Various techniques and ways to hint to a guy that you have warm feelings for him. How to hint to a guy that you want him? Several effective ways to hint about intimacy

“Of course, women are smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who lost her head because a man had beautiful legs? This famous expression belongs to Faina Ranevskaya. And she's right, because cunning is very important in relationships between men and women.

The game where “the man is the hunter and the woman is the hunted” is very ancient, and often it really works. Women love brave and decisive men who are ready to take the first step. But you will probably agree that this interest should be encouraged. And this should be done very carefully, because if the loot is easy to obtain, it loses its value.

So how do you let a man know you're interested in him without ruining his interest in the game? You can follow this plan.

1. Smile!

Scientists have proven that men love smiling women much more than those who look confident or mysterious. With your smile, you send a man a signal: “I am happy and I can make you happy.” Who can refuse such an offer? So don't forget to smile even if you are talking to him on the phone. A person’s joyful mood can be determined even from a distance.

2. Show your interest

Men (like women) love it when someone is interested in them. So ask questions about his hobbies, views, values ​​and goals. Observe him and ask more questions about the topic he is eager to talk about. If you don't understand anything about his hobbies, don't hesitate to tell him so directly. A man will even be pleased to tell you something new. The main thing is to do it beautifully.

  • Incorrect option: “I don’t understand people who like to ride motorcycles. It's so dangerous!
  • Correct: “I always wanted to know why people love to ride motorcycles so much! It looks pretty dangerous."

3. Ask for help

You can create a situation where the person you like feels powerful. Modern men do not have many chances for this in everyday life, since women are accustomed to being strong and independent.

It may not always be appropriate to invite him into your home to fix something, but you can easily ask him to move something or check your car. This way you will help the man feel like a savior and show him that you like him, because you chose him as your assistant.

4. Sincere gratitude

As you know, asking for help is a hint, and gratitude is a direct but elegant way to show that a man is interested in you. This is also a chance to compliment him, which is very important. That's why instead of just saying thank you, you might want to try something like, “You did a great job. You really helped me and I could never have done it without you.” By the way, gratitude can be the perfect moment for flirting. Come closer, touch him and look into his eyes. Invite him over for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

5. Make your man feel powerful

Let your man know that you feel very confident around him. Tell him as often as possible that he is the only one who makes you feel safe. Protecting a woman is a quality that nature gave to men, and by “activating” it, you thereby let him know that you like him.

Of course, it's quite strange to talk about safety without a reason, so create a situation where a man can take care of you. For example, you might ask him to walk you home because it's dark or raining and you don't have an umbrella (even if you do have one).

6. Be direct

Men's inability to take hints has been the subject of many jokes, but there are even more jokes about women who are too fond of making them. For example, you want to show a man that you like him by inviting him to the cinema. So do it! The phrase “A great movie came out at the cinema!” will not help him understand that you want to go to the cinema with him and that it doesn’t matter to you what exactly you will watch together.

Express your thoughts directly. The worst that can happen is that he refuses. In this case, you have to ask yourself if your gamble is really worth the candle.

7. Stay consistent

When you communicate with a man (especially one you really like), it is important to choose one course of action. But women often want to appear mysterious or begin to act differently simply because their mood has changed. As a result, the man does not understand what is happening and begins to get nervous. If yesterday you let him know that you really like him, today you are indifferent to him, and tomorrow you show your interest again, this will lead to problems. Who needs trouble?

8. Don't try to be your best friend.

When women try to attract the attention of men, they sometimes begin to behave in a friendly way: they listen to stories about other girls, give advice on this matter, and offer help. This behavior does not comply with the rules of the game: no one “hunts” their friends. Therefore, if you are interested in this man as a partner, do not try to build a friendship with him. Be consistent and clear: look at him, act and talk to him like an interested woman, not like a friend.

9. Use your eyes

Your eyes are a great tool for letting a man know that you are interested in him. The eyes of a woman who is not interested in a man look normal. They don't express any emotions. Men subconsciously understand this and lose hope. Don't let this happen. Squint your eyes a little when asking a man a question. To him, it will look like you are considering him, which means you are interested in him.

And a few more words

When trying to stick to your chosen “action plan,” do not overdo it with compliments, requests for help, and so on. A man should doubt until the very end: you shouldn’t show him from the first second whether you like him or not. This will allow him to maintain the feeling that he is the one hunting you, and not vice versa.

But what if none of these tricks work? There are two options here: you should either directly tell the man how you feel about him, or stop wasting your time on him and look around, since there are still many other men who deserve your attention. Both of these decisions are correct, and the choice will depend on the woman herself, her principles and character.

Sympathy for the opposite sex is a wonderful, inspiring feeling. But how to communicate about it to the object of this sympathy? It is traditionally accepted that. But if he doesn’t take the initiative, and you no longer have the strength to keep your own feelings to yourself? How to let a man know that you like him, but at the same time not impose your sympathy? To do this, just take a few simple steps.

In contact with

Whatever tactics you choose to demonstrate your emotions, start with observation and collection of information. Talk to mutual friends, carefully ask questions directly to the object of your sympathy.

The main task is to understand what type of women he prefers. Some people love shy, modest women, while others are easier to conquer with courage and directness. The information received and conclusions from it will help you decide on further tactics.

How to behave?

It’s still better to start with less straightforward steps. And the point here is not even that directness requires courage. Simply, by telling a man about your feelings directly, you lose the chance for the magical part of the relationship - the courtship process. But hints of possible sympathy on your part, on the contrary, can spur a man to retaliate. So, :

  1. Smile. Be the one who always laughs at his jokes. Smile as a sign of greeting or simply when making eye contact. There is no better way to let a man know that you like him without words than with an open, sincere smile.
  2. Touch. The tactile aspect of relationships is real magic. Just a few light touches, made as if by chance, can push a man to actively respond. But don't overdo it! Patting on the shoulders is too intrusive. But mechanically brushing a speck off your shoulder or touching your palm or elbow during a lively conversation is quite possible.
  3. Try the law of mirroring. Psychologists say that careful repetition of the interlocutor’s gestures during a conversation evokes sympathy and has a prepossessing effect.

What should I say?

Smiling from afar is a beautiful and romantic gesture. But live conversation should not be written off either. Conversation is a great way to let a man know that you like him. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to talk about this directly. You can use other tricks.

Don't be afraid to admire.

What are the nonverbal signs of reciprocal sympathy:

  • he often looks at you, seeks visual support, or even just flirts with his eyes;
  • he is open, does not cross his arms and legs, does not try to visually close himself - this means he trusts and sympathizes with you;
  • he smiles at you often, and not only in response to jokes;
  • he tries to look better in your presence.

If you see how, when looking at you, his posture straightens, he straightens his jacket or hair, be sure that you are already arousing reciprocal feelings in him.

How to tell a guy that you care about him?

If both verbal and non-verbal methods have already been tried, but there is no desired result, do not despair. Firstly, men don't always understand hints. Secondly, your chosen one may simply be too indecisive and, despite obvious signals from you, is simply afraid to take a retaliatory step.

Then a logical question arises: how to tell a man that I like him? There are several ways you can go.

From place to quarry


If you are afraid to talk about your feelings out loud, but you need to confess, do it in writing. The most romantic natures can choose the oldest method - and write a paper letter. A more modern option is to write an email or report everything during a correspondence in instant messengers. As a last resort, you can always write an SMS “I like you.”

The main thing is not to write anything after the confession until you receive at least some kind of answer. It is difficult, but it must be endured. Otherwise, you run the risk of seeming intrusive and alienating the man with your overenthusiasm.

One-on-one on a date

How to arrange a date if you are not a couple yet? Make an invitation in the style of “I have an extra ticket, would you like to go with me?” or just “maybe we can have some coffee?” If a man accepts the invitation, this is already a good sign that will give you confidence. Find a good moment on your impromptu date and talk about your crush.

If you like it, it’s a colleague at work

In situations with a potential “office romance,” everything is somewhat more complicated. First, many organizations discourage relationships between employees. And even if you want to let the object of your affection know about your feelings, it is better to do it so that other colleagues at work do not notice it.

Secondly, if a man understands your feelings, but they are not mutual, this can complicate your working relationship. So, how to let a man know that you like him at work, without risking ruining the work mood:

  1. Carefully use the above methods of wordless sympathy: glances, smiles, and touching with extreme caution.
  2. Show attention verbally, without talking about feelings directly.
  3. Watch the reaction.

If he responds to your signs of attention, it means there is reciprocal sympathy. In this case, you can talk about feelings directly.

Useful video

Sometimes it can be really difficult to open up and admit your feelings to another person. The video has some good advice on this matter:


If you suddenly receive a refusal in response to your confession, do not despair. At a minimum, you saved yourself time and gained valuable experience: it’s better to experience rejection once than to suffer from uncertainty for months.

Under no circumstances should you take his answer personally. If he likes a different type of woman, this does not mean that you are a bad person. It just wasn't your option. Wait a little - and your soul mate will definitely appear on the horizon.

    Dress nicely for him. If you try to look impeccable on dates, you will show your love to the young man. Dress nicely no matter how long you've been together. Your appearance may remind him of one of the reasons he was interested in you. Plus, your efforts to look beautiful will show that you love him very much.

    • For example, wear a dress or other items of clothing that your boyfriend thinks makes you look sexy. Style your hair beautifully and choose his favorite perfume.
    • Of course, being in the company of a loved one, you feel comfort and calm. However, beautiful clothes and an impeccable appearance can become a highlight in your relationship.
  1. Be interested in his hobbies. If your boyfriend has a hobby, show interest and ask your boyfriend to teach you his hobby. This will show that this person is important to you.

    • For example, if your lover plays football and you don't know much about the sport, ask your boyfriend to tell you about football and teach him the basics.
    • Or, if your boyfriend is into video games, ask him to teach you how to play one of his favorite games. Ask him about the details he learned during the game.

Communication with other people

  1. Encourage him to socialize with his friends. Being together is not the only way to show your love. Your boyfriend should communicate with his friends in addition to communicating with you. By encouraging him to interact with his friends, you show that you love and trust him. After he meets with friends, remind him that you love him and miss him very much when he is not with you.

    • Don't be upset or angry if your boyfriend wants to play with his friends. Time spent apart will only strengthen your relationship.
    • Make sure he actually spends time with his friends. You can chat with your friends while the young man spends time in the company of his own.
    • If you live together, don't expect your partner to do all the housework while you hang out with friends. It wouldn't be fair to him. He shouldn't expect this from you either.
  2. Focus your attention on him, and not on communicating on social networks. Of course, there is nothing wrong with taking a little time to discuss the issues of the day. However, if you communicate on social networks in his presence, he will most likely feel unloved. Instead of checking your phone for messages throughout the date, focus on your loved one. You can later view the news feed on the social network you use.

At first, someone may like the very fact of such a strong attachment, but ultimately there comes a time when it is simply necessary to make it clear to the man that he cannot count on reciprocity. Moreover, I want to do this gently and correctly, so as not to inadvertently offend a person or cause him too much pain.

How to let a man know that you don’t need him? The most obvious answer: honestly and directly tell the man about your attitude towards him. True, this is not as easy to do as it seems from the outside. You need to talk face to face, start with the good things that you like about him and gradually lead him to the idea that you do not plan to communicate closely with someone in the near future. It is quite possible that this will be difficult for a man to understand. Maybe he will become even more confident that he has met his destiny and will “storm the fortress” with redoubled energy.

You need to let a man know about your indifference not only with words, but also with non-verbal hints. An absent glance when meeting, inattention during a conversation, indifference to the topic of conversation, switching attention to other people must necessarily reinforce your behavior. If you decide not to give unnecessary reasons for communication, be persistent until the end.

Try not to laugh at jokes, not to flirt, maybe even not to smile or nod your head in interest. Don't give a person hope out of pity. This will only complicate things even more.

Try introducing him to your lonely girlfriend, maybe the man will switch his attention to a more “friendly object”. Help them find common ground, put them in a friendly mood and discreetly leave them alone.

Ask one of your friends with a respectable appearance to talk to him like a man.

If constant excuses do not help, and you become afraid and are under constant persecution, you need to act more subtly and cunningly. Think about what in your gestures, facial expressions, and speech can repel, cause irritation or even disgust. Insert inappropriate remarks into the conversation, interrupt, call him at three in the morning, behave extravagantly in the presence of his mother or people who influence him, appear in front of him in an unsightly manner.

Try for a while not to wear too revealing clothes or create breathtaking hairstyles. Help him lose interest in you. Maybe you should pretend that you have developed some disgusting habits. Finally, ask him to borrow money. Let him run away from you!

If you feel that the young man is starting to cool down towards you, try to pursue him a little. The human psyche is designed in such a way that people often run after those they need to achieve, and as soon as they get the desired result, their interest fades away.

Think less about how to make a man understand that he is not needed, and act more. Don’t sit out “at grandma’s village”, show your ingenuity. After all, millions of volumes have been written about how to win sympathy and love, and it is very easy to destroy this fragile feeling.

Finally, think, maybe deep down you don’t want to let go of the attached person. Ask yourself whether you would regret it if he suddenly left your life. In the end, not every person on Earth meets sincere and selfless love in their life.

So, you started dating a young man. You are already ready for a close relationship, but the gentleman still does not show any activity. And then you ask yourself the question, how to let the guy know that I want him? Or you really like your co-worker, and you don’t know how to hint to him that you like him not only as a friend, but also as a man. So, still, how to let a guy know that you want him?

The right time and romantic setting. If you have the opportunity to be alone, feel free to take this chance. After all, surrounded by other people, your hints may seem a little vulgar.

Ideally, this is a place where twilight reigns, candles are burning, and beautiful romantic music is playing. If you like a colleague, a joint business trip or project will be an excellent reason for developing a closer relationship. Then you will be able to spend much more time together. If you see even a fleeting spark in the eyes of a young man, then take action. But you don’t need to rush into hugs right away. Show that you even like him very much, but you are far from an approachable girl. So to speak, fill your price.

Most representatives of the stronger sex prefer to conquer the inaccessible hearts of women. Let the young man start first, give the gentleman the opportunity to feel like a hero. Believe me, your relationship will only benefit from this in the future.

If this is your boyfriend, then it’s a little easier. Have a romantic evening, light scented candles and turn on beautiful music. To relax your gentleman, take a good alcoholic drink (but it’s better not to overdo it with alcohol, otherwise the evening may not end as languidly as expected). Invite someone to slow dance with you. Gently kiss him, if after that he still holds a siege, then move on to the following recommendations, how to let a guy know that you want him.

Language of the body. In the presence of a colleague you like, take seductive poses (but not lewd ones!). Cross your legs, unfasten the top button of your neckline, reach for your documents, arching your back. You might accidentally drop a folder with documentation and ask them to help you collect it. At the same time, accidentally touch with your hand, and when you catch your eye, smile sweetly. Choose a wardrobe that will hide flaws and highlight the strengths of your figure. Women in heels have always been popular with the stronger sex, wear such shoes more often.

Try to touch the young man whenever possible. Everything should be natural. Remove a speck of dust from your jacket, take your hand, and offer to straighten your tie. If you have the opportunity to dance with your gentleman, use your charms. Your movements should be flexible and smooth. Pat him on the back and cuddle up to the man. Play with your curls or the pendant around your neck, slowly twirling it around your finger.

Sight. A powerful weapon in conquering the stronger sex is the gaze. Experts in the field of psychology recommend catching a man’s gaze and saying to yourself, “I want to be with you.” Complement this technique with a flirtatious smile, smoothing out wrinkles on the dress in the hip area or straightening your hair.

If nothing works and the young man does not move closer, it is worth taking extreme measures. Just talk to him. But you should start from afar (saying to a man’s forehead, “I want you,” will, of course, raise his self-esteem, but most likely, lower yours in his eyes). It is advisable to choose the right moment when no one sees or hears you. The ideal place would be a joint picnic, an evening walk on the beach or a party.

How to understand that you want a guy: signs

How do you know you want a guy? Signs that are not so noticeable to others, but by listening to them, a woman will definitely understand that she wants to see exactly this representative of the strong half of humanity in her bed. It happens when a woman’s tenderness and passion remain unspent. But this is only until a certain time, until the lady meets the “Knight of her heart.” Many women notice that when a certain male object appears on the horizon, their eyes light up and their behavior changes radically. Psychology experts highlight 14 main signs how to understand that you want a guy.

So, the top 13 main signs that you want a guy:

  1. Sight. I want to constantly look into your eyes. At every convenient opportunity, you try to catch his gaze and hold it on you for as long as possible.
  2. Compliments. Yes, oddly enough, we also give compliments when we like a man. "You are so strong! You're so clever! Everything is burning in your hands” and the like. What didn't you notice? And take a closer look at yourself...
  3. Touching. You constantly want to touch: take your hand, stroke it, pat you on the shoulder, etc.
  4. You are interested in mutual friends and acquaintances in a person’s personal life; you are far from indifferent to whether a man has a wife or girlfriend. Or you're trying to see the wedding ring on your finger.
  5. In the presence of a young man, your mouth becomes dry and your lips become dry.
  6. Being in the same room with a man, one is tempted to touch a cylindrical object, for example, the stem of a glass, a ballpoint pen, a cigarette.
  7. On an instinctive level, it makes you play with your hair.
  8. If, when you see an object, you feel yourself blushing.
  9. Just by communicating, you begin to play around with your shoe, carefully taking it off and putting it on with your foot.
  10. In the presence of the object, you want to look the most beautiful and irresistible, and you also want everyone around you to disappear.
  11. At an uncontrollable level, you begin to repeat his gestures and grimaces.
  12. When an object is nearby there is always a good mood. Whatever is said to them, everything seems very funny and witty.
  13. When a man touches you surrounded by other people, he begins to shiver a little and feels awkward.

It’s not so difficult to answer the question “how to understand that you want a guy.” You need to listen to yourself and your body more often, because hormones also make themselves felt, so you need
