Larisa Ogudalova's last words. Ostrovsky's plays: images of Katerina Kabanova and Larisa Ogudalova as a reflection of the Russian national female character

The playwright Ostrovsky has many worthy works, with different heroes, but the most memorable are those where women with a rebellious character act as the main characters. One of them is Ostrovsky's wonderful work The Dowry, which introduces us to Larisa Ogudalova and her image. And we have to work on it.

The image of Larisa Ogudalova

Larisa Ogudalova is the main character in Bespridanitsa. Thanks to her mother, the house is full of single guys, whom the woman offers to have fun, though you have to fork out for everything. Unlike a mother who is ready for any sacrifices and expenses, just to pick up a rich groom for her daughter, Larisa Ogudalova is her complete opposite. Larisa is talented and romantic, believes in the feeling of love and does not accept the life that her mother arranges in her house. Of course, on the orders of her mother, the girl is kind, giving smiles and making small talk, but she does not like all this. She is a stranger in a world where money comes first, there are sheer egoists and penny passions around. Her love for Paratov turned out to be far-fetched and not real. The chosen one preferred another, richer one, and simply deceived Larisa. And Karandyshev, who was betrothed by his mother, was not nice. Larisa endured, but her soul wanted freedom. Realizing that everyone treats her like a thing, the girl did not want to live. She thought about suicide, but did not dare. Her release was a bullet fired by Karandyshev. For this liberation, the girl was grateful, and death became her salvation.

Characteristics of Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova

If we dwell in more detail on the characteristics of our heroine, then according to the description we will see a young girl whose age was suitable for marriage. Larisa Ogudalova grew up in a poor family, her dowry was not listed, so there was no need to choose suitors. In desperation, she decides to marry the unloved Karandyshev, because her ideal Paratov has fled. Paratov returns, as her hope returns. Larisa decides to take a walk along the night river. She hoped that he would offer to reunite the hearts, but instead he announces his marriage. After a night with Paratov, the girl's honor is lost forever and now she does not see life even for Karandyshev, so she agrees to become a kept woman. But Karandyshev out of jealousy kills the girl.

Larisa Ogudalova is an open and simple girl, she is used to always telling the truth. She is very sensitive, impressionable and suffers greatly because no man truly loved her. Everyone perceives it as a thing, so even a bet on it can be safely made. Such a life was impossible for her. There is misunderstanding and humiliation around, and her soul cannot exist in the world of money and primitiveness, where the material has eclipsed the spiritual, crowded out love and other human feelings. This girl is not one of those who adapt to such a life, so death was a deliverance for her. It is unfortunate that this work is relevant in our time. Thrift and profit today are also in the first place for many, but I am glad that there are Larisa Ogudalovs, who, in spite of everything, are looking for their happiness not among money, but for the sake of real feelings.

Larisa Ogudalova image and characterization of the heroine of the play The Dowry


1. Introduction

2. Larisa in the "gypsy camp"


4. First step into the abyss

5.Second step


The play " " is considered one of the best works. Her main character personifies many unfortunate Russian girls who do not have an inheritance. Larisa Ogudalova has all the virtues (beauty, education, artistic taste), but the lack of money prevents her from successfully marrying. An uncertain position makes Larisa just a toy in the wrong hands, so she even meets her death with gratitude.

Larisa's mother is trying with all her might to arrange the fate of her daughter. In her own way, she is right in inviting all kinds of gentlemen into the house. But Harita Ignatievna does not understand what shame this brings to her poor daughter. Larisa is surrounded by a crowd of admirers who, although courting her, will never dare to take a dowry as a wife. Larisa's trouble is that she does not have maternal cunning and resourcefulness. For this, the girl is too pure and sublime.

The thought of money never crosses her mind. Larisa's dream is to meet a person who will appreciate her spiritual qualities and fall in love with her. She does not at all try to attract attention to herself, to lure into her networks. Larisa infinitely appreciates the truth and is not afraid to speak it. Gradually, life in the "gypsy camp" becomes unbearable for the girl. She is on the verge of using every opportunity to change her position.

The real salvation for Larisa is Paratov. She falls in love with this courageous man. Paratov's money has no meaning for Larisa. She first saw a man who appreciated her. The sudden departure of Paratov becomes a heavy blow for Larisa. She was sure that love is mutual. The purity of the girl does not allow her to even think about the fact that she could be deceived.

Left alone in her former hopeless situation, Larisa finally decides on a last resort. A wedding with an insignificant Karandashev will not bring her happiness, but it will create a stable social position. Larisa does not hesitate to express to her fiancé everything that she thinks about him. She warns Karandashev that Paratov's arrival may bring trouble. If he had succumbed to her request to immediately leave for the village, Larisa would have spent the rest of her life in anguish and despair from an unsuccessful life.

The pre-wedding bustle of Karandashev is incredibly difficult for Larisa. She still remains in some strange position. It is clear to everyone in the city that Karandashev is a nonentity. He needs Larisa only to satisfy his own pride. The arrival of Paratov becomes an even greater shock for Larisa than his sudden disappearance. It resurrects old dreams and hopes.

Larisa almost without hesitation leaves her fiancé and goes to the Volga with her lover. After spending the night with Paratov, Larisa has no doubt that from now on they are forever connected. She can't get over the fact that her lover looks at their relationship as an "instant infatuation" and is going to marry a rich bride with a good dowry, and this is very useful for him, because. spend a lot of money on entertainment. After that, Larisa no longer imagines how to live on. Death seems to her the best way out of the situation. Karandashev's shot brings her relief from suffering.

The main tragedy of Larisa is that all her life she was looked at as a thing. Even if this thing was considered expensive, but the person himself was not visible behind it. Larisa thought that Paratov looked at her differently, but in fact she succumbed to an even more cruel deception.

Oct 30 2010

The main character of A. N. Ostrovsky's play "" is Dmitrievna, the daughter of Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova. Her mother has a "small fortune", there is nothing to give a dowry from, since she lives openly, accepts everyone, "loves to live happily herself." Harita Ignatievna is very dexterous: “her house is always full of singles”, her daughter is pretty, beautiful and knows how to play various instruments, you can get pleasure from them. But you have to pay for all this: "... whoever likes his daughter, fork out anyway." By all means, this lively woman is looking for a groom for her daughter.

But Larisa is a lyrical, talented and sensitive nature, so she cannot live the life that her mother created in the house. She has to smile, be nice, keep up conversations with the men who visit them and pay money for it. Maybe she doesn’t like them at all or is simply disgusting, she must endure all this, because she needs to do what her mother tells. Larisa subtly feels and experiences what is happening around her. Such a girl feels lonely and uncomfortable in the world around her, which is full of penny passions, selfishness, where everyone tries to show themselves by any means.

She does not need any of this, she is completely alone, alone with her thoughts and dreams. At the same time, they talk about her, admire her, decide her future for her, but Larisa herself seems to remain on the sidelines, the opinions and feelings of this girl are of no interest to anyone.

She understands, in the end, what kind of Paratov, but he was her ideal among men. Because of passionate love, she does not see anything around her, she goes for a walk along the Volga with him, she hopes that he will make her his wife, she believes him. Larisa will be bitterly disappointed, as Paratov spends his last free days there, because he himself marries another woman who is richer than her.

The main comes to the decision to commit suicide, but something does not let her in, keeps her. “It is a pitiful weakness to live, at least somehow, but to live ... when you can’t live and don’t need to. How pathetic, unhappy I am,” she says, standing by the bars.

When an insight comes to her about what the people around her are, what she means to them, Larisa recognizes the veracity of Karandyshev's words: “They do not look at you as a woman, as a person, a person has his own destiny; they look at you like a thing."

Upon learning that Knurov and Vozhevatov are playing her toss, Larisa begins to feel like a “thing”, her soul is seized by apathy, she becomes indifferent to herself and others. The main character says: “I was looking for love and did not find it. They looked at me and look at me as if they were fun. No one has ever tried to look into my soul, I have not seen sympathy from anyone, I have not heard a warm, heartfelt word. But it's so cold to live. It’s not my fault, I was looking for love and didn’t find it ... it doesn’t exist in the world ... there’s nothing to look for. I did not find love, so I will look for gold. With these words, she goes to Knurov for maintenance, because. every thing must have an owner. But Karandyshev's shot prevents her from doing this and at the same time takes her life. Larisa is grateful to him: "... death will not allow her to sink further and die morally." She dies with the words: “Let them have fun, whoever has fun ... I don’t want to disturb anyone! Live, live everyone! You need to live, and I need to ... die. I don’t complain about anyone, I don’t take offense at anyone ... you are all good people ... I love you all ... I love you all.

Ogudalova Larisa Dmitrievna - the main character of the play, a dowry. The remark is described succinctly: “dressed richly, but modestly”, we learn more about her appearance from the reaction of others. Adjacent to the role of the poor bride, which is the subject of rivalry between several contenders for her feeling or hand. As always, such a heroine is given a rather imaginary choice, she chooses only in her heart, while she is actually deprived of the right to commit an act.

L. loves Paratov as a person who embodies and is able to give her a different life. She was “poisoned” by Paratov, with him once and for all the idea of ​​a completely different, poetic and light world entered her mind, which certainly exists, but is inaccessible to her, although she is intended, according to everyone around her, just for him. For L. this is a fantasy world, much more poetic than it really is, the traces of this world in her own life are her favorite poems, romances, dreams, which make his image attractive.
Marrying Karandyshev, she feels humiliated, unfairly sentenced to the life that a petty official can give her. Moreover, she cannot forgive his personal humiliation, his failures in trying to catch up with Paratov, for her the difference between them becomes more and more obvious: “Who are you equal to! Is such blindness possible! She not only does not want to conform to his painfully ambitious whims like a pretentious dinner, but in private she constantly inspires him that she does not love him, that he is infinitely lower than Paratov, whom she will follow at his first call: “Of course, if Sergey Sergeyevich appeared and was free, so one glance of him is enough ... "

In her soul there is a struggle between the desire to come to terms with the inevitable fate of the wife of a poor official and longing for a bright and beautiful life. The feeling of humiliation by their lot and the craving for a different life prompt L. to try to decide her own fate. It seems that the path to this romantic world lies through the same romantic, reckless and spectacular act. But this act is reckless, leads to death, because it is committed in pursuit of a ghost that personifies Paratov, for that world that exists only in poetry and romances.

Just like Karandyshev, she makes a choice in favor of illusion, not reality. For Ostrovsky, this attempt at once, in one reckless act, to receive love and happiness looks like a refusal, an escape from one's own fate. The trip to the men's picnic, which she feels as an act of her own choice, opens L.'s eyes to her true position - a prize that men dispute with each other: “They are right, I am a thing, not a person. I am now convinced that I have tested myself ... I am a thing! Dying, she thanks her murderer, Karandyshev, for giving her the opportunity to leave the world in which a high ideal is trampled on and where she feels like a thing, an object of sale: “I was looking for love and did not find it. They looked at me and look at me as if they were fun. No one ever tried to look into my soul, I did not see sympathy from anyone, I did not hear a warm, heartfelt word. But it's so cold to live. It's not my fault, I was looking for love and didn't find it. She is not in the world ... there is nothing to look for.

In her speech and behavior, the style of a cruel romance is used, which at the same time has a peculiar poetry and borders on vulgarity, falsehood, “beauty”: quotes from M. Yu. Lermontov and E. A. Baratynsky are combined with statements like “Sergei Sergeyich ... this is an ideal men", "You are my master". This reflects the property of the very ideal that attracts L., it is poetic in its own way and at the same time internally empty, false. In her gestures and remarks, a touch of melodrama is combined with genuine penetration and depth of the experienced feeling: “For unfortunate people there is a lot of space in God's world: here is a garden, here is the Volga.” This combination makes the role of L. extremely advantageous; she attracted such actresses as M. N. Ermolova and V. F. Komissarzhevskaya.

Ogudalova Larisa Dmitrievna - the main character of the play, a dowry. The remark is described succinctly: “dressed richly, but modestly”, we learn more about her appearance from the reaction of others. Adjacent to the role of the poor bride, which is the subject of rivalry between several contenders for her feeling or hand. As always, such a heroine is given a rather imaginary choice, she chooses only in her heart, while she is actually deprived of the right to commit an act.

L. loves Paratov as a person who embodies and is able to give her a different life. She was “poisoned” by Paratov, with him once and for all the idea of ​​a completely different, poetic and light world entered her mind, which certainly exists, but is inaccessible to her, although she is intended, according to everyone around her, just for him. For L. this is a fantasy world, much more poetic than it really is, the traces of this world in her own life are her favorite poems, romances, dreams, which make his image attractive.
Marrying Karandyshev, she feels humiliated, unfairly sentenced to the life that a petty official can give her. Moreover, she cannot forgive his personal humiliation, his failures in trying to catch up with Paratov, for her the difference between them becomes more and more obvious: “Who are you equal to! Is such blindness possible! She not only does not want to conform to his painfully ambitious whims like a pretentious dinner, but in private she constantly inspires him that she does not love him, that he is infinitely lower than Paratov, whom she will follow at his first call: “Of course, if Sergey Sergeyevich appeared and was free, so one glance of him is enough ... "

In her soul there is a struggle between the desire to come to terms with the inevitable fate of the wife of a poor official and longing for a bright and beautiful life. The feeling of humiliation by their lot and the craving for a different life prompt L. to try to decide her own fate. It seems that the path to this romantic world lies through the same romantic, reckless and spectacular act. But this act is reckless, leads to death, because it is committed in pursuit of a ghost that personifies Paratov, for that world that exists only in poetry and romances.

Just like Karandyshev, she makes a choice in favor of illusion, not reality. For Ostrovsky, this attempt at once, in one reckless act, to receive love and happiness looks like a refusal, an escape from one's own fate. The trip to the men's picnic, which she feels as an act of her own choice, opens L.'s eyes to her true position - a prize that men dispute with each other: “They are right, I am a thing, not a person. I am now convinced that I have tested myself ... I am a thing! Dying, she thanks her murderer, Karandyshev, for giving her the opportunity to leave the world in which a high ideal is trampled on and where she feels like a thing, an object of sale: “I was looking for love and did not find it. They looked at me and look at me as if they were fun. No one ever tried to look into my soul, I did not see sympathy from anyone, I did not hear a warm, heartfelt word. But it's so cold to live. It's not my fault, I was looking for love and didn't find it. She is not in the world ... there is nothing to look for.

In her speech and behavior, the style of a cruel romance is used, which at the same time has a peculiar poetry and borders on vulgarity, falsehood, “beauty”: quotes from M. Yu. Lermontov and E. A. Baratynsky are combined with statements like “Sergei Sergeyich ... this is an ideal men", "You are my master". This reflects the property of the very ideal that attracts L., it is poetic in its own way and at the same time internally empty, false. In her gestures and remarks, a touch of melodrama is combined with genuine penetration and depth of the experienced feeling: “For unfortunate people there is a lot of space in God's world: here is a garden, here is the Volga.” This combination makes the role of L. extremely advantageous; she attracted such actresses as M. N. Ermolova and V. F. Komissarzhevskaya.
