Declaration of love to a girl Shakespeare in English. Love Sonnets (Poems) William Shakespeare

Love is not a greenhouse flower, but a free plant,
born on a damp night, born in a moment of sunshine
warmth rising from the free seed thrown
near the free wind road. free plant,
which we call a flower  if by chance it
blossoms in our garden, & nbsp we call the tares if it
dissolves at will;   but is it a flower or a chaff - 
there is always freedom in its smell and colors!

John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga

Sonnet 102

I love, but I rarely talk about it,
I love more tenderly, - but not for many eyes.
Trades in the feeling of the one in front of the light
He exposes his whole soul.

I met you with a song, like hello,
When love was new to us
So the nightingale rumbles at the midnight hour
In the spring, but forgets the flute in the summer.

The night will not lose its charm,
When his outpourings are silenced.
But music, sounding from all branches,
Having become ordinary, it loses its charm.

And I fell silent like a nightingale:
I sang mine and don't sing anymore.

Sonnet 23

Like the actor who, timid,
Loses the thread of a long-familiar role,
Like that madman who, falling into anger,
In excess of strength loses willpower, -

So I am silent, not knowing what to say,
Not because the heart has cooled.
No, it puts a seal on my lips
My love has no limit.

So let the book speak to you.
Let her, my silent intercessor,
Comes to you with confession and prayer
And the just demands retribution.

Will you read the words of love dumb?
Can you hear my voice with your eyes?

fragment of a painting by Hugues Merle

The heart with the eye has a secret pact:
They relieve each other's pain
When your gaze searches in vain
And the heart suffocates in separation.

Your image keen eye
Gives and heart to admire plenty.
And the heart to the eye at its appointed hour
Dreams of love give way to share.

So in my thoughts or in the flesh
You are in front of me at any moment.
You can go no farther than a thought.
I am inseparable from her, she is with you.

My gaze draws you in a dream
And wakes up the heart sleeping in me.

Frank Dicksee

Wake up love! Is your point
Dumber than the sting of hunger and thirst?
No matter how plentiful food and drink,
You can't ever get enough once.

So is love. her hungry eyes
Today, tired to the point of fatigue,
And tomorrow again you are enveloped in fire,
Born to burn, not decay.

For love to be dear to us
Let the ocean be the hour of separation
Let two, going to the shore,
Hands stretch out one to the other.

Let winter cold this hour will be
May spring warm us up!

Sonnet 137

Love is blind and deprives us of eyes.
I don't see what I see clearly.
I saw beauty but every time
I could not understand what was bad, what was beautiful.

And if the looks of the heart turned
And anchored in such waters,
Where many ships pass, -
Why don't you give him freedom?

Like a driveway to my heart
Could it seem like a happy estate?
But everything that I saw, denied my gaze,
Tinting the false face with truth.

Darkness replaced the true light,
And lies seized me like a plague.

fragment of a painting by Hugues Merle

Goodbye! I dare not stop you.
I highly value your love.
I can't afford what I own
And I humbly give a pledge.

I use love as a gift.
She was not bought with merit.
And that means voluntary
You are free to break at will.

You gave, I don’t know the price
Or not knowing, maybe me.
And a reward not rightfully taken
I have kept to this day.

I was king only in a dream.
I was deprived of the throne by awakening.

Frederic Leighton

Sonnet 90

If you fall out of love - so now,
Now that the whole world is at odds with me.
Be the bitterest of my losses
But not the last straw of grief!

And if grief is given to me to overcome,
Don't ambush.
Let the stormy night not be resolved
Rainy morning - morning without consolation.

Leave me, but not at the last moment
When from small troubles I will weaken.
Leave now, so that I can immediately comprehend
That this grief is more painful than all adversities,

That there are no adversities, but there is one trouble -
Lose your love forever.

Sonnet 93

(translated by Ya. Feldman)

NOT from the stars do I my judgment pluck

Why do I need stars on a black night?
Why do I need turquoise in the morning?
I would prefer all the luminaries
Your eyes.
I would read them without error,
Where will time take us?
And one of your smiles
Foresaw everything:
Earthquakes and wars
The end of eras, the beginning of troubles,
And a stormy year, and a calm year,
And a terrible judgment...
However, if you are with me,
I don't care about the rest.

(translated by S. Marshak)

You are music, but musical sounds
You listen with incomprehensible longing.
Why do you love what is so sad
Do you meet flour with such joy?

Where secret reason this torment?
Is it because you are saddened
What harmoniously coordinated sounds
Sound like a reproach to loneliness?

Listen how friendly the strings are
They enter the ranks and give a voice, -
As if mother, father and young boy
They sing in happy unity.

We are told by the accord of strings in a concert,
That the lonely way is like death.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Must be afraid of widow's tears,
You have not tied yourself to anyone with love.
But if a formidable fate took you away,
The whole world would put on a widow's veil.

In her child, a mournful widow
Favorite features are reflected.
And you do not leave the creature,
In which the light would find consolation.

Wealth that wastes
Changing place, remains in the world.
And beauty will vanish without a trace
And youth, having disappeared, will not return.

Who betrays himself
Doesn't love anyone in this world!

(translated by S. Marshak)

The face of a woman, but stricter, more perfect
Nature has been sculpted by craftsmanship.
As a woman, you are beautiful, but alien to treason,
King and queen of my heart.

Your tender gaze is devoid of evil play,
But it gilds everything around with radiance.
He is courageous and majestic in power
Friends captivates and smits girlfriends.

You are the nature of a sweet woman
I thought, but, captivated by passion,
She separated me from you
And she made women happy.

So be it. But here is my condition:
Love me, and give them love.

(translated by S. Marshak)

I do not compete with the creators of one,
Which to the painted goddesses
The sky is presented as a gift
With all the earth and the ocean blue.

Let them decorate the stanzas
They repeat in verse, arguing among themselves,
About the stars of the sky, about the wreaths of flowers,
About the treasures of the earth and the sea.

In love and in the word - the truth is my law,
And I write that my dear is beautiful,
Like all who are born by a mortal mother,
And not like the sun or a clear moon.

I don't want to praise my love,
I'm not selling it to anyone!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Who is born under a happy star -
Proud of fame, title and power.
And I was more modestly rewarded by fate,
And for me, love is the source of happiness.

Under the sun, the leaves spread luxuriantly
Confidant of the prince, henchman of the nobleman.
But the sun's benevolent gaze goes out,
And the golden sunflower goes out too.

Warlord, minion of victories,
In the last battle, he is defeated,
And all his merits lost track.
His destiny is disgrace and oblivion.

But there is no threat to my titles
Lifetime: loved, love, love.

(translated by S. Marshak)

When in discord with the world and fate,
Remembering the years full of adversity,
I worry with a fruitless plea
Deaf and indifferent sky

And, complaining about the woeful lot,
Ready to change your lot
With those who are more successful in art,
Rich in hope and loved by people, -

Then, suddenly remembering you,
I swear a pitiful cowardice,
And a lark, contrary to fate,
My soul is on the rise.

With your love, with the memory of her
I am stronger than all the kings in the world.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Don't be sad when you admit your guilt.
There is no rose without thorns; the purest key
Muddy grains of sand; sun and moon
Hides the shadow of an eclipse or clouds.

We are all sinners, and I am no less than all
I sin in any of these bitter lines,
Comparisons justify sin,
Forgiving unlawfully your vice.

As a defender I come to court
To serve the enemy side.
My love and hate lead
Internecine war in me.

Though you robbed me, dear thief,
But I share your sin and sentence.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Mossy marble of royal graves
Will disappear before these weighty words,
In which I saved your image.
The dust and dirt of centuries will not stick to them.

Let the war overturn the statues,
The rebellion will dispel the labor of masons,
But the letters embedded in the memory
Running centuries will not erase.

Neither death will carry you to the bottom,
No dark oblivion enmity.
You and distant offspring are destined,
The world is worn out, see the day of judgment.

So, live until you wake up
In verses, in hearts full of love!

(translated by S. Marshak)

If copper, granite, land and sea
They won't stand when their time comes
How can it survive, arguing with death,
Is your beauty a helpless flower?

O bitter reflection!.. Where, what
Find a refuge for beauty?
How, stopping the pendulum with your hand,
Save the color from time to time?..

There is no hope. But the light face is cute
Save, perhaps, black ink!

(translated by S. Marshak)

I call death. I can't bear to see
Dignity that begs for alms
Over simplicity mocking lie,
Nothingness in luxurious attire,
And perfection is a false sentence,
And virginity, rudely desecrated,
And inappropriate honor shame
And power is a prisoner of toothless weakness,
And directness, which is reputed to be stupid,
And stupidity in the mask of a sage, a prophet,
And inspiration clamped mouth
And righteousness in the service of vice.

Everything is disgusting that I see around ...
But how to leave you, dear friend!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Well, I will live, accepting as a condition,
That you are true. Though you have become different
But the shadow of love seems like love to us.
Not with your heart - so be with me with your eyes.

Your gaze does not speak of change.
He harbors neither boredom nor enmity.
There are faces on which crimes
Draw indelible marks.

But, apparently, whatever higher powers:
Let your beautiful lips lie
But in this look, tender and sweet,
The purity still shines.

The apple from the tree was beautiful
Eve thwarted Adam.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Who, owning evil, will not cause evil,
Without using the full power of this power,
Who moves others, but like granite,
Unshakable and not subject to passion, -

Heaven grants grace to him,
The earth brings dear gifts.
He was given greatness,
And others are called to honor greatness.

Summer cherishes its best flower,
Though he himself blooms and withers.
But if vice found shelter in it,
Any weed will be worthy of it.

Thistle is sweeter and sweeter to us
Corrupted roses, poisoned lilies.

(translated by S. Marshak)

You know how to decorate your shame.
But, like an invisible worm in the garden
He draws a disastrous pattern on roses, -
So your vice stains you.

Rumor talks about your deeds,
Guesses generously adding to them.
But praise becomes blasphemy.
Vice is justified by your name!

In what a magnificent palace
You give shelter to low temptations!
Under the beautiful mask on the face,
In a magnificent outfit they will not be recognized.

But beauty cannot be saved in vices.
Rusting, sharpness loses the sword.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Don't call me a pagan
Do not call the deity an idol.
I sing hymns full of love
Him, about him and only for him.

His love is softer every day
And dedicating a verse to constancy,
I can't help but talk about him
Not knowing the themes and intentions of others.

"Beautiful, faithful, kind" - these are the words,
Which I say in many ways.
They have three definitions of the deity,
But how many combinations of these words!

Goodness, beauty and fidelity lived apart,
But it's all in you merged.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Neither my own fear, nor a prophetic look
The whole universe, looking diligently into the distance,
They don't know how long I've been given
A love whose death seemed inevitable.

Its eclipse the mortal moon
Survived in spite of the lying prophets.
Hope is back on the throne
And long peace promises flowering olives.

Separation death does not threaten us.
Let me die, but I will rise in verse.
Blind death threatens only the tribes,
Not yet enlightened, wordless.

In my poems and you will survive
Crowns of tyrants and coats of arms of nobles.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Don't call me an unfaithful friend.
How could I change or change?
My soul, the soul of my love
In your chest, like my pledge, is stored.

You are my shelter, given by fate.
I left and came back
As he was, and brought with him
Living water that washes away stains.

Let my sins burn my blood
But I did not reach the last edge,
So that from wanderings not to return again
To you, the source of all blessings.

What is this spacious light without you?
You are alone in it. There is no other happiness.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Oh how I lied once when I said:
"My love cannot be stronger."
I did not know, with a full flame of grief,
That I know how to love even more tenderly.

Accidents foreseeing a million
Invading every moment
Breaking the immutable law
Wavering and oaths and aspirations,

Not believing in changeable fate,
But only an hour that has not yet lived,
I said: "My love for you
So big that there can be no more!"

Love is a child. I was wrong about her
child grown woman naming.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Interfere with the union of two hearts
I don't intend to. Can treason
Love boundless put an end to?
Love knows no loss and decay.

Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Not fading in darkness and fog.
Love is the star that sailor
Defines a place in the ocean.

Love is not a pathetic doll in your hands
By the time that erases the roses
On fiery lips and cheeks,
And she is not afraid of time threats.

And if I'm wrong and my verse lies,
Then there is no love - and there are no my poems!

(translated by S. Marshak)

As soon as you, my music,
Take up music, disturbing the system
Frets and strings with skillful play,
I am tormented by jealous envy.

It's a shame to me that the caresses of gentle hands
You give to the dancing frets,
Tearing off a brief, fleeting sound, -
And not my languishing lips.

I would like to become the keys,
So that only your fingers are light
Walked on me, making me tremble,
When you touch the strings in oblivion.

But if happiness fell on a string,
Give your hands to her, and your lips to me!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Her eyes don't look like stars
You can’t call the mouth corals,
Not snow-white shoulders open skin,
And a strand twists like a black wire.

With a damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet delicate petal.

You won't find perfect lines in it
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how goddesses walk
But the darling walks the earth.

And yet she will hardly yield to those
Who was slandered in lush comparisons.

(translated by S. Marshak)

I love your eyes. They me
Forgotten, regret unfeignedly.
Burying a rejected friend
They, like mourning, wear their color black.

Believe that the sun's shine is not the way it goes
To the face of the gray-haired early east,
And the star that leads us to the evening -
Transparent skies western eye -

Not so radiant and not so bright
Like this look, beautiful and farewell.
Ah, if you would clothe your heart
In the same mourning, soft and sad, -

I would think that beauty itself
Black as night, and brighter than light - darkness!

(translated by S. Marshak)

When you swear to me that you are all
Serve worthy of the truth as a model,
I believe even though I see you lie
Imagining me as a blind youth.

flattered that I can still
To seem young in spite of the truth,
I lie to myself in my vanity,
And we are both far from the truth.

Won't you tell me you lied to me again
And it makes no sense for me to admit my age.
Love holds on to imaginary trust,
And old age, having fallen in love, is ashamed of years.

I lie to you, you lie unwittingly to me,
And we seem to be quite happy!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Don't force me to justify
Your injustice and deceit.
It's better to conquer force by force,
But do not hurt me with cunning.

Love another, but in the minutes of meetings
Don't take your eyelashes away from me.
Why cheat? Your gaze is a smashing sword
And there is no armor on the loving chest.

You yourself know the power of your eyes,
And, perhaps, looking away,
You are preparing to kill others,
Sparing me out of mercy.

Oh, have no mercy! Let your direct look
If he kills me, I will be glad to die.

(translated by S. Marshak)

My eyes are not in love with you, -
They see your vices clearly.
And the heart is none of your fault
He does not see and does not agree with his eyes.

But still external senses not given -
Not all five, not each separately -
Assure the heart of a poor one,
That this slavery is fatal to him.

In my misfortune I am glad alone,
That you are my sin and you are my eternal hell.

(translated by S. Marshak)

I hate - these are the words
What from her sweet lips the other day
Broke in anger. But hardly
She noticed my fear, -

How to hold the tongue
Which me so far
He whispered caress, then reproach,
Not a harsh sentence.

"I hate," - subdued,
The mouth spoke, and the look
Already changed to mercy anger,
And the night rushed from heaven to hell.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Love is a sickness. My soul is sick
An agonizing, unquenchable thirst.
She demands the same poison
Who poisoned her once.

My mind-doctor healed my love.
She rejected herbs and roots,
And the poor doctor was exhausted
And he left us, losing his patience.

From now on, my illness is incurable.
The soul finds no peace in anything.
Abandoned by my mind
And feelings and words roam at will.

And for a long time to me, devoid of mind,
Hell seemed like heaven, and darkness seemed to be light!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Where do you get so much power from?
To rule in powerlessness over me?
I instill lies in my own eyes,
I swear to them that the light of day did not shine.

So infinite is the charm of evil,
Confidence and power of sinful forces,
That I, forgiving black deeds,
Your sin, as a virtue, fell in love.

Everything that would feed enmity in another,
Feeds the tenderness in my chest.
I love what everyone curses around,
But don't judge me with everyone.

He deserves special love
Who gives his unworthy soul.

(translated by S. Marshak)

God Cupid dozed in the silence of the forest,
And the young nymph at Cupid's
I took a burning tar torch
And lowered it into a cold stream.

The fire went out, and there is water in the stream
Warmed up, boiled, boiled.
And here the sick converge there
Heal the infirm body with bathing.

Meanwhile, the evil god of love
Got fire from my girlfriend's eyes
And set my heart on fire for experience.
Oh, how ailments have tormented me ever since!

But not a stream can heal them,
And the same poison is the fire of her eyes.

William Shakespeare is a great English poet and playwright, one of the greatest in the world. The author of beautiful poems, poems, sonnets, tragedies and comedies. The works "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark", "Othello", "King Lear", "The Taming of the Shrew" and others brought him great fame. Poems about love (sonnets) by Shakespeare will delight the most sophisticated lovers of love lyrics, because Shakespeare's genius has no limits...

Sonnet 102

I love, but I rarely talk about it,
I love more tenderly, - but not for many eyes.
Trades in the feeling of the one in front of the light
He exposes his whole soul.

I met you with a song, like hello,
When love was new to us
So the nightingale rumbles at the midnight hour
In the spring, but forgets the flute in the summer.

The night will not lose its charm,
When his outpourings are silenced.
But music, sounding from all branches,

Having become ordinary, it loses its charm.
And I fell silent like a nightingale:
I sang mine and don't sing anymore.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 104

You don't change over the years.
The same you were when you first
I met you. Three winters are gray
Three magnificent years covered up the trail.

Three gentle springs have changed color
On juicy fruit and fiery leaves,
And three times the forest was undressed in autumn ...
And the elements do not rule over you.

On the dial, showing us the hour,
Leaving the figure, the golden arrow
Slightly moves invisible to the eye,

So I don’t notice years on you.
And if the sunset is necessary, -
He was before your birth!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 61

Is it your fault that your cute image
Doesn't let me close my eyelashes
And standing above my head
Heavy eyelids does not allow to close?
Does your soul come in silence
Check my deeds and thoughts
Reveal all lies and idleness in me,
All my life, as my destiny, to measure?
Oh no, your love is not so strong
To be my headboard,
My, my love knows no sleep.
On guard we stand with my love.

I can't sleep until
You - away from me - close to others.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 90

If you fall out of love - so now,
Now that the whole world is at odds with me.
Be the bitterest of my losses
But not the last straw of grief!

And if grief is given to me to overcome,
Don't ambush.
Let the stormy night not be resolved
Rainy morning - morning without consolation.

Leave me, but not at the last moment
When from small troubles I will weaken.
Leave now, so that I can immediately comprehend

That this grief is more painful than all adversities,
That there are no adversities, but there is one trouble -
Lose your love forever.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 92

You cannot escape me.
You will be mine until last days.
My life path is connected with love,
And it must end with her.
Why should I be afraid of the worst troubles,
When does a smaller one threaten me with death?
And I have no addiction
From your whims or insults.
I'm not afraid of your betrayal.
Your betrayal is a merciless knife.
Oh, how blessed is my sad lot:
I was yours and you will kill me.

But there is no happiness in the world without a spot.
Who's to tell me that you're right now?

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 93

Well, I will live, accepting as a condition,
That you are true. Though you have become different
But the shadow of love seems like love to us.
Not with your heart - so be with me with your eyes.
Your gaze does not speak of change.
He harbors neither boredom nor enmity.
There are faces on which crimes
Draw indelible marks.
But, apparently, it is so pleasing to higher powers:
Let your beautiful lips lie
But in this look, tender and sweet,
The purity still shines.

The apple from the tree was beautiful
Eve thwarted Adam.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 106

When I read in the scroll of dead years
About fiery lips, long silent,
About the beauty that composes the couplet
To the glory of ladies and beautiful knights,

Traits kept for centuries -
Eyes, smile, hair and eyebrows -
They tell me that only ancient word
You could totally reflect.

In any line to your beautiful lady
The poet dreamed of predicting you
But he could not convey all of you,

Staring into the distance with loving eyes.
And to us, to whom you are finally close, -
Where can I get a voice to sound for centuries?

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 113

From the day of separation - an eye in my soul,
And the one by which I find the way,
Can't see visible things
Even though I'm still looking at everything.

Neither heart nor consciousness a cursory glance
Cannot give an account of what he saw.
He is not happy with grass, flowers and birds,
And nothing lives in it for long.

Beautiful and ugly object
Turns the gaze into your likeness:
Dove and crow, darkness and light,

Blue sea and mountain peaks.
Full of you and deprived of you
My faithful gaze sees the wrong dream.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 130

Her eyes don't look like stars
You can’t call the mouth corals,
Not snow-white shoulders open skin,
And a strand twists like a black wire.

With a damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet delicate petal.

You won't find perfect lines in it
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how goddesses walk

But the darling walks the earth.
And yet she will hardly yield to those
Who was slandered in lush comparisons.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 116

Interfere with the union of two hearts
I don't intend to. Can treason
Love boundless put an end to?
Love knows no loss and decay.

Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Not fading in darkness and fog.
Love is the star that sailor
Defines a place in the ocean.

Love is not a pathetic doll in your hands
By the time that erases the roses
On fiery lips and cheeks,
And she is not afraid of time threats.

And if I'm wrong and my verse lies,
Then there is no love - and there are no my poems!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 117

Tell me that I neglected the payment
For all the good that I owe you,
That I forgot your cherished threshold,
With which I am connected with all ties,

That I did not know the value of your watch,
Ruthlessly giving them to strangers,
That allowed unknown sails
Carry yourself from my beloved land.

All the crimes of my liberty
You put my love next to you
Submit to the strict judgment of your eyes,
But do not execute me with a death look.

It's my fault. But all my fault
Show how true your love is.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 23

Like the actor who, timid,
Loses the thread of a long-familiar role,
Like that madman who, falling into anger,
In excess of strength loses willpower, -

So I am silent, not knowing what to say,
Not because the heart has cooled.
No, it puts a seal on my lips
My love has no limit.

So let the book speak to you.
Let her, my silent intercessor,
Comes to you with confession and prayer
And the just demands retribution.
Will you read the words of love dumb?
Can you hear my voice with your eyes?

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 37

I confess that two of us are with you,
Although in love we are one being.
I don't want my vice any
I lay down on your honor like a stain.

Let a thread bind us in love,
But in life we ​​have different bitterness.
She can't change love
But love steals hour after hour.

As a convict, I am deprived of the right
To recognize you openly in front of everyone,
And you can't accept my bow,
So that your seal does not lie on your honor.
Well, let it be! .. I love you so much.
That I am all yours and share your honor!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 39

Oh, how I will sing praise to you,
When we are one being with you?
You can't praise your beauty
You cannot praise yourself.

That's why we exist apart
To appreciate the charm of beauty
And for you to hear
The praise that only you deserve.

Separation is hard for us, like a disease,
But at times the lonely way
Leisure gives the happiest dreams

And let time deceive.
Separation divides the heart in half,
To glorify a friend it was easier for us.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 47

The heart with the eye has a secret pact:
They relieve each other's pain
When your gaze searches in vain
And the heart suffocates in separation.

Your image of a keen eye
Gives and heart to admire plenty.
And the heart to the eye at its appointed hour
Dreams of love give way to share.

So in my thoughts or in the flesh
You are in front of me at any moment.
You can go no farther than a thought.

I am inseparable from her, she is with you.
My gaze draws you in a dream
And wakes up the heart sleeping in me.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 56

Wake up love! Is your point
Dumber than the sting of hunger and thirst?
No matter how plentiful food and drink,
You can't ever get enough once.
So is love. her hungry eyes
Today, tired to the point of fatigue,
And tomorrow again you are enveloped in fire,
Born to burn, not decay.
For love to be dear to us
Let the ocean be the hour of separation
Let two, going to the shore,
Hands stretch out one to the other.

Let this hour be the winter cold,
May spring warm us up!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 118

For appetite spicy condiments
We call bitter taste in the mouth.
We drink bitterness to avoid poison,
Deliberately arousing stupidity.
So, spoiled by your love,
I found joy in bitter thoughts
And he himself came up with ill health
Still in the prime of life and strength.
From this love treachery
And the salvation of fictitious troubles
I got sick in earnest and medicine
He swallowed the bitterest to his own detriment.

But I realized: drugs are deadly poison
Those who are sick with boundless love.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 147

An agonizing, unquenchable thirst.
She demands the same poison
Who poisoned her once.

My mind-doctor healed my love.
She rejected herbs and roots,
And the poor doctor was exhausted
And he left us, losing his patience.

From now on, my illness is incurable.
The soul finds no peace in anything.
Abandoned by my mind

And feelings and words roam at will.
And for a long time to me, devoid of mind,
Hell seemed like heaven, and darkness seemed to be light!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 154

The god of love lay down under the tree,
Throwing his burning torch to the ground.
Seeing that the insidious god fell asleep,
The nymphs decided to run out of the thicket.

One of them approached the fire
Who did a lot of troubles to the virgins,
And dipped the brand into the water,
Disarming the slumbering god.

The stream water became hot.
She cured many ailments.
And I went to bathe in that stream

To heal from the love of a friend.
Love heated the water - but the water
Love has never cooled.

/ William Shakespeare: Love Sonnets

Poems about love and poems about love.

William Shakespeare

All Shakespeare's Sonnets Love Sonnets
William Shakespeare: Love Sonnets

Sonnet 23

Like the actor who, timid,
Loses the thread of a long-familiar role,
Like that madman who, falling into anger,
In excess of strength loses willpower, -

So I am silent, not knowing what to say,
Not because the heart has cooled.
No, it puts a seal on my lips
My love has no limit.

So let the book speak to you.
Let her, my silent intercessor,
Comes to you with confession and prayer

And the just demands retribution.
Will you read the words of love dumb?
Can you hear my voice with your eyes?

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 37

I confess that two of us are with you,
Although in love we are one being.
I don't want my vice any
I lay down on your honor like a stain.

Let a thread bind us in love,
But in life we ​​have different bitterness.
She can't change love
But love steals hour after hour.

As a convict, I am deprived of the right
To recognize you openly in front of everyone,
And you can't accept my bow,

So that your seal does not lie on your honor.
Well, let it be! .. I love you so much.
That I am all yours and share your honor!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 39

Oh, how I will sing praise to you,
When we are one being with you?
You can't praise your beauty
You cannot praise yourself.

That's why we exist apart
To appreciate the charm of beauty
And for you to hear
The praise that only you deserve.

Separation is hard for us, like a disease,
But at times the lonely way
Leisure gives the happiest dreams

And let time deceive.
Separation divides the heart in half,
To glorify a friend it was easier for us.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 47

The heart with the eye has a secret pact:
They relieve each other's pain
When your gaze searches in vain
And the heart suffocates in separation.

Your image of a keen eye
Gives and heart to admire plenty.
And the heart to the eye at its appointed hour
Dreams of love give way to share.

So in my thoughts or in the flesh
You are in front of me at any moment.
You can go no farther than a thought.

I am inseparable from her, she is with you.
My gaze draws you in a dream
And wakes up the heart sleeping in me.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 56

Wake up love! Is your point
Dumber than the sting of hunger and thirst?
No matter how plentiful food and drink,
You can't ever get enough once.
So is love. her hungry eyes
Today, tired to the point of fatigue,
And tomorrow again you are enveloped in fire,
Born to burn, not decay.
For love to be dear to us
Let the ocean be the hour of separation
Let two, going to the shore,
Hands stretch out one to the other.

Let this hour be the winter cold,
May spring warm us up!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 61

Is it your fault that your cute image
Doesn't let me close my eyelashes
And standing above my head
Heavy eyelids does not allow to close?
Does your soul come in silence
Check my deeds and thoughts
Reveal all lies and idleness in me,
All my life, as my destiny, to measure?
Oh no, your love is not so strong
To be my headboard,
My, my love knows no sleep.
On guard we stand with my love.

I can't sleep until
You - away from me - close to others.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 90

If you fall out of love - so now,
Now that the whole world is at odds with me.
Be the bitterest of my losses
But not the last straw of grief!

And if grief is given to me to overcome,
Don't ambush.
Let the stormy night not be resolved
Rainy morning - morning without consolation.

Leave me, but not at the last moment
When from small troubles I will weaken.
Leave now, so that I can immediately comprehend

That this grief is more painful than all adversities,
That there are no adversities, but there is one trouble -
Lose your love forever.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 92

You cannot escape me.
You will be mine until the last days.
My life path is connected with love,
And it must end with her.

Why should I be afraid of the worst troubles,
When does a smaller one threaten me with death?
And I have no addiction
From your whims or insults.

I'm not afraid of your betrayal.
Your betrayal is a merciless knife.
Oh, how blessed is my sad lot:
I was yours and you will kill me.

But there is no happiness in the world without a spot.
Who's to tell me that you're right now?

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 93

Well, I will live, accepting as a condition,
That you are true. Though you have become different
But the shadow of love seems like love to us.
Not with your heart - so be with me with your eyes.

Your gaze does not speak of change.
He harbors neither boredom nor enmity.
There are faces on which crimes
Draw indelible marks.

But, apparently, it is so pleasing to higher powers:
Let your beautiful lips lie
But in this look, tender and sweet,
The purity still shines.

The apple from the tree was beautiful
Eve thwarted Adam.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 102

I love, but I rarely talk about it,
I love more tenderly, - but not for many eyes.
Trades in the feeling of the one in front of the light
He exposes his whole soul.

I met you with a song, like hello,
When love was new to us
So the nightingale rumbles at the midnight hour
In the spring, but forgets the flute in the summer.

The night will not lose its charm,
When his outpourings are silenced.
But music, sounding from all branches,

Having become ordinary, it loses its charm.
And I fell silent like a nightingale:
I sang mine and don't sing anymore.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 104

You don't change over the years.
The same you were when you first
I met you. Three winters are gray
Three magnificent years have powdered the trail.

Three gentle springs have changed color
On juicy fruit and fiery leaves,
And three times the forest was undressed in autumn ...
And the elements do not rule over you.

On the dial, showing us the hour,
Leaving the figure, the golden arrow
Slightly moves invisible to the eye,

So I don’t notice years on you.
And if the sunset is necessary, -
He was before your birth!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 106

When I read in the scroll of dead years
About fiery lips, long silent,
About the beauty that composes the couplet
To the glory of ladies and beautiful knights,

Traits kept for centuries -
Eyes, smile, hair and eyebrows -
They tell me that only in the ancient word
You could totally reflect.

In any line to your beautiful lady
The poet dreamed of predicting you
But he could not convey all of you,

Staring into the distance with loving eyes.
And to us, to whom you are finally close, -
Where can I get a voice to sound for centuries?

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 113

From the day of separation - an eye in my soul,
And the one by which I find the way,
Can't see visible things
Even though I'm still looking at everything.

Neither heart nor consciousness a cursory glance
Cannot give an account of what he saw.
He is not happy with grass, flowers and birds,
And nothing lives in it for long.

Beautiful and ugly object
Turns the gaze into your likeness:
Dove and crow, darkness and light,

Blue sea and mountain peaks.
Full of you and deprived of you
My faithful gaze sees the wrong dream.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 116

Interfere with the union of two hearts
I don't intend to. Can treason
Love boundless put an end to?
Love knows no loss and decay.

Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Not fading in darkness and fog.
Love is the star that sailor
Defines a place in the ocean.

Love is not a pathetic doll in your hands
By the time that erases the roses
On fiery lips and cheeks,
And she is not afraid of time threats.

And if I'm wrong and my verse lies,
Then there is no love - and there are no my poems!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 117

Tell me that I neglected the payment
For all the good that I owe you,
That I forgot your cherished threshold,
With which I am connected with all ties,

That I did not know the value of your watch,
Ruthlessly giving them to strangers,
That allowed unknown sails
Carry yourself from my beloved land.

All the crimes of my liberty
You put my love next to you
Submit to the strict judgment of your eyes,
But do not execute me with a death look.

It's my fault. But all my fault
Show how true your love is.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 118

For appetite spicy condiments
We call bitter taste in the mouth.
We drink bitterness to avoid poison,
Deliberately arousing stupidity.

So, spoiled by your love,
I found joy in bitter thoughts
And he himself came up with ill health
Still in the prime of life and strength.

From this love treachery
And the salvation of fictitious troubles
I got sick in earnest and medicine
He swallowed the bitterest to his own detriment.

But I realized: drugs are deadly poison
Those who are sick with boundless love.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 130

Her eyes don't look like stars
You can’t call the mouth corals,
Not snow-white shoulders open skin,
And a strand twists like a black wire.

With a damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet delicate petal.

You won't find perfect lines in it
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how goddesses walk

But the darling walks the earth.
And yet she will hardly yield to those
Who was slandered in lush comparisons.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 147

An agonizing, unquenchable thirst.
She demands the same poison
Who poisoned her once.

My mind-doctor healed my love.
She rejected herbs and roots,
And the poor doctor was exhausted
And he left us, losing his patience.

From now on, my illness is incurable.
The soul finds no peace in anything.
Abandoned by my mind

And feelings and words roam at will.
And for a long time to me, devoid of mind,
Hell seemed like heaven, and darkness seemed to be light!

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 154

The god of love lay down under the tree,
Throwing his burning torch to the ground.
Seeing that the insidious god fell asleep,
The nymphs decided to run out of the thicket.

One of them approached the fire
Who did a lot of troubles to the virgins,
And dipped the brand into the water,
Disarming the slumbering god.

The stream water became hot.
She cured many ailments.
And I went to bathe in that stream

To heal from the love of a friend.
Love heated the water - but the water
Love has never cooled.

Shakespeare's Love Sonnet 23

Like the actor who, timid,
Loses the thread of a long-familiar role,
Like that madman who, falling into anger,
In excess of strength loses willpower, -

So I am silent, not knowing what to say,
Not because the heart has cooled.
No, it puts a seal on my lips
My love has no limit.

So let the book speak to you.
Let her, my silent intercessor,
Comes to you with confession and prayer

And the just demands retribution.
Will you read the words of love dumb?
Can you hear my voice with your eyes?

Shakespeare's Love Sonnet 37

I confess that two of us are with you,
Although in love we are one being.
I don't want my vice any
I lay down on your honor like a stain.

Let a thread bind us in love,
But in life we ​​have different bitterness.
She can't change love
But love steals hour after hour.

As a convict, I am deprived of the right
To recognize you openly in front of everyone,
And you can't accept my bow,

So that your seal does not lie on your honor.
Well, let it be! .. I love you so much.
That I am all yours and share your honor!

Oh, how I will sing praise to you,
When we are one being with you?
You can't praise your beauty
You cannot praise yourself.

That's why we exist apart
To appreciate the charm of beauty
And for you to hear
The praise that only you deserve.

Separation is hard for us, like a disease,
But at times the lonely way
Leisure gives the happiest dreams

And let time deceive.
Separation divides the heart in half,
To glorify a friend it was easier for us.

The heart with the eye has a secret pact:
They relieve each other's pain
When your gaze searches in vain
And the heart suffocates in separation.

Your image of a keen eye
Gives and heart to admire plenty.
And the heart to the eye at its appointed hour
Dreams of love give way to share.

So in my thoughts or in the flesh
You are in front of me at any moment.
You can go no farther than a thought.

I am inseparable from her, she is with you.
My gaze draws you in a dream
And wakes up the heart sleeping in me.

Wake up love! Is your point
Dumber than the sting of hunger and thirst?
No matter how plentiful food and drink,
You can't ever get enough once.
So is love. her hungry eyes
Today, tired to the point of fatigue,
And tomorrow again you are enveloped in fire,
Born to burn, not decay.
For love to be dear to us
Let the ocean be the hour of separation
Let two, going to the shore,
Hands stretch out one to the other.

Let this hour be the winter cold,
May spring warm us up!

Is it your fault that your cute image
Doesn't let me close my eyelashes
And standing above my head
Heavy eyelids does not allow to close?
Does your soul come in silence
Check my deeds and thoughts
Reveal all lies and idleness in me,
All my life, as my destiny, to measure?
Oh no, your love is not so strong
To be my headboard,
My, my love knows no sleep.
On guard we stand with my love.

I can't sleep until
You - away from me - close to others.

If you fall out of love - so now,
Now that the whole world is at odds with me.
Be the bitterest of my losses
But not the last straw of grief!

And if grief is given to me to overcome,
Don't ambush.
Let the stormy night not be resolved
Rainy morning - morning without consolation.

Leave me, but not at the last moment
When from small troubles I will weaken.
Leave now, so that I can immediately comprehend

That this grief is more painful than all adversities,
That there are no adversities, but there is one trouble -
Lose your love forever.

You cannot escape me.
You will be mine until the last days.
My life path is connected with love,
And it must end with her.

Why should I be afraid of the worst troubles,
When does a smaller one threaten me with death?
And I have no addiction
From your whims or insults.

I'm not afraid of your betrayal.
Your betrayal is a merciless knife.
Oh, how blessed is my sad lot:
I was yours and you will kill me.

But there is no happiness in the world without a spot.
Who's to tell me that you're right now?

Well, I will live, accepting as a condition,
That you are true. Though you have become different
But the shadow of love seems like love to us.
Not with your heart - so be with me with your eyes.

Your gaze does not speak of change.
He harbors neither boredom nor enmity.
There are faces on which crimes
Draw indelible marks.

But, apparently, it is so pleasing to higher powers:
Let your beautiful lips lie
But in this look, tender and sweet,
The purity still shines.

The apple from the tree was beautiful
Eve thwarted Adam.

I love, but I rarely talk about it,
I love more tenderly, - but not for many eyes.
Trades in the feeling of the one in front of the light
He exposes his whole soul.

I met you with a song, like hello,
When love was new to us
So the nightingale rumbles at the midnight hour
In the spring, but forgets the flute in the summer.

The night will not lose its charm,
When his outpourings are silenced.
But music, sounding from all branches,

Having become ordinary, it loses its charm.
And I fell silent like a nightingale:
I sang mine and don't sing anymore.

Shakespeare's Love Sonnet 104

You don't change over the years.
The same you were when you first
I met you. Three winters are gray
Three magnificent years have powdered the trail.

Three gentle springs have changed color
On juicy fruit and fiery leaves,
And three times the forest was undressed in autumn ...
And the elements do not rule over you.

On the dial, showing us the hour,
Leaving the figure, the golden arrow
Slightly moves invisible to the eye,

So I don’t notice years on you.
And if the sunset is necessary, -
He was before your birth!

When I read in the scroll of dead years
About fiery lips, long silent,
About the beauty that composes the couplet
To the glory of ladies and beautiful knights,

Traits kept for centuries -
Eyes, smile, hair and eyebrows -
They tell me that only in the ancient word
You could totally reflect.

In any line to your beautiful lady
The poet dreamed of predicting you
But he could not convey all of you,

Staring into the distance with loving eyes.
And to us, to whom you are finally close, -
Where can I get a voice to sound for centuries?

From the day of separation - an eye in my soul,
And the one by which I find the way,
Can't see visible things
Even though I'm still looking at everything.

Neither heart nor consciousness a cursory glance
Cannot give an account of what he saw.
He is not happy with grass, flowers and birds,
And nothing lives in it for long.

Beautiful and ugly object
Turns the gaze into your likeness:
Dove and crow, darkness and light,

Blue sea and mountain peaks.
Full of you and deprived of you
My faithful gaze sees the wrong dream.

Interfere with the union of two hearts
I don't intend to. Can treason
Love boundless put an end to?
Love knows no loss and decay.

Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Not fading in darkness and fog.
Love is the star that sailor
Defines a place in the ocean.

Love is not a pathetic doll in your hands
By the time that erases the roses
On fiery lips and cheeks,
And she is not afraid of time threats.

And if I'm wrong and my verse lies,
Then there is no love - and there are no my poems!

Tell me that I neglected the payment
For all the good that I owe you,
That I forgot your cherished threshold,
With which I am connected with all ties,

That I did not know the value of your watch,
Ruthlessly giving them to strangers,
That allowed unknown sails
Carry yourself from my beloved land.

All the crimes of my liberty
You put my love next to you
Submit to the strict judgment of your eyes,
But do not execute me with a death look.

It's my fault. But all my fault
Show how true your love is.

For appetite spicy condiments
We call bitter taste in the mouth.
We drink bitterness to avoid poison,
Deliberately arousing stupidity.

So, spoiled by your love,
I found joy in bitter thoughts
And he himself came up with ill health
Still in the prime of life and strength.

From this love treachery
And the salvation of fictitious troubles
I got sick in earnest and medicine
He swallowed the bitterest to his own detriment.

But I realized: drugs are deadly poison
Those who are sick with boundless love.

Her eyes don't look like stars
You can’t call the mouth corals,
Not snow-white shoulders open skin,
And a strand twists like a black wire.

With a damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet delicate petal.

You won't find perfect lines in it
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how goddesses walk

But the darling walks the earth.
And yet she will hardly yield to those
Who was slandered in lush comparisons.

An agonizing, unquenchable thirst.
She demands the same poison
Who poisoned her once.

My mind-doctor healed my love.
She rejected herbs and roots,
And the poor doctor was exhausted
And he left us, losing his patience.

From now on, my illness is incurable.
The soul finds no peace in anything.
Abandoned by my mind

And feelings and words roam at will.
And for a long time to me, devoid of mind,
Hell seemed like heaven, and darkness seemed to be light!

The god of love lay down under the tree,
Throwing his burning torch to the ground.
Seeing that the insidious god fell asleep,
The nymphs decided to run out of the thicket.

One of them approached the fire
Who did a lot of troubles to the virgins,
And dipped the brand into the water,
Disarming the slumbering god.

The stream water became hot.
She cured many ailments.
And I went to bathe in that stream

To heal from the love of a friend.
Love heated the water - but the water
Love has never cooled.
