal Easter.
Truly, truly Christ is Risen!

The well-wisher of your salvation is Archimandrite John (Krestyankin).

Easter, 2005.

Christ is Risen!
I congratulate you on Sunday!
Christ is truly risen!
God's reward for torment.
I'm sending you an SMS for Easter!

Christ is risen! And it smells like baking
Easter cakes are baked for Easter.
After all, this day is so special.
Christ is risen! Our light in the night.

Christ is Risen!
Here the dome plays with gold,
Happy Sunday to everyone.
On Easter I send you an SMS -
A miracle of miracles has happened!

Christ is Risen!
And Easter came with spring,
And bright days of Sunday.
And the domes burn in gold in the sky,
We believe there will be salvation.

Christ is Risen!
May the day of Holy Sunday
He will bring good news!
It will cleanse the soul and warm it with warmth,
He will save the world from all bad weather!

Christ is Risen!
Holy Sunday has arrived!
How calm and light your soul is!
Let life be generous with joy!
Full of warmth, hope and kindness!

Christ is Risen!
The spring bells will ring,
And our hopes awoke again.
Easter is the holiday of the Resurrection.
Let Faith and Love rise again!

Christ is Risen!
We wish you well
Big miracles!
So that with God in your heart
Life was brighter
He is with us again -
Christ is risen!
We wish you
Always love:
Where love melts -
The soul is empty.

Christ is Risen!
The bells are ringing, singing,
Calling everyone to the liturgy.
Praise be to the great Creator!
Christ is risen and ascended to heaven.

Christ is Risen!
I send SMS in April,
So they sing, they glorify the pipes
The Sunday of the Lord is now,
He has risen and saved God's faith!

Christ is Risen!
Came down from the cross, rose above us,
We glorify him with you today!
Easter blue height,
That is the gate to the Lord's paradise.

Christ is Risen!
For the Resurrection of the Lord
The most wonderful canon sounds.
Easter holiday is today,
All generations and times.

Christ bless you
From any bad weather,
From an evil tongue
From pain, from illness,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And God grant you
If it is in His power,
Health, long years,
Love and happiness again!

"Christ is Risen!"
I say and congratulate you,
And on Easter I wish you,
To live in complete health and joy,
Without sorrows, grief and envy.

Easter ringing. Christ is risen!
And he sent grace from heaven,
And faith and goodness for everyone!
You - happiness, joy, good laughter!

Spring has come again. Now
Life has become a bright fairy tale again:
Happy Sunday of Christ to you,
Happy great and wonderful Easter!

They tell us - Christ is risen!
We answer, firmly believing,
That he is truly risen
And we celebrate Easter in April.

Christ is Risen!
Easter has come
Joy overwhelmed:
Jesus beloved,
Having suffered, he rose again.

Congratulations on your affection
Happy God-given Easter -
A wonderful holiday,
Miracle of Miracles.

On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil!
Glory to him eternal!
Conqueror of darkness!
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

Christ is Risen!
This is the holiday of God's salvation,
Christ is truly risen.
He suffered severe torment
He carried his heavy cross.

Christ is Risen!
The Holy Fire has descended
In the ancient city of Jerusalem!
I wish everything goes well for you,
May this year be bright and happy!

Christ is Risen!
Lent is already over,
The cathedral is changing its decoration.
God's faces flicker in the candles,
The verses are sung by the choir.
I congratulate you via SMS,
I wish you salvation and happiness.

Christ is Risen!
To the clouds and to the skies
SMS is flying today,
Christ came down from the cross, and behold,
The people rejoice and celebrate!

Christ is Risen!
Great miracle! Oh, miracle of miracles!
The people rejoice, have fun,
Christ, he truly, people, is risen
May the miracle be repeated a hundred times.

Christ is Risen!
On the lecterns, mourning has been lifted,
Light azure bedspread
Easter holidays ritual,
Great holidays have begun.
Let SMS congratulate you
On a great day, at a special hour!

Christ bless you
From any bad weather,
From an evil tongue
From pain, from illness,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And God grant you
If it is in His power,
Health, long years,
Love and happiness again!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has already turned green,
Christ is truly risen!

Spring has come - the time for miracles,
The spring is babbling - Christ is risen!
There are no brighter words in the world -
Truly Christ has risen!

Christ has risen on this great day!
May pleasant excitement come to you,
Easter divine shadow
Let it touch this Sunday!

We wish that the Lord gives you everything -
Health, prosperity, prosperity!
So that nothing interferes with your business,
Let there be only sweet things in this life!

For Easter from century to century
Flying down from heaven
From person to person -

On Easter day of the messenger of heaven
I ask you to give me health,
Goodness, love, luck, bread.
To help you in your destiny!

Spring has come again. Now
Life has become a bright fairy tale again:
Happy Sunday of Christ to you,
Happy great and wonderful Easter!

Easter day. Nature is pure.
And every moment today is sweet!
Among the Orthodox people
The great holiday has arrived.

Happy Easter to you
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you fewer sad days,
More happiness and love!

All around nature is washed by the sun,
A new spring has arrived!
Let the grievances be forgotten,
Life is illuminated with a wonderful light!

We sincerely wish you a Happy Easter,
Christ is risen - these are the main words!
May the Lord protect you from troubles,
And reward for good deeds!

Today the great holiday has come,
Easter cakes and eggs in multi-colored colors,
Everything is on the tables, there is fun, screams everywhere,
"Christ is Risen". Happy Easter!

May this Easter bring goodness,
There is so little of him in our world,
Let your soul become warm,
And it will always be like this from now on!

How music flies from heaven:
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
I hug you tenderly
And I press it tightly to my heart.

Always be protected by God
Always protected from harm!
Your lucky star
Let it burn in the sky for many years!

Easter ringing. Christ is risen!
And he sent grace from heaven,
And faith and goodness for everyone!
You - happiness, joy, good laughter!

Bells are ringing from heaven:
"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"
Like a promise of miracles:
“Risen! Truly risen!”

So let this heavenly voice
Bless spiritual work,
May the best feelings be resurrected
And they will never die!

Forgive all people today
Who offended and let you down!
Today is the best day of days -
The Lord gave it to us.

Today is Easter. So let it be
Your dreams will come true.
And don’t forget to do
Your good deeds!

This great day has come!
It is called Good Easter.
And may the divine shadow
Will touch you today.

And let the bad things go away
And in life there will be only happiness,
Who seeks will always find,
Taking part in your destiny!

On Easter day I wish you
I am all kinds of pleasures,
Trust true friends
And give up doubts.

To bring warmth into your home,
To be lucky in all matters.
Luck - joys without troubles,
And different life victories!

Holy Sunday has arrived!
How calm and light your soul is!
Let life be generous with joy!
Full of warmth, hope and kindness!

On this day I want to wish
Good deeds and beautiful deeds,
Greet every day with a smile,
More sunny and clear holidays,

Let luck go ahead
Gives the world only bright colors,
Let nothing stand in your way
On the bright holiday of divine Easter!

How much I want to say
Today is Easter, congratulations!
I want to wish you:
Health and love without end,

Let your dreams come true,
And there was so much happiness!
So that there are roses, and not their thorns,
And so that there is always enough for everything!

Hello Happy Easter Sunday!
On this glorious day let the soul celebrate,
Imbued with Divine salvation -
After all, life in the world is so good!

Get rid of unnecessary doubts from your heart,
Forget all the insults from the ignorant.
I wish you fulfillment
All your thoughts, ideas and hopes!

Easter bells ringing?
Christ's resurrection has arrived!
Easter Day brings joy and love,
So that the world becomes better and brighter.

I wish that this spring
The Lord has pleased you with gifts,
So that happiness and peace reign,
And you responded with good deeds.

On Easter day, so transparent
I sincerely wish you
Health, joy, good luck,
May you be rewarded for your deeds!

So that everything you dream about comes true,
Today they will be on our lips
Only speeches with kind words
And the name of the Lord Christ!

On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil!
Glory to him eternal!
Conqueror of darkness!
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

Christ is risen! Saint again
Easter has arrived. And golden
The head of the capital beamed
And my soul became sweeter:

The sun is shining brighter today,
The wind beats stronger at the window,
And the cry reaches the skies:
Christ is truly Risen!
