Psychosocial problems of children associated with immobility. Problems of child psychology

In childhood, personality is formed, the foundations of behavior and perception are laid. A full and happy childhood is very important for the formation of a healthy psyche.

In modern conditions, not only adults, but also children are subject to stressful situations, fears, and anxiety. It is difficult for children to adapt to a particular situation, they sometimes do not know how to express their feelings and emotions. Of course, this does not mean at all that the child is sick. But knowledge of such a science as psychology can correct the child’s behavior, help him in difficult situations, consultations with experienced psychologists allow you to cope not only with everyday problems. The help of a specialist is indispensable if children have to go through a divorce of their parents, a change of school, the loss of a loved one.

Unfortunately, it happens that the help and support of parents is not enough. But highly qualified doctors can come to the rescue. Israeli medicine has achieved great success in solving the psychological problems of children. Parents from all over the world trust the health of their children to Israeli clinics.

Psychological problems of children

Violations of child psychology can be divided into the following groups:

  • Development related issues. This group includes developmental delays, problems with speech, with sensory regulation.
  • Problems associated with learning: difficulty in remembering, impaired attention, difficulty in mastering the skill of reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), difficulty in understanding the basics of mathematics (dyscalculia).
  • Behavioral problems: shyness, aggressiveness, increased activity, irascibility, hysteria, low self-esteem, resentment, difficulties in establishing relationships with other children, changes in behavior under stressful conditions, various types of addictions (alcohol, drugs).

In this group, I would like to highlight shyness. Many believe that some modesty does not interfere with the child. But here it is very important to understand how child psychology has influenced, treatment will be required if shyness is caused by a negative perception of oneself, low self-esteem. Shy children have a hard time with criticism. If you do not get rid of this problem, it will be difficult for the child to establish contacts. All these qualities can remain in adulthood if you do not turn to psychologists in time.

Doctors advise paying special attention to the manifestation of aggressiveness. If your child is capable of causing pain, offending peers, or breaking a toy on purpose, be sure to consult a doctor.

Based on rich experience, it is argued that hyperactivity can also become a serious problem.
can carry out work aimed at ensuring that the child can concentrate and spend energy on useful and necessary things.

  • Emotional problems: depressive states, various fears and phobias, stuttering, tics (that is, manifestations of nervousness), anxiety, difficulty falling asleep and early awakening, refusal to eat, nervous diseases.

Among this group, children most often suffer from phobias - they can be afraid of the dark, insects, people, thunderstorms. If you do not work on these problems, the child becomes depressed and helpless in difficult situations.

  • Relationship problems and understanding the child with adults.
  • Psychological difficulties of sick children. Such problems are typical for children who suffer from obesity, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, cancer, etc. These children require special attention, because physical diseases are inextricably linked with such a concept as psychology. Diseases of the body also affect the state of mind. Even adults find it hard to endure diseases, and children need even more support, rehabilitation, and help, which will allow them to lead a normal life, not to withdraw into themselves.

Methods of psychological diagnosis of a child

Diagnosis of psychological problems is the study of the personality characteristics of the child, his inclinations and abilities, the identification of problems in development and behavior. It is very important to correctly identify the child's problems in order to correct behavior in time, to help the child cope with his fears and difficulties.

To identify psychological problems, the following methods are used:

  • observation;
  • conversation;
  • interview;
  • questioning;
  • testing.

Today, many methods have been developed, thanks to which it is possible to identify the problems of the child. Modern systems and methods are owned by psychologists in Israeli medical centers. Psychologists who carry out diagnostics have a high level of qualification and rich experience. They conduct comprehensive research, study child psychology. The prices for their services, by the way, are lower than in many other foreign kinics.

The use of modern techniques makes it possible to identify:

  • how developed is self-regulation: possession of emotions, the ability to perform tasks;
  • how developed is speech, writing, is the pronunciation and construction of sentences correct;
  • the level of knowledge and intelligence, the degree of perception of information;
  • the ability to adapt to kindergartens, schools and other places;
  • the degree of development of communication skills and interpersonal relationships;
  • presence of problems.

Solving children's psychological problems

Work on the problems of child psychology is based on a variety of modern methods. Experienced psychologists use the best developments of different schools and teachings.

Children's problems are most often solved by playing and projective methods, which allows you to get rid of the difficulties of communication, development, behavior, control over emotions using interesting and easy ways for children. Methods using the possibilities of creativity, fairy tales, toys are popular and effective.

It should be noted that the work is carried out not only with the child, but also with the parents. Only such an approach and comprehensive work can solve problems and overcome difficulties completely.

Remember that adults are responsible for the health of children. If your child develops warning signs and symptoms, see an experienced doctor.

Most often they are directly related to family relationships. If a child behaves somehow wrong, if his behavior worries or alarms you, remember that in this way he, often unconsciously, wants to convey to you his internal contradictions, anxiety, fears. At the same time, it must be understood that all families, without exception, face difficulties in upbringing.

Today we will talk about the psychological problems of preschool age and children at school, and also learn how to help your child cope with them:

Psychological problems in preschool children

Many parents are pleased that their growing baby is calm, quiet and obedient, there are no problems with him. However, it is precisely this behavior of his that should, just cause concern. According to psychologists, noisy and naughty preschool children are the norm.

In addition, the vast majority of children experience various psychological difficulties in social adaptation, especially when they are “teared off” from their familiar family environment and sent to kindergarten.

Consider the most common:

Attacks of anger, desire to insist on one's own

More often this behavior is typical for children of a younger age group. Any little thing can piss them off. Refusal to buy a toy or some kind of ban can provoke a real tantrum with tears and fits of rage. They want to get what they want at all costs, to impose their will, to force an adult to fulfill their desire.

If a child behaves this way, do not follow his lead, but do not punish him either. The best option would be to leave him alone for a while, ignore such behavior, do not pay attention.


The unwillingness to share your toys with other children, to defend personal “property” with all your might, is normal behavior for preschool children. Also, kids do not want to share the attention of their parents with someone else.

- Fear

Often children of younger preschool age are afraid to be alone, they are afraid of animals, strangers, they are afraid of any independence. This problem is also very common.

Most often, such children are brought up in powerful families, when parents do not listen to their desires, do not take them into account, do not consult with them, but make decisions only with autonomy. Try to fix it. Well, if the baby is afraid to be alone or afraid of animals, take him to the zoo more often, read children's books about animals aloud, or get a pet.

- Reluctance to communicate with other children

When your child does not want to play with peers, has no friends, is out of the company, talk to him. Try to delicately find out the reason for this behavior. Perhaps he is too shy or has low self-esteem.

- deceitfulness

This problem is complex and varied. Very often, children lie because of an overdeveloped natural imagination and therefore they themselves have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. In addition, the reason may be low self-esteem, when the baby lies to peers for the sake of self-affirmation, and to parents in order to seem better, or to make them worry about him.

Psychological problems in children at school

When a child grows up, begins to attend school, some difficulties are replaced by others. Sometimes, those problems that parents did not pay attention to in time only become stronger with age, deepen and may turn into adult complexes in the future. Therefore, any difficulties, difficulties of your child should be treated very carefully and try to help overcome them. See the psychological problems of children at school in time and talk about the most common problems of schoolchildren:

- Fear of school, truancy

Most often occurs in younger students during the period of adaptation to new conditions, environment. Often children cannot quickly get used to a new team, make friends.

Reluctance to go to school may also indicate a fear of a subject, teachers or peers. Perhaps the child does not cope with homework, so he is afraid of getting a bad grade, especially if his parents punish him for them.

To avoid this problem, start preparing your child for school in advance, even from kindergarten. If difficulties still appear, talk to him, find out what the child is afraid of and why he does not want to go to school. If you know the reason, you will be able to deal with it sooner. Don't be overly strict or demanding. Also talk to your class teacher.

Peer bullying

Unfortunately, this is a very urgent social problem of schoolchildren. When a child is constantly bullied, humiliated, he may become depressed, he becomes withdrawn, vulnerable. Or, on the contrary, there are flashes of rage, aggression. At the same time, parents very often do not even know what is happening, attributing all the oddities to the peculiarities of adolescence.

If such a problem occurs, it may be associated with low self-esteem of a teenager, with his lack of friends. Help him become more self-confident, talk to him on an equal footing, involve him in solving family problems. Go to school more often, warn teachers about the problem - it must be solved together. If necessary, contact a child psychologist. If all else fails, change schools. Yes, yes, changing schools is a very good way. This is not an escape from problems, this is their solution in the fastest way. The child gets a "second chance to be himself." Do this, if necessary, again and again.

Bad attitude of teachers

Adults are not perfect and teachers are no exception. Often they single out one or more "favorites", or choose an outcast student on whom they constantly recoup, as they dislike him.

In no case do not put up with a situation where adults solve their own psychological problems at the expense of your child. This can lead to very severe psychological trauma for the rest of your life. If necessary, transfer him to another school.

How to prevent serious problems?

Talk frankly with your child about everything that worries him or you, offer your help and protection. Remember that the earlier a problem is discovered, the easier it is to solve it, preventing it from growing into a serious complex or developing into a bad character trait.

Watch carefully how he builds his communication with peers. His behavior can tell a lot about character traits and about the presence of problems. For example, if a child wants to please with all his might, to earn the favor of his peers, this may indicate a lack of love, warmth that you give him.

At the same time, do not forget that each child is individual, has its own psychological characteristics, character traits, and emotional reactions. All this must be taken into account in the process of education. Respect his personality, love him as he is, with all the advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, parents cannot always cope with the serious difficulties that arise in the process of upbringing on their own. In this case, contact a child or adolescent psychologist - a specialist will definitely help you.

Many parents of preschoolers are very sensitive to those "symptoms" in the behavior of their child, which may be signs of a child's psychological problems. This leads to the fact that even quite acceptable behavioral reactions are suspicious, such as attachment to the mother in a six-month-old baby and unwillingness to share toys with unfamiliar children in a three-year-old. On the other hand, the opposite situation often develops: the little one shows obvious signs of psychological problems (he is afraid of empty rooms to the point of panic, for example), but dad and mom do not pay much attention to this, considering this the behavior of a spoiled child.

What kind of behavior of preschool children can be considered a variant of the norm, and what signs should become a signal of obvious problems for parents? This is largely determined by the age of the child and, accordingly, the characteristics of his development.

From birth to year

Complaints of parents: excessive excitability of the child, anxiety, attachment to mother

Norm Options: at this age, a significant part of the behavioral symptoms that bother parents so much (if they are not associated with a serious neurological disorder or intrauterine development problems, difficult childbirth, etc.) are due to the characteristics of the child's temperament. Traits such as excitability, anxiety, are considered a variant of the norm. Another thing is that the wrong behavior of parents, primarily mothers (for example, ignoring crying, attempts, aggression) can lead to real nervous disorders in the baby.

How to behave with a child in this age: they do not need to be specially adjusted, but the correct approach to: maximum tactile contact between mother and child, satisfaction will help to relieve the severity of manifestations.

What should really worry parents: if the child does not show interest in the environment, if his development is greatly slowed down compared to his peers, if he is unbalanced and does not calm down even in his mother's arms.

Between 1-4 years

Complaints: aggressiveness, greed, fears, unwillingness of the child to contact peers

Norm Options: as a rule, all these signs at this age are manifested in all children to one degree or another.

Aggression and- a normal form of expression by a child of his desires, which conflict with the requirements of others or with his own capabilities. The sooner the child, with the help of parents, masters the skills of self-control, the faster these manifestations will subside.

Greed connected with the process of formation of self-consciousness. After all, the child creates an image of his "I", not only identifying himself with certain qualities and experiences; At first, the “appropriation” of certain objects also plays a large role in the development of personality (“assignment” to oneself of certain objects (“I am a boy, my name is Vanya, I am three years old, I am kind, I have a father, mother, three cars and a railway” - this is completely normal form of self-identification of the baby). If you do not demand from him a purposeful rejection of things dear to him (so that he is sure to share with other children, etc.), he will quickly outgrow this stage.

fears- the result of the active development of various mental functions and the acquisition of new experience by the child. With proper support from parents, they rarely develop into phobias and obsessive-compulsive states. At the same time, recurring frightening images, constant nightmares clearly indicate that they are not satisfied (plus there are some objective problems that weigh on the baby), and special attention should be paid to the situation.

Shyness and unwillingness to communicate may be a manifestation of natural caution and insufficient (due to age) development of communication skills. They are “treated” by expanding the “network of contacts”, it may be worth reconsidering the lifestyle of the child and the whole family (it is difficult to assume that the baby will learn to communicate if he sits at home with his grandmother all day and watches TV).

: in the vast majority of cases, behavioral problems in children of this age are a reaction to an unfavorable situation in the family, to incorrect educational methods. Thus, aggressiveness and greed may be due to the fact that very little attention is paid to the child in the family, and these qualities are developed in him with an attitude to “take by force” what the environment does not give him. Anxiety and excessive shyness, on the other hand, are the result of aggressive parents. Analyze the situation in the family, if necessary, seek advice from.

The alarm should be sounded if the manifestation of these qualities noticeably slows down various aspects of the development and socialization of the child. For example, he takes toys from all children indiscriminately, constantly fights and is unable to establish contact in socially acceptable ways if, due to fears, the child wakes up and cries every night (and not episodically). Also, the following “symptoms” must necessarily attract your attention: the child does not respond to parents (the problem is in forming towards an adult); the circle of his interests is extremely "narrowed" (for example, he is only interested in cartoons or cars).

3-4 to 7 years old

Complaints: the child is deceiving, mischievous, does everything out of spite, is painfully shy or, on the contrary, is too self-confident, is not interested in anything, “sticks” to cartoons (movies, computer)

Norm Options: the child is actively in the process, and a significant part of the problems can be associated with this.

Deliberate disobedience: the baby is trying to define the boundaries of his "I", and everything that he considers an encroachment on these boundaries is perceived by him "with hostility".

Problems associated with incorrectly formed self-esteem of the child. FROM This can also include manifestations of high self-esteem (arrogance) and low self-esteem (uncertainty, shyness). Naturally, self-esteem does not arise from nowhere - it is formed by the environment, primarily parents. Analyze how correctly you communicate with your child, whether you constantly compare it with other children.

Dependencies (from cartoons, TV, computer games). P The problem, again, is primarily the parents themselves, not the children: bad habits are the result of an improperly built. They are corrected by changing the lifestyle of the little one (walks, classes in a developing school, etc.)

Children's deceit- a separate and very complex topic. The reasons for it can be both the overdeveloped imagination of the child (there are kids who do not know how to separate fantasy from reality for a long time), and distrust of parents, fear of them, again, problems with self-esteem (if a child with low self-esteem wants to earn "social Capital" and tells fables about himself to his peers in order to assert himself).

How to behave with a child at this age: get used to treating your child not only with love and care, but also with respect. Respect his strengths and weaknesses, his point of view - everything that makes up the concept of "individuality". Pay attention to how his communication is built: his behavior can become an indicator of psychological problems (for example, if he tries to earn their favor by any means, this may be an indicator that you give him not enough love). Many problems are easy enough to solve now (on their own or with the participation of a specialist), rather than waiting for them to manifest themselves in a more dangerous form and with a vengeance in adolescence.

What should really cause concern: again, the separation of the child from the parents, painful shyness, constant and deliberate sabotage (the child knows that it is impossible to break his father's phone, but continues to do so), cruelty and aggressiveness.

Often they are a sign of family troubles and problems.

The article will discuss the problems of psychological health in children, how parents should behave with a child and when to sound the alarm.

Causes of child problems

Often psychological problems in a child (children) arise in the absence of a warm, close and trusting relationship with him. Also, children become “difficult” if their parents demand too much from them: success in school, drawing, dancing, music. Or if the parents react too violently to the kid's pranks, they severely punish him. It should be noted that all families face difficulties in education.

Mistakes that parents make in parenting can later have a strong impact on a person's life. And it is not always possible to completely eliminate them.

Types of psychological problems

Often, a child's misbehavior simply corresponds to a certain age and period of development. That is why these difficulties should be treated more calmly. But if they do not go away for a long time or intensify, parents need to take action. The most common psychological problems in children (child) faced by many parents:

  • Aggression - it can manifest itself in different ways. The child may become rude, often scream, fight with peers. Parents should not ignore the too aggressive manifestation of emotions in the baby. Sometimes such behavior is a protest against the prohibitions and rules adopted in the family and society. Aggressive children are very often restless and tense. It is difficult for them to communicate with their peers, they are not able to find a compromise. You need to talk frankly with the child and explain the consequences of such behavior.
  • Attacks of anger - often manifested in very young children. They get angry over some little thing, they get hysterical, they fall to the floor. With this behavior of the child, parents need to behave calmly, ignore his behavior, and it is best to leave him alone for a while.
  • Lying and stealing - very often parents panic when they discover that the child is lying or stealing. It is difficult for them to understand why he does this, they are afraid that he will become a criminal. But behind such actions often lies a desire to attract attention. At the same time, the child is satisfied with the attention of parents both in the form of punishment and in the form of affection. In addition, sometimes lying or stealing is a test of the boundaries of what is permitted. That is, this is a kind of experiment that a child conducts in order to find out the boundaries of what is allowed.
  • Urinary or fecal incontinence. Most children begin to have complete bowel and bladder control by about 4 years of age. But if by this period the child does not ask for a potty, this is a sign of deviation. However, urinary incontinence is more common than fecal incontinence. Incontinence is associated with the inability to control one's physiological processes. First of all, you need to find out if this is due to anatomical problems or pathologies. If not, then we can talk about the psychological factor. As a rule, this is a lack of love, excessive severity of parents, a lack of understanding.
  • Hyperactivity. Most often this problem is typical for boys. Such children are characterized by inattention, they do not listen to the teacher in the classroom, they are often and easily distracted, they never complete what they started. They are impulsive and cannot sit still. This behavior of the child is reflected in both social, mental, emotional and mental development. The causes of this psychological problem in children are not fully understood. For a long time, hyperactivity was associated with poor upbringing, irritability, and a dysfunctional family environment. Some scientists attribute hyperactivity to the socio-psychological problems of children. However, as a result of research, it has been proven that this psychological problem is due to biological causes and an unfavorable environment. To correct this problem, drugs are prescribed, in severe cases, a more in-depth treatment is carried out.
  • Eating problems are manifested in a lack of appetite. Refusal of food is a way to attract attention, sometimes it is associated with an unfavorable situation at the table, if the child is constantly educated or criticized at this moment. If he has no appetite, and he is forced to eat, then he may have an aversion to food, in the most neglected case, anorexia may develop.

The other side of the problem with nutrition is the situation when food becomes the only activity that brings pleasure. In this case, the child gains excess weight, it is difficult for him to control the process of eating food, he eats constantly and everywhere.

  • Difficulties in communication. Some children are very fond of loneliness, they have absolutely no friends. As a rule, such children are insecure. If a child has not been in contact with peers for a long time, he needs psychological help. Children with psychological problems are often prone to depression.
  • Physical ailments. There are children who constantly complain of pain, while doctors say that they are absolutely healthy. In this case, the causes of frequent ailments are psychological. In a family where someone is seriously ill, children appropriate some of the symptoms of a relative's illness. In this case, the child needs to be reassured and explained that if someone is sick, this does not mean that he will also get sick. Sometimes hypochondriac children grow up in parents who are too suspicious, they react very brightly even to the slightest pain, and their parents begin to surround them with excessive care and guardianship.
  • Running away from home is a serious psychological problem that speaks of the lack of warm relationships and understanding in the family. Adults should analyze the situation and think about why the escape is happening. After the child has returned, there is no need to punish him, it is better to surround him with care and affection and talk frankly about what worries him.

Psychological problems from birth to a year

During this period of child development, the following problems are very common: anxiety, excessive excitability, strong attachment to mother.

During this time, most behavioral symptoms are related to the child's temperament. Therefore, excitability, anxiety, emotionality are considered a variant of the norm. But if parents begin to behave incorrectly, for example, ignoring crying, weaning the child from their hands, showing aggression, then the baby can develop real disorders.

Parents should be alerted if the baby does not show interest in the objects around him, if his development is slowed down, if he is not balanced, does not calm down even in his mother's arms.

How to behave with a child: touch the baby more often, hug and kiss him, satisfy his emotional needs.

Problems in children from 1 to 4 years

During this period, common psychological problems in children are greed, aggressiveness, fears, unwillingness to contact other children. Normally, all these signs are found in all children.

What should alert parents: if these signs noticeably hinder the development and social adaptation of the child, if the child does not respond to parents, the range of his interests is greatly narrowed (for example, he is only interested in cartoons).

Deviations from the norm of the psychological development of children are associated with an unfavorable situation in the family and improper upbringing. Aggression or greed may be due to the fact that little attention is paid to the child in the family. Anxiety and shyness are associated with aggressive parental behavior.

How to behave with a child: it is necessary to analyze the situation and relationships in the family, if necessary, you should visit a child psychologist.

From 4 to 7 years

The most common psychological deviations of this period of children's lives are lies, painful shyness, excessive self-confidence, disinterest in anything, attachment to cartoons (movies, computers), frequent manifestations of harmfulness and stubbornness.

This is normal - if the psychological problems of preschool children are associated with the formation of personality and character.

Parents should be concerned: the separation of the child from mom and dad, too painful shyness and shyness, deliberate sabotage, aggressiveness and cruelty.

How to behave with a child: treat him with love and respect. Be attentive to his communication with peers.

Psychological problems in children (child) of school age

When a child goes to school, some problems are replaced by others. Those problems that parents did not pay attention to became stronger and worse with age. Therefore, any difficulties must be taken seriously and try to overcome them. The most common psychological problems of children at school, which should be noticed and dealt with in time:

  • Fear of school, absenteeism - most often manifested in younger students when the child adapts to school. Often children cannot get used to the new environment, the team. The reluctance to go to school can be caused by fear of some subject, teacher, peers. Sometimes a child cannot do their homework and is afraid of getting a bad grade. To avoid fear of school, you should prepare your child for it in advance. If the problem still arose, you need to talk to him, find out what he is afraid of. But do not be overly strict and demanding, you should establish contact with the child.
  • Peer bullying. Unfortunately, this is a very urgent problem of modern schoolchildren. When a child is constantly humiliated, bullied, he develops depression, becomes vulnerable, withdrawn, or shows outbursts of aggression and rage. At the same time, very often parents do not know what is happening, and write off the oddities of behavior on the difficulties of adolescence. If a child has such a problem, then this may be due to low self-esteem or lack of friends. You need to help him become more self-confident, always talk to him on an equal footing, involve him in solving family problems, always listen to his opinion. Go to school more often, warn teachers about the problem - it needs to be solved together. If necessary, contact a child psychologist. If all else fails, you need to change schools. In this case, this is not an escape from the problem, this is a solution to it in a quick way. The child will have a chance to change himself and his attitude towards himself in a new team.

  • Bad attitude of teachers. Sometimes they choose a student on whom they constantly recoup. It is impossible to put up with a situation where, at the expense of a child, adults solve their own psycho-emotional problems. This can lead to the development of serious psychological trauma. The most effective way to solve the problem is to talk to the teacher and find out the reason for such an attitude towards the child. If after the conversation nothing has changed, the teenager should be transferred to another school.

How to Prevent Psychological Problems: Parenting

To prevent the occurrence of psychological problems in children, it is necessary to talk with the child about everything that worries him, constantly offer his help and protection. The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it is to solve it and prevent the development of a serious complex.

You should carefully observe how the child communicates with his peers. His communication and behavior can tell a lot about the presence of a problem and its nature. For example, if a child wants to earn the favor of his peers with all his might, this indicates a lack of love, warmth and attention to him.

In addition, one should always remember that each child is individual, has his own character traits, emotional traits that should be taken into account in the process of education. You need to respect him, love him the way he is, with all the flaws and virtues.

Are punishments necessary?

It is difficult to say unequivocally that it is impossible to punish children. But punishment should not turn into beatings, a constant demonstration of dislike or anger. Punishment must be correct, fair, expedient. In addition, education and punishment must be consistent. That is, you cannot punish for something that was not paid attention to at other times.

Instead of a conclusion

Violation of the psyche is associated with a lack of attention, severe punishments, a constant feeling of fear of parents; it manifests itself at a time when the child begins to consciously perceive the entire environment. During puberty, the psychological problems of children are associated with the desire for independence, with communication with adults.
