Congratulations on the anniversary of the choreographic team from colleagues. Congratulations to the team on the anniversary of the organization (enterprise, firm)

Comic congratulations to the team on the new year poems

I wish the team
See straight ahead!
Execute plans accurately
And respect your boss!
Get paid faster
Pay your rent on time!
To go without shivering to the boss,
Better yet, for dinner!
And know everything about the awards
To not suffer without money!
And go on vacation soon
Remember the fresh air there!
In general, stop talking
It's time to welcome the New Year!

Happy New Year greetings to the team in verse

Here a year has passed. What to add to this?
Another step is behind.
I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming
And wish you success ahead!
Let our team be friendly, courageous
Always in everything, luck is just waiting.
So that any business is on the shoulder,
And may fortune find us everywhere!

Comic congratulations on the New Year to the team in verse

I wish my native team
Don't worry too much about fat!
Live modestly, on income,
Go outdoors more often!
Less likely to hit shopping
More business to do!
Take a vacation every year
Multiply to income!
Without resentment to live and gossip,
Everyone is so noticeable!
Always be healthy
Even if it's cold!
And let the new year
Let happiness bring you!
Cheerful laughter and smiles,
And not to know in what losses!

Team congratulations

Colleagues! I want to congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all health and good luck, warmth and peace in the family and zeal in work! I want to wish that our team always remains so friendly, so that in difficult times you can lean on the shoulders of colleagues and hear words of encouragement!

New Year's greetings to the team in verse

The year has gone. We won't be sad about him.
This year left a lot of experience.
We will not forget to take it to New.
We will live the new one without worries.
Without enmity, longing, misunderstanding
Our glorious team will live.
Our collective consciousness
It will only be positive.
"Thank you!" - let's say the outgoing year
And together with him we will point to the door:
Discord, gossip, laziness and adversity,
After all, there is no place for them now in the coming.
I would also like, colleagues, to wish
You can easily work and grow!
Get good salaries
Men grow stronger, women flourish!

Congratulations in verse to the team

The team is friendship
The team is strength
The team is someone who always “started”!
The team, when together always and everywhere!
Even on the reef, even in space, even on the water!

New Year's greetings to the team

Our team is the most friendly,
Let's have fun from the heart!
Let's celebrate the New Year together
We do not sin against the authorities.
After all, this is what we have...
And not put into words.
Wise and willful.
Congratulations to us!
Let dreams come true
Money will rustle in the treasury.
Only, chur - do not get drunk,
Always be on top!

New Year's greetings to the labor collective

I want to sincerely congratulate the team of _____________ on the upcoming New Year. I address the warmest words of congratulations to our honored veterans who, despite their age, in difficult times, are still in the ranks, being an example of high professionalism, skill, duty and responsibility.
Recently, our team has become more cohesive, monolithic and friendly, despite the fact that today it unites several sites. The team was united by common tasks and interests in fulfilling both planned and urgent orders, everyone's sense of responsibility for the fate of the plant, because the performance of the entire production program depends on the work of our team. There were a lot of positive moments in the life of the workshop team in the outgoing 2010: the most important thing is that the team was replenished with young promising workers who already show their real character. I wish all factory workers peace, happiness and fulfillment of all desires!

Congratulations to the team

Congratulations to the team of the company _____________ (name!) on the holiday! We wish you all happiness, health, good luck and prosperity! So that your families live in prosperity and prosperity, peace to you, kindness and warmth! Happy holiday!

Congratulations to the team on the anniversary

We congratulate your team on the anniversary,
And we will not regret the words of our hearts!
May the team be powerful
And he never sees clouds above him!
And every day things are getting better,
We wish the salary to grow!
And prizes in your pocket to come
And in alterations so that you do not visit!
We wish you good luck and good,
May everyone's dream come true!

Congratulations to the team on the anniversary of the enterprise 75 years

Dear Colleagues! Today our company is 75 years old! Is it a lot or a little!? I think that this is the age when there is experience, wisdom, but at the same time youth, vivacity, fresh ideas! I congratulate you on this wonderful date and wish everyone to work at our enterprise with great pleasure and dedication! Let you feel comfortable and cozy in the team!

Congratulations in verse for the team happy birthday

We congratulate the friendly team
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish everyone good health.
We know - luck awaits ahead,
Prosperity and wealth on the way.
Let every day be like a fairy tale.
Let prosperity be!
Do not get sick, do not know you grief, troubles,
And live at least a hundred years!
Let your team be the best in work,
And the bosses will not forget the merits.

Dear Colleagues!
On behalf of the leadership and the trade union, let me congratulate you on the great holiday - Victory Day!
The victory in May 1945 was and remains a landmark event in the history of Russia. The feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers will forever remain in our hearts. Eternal memory to them and glory to the victorious people!
Happy Victory Day!

Comic congratulations to the team on the New Year in verse

Congratulations to the team
Have an aperitif for you!
Warm up nicely
Take your seats!
Earn a lot of money
Eliminate your problems
And achieve a career for everyone
So as not to fight for positions!
Let the bosses not channel
And sorry, helps!
May our dear union
Bring me a watermelon now!
Let the accountant without effort,
Will give salaries for merit!
Let everyone give kisses
Even all your enemies!
In general, happiness in the New Year,
Let everyone give what everyone is waiting for!

Our lovely beautiful women. Everything that sounds beautiful in life, we want to wish you that love for you never ends, trouble and sadness do not meet on the way.
Great happiness, great friends, health, success and sunny days.

New Year's greetings to the staff

The ongoing changes at the enterprise inspire hope and confidence in each of us that the plant will develop not only in the new year, but also in subsequent years. Together with the plant, we will grow in our professionalism, attitude to quality, to labor discipline, to everything that ultimately makes up a strong, cohesive and hard-working team.
The team of the machine shop congratulates the workers of all departments of the plant on the upcoming holiday. We are colleagues, so our close-knit, joint work gives such a tangible result. New labor successes to all factory workers, health and well-being.

New Year's greetings to the team

Friends, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Let the happy year come!
Let the deed, not just the word
He will bring joy to life!
I want to see you always
Happy as ever!

Happy New Year greetings for the team in verse

Happy New Year everyone, friends,
I hasten to congratulate!
Let anxiety and worries
Forever leave you!
Only joy and happiness
Will be full every hour!
May good luck come to you
Definitely in the New Year!
Only you, of course,
Control Miracles!

The most valuable thing in our life is peace, stability and tranquility! And therefore, it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day is respected and revered in Russia and is a symbol of courage, strength and valor! Today we from the bottom of our hearts congratulate our wonderful team of men! Please accept my sincere wishes for health, happiness, kindness, peace and prosperity!

Congratulations to the kindergarten team

Dear educators! Probably, none of us can even imagine how difficult and responsible your work is. We trust you with the most precious thing we have - our little children. And we really do. We know how much love and patience your profession requires, how much imagination and talent, how many skills and abilities. We are grateful to you that you invest so much in our children, instill in them a love of creativity and knowledge. And perhaps, thanks to your efforts, new Tchaikovskys, Repins, Pushkins are already emerging. We congratulate you, our dear educators, on your holiday, and wish you wisdom, patience, love, health and great human happiness.

Holiday greetings from the head of the team

Dear employees. Thank you for the excellent work and warm relations in the team! Let the work bring joy and impressive results! I wish you happy sunny days, female happiness and a cheerful smile, you are my hope and support.

Salute on Victory Day May 9,
A magical rainbow of bright lights
Peace and happiness have a straight road,
Let's just go for it.
We wish you joy, peace, health,
The radiance of the sun, spring foliage,
Success in work, inspiration and happiness,
Good friends and big dreams

Congratulations for the amateur art group

Dear friends, today we have gathered here at your performance, true fans and lovers of the team, which won the recognition and love of the audience with its creativity, devotion to the beloved work. We wish you great creative success.

We are a team of men with a smile congratulations!
We protect and respect our men,
Otherwise, it cannot be
Who will love us then!?
We wish you on February 23,
Never know problems and grief!
We wish to serve the Fatherland with faith, truth,
Universal recognition will be your reward!
We wish you courage, good health,
May every day be filled with love!

Congratulations to the editorial staff

Congratulations to your wonderful team. Your publication does not allow itself to stand still for a second, constantly sensitively responding to the wishes of its readers. It is interesting, topical and exciting and provides an excellent opportunity to keep abreast of all events. Undoubtedly, this is a great merit of your team!
We wish you new creative ideas, good health and, of course, great happiness! And to your publication - prosperity and new readers!

Congratulations to the chief accountant from the team in verse

We are proud of our chief accountant,
And we strive to be like you!
Our chief accountant is very smart,
And he knows a lot about numbers!
He will make his calculation
Calm down and without further ado!
He will sign everything slowly,
Paper carefully rustling!
We wish you all the best:
Let it be cozy and warm
And from people - always good,
Everything in life will be fine!

Congratulations to the staff of the vocational school

We congratulate the team today,
May this holiday in the snow and in the heat,
Brings excellent performance
And most of the students with a bright head!
Great fame, new achievements
In your difficult field - to teach,
Burning eyes and understanding
And faith in the future, and live with dignity!

Congratulations to the leader from the team on his birthday

You are the most amazing woman and we are proud that you lead our team. The most beautiful qualities that a woman can embody are inherent in you. We sincerely and wholeheartedly wish you success in everything and always.

Congratulations to the President of the company from the team in verse

Let our company prosper
After all, every dividend counts!
We are calm
After all, he manages
Our very smart president!
You are very wise, far-sighted,
Your successes are obvious!
And we are in a hurry to congratulate you,
And we want to say from the bottom of our hearts!
Your accomplishments are so noticeable
That the image is only growing!
Your decisions are all concrete,
They are respected by our people!
We wish you good health
And life long, long years!
Let the weather be beautiful
And light illuminates your path!

Comic congratulations to the team on the new year in verse

Happy New Year, team!
Drinking an aperitif now!
Drive out the negative
Having let in a lot of happiness!
Because at the gate
The cat is visiting us!
Open the door wider
Let the cat come in!
We accept with all our hearts
Give us a big jackpot!

Congratulations to the headmaster from a team of teachers in verse

Team of teachers
I was going to congratulate you
How lucky you are to be our director!
You do everything
So that the image of the school only advances,
You are doing great!
You are a wonderful organizer in everything,
And we all noted your talent!
Please accept our heartfelt congratulations,
May success always await you!
Let plans and ideas come true
And do not be sad, do not be upset - never!

Official congratulations to the maid from the team

On this day we would like to wish
You life on the assessment of "Five".
Smiles - the sea, happiness - the ocean,
So that both sadness and a hurricane go by.
So that we make life less difficult for you -
Everything around was not filled with garbage.
Your work - the work of a maid was valued as your own,
After all, you - to us a little man - are not a stranger.
Congratulations on the holiday to the whole team,
We wish you all the best and joy in the world!

Happy New Year to the team

Both in sports and in art we have achieved success,

The workers of our workshop did not lose their honor.

In the coming year we will improve the quality,

We will eliminate all shortcomings, reduce labor intensity.

Happy New Year!

Mud, dirt and bad weather,
The wind is blowing a little!
Smells like nothing
We are rushing, who is why!
In general, it's hard, guys,
Spring day is coming!
When spending is nothing
We all go with flowers!
What to give a ring, earrings,
Maybe we should have a drink!?
And we buy everything
And lingerie lineup!
In general, cool, there is an opportunity
Something different too!
Congratulations on Women's Day
Showering you with rain
From love, smiles, affection,
The day goes by like in a fairy tale!
Be happy folks!
We love you dear!

Comic New Year's greetings to the team

Dear team on New Year's Eve, I wish storms, snowstorms, snow and cold!
So that everyone sits at home at the festive table by candlelight and thinks how good it is that we are at home and have not gone anywhere! And what else is needed for happiness if the house is warm and cozy! Happy New Year!

Congratulation of the men of the enterprise team on the Day of the Defender

Dear men! Comrade soldiers, sergeants, ensigns and officers! Dear veterans of the Armed Forces and defenders of the Fatherland!
On February 23 we will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. On February 23, 1918, the Day of the Red Army was held in Petrograd under the slogan of defending the socialist Fatherland from the "Kaiser's troops." In the documents of that time there are no words "German" or "German" troops, but only "Kaiser": apparently, in the interests of proletarian internationalism and by analogy with the "tsarist troops".
From the first days of the formation of their native Fatherland, the Russian people never threatened anyone, did not claim other people's territories, did not impose their will on other peoples. Even today we want to live in peace on this land - the land of our ancestors. Having taken an oath to faithfully and honestly serve their people, the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Russia, not in words, but in deeds, proved their devotion to their native land. No matter how difficult conditions life puts us in, the foreground has always been the protection and protection of a peaceful and calm life. The soldiers of the Armed Forces of Russia served and serve this great goal.
Soldiers of the Fatherland were our grandfathers, fathers, older brothers. They saved the world from fascism by doing their duty with honor.
You have fulfilled your duty, our dear men. Love for your home, your people, a sense of responsibility for its future have led you to the ranks of its defenders. With gratitude and appreciation, we say to you; - "Thank you!" Low bow for your feat of arms!

Congratulations to the children's team

Congratulations boys and girls
They are worthy of all praise.
I wish them health and success
And a dream come true!

We heartily congratulate the head of the department Nikolay Nikolayevich on the 50th anniversary of the anniversary! We wish you, dear Nikolai Nikolaevich, good health for many years to come, creative success and great personal happiness! You have been a member of our team for many years, however, our respect and feelings for you have not weakened in the slightest. And no matter what life brings us, you remain steadfast in your beliefs and principles! Good luck, new discoveries and bright achievements!

Poems for Valentine's Day team congratulations

Inspired by a bright feeling,
Sometime in the ancient years.
Someone came up with a day for all lovers,
Without thinking then
That this day will be loved
And an important holiday of the year,
And Valentine's Day
So this holiday will be called
So let a miracle happen for you -

For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

Any congratulations and wishes should be of an individual nature and emphasize the holiday with appropriate congratulations to the team, in which a certain meaning and an abundance of beautiful words will be felt, from which a unique wish will be assembled. Congratulation to the team, as a rule, can be with humor in order to brighten up gray everyday life with a good mood, or vice versa, be solemn and official, which is also relevant and in demand. You should not invent something from yourself, because today there are a huge number of all kinds of congratulations that will suit any festive event. One congratulation can be sent to the whole team using a name change, or you can select a wish that will become individual for everyone. After all, any person is distinguished by his own logic, his own interests and tastes, which should also be taken into account when choosing the appropriate option for congratulations.

To everyone who can't stay still when they hear music, congratulations on International Dance Day! Dance is an encrypted language of movements, it is speed and whirlwinds of emotions. Dance is more than words. Dance, open up in the dance and discover other people. May the incendiary dance of your life never stop!

Dear, our immensely beloved teachers! We congratulate you on a significant event - International Dance Day. You give us your experience, knowledge, strength, energy, which help us achieve new heights every day in such an amazing art as dancing. You showed us this wonderful world where notes and movements are inseparable from each other. We express our sincere gratitude and appreciation, we wish you all the best!

Dance, like a moment, will sweep now!
It looks like it will last an hour!
You can dance for a second
You can never get tired of dancing!

It's more fun to walk through life with a dance,
Dance brings friends together again!
Well, let's dance together again
Give smiles and do not lose heart!

Long live different dances -
ballet and variety,
Folk and classical
Sporty and majestic!
Fast and slow
time tested,
Ancient, modern -
The art of dance is magical!
On the Day of the Dance, I sweated from dancing,
Please accept my congratulations!

What pas sometimes brings life:
That Argentinean tango is dancing,
Then in the rhythm of the waltz it will smoothly spin,
Hip-hop brightly protests boredom.

Boiling adrenaline in hot blood,
The soul is ringing, playing the guitar,
When a lucky break is like a macho
He wants to perform flamenco in pairs.

Let the music rush along!
Let the rhythm intoxicate and intoxicate you!
Let love belly dance
Sweetly beckons to his dancing circle!

Do not be afraid to step on someone's feet!
And, as a dancer, let nothing stop you!
In order to gain experience in life, one must live,
Dancing! Happy Dance Day!

Congratulations to all who are associated with dance,
On this glorious, precious day,
And we wish you all good luck
Dancing as beautifully as possible.

We want to give you some happiness
And this gentle congratulations to the heart,
Let fate protect you from bad weather,
A gentle breeze blows all the time.

Dance movement is an art
And being able to maintain a conversation,
You move at the behest of feeling
And you reflect passion in your movements.
My congratulations to the rhythms of the musician
It sounds beautiful, very melodic,
May everything be successful, and sometime
Your dance in life will be so great!

Those who love dance
We congratulate everyone
And dance all my life
We sincerely wish!

To your feet, hands
Didn't age at all
To cool, as before,
They knew how to dance!

Accept our congratulations,
More fun to be
So that health never
Didn't let you down!

Dancers and dancers
Accept congratulations,
Your dances are incomparable,
We tell you without a doubt!

We wish you good luck
And success to heaven
To have even more
Miracles in your work!

To youth and dancing
Been with you forever
To have only happiness
Trouble has passed!

you dancers are good
And always pleasant
You have charm
Simply unbelievable!

We wish you friends
To appreciate you
So that the audience is always
You were very loved!

To body and soul
rejoiced together,
To grief and trouble
Never knew!

author and performer of own songs

The most wonderful childhood memories respond to the word “Vesnyanka” in my soul: large classes, the sound of our voices at rehearsals and in the halls, our teacher with a divine voice, who says: when you sing, your palate should become like a dome near a temple, and let your voice flying high...

With great joy I congratulate "Vesnyanka" on a wonderful anniversary! At that tender age, when the foundations of worldview and taste are laid, I was lucky to spend several years in this team, get an excellent performing school there and invaluable first stage experience.

I deeply respect the leadership of the Vesnyanka studio for being faithful to the high traditions of Russian and international choral classics, for the fact that the studio does a great job of introducing its students to the best examples of the world's musical heritage. I see a lot of children's groups that have succumbed to the temptation of quick and momentary success - and I am proud that my "Vesnyanka" has always chosen and today chooses a much more difficult, but much more worthy path: serving genuine culture, serving everything in culture that does her eternal.

I will never forget our amazing teachers, the wonderful and exciting atmosphere of classes and performances; in my soul the music that I met thanks to Vesnyanka never ceases to sound. And I wish the heads and teachers of the studio, all its pupils and their parents health, well-being - and huge, completely deserved success!

Always yours,

artistic director
Tambov Chamber Choir. S.V. Rachmaninov,

Honored Art Worker of Russia,
Honored Worker of the All-Russian Musical Society,

Dear friends, singers of the wonderful, wonderful choir "Vesnyanka", dear Lyubov Viktorovna, I sincerely congratulate you all on a wonderful anniversary!

50 years for the children's choir - PHENOMENAL!!! MANY!!!

Many??? And if you put together all the years lived by everyone who sang in "Vesnyanka" during these years, everyone who carried the memory of the choir through their whole lives, everyone who passed on their love for the choir and music to their friends, their children (yes , probably already to grandchildren) - how many years will it turn out? I think that the count will go on not for centuries, but for millennia... And there it is already not so far to eternity... But aren't Eternity and Music related concepts? Aren't Music and "Vesnyanka" related concepts? In this case, on the days of your anniversary, let me also congratulate you on the holiday of Eternal Music, on your holiday!

Tambov musicians and ordinary music lovers still remember your concerts, some of them even visit your site and regularly follow the news of your life. We look forward to seeing you again in our city...

I beg you, please do not get sick, do not catch a cold and do not cough. And drink warm milk at night - it's good :-))
I love you and mentally hug you the way you all hugged the century-old oak tree in our Tambov park! (Remember?)

Yours sincerely,

Vladimir Kozlyakov

Composer, Honored Art Worker of Russia, laureate of international competitions for composers, professor of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinykh, Honorary Visiting Professor of the University of Korea (Seoul)

Fate gave me the joy of communicating with a wonderful team that bears a poetic name. The fact that Vesnyanka has been living a full-blooded creative life for half a century speaks volumes. May the glorious traditions of a thoughtful approach to a piece of music, refined subtlety of intonation, careful attitude to the sounding word - all that distinguishes Lyubov Viktorovna Aldakova and her pupils - be preserved and continued, may new generations of young musicians join the mystery of the birth of music, even if not the many-sided voice of "Vesnyanka" falls silent!

Alexey Larin

President of the Association of Conductors of Children's and Youth Choirs of the North-Western Region, Head of the Harmony Youth Chapel (Gatchina), head. choral department of the Children's Music School named after M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova (Gatchina), member of the Union of Russian Concert Workers, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Artistic Director of the Gatchina Rainbow International Choir Competition, the Mirror of Time Youth Festival, and the Music of the 21st Century Composers Competition for Children and Youth . Choral laboratory»

"Vesnyanka's creative credo, it seems to me, is spiritual music"

How these ordinary, in general, children are able to enchant the audience, capture them with their heartfelt expressive sound. Absolute concentration, and at the same time ease of musical expression, flexibility, subtlety of emotional touches and strong bright sound of culminations - in all this, of course, a lot of work and dedication of the choristers, but most importantly, the talent and skill of the choirmaster - Lyubov Viktorovna Aldakova. I can name just a few names of choirmasters, listening to the bands of which you immerse yourself in music, you follow the development of the musical form, without thinking about how it was achieved or how it was written by the author.

50 years is a long time for a team. How many generations of choristers have been brought up, nurtured by the leader, sent into life with a full treasury of musical baggage. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life - trips, choir camps, chanting, costumes - parents of children, of course, have no time to think that the work of teachers is the work of a "jeweler in cutting the soul." And they educate not just musicians, choristers, but remarkable youth, for whom the moral concepts of duty, love for the Fatherland, respect for native shrines are not an empty sound, but a life position. This will be fully manifested later, when the children become adults. And then, they, like their parents once, will bring their children along the familiar and native path - to the teachers of the studio.

Honored Worker of Culture of Russia,
Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Musical Society,
Master of Pedagogy,
Director of the State Cultural Institution
"Creative Association for the Aesthetic Education of Youth "Musical Youth"

Dear Lyubov Viktorovna!
Dear friends, the glorious creative team of the Vesnyanka choir studio!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations and best wishes on the fiftieth anniversary of your wonderful and famous team!

Children's choral studio "Vesnyanka" of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth of the Central District of Moscow and the "Creative Association for the Aesthetic Education of Youth "Musical Youth" of the Department of Culture of the Moscow Government have long-term creative friendship.

The performances of the Vesnyanka choirs are always the brightest pages in the programs of the Young Talents of the New Century music subscription, held by the Musical Youth GUKTO.

It is not always interesting for me to attend festivals, competitions, concerts and musical performances in which your choirs take part: Chizhik, Skvorushka, Sunshine, Snowdrop and Vesnyanka.

It is impossible to forget the triumphant performance of the Vesnyanka concert choir at the Jubilee Musical Meeting dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the musical and educational activities of the Moscow Musical Society in the Column Hall of the House of the Unions on November 27, 2010.

The teaching staff of the choir studio "Vesnyanka" deserves special gratitude, which does a great job of moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation, giving their hearts to children.


Director of the GUK TO "Musical Youth",
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation


Yaroslav Krasnikov
first violin of the ensemble of soloists of the Moscow Philharmonic "Concertino"

Dear Lyubov Viktorovna, colleagues, friends!

Congratulations on your 50th birthday.
Introducing children to music, creative activity, harmony and love is a great thing!
We are always happy to work with you. Deep knowledge, youthful enthusiasm and spontaneity, and, at the same time, high professionalism - this is what calls us to musical communication with you. We dream of new programs with your participation!

Health and inspiration

Yaroslav Krasnikov,
ensemble of soloists MGAF "Concertino"

Vladimir Ivanovich Sorokin
Professor of the Department of Choral Conducting of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins ,
Researcher at the Department of Archival and Manuscript Materials of the State Central Museum of Musical Culture named after M.I. Glinka

Margarita Petrovna

Professor of the Department of Singing and Choral Conducting, Moscow State Pedagogical University,
candidate of pedagogical sciences

Dear Lyubov Viktorovna!

We congratulate our beloved "Vesnyanka" on the glorious Anniversary - the 50th anniversary!

Such a mature age of the team, combined with the young enthusiasm of its members, multiplied by the experience, skill, selfless work of leaders, the patience and love of parents, allows you to achieve outstanding creative results.

We wish you all health, prosperity and new achievements in the field of choral singing!

IN AND. and M.P. Sorokin

Georgy Georgievich Polyachenko
Chairman of the Orthodox Church Singing Society ,
artistic director and director of the International Orthodox Music Festivals in Moscow and Russia, as well as in Europe and the USA

Dear brothers and sisters, friends and colleagues!

Let me sincerely congratulate you on the glorious anniversary of the wonderful children's choir and the Vesnyanka choral studio of the same name. Anniversaries (especially the 50th anniversary) are conducive to solemn greetings, but believe me that beyond any anniversaries, I constantly harbor in my heart enthusiastic feelings for your choir and, above all, for your most talented leader, a true ascetic of choral culture and a true servant high art - Lyubov Viktorovna Aldakova, to whom I have brotherly Love in Christ and the most grateful feelings of the listener, as well as the forced "juryman" (in the competition jury).

Each new program of the choir is a well-thought-out repertory discovery in a highly spiritual and highly artistic musical interpretation: whether it be liturgical chants or folk songs, or theatrical declamatory and singing performances, or classical works.

As the chairman of the Orthodox Church Singing Society, it was fitting for me to end my congratulations, according to the good Orthodox tradition, by three times wishing the Vesnyanka choir and its artistic and spiritual caregiver Lyubov Aldakova Many, Many, Many and Good Years !!!

With unwavering respect,

always sincerely yours Georgy Polyachenko

Vesnyanka's creative credo, it seems to me, is spiritual music.

How these ordinary children, in general, can enchant the hall, capture them with their heartfelt expressive sound. Absolute concentration, and at the same time ease of musical expression, flexibility, subtlety of emotional touches and strong bright sound of climaxes - in all this, of course, there is a lot of work and dedication of the choristers, but most importantly, the talent and skill of the choirmaster - Lyubov Viktorovna Aldakova. I can name just a few names of choirmasters, listening collectives which, immersed in music, follow the development of musical form, without thinking about how it was achieved or how it was written by the author.

50 years is a huge time for the collective - how many generations of choristers have been brought up, nurtured by the leader, sent into life with a full treasury of musical baggage. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life - trips, choir camps, singing, costumes - parents of children, of course, have no time to think that the work of Lyubov Viktorovna is the work of a "jeweler in cutting the soul." the concepts of duty, love for the Fatherland, respect for native shrines, is not an empty sound, but a life position. This will be fully manifested later, when the children become adults. And then, they, like their parents once, will bring and bring their children along the familiar and native path - to Lyubov Viktorovna.

Happy Anniversary, dear Vesnyanka!

On the day of the round anniversary of an enterprise or organization, it is imperative to prepare congratulations on the anniversary to the team. On such a day, it is important to congratulate the administration and the director, stock up on a sincere but solemn official speech addressed to the management, but one cannot do without wishes for further success in the work of the team. It is the team with its achievements that leads the enterprise to success, fulfills everything planned. The team is, first of all, people who spend most of their time together and are united by certain professional responsibilities. This unity takes on the highest degree on the day of professional holidays or anniversaries, so it is so important to present an original, exclusive and different congratulation to the team.

Our site is pleased to offer you such a congratulatory text created by one of our respected authors. You can be sure that you will not meet such wishes of success, health and happiness again. Here you can find comic and strict, but sincere, slender and interesting congratulations on the anniversary of the university, teaching staff and students. Long or short poetic and prosaic, necessarily beautiful and touching congratulations and wishes will penetrate into the depths of the soul of each colleague and set the whole team on even greater achievements in work and study.

You don’t need to invent anything, because we have already tried and prepared for you everything you need for the anniversary celebration of your team. Colleagues will remember your speech for a long time, thanks to the quivering sound of phrases and sincerity of appeals addressed to them. The solemn day for the whole team will become even brighter and richer when everyone hears wonderful words of congratulations on the anniversary of the team of your enterprise.

Video congratulations on the anniversary of the team

I congratulate all our wonderful team on the anniversary of our organization. I wish you to remain a united, friendly team of purposeful people who can handle everything. Good luck to you guys in our common cause and great happiness in your personal life. Be healthy, loved and focused on success.

Congratulations to the wonderful team on the anniversary of the organization. I wish you true friendship and mutual support in the team, I wish you all good health and personal well-being, as well as an endless stream of enthusiasm and wonderful ideas. May the work go well, may hard efforts and joint efforts always maintain the impeccable reputation of the organization.

Wonderful team congratulations on the anniversary of the organization. I wish you to love your work and work together for the sake of joint success, achievements and victories. I wish all employees strong strength and health, good benefits and happiness in your personal life, so that you can make interesting proposals every day, make the right decisions and complete any business better than any competitors and other masters.

My dear team, I congratulate you on the anniversary of our organization. I wish everyone peace and health, well-being in the family and comfort at home, incredible strength and brilliant ideas for our joint hard work, excellent and productive work. May every day be successful for us, may clear and very successful days lie ahead for our organization. Be happy, friends, be loved by your family and love your loved ones, and, of course, your work.

Dear employees, you are a wonderful team, you are conscientious, honest, hardworking and good people. I congratulate you on the anniversary of our organization and I want to wish you a minimum of fatigue, maximum efficiency, a sea of ​​ideas and opportunities, a complete absence of problems and obstacles. All successful work and prosperous life.

Dear colleagues, on behalf of our organization, please accept congratulations on the anniversary of the company! Successful work tells us about the correctness of the chosen course, so we wish you further prosperity, development and stability!

Dear employees of our beloved organization, I congratulate you on our common anniversary. Let each of you have a lot of ideas in your head, and a lot of opportunities in your hands. I wish in any situation to remain a friendly, honest, cheerful team that can move mountains for the sake of common success. Good luck to everyone, worthy victories and personal benefits.

Dear employees, our most wonderful team, I sincerely congratulate you on the anniversary of our organization. I wish you to love your work and every day strive for new victories, new successes. May we conquer all peaks, may we manage to make a real sensation among all other competitors. All health, happiness and love, as well as confidence, optimism and inextinguishable talents.

Dear team, we congratulate you on the occasion of the anniversary of our organization, we wish you success in your work, high-quality teamwork, health, family well-being and prosperity.
