Which backpack for a first grader is better to choose. What should be the back of the backpack

Summer is coming to an end, which means it's time for parents to get their kids ready for school. Both a first-grader and an older student will need a lot of things: notebooks, writing materials, textbooks, sportswear, etc. However, the most important, complex and responsible purchase is a school bag.

Summer is coming to an end, which means it's time for parents to get their kids ready for school. Both a first-grader and an older student will need a lot of things: notebooks, writing materials, textbooks, sportswear, etc. However, the most important, complex and responsible purchase is a school bag. Why? Yes, because the health of the child largely depends on the quality of the satchel, his safety, and finally, how he will endure the considerable loads of modern.

Knapsack, backpack, briefcase...

According to GOST, a school (student) knapsack is “a leather goods product with shoulder straps designed to carry textbooks, school stationery on the back.” The student portfolio, according to the same GOST, does not have shoulder straps (straps) and must be worn in the hand. It is because of this that orthopedists do not recommend buying it for children. Carrying heavy things in your hand all the time can lead to scoliosis and other spinal problems (for the same reason, children should not be allowed to carry backpacks in their hands or on one strap).

What is the difference between a satchel and a backpack? The knapsack has a hard body, the backpack, on the contrary, is soft. The rigid case protects at the same time both the child, and contents of a satchel. The solid back prevents the contents from pressing on the child's back. In addition, thanks to the solid walls and bottom, school supplies in the backpack can be placed correctly: heavy objects are closer to the back, light ones are in front, the left and right sides are equally loaded. Finally, the hard case will save the contents of the bag in case the child drops it. Or quit. Or, for example, decides to ride it down a hill.

School backpacks do not have all these advantages - they can only be bought by teenagers, but even in this case it is better to choose models with a compacted back. It is worth noting that in recent years, manufacturers are increasingly releasing models on the market that are a kind of symbiosis of a knapsack and a backpack. This move allows you to reduce the weight of the product and offer an original, memorable design. It is often difficult even for specialists to say what is in front of them: a satchel with a soft body or a backpack with an orthopedic back. However, if the back and bottom of the product are hard, you can safely buy it for a child of any age. The main thing is that it meets the three basic requirements for school bags.

The right school bag: health is above all

When choosing a school bag, parents often pay attention only to the number of pockets and compartments, the quality of materials and the strength of the seams, design and price. Of course, all this is important, but other things affect the health and safety of children - the weight of the satchel, the presence of an orthopedic backrest and reflective elements.

Weight. According to the current GOST, the mass of an empty satchel should not exceed 1 kg. At the same time, the weight of the backpack with all the contents should be no more than 10% of the weight of the child - for elementary school students this is about 2-3 kilograms. It is important not only to choose a light backpack (most models of well-known Western manufacturers fit into the norm), but also to monitor its contents when the child begins to study, lay out unnecessary textbooks, notebooks and other things.

Orthopedic back repeats the natural curve of the spine and therefore does not harm, but rather helps to form the correct posture. In the lower part of the back there should be a lumbar support - a small roller, on which, if the satchel is worn correctly, the main load will fall. The back itself should be rigid, but at the same time have a soft lining so that the child is comfortable wearing the satchel. The straps should have the same lining, otherwise they will cut into the shoulders. The straps must be adjustable in length (this requirement is spelled out in GOST) and not stretched, since only with their help can the satchel be correctly positioned on the back. It is better if there are regulating buckles not only at the bottom, but also at the top of the straps. This design helps to ensure that the satchel fits snugly against the back of the child. The optimal width of the straps is 4-5 cm.

The linings on the back and shoulder straps are most often upholstered with mesh "ventilated" fabric, thanks to which the child's back does not sweat. In some models, the back is completely plastic, and the function of the "fan" is performed by special grooves applied to it.

Reflective elements. Not all parents understand their importance, but it is the reflective elements and the bright color of the backpacks that make children more noticeable on the road. According to GOST, school bags “should use parts made of materials in contrasting colors, finishing parts and accessories with reflective elements.” The rules of the road recommend that all pedestrians, when driving at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, “carry objects with retroreflective elements”.

When choosing a backpack, make sure that there are reflectors on all sides: on the front, on the sides and on the straps. Some manufacturers also use fabric with reflective thread and locks with built-in reflectors. In addition, the design of the backpack should use fluorescent materials that make the child more visible during daylight hours. The most catchy, and therefore noticeable to drivers, colors are yellow and orange.

Remember that children cannot always correctly assess the situation on the road, and most domestic drivers consider it below their dignity to follow the rules. A backpack with reflective elements is no less important than explaining to the child the basics of behavior on the road or installing speed bumps at schools.

How to choose a satchel for a student: quality indicators

So, do you have a school bag with an orthopedic back in your hands, which is lighter than 1 kg and is hung with reflectors on all sides? Great! Now you can pay attention to the material, fittings and other quality indicators. Here is what distinguishes a really high-quality school bag:

  • The fabric is lightweight, durable and waterproof (nylon or polyester). The drawing from it is not erased and is not washed off. Backpacks of some manufacturers can even be washed
  • The seams and edges are strong and carefully finished (this eliminates the possibility that the child will cut himself). Plastic parts - smooth, no chips or burrs
  • Locks and zippers are convenient and reliable, they are easy to open not only for you, but also for your child
  • Case with reinforced corners - they increase the strength of the satchel.
  • Flaps securely protect exterior pockets, zippers and interior compartment from rain and snow
  • Several external pockets and a handy internal compartment. In the inner compartment there are several more compartments and pockets that allow you to correctly place everything you need in the satchel
  • Waterproof plastic bottom (or bottom with plastic feet). Thanks to him, the satchel can be safely placed on the ground, in snow and even in a puddle.

Trying on a satchel

After you have found a satchel that meets all these requirements, do not rush to the checkout. Now is the time to put it on. Of course, it will not work to surprise the child, but you will be sure that the satchel will fit. During the fitting, please note the following:

  • the width of the backpack should be approximately equal to the width of the child's shoulders;
  • the upper edge of the satchel and the child's shoulders should be at the same height;
  • the lower edge of the satchel should be located at the level of the waist;
  • The backpack should fit snugly against the back of the child.

Check whether it is possible, by adjusting the length of the straps, to achieve such a position of the satchel on the back of the child - it is optimal. At the same time, keep in mind that the child will have to wear a satchel in a shirt, a jacket, and a down jacket. For some models, like climbing backpacks, not only the length of the straps is regulated, but also their location on the body of the backpack. These backpacks are suitable for children of all ages and sizes.

If the satchel does not sit correctly or is significantly wider than the shoulders, try trying on a different model. You should not buy a backpack "for growth": the child will be uncomfortable, and it is very difficult to correct the posture spoiled in childhood.

When caring for a child, do not forget about him

The ideal school bag is the one that not only parents, but also the child likes. That is, not only high-quality, reliable, safe, but also attractive in terms of design. The ideal in this case is quite achievable, you just need to responsibly approach the selection process.

Now in our stores you can find knapsacks of the most diverse design. With heroes of popular cartoons, with kittens and puppies, with cars and soccer balls - for boys, with princesses, dolls and flowers - for girls. When choosing a backpack, think not only about its convenience and quality, but also about whether the child likes it. Often the same model is produced in several designs at once - decide on it and let the child choose the color.

I said a lot about really important and serious things: the health of children, their safety and comfort. But we must not forget about what is most important for them. Children are worried about how their backpack will look, what will be drawn on it and whether half of the class will have exactly the same ones.

How much does health cost

Finally, a few words about prices. A high-quality school bag today costs an average of about 3,000 rubles. Many parents argue like this: why spend money on an expensive backpack when you can buy a light and cheap backpack? Moreover, by the next class, the child may grow up or break the old one or simply ask for a new one ... However, after all that has been said, I think it is quite clear that such carelessness can be costly.

Three thousand - is it a lot or a little? An appointment with an orthopedist costs about one and a half thousand. The course of treatment, which allows at least for a while to get rid of problems with the spine, involves at least ten doses. Think about how much you spend per week shopping at the supermarket. Most likely, an amount comparable to the cost of a quality satchel. And how much would you rate the comfort, safety and health of your child?

So, a good best school bag...

  • weighs less than 1 kg
  • with orthopedic back and adjustable shoulder straps
  • with reflectors on front, sides and shoulder straps
  • made of durable water-repellent fabric
  • with strong seams and piping
  • with rain and snow flaps
  • with convenient locks and zippers
  • with reinforced corners and plastic bottom
  • with handy pockets and roomy interior compartment
  • sits correctly on your child's back

Irina Evstigneeva, head of the city sales department of the company


Instructions for those whose children carry heavy books in their backpacks. For a teddy bear, a soccer ball and a couple of notebooks, any backpack will do, and in order to carry a large number of textbooks, an anatomical backpack is essential. The internet is brimming with information on how to make the right choice. How to understand what information is useful and what is misleading? We worry and cheer for every child who unknowingly got a school backpack that is unhealthy, and we ask you to carefully read, remember and tell others a very important instruction on choosing a school backpack.
Make a choice in favor of the ANATOMICAL BACKPACK (there are orthopedic shoes).
1. There is a presence in the back of the backpack of a curved LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM SUPINATOR, matched to the height of the child.
2. SOFT backpack, with a hard bottom and straps on the sides that regulate the volume of the backpack. Notebooks and textbooks should not move in a backpack, so hard-framed backpacks are very harmful, they keep notebooks in order, but are not suitable for carrying weight.
H. There are THREE PAIRS OF ADJUSTABLE BELTS to help distribute the weight properly:
CHEST AND THIGH - for the correct distribution of weight and a snug fit to the back.
Children should jump, run and jump, and at the same time the backpack should sit tightly on the back, not hang down, not pull back the shoulders and not hit the head.

very interesting and informative article, but to be honest, the information is difficult to perceive. I really like this video in this regard: [link-1] . everything seems to be the same, but it is only immediately clear what to pay attention to and how it should be.

08/20/2014 02:46:40 PM, Angelisa

Comment on the article "How to choose a school bag"

School backpacks have always been bought much cheaper. Maximum 2 tr. Unfortunate first grade gnomes with the so-called. "orthopedic" suitcases With the first one, I bothered with an orthopedic back. I chose a cool satchel in accordance with the recommendations of the Internet.


the stiffer the body and the more orthopedic the heavier

last year, like suckers, they bought a school bag with a hard back for their first first grader, and so on and so forth. And now, I choose another one for the next year - a backpack. Just a backpack. This bag is truly a nightmare. Grizzly we took. Beautiful of course and "correct". But it's a suitcase full of bricks! and even if not empty - and even more so. So now I’ll just choose a backpack so that an A4 magazine fits in there and doesn’t wrinkle - this will be the main selection criterion. Well, I'll choose the lightest of them. This is my child an athlete. That is, the back is strong and straight. And the younger ones are not athletic by nature and will not be able to carry this fool, they will immediately have backpacks. And this grizzly - of course, well done, it has been a year, safe and sound - which makes it even more pitiful to throw it away and certainly didn’t expect it when they bought it for one year ... but in general it was necessary to throw it away earlier :-)

An orthopedic back may be needed if the child himself drags the satchel for 3 hours. With an orthopedic back and all that. School backpack or knapsack for...

School backpack or satchel for a first grader: how to choose? The school backpack and briefcase also have an auxiliary function Please I opted for a McNeill backpack. Relatively light (800 g), with an orthopedic back and wide soft...


I ordered mine like this:

I went through the whole first class, dragged it all summer on vacation, I bought a new one for the 2nd class - a different color, but the old one is still like new. But I don't know if it's possible to order directly from there. I took it through an intermediary, and of course, I won’t be able to do it before September 1.

Please advise a high-quality backpack with an orthopedic back! The weight of the contents of the child’s portfolio is such that when I lift it, it’s hard for me myself, and the boy is thin and not very strong: (Therefore, for the real quality, I’m ready to fork out in full.

I buy a knapsack or a backpack, how to call it correctly is not clear. The size of the backpack should also depend on what the child will wear to school. The satchel that the child has been carrying all year and will be the next one was bought on September 4th instead of a fashionable and orthopedic one.


HUGE thanks to everyone! As a result, I ordered a Der Die Das 800gr backpack from the joint venture. I'm hoping everything will fit in there.

The size of the backpack should also depend on what the child will wear to school. Mine was still carrying a change of clothes in it for an extension, sometimes even a sports uniform + sneakers + a bag with change of shoes - this moment saved us after 2 lost bags with a change. And there were also textbooks, folders for work and a lot of all sorts of "valuable" things. As they say "to the eyeballs". We have a bulky but roomy Herlitz with an orthopedic back. Never worn by parents, all on his own (15 min walk to school). And if the child wears practically nothing to school, then the little one will do.

Help me choose a satchel for grade 1. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Education of children. We chose McNeill, he arranged it in all respects, beautiful, high-quality, everything is thought out, the orthopedic back is very comfortable (it has been tested on myself))), the main thing is that the child liked it.


It is MANDATORY to choose with a child !!! I looked after McNeil http://www.gekonbag.ru/index.php?productID=2489, went with my son - uncomfortable, and very. For convenience, I liked the Hummingbird http://www.gekonbag.ru/index.php?productID=2463 the most, it also has a waist belt (unloading the back). But DESIGN:((((((BEEEEEEE. And the child agrees about the design.
Hama http://www.gekonbag.ru/index.php?productID=999 (his design is quite good), Herlitz http://www.gekonbag.ru/index.php?productID= 2236 (exactly this one, small and light, but scary) and Lisak. But Hummingbird, according to their son, they are much inferior in terms of convenience.
In general, we decided to take a timeout.
A friend bought her daughter http://www.gekonbag.ru/index.php?productID=2614, it turned out to be the most convenient for them. Mine seems to be comfortable too, but there were no blue ones.
Yes, both children are first-graders, the girl is 128 cm skinny, the boy is 134 cm skinny.

Let's go, let's try.
Oh yes :) a prerequisite is that the child likes the briefcase.

Backpack for a first grader. School. A child from 7 to 10. An orthopedic back may be needed if the child himself drags the satchel for 3 hours off-road. The school backpack and briefcase also have an auxiliary function. I ask for advice on which backpack or knapsack to buy ...


A year before school, I knew that I would only buy Garfield for mine, which I did. We had very few of them in parallel, three classes whiter than 70 children in total 5. Many children had such beautiful, wonderful satchels, that I bit my elbows. This year (2nd grade) almost all of them have Garfields, and they have slightly expanded the color scheme and patterns, and there are analogues under other brands (tryam some, with a teddy bear, etc.). And I , no matter how I tried to pick up something more glamorous, more interesting and at the same time just as roomy and comfortable, I couldn’t. We have the same as in the photo below, only blue and a cat with a very small plastic emblem in the corner. And the child is on all my inclinations to change her briefcase replies with a categorical protest, says that it is very comfortable and she is used to it (conservative :-). it will fall down, and he will press it down from above. It is very wearable, it looks completely new, I washed it with a brush and soap after the first class, I will wash it after the second, so I wipe it with a cloth every quarter. In general, we went to the Olympic in Gekonbeg with a child and measured.

We bought a Spanish (in my opinion) satchel last year in May in DM. Soft, but with an orthopedic back. weighs nothing. Very roomy.
In general, I do not advise buying hard backpacks for children. For what?
In addition, this fashionable orthopedic back. How many I see small children going to school - all the bags are dragged by their parents. Well, think for yourself, these are not shoes, after all! the child wears it on his back for several minutes during the day. At school, he is in the classroom all the time. Well, what kind of orthopedics is here!
And the bells and whistles that lie inside - my child is more interested in each figurine like an eraser-notebook separately and with passion to choose.

03/10/2005 02:58:10, AllaA

We bought at the Tula Children's Fair, on the 5th floor. Orthopedic backpack of the German company Samsonite. Comes with a pouch, two pencil cases and a wallet. There are excellent quality pencils in the pencil cases - thick trihedral and ordinary ones. It cost all together 2 thousand.
After six months, I can say that there is only one minus of this - weight. A child cannot carry a satchel to school. I wear.
And so - everything fits. And textbooks, and folders, and everything, everything, everything. From above it is done so well that neither rain nor snow flows. You can sit on the knapsack to change clothes - it withstands. In all respects a good thing. Only heavy.
But the child himself chose this satchel. He was the one she liked the most. And the fact that the bag and pencil cases are the same is important to her. Well, a girl is a girl :-)))) And at school, the boys already carry a satchel for her :-)))

Is your child going to first grade very soon? This is a very important stage in his life and it is necessary to properly prepare for it. In addition to purchasing stationery, school and sports uniforms, and many other things, special attention should be paid to the question of how to choose the right backpack for a first grader. After all, wearing a knapsack affects the formation of posture no less than the correct position at the desk. In this article, we will try to comprehensively consider the question of how to choose a satchel for a girl or a boy, so that it not only pleases the child and his parents, but is also useful both in terms of capacity and for the formation of a fragile child's body.

Favorite hero will help overcome stress

The vision of this subject is somewhat different for parents and children. If the former pay attention to capacity, weight, material, country of origin and much more, then it is important for the baby that the satchel is bright and always with the characters of his favorite cartoon. Since the first time in the first grade is also stressful, the favorite character on the backpack will be able to help the first-grader cope with the experience.

Unpleasant odors

When choosing which backpack to buy for a first grader, be sure to smell it. There should be no unpleasant odor. After all, its presence not only indicates the poor quality of the product, but can also harm the health of the child. It is not so easy to get rid of such a smell.

Reliability of attachment of backpack parts

When deciding which backpacks are best for a first grader, check the reliability of fastening the parts of the selected backpack:

  • the fasteners on the backpack must be opened and closed several times - there should be no tight opening or hanging;
  • the straps should also be pulled to check how securely they are sewn, because the child will pull on them many times;
  • fittings and fixing elements must be durable - best of all, metal or high-quality plastic;
  • the paint on the drawings should not crumble, peel off.

Specialty stores

To buy a school bag for a girl or boy that will meet all quality standards and will not harm the health of the child, it is best to visit stores that can provide a hygiene certificate for it.

In addition to the above features, school bags should also have a number of parameters, thanks to which they will not become an unbearable burden for the child.

  1. The first thing you need to decide when choosing a satchel for a first grader is his size. It should not be wider than the shoulders, above the shoulders and below the waist. As a rule, in the first year of study, a school bag for a first grader is worn by adults who take the baby to an educational institution. And yet, a large satchel-box will be too bulky for a small student, and books and an album will not fit into a small satchel. Therefore, the main thing is to find a golden mean.
  2. Weight. It should be noted that the backpack, together with its contents, should be only 10% -15% of the body weight of its little owner. The backpack is light and comfortable - this is an ideal option. So, if the weight of the child is 30 kg, then the weight of the satchel should be no more than 2.5 kg, with a weight of 31-38 - the weight of the satchel does not exceed 5 kg, and with a weight of 50 kg, the weight of the satchel is 7.5 kg. This means that the empty pack itself should weigh between 0.8 and 1.5 kg, so a light pack would be a good choice.
  3. Material. Backpacks for first-graders, as a rule, are sewn from polyester. This material has a number of advantages - it is durable, resistant to the effects of the external environment, the paints on it last for a long time - they do not fade or fade. The backpack made of polyester is easy to clean - just wipe it with a damp cloth or napkin.
  4. Handles and zippers. A backpack for class 1 should have large zippers equipped with two runners. The upper handle is made in two versions - for hanging on a desk hook or a denser one, for which the satchel can be carried. If an adult accompanies the child to school, the second option is more preferable.
  5. Waterproof. It’s bad when the textbooks get wet in the rain or the child inadvertently drops the satchel into a puddle, so before buying a school bag for a boy or girl, you need to look at its inside wrong side. There should be a thin layer that resembles rubber.
  6. Webbing. There must be two of them, and they must be adjustable. It's good if grade 1 school bags have an extra pair of belts fastened at the waist. This will help shift some of your weight to your hips and waist, relieving pressure on your shoulders. The optimal width of the shoulder straps is 4 cm. Too narrow will cut into the shoulders, and too wide will slip. The straps must be equipped with shoulder pads. In addition, they and on the back of the backpack should have a mesh that prevents slipping.
  7. Reflective elements. It is possible that a small student will have to return from school at night, therefore, before choosing a satchel for a child, you should make sure that it has reflective elements on it.
  8. Form. Today, box bags are gaining popularity. Such their popularity is explained by the fact that they are roomy, keep their shape well, and are stable. When such a satchel is open, all the contents are perfectly visible in it. Ergonomic backpacks for first-graders are also popular, because the child should be able to take off and put on his own backpack and enjoy using it.
  9. Price. If you are not going to study at a prestigious lyceum, where an inexpensive backpack looks somehow wild, it makes sense to buy a backpack inexpensively or at a discount, because you will have to wear it for 2-3 years at most, and then replace it with a more fashionable and new one. Fashion for school backpacks is also changeable. The main thing is that it meets all the above requirements.

Orthopedic backpacks for first graders

A separate section should be devoted to this issue. Now orthopedic mattresses, orthopedic pillows have become fashionable. Not bypassed the concept of "orthopedic" and satchels for schoolchildren.

So, orthopedic school bags - is it a fashion or a necessity? In view of the fact that it is during this period that the further development and formation of the child's body takes place, the correct posture is developed, orthopedic satchels for first-graders are a more than useful acquisition. Especially if the baby will often wear it on his back, and his educational institution is located far enough away.

If the school is 10-15 minutes on foot or the parents will accompany the baby or take him by car, it is up to the parents to buy a satchel for a first grader with an orthopedic back or not. However, what is beyond doubt and controversy is that the back of the satchel must certainly be anatomical. This minimizes pressure on the spine, helps to properly redistribute the weight and ensures the correct formation of posture in the little student. The anatomical satchel should have a special film in the back area with sewn-on pads in those places that are in contact with the shoulder blades and lower back. The same pads should be available on the straps.

But if funds allow, it is better to purchase a lightweight orthopedic satchel for the baby, which will not be a burden to him and will not prevent the child's spine from developing properly.

Knapsack with and without filling

When choosing a backpack for a first grader, you can purchase not only it, but also additional accessories. A school bag with filling as standard includes a pencil case, a minimum set of stationery, a thermos, made in the same style as a backpack. There are other options - it all depends on the taste and financial condition of the parents.

Which company's backpack is better for a first grader?

It's no secret that it's better to buy a school bag for a first grader produced by trusted companies whose products have already gained a positive reputation. If you are looking for the best backpacks for first graders, you should pay attention to goods made in Germany. German backpacks for schoolchildren are in consistently high demand. They are of consistently high quality, equipped with reflective stripes, lightweight and have an orthopedic back. School bags Germany from manufacturers who value their reputation are made of high-quality fabric, have reliable fittings and straps, and have a certificate of conformity. In a large assortment there are both satchels for girls and satchels for boys. It is better to purchase them in a specialized store - regular or virtual.

The Japanese were no less successful in the production of knapsacks. Japanese backpacks look somewhat unusual for Russian buyers, but more than one generation of Japanese schoolchildren has grown up with them. Manufacturers promise that with such a satchel, the child will not be aware of stoop and scoliosis. Russian knapsacks are also not inferior in quality to their foreign counterparts. However, which company's backpacks to buy for first-graders - each parent decides for himself.

Hummingbird is a Russian-German brand that manufactures bags and head pillows. Its products are focused on the mountaineering industry, but there are also satchels for schoolchildren. The Hummingbird satchel is a high-quality product made of materials that are durable and harmless to children's health. It is well washed, durable and not subject to deformation. The design is being developed in cooperation with German specialists - there are Hummingbird satchels for girls and boys. However, they can be both orthopedic and conventional.

So, the Hummingbird Butterfly satchel with filling has an orthopedic back and soft straps. The material from which it is made is waterproof. Inside the backpack there are partitions. Keychain and shoe bag included. The weight of the satchel is 0.9 kg. The Hummingbird K Series is a zippered backpack. At the same time, there are options for boys (with airplanes, cars and motorcycles, tanks, football) and for girls (bright, with funny puppies, kittens, cubs, butterflies). The Hummingbird Teens is also available in gender-specific variations for children. It has a rigid body, orthopedic back, reflectors, internal compartments.

Buy a Hummingbird school backpack

DerDieDas is a German backpack manufacturer whose products are known all over the world. The DerDieDas satchel comes in a variety of colors and patterns. There are models for both girls and boys. At the same time, you can purchase both a DerDieDas satchel with filling in the form of a sports bag, a pencil case and a folder, or without filling. It should be noted that DerDieDas school bags are distinguished by low weight and high quality, while not every family of the future first-grader can afford them. The minimum weight of such a backpack is 0.8 kg, and the maximum is 0.9 kg. They are considered the lightest among the satchels made in Germany. The DerDieDas Basic backpack has several variations designed for boys and girls. Young schoolchildren will definitely like the Pirate option, and girls will be delighted with the Little Mermaid. If you are looking for the best orthopedic backpack, then DerDieDas backpacks are definitely your choice.

You can buy a school backpack or DerDieDas satchel in our catalog of goods for children.

Despite its German name, the Erich Krause brand appeared in Russia relatively recently and managed to occupy an impressive segment in the stationery market. Erich Krause's knapsacks have found their place in a rather large range of branded products. At the same time, there are several series of school bags, among which parents and their children will definitely find one that suits everyone.

So, the Erich Krause Ergo satchel is available in several variations, among which there are models for boys and girls. Young schoolgirls will certainly be impressed by the bright Erich Krause Bright Fantasy backpack, designed for children aged 6 to 8 years. Its average weight without filling is 1.0 kg. The Erich Krause Barbariska schoolbag, made in soft pastel colors, looks very attractive.

Boys will definitely love the Erich Krause satchel, with thematic drawings dedicated to races, treasure hunters, knights or the Avengers team that is so popular today. The Erich Krause school bag has an ergonomically designed back, adjustable shoulder straps, reflective inserts and is divided into several compartments.

You can buy a school backpack or satchel Erich Krause in our catalog of children's goods.

The Herlitz brand is one of the most famous backpack manufacturers from Germany. Herlitz school bags are of high quality and at the same time have reasonable prices. They are characterized by high quality materials, increased wear resistance, a huge range, environmental friendliness and interesting design. The Herlitz backpack has several series designed for children of different ages. So, the Herlitz Smart orthopedic satchel has small dimensions and weighs 0.85 kg. It is suitable for first-graders and children who are not distinguished by a large physique, students in grades 1-3. Supplied without filling, which, if desired, can be purchased separately. There are variations for both girls and boys.

If you are interested in the Herlitz Midi backpack, then it is suitable not only for first-graders, but also for students up to the 5th grade. It can be both with filling and without it, has an orthopedic back and a wide variety of design solutions. The Herlitz Flexi satchel is suitable for children 3rd grade and up. It is considered the most voluminous. Interestingly, the Herlitz satchel also has a preschool version.

You can buy a Herlitz school backpack or satchel in our catalog of children's goods.

Schoolbag Schneiders

Schneiders is an Austrian backpack manufacturer. The schneiders backpack is designed in accordance with the latest trends in European children's fashion. Like similar products from other manufacturers, it is divided into several series. Distinctive features are the presence of embroidery and 3D pattern, the ergonomic shape of the backrest, the patented lock system that opens without effort and the effect of internal air circulation. The Schneiders Toolbag is sold with filling, it has an orthopedic back. There are models for both boys and girls.

If you want to buy a backpack for a first-grader and save as much as possible, then it is better to make a purchase in our catalog of children's goods.

There comes a time when the child goes to first grade, then the chores begin, mostly parental. All responsibility for choosing the best quality backpack falls on the shoulders of moms and dads. First of all, the backpack must be safe, made of quality materials. It is important to pay attention to the design of the back, it should be orthopedic. From the first to the sixth grade, you should especially carefully monitor the health of the child's spine. Very often, the curvature of the vertebra and the appearance of stoop is provoked by a bad bag behind his shoulders. The uneven distribution of gravity causes the child to bend, giving the torso forward. Also, wide straps will help in the fight for even posture, it is desirable that they be adjusted as the first grader grows.

Be sure to try on a satchel before buying. Its upper part should be at shoulder level and not touch the back of the head, and the bottom of the satchel should not put pressure on the lower back. Often you can find a mesh back surface, which reduces the debate on the back of a first grader. Of course, the safety of the contents of the school bag is also important. Only a solid frame will allow you to carry books, albums and notebooks without crushing them. In addition, a solid frame in symbiosis with a hard bottom prevents the backpack from falling, making it stable. Be sure to check the serviceability and reliability of the accessories, as children often carelessly unfasten zippers, buttons and other fasteners. The presence of reflective elements will be a big plus.

  • Positive reviews on the Internet;
  • Price-quality ratio;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Safety;
  • Comfort;
  • Design;

And, of course, be sure to listen to the wishes of the child, to his taste preferences, because he has to wear it for at least one academic year, so let this process bring genuine delight to the first grader from his choice.

What is better for a first-grader: a satchel or a backpack?

For first graders, there are many models of satchels and backpacks, and both types of school bags are very popular, but in order to choose one of the two options, it is important to know the disadvantages and advantages of each.

TOP 10 best backpack manufacturers for first graders

10 MadPax

original design
A country: USA (made in China)
Rating (2018): 4.3

Hooliganism, impudence, unique design create the individual style of this company. Only rave reviews accompany MadPax products. The best choice for a child who likes to express himself, to be different. The brand also meets all requirements, is wear-resistant, functional, practical, with orthopedic components.

The most popular is the MadPax Full line. Designed for young people, these backpacks hold a lot of essentials, whether you're going to school or going on a picnic. And the most interesting model can definitely be called the “MadPax Bubble” model - a backpack completely covered with bubbles, which give the bag an exclusivity and originality. This firm can please not only first-graders, but also teenagers who will appreciate the opportunity to stand out from the crowd with a stylish satchel.

9 Hatber

The most popular
Country: China
Rating (2018): 4.4

The company is a manufacturer of stationery, it also produces school supplies, including backpacks for first graders. If there are any shortcomings, then the undoubted advantage that covers them all is the weight of the backpacks. At the same time, the manufacturer did not have to sacrifice the strength of materials or a solid orthopedic back - everything is in place! As expected, there are reflectors, ergonomics, spaciousness and many departments.

The number of positive reviews on the Internet prevails, and the only drawback may be a relatively short service life.
One of the Hatber Compact Plus models is one of the six most popular backpacks. The model owes its popularity to an incredibly attractive design - clear, bright patterns that blend perfectly with the outlines of the backpack, eye-pleasing colors and popular patterns.

8 Hummingbird

Affordable prices
A country: Russia (produced in Germany)
Rating (2018): 4.4

This Russian-German company is exclusively engaged in the production of knapsacks. Narrow specialization gives high quality products. The company takes its name from the bright, unique hummingbird, the same qualities are present in almost every model. All series of knapsacks are distinguished by bright patterns, which are also reflective.

The fabric is not waterproof, but some parts are not very durable, in most cases it depends on the intensity of the tests that little owners put them through. The knapsacks have orthopedic backs, often in the package there is a bag for interchangeable shoes. Feedback from parents is positive, there is a special convenience due to the ability to fully deploy the backpack for cleaning or washing.

7 Erich Krause

Wide price range
A country: Russia (produced in Southeast Asia)
Rating (2018): 4.5

Quality, reliability, design are three pillars on which this well-known company with an extensive list of stationery has long and firmly settled. The backpacks of this company are fully consistent with the slogans of the brand. Comfortable straps, absolutely waterproof impregnation of the fabric, stable oilcloth bottom, plenty of reflectors, many departments and pockets for a variety of purposes, ergonomic, orthopedic back, light weight - the list goes on.

The firm can rightfully be considered the best in its field, as evidenced by rave reviews. Almost all models of the company, of the most diverse design and colors, are popular, it is difficult to single out any one. Pleasantly pleased with a wide range of prices, allowing any first-grader to choose the best satchel for himself, and for parents - the best price.

6 Scooli

The best assortment
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 4.6

The company produces school accessories, backpacks and children's toys. In design development, the partnership belongs to such giants as Warner Bros, Walt Disney, Marvel, which contributed to the creation of the best school bag designs for each age category. For first-graders, all safety and health measures are provided. There are breathable orthopedic backs, reflectors, soft pillows in the lumbar region.

The filled pack from the Star Wars series is leading in terms of the number of rave reviews. Most importantly, both parents and children are delighted. The pencil case from the set is completed with felt-tip pens, a ruler, pencils and an eraser, which is a pleasant surprise. A slight problem may be the weight of the backpack, but the magical design, the design of the backpack and the accessories will make this backpack the most desirable for a child who is a fan of the star saga.

5 Hama

Best quality
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 4.7

Backpacks, sports bags, orthopedic satchels for boys and girls - the assortment that the company covers with its attention. The best designers, the best innovative technologies, the latest developments - all this was used by manufacturers in order to boldly and confidently compete with the mastodons of this market. A pencil case, a bag for shoes, a container for lunch are included with each school backpack.

For first-graders, the Step by Step line is recommended - good capacity, high-quality accessories, pockets for small change, plastic legs. Judging by the reviews of parents, all models of this series are bulky, some commentators say that at first the parents of a first-grader had to wear a satchel to school. But he certainly is not afraid of any tests, he is resistant to scuffs, it is also difficult to get dirty. The special durability is really amazing, thanks to which you can pass the backpack to younger brothers or sisters.

4 McNeill

Top Reviews
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 4.8

This company has proven its products with the unique "Easy Step" system, which allows you to equalize the force of gravity with uneven loads, which prevents the risk of spinal curvature. The backpacks of this company are suitable for both first-graders and older students. Reviews of the backpacks of this company are few, but all, as one, characterize them in a positive way.

Models from the Ergo Light line, in addition to light reflectors, orthopedic components, are equipped with a pencil case, a sports bag and even a bottle of water and a container for sandwiches. Design without complaints, for every taste, the backpack of this brand is versatile and suitable for both school trips and nature trips. With every right to be called the best manufacturer of backpacks for first graders, this company has a corresponding considerable cost. If the priority is convenience and thoughtfulness, quality and reliability, then the price will be justified.

3 DeLune

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Italy
Rating (2018): 4.8

An Italian company whose main products are school bags, children's suitcases and accessories. The main difference between the school bags of this company is a three-dimensional 3D drawing on the top flap and a gift included in the kit. The girls' version includes a toy in the form of a charming little bear and a hair ribbon; for boys, it can be a wristwatch and a pencil case.

The advantages include thoughtfulness in the details of each model, a frame that is not subject to deformation, and, of course, an acceptable price. All models are equipped with reflective and orthopedic elements. In some reviews, you can catch a little dissatisfaction with the limited design and size of backpacks for the smallest in every sense of the word, but we can also conclude that it is this company that gives us the best combination of price and quality among backpacks for first graders.

2 Herlitz

Time-tested quality
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 4.9

The company is known as a manufacturer of office supplies. The company made an emphasis on backpacks for schoolchildren in grades 1-4. All models are equipped with an orthopedic backrest, reflective elements and are presented in a wide range of colors for every taste.

Parents often choose backpacks from the Compact Deluxe series for first-graders, but it weighs a lot, about 1 kg, - such a weight is a kind of payment for a high-quality frame, spaciousness, comfortable shoulder straps on rotating fasteners, strong snap-on locks and a dense bottom with plastic legs.

The manufacturer assures that their backpacks are insured against light rain, but in fact, in a heavy downpour, they may not perform well. Customer reviews indicate that all models of the manufacturer are suitable not only for first-graders, the quality and durability of parts allows you to go with a backpack for 2-3 years without visible changes.

1 DerDieDas

The most thoughtful
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 5.0

The main goal of the company is to preserve the posture of children and provide maximum comfort. A distinctive feature of "DerDieDas" is the presence of a rigid frame in all models, which does not affect the weight of the backpack. Straps for all models make it possible to adjust the backpack relative to the height of the first grader; often there is a magnet clasp mechanism already loved by everyone; very well thought out and reliable.

Models from the popular DerDieDas ErgoFlex series have light reflectors, an orthopedic backrest, as well as pencil cases and a bag for changing shoes. In 9 out of 10 reviews of this brand of bags for first graders, parents respond positively and recommend it. One could call this company the best, but the prices of many knapsacks are above average. If we take into account that the products can serve without problems up to the third class, then we can say that the company has no shortcomings.

Good day, dear moms and dads. If your child is going to first grade this year, then, of course, the idea has long been spinning in your head about what kind of school backpack to buy for a baby, so that it is both comfortable and beautiful.

Our children, without exception, choose their first study case solely on the basis of design. It is very important for them that it be bright, with drawings of fairy fairies for girls and spidermen for boys. We, adults, first of all need that the children's backpack be light, meet all the required standards and contain the whole “storehouse of knowledge” and more.

That is why, on the eve of the new school year, I went over the pages of the Internet and in this article I bring to your judgment the rating of backpacks for a first grader.

Lesson plan:

A first-class backpack!

The health of a developing organism depends on the right choice of a good backpack, so this issue should be approached more carefully than it seems at first glance.

After all, your child will carry his school bag on his back at least 5 times a week, and not empty, but full of textbooks, notebooks and good grades.

Today, companies make many hybrids for the school - the so-called "backpack / knapsack", which allows you to combine density and lightness at the same time. Among the manufacturers there are worthy both domestic and foreign brands. They all try to "jump out of their pants" in the fight for every young customer and annually improve not only the design, adding other school supplies and eye-pleasing accessories to the kit, but also working on ergonomics and compliance. Let's look for the pros and cons. Go!

Der Die Das

German brand DerDieDas. The production of school bags in positive colors is the main specialization of this company. Positive customer feedback notes:

  • light weight (about 800 grams) at the same time as a sufficient volume (18 liters);
  • strength and wear resistance;
  • reflectors on the body;
  • The included accessories are made in the same style, including a sports bag, a wallet and a pencil case.

The only drawback of the DerDieDas brand, perhaps, is its price, but the quality of the products erases this minus completely, and many parents are ready to fork out for a stylish purchase. The cost starts from 12,000 rubles.


This is a German product of a branded company with extensive experience in the production of school bags. The manufacturer pays special attention to the prevention of scoliosis and other orthopedic diseases and creates backpacks that have:

  • high-quality material, fasteners, finish, which gives the product durability and reliability;
  • large capacity and various compartments inside and outside;
  • stylish design and reflectors;
  • additional accessories in the same style: a wallet, two pencil cases of different sizes, a bag for shoes.

However, the capacity of the backpack adds extra weight and bulkiness, so for small and thin first-graders, you should choose something else. And, of course, the price of a European product averages 8,000-9,000 rubles.


It is one of the long standing German brands covering different price ranges. Thoughtful details and ergonomics - all this is characteristic of high quality. The company produces several series for different sizes. Among the positives:

  • weight in the compact series is 800 grams;
  • the presence of reflectors and various additional pockets, as well as accessories in the form of a bag for shoes and a pencil case;
  • comfortable fasteners;
  • sealed or plastic bottom;
  • bright decor.

Buyers practically do not note shortcomings, with the exception of the desire to make more pockets. The price for Herlitz starts from 3500 rubles.


Products of a large Russian company, produced in Chinese workshops. Not at all because of poor quality, but because of cheap labor, which allows us to occupy the middle price sector, balancing price and quality. Benefits for buyers include:

  • lightness and capacity;
  • additional pockets and compartments;
  • quality finishes and materials used;
  • bright design with images of cartoon characters;
  • strength and durability.

Among the shortcomings that parents encountered when buying Hatber is a weak bottom. The price of backpacks varies from 3500 to 5500 rubles.


Russian company producing high-quality goods according to Russian GOSTs. Among the advantages:

  • weight of all series up to 1 kg with good capacity;
  • stylish design;
  • wear resistance;
  • the ability to fold flat when washing;
  • the presence of reflectors, additional pockets;
  • equipped with a rubberized bottom with legs for stability.

The disadvantages of parents include orientation to first-graders with a height of 128 cm. From the thin shoulders of schoolchildren, unfortunately, the straps of Mike & Mar backpacks slide off due to the lack of a chest fastening. The average price of backpacks is 5000 rubles.


Comfortable German backpacks with a series of LEGO constructor heroes. Parents are attracted to:

  • water and dust repellent impregnation;
  • dense bottom with legs;
  • the presence of additional pockets, reflective tape and accessories in the form of a pencil case, a bag for shoes, a container for food and a bottle for drinks.

The disadvantage is the high price, which starts from 4500 rubles.

Erich Krause

The company offers backpacks in calm colors. The advantages include:

  • the presence of reflectors, a bag for shoes and a pencil case;
  • strength;
  • sealed bottom.

Some buyers attributed the weight to the minuses. The cost varies greatly - from 2500 to 7000 rubles.


This Russian company produces budget school bags with a hard frame. Various collections with applications of famous cartoon characters have been developed. Among the advantages noted:

  • lightness, spaciousness and compactness;
  • simplicity and reliable design;
  • the presence of compartments and pockets, as well as reflectors.

Among the shortcomings, a weak bottom and the absence of legs on it for

sustainability. The starting price is 1500 rubles.


The Russian brand offers quality goods at an average price. Among the positives:

  • bright style;
  • waterproof reflective material;
  • Lots of extra pockets.

The disadvantages of some parents include being overweight. The cost starts from 4000 rubles.


The Russian company offers a bright assortment by age. The brand attracts:

  • reflective elements;
  • the presence of many additional branches;
  • waterproof material.

Among the minuses was the weight and lack of additional accessories. Price - from 3000 rubles.

It should be noted that all of the above manufacturers produce products with ventilated orthopedic backs.

On a note! Ask the store to fill the backpack of your choice with notebooks and books, and you can see if the product has distortions, where the seams are poorly stitched and other shortcomings.

Recall the requirements for school bags

  • Orthopedists are categorically against briefcases from grandmother's childhood that have one handle, since the load on one shoulder of the child becomes the main enemy for a beautiful, and most importantly, healthy posture.
  • For elementary school students, it is recommended to choose satchels. However, it should be noted that a true knapsack has a lot of weight, since its distinguishing feature is the presence of a rigid frame and a solid shape. All this allows you to keep the contents safe and sound in any case: when they sort things out with a satchel, and when it is used instead of an ice cube on a hill, and simply when the weather is “non-flying”. Didn't this happen to you as a child?
  • Making a choice is in favor of models with a dense orthopedic back. Such an important detail with a number of anatomical pads covered with breathable material allows you to evenly distribute the load and maintain your posture.
  • When choosing a school backpack, pay attention to the material. As much as we love everything natural, in this matter it is worth thinking about synthetics: a backpack made of polyester will live longer and be easier to clean. Natural fabrics, alas, cannot withstand such tests of fate. Yes, and the bottom of the backpack must be solid, otherwise the child may lose all the baggage of knowledge sooner or later along the way!
  • Size matters! No need to buy such a thing on the principle of "it will be just when it grows up a little." Helpers for the posture of a first grader - soft and elastic straps with a width of about 5 centimeters.
  • With a slight movement of the hand, the backpack turns ... It should be unfastened easily and conveniently, and not like in a famous film, so that your student starts work in class on time, and does not puff over the fastener.

Read more about how to choose a backpack for school.

Summing up, I would like to say that it is better to choose a school backpack together with a first-grader, trying it on and evaluating it "on the spot". Therefore, dear parents, take future students with you and go for a magic suitcase in which books and notebooks will settle on September 1.

Share your opinions in the comments and link to the article on social networks.

Happy shopping!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

If for a future first-grader the school year starts on September 1, then for parents it starts long before this day. A school backpack occupies a special place in a huge shopping list. Moms and dads are looking for a convenient, light and at the same time roomy suitcase. It is important for the kid that a satchel with a bright interesting design hangs behind his back.

What is the difference between a backpack and a briefcase?

A school backpack is also called a satchel or briefcase in another way. What is the actual difference and is there one?

Let's start with . It is a light bulk bag made of soft material. The backpack usually has several compartments, two shoulder straps, and is comfortable to carry on your back. For children going to grade 1, backpacks are produced the same in design, but differ in color and pattern shown on the outside: separately for boys and girls.

A knapsack is an improved model of a backpack with a rigid back and two shoulder straps. Unlike a backpack, a knapsack keeps its shape well, but usually has only one compartment. The reinforced construction makes it heavy in weight. This distinctive feature of the satchel is its main drawback, so do not rush to choose a heavy school backpack for a grade 1 boy, for example. It will be difficult for a 7-year-old child to carry it to school, but it must also contain all the educational supplies.

The briefcase has only one strap, so it has to be carried on one shoulder. Because of this feature, the child may develop curvature, so orthopedists do not advise future schoolchildren to purchase portfolios.

By the way, at the moment, the most popular among first-graders - both girls and boys - are satchels-boxes. However, the models of not all manufacturers meet the requirements and sanitary standards, so parents should take seriously the question of how to choose the best backpack for a first grader.

We choose a backpack for a first grader according to all the rules!

There are a lot of nuances that parents should take into account: the size of the backpack, its weight, ergonomics, fit, quality and strength of the materials used in tailoring, the absence of a strong chemical smell, external attractiveness, the presence of regulators and additional compartments.

When choosing a children's model at their discretion, parents must take into account the opinion of the child: after all, a backpack is a kind of business card for a first-grader. To be completely sure of the correctness of your purchase, we suggest that parents use the advice of the website site:

  • Really good school backpacks can only be purchased in specialized stores, where you can be provided with the necessary quality certificates upon your request.
  • Having chosen the model you like, evaluate its weight by picking it up. Expensive models contain this data on the label according to the age of the child. For class 1, the ideal option is a backpack that weighs no more than 800-850 grams.
  • And which backpack is better for the health of a first grader? The back of a quality product should have such a degree of rigidity to protect the child's back from injury from the corners of textbooks and at the same time be comfortable enough to wear. It is great if the back has a special mesh lining that allows air to pass through.
  • The size of the satchel should be such that its bottom does not hang below the waist and does not fall off the shoulders. The optimal length of a backpack intended for a student of grade 1 is 30 cm. In no case do not purchase products for growth: a discrepancy between the dimensions of the child's physiological data can cause a violation of his posture.
  • Evaluate the reliability of the regulators: under the weight of training supplies, the backpack should not fall down, the straps should be soft and wide. Some models have an additional holding belt.
  • Depending on the needs of the child, it is worth looking at the number of internal and external compartments. As a rule, only one large compartment is not enough.

  • The quality should not arouse suspicion: the zippers should not stick, the seams should be made with high quality without protruding threads, the fasteners should be fastened tightly. The child should not experience difficulties when using the satchel, because he will have to do this regularly several times a day. Therefore, let him check the convenience of the product on his own.
  • Do not choose a backpack if inside it gives off a pungent chemical smell. This is a sure sign that the manufacturer used low-quality raw materials in the manufacture. For some children, it can cause allergies.
  • The best backpacks for first graders are made from durable, water-resistant and well-dyed materials. This is important: the satchel should not stain the first grader's clothes and fade prematurely. If you run a damp cotton pad or napkin over its surface, they should ideally remain clean.
  • An additional handle at the top of the product and footrests at its bottom will only be a plus.
  • Choose a backpack made of material that is easy to care for and can be machine washed without worrying about its appearance.

If you take into account all these features when choosing a children's backpack for grade 1, you can find a really high-quality and useful product. Sometimes a suitable model can not be found the first time. For example, what a child likes is not always suitable for his age and does not always meet sanitary standards. Therefore, before you find the perfect option for going to 1st class, sometimes you have to visit more than one store.

What is the best backpack for a first grader?

And now let's try to determine the best backpacks for first graders, starting from a specific brand. Today we will analyze products manufactured by Hummingbird, Herlitz, Belmil, Hama, Grizzly and Mc Neill. Naturally, in stores the choice is not limited to these brands.

We note right away that school backpacks of these brands for first-graders are made of high-quality materials, have an orthopedic back and comfortable shoulder straps.

  1. Hummingbird children's transformer backpacks are made of dense moisture-resistant fabric. The sliders are rubberized with zippers, the hard bottom has legs for stability. The kit comes with a bag for shoes, and the choice of colors and patterns is so large that any girl or boy will definitely find a suitable option for themselves. A decent and affordable option for a 1st grade student.
  2. The German manufacturer Herlitz presents school backpacks for boys and girls from grades 1 to 4: durable, comfortable, weighing up to 850 grams. and at an attractive price. The fabric is dense with impregnation for protection against moisture and from UV rays. The backpack has comfortable shoulder straps, a front zip pocket and reflectors. The only downside is the small size.
  3. A solid, wearable and waterproof product of the Serbian company Belmil differs from the rest in the presence of an additional chest strap, a cross handle on the top of the satchel, accessibility and an interesting 3D application. A boy will like the image of a spider-man, cars or balls, and a girl will like a pony or kittens.
  4. The manufacturer Hama offers parents the Step by Step Light series, especially for first graders: high orthopedic properties, environmentally friendly and super-strong materials, magnetic lock, wide wear-resistant bottom. The front pocket has thermal foil for breakfast storage. Fashionable and stylish backpack with a large selection of colors, but not the cheapest and a little heavy for a fragile first grader.
  5. Children's backpacks for class 1 from the Russian brand Grizzly, unlike their foreign counterparts, have an attractive price, although they are in no way inferior in quality, ergonomics and spaciousness. Models have special regulators on the back, allowing you to change the volume of the backpack.
  6. If the financial capabilities of parents allow, then you can pay attention to premium models from Mc Neill. Quality, orthopedic properties, ergonomics, functionality, safety, wearing comfort, design and additional equipment are all at the highest level.
