Wishing your sweetheart a good day. Wishing a good day to your beloved husband

Wishes for a good day to a loved one speak of the care shown by the second half. All life is made up of little things: we say "thank you" when we are grateful; say “please” in response to gratitude. “Good day” we wish your loved one to cheer him up and make the day a little better.

In verse

  • Darling, I wish you a good day!
  • Accept you mischievous greetings from me!
  • May your day pass with inspiration
  • With optimism and mood!
  • All your deeds for you to do
  • In everything so that you are skillful!
  • I kiss you, I hug you tenderly,
  • I wish you to be cheerful and serene!
  • My dear man!
  • Have a wonderful day!
  • To the sky above you
  • It has always been clear!
  • To laugh and joke
  • You all day, my dear,
  • And so that your coffee is strong,
  • Invigorated and had a tart taste!
  • Let the wind bring greetings to you from me,
  • I wish you, dear, have a good day!
  • So that all your affairs turn out,
  • And wishes with dreams to come true today.
  • Let a little coffee, the pressure rises,
  • The sun is shining over your head.
  • At work, so that everything was fine too,
  • And so that your heart does not feel sad at all.
  • My dear and dear, my good,
  • May your day be clear and beautiful!
  • So that you strive for good and do good,
  • And so that you are on a note of optimism today.
  • I wish you a cheerful, bright mood,
  • It is expensive to meet a friend, old, friendly.
  • Good meetings and love, I wish you all day
  • I love you very much, I hug you with my soul!
  • For you my dear
  • Poems have been written
  • To a new day for you
  • Wishes were made!
  • Light and goodness to you
  • And a great day
  • Great joy to you
  • The sky is clear to you!
  • Tasty coffee for you
  • And great energy
  • So that you are not sad
  • Created with heart!
  • My lovely and beloved!
  • Have a wonderful day!
  • Have a beautiful day
  • Let there be a lot of interesting things!
  • Learned a lot of new things
  • A lot to do
  • Not tired so that the soul
  • No heart, no body!
  • And so that your brains
  • Don't get tired either!
  • Let this day be
  • Clear and nice!

In prose

I wish you a good day my love! And this means that all your dreams will come true, plans are being realized. I wish you to be strong and healthy, positive and energetic, so that you can always achieve what you have planned. And may your life path be successful, creative and constructive today! Good luck to you, my dear, luck and success everywhere and in everything, as well as peace and harmony with yourself!

My good, my beloved man! May it be sunny in your life too! I wish you a good day - good mood, good health, good wages, good trips, good impressions and warm meetings with good people! Let a smile adorn your courageous face, because it really suits you! Inspiration to you and a creative mood in all your affairs, and may your plans come true!

You are the closest and dearest person to me. I love you and wish you a good day! Let fate indulge you today with pleasant surprises, let the sun pamper you with its rays and warm you from the cold. And let my love and the love of your relatives and friends warm you. More joy to you, and may sadness not overshadow your face! Remember that a frank smile always colors a person! Smile at people!

What can each of us do, creating an atmosphere for a good mood? I’ll tell you a secret, you need to invite this mood to visit! How? Have you heard of good day pictures? They have the magical power to make our lives beautiful.

Whether we are male or female, young or old, we can design our day with our own hands. And you can start from the very morning, so that, without missing a single hour of the day, you can remain happy.

Let's start the day with us with a magical recipe that will become the basis of your bright and wonderful day. Write down the ingredients! So, you opened your eyes, and you immediately need:

  1. Smile kindly to yourself;
  2. Wish yourself and everyone around you a good day;
  3. Have a bright and good dream;
  4. It is worthy to meet with joyful delight the Sunny Bunny that has looked to visit you.
  5. Wishing everyone happiness all day long.
Just a few simple things, but they evoke emotions for a great mood, they will help to bring a sincere smile to our face and infect all your loved ones with positive.


What will help you smile? What power does a smile have?

Imagine, in the morning, as soon as you opened your eyes, a pleasant gift was waiting for you. Your boyfriend (or girlfriend) sent you, along with a simple and such a native word: “kiss”, a funny photo. Too easy? Maybe. But the mood has risen! You smiled! And all day you flew as if on wings from the realization that you are loved!

Good wishes

Some people or events can never take away your wings that help you soar above difficulties and believe in yourself. The secret is that pictures “charged” your mood, cool images with wonderful inscriptions. Such nice amenities make you stand out from the crowd of people who are always dissatisfied with something. You are not one of them because you live, breathe, and know how to laugh at simple but beautiful things.


What is a dream? Everyone has their own, as well as their own path to happiness. But the one who is the owner of a cheerful and good dream is already happy. Because such good thoughts warm the soul. They are like wishes to oneself to find purpose and joy in life.

But how do you get your dream? You should not invent a bicycle when there is an opportunity to make the day the best with the help of a picture with wishes. Each image, as well as the caption to it, will help you understand what you want to achieve in life.

And perhaps such pictures will suggest the way to the country of Childhood. They will remind you how good it was there, what simple wishes were then, and how joyful and easy it was just to live.

How Joy Helps Meet the Day

Animated pictures, like smiles, like bunnies or the glare of the sun, can easily flutter into your ordinary day to illuminate it with their playfulness. Stop for a moment, let the animation show how interesting and exciting everything can be. Just as the Japanese meditate on singing stones in their gardens, so you surrender to the moment, let it take you to boundless distances, where your possibilities are endless, where there are no barriers, but only joy. Ordinary pictures can add color to your ordinary day. Don't miss it and enjoy it.

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If I were a feather, I would touch your cheek, if I were a ray, I would run over your lips, but I'm just a short SMS, so I'll have to wake up myself. Good morning my darling!

My dear man! I want to wish that the new day will please you with an apricot morning, a strawberry afternoon and a chocolate evening in my arms. I kiss you tenderly. Good morning!

My dear man! Let the new day fill your soul with chords of joy, the people around you give notes of fun, and the positive words you hear lift your spirits.

Favorite boy! Today a sunny bunny will wake you up, you should know that it was my heart that came down to you to wish you a good day!

Hello! Let this gentle morning shower you with a honey-peach cocktail of my kisses, let the day be filled with the chocolate-milk aroma of coffee, and the evening give a rainbow of emotions and passion.

My dear! Today I dreamed that we were flying in a hot air balloon. It was incredibly beautiful, but very cold. Then I felt myself getting warmer, and my heart warmed up and I woke up from your warm embrace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

My gentle! Let the orchestra playing the strings of happiness wake you up today, and be accompanied by the drumming of cheerfulness and good mood.

Wake up my sunshine! I want to see two blue seas of happiness and love as soon as possible. Touch your lips and say: good day! Morning has already come.

My dear! I send you an air kiss that will leave a taste of harmony on your lips, and a drop of sunlight will fill your heart with warmth for the whole day. Wake up!

The morning dawn opens its arms, embracing the earth. Also, I want to hug you and whisper gently in your ear: "A new day has already begun ...".

Wake up, love! I missed you so much last night. Sunbeam, fragrant coffee and I are waiting for you. Good morning!

Wishing a good day to your beloved man

Good morning, my gentle! I want to wish you that the new day will bring you good news, amazing events and incredible luck!

My dear! May this morning fill you with vivacity, and the day with positive. The sun has already woken up and is waiting for your return smile, and I am waiting for your awakening so that my day will be filled with meaning.

My love! I woke up today and I felt light and joyful, I realized that it was you who thought of me. Good morning my dear!

Hooray! A new day has come! Let it bring you a drop of freshness, a rain of smiles and a hail of positive emotions. Good morning, Dear!

Darling! May today bring you as much warmth and light as the lights light up in my eyes when I look at you.

Good morning my dear! I woke up earlier than you today, I felt your breath and the smell of your hair, and it seemed to me that it was the fresh wind of the surf that blew into my face. Have a nice day, honey!

My good, good morning! I made coffee for you so that when you drink it, you will feel that my love is as strong and hot as this drink.

Favorite boy! May every moment of your awakening give you more vivacity, happiness and fullness, like a kiss of lovers. And the coming day will be full of great accomplishments and bold actions.

My sweet, sleepy! Wake up to a new good day. I want it to bring you as much joy and positive as you can fit in your loving heart.

My sunshine, good morning! That night, the Fairy of Happiness came to me and said that if every morning you wish your loved one a good day, then he will be the happiest person! May my love warm you on this day!

On this beautiful sunny morning, I want to add a drop of my love, a handful of my “waiting” and seasoning with my “wish”, showering with many kisses and hundreds of hugs. Good morning, wake up!

My favorite man! Today it is drizzling and cold, but I will try to warm you with the warmth of my soul so that you always feel warmth and comfort. Make your cherished dreams come true, master your unconquered heights and come to me, I will be waiting for you. Have a good day!

I want to wish, my dear, that this morning becomes one of the first pleasant moments of your day and gives you the key to a wonderful mood. May there be more bright, positive moments today, I kiss you tenderly! Good morning!

It all starts with a smile! So let your day be filled with a smile, joy and thoughts about me. Let it pass easily and quickly so that I can meet you with a kiss. Good morning!

  • Your temper is coffee beans. Your smile is sugar. Your playful look is cream. Together they create a wonderful, aromatic and the best morning coffee that encourages creativity...
  • If on weekdays you have someone to give a wish for a good working day, then make it more pleasant. Write something pleasant to someone who is working, and the day will pass faster and more productively.

    I wish you a good day.
    To take care of yourself
    For evening chores or meetings,
    After all, this cannot be neglected.
    How you work - and then
    Rest from hard work!

    May the day go well
    Incomes will multiply.
    Successful meetings
    It will be a pleasant evening!

    Work productively
    To make a profit.
    And there are many controversial issues.
    Resolve in your favor!

    I wish not to give up
    The bureaucracy is under pressure.
    Evenings are easy to wait
    It's a good idea to spend it!


    I wish you a good day
    Let things go well.
    And all questions are difficult
    Instantly resolved!

    Wishing a good working day to a girl

    Dear, sorry job
    Mandatory for us.
    I promise that on Saturday
    Let's make it a hundred times!

    Until then earn
    For a fabulous weekend.
    Let it be a good day
    No big problem!

    You work so hard
    What is so bad for a girl.
    Let it be a good day
    And fate is always safe!

    I wish you a good day!
    Let everything be as you have decided.
    And soon will cover you
    From mink manto and chinchilla!

    And there will be a workflow
    Provide measurable benefits
    Not prolonged stress.
    Be patient ... And everything will be exactly right!

    Good working day wishes for a man

    Life is for men
    Be strong and don't complain.
    To be a stable family man
    You have to be successful in everything...

    Let it be good
    Your upcoming work day.
    Everything is getting more expensive...
    Only laziness does not rise in price!

    I want to wish in the morning
    You make yourself good.
    Otherwise for a man today
    There will be no joy in life!

    Let my wish
    Have a nice day.
    Will bring a lot of fruit
    In a short time, for sure!

    And your work will delight
    Both results and money.
    Work tirelessly
    While you are still young!

    Wishing you a good day at work

    Beloved, the working day has begun ...
    I wish you good luck!
    May he be very good
    But save your strength for the night ...

    You have to work hard, no doubt.
    Even if you don't want to...
    Save your nerves
    Even though you're in the head.

    Let it stay for the evening
    Desire to rest with me.
    I'm getting ready for our meeting
    My favorite workaholic!

    Take a day, my love
    And then we'll rest.
    But waste all your strength
    I forbid you during the day!!!

    Wishing you a good working day in prose


    Let your working day pass without stress and troubles. I wish you to realize your plans and save your strength for the rest!

    The working day has just begun, and I already wish it a speedy end with a good result! For plans to come true, incomes to appear, and competitors to choke!

    I wish you a fruitful work process and great prospects in the form of a prestigious position and salary increase!

    What does a good day mean to you?
    This is when it's too lazy to be sad!
    When happiness flows like a stormy river
    And the heart laughs with joy again!
    So today, my dear,
    I wish you such a day!

    May the day please you with a gift
    Let the sun look into your peaceful home ...
    And from love, let it be only hot,
    Tell me about it later in the day!
    I want your day to be very nice,
    So that there is a lot of happiness and good luck!

    I wish you a good day, I dream
    So I'm writing a poem for you...
    I want to send it in a message
    To wish easy victories for today!
    May your day end very soon
    Let him be moderately serious, severe!

    I would love to hug you now
    To wish a beautiful day from the heart,
    But you're so far away and that's why
    I'm sending a message to my bunny...
    I want your day to be great
    Kiss, hug you passionately!

    I rush to you with affection and warmth,
    After all, you are the most important thing in my destiny!
    I want to wish you today
    So that you can dream all day long!
    And let this day go wonderfully
    May you be, as usual, you are lovely!

    Come on, smile,
    It's such a beautiful, carefree life!
    May this day bring good luck
    May it pass easily and joyfully!
    Accept my wishes today
    And my best confessions to you!

    Send a message I want
    To wish, baby, to you with love,
    Let all adversity be on the shoulder
    I am glad that we are now a couple with you ...
    I want to wish for the beautiful
    I'll be waiting for our ambulance!

    My love, I miss you so much
    That just can't even find the words!
    I'm sending you a message
    To wish you a wonderful day!
    I want this day to be easy
    May you be as happy as anyone!

    My love for you is extraordinary
    And therefore today, not by chance
    I want to wish you now
    So that the day was lucky and everywhere and everywhere!
    I wish you a beautiful, happy day
    Only sunny, but not rainy!

    Just a ray of sun touches the sky,
    I will send you a message!
    And on any day at any time of the year
    I want to wish you again
    So that your day passes easily and clearly!
    I love you and adore you passionately!

    I won't stop admiring you!
    Today I will be your shadow
    To wander all day just for you
    And bless this day!
    In the soul of the weather sunny and clear
    I want to wish today not in vain!

    I want to help you in everything
    And I want to wish you a good day!
    Let it be a special day now
    And for you alone and only for us!
    Good and very positive
    To be happy all day now!

    I'm happy with you, that's for sure!
    Baby, I love you so much!
    And, that's because I even adore
    I wish you a wonderful day!
    More positive and good luck
    Solutions to all existing problems!

    Not together we will spend this day ...
    And let not be with you now,
    Darling, I want to wish you
    On this day I succeed in everything!
    Greet this new day with a smile
    And the whole day, please, do not lose heart!

    You will start the morning without me again
    And you will have a great day!
    I sincerely wish you
    So that all adversity is on the shoulder!
    May God protect you today
    May you have enough for the whole day!

    Please don't be sad today!
    For everything, please forgive me!
    May the day bring you good luck
    Let the best happen now!
    I wish the dream come true
    After all, you deserve it!

    I love you with unearthly love!
    I feel very good, baby, with you!
    I want to admire you forever
    So that you can smile more often!
    I wish you a beautiful day
    Well, I want you!

    Good luck for you my love
    I want to wish today, not melting!
    Let you be able to do what you plan to do
    And you will be on a horse today henceforth!
    I wish you success
    Today is the day for the most!

    I like to wish you everything
    When I write you a message!
    I want to give you my love
    So that only luck promises you!
    Be ahead of the planet today
    And you can do it all and do it all!

    How good and successful our day will be depends largely on the message from loved ones, on their emotional support and guidance for the coming day. Even the most ordinary, but at the same time positive wishes for a good day for a man will be able to make his day much brighter and richer, and his actions more confident and productive. Believe me, even the most successful person owes much of his success to close people who did not hesitate to wish him these successes and wished them every day. All the same, positive thinking makes itself felt.

    Decided? We think so. It remains only to figure out what specific words you will say. And if you have doubts about this issue and are not sure of your creative abilities, then you can borrow one of the finished works on our website right here and now. We publish only the most interesting and unusual words with wishes, so you will be pleasantly surprised by their content. And how surprised the man himself will be .. You can’t even imagine.

    Cast aside all doubts and convey to your loved one everything that you want to tell him. And bring it beautifully and unexpectedly!

    Have a nice day and good luck with everything!
    Let the sunshine fill your home!
    Put a smile on your face.
    Trust me, you'll be fine!

    A man is very confident
    It makes it easier and easier to move forward.
    Let her stay with you
    Until the light from the sun is replaced by the moon!

    Congratulations on mobile

    May your day be fun and good,
    May it bring you victory and good luck
    May happiness follow you like a shadow
    Let the mood be wonderful in addition.

    Have a good, calm day,
    May all your plans come true
    Let the sun smile for you
    And give happiness warm rays.

    Lots of work and lots of plans
    That's why we got up early!
    I know what you want
    Anything you want to do!

    All day for you
    And, of course, there are no obstacles!
    For my love will light
    Your best day on the planet!

    May the day be successful, bright and pleasant,
    Let the ideas succeed one hundred percent,
    Let there be no blank spots in business,
    And a stormy cash flow is coming to you!

    Let all plans succeed very accurately
    And very smoothly let the conversations all go.
    Let the day be beautiful from morning to night.
    Know that you are appreciated, strongly loved, right, they are waiting!

    I wish my beloved
    Have a nice day
    I am in your heart and in your thoughts
    I will protect you always.

    So that all sorrows and problems
    So that all adversities and dilemmas,
    Bypassed the other way
    And never found.

    I wish you a wonderful day
    Cheerfulness, health and kindness,
    I call you the main man in my life,
    I wish you all the best, joy, warmth.

    May a good day surprise you
    May he give you hope
    Let happiness fly to you on wings
    Let fate give in full.

    I wish you a good day
    Let it be full of emotions
    My beloved, realize all your plans,
    Leave nothing for later!

    Let everything be as you want
    I wish you mood
    You'll be lucky, I know for sure
    Remember me only!

    Have a nice day, I wish you love:
    May everything come true for you!
    It is necessary - I will become an invisible wall,
    To avoid all failures.

    Luck, darling, good ideas,
    Meet trustworthy people along the way
    Finishing things, be satisfied with yourself
    And as soon as possible - to return home!

    Smile to everyone in the morning
    And the day will go like clockwork
    You, my man, I wish you well,
    All the best, good luck, happiness.

    May all dreams come true
    You deserve only admiration
    Let the good news pleasantly surprise
    Let reliable friends surround you.

    My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you good morning, wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May the day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.

    My joy, I wish you the most beautiful and good day. Let everything work out for you! May all your goals be successfully achieved, may you have high enthusiasm and a wonderful mood, self-confidence and good luck all day long. Love you.

    I sincerely wish you a pleasant, successful and good day. May it be fruitful and rich. Let it be possible to realize all plans and desires. May this day bring only joy, good luck and good emotions.

    My dear, beloved person - have a nice day! Let the positive and lively focus on results make this day as easy and productive as possible. Feel my love and support. I hug and kiss you!

    I wish my beloved man a good morning, a sweet awakening and a big positive charge for the whole day. May it be fruitful and successful, the way the mood remains magnificent, may luck lie in wait for you at every step.

    My beloved person, I wish you a good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and sunny bunnies will lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

    May this day bring you a million surprises and pleasant experiences. Let the sun shine brightly and the soul sing. Have a nice day, my love! Fruitful, rich and light!

    A short

    I wish you a happy start to the day, let everything work out and harmoniously develop today.

    I wish you a good day, spent in moments of tenderness and charm, in moments of fun and miracles, in joint pursuit of dreams and desires, in interesting stories and events, in the rays of bright love and bliss.

    I want to wish you a good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and happy day. May you manage to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.


    Love inspires a person, inspiring him to exploits. Sometimes you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, but after receiving an SMS with beautiful words from your girlfriend, a guy can be happy. Here are some good morning wishes for your beloved man in your own words you can write.

    Good morning wishes to your beloved man in prose

    Let the beautiful bird of good luck circle over your head today, let it drive away all problems from you with every wave of its wings, let it keep you from trouble, and call with its beautiful singing success in all matters. So that your day is filled with joy and its energy remains with you until the night, and in the morning the bird of luck is waiting for you again.
    * * *

    * * *

    My beloved, let the coming day warm you with my love, like sunlight! Let it give you the radiance of my tenderness, like the surrounding air. Let the wind gently kiss you, passing my kisses through the distance! And then luck will not dare turn away from you!
    * * *

    Good morning, honey!

    My beautiful man, loved by every cell and with all his soul, good morning! May this beautiful day please you, bring amazing emotions and enchant you with opportunities. Gently kiss you and wish you an amazing day!
    * * *

    Good morning, my good, my beloved. I wish you a sweet awakening and instant inspiration, a wonderful mood and an invincible desire to conquer new heights. I send you a gentle morning kiss, cat.
    * * *

    May your day be visited by luck, which will not depend on the weather, or on the mood of the boss, or on the attitude of those around you. May this good luck be constantly nearby, without stepping aside. Know that your luck is my love for you, it is everywhere and always with you.
    * * *

    Life is full of surprises, not always pleasant, but I want your day today to be made up of only the best moments. Know that my love is always with you, and as long as I love you, all your days, including this one, she will take care of you. And since my love is endless, then every day of yours is doomed to happiness.
    * * *

    Let the morning invigorate you with gentle sunlight, early flowers will delight you with their delicate aroma, and birds will give you the most colorful trills. Smile to the new day with your chic smile, reveal to it the purity of your tender soul, and it will definitely become for you a wonderful continuation of such a positive morning.
    * * *

    Good morning! I so want that, opening your eyes, already warmed by the caring rays of the sun, you think only about the good that awaits you today. Let the smell of coffee remind you of me and my desire to be near, and the morning mist will hug you tightly by the shoulders instead of me!
    * * *

    May your mood today be in tune with this beautiful and bright day. Let the joy of pleasant emotions fill your soul with gentle warmth. Live this minute and now, my joy, eagerly comprehend the unknown and confidently rush towards the hidden goal. May today be your best day ever!
    * * *

    My most gentle, kind-hearted and affectionate, wake up. Good morning my precious and much desired man. I want this day to give you only positive emotions, joy and happiness. Carry out all your plans. Do not think that something may not work out for you, because you are my most capable and talented. Get up, meet the sun and tune in to new victories. You will certainly succeed, because my faith is with you.
    * * *

    Good morning wishes to my beloved. My dear, may your morning start well and be filled with excellent mood and new ideas, may your day be fruitful and successful, and may the evening delight you with pleasant surprises and warm moments. Kiss.
    * * *

    My soul, I want every day to bring only positive thoughts and great news, but this will require the right attitude! I want to give it to you: close your eyes and imagine the endless expanses of the soft blue sky, pierced by the gentle, gentle rays of the sun. This is how today will go!
    * * *

    Let good ideas visit your head at those moments when they are so needed, and let bad ones bypass it. And each of your brilliant ideas will certainly be noticed today by the authorities, and, subsequently, generously paid. Let work today be a joy, and no task of the boss will tire you.
    * * *

    I wish you a bright and sunny day, in which the sun shines with happiness, and the clouds are filled with fluffy tenderness! Let the rays slide over the face, warming the heart with the charm of life and the brightness of the rainbow. And even the rain, if it comes, will fill the soul with joy with every drop, because today is a gift of life, and it should be wonderful!
    * * *

    Let the great weather, the smiles of friends, the approval of the authorities, good news, pleasant compliments, exciting moments, interesting events, the expectation of a miracle fill your day and will certainly please you, giving you an excellent and playful mood!
    * * *

    I wish that you have such geographical discoveries on this day - a sea of ​​​​happiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, a peak of popularity, a lake of hope, a waterfall of emotions and a volcano of passions. Let the globe of life spin only in the direction you need!
    * * *

    I wish you, let this day begin with a warm morning sun, invigorating aromatic coffee, ringing bird singing, a gentle favorite melody and your happy sincere smile. And let these pleasant moments, emotions and feelings last all day.
    * * *

    Good day to you, good news and joyful events. May fate amuse and pamper you on this day, and on all others, be generous with pleasant gifts and unexpected sweet surprises. Let problems be easily solved, things will be successful, the soul smiles, and the heart tirelessly rejoices in life.
    * * *

    Start your day with a gentle smile that will return with joy, with an affectionate word, because it will return to you with successful deeds, reward you with pleasant communication, and give you a great mood. May this day be kind, cheerful and successful in an endless series of your happy days.
    * * *

    Let the beautifully shining, incredibly radiant and amazingly warm, and therefore warming everything around the sun, suddenly playfully smile at you and wink mischievously, fluffy clouds in the high sky will form the word “good luck”, and a light breeze will gently hug you and slightly ruffle your hair, and from this your mood will become chic, and the day - wonderful!
    * * *

    Let the sun wake you up with its bright ray and bring a charge of vivacity, give confidence, fill the body with energy, the mind with bright thoughts and ideas, and the spirit with joy. May this day please you with wonderful discoveries, pleasant meetings and unforgettable surprises, and success today accompanies you on all roads.
    * * *

    The gentle sun, looking into your window, was the first to congratulate you on a good morning. I also congratulate you, my love, good morning, I wish the beginning of the day to bring you a lot of success, joy and happiness. I want everything to work out perfectly for you, so that everything you dream about will certainly come true. May the morning be sure to be kind, may the weather please you, may the planned meeting bring you success. I love you and wish you all the best and kindest.
    * * *

    My beloved, good morning, have a nice day - I'll whisper gently in your ear to dispel the remnants of sleep, and kiss your nose. My love will knock on your heart like sunlight, so that the very first minutes of wakefulness will be painted with gentle colors of positive emotions. Good morning, good afternoon, good intentions!
    * * *

    Indeed, they say that the most important thing in life is love. I always look forward to our meeting, my beloved and the best person in the world. I congratulate you on a good morning, which will definitely be the beginning of a good day. May the morning bring you hope and confidence. May all your dreams come true today. I wish you happiness, health, kindness and great love. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil. Good luck and good luck to you, my love, in everything. May the morning be good for you.
    * * *

    I am so pleased that I have you, my long-awaited prince from a fairy tale. You are my most beloved, most gentle and most beautiful. I want to be by your side for the rest of my life. Good morning, my most important person in life. May this fresh morning bring you joy and good luck, may it be a continuation of a wonderful day. Let the sun smile joyfully at you and give you warmth. May this morning, like in a fairy tale, your cherished dream come true. May the angel of goodness surely fly to you.
    * * *

    A fresh dawn is knocking on your window, notifying you that the sun has already woken up, and it's time for you to get up, my beloved. Let your sweet dream take the night with it, and wake up soon. Good morning, my beloved person, good and beautiful morning to you, my good. May you have no doubts, may the dawn dispel all sorrows, and may a good mood accompany you all day long. Wake up soon, because you are waiting for meetings with friends today, and most of all I look forward to meeting you.
    * * *

    My most beloved and kind person, good morning to you. May the young dawn give you joy and happiness, may the morning be a continuation of a beautiful day. I wish you today to be much better than yesterday. Let the warm, gentle ray of the sun be sure to kiss you for me, let the chirping of birds cheer you up. I wish you great success, the implementation of your plans. May my love always inspire you and give you a wonderful mood.
    * * *

    Here comes a warm, joyful morning. The sun is already high in the sky, and sends its bright rays to the earth. It's time to get up, my love. Have a cup of coffee, cheer up and start your working day. Let good morning be the continuation of a wonderful day. May your most cherished dream come true today. Let good morning give you a great mood. I wish you smiles, joy and kindness. May good luck be with you today. May good morning be the kindest and happiest.
    * * *

    My beloved, affectionate and gentle man, it's time to wake up. Morning has already fully come into its own. Morning sends us hope and self-confidence for the whole day. This morning is really good, warm and cheerful. After all, the sun looks so joyfully through your window. Wake up soon, you have a very important day today. Let the morning be the beginning of all good things. May your wishes come true. I wish you, my dear, luck, well-being, good luck and good mood.
    * * *

    A light breeze is knocking on your window. The sun has already risen high and sends a warm hello to the earth. The morning comes, washed with silvery dew. It's time for you to wake up, my love. After all, today you have a scheduled meeting that cannot be postponed. Good morning, and may it be kind and happy for you. May it give you a very good day. May your cherished dream come true, my love. May everything turn out well for you today. Good luck in everything.
    * * *

    A fresh, beautiful, good morning has come to earth. Nature welcomes the beginning of the day. Wake up, my love, the sun is already so high above the earth. I want to wish you a joyful and good morning. Have a cup of coffee, cheer up and start your working day. May you be lucky today, may your cherished dream come true. I wish that the little things in life never overshadow you, but are solved easily and simply. I so want to see you happy not only in the morning, but throughout the day.
    * * *

    The morning came good, gentle, affectionate and so clean. May this dawn bring you good luck and joy. May today give you a lot of bright impressions. Good morning my love, wake up. I am so glad that I have you, I am so pleased to see you every day and hear your gentle voice. I love you very much and wish you all the very best. May good morning bring you a great mood, cheerfulness, hope and self-confidence. Good luck and good luck to you, my dear.
    * * *

    It's a beautiful, sweet morning. It brings us a coolness that invigorates and gives us energy. Morning always reveals something new, unknown and desirable. My dear, wake up soon, the sun's rays are already tired of knocking on your window. I know that you are very fond of long sleep in the morning. Wake up soon my dear and most important person in life. I wish you good morning and good day. May your cherished dream come true in the morning. Let the morning give you a holiday for the whole day.
    * * *

    Good morning, my beloved and most beautiful person in the world. You woke up very early today, because you have a lot of work ahead of you. Let the morning give you a ticket to a good day. May all your dreams become reality. I wish you, my dear, good health and good luck for the whole day. May my love help you fulfill all your desires. May a good mood accompany you throughout the day. Good and calm morning to you, my good. I love and adore you.
    * * *

    We are always happy to start the day. This is the beginning of something new, good. We all want to have a successful day. We all rejoice when dreams come true. I also wish you, my beloved, that good luck, having come to you in the early morning, stay with you for the whole day. Wake up soon, my love, and enjoy the morning with your good mood. After all, they say correctly, how you start the day is how you spend it. I wish you a good morning and a wonderful day. Good luck in everything, be happy.

    Good morning!

    Good morning wishes to your beloved man in your own words

    * * *

    Good morning my rabbit! I send you air kisses, hugs and share a good mood!
    * * *

    Good morning! A good day begins with pleasant communication.) I missed you very much during the night.
    * * *

    Hello dear and beloved! Here comes the morning. The night flew by unnoticed, I hope your day will be successful and joyful!
    * * *

    My dearest friend, good morning! Today the sun shines brightly for me because I dreamed about you! I send you my positive!
    * * *

    Congratulations on the first rays of the sun! With this wonderful morning. With the start of a new day. I wish you that he would bring you everything that you only dream of!
    * * *

    In the morning the most beautiful flowers bloom - your lips and the bright lakes of your eyes are filled with light. You fill the world with beauty. Good morning, love!
    * * *

    My love! Morning has already come, which means that our love today has become one day older and stronger! Good day to you, dear!
    * * *

    Dear, you have already woken up to make sure once again that I love you very much, sleep longer, my joy!
    * * *

    The sun woke up early in the morning! And good morning it told you! Wake up my sweet baby! I really want to hear your voice!
    * * *

    I love you. That's what I want to say. Good morning my sweet bunny!
    * * *

    Hey, baby, let's get up, meet the good morning. Kiss the hot slut because I love you!
    * * *

    Good morning my sweet baby! Look how the Sun is shining, smile at him and you will feel a beautiful kiss from me! I wish you a great day!
    * * *

    * * *

    The perfect day should start with a cute sleepy face, a cup of coffee in your hand and a text message from me to your mobile! Good morning! Have a good day!
    * * *

    Probably, you will not answer me this morning, and I will be a little upset, but my love will break through thousands of kilometers of electronic wires and say that I love you. Good morning, honey.
    * * *

    Everything is disgusting without you: Moon and stars, midnight and dawn. And even the sun shines sadly on me When you are not with me! So wake up soon I'm waiting for you my bright light!
    * * *

    Kitten, open your eyes, meet a new day! Let him give you good luck and a thousand joyful events in addition!
    * * *

    * * *

    Maybe you won't answer me this morning, and maybe I'll be a little upset, but my love will break through thousands of kilometers of electronic wires and say that I love you.
    * * *

    Good morning, bright light, more emotions, smiles, greetings, more luck, more warmth, good morning my pussy!!!
    * * *

    I give you the biggest part of my heart. I would give anything, but then I would die. I will not regret it, as it will be in the most reliable hands.
    * * *

    Gentle, affectionate and kind, stylish, crazy in love. Just my favorite boy, You are so unique!!!
    * * *

    Wake up yourself and wake up your conscience, and it will remind you of my phone number. Call!
    * * *

    The sun is laughing, the Earth is spinning, Hello my kitten, How are you?
    * * *

    Good morning! Are you still sleeping? I just wanted to be the sun for you today, And my sms is my first ray And he, only for you ...
    * * *

    Good morning! Have an interesting day! Romantic evening! and stormy night!!!
    * * *

    * * *

    The sunbeam touches the bed. The sound of a text message will disturb the peace, so suddenly the dream will end. Good morning my angel!
    * * *

    It's good to know that you exist. It doesn't matter how long or how long, it's so good to just open your eyes and know that you are!!!
    * * *

    Let the Sun in your window, remind you of me ... And tell you: "Beloved, wake up, it's already morning, it's time to get up!"
    * * *

    Kitty, you woke up to find out that I love you very much, sleep on, my sun!!!
    * * *

    Wake up! Dreams come to us at night, and during the day we have all the opportunities to realize them! Are you ready for this?
    * * *

    Woke up by sms sound? Do not be afraid - I once again want to remind you of how passionately I love you, how much I miss you, how I look forward to meeting you!
    * * *

    Did you order the morning awakening? So sign below.
    * * *

    A ray of sun on the glass, a titmouse's shadow on the wall, you will now open your eyes and understand that life is beautiful! Good morning baby!
    * * *

    Good morning, my joy! What a joy it is to wake up in the morning and know that you are! Kiss, kiss you, my dear. Smile my sun, and I will feel it! Have a nice day, my beloved man.
    * * *

    You may not reply to my message this morning, and I will most likely be a little upset, but my love for you can easily travel hundreds of kilometers! Good morning, love!
    * * *

    A ray of the Sun will sneak up on you and a text will wake you up. So quickly the dream will stop ... Good morning, my joy!
    * * *

    A small ray is sneaking up to the bed, the sound of a text message will disturb the peace, at this moment your dream will end - Good morning, my kitten !!
    * * *

    Wake up quickly, smile from ear to ear =) Pour tea faster, wait for me and don't be bored!
    * * *

    To see your smile in the morning, to be in your arms in the evenings, and just to be with you. All I need is a kitten.
    * * *

    Good morning! Wake up, cheer up and get to work! Warm sun in your window, fragrant coffee and a delicious breakfast in the kitchen.
    * * *

    I wish you the best and wonderful morning. I wish you a sweet awakening and great goals, I wish you a magical mood and morning vigor, I wish you unrealistically excellent health and brave inspiration, amazing energy and a surge of strength.
    * * *

    Let the sun in your window remind you of me. And he will say: “Darling, stop sleeping. It’s morning outside, you have to get up!”
    * * *

    Good morning, honey! Sending a million wonderful air kisses that create the most wonderful mood! And I hug you tightly.
    * * *

    Congratulations on the best and most beautiful morning! May everything you do today bring joy and a successful day!
    * * *

    Good morning, have a good day, gentle smiles, kiss you everywhere, everywhere, I miss you!
    * * *

    Accept the most tender and warm greetings, because there is no one better than you in the world!
    * * *

    Good morning, bright light, more emotions, smiles, greetings, more luck, more warmth, good morning my pussy!
    * * *

    Good morning! Have an interesting day! Romantic evening! and stormy night!
    * * *

    Baby, good morning! Sending a million wonderful air kisses that create the most wonderful mood. I hug you tightly and kiss you!
    * * *

    Cheerful morning! Have a good day! Good smiles! Kiss you!
    * * *

    The message flies to my dormouse, which I suppose is still sleeping! My joy, what can I say? Wake up, stop sleeping! You have to get ready to kiss me!
    * * *

    Good morning! I welcome you, I wish you all miracles! I wish you to have a great mood, and for a long time, without a doubt!

    Morning SMS wishes good morning to your beloved guy

    Sweet, gentle, my dear! Open your eyes quickly! Good morning - I whisper, I want to kiss you!
    * * *

    My beloved, beautiful, my prince is like from a fairy tale, good morning! Open your eyes, send me a kiss and sing a song!
    * * *

    Wake up my cute bunny! Let me kiss! You, my dear boy, I want to hug you!
    * * *

    I miss you dearly! Would like to see you soon! In your arms I want to warm up, because a minute is like a whole year without you!
    * * *

    Whatever the morning, always know and remember that I love you very much! Great mood for the whole day! Good morning!
    * * *

    I kiss you tightly and give you my magical mood! I wish you a great day, great achievements and the most romantic mood!
    * * *

    The sun is shining outside the window, the birds are singing, only you are missing for complete happiness. Good morning! Someone really missed someone!
    * * *

    My darling, incredible, smart, strong, brave, sexy and damn attractive man! GOOD MORNING!)
    * * *

    It's time for the smartest and most affectionate guy to wake up and give everyone a little happiness! Good morning my love!
    * * *

    I wish you a great mood and a super successful day! You are the best!
    * * *

    Good morning kitty! I am sending you, along with my wishes, a ray of morning positive and warmth. I hug you, kiss you and look forward to seeing you!
    * * *

    Cheerful mood! Aromatic coffee! Delicious breakfast! Have a fruitful day! Love you!
    * * *

    If I were your alarm clock, I would never wake you up, but only turn the time back so you can sleep! Good morning, my beloved Sonya!
    * * *

    New day, good weather and thoughts only about you in my head! Have a good day!
    * * *

    Waking up, I immediately remember the best thing in my life, and the best thing is YOU! Good morning my darling!
    * * *

    I wish you the very best morning and good mood for the whole day! Let it go the way you want! smack:*
    * * *

    I want you not to be sad, not to lose heart, but only to smile!
    * * *

    SMS to your beloved on a day off: good morning, dear, I whisper to you, dear, wake up, stretch - and go back to sleep.
    * * *

    Happiness is when there is someone to wish Good morning, Good night. And just to know that they are waiting for you and you have somewhere to rush.
    * * *

    Dear, beloved, come on, wake up, look out the window at the sky, think about good things, let joy be in your soul!
    * * *

    I woke up in a great mood and I am sending you a text message charged with positive! I wish you to start the day with a smile.) Smack: *
    * * *

    My dear bunny, wake up soon.
    Good morning, I wish you good luck all day)
    * * *

    Waking up every morning, I understand that I live by you, and for you.
    * * *

    A ray of sunshine on the table, The shadow of a titmouse on the wall, Now you will open your eyes And you will understand that life is beautiful!
    * * *

    When you wake up at dawn, you will see a ray on the window, promise that you will smile and just remember me.
    * * *

    Hello my love, how are you? I have been writing to you since morning. I opened only my eyes and all the words and thoughts about you. I miss you terribly, but I endure. Kiss, waiting for you, love!
    * * *

    Good morning my sweet baby, I really hope you're still sleeping. I opened my eyes - I see the dawn, Bright sun and tenderness in my soul. Sleep, my joy, get up soon, I will wish you a GOOD MORNING)
    * * *

    Every day I'm waiting for the dawn, I'm waiting for your greetings, your hair and shoulders. I will love them forever!

    Wishes "Good morning!" for the beloved man

    My dear kitten! May the gentle sun warm your sleepy eyelids and bring you a talisman of good luck and my love, protecting you from any evil and misfortune!
    * * *

    Let your sunbeams warm your fingers! And a new day will begin, tender, beautiful, like your tender lips and warm words. May my love give you tenderness, joy and fill you with good luck every next day!
    * * *

    “Sunshine promises a good day, warmed by joy and love. May the morning dawn bring you my congratulations and the breath of the most tender and sensual love. Good morning, my sweet one!"
    * * *

    I wish that the day was good, and everything worked out, the most heartfelt desire came true, and the day promised you endless happiness!

    good morning wishes for boyfriend

    Good morning honey! I woke up in a great mood and I am sending you an SMS charged with positive!
    * * *

    Happy morning, hare! Today was an amazing sunrise. Maybe we can meet him together sometime? Let's start the day together!
    * * *

    Good morning today, because when I woke up, I remembered you. So I'm ready to wake up every day with ease! Good morning, honey*
    * * *

    Good morning, love! I miss you very much, I want my greeting to make you smile sweetly and cheer you up for the whole difficult day!
    * * *

    Let the morning be good, the day fruitful, and the evening the best! Have a good day and good morning, my love*
    * * *

    My sun, wake up! It’s sad and gloomy without you, get up and charge the whole world with your energy, smile and set the planet to positive! Good morning!
    * * *

    I woke up, and my sun rose? Darling, good morning! Stretch well, smile very sweetly and remember that I love you *
    * * *

    After yesterday's fun, it is especially difficult to get out of bed today, but you, my love, can do it. I have you strong, cheerful, smiling:) Wake up, business awaits you!
    * * *

    My joy, wake up soon. The night without you was so long and sad. I want to jump in and kiss you! Good morning, honey!
    * * *

    Good morning honey! It's time to get up, great things are waiting for you :)
    * * *

    Good morning kitty! I am sending you, along with my wishes, a ray of morning positivity and warmth. I hug you, kiss you and look forward to seeing you!
    * * *

    How nice it is to wake up with the thought that today I will see my beloved man! Good morning! Wake up soon, I miss you madly during this long night!
    * * *

    Good morning, darling, today it’s really nice to wake up because the sun is outside, you are in your head, there are butterflies in your stomach. Rather, the evening and our long-awaited meeting!
    * * *

    It was already dawn, I did not dare to sleep. I was thinking about you and us. Every morning is happiness for me because when I wake up, I will write to you and get a long-awaited answer. A smile will touch my lips, which means the day will start well! Good morning, honey!
    * * *

    Morning crept up imperceptibly, the rays of the sun will illuminate your beautiful face, and you will wake up. And when you think of me, you will pick up your phone and see my welcome message! Good morning my joy!
    * * *

    Today again I slept alone and missed you. All night I felt that you were there, guarding my sleep. I dream of waking up soon in my favorite hugs, pampering you with a delicious breakfast and waking you up with a gentle kiss. Good morning, baby!
    * * *

    Good morning my sunshine! I wish you a good day, good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day! I love you so much and miss you every night*
    * * *

    Let the rays of the bright and warm sun give you my love, wrap you in warmth and give you a gentle gentle morning! Wake up, I'm waiting for your SMS!
    * * *

    I woke up today at the crack of dawn, I've already done so many things :) And I was waiting for the time when I could write to you so as not to wake you up and let you sleep! Are you awake? I miss you so much *Good morning*
    * * *

    A million, a billion, a trillion kisses I send you this morning! Let them give you a charge of vivacity for the whole day and help you wake up sooner :) Good morning, my love!
    * * *

    I send you in my message a surge of vivacity and a boost of energy! Read my message and recharge with positive just as I charge in the morning from the thought of you! Good morning, honey!
    * * *

    The cockerel cries: “It's time to get up”, our big village comes to life and you, my beloved, wake up and smile, because I love you! Have a great morning and delicious breakfast!
    * * *

    My sun, without you I can’t wake up, can’t feel all the charm of today. You open your eyes, write to me and my morning will be the happiest! smack*
    * * *

    How great it is to wake up and understand that very close in this world there is a person whom you love and who loves you! Good morning my soul mate!
    * * *

    My beloved, no matter what morning, always know and remember that I love you very much! Great mood for the whole day! Good morning!
    * * *

    The weather does not spoil us today, but I send you my love and tenderness in my message. If you feel sad or feel sad, just read my message and your soul will immediately feel good! Good morning, my tenderness!

    Have a nice day and good luck with everything!
    Let the sunshine fill your home!
    Put a smile on your face.
    Trust me, you'll be fine!

    A man is very confident
    It makes it easier and easier to move forward.
    Let her stay with you
    Until the light from the sun is replaced by the moon!

    I want to be your bride.
    I want to be your wife!
    Let's wake up together
    To make it easier for our souls!
    You call me wife
    And I love you - my beloved husband ....
    Good morning my angel!

    I wish you a wonderful day
    Cheerfulness, health and kindness,
    I call you the main man in my life,
    I wish you all the best, joy, warmth.
    May a good day surprise you
    May he give you hope
    Let happiness fly to you on wings
    Let fate give in full.

    For you, my beloved man,
    I wish you a good day
    May all your plans come true
    May fate reward in full.
    Let health not fail
    May success come to you
    Let the sun give a ray of warmth
    Let an ordinary day become a holiday for you.

    You are used to doing everything
    Seriously, don't rush.
    And in everything to remain a man -
    Brave, wise, confident, strong.

    I want to wake you up
    This morning, just before dawn...
    Have a nice day
    I'm sending you mine!

    Beautiful wishes for a good day for a man

    I wish you a good day
    And remember, please, about me.
    Everything will come true, just guess
    Just dream more!

    Don't stand still for a long time
    Follow your star.
    A man like you
    Everyone is asking for the hands of a dream!

    I wish you a wonderful, good day!
    Don't forget me and don't change yourself.
    Don't hide a smile behind a frown
    And to see the pleasant in the simplest.

    Let everything that you think succeed.
    So that you do not know a single moment of longing.
    Stay a man, go all the way
    In any troubles do not spoil the face!

    My dear and beloved!
    The softest and most beautiful!
    Charming and passionate
    I love you terribly!
    I want to wish for you
    Today is a good day!
    Be successful, energetic,
    That you were doing great.
    At work and in business
    Today was in first place.

    May you have a good day
    If you are in a cheerful spirit, I rejoice too.
    May all your dreams come true
    With ease, the desired will happen in an instant.

    Good luck will not leave, but on the contrary,
    It will wink at you with renewed vigor.
    All small problems are solved
    In all matters you will advance.

    It will be a good day, one of the best,
    To the envy of all enemies,
    Good, kind, productive will be,
    Don't let your hands drop.

    Wishing a man a good and good day in your own words

    Good morning, my beloved, the only, and the best person on earth. Let this fresh dawn give you a great mood. May today be your best day. I wish you that all your wishes come true, that all your plans turn into reality. May this morning be the happiest, may the weather suit your mood.

    I wish my beloved man that all things go like clockwork today!

    This morning I woke up with a smile on my face and with a feeling of complete happiness. I thought about why this happened, but then I immediately remembered that your presence made my life incredibly bright and cloudless. I also want to give you a good mood, care, love and all of myself to you, my kitten! Let today be an ordinary day, but my tenderness will envelop you with warmth, coziness and comfort. Spend the day with a smile, and if there are reasons for sadness, just remember that I love you! Good morning my beloved man!

    Good morning my pilot! This morning I want to say that you are my best man in the world! Only about you I dream before going to bed and every morning, you are the best for me! I wish you a great mood for the whole day! I love you, my beloved! Have a good breakfast :)

    The sun's rays gently greet the earth. All nature, having removed the dark veil of the night, wakes up with joy. It's time for you, my beloved man, to wake up. Even though you are a sleepyhead, it's time to get up. Smile good morning, and it will give you an extraordinary charge for the whole day, give you a good mood and hope. Good morning to you, my only and good health. May this morning be the luckiest and most joyful, may it be a great start for a successful day.

    Short wishes for a good day

    From thoughts, worries do not need to frown,
    Let the smile shine in your eyes
    I wish you happiness, good health,
    Good luck and good luck in all your endeavors.

    I wish you success today and always!
    Have a nice day and new achievements!

    My dear man, believe
    What will bring good luck day.
    Everything will be as you decided
    Hurry forward to accomplishments!

    I am texting you.
    Because I value a lot.
    I want you to start the day
    Without all doubts and worries!

    I wish the best man a great day full of smiles and good mood!
