Passing doctors in 1 month. Newborn first examination in the clinic

After the mother and newborn return from the maternity hospital, the documents are transferred to the children's clinic. First, a pediatrician and a nurse examine a small patient at home. When the baby reaches one month of age, it is necessary to regularly visit the clinic. An examination by a pediatrician and specialized specialists will confirm the absence of diseases, and if they are present, will allow timely treatment to be prescribed.

Visits to the children's clinic until the age of one are mandatory every month. You must make an appointment with all specialists in advance. Before you go to the appointment, you should find out which doctors the newborn needs to see at 1 month. A nurse at the site will help you make an appointment with specialists.

Pediatrician – chief doctor for newborns

First of all, you need to visit a pediatrician and a nurse. The doctor examines the newborn every month. In children's clinics, a baby day is prescribed. You need to visit the doctor exactly on this day according to the schedule.

What does the pediatrician check and look for in a newborn:

  • interviews parents;
  • carries out weighing, determines the baby’s height and weight, head and chest circumference, examines the skin, navel, fontanelles, and sutures on the head;
  • checks skin and reflexes;
  • determines the child’s development, his physical condition, the functioning of organs and systems;
  • recommends the necessary daily routine, hardening activities, gives advice on feeding;
  • writes out referrals to medical specialists;
  • If necessary, gives a recipe for the dairy kitchen.

In the absence of contraindications, the pediatrician gives permission for the child to be vaccinated against hepatitis at one month. He explains to parents which doctors their newborn needs to visit at 1 month. If the child is healthy, an examination by a neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, or ENT specialist is sufficient. If additional examination is necessary, the list of specialists will increase.

Neurologist - diagnoses diseases of the nervous system

The doctor checks vision, reaction to sounds and light, coordination, sensitivity, muscle tone and reflexes according to the child’s age.

The neurologist evaluates:

  • neuropsychic development;
  • child behavior;
  • deviations in behavior.

The doctor identifies problems in the nervous system, in the development of motor skills and physical activity. The baby shows skills: rolls over on his stomach, holds his head, sits, plays with a toy.

The specialist orders a brain examination. Neurosonography evaluates blood circulation. Echoencephalography and electroencephalography examine the electrical potentials of the brain. Echoencephalography will show intracranial hematomas or cerebrovascular accidents. Doppler sonography examines the flow of blood in the vessels and finds deviations in their development. The procedures are safe.

If your child has trouble sleeping, is hyperexcitable, his hands are shaking, he often spits up, curls his toes, has fallen or hit his head, you cannot put off visiting a neurologist.

Orthopedist – eliminates problems with the musculoskeletal system

The doctor excludes congenital pathologies, abnormalities in the development of the baby’s bones and muscles, legs, and pelvis. The doctor orders an examination of the hip joints. He will be able to notice torticollis in time (the baby turns his head to one side, bends his head to one shoulder). Dysplasia is common in newborns. A specialist will confirm or deny congenital hip dislocation.

It is important to contact an orthopedist as soon as possible, since many abnormalities may be invisible. If pathologies are present, treatment is prescribed immediately.

Ophthalmologist - checks the eyesight

The doctor examines the organs of vision, monitors:

  • fixation of eyes on an object;
  • eye movements, opening and closing of eyelids;
  • eye pressure.

The specialist rules out inflammation of the eyes, lacrimal glands, and childhood strabismus. At an early stage, he will be able to identify diseases such as dacryocystitis and conjunctivitis, obstruction of the tear ducts. The doctor prescribes conservative treatment to avoid complications.

Surgeon examines the skin

The surgeon examines:

  • general development of the child;
  • skeleton of a newborn;
  • genitals, lymph nodes, abdomen.

The doctor checks for the presence of umbilical and inguinal hernia, testicular hydrocele, hemangiomas, and in boys - cryptorchidism and phimosis. Reasons for contacting a surgeon may include diseases of the urinary tract and urinary disorders.

The specialist recommends gymnastics and therapeutic swimming.

ENT – will evaluate the hearing of a newborn

The otorhinolaryngologist checks the newborn's hearing and examines the tonsils. The doctor will perform an audiological screening or otoacoustic test. These are safe tests to test your baby's hearing. The specialist will also evaluate nasal breathing and rule out tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, and sinusitis. If necessary, he will prescribe lavage of the nasopharynx and ear canals with medications.

Cardiologist – will rule out heart pathologies

The pediatrician will refer you to a cardiologist. Heart murmurs are possible in newborns, but these go away over time. It will be useful to do an ECG. It is extremely important to conduct an examination and exclude pathologies in the heart. For functional murmurs, an ultrasound of the heart is performed.

The specialist will pay attention to the presence of shortness of breath, fatigue, rapid or slow heartbeat. High blood pressure and severe infections can cause heart problems.

Important to remember what doctors should a newborn undergo at 1 month, regular examinations in a children's clinic to exclude pathologies in the child's development. It is easier to identify the problem at an early stage. Timely treatment will lead to early recovery. Vaccination deadlines must be observed. If you have any doubts or questions, you should definitely contact your doctor.

Immediately after birth, the baby is examined by a neonatologist. This is a doctor who specializes in newborn babies up to one month of age. Already in the first minutes of life, the doctor assesses the condition of the newborn child on the Apgar scale based on indicators such as the child’s pulse, skin color, breathing, muscle tone, innate reflexes, and strength of cry. This system was developed to identify children who urgently need medical attention. Healthy babies receive a score of 7-10. If the vital criteria score is below 6 points, then the child comes under close medical supervision. In any case, within the walls of the maternity hospital, the baby is periodically examined by a neonatologist.

After the mother is discharged from the maternity hospital, the local clinic receives information about the newborn baby. Within three days, the local pediatrician, together with a nurse, will definitely visit the child without a prior call. At the first examination, the doctor examines the little patient from head to toe, pays attention to the condition of the fontanelle, skin, mucous membranes, palpates the abdomen, listens to the heartbeat, frequency and depth of breathing, and evaluates reflex excitability and muscle tone. Such an examination is necessary and justified: if pathologies are detected at an early stage, they are easier to treat or correct.

The doctor is also obliged to assess the home environment, living conditions, social status of the parents and their ability to provide the baby with proper care. All data received is entered into the newborn’s medical record.

Tip: Prepare a place convenient for normal examination of the newborn. The doctor will undress the child, so the room should be warm. It is worth preparing a list of questions to ask the doctor in advance, preferably in writing, so as not to forget anything.

Subsequently, until the age of one month, the child is periodically visited by a visiting nurse. During her visits, she should not only monitor the condition of the baby, but also advise the young mother on feeding and caring for the newborn. The visiting nurse can and should ask questions regarding the baby’s development.

First independent trip to the clinic

At 4 weeks, the mother should bring the baby to the clinic for examination.

The first trip is always exciting, so that it goes well, you need to prepare in advance:

  • find out at the reception what day your clinic is reserved for receiving infants,
  • take with you a clean diaper (preferably two), large wet wipes, a garbage bag,
  • pour boiled water or ready-made milk formula into a thermal bottle - suddenly the appointment will be delayed and the child will get hungry,
  • A clean notebook and pen to write down your pediatrician's advice and instructions.

First you need to see a local doctor. He will visually examine the baby, weigh him, measure his height and head circumference. Afterwards he will tell you which doctors newborns undergo at 1 month

The list is quite large:

  • ENT doctor,
  • orthopedist,
  • surgeon,
  • ophthalmologist,
  • neurologist,
  • dermatologist - is prescribed selectively if a newborn baby has skin problems, rashes, diathesis, or allergic manifestations.

A visit to the offices of specialized specialists is mandatory. They will examine the child in more detail, draw conclusions about his state of health, and, if necessary, prescribe additional examination or treatment.

More about narrow specialists

An otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) examines the ears, nose and throat of a newborn, does otoacoustic testing to check the child’s hearing, and looks to see if the baby has wax plugs and whether the nasal passages are properly developed. This doctor can answer questions about why your baby is having trouble latching or is unable to feed from a bottle.

An orthopedist is a must-see specialist to assess the health of the child’s musculoskeletal system. The orthopedist will examine the legs and hip joints of the newborn and give an opinion on the results of the examination. A dangerous pathology - hip dysplasia - is observed in 30% of infants.

At an early age, the pathology is corrected 100%, but if you do not pay attention to it and do not start treatment in a timely manner, then the child will remain crippled. An orthopedist can also identify a number of other problems - torticollis, clubfoot, and asymmetry of the legs.

The ophthalmologist will measure the baby’s intraocular pressure, check the condition of the lacrimal glands, and diagnose conjunctivitis of the eyelids. At 1 month, it is already possible to assess the baby’s tendency to strabismus and, if necessary, predict treatment.

At the first meeting, the surgeon will palpate the baby’s tummy, evaluate his reflex reactions, diagnose an umbilical, umbilical or inguinal hernia, and palpate the lymph nodes. In boys, the external genitalia will be examined to exclude dropsy, undescended testicles into the scrotum, cryptorchidism and hypospadias.

When examining a newborn, a neurologist will evaluate his reflexes and motor activity, examine the fontanel, check muscle tone, and the level of motor development.

Advice: do not try to go through all the specialists in 1-2 days. This is very tiring for both the baby and the mother. After the local police officer tells you which doctors newborns see at 1 month, you need to write down the days and hours of the appointment in a notebook, and then plan to visit no more than two offices a week.

Now you know what doctors newborns undergo at 1 month. But the local pediatrician may prescribe additional examinations - ultrasound, MRI, blood and urine tests - if there are suspicions of cardiac, renal, intestinal and other pathologies.

Additional examination

Urinalysis - to carry it out, you need to collect the baby's morning urine. This is done using special urinals, which differ in shape for boys and girls. You can buy them at any pharmacy. The local nurse will tell you how to collect urine using the device. It is very important to wash the child thoroughly the day before collecting the material.

A general blood test is done based on taking blood from a finger, a biochemical test is done from a vein of the newborn. Biological material is taken from such young children at any time of the day, regardless of food intake.

ECG (electrocardiogram) - taking heart indicators and predicting the child’s condition in the near future.

Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the brain, heart, abdominal cavity - to identify deviations in the development of body systems.

Ultrasound examination is especially relevant for premature and low birth weight babies, whose score at birth was less than 7 points on the Apgar scale

Of course, such an in-depth examination is not prescribed for every child, but only for those children whose condition causes concern to the local pediatrician or other doctor. Mothers do not need to independently prescribe any procedures for their child or insist on conducting one or another type of examination, since the local pediatrician is able to adequately assess the health of the newborn and the need for additional tests.

Vaccination room

In the maternity hospital, a newborn child receives the necessary vaccinations, but at 1 month it is necessary to receive another vaccination - against hepatitis. Permission for vaccination is given only by the local pediatrician after a complete examination of the baby and assurance that the baby is healthy. Parents have the right to refuse vaccination, but this should be done thoughtfully after studying the issue from all sides and receiving advice from a competent specialist. If you doubt the quality of the vaccine, you can agree to purchase another vaccination material - less aggressive, more purified, from another manufacturer. But this issue must be discussed with your doctor first.

Please note that the standard vaccination schedule can be changed individually for you, taking into account the baby’s health condition

Keep a notebook and be sure to monitor vaccinations. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor to check your personal vaccination schedule once again. This approach will help protect the child from serious illness in the future.

Remember that caring for the child’s health primarily lies with the parents, so you should not skip going to the clinic when the baby is 1 month old.

The first year of life is the most crucial period not only for the baby himself, but also for the parents. After all, at this time the child may exhibit various deviations that are easiest to correct at the earliest stage of development. If you are interested in which doctors a newborn needs to see at 1 month, then this article will answer this question.

Of course, routine medical examinations definitely a must go. After all, this will help to see various deviations and pathologies in time and prescribe treatment. Which will help fix this or that problem almost without leaving a trace.

The health of the baby begins to be monitored from birth in the maternity hospital.

As soon as the baby is born, a neonatologist assesses the baby’s health according to Apgar scale.

Further, during the stay in the maternity hospital, each doctor examines the baby and prescribes various tests. If the baby was born healthy, then after 4-5 days he is discharged home with my mother.

Otherwise, the baby is transferred to another department for treatment or sent to a children's hospital.

After the baby and mother are at home, home care is provided during the first month of the baby’s life. That is, a pediatrician and a nurse come to your home. Doctor examining a child, and the nurse gives recommendations on caring for the baby and answers all your questions. You can also find out from your pediatrician which doctors a newborn needs to see at 1 month.

When your baby turns one month old, it will be time for... first visit to the children's clinic in order to undergo examination by all specialists. Which doctors should a newborn see at 1 month:

  1. Pediatrician.
  2. Neurologist.
  3. Surgeon.
  4. Orthopedist.
  5. Oculist (ophthalmologist).
  6. Otolaryngologist (ENT).

At the pediatrician's appointment The child’s height and weight, head circumference are measured, and the lungs are examined.

You can also ask any questions regarding your baby, his regime, nutrition, etc. Such inspections must be carried out every month.

An examination by a neurologist takes place, perhaps, with more excitement than that of other doctors. Every mother worries that her baby does not have any neurological problems. The neurologist pays attention to physical development, reflexes, muscle tone, head shape, fontanel and other factors.

Also, a neurologist can prescribe an ultrasound of the brain, for some this study will be done for the first time, and for others again. This depends on which maternity hospital the baby was born in, since not all maternity hospitals have acquired an ultrasound machine yet.

The surgeon's task is examination of the baby’s internal organs, but he may prescribe an ultrasound examination. To be sure that the condition of the internal organs is within normal limits.

An orthopedist should conduct an examination baby's lower extremities and neck. Usually he makes sure that the folds on the baby's body are symmetrical. And also, so that there are no signs of clubfoot, hip dislocation and torticollis. Also, if necessary, he can give a referral for an ultrasound of the hip joints.

An ophthalmologist examines a one-month-old child fundus and tendency to strabismus.

ENT performs audio screening, which is needed to test the baby’s hearing. But if the results are not normal, the doctor issues a referral for further examination.

At the age of 2 months, the baby also needs to visit the clinic, but here the list of doctors is much smaller, or rather there is none at all. All you need is come to the pediatrician for an examination, and also measure height and weight. The doctor will ask you about your baby's developmental progress and behavior throughout the day. You may be offered some preventive vaccinations if they were not given in the maternity hospital and if the baby is completely healthy. By the way, we note that vaccination is allowed only if the child is healthy not only at the time of inspection, but also during the last month. If the baby gets sick, doctors usually prescribe a medical exemption from vaccinations for a month.

What doctors should a newborn see at 3 months?

What kind of doctors do you undergo at 3 months? The baby must again be examined by a pediatrician, pass all the necessary tests, and also undergo appointment with a neurologist and orthopedist. At this age, the baby should already have certain skills. And doctors will be able to assess whether the baby’s development meets established standards. If deviations are detected, prescribe medication or give recommendations. But if at the 1-month examination, specialists have already prescribed certain procedures or treatment to eliminate certain health problems, then they evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy and, if necessary, prescribe a further action plan.

When a child turns six months old, he is already more active than before. He begins to explore the world around him. Many children are already turning over well in different directions by six months, and some are already sitting and crawling. Therefore, it is very important for parents to keep the room in which the child is located clean. And wash toys thoroughly before giving them to your child. After all, at this age the baby actively puts everything into his mouth.

At this age, it is also necessary to undergo a routine examination by a pediatrician and medical specialists. So, the child should be shown to the following doctors:

All these doctors must check the child’s health, his development and compliance of skills and abilities with standards. As for the neurologist and orthopedist, here they, as at 3 months, monitor dynamics of child development after the prescribed treatment and may prescribe additional studies.

Also at this age you should take blood, stool and urine tests.

The baby, who is one year old, must visit many doctors again. So that parents can make sure that he is completely healthy and his development is appropriate for his age. At one year old the list of doctors is the most extensive. It includes: pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, ENT and dentist.

As you can see, the list of doctors has been expanded dentist. It is very important to take your child to this specialist. Since even at this age, caries or other oral problems can occur. Especially if you already give sweets to your baby.

This list of doctors is enough for a boy, but it’s better for a girl too see a pediatric gynecologist. Parents should not be embarrassed by such an early age of the baby, because the gynecologist evaluates the genitals only from the outside. Why is this necessary? In order to make sure that the girl’s intimate hygiene is maintained correctly. And if something is wrong, the gynecologist will select the appropriate treatment.

It is worth noting that the responsibility for your child’s health lies with you. And therefore, we recommend not to miss scheduled examinations by specialist doctors, who will allow you to correct certain problems in a timely manner.

We looked at which doctors a newborn needs to see at 1 month. We also tried to develop the topic further - at 2 months, at 3 or 6. And who will have to go through a year... Have you forgotten anyone? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

During the first year of life, mother and child should regularly visit various doctors who will monitor the baby’s development.

First medical examination in the maternity hospital

The first medical examination of a newborn baby is carried out immediately after birth in the maternity hospital by a doctor called a neonatologist; he evaluates the general condition of the child and the Apgar scores.

Over the next 4-5 days, while the mother and baby are in the maternity hospital, the neonatologist visits the baby daily, examining and monitoring the condition of the newborn. If necessary, the neonatologist can prescribe laboratory blood tests, consult doctors of a more narrow specialization, and give the baby a referral for an ultrasound scan of the brain.

When a woman and her baby return home, during the first month of life they are regularly visited by a pediatrician and a visiting nurse from a children's medical institution. The doctor visually examines the child, checks his reflexes, feels the fontanel, gives the mother the necessary advice and takes measurements of the circumference of the head and chest.

The nurse shows the new mother how to handle the umbilical cord, clean the sinuses and ears, swaddle and bathe the baby.

Table for examination of infants by doctors in the first year of life

Child's age Which doctors should you go to?
1 month




2 months
3 months


4 months
5 months
6 months


7 months
8 months
9 months



10 months
11 months
12 months





Psychiatrist (if indicated)

Admission at 1 month

Once the baby reaches one month of age, visits from the clinic stop. The time has come for the first scheduled examination with the local pediatrician. During the appointment, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the child, listens to his lungs and bronchi, checks the condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and oral cavity, assesses how long the fontanelle has tightened, listens to the mother’s complaints, sends him to the vaccination room and tells which doctors the baby should undergo.

The nurse measures the baby's growth, head and chest circumference, and weighs it.

The baby should undergo similar examinations with a pediatrician every month so that the doctor can monitor the baby’s development, assess his parameters and the general condition of the body before vaccination.

Along with visiting the pediatrician, at the age of 1 month, the baby must undergo certain specialists:

  1. neurologist;
  2. ophthalmologist;
  3. surgeon;
  4. orthopedist;
  5. otolaryngologist.

These examinations are mandatory, despite the complete absence of complaints from the parents and the satisfactory condition of the baby.


A competent specialist will be able to identify even a slight deviation from the norm in the baby’s development, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment.

An examination by a neurologist is mandatory for infants and should be carried out regularly, once every three months. Such frequent visits to the doctor are completely justified, since the neurological condition of the baby changes quite quickly, he grows rapidly, he acquires new skills and abilities. A neurologist is able to assess the development of a child, his psycho-emotional state, promptly detect the onset of pathology and indicate to parents what they need to concentrate on in the future.

During an examination at one month of age, the neurologist evaluates the newborn’s reflexes, pays attention to muscle tone, the child’s posture, the shape of his head, the condition of the fontanel, skin color and facial expression.


If necessary, the neurologist is obliged to send the newborn for a repeat ultrasound of the brain, which will reveal changes in its structure and exclude the formation of cysts, hydrocephalus and high intracranial pressure.

The first time an ophthalmologist examines the baby in the maternity hospital to rule out the presence of visual pathologies. At the 1 month appointment, he examines the inner surface of the newborn's eyeball and checks for a predisposition to strabismus.


The surgeon’s appointment is carried out to detect various pathologies of internal organs, umbilical and inguinal hernias, torticollis and vascular formations on the child’s body and head. The surgeon should refer the baby for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity to ensure that the internal organs are in place and functioning normally.

Orthopedist An orthopedic doctor pays attention to the child’s musculoskeletal system, to the presence of abnormalities such as congenital hip dislocation, torticollis or clubfoot. The orthopedist should check the symmetry of the folds on the baby’s legs, buttocks and arms, control their flexion and extension, and exclude them in the newborn. rickets


, and if a disease is suspected, order blood tests and ultrasound of the hip joints.

The first hearing examination in newborns is carried out in the maternity hospital, but at a scheduled appointment in the clinic, the otolaryngologist must repeat the audio screening and, if any abnormalities are detected, send the baby for further examination to the audiological center.

The baby is three months old and is again awaiting a short medical examination. This time, in addition to the next appointment with a pediatrician, he needs to get a consultation with a neurologist and an orthopedist.

For a baby who has reached the age of three months, an examination by a neurologist is very important. At this stage, the child’s innate reflexes have practically died out, he learns to grasp objects, perks up when familiar faces appear, holds his head in an upright position and tries to lift it from a position lying on his stomach. If these skills are absent or poorly developed, the neurologist should advise the baby’s parents to undergo a course of massage or physiotherapy to relax his muscles and relieve increased tone.

At 3 months, the orthopedic doctor re-examines the child for abnormalities in the development of the hip joints. At the beginning of life, the baby’s body is in a phase of active growth, and the orthopedist must assess how correctly his musculoskeletal system is being formed and how the load on the joints is being distributed. Sending the baby for an ultrasound of the hip joints will help control the process of formation of the ossification nucleus in the femoral head and avoid disturbances in the development of the musculoskeletal system.


At the appointment, the orthopedist must check the baby for signs of such a serious disease as:

  • worn out hair on the back of the head;
  • sweaty palms;
  • non-overgrowing fontanel;
  • protruding ribs;
  • increased excitability.

Rickets occurs against the background of rapid growth of the body and is characterized by a violation of mineral metabolism.

Rickets negatively affects the baby’s musculoskeletal system, making bones fragile and muscles weak, dooming the baby to a life with serious consequences.

Often, rickets can be detected in children aged from 1 month to a year.

To prevent the disease rickets, the doctor prescribes the child in preventive doses, 1-2 drops, and if there are signs of it, in therapeutic doses, 6-10 drops.

With timely treatment of rickets, in the vast majority of cases it is possible to avoid skeletal deformities in the child and disorders of his nervous system.

Admission at six months of age

At the age of 6 months, the baby is again awaited by a neurologist, surgeon and orthopedist. By this period, the baby has already learned a lot, he independently rolls over from his back to his tummy and back, lying on his stomach, leans on his hands and raises his head and shoulders high, and some young talents are already trying to stand near the support. The baby confidently holds a rattle in his hands and is able to transfer it from one hand to another, and the most developed children know how to sit, leaning on the back of a sofa or chair.

A neurologist should assess the child’s acquired skills, his psycho-emotional state and muscle tone when visiting a medical facility at 6 months.

The surgeon and orthopedist must rule out rickets and pathologies of the hip joints, check the baby’s musculoskeletal system, his ability to lean on his legs, roll over and sit down while holding the hands of an adult.

Checkup at 9 months

By 9 months, mother and baby visit the dentist for the first time, even if the baby does not have a single tooth. The pediatric dentist will assess the condition of the oral cavity, give the mother the necessary recommendations for her care, and examine the frenulum of the tongue, which is responsible for the child’s future speech.

The neurologist again evaluates the baby’s new skills, his ability to stand and move with the help of his parents, checks the development of fine motor skills, asks what words and syllables the child knows and whether he can repeat simple movements after adults.

Doctor visits per year

The list of doctors for a medical examination of a child who has reached the first milestone is practically no different from the list given to him at the age of one month, except that it includes a dentist. As a rule, by 12 months, the baby has from 4 to 12 teeth; the dentist needs to evaluate their health and check the correctness of the child’s bite.

An examination by an orthopedist is very important for a one-year-old baby, since the baby is already confidently standing on his feet and moving around on his own or with the help of adults. At this appointment, the orthopedist must check how the baby places his legs and rests on his feet, determine the proportionality of his body and head, check the functioning of the joints and the formation of the musculoskeletal system, and finally rule out rickets.

The neurologist again evaluates the development of the baby’s fine motor skills, checks the ability to grasp small objects with two fingers, asks the mother the names of which objects and which parts of the body he knows and is able to show how many words he has in his vocabulary. If abnormalities are detected, the neurologist can refer the child and his parents for consultation with a psychiatrist.

A one-year-old baby should be examined by a surgeon to identify inguinal and umbilical hernias, if any. In boys, the doctor examines the genitals, checks whether the testicles have descended into the scrotum, whether there is accumulated fluid in them, and looks at how the urethra is located. The examination helps to identify the presence of diseases at an early stage and prevent the occurrence of serious problems in the life of the future man.

At the appointment, the ophthalmologist needs to examine the fundus and optical system of the child’s eye.

The otolaryngologist looks at the structure of the ears, nasal passages and larynx, identifies a deviated septum, if any, and once again evaluates the baby’s hearing.

The first year of life is very important for a baby, because it is during this period that the formation of all systems and organs of the child’s body occurs.

The baby’s nervous system and its physical parameters are developing rapidly.

These indicators determine the health of the child. Regular visits to the clinic throughout the first year of life are essential, even if your child is absolutely healthy.

Purpose of visit to doctors at 1 month of age

The main tasks of medical examination of children are monitoring their development over time, timely implementation of health-improving and preventive measures.

Until one month you were examined by a pediatrician at home, and now you must make your first visit to his office. But it is even more important that at this age you are consulted by other specialists: a neurologist, an orthopedist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor, a surgeon.

The purpose of these consultations is to identify previously unnoticed abnormalities and diseases. By identifying any abnormalities in the early stages, you can prevent the development of the disease, and if you have an existing disease, you can begin to treat it as early as possible and, accordingly, more effectively.


The neurologist will conduct a comprehensive examination of your child: assess muscle tone, neuropsychic development, development of motor functions, and check innate reflexes. It is at the age of 1 to 2 months that perinatal (arising during pregnancy and childbirth) lesions of the central nervous system (CNS) are most often detected. These include: increased neuro-reflex excitability and central nervous system depression syndrome.

It is very important to diagnose and begin treatment in the first months of life, since at this time the nervous system is still maturing, and its impaired functions can easily be restored. The vast majority of deviations from the neurological norm at the age of one month and a little more are reversible.

A neurologist will definitely give you a referral for neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain). Sometimes such an examination is carried out in the maternity hospital, and it is repeated every month as prescribed by the doctor. Ultrasound allows you to determine possible changes in the structure of the brain: malformations, vascular cysts, enlargement of the ventricles of the brain (hydrocephalus), intracranial hemorrhages, hypertensive syndrome (increased intracranial pressure).

The surgeon’s appointment is carried out to detect various pathologies of internal organs, umbilical and inguinal hernias, torticollis and vascular formations on the child’s body and head. The surgeon should refer the baby for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity to ensure that the internal organs are in place and functioning normally.

First of all, an orthopedic specialist should check the baby for hip dysplasia, since their improper development or underdevelopment in children 1–2 months old is by no means a rare phenomenon.

The doctor will examine the symmetry of the gluteal folds and evaluate the parameters of the separation of your child’s legs in the hip joints. If hip dysplasia is detected at such an early age, when the joints are still developing, it can be corrected non-surgically.

If this is not done in time, improper formation of joints can lead to dysfunction of the child’s lower extremities.

In addition, the orthopedist excludes the possibility of developing congenital and acquired pathologies such as dislocations, clubfoot, and torticollis.

The first time an ophthalmologist examines the baby in the maternity hospital to rule out the presence of visual pathologies. At the 1 month appointment, he examines the inner surface of the newborn's eyeball and checks for a predisposition to strabismus.

The purpose of examining a one-month-old baby by a surgeon is to identify diseases such as hemangioma (vascular skin tumor), inguinal or umbilical hernia (protrusion of part of organs or tissues through weak areas on the anterior abdominal wall), in boys - cryptorchidism (undescended testicles into the scrotum) and phimosis ( narrowing of the foreskin).

Very often in clinics the specialties of a surgeon and an orthopedist are combined by one doctor.

Oculist (ophthalmologist)

At the age of one month, the baby should have the skill of focusing his gaze on an object. This ability will be checked by an ophthalmologist. In addition, the specialist will examine the fundus of the small patient to identify pathologies of the retina and check the patency of the nasolacrimal ducts.

Changes in the early stages can be treated conservatively (non-surgically). This allows you to avoid further violations of eye function and the development of complications from the organ of vision.

ENT doctor

In the first or second month of life, a doctor who monitors the proper functioning of children's ears, nose and throat may prescribe a special test to identify possible hearing pathologies. After all, already at this age, an ENT specialist may suspect a decrease in the baby’s hearing (hearing loss).

Early diagnosis of this disease is very important, since hearing loss in the future can lead to delays in speech and mental development. Even such young patients are successfully treated and rehabilitated for this disease.

Health groups

Based on the results of an examination by specialized specialists, the pediatrician evaluates the child’s health in its entirety and, based on this assessment, determines the health group.

There are 5 health groups in total:

  • First, the child is absolutely healthy, physical and neuropsychic development corresponds to age;
  • The second is children with minor deviations from the norm or at risk of developing pathologies;
  • The third group includes children with chronic diseases in remission, with rare exacerbations;
  • Fourth - children with chronic diseases or significant deviations from the norm;
  • Fifth - disabled children or children with chronic diseases (frequent exacerbations and severe course).

Based on this, each child is given a period of observation by the attending physicians, health measures are developed (massage, hardening, physical therapy), individual recommendations are given regarding the daily routine, methods of physical education, etc.

A complete list of all the doctors that a baby should undergo in the first year of life by month

During the first year of life, mother and child should regularly visit various doctors who will monitor the baby’s development.

First medical examination in the maternity hospital

The first medical examination of a newborn baby is carried out immediately after birth in the maternity hospital by a doctor called a neonatologist; he evaluates the general condition of the child and the Apgar scores.

Over the next 4-5 days, while the mother and baby are in the maternity hospital, the neonatologist visits the baby daily, examining and monitoring the condition of the newborn. If necessary, the neonatologist can prescribe laboratory blood tests, consult doctors of a more narrow specialization, and give the baby a referral for an ultrasound scan of the brain.

When a woman and her baby return home, during the first month of life they are regularly visited by a pediatrician and a visiting nurse from a children's medical institution. The doctor visually examines the child, checks his reflexes, feels the fontanel, gives the mother the necessary advice and takes measurements of the circumference of the head and chest.


The nurse shows the new mother how to handle the umbilical cord, clean the sinuses and ears, swaddle and bathe the baby.

Table for examination of infants by doctors in the first year of life

Child's age Which doctors should you go to?
1 month




2 months
3 months


4 months
5 months
6 months


7 months
8 months
9 months



10 months
11 months
12 months





Psychiatrist (if indicated)

Admission at 1 month

Once the baby reaches one month of age, visits from the clinic stop. The time has come for the first scheduled examination with the local pediatrician. During the appointment, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the child, listens to his lungs and bronchi, checks the condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and oral cavity, assesses how long the fontanelle has tightened, listens to the mother’s complaints, sends him to the vaccination room and tells which doctors the baby should undergo.

The nurse measures the baby's growth, head and chest circumference, and weighs it.

The baby should undergo similar examinations with a pediatrician every month so that the doctor can monitor the baby’s development, assess his parameters and the general condition of the body before vaccination.

Along with visiting the pediatrician, at the age of 1 month, the baby must undergo certain specialists:

  1. neurologist;
  2. ophthalmologist;
  3. surgeon;
  4. orthopedist;
  5. otolaryngologist.

These examinations are mandatory, despite the complete absence of complaints from the parents and the satisfactory condition of the baby. A competent specialist will be able to identify even a slight deviation from the norm in the development of the baby, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment.


An examination by a neurologist is mandatory for infants and should be carried out regularly, once every three months. Such frequent visits to the doctor are completely justified, since the neurological condition of the baby changes quite quickly, he grows rapidly, he acquires new skills and abilities. A neurologist is able to assess the development of a child, his psycho-emotional state, promptly detect the onset of pathology and indicate to parents what they need to concentrate on in the future.

An examination by a neurologist is mandatory for infants and should be carried out regularly, once every three months. Such frequent visits to the doctor are completely justified, since the neurological condition of the baby changes quite quickly, he grows rapidly, he acquires new skills and abilities. A neurologist is able to assess the development of a child, his psycho-emotional state, promptly detect the onset of pathology and indicate to parents what they need to concentrate on in the future.

During an examination at one month of age, the neurologist evaluates the newborn’s reflexes, pays attention to muscle tone, the child’s posture, the shape of his head, the condition of the fontanel, skin color and facial expression.


If necessary, the neurologist is obliged to send the newborn for a repeat ultrasound of the brain, which will reveal changes in its structure and exclude the formation of cysts, hydrocephalus and high intracranial pressure.

The first time an ophthalmologist examines the baby in the maternity hospital to rule out the presence of visual pathologies. At the 1 month appointment, he examines the inner surface of the newborn's eyeball and checks for a predisposition to strabismus.


The surgeon’s appointment is carried out to detect various pathologies of internal organs, umbilical and inguinal hernias, torticollis and vascular formations on the child’s body and head. The surgeon should refer the baby for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity to ensure that the internal organs are in place and functioning normally.

An orthopedic doctor pays attention to the child’s musculoskeletal system, to the presence of abnormalities such as congenital hip dislocation, torticollis or clubfoot. The orthopedist must check the symmetry of the folds on the baby’s legs, buttocks and arms, control their flexion and extension, rule out rickets in the newborn, and if a disease is suspected, prescribe blood tests and ultrasound of the hip joints.


, and if a disease is suspected, order blood tests and ultrasound of the hip joints.

The first hearing examination in newborns is carried out in the maternity hospital, but at a scheduled appointment in the clinic, the otolaryngologist must repeat the audio screening and, if any abnormalities are detected, send the baby for further examination to the audiological center.

The baby is three months old and is again awaiting a short medical examination. This time, in addition to the next appointment with a pediatrician, he needs to get a consultation with a neurologist and an orthopedist.

For a baby who has reached the age of three months, an examination by a neurologist is very important. At this stage, the child’s innate reflexes have practically died out, he learns to grasp objects, perks up when familiar faces appear, holds his head in an upright position and tries to lift it from a position lying on his stomach. If these skills are absent or poorly developed, the neurologist should advise the baby’s parents to undergo a course of massage or physiotherapy to relax his muscles and relieve increased tone.

At 3 months, the orthopedic doctor re-examines the child for abnormalities in the development of the hip joints. At the beginning of life, the baby’s body is in a phase of active growth, and the orthopedist must assess how correctly his musculoskeletal system is being formed and how the load on the joints is being distributed. Sending the baby for an ultrasound of the hip joints will help control the process of formation of the ossification nucleus in the femoral head and avoid disturbances in the development of the musculoskeletal system.


At the appointment, the orthopedist must check the baby for signs of such a serious disease as rickets:

  • worn out hair on the back of the head;
  • sweaty palms;
  • non-overgrowing fontanel;
  • protruding ribs;
  • increased excitability.

Rickets occurs against the background of rapid growth of the body and is characterized by a violation of mineral metabolism.

Rickets negatively affects the baby’s musculoskeletal system, making bones fragile and muscles weak, dooming the baby to a life with serious consequences.

Often, rickets can be detected in children aged from 1 month to a year.

To prevent the disease rickets, the doctor prescribes the child to take vitamin D3 in preventive doses, 1-2 drops, and if there are signs of it, in therapeutic doses, 6-10 drops.

With timely treatment of rickets, in the vast majority of cases it is possible to avoid skeletal deformities in the child and disorders of his nervous system.

Admission at six months of age

At the age of 6 months, the baby is again awaited by a neurologist, surgeon and orthopedist. By this period, the baby has already learned a lot, he independently rolls over from his back to his tummy and back, lying on his stomach, leans on his hands and raises his head and shoulders high, and some young talents are already trying to stand near the support. The baby confidently holds a rattle in his hands and is able to transfer it from one hand to another, and the most developed children know how to sit, leaning on the back of a sofa or chair.

A neurologist should assess the child’s acquired skills, his psycho-emotional state and muscle tone when visiting a medical facility at 6 months.

The surgeon and orthopedist must rule out rickets and pathologies of the hip joints, check the baby’s musculoskeletal system, his ability to lean on his legs, roll over and sit down while holding the hands of an adult.

Checkup at 9 months

By 9 months, mother and baby visit the dentist for the first time, even if the baby does not have a single tooth. The pediatric dentist will assess the condition of the oral cavity, give the mother the necessary recommendations for her care, and examine the frenulum of the tongue, which is responsible for the child’s future speech.

The neurologist again evaluates the baby’s new skills, his ability to stand and move with the help of his parents, checks the development of fine motor skills, asks what words and syllables the child knows and whether he can repeat simple movements after adults.

Doctor visits per year

The list of doctors for a medical examination of a child who has reached the first milestone is practically no different from the list given to him at the age of one month, except that it includes a dentist. As a rule, by 12 months, the baby has from 4 to 12 teeth; the dentist needs to evaluate their health and check the correctness of the child’s bite.

An examination by an orthopedist is very important for a one-year-old baby, since the baby is already confidently standing on his feet and moving around on his own or with the help of adults. At this appointment, the orthopedist must check how the baby places his legs and rests on his feet, determine the proportionality of his body and head, check the functioning of the joints and the formation of the musculoskeletal system, and finally rule out rickets.

The neurologist again evaluates the development of the baby’s fine motor skills, checks the ability to grasp small objects with two fingers, asks the mother the names of which objects and which parts of the body he knows and is able to show how many words he has in his vocabulary. If abnormalities are detected, the neurologist can refer the child and his parents for consultation with a psychiatrist.

A one-year-old baby should be examined by a surgeon to identify inguinal and umbilical hernias, if any. In boys, the doctor examines the genitals, checks whether the testicles have descended into the scrotum, whether there is accumulated fluid in them, and looks at how the urethra is located. The examination helps to identify the presence of diseases at an early stage and prevent the occurrence of serious problems in the life of the future man.

At the appointment, the ophthalmologist needs to examine the fundus and optical system of the child’s eye.

The otolaryngologist looks at the structure of the ears, nasal passages and larynx, identifies a deviated septum, if any, and once again evaluates the baby’s hearing.

How to lose weight after childbirth?

How to lose weight after childbirth?

Many women after childbirth face the problem of excess weight. For some, it appears during pregnancy, for others, after childbirth.

  • And now you can no longer afford to wear open swimsuits and short shorts...
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  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return...

But there is an effective remedy for excess weight! Follow the link and find out how Anna lost 24 kg in 2 months.

The baby is one month old, what needs to be done and which doctors to see

The child is one month old - which doctors should be visited at the clinic, what examinations need to be done, what to take to the clinic at the first visit, what vaccination is given at one month - we will answer these and other questions in this article.

What can a 1 month old baby do?

In the worries and troubles of caring for a newborn, time passes quickly. It seems that the baby was born quite recently, but now his “first birthday” has arrived, he is 1 month old.

During this time, the child “learned” many actions:

During the first month, the local pediatrician and nurse visited the baby at home and watched how the umbilical wound was treated and the newborn’s daily toilet was performed. Now the one-month-old baby needs to be shown to doctors and specialists at the children's clinic and undergo the necessary medical examination.

What examinations should a newborn undergo at 1 month?

A one-month-old baby is shown the following procedures, which are included in mandatory newborn screening in Russia:

Audio screening of newborns - a hearing test, helps not only to notice the slightest hearing pathologies in time, but also to correct them (this procedure is usually carried out in the maternity hospital);

Ultrasound of the brain - makes it possible to timely detect abnormalities in the development of the central nervous system; Ultrasound of the hip joints – contributes to the early detection of various pathologies: hip dislocation; hip dysplasia. If they are diagnosed, the doctor will give the necessary recommendations and refer you to therapeutic exercises and massage. The examination is carried out in a clinic, or children are sent to a hospital where there are appropriate devices for carrying out these procedures.

Important! Early diagnosis of any pathologies in a child makes it possible to completely cure them or correct them in a timely manner. It is advisable to undergo these examinations before visiting a doctor - a pediatrician or neonatologist, so that he can, based on the results obtained, adjust the plan for visiting the necessary specialists.

First visit to the clinic with a newborn. What to take

How to attach to a children's clinic, what documents are needed and what needs to be done is described in detail in an article on our website.

Let's talk about what you need to take directly to the doctor on your first visit to the children's clinic, so you will need: - two diapers (one for the changing table, the other for weighing the child); - sterile wipes; - a pacifier (if the child cannot do without it); - favorite toy; - diaper; - water in a bottle if it’s hot; - vaccination certificate; - results of ultrasound and audiological screening; - a notebook with any questions you may have for the doctor.

Newborn's first visit to the doctor. Which doctors should you see in 1 month?

A medical examination of the baby at one month is necessary for early diagnosis of possible pathological abnormalities in his health. In the first month of the baby’s life, it is necessary to visit the following doctors: - neurologist; - ophthalmologist; - surgeon; - orthopedist; - pediatrician

Also, on the day of the visit, the child is given a second vaccination against hepatitis B, which is mandatory according to the preventive vaccination calendar in Russia.

Important! It is necessary to make an appointment with specialized doctors in advance, and not on the day of visiting the clinic. Typically, these doctors see children on certain days.

Examination at 1 month by an ophthalmologist

An ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist conducts an examination to diagnose congenital and inflammatory diseases of the eyes and lacrimal ducts in a child.

Eye diseases most common in infants:

Congenital dacryocystitis (a disease in which the patency of the nasolacrimal duct is disrupted and inflammation of the lacrimal sac occurs); conjunctivitis; change in the fundus. If a disease is detected, the ophthalmologist will carry out the appointment and give the necessary recommendations. If there are changes in the fundus, the child is advised to consult a neurologist, as this may indicate a pathology of the central nervous system.

Examination at 1 month by a neurologist

A doctor - neurologist or neuropathologist examines the baby as follows: - checks reflexes; - measures the circumference of the chest and head; - evaluates the results of an ultrasound of the baby’s brain and examination of his fundus. If pathologies are detected, the neurologist will prescribe a course of treatment or send you for further examination.

Examination at 1 month by an orthopedic surgeon

Usually a pediatric surgeon and an orthopedist are at the same time; if the clinic does not have such a specialist, then they must be examined separately. An orthopedic surgeon will carefully examine the musculoskeletal composition of the baby. This is necessary in order to identify the presence of congenital diseases, such as: - hip dislocation; - clubfoot; - torticollis; - flat feet.

The surgeon will definitely check the boy’s genitals, see if the testicles have descended, and examine the baby for the presence of a hernia. If treatment is required, the specialist will give the necessary recommendations.

Check-up at 1 month with a pediatrician

When examining an infant, a pediatrician performs the following actions: - weighing; - height measurement; - assesses physical and neuropsychic development; - prescribes vitamin D intake for the prevention of rickets, determines its dosage (usually water-soluble vitamin D3 500 IU, 1 drop 1 time per day); - refers for vaccination against viral hepatitis B, in the absence of contraindications. Vaccination information must be included in the vaccination certificate.

At the end of the medical examination, the pediatrician will give the necessary recommendations for caring for a one-month-old child, and will also issue a referral for blood and urine tests for the next visit, which will take place at the child’s 2 months.

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What doctors are examined in 1 month? Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

Immediately after the baby is born, he is examined by pediatricians, neurologists and neonatologists. All children need this. At this stage of life, doctors pay attention to the baby’s reflexes and skills. After discharge from the maternity ward, all documents for your child are transferred to the children's clinic. It is here that the baby will be monitored over the next few years. Many mothers are concerned about the question of which doctors their newborns undergo at 1 month. After all, it is at this age that the first trip to a medical institution is made.

This article will tell you about how a medical examination occurs in the first month. Which doctors to see will be described below. You will also learn the main nuances of such medical procedures.

Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

The visiting nurse always tells you which doctors to see at the age of 1 month. Before going to the clinic, your baby should be examined at least twice at your home. In most cases, the doctor visits a small patient in the first week after discharge from the maternity hospital. After 2-3 weeks, a nurse visits. She is the one who talks about the need to see certain doctors.

It is worth noting that both health workers must examine the child. The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to the lungs and heart. The nurse examines the baby’s skin, reflexes and skills. In addition, patronage notes the living conditions in which the child lives. If new parents have any questions, doctors always answer them and help with advice.

What doctors should you see in 1 month?

So, your baby is five weeks old. It's time to see some specialists. First, you should visit a pediatrician or see a nurse. She will give you the necessary directions for examination. If your clinic provides for the issuance of coupons, then you need to take care of receiving them in advance.

Which doctors need to be seen at 1 month depends entirely on your baby. For a healthy child, this will be a neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist, ophthalmologist and pediatrician. You will also have to get tested and visit the vaccination office. When a baby has congenital pathologies, the list of specialists may expand. Let's try to figure out how a child's medical examination takes place in the first month of life.

Surgical office

What doctors are examined in 1 month? One of the first on the list of specialists is a surgeon. The doctor always examines an undressed child. That is why you need to take a diaper with you to your consultation.

The doctor examines the skin. They must be clean. After this, the surgeon palpates the baby’s lymph nodes in the armpits, groin area, neck and back of the head. There should be no increase in these areas. Next, the stomach is palpated. It should be soft and painless. However, many children at this age have intestinal colic. This is noted on the map, but, as a rule, is not considered a dangerous pathology.

The surgeon’s appointment is carried out to detect various pathologies of internal organs, umbilical and inguinal hernias, torticollis and vascular formations on the child’s body and head. The surgeon should refer the baby for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity to ensure that the internal organs are in place and functioning normally.

What doctors are examined in 1 month? The child must be shown to an orthopedist. The doctor also prescribes an ultrasound examination of the hip joints for all children. Depending on the work of the clinic, the diagnosis can be carried out directly by an orthopedist or another specialist. However, you need to go to the doctor’s appointment with the results of the study.

An orthopedist examines the baby's legs and pelvis. The limbs must be the same length. The feet are also assessed in posing. However, at this age they do not focus on this indicator. An examination by an orthopedic surgeon is necessary to rule out hip dysplasia. It is this pathology that often occurs in newborn babies.

Neurological office

What doctors do you see in 1 month? Not the last place on this list is occupied by a neurologist. Before going to the doctor, you need to do an ultrasound of the head, called neurosonography. This study allows you to evaluate blood flow to the brain and note possible pathologies.

A neurologist evaluates the baby's motor activity. The doctor also checks reflexes. Quite often, neurologists prescribe a unique treatment for children. Some kids really need it. Do not refuse correction, because lack of treatment can lead to serious pathologies in the future.


What other doctors are examined in 1 month? An ophthalmologist is on the mandatory list. Of course, the baby will not yet be able to name the letters and thereby show his vision. However, the doctor can measure the baby's eye pressure and examine the organs of vision.

Some babies develop problems with their eyes after birth. Pathologies such as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis and so on occur. It is these diseases that the doctor can identify at an early stage of development. Timely correction will help avoid vision problems in the future.

Vaccination room and first vaccine in the clinic

If your child was vaccinated in the maternity hospital, then another one should be given in one month. This is a hepatitis vaccine. The drug is injected into the baby's muscle. For this purpose, the shin is predominantly chosen.

Remember that before vaccination you must visit your pediatrician and get permission. The doctor must measure the baby’s temperature, examine his throat and listen to his lungs. Vaccination is done only when the baby is completely healthy.

Additional diagnostics of the health of a newborn child

What other specialists do you need to see with a one-month-old baby? All children need to have their ears checked. For this, a special ultrasonic device is used. The instrument is directed into the baby’s ear and receives reflection from the eardrum. This device makes it possible to detect deafness in a baby in the first month of life.

Also, the baby needs to have an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity at one month. It will allow you to evaluate the functioning of organs and exclude possible pathologies. Diagnosis is carried out strictly on an empty stomach. Before the examination, you should not feed the child for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the result obtained will be distorted.

Blood and urine tests are also performed at one month of age. In this case, you can collect any portion of urine, it is not necessary to use the morning one. Remember that the baby needs to be washed before collecting the material. Use a urine bag for convenience. Blood can also be donated after meals. Surely a child at this age feeds exclusively on breast milk or an adapted formula.


You now know which doctors you need to see with your baby in the first month of life. Remember that such studies help to identify pathologies and begin their correction as early as possible. Never refuse to go to the children's clinic. Get tested regularly and follow the recommendations you receive. Also try to adhere to the established vaccination dates. This approach will help you avoid health problems for your baby. If you have any questions, please contact your local pediatrician. Health to your child and proper development!

Which doctors do newborns undergo at 1 and 2 months: a list of specialists and examinations as part of a routine medical examination

Regular visits to the clinic are mandatory for mother and newborn. The development of a child in the first months of life progresses at such a pace that it is impossible to do without constant monitoring. An examination by a pediatrician helps to identify diseases, if any, at an early stage. The presence of hereditary diseases and the risk of pathologies is checked. If the child is healthy, the doctor determines the baby’s level of development, carries out parametric measurements, and prescribes tests.

If the child is completely healthy, the doctor simply takes anthropometric measurements and records them, prescribes tests

Further scheduled examination (dispensary examination) is aimed at monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development, carrying out the necessary vaccinations and health programs. The pediatrician visits infants up to 1 month at home (at least 3 times). Such examinations are called patronage. It is advisable that the child be examined by an orthopedist, ENT specialist, neurologist, surgeon, or ophthalmologist before the baby is one month old. When the baby turns 1 month old, it’s time for the mother to go with him for his first medical examination at the clinic.

What items should I take to the clinic for examination?

When going to see a pediatrician with a newborn, you need to take certain things and documents with you. A sample list consists of:

  • two diapers (one for the changing table, the other placed on the scales);
  • a pacifier (if the baby takes it) and a rattle to keep the baby occupied while waiting for the appointment;
  • wet baby wipes and extra diaper;
  • if your doctor's visit takes place in the summer, take a bottle of drink;
  • a certificate of vaccinations and a certificate of ultrasound and audio screening results;
  • a notebook or notebook with questions that you had to ask the doctor during this period (start your mother’s diary immediately after the maternity hospital).

We will tell you which specialists you need to see, what tests you need to take, and what they check for the newborn. Our review will help you stop worrying and understand how important these examinations are for your monthly baby.

It is advisable for the mother to prepare questions for the doctor - they should be written down throughout the entire period between visits


A pediatrician is a doctor whom a mother and her treasure should see once a month until the child is 1 year old. The clinic specifically sets aside one day a week when doctors examine only infants. “Baby day” allows babies to avoid contact with other children, which prevents the risk of disease. By calling the reception, you can find out what day this day falls on, how your local pediatrician receives you, and how to make an appointment with him.

READ ALSO: features of child development at 1 month

The main activities at each doctor’s appointment are aimed at measuring the baby’s anthropometric indicators. Weight, height, chest and head circumference are measured. The results obtained help the child therapist find out how correctly and successfully your little treasure is developing. The pediatrician must assess the functional state of the organs; he can coordinate the daily routine and give advice on feeding the baby.

If the examination shows no problems and the baby is healthy, a referral is issued for the vaccinations scheduled for each age. The next one after the first, which is done in the maternity hospital, is carried out against viral hepatitis. Negative reactions to this vaccine are extremely rare; children usually tolerate it well.

In addition, the doctor will tell you about preventive measures against rickets. Traditionally, newborns are prescribed vitamin D (1 drop - 500 IU) or water-soluble vitamin D taken once a day. Perhaps the dose will be calculated by the doctor based on the physical condition of the baby, or he may not need to take additional supplements at all. For bottle-fed babies, the doctor writes a prescription to receive food at the dairy kitchen.

Additional Research

Special studies are also carried out as prescribed by the pediatrician. When the doctor is alarmed by the results of the initial observation of an infant, he can send the baby for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Additional diagnostics are necessary to check the functioning of the kidneys, liver, spleen, gallbladder, and pancreas. Allows timely identification of pathological processes in these organs.

Having detected a murmur in a child’s heart, the pediatrician usually prescribes a cardiogram (ECG) for the baby. Echocardiography is performed if there is a suspicion of heart or vascular disease. If any diagnosis is confirmed, the child is registered with a cardiologist. You can find out the appointment time at the reception; the doctor himself will tell you the frequency of visits. Complex cases are within the competence of the medical commission.


A neurologist checks the functioning of the child’s nervous system. The specialist examines muscle tone, checks the baby’s innate reflexes, sets parameters for neuropsychic development and checks motor skills. The mother must understand that examinations by a neurologist are very important for the child. Some lesions of the central nervous system that occurred during gestation can be detected precisely at 1 month of life.

A neurologist checks the child’s reflexes; the purpose of the examination is to identify central nervous system diseases in the early stages

Special procedures are carried out that can identify the syndrome of central nervous system depression, the syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability. Having discovered a pathology, the neurologist prescribes treatment, which is especially important to begin in the first month. The baby’s nervous system continues to develop, so timely correction and elimination of identified disorders will involve a reversibility mechanism. This means that the baby receives the necessary help and continues to develop normally.

Among the examination methods there is also neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain). The first examination should be carried out in the maternity hospital. If it is not done, the neurologist will definitely prescribe it. The procedure is aimed at detecting developmental defects, signs of hydrocephalus, hypertension syndrome, vascular cysts, ventricular dilatations, and intracranial hemorrhages.

The surgeon’s appointment is carried out to detect various pathologies of internal organs, umbilical and inguinal hernias, torticollis and vascular formations on the child’s body and head. The surgeon should refer the baby for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity to ensure that the internal organs are in place and functioning normally.

A child needs an orthopedist to examine the musculoskeletal system. The first appointment allows the doctor to determine the presence or absence of hip dysplasia in the baby. By spreading the child’s legs at the hip joint and examining the gluteal folds for symmetry, the specialist is clearly convinced of whether there is a problem or not. The disease, diagnosed at an early age, is well treated by correction. If the disorder starts, the child will need the help of a surgeon, who will have to correct more complex changes. An orthopedist can identify congenital clubfoot, muscular torticollis, and dislocation. An ultrasound of the hip joints is required, which confirms or reveals their dysplasia.

The first time an ophthalmologist examines the baby in the maternity hospital to rule out the presence of visual pathologies. At the 1 month appointment, he examines the inner surface of the newborn's eyeball and checks for a predisposition to strabismus.

The surgeon's examinations can detect inguinal or umbilical hernia, hemangioma (a tumor on the skin of a vascular nature), cryptorchidism (when the testicles have not descended into the scrotum), phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin). The listed diseases are typical for boys. Early diagnosis of pathologies ensures correct and successful treatment of identified ailments.

If disorders are diagnosed so early, the doctor carries out the necessary treatment to prevent the formation of more complex changes. A hernia causes compression of the mass contained in it by the hernial orifice. Untreated phimosis leads to an inflammatory process in the glans penis (balanitis or balanoposthitis). You may be scheduled to visit only a surgeon, since in some clinics the doctor combines two specialties, orthopedist and surgeon.


The area of ​​research of the ophthalmologist is the vision of the infant. Naturally, no table is offered to the child at one month of age. The doctor examines the fundus of the eye to exclude retinal pathology, checks the focus of the gaze and the correct patency of the nasolacrimal ducts. Having established that there are violations, the ophthalmologist draws up a conservative treatment plan that helps save the baby from dangerous complications in the visual organ.

Early vision testing is necessary to identify possible congenital or acquired disorders


The task of the ENT specialist is to use audiological screening to check the child’s hearing for any disorders. Having detected deviations, the specialist issues a referral to the audiology center. The center's doctors conduct more in-depth studies on the subject of hearing loss. Hearing is very important for a child because it affects his mental and speech development. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent more serious problems.

The baby is 2 months old, which doctors should I visit?

Basic examinations have already been completed, so at 2 months you should only visit your pediatrician. The doctor will continue to monitor the overall development of the baby, familiarize you with the ultrasound findings for dysplasia and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, and with the results of the tests performed. They may be asked to take tests again. What events await you in 2 months:

  • Parametric measurements of height, weight, chest and head circumference. Calculation of weight gain. If problems were discovered during the first visit, the doctor will prescribe a repeat examination for them.
  • Testing a child's hand control. Hearing and vision testing. If the child is healthy, the doctor may limit himself to an external examination.
  • Additionally, they will remind the mother who is breastfeeding about the importance of the baby taking vitamin D or fluoride if it is found to be deficient. For a bottle-fed baby, the pediatrician may prescribe iron supplements.
