Doggy style position for conception. Is it possible to get pregnant in the side position?

As it turns out, the simple formula - to conceive naturally, you need to have sex with a man - is supplemented by several factors that influence the result. And if you’ve been waiting for the two coveted stripes for several months, try to take them into account too. There is nothing complicated here: you just need to pay attention to exactly how, in what positions and at what time you have sex with your husband. The long-awaited result - conception - depends on the number of sexual acts, and even on the position. Naturally, a woman can become pregnant in any position, but if a married couple dreams of the fruit of their love, then they can help themselves so that the expected event happens faster. Let's talk today about which positions are best for conceiving a child.

How often and at what time

Planning couples are recommended to have regular sex life, optimally every other day. A particularly good time is 5 days before ovulation and 1 day after. A woman should keep a calendar on which she will mark favorable days for conception. It is advisable to have sex at a time when sperm are especially active - this is around 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

A prerequisite is to do only what you like. If any postures for conceiving a child do not give you any pleasure, then you should not practice them. Remember that you should not be nervous or stressed, because stress is the first enemy when planning a pregnancy. Due to stress, a woman ceases to experience sexual desire, and the chances of conception decrease. There is no need to rush and perceive sex as a necessary work for conception. We recommend that you do not use artificial lubricant substitutes because they contain substances that destroy sperm or interfere with their progress.

The best positions for conception

Basic tips on what positions for conception the best ones are based on the simplest laws of physics - even those who are far from the exact sciences know about the law of universal gravitation. When choosing positions for conceiving a child, it is better to avoid those in which sperm will leak out. Your task is to ensure that as many sperm as possible have the opportunity to “fight” for primacy. And in positions such as, for example, a woman on top, sperm will inevitably flow out, which will reduce the chances of sperm to fulfill their direct duty.

So what poses should you focus on? In principle, any one is suitable, in which the sperm at the moment of ejaculation easily enters the uterus and continues on its way to the egg. This does not exclude others, but before ejaculation it is better to change the position to one in which the male penis and uterus will be brought closer together, which will significantly increase the chances of conception. One of the most popular positions for conception is woman from below. Another one that contributes to this goal is a man behind a woman, while the woman can lie on her side or kneel.

Thus, choosing the best positions for conception, remember that the ideal options are those in which sperm will not flow out after completion of sexual intercourse.

By the way, the chances of successful and quick conception are increased for those women who are aware of their physiological characteristics. So, in some women there is a bend of the uterus, in others the cervix may be located slightly above the uterus. In the first case, a knee-elbow position is recommended, in the second - a woman on her back, a man on top.

You can also cite folk beliefs as an example. However, they have not been scientifically proven, but still... So, there are rumors that girls are most often conceived in the classic “man on top” position, and boys are conceived in the knee-elbow position.

What to do after sex

Relax, relax, cuddle with your husband, because this is the best time for affection and romantic conversations. It is advisable not to immediately run to the bath, but to simply relax for half an hour with your loved one. Many women are sure that for greater effect, immediately after sex they need to stand in the birch tree position in order to “direct” the sperm. However, this seems sheer stupidity - after sex, and this is, after all, physical activity, you want to relax, and not stand on your head or lift your legs to the ceiling. And not all women can boast of acrobatic stretching, and therefore such poses can cause back pain. If you are still sure that it is better to help sperm in their “big race,” then place a pillow under your buttocks, and this will be quite enough.

The best positions for conception, taking into account physiological characteristics

If a woman has inflammation of the ovaries, then the uterus can be turned to the side, then you need to choose a position for conceiving a child, in which the woman will lie on the side where the uterus is turned.
If the uterus is located normally, then you can put a pillow under the buttocks, press your knees to your chest, and raise your legs.
If the uterus is bent, it is advisable to lie on your stomach.

It is better not to have sex in a hot bathroom, especially in a bathhouse. The same goes for sex in a filled bathtub or swimming pool. This will make it much more difficult for you to achieve your goal.

And finally, the most important thing I want to say. It is clear that you dream of a baby and direct all your efforts towards this. But still, you shouldn’t get hung up on this, because you are making love with your loved one, and not fulfilling a work plan. Whatever positions for conception baby whatever you choose, just enjoy intimacy with your husband. After all, you want to conceive a child when you experience only positive emotions? The more tender, sincere and reverent your relationship is, the better it will be for you and your future baby!

Not everyone succeeds in getting pregnant the first time. This does not mean that the woman has problems conceiving or serious illnesses of the reproductive system. The period during which a representative of the fair sex and her partner are trying to conceive a child is important. We will help you calculate your fertile period and determine how many days before ovulation you can get pregnant. Having sex on certain days significantly increases your chances of becoming a mother.

When can you get pregnant?

First, determine when your body is ready for procreation. You will have to find out the day on which ovulation occurs.

Methods for determining ovulation:

  • calendar method;
  • use of test strips;
  • Ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor;
  • measurement of basal temperature.

The calendar method is considered simple. To determine your fertile days, calculate the average length of your menstrual cycle. For a healthy woman, this figure is within 24-37 days. After calculations, you will get a number, for example, 28. With this cycle, the dominant follicle bursts on days 12-16. Count from the first day of menstruation. 7 days after menstruation, the period of “fertility” begins. But this does not mean that it is not possible to conceive a baby before ovulation. Sperm “lives” in the uterus and fallopian tubes for up to 7 days. That is, 7 days before the release of the egg into the fallopian tube, you can conceive a child. If your cycle is 32 days, then ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the period, somewhere on days 16-18. With an excess of estrogen, the rupture of the dominant follicle may be delayed and occur on the 20th day of the cycle.

How many days after ovulation can you get pregnant? The egg is able to fuse with the sperm only 12-36 hours after the rupture of the dominant follicle. That is, you can get pregnant for a maximum of two more days after the follicle ruptures. The fertile period lasts about 10 days. Approximately 7 days before follicle rupture and 2 days after ovulation.

If you don't know when ovulation will occur and on what days you are most likely to get pregnant, watch your discharge. During the fertile period, they become transparent and slippery. The discharge looks like the white of a chicken egg. The amount of secretion increases. After ovulation, the discharge is scanty and whitish, it has an acidic environment and does not conduct sperm. 48 hours after ovulation it will not be possible to conceive a baby; a period of pregnancylessness begins.

It is worth noting that the calendar method for determining the fertile period is suitable only for women with regular periods. If there is a lack of progestins, there is a risk of spontaneous ovulation or anovulatory cycles. Accordingly, it is very difficult to calculate ovulation without the help of doctors and equipment.

How many days before ovulation can you get pregnant?

Pregnancy will not occur before ovulation, so why do doctors advise having sex even before the follicle ruptures with the egg? Sperm “lives” in a slightly alkaline environment for another 3-7 days. It is quite possible to get pregnant by having sex a week before ovulation. But sperm can only live for so long under certain conditions. Life expectancy depends on the characteristics of cervical mucus. It should be fluid enough and “conduct” sperm well. The chances of conceiving increase as ovulation approaches. Doctors believe that the optimal period for conceiving a baby is the day before ovulation and the day after it.

There is no need to have sex every day, starting a week before the egg matures. Frequent sexual intercourse is accompanied by a decrease in the quantity of sperm and a decrease in its quality. The best option is once every 2-3 days. Your partner should abstain from sex for a week before trying to conceive.

What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time?

The chance of conceiving a baby on the first try is only 10%. The most suitable time for conception is only 2-3 days in a 28-day cycle. You will increase your chances of getting pregnant by timing your fertile period and monitoring your cervical mucus.

All the same, the chances of conceiving a child are small, since a woman cannot say with a 100% guarantee that she actually ovulated on a specific day. Therefore, doctors recommend using test strips for calculations. This is ordinary paper impregnated with an indicator that reacts to a surge of luteinizing hormone. What days are you most likely to get pregnant? In a woman’s body, 12-24 hours before the follicle with the egg bursts, a huge amount of LH is released into the blood. This hormone starts the ovulation process and there is a maximum chance of getting pregnant. There are three tests in the package; it is recommended to start using it on the 12th day of the cycle if its duration is 28 days. After the LH surge, you should make love within 24 hours.

In what position can you get pregnant quickly?

It all depends on the physiological characteristics of the woman. There is no one-size-fits-all position that will help speed up conception. Some women have a saddle uterus, a curved cervix in a certain direction. All this should be taken into account when choosing a pose.

The best positions to conceive a baby when the uterus is bent:

  • Doggy style (on all fours);
  • On the side;
  • Lying on your stomach.

The missionary way of having sex is not suitable for a lady with a bent uterus. The ideal position would be “doggy style” or “lying on your stomach”. After completion of sexual intercourse, a woman should lie silently on her stomach. Some doctors recommend placing a pillow under your thighs so that all the sperm flows towards the cervix. Many women do the “birch” for 10 minutes.

There is a lot of “live” in sperm, so there is no need to perform acrobatic stunts. It is enough to lie quietly for a few minutes for most of the sperm to reach the cervix. Please note that a woman's orgasm increases the chances of getting pregnant, so pay a lot of attention to foreplay. The pictures will help you decide in what positions you can quickly get pregnant.

In ancient India, it was believed that the “missionary position” was ideal for conception. In this position, when there is a high probability of becoming pregnant, all the woman’s organs are not clamped and are in a natural position. But this way of having sex is not suitable for a woman with a bent uterus.

Ovulation days when you can get pregnant with a girl and a boy

Usually couples who do not have children simply want a child for a long time. They don't care whether the birth is a boy or a girl. But the couple, who already have a son, want to have a girl. This can be done using the calendar method. As described above, sperm can live in the female body for 2-7 days. This gap is not solely due to sperm quality.

Scientists have proven that sperm that contain XX chromosomes, that is, female ones, are more tenacious. They reach the egg later than sperm with a Y chromosome. But female cells live longer and are not as sensitive to increased acidity of cervical mucus. Sperm with a Y chromosome live only 2 days, but their speed is higher. Accordingly, two days before ovulation the likelihood of conceiving a boy is higher. If you have sex 4-5 days before ovulation, you are more likely to get pregnant with a girl.

In most cases (60%), pregnancy occurs after 180 days of regular sexual activity. The remaining 20% ​​of women become pregnant within a year. But if you have not used protection for 12 months and cannot conceive a child, consult a doctor. There may be health problems. After 35 years, the chances of getting pregnant decrease several times. A 35-year-old woman has only 6 ovulatory cycles per year.

Any couple will sooner or later make the decision to conceive a child, because the desire to have children and continue their family line is quite natural. Sometimes desire alone is too little, and the sex positions used in order to get pregnant, which are considered optimal, do not help.

Then many men and women begin to perform various actions. Some people decide to consult a doctor if they have tried many times to get pregnant, but have not been able to achieve the desired result. Others decide to cope on their own and begin to lead an even more active sex life. Still others go to the Internet for advice to find an answer to a question that interests them - why postures for conceiving a child do not help.

First you need to calm down and talk to your partner. After all, the decision to become parents must be mutual, so both partners must make efforts. A woman who wants to become a mother must first of all monitor her condition and health, because she will have to bear a child. Therefore, you need to avoid stress, try not to get nervous and not worry about trifles. It is best to seek help from a doctor. An experienced gynecologist will not only prescribe tests and conduct an examination, but will also help resolve doubts and answer all questions, for example, a woman’s question about which positions for conception will be optimal.

Your doctor may recommend regular sex. A couple who wants to conceive a child should not be too zealous. Their sex life should be regular and attention should be paid to positions that help in getting pregnant. The more often intimacy occurs, the less seminal fluid a man produces, and the quality of sperm becomes lower. Therefore, the more measured the sexual activity of partners, the better. It is important that a man’s body is able to produce a sufficient amount of seminal fluid capable of fertilizing a woman’s egg.

An important point will be the determination of ovulation. During this period, it is easiest for a woman to conceive a child. Therefore, you can combine the positions to get pregnant with the best time to do so. There are several ways to determine the period of ovulation. Most often, a woman knows the timing of its onset. If this day is known, then it should be confirmed. You can buy a special test at the pharmacy. And keeping a special diary where the basal temperature will be recorded is considered a proven and accurate method. The thermometer is inserted inside when the woman is at rest. And if the temperature is 0.2-0.4 degrees higher than usual, then the period of ovulation has arrived. It lasts about six days, for five days before and one after there is a description of an increase in temperature.

Having a woman undergo a preconception examination and a man undergo an examination increases the couple's chances of getting pregnant on the first try. After all, the structure of the cervix determines which positions are preferable to use in a couple’s sexual life in order to get pregnant. If a woman has a curved cervix, it will be very difficult for her to conceive a child. In this case, the best position for conceiving a child is missionary, but a pillow must be placed under the woman’s hips. So, the sperm that gets inside it will not leak out and will quickly enter the uterus. After the end of sexual intercourse, a woman should also lie down and not immediately go to wash herself.

Another best position for conception is the doggy style position. The woman stands on all fours, leaning on her arms bent at the elbows. The man penetrates her from behind, and the reproductive systems of both partners are in an advantageous position. If pain occurs during penetration, then it is better to refuse to have sex. Unpleasant sensations indicate that the appendages are inflamed or that something is wrong with the kidneys. Therefore, before choosing which position to get pregnant in, you should be cured of existing diseases. Moreover, both partners must undergo a course of examination.

Choosing sex positions

This process is very important. In addition to the above-mentioned positions, there are also other positions to get pregnant without problems. Basically, these are those in which there is the closest possible contact between partners:

  • The position on the side, facing each other, is considered not only comfortable, but also psychologically important. After all, eye contact in the process allows you to unite partners. Emotional connection is no less important than physical contact. The pose is suitable for those couples who like to be equal and respect each other.
  • The side position is when the man is behind his partner. This option will appeal to those who love hugs. The woman is comfortable, she does not strain, the main role of the leading partner is the man. The uterus will be lower than the vagina. And the sperm will immediately penetrate into her.
  • The woman is recommended to raise her hips and throw her legs over the man’s shoulders. In this position, maximum penetration of sperm into the cervix is ​​guaranteed. Eye contact is established between partners.

What poses should you avoid?

There are positions in which having sex if you want to conceive a child is not recommended. If you know exactly in which positions you can quickly get pregnant, then you can do it without any effort. However, not all positions involve deep penetration of seminal fluid into the partner.

Positions in which a woman must sit or stand should be excluded. Positions to get pregnant are related to the laws of physics, and if there are problems with the location of organs or their diseases, then these nuances should be taken into account. For example, the appendages may be inflamed, so after completing intercourse you should lie on the side in which the cervix is ​​turned in this case. Of course, timely treatment can reduce symptoms and subsequently completely rid a woman of this problem.

If both partners prefer to have sex in positions that are not favorable for speedy conception, then you can start with them. You should end sexual intercourse in one of the best positions to get pregnant. The more intense the man’s discharge, the more likely conception is to occur.

What to do after sex

Not everything depends on choosing which position is best to get pregnant. After the end of intimacy, you should not get up immediately. It's better to just lie down and relax on the bed. You can pull your legs towards your chest and lift your hips with a pillow. Post-orgasm caresses help calm the partner and put her in a positive mood. If the uterus is not in its usual position, but in a slightly altered position, then you should ask your doctor about this in advance. Depending on the location of the uterus, you should lie either on your back, or on your stomach, or on your side.

Not only the choice of position for having sex plays a role. It is very important to take into account all factors affecting conception. Therefore, doctors can give other advice.

Stress should be avoided; the psychological attitude of not only the mother, but also the future father is very important. You need to learn how to cope with stress correctly, for example, to relax and calm down, do yoga, aerobics, and meditation. Strengthening the muscles helps ensure that intimacy in the fertile position will bring even more pleasure.

If you don’t succeed in conceiving on the first try, you don’t need to worry about it, you need to try again during the next ovulation period. Before that, try to prepare your body even better.

Giving up bad habits: smoking and alcohol, overeating and a sedentary lifestyle do not have the best effect on the well-being of future parents. If you cannot avoid these harmful factors on your own, you should seek help from specialists.

Alcohol reduces the quality of seminal fluid, so you should not drink it before the process of conception; moreover, the child may be born with abnormalities.

The process can also be affected by taking medications. It is necessary to exclude both antibiotics and analgesics, but when their use is vital, they should be replaced with safer ones. If a woman has previously used contraceptives, she should consult with her doctor about how long before safe conception is possible.

A woman’s weight also determines how easy it will be for her to get pregnant. Choosing which position is best for conception will not be easy for such a couple. After all, both excessively large and insufficient weight of the expectant mother negatively affects her ability to bear fruit. Hormonal imbalances negatively affect a woman’s weight, as well as the quality of a man’s seminal fluid. They don't produce enough sperm.

The optimal time for sex is considered to be five o'clock in the evening. Therefore, it is important to choose in which position you can get pregnant faster in advance. During the process of intimacy, refrain from using lubricants, because... they contain special substances that suppress sperm.

The optimal period for conception is considered to be the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. At this time there is a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, and the birth of a child will occur in late spring and early summer, a time when you do not need to wear a lot of clothes.

Of course, the choice of which position is easiest for a couple to get pregnant is made by the future parents together.

Some people have to approach the issue of conceiving a child from a scientific point of view, because otherwise they cannot get pregnant. You have to not only change your lifestyle, but also have sex only in a certain position. Doctors are convinced that this factor means a lot, so in this article we will tell you about the best positions for conceiving a child, and also tell you which positions it is better to avoid altogether, striving to realize the dream of becoming parents.

Every couple sooner or later thinks about having a child. Some people go to a family planning center to know the exact day when they should have sex, while others don’t attach any importance to these things and live the usual rhythm of their sex life.

Both methods of producing offspring work, but not for everyone. There are people for whom conceiving a baby is a real problem. In such cases, couples often turn to medical specialists for help, who, first of all, recommend that potential parents make love only in certain positions on specific days of the woman’s menstrual cycle at 17:00, because it is at this time of day that sperm are most active.

However, it is very important that the woman and the man feel comfortable and pleasant to satisfy each other in the position recommended by the doctor. After all, a child should be born from love and tenderness, and not from thoughtful steps, which young families are often fixated on, turning sex into a routine. Both a woman and a man must experience orgasm during sex so that sperm can penetrate better and faster into the uterus, which, at the peak of a woman’s pleasure, constantly contracts and promotes conception.

  1. "Missionary" At the moment of ejaculation, a man must enter the woman as deeply as possible so that the sperm are very close to the uterus, into which they will immediately penetrate and begin to move towards the egg waiting for them in the fallopian tubes. It is advisable that the woman have a pillow under her hips - this is necessary so that the sperm does not flow out of the vagina too quickly.

Important! It is best if a woman in the missionary position raises her legs high, for example, throws them over her man’s shoulders. This will increase the depth of penetration of the penis into the vagina, and thereby contribute to the conception of the baby.

  1. "Doggy." A woman needs to turn her back towards her man, get on all fours and spread her legs so that the man can penetrate her deeply. Doctors believe that in this position the deepest penetration is achieved, and, therefore, the chances of conceiving a child if ejaculation occurs in the “Doggy” position are very high.

Important! The first two positions are considered the best for conceiving a boy, because with them the already fast Y chromosomes will quickly reach their goal and fertilize the egg.

  1. "Side". The woman needs to lie on either side, while the man should position himself behind the woman and insert his penis into the vagina. In this position there will be no deep penetration, but intercourse will occur at the desired angle - after ejaculation, the sperm will quickly penetrate where they should in order to fertilize the egg. If you use this position, then after completion of sexual intercourse do not get up, it is better not to move at all for the next 15 minutes.

Important! This position, as well as the “Cowgirl” position (when a woman is on top at the moment a man ejaculates into her), is considered the best for conceiving a girl, because with them the sperm are very far from the cervix (Y chromosomes have the same chance as X chromosomes reach the egg).

After each intercourse, it is advisable for a woman to take the “Birch” position. You can simply move towards the wall and raise your legs and hips up. In addition, you should definitely stop using various lubricants that are sold in pharmacies to enhance sensations during sex. They will disrupt the necessary microflora in a woman’s vagina and kill sperm.

What postures to use if there are physiological abnormalities?

Unfortunately, it is quite common today that a woman cannot get pregnant normally due to the fact that she has physiological abnormalities in the development of the genital organs:

  • bending of the uterus (if the cervix and the uterus itself are not in the same plane, but at an angle due to which sperm cannot penetrate the reproductive organ);
  • inflammatory process in the ovaries (this can be the most common disease caused by a cold, or it can be a serious pathology provoked by an infection);
  • bending of the fallopian tubes, causing them to become obstructed (sperm enter the uterus, but cannot reach the egg, which is waiting for them in the fallopian tube due to a physiological abnormality).

If you are diagnosed with any of the above, then you need to have sex to conceive a child using just a few positions:

  1. “Missionary” is the best position for conception when the uterus is bent. A woman is advised to relax completely and trust her body to a man. The success of the long-awaited conception of a baby will depend on the strength of his excitement, pleasure and depth of penetration.
  2. “Doggy” (the so-called “doggy pose”). You may not have thought about it, but it is in this position that intercourse between most animals occurs - this is a natural position that promotes reproduction.
  3. “Spoon” (in the previous section we described it as “Side”, because at the moment of sexual intercourse the woman should be on her side, and the man behind her).
  4. A pose in which a woman lies on her stomach. In this case, you just need to lie on your stomach, raise your pelvis a little so that the man can enter the woman, and not move, but lie quietly and enjoy. We can say that in this case the success of conception will depend solely on the man.

Under no circumstances should a woman with such pathologies give up on herself as a mother. Don't focus on this problem because it is quite common and doctors already know how to deal with it so that women become happy mothers. If you really give up, you can resort to genetic procedures, after which conception will definitely occur.

What positions are best to avoid altogether in order to conceive a child?

If you make love with one goal in mind - to give birth to a baby, then you need to completely abandon certain positions. These include:

  1. The pose when a woman and a man are standing. In this case, the sperm will not penetrate the cervix and will not reach the egg, because all the sperm will most likely immediately end up on the floor.
  2. "Rider". With this position, the conception of a daughter can occur, however, in rare cases. Most often, sperm do not have time to reach the egg while ovulation lasts and die in the cervix.
  3. A position where either a man or a woman sits on top of each other. Sperm cannot stay in the vagina for long - most of them will die instantly.

For fertilization to occur, you cannot:

  • having sex in the bathroom and other places where the air temperature is expected to be high - these are extremely unfavorable conditions for the survival of sperm;
  • you should not abuse bad habits - give up smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy planning (even if conception occurs when you are not in a completely adequate state, then there is a high probability that you will give birth to a not very healthy baby).

In general, if we consider conceiving a baby from a psychological point of view, then it is important not to focus on the problem. You just need to enjoy each other and be positive. This can be done easily if there is love, passion, tenderness and emotional connection between a man and a woman. Try to relax as much as possible, arrange the appropriate atmosphere and furnishings at home. Let the process of birthing a new life give you only pleasure and leave unforgettable impressions.

Video: “Top 5 sex positions for conceiving a child”

In this article we will not discuss ovulatory processes and functional tests that can be used to determine the best day for pregnancy. We will talk about all kinds of positions that contribute to the speedy onset of pregnancy.

How can you get pregnant quickly? To answer this question, we need to remember the law of universal gravitation. Those positions in which seminal fluid flows out of the female genital tract do not contribute to conception. That is, cowgirl-type poses or those in which a woman stands do not do the job very well.

What positions to use?

First, you should pay attention to the classic poses in which the woman is below and the man is on top. To increase efficiency, you can put a pillow under the buttocks, or stand in the “birch” position after sexual intercourse.

The second group is lying on your side. In this position, a maximum of seminal fluid enters the vagina, and then into the uterus. The position “lying on your side” is most effective when the uterus is bent to the side. In this case, you need to lie on the side in which the uterus is turned. To increase the chances of conception, after intercourse you need to lie down for some time.

Knee-elbow position - the woman rests on her knees and elbows, and the man is behind. Like the previous pose, the knee-elbow position is very suitable for bending the uterus. For greater effectiveness, a woman should linger in this position with an arched lower back.

Of course, each case is individual. We only give general advice, but we really hope that it will be effective and help you get pregnant.
