From what date are the holidays in February? Holidays in June in Russia

The last month of winter is short, but this fact does not prevent adults and children from enjoying the frosty days preceding the onset of the thaw, although this happens only on weekends. The New Year holidays are over and all that remains is to rely on vacations or holidays. Defender of the Fatherland Day is traditionally celebrated on the 23rd. What has the Ministry of Labor provided for this date, how do we rest in February 2018 and which days are officially declared non-working? The production calendar will tell you!


February weekdays

The winter of 2018 will end with a cold period that will bring fatigue and vitamin deficiency to people. Spending time in nature will help you improve your health and gain strength. To carefully plan your vacation, you need to be aware of the work schedule, which is recorded in a special calendar. Information for February states that the last month has only 28 calendar days. Of these, Russians can expect:

  • 19 working days;
  • 9 days off;
  • 1 official holiday.

The full production calendar for 2018 has already been approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. You can view it on the department's website. Such help will be useful not only to accountants and managers, but also to ordinary citizens. Knowing the routine in advance, it is easier to plan things, organize and spend your leisure time profitably.

Holidays and weekends at the end of winter

In February 2018, a national holiday is celebrated - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The long-standing tradition of honoring the stronger half of humanity traditionally falls on the 23rd - Friday, which means that the penultimate winter week in Russia will have a rest of not two, but three days. The solemn date officially has the status of a day off, and the following 24 and 25 fall on Saturday and Sunday and are legal non-working days.

On the above dates, you can safely plan out-of-town trips, entertainment events and cultural programs for dear and beloved men, or just get enough sleep for the future.

The history of the traditional men's holiday

When wondering why February 23 is dedicated specifically to the defenders of the Fatherland, it is enough to take a short excursion into the past. The origins of the holiday go back to 1918 - the time of signing the decree on the creation of the Red Army - on January 28 and the Soviet Navy - on February 11. What then does the memorable date that everyone is familiar with? It turns out that it marks a major victory of the revolutionary troops in the First World War, which took place in the region of Pskov and Narva.

Before 2002, the holiday had a completely different name: “Day of the Red Army’s victory over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany in 1918 – Defender of the Fatherland Day.” The incident is that archival workers discovered some flaws in the chronicles, which was announced. However, the holiday dedicated to men caught on and the country’s leadership decided to simply shorten its name.

Professional and Orthodox celebrations

In the last winter month, it is customary to congratulate not only on Defender of the Fatherland Day. The following holidays are celebrated this month:

  • scientists;
  • dentists;
  • transport police officers;
  • bartenders.

There are even more significant dates in February:

  1. Science Day – 8.02
  2. Anniversary of memory of A.S. Pushkin – 10.02
  3. Valentine's Day (St. Valentine) – 14.02
  4. Presentation of the Lord – 15.02
  5. Mother Tongue Festival – 21.02

All these events are undoubtedly important, but they are celebrated unofficially and do not have state-sanctioned days off.

Production calendar: February, year 2018

Month year February 2018
Number of calendar days 28
Work days 19 (1 shortened)
Weekend 9 (including 1 holiday)
Official holidays Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23)
Standard working hours (hours)
  • 40 hour work week – 151
  • 36-hour work week – 135.8
  • 24-hour workweek – 90.2
Transfer of days off

At the end of February - beginning of March, Russia traditionally celebrates two consecutive “gender” holidays, when women and men congratulate each other on holidays based on their gender. Both holidays, both men's and women's, are official days off in Russia, so it is always interesting how exactly the weekend falls in a particular year. How will we rest on February 23, 2018 - the weekend schedule in February 2018 according to the government-approved production calendar.

At the end of February, Russians will have a short week with three days off in a row.

First of all, the schedule of weekends and working days in connection with a particular holiday depends, of course, on what day of the week a particular holiday falls on in a particular year.

For example, in cases where a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, most often the additional day off is not burned at all, and Russians rest on the coming Monday. In rare cases, this day off is moved to another day of the calendar, sometimes even to the next month.

If a holiday falls on Tuesday or Thursday, then usually Monday or Friday are also made a day off, respectively. This is done to avoid having just one working day surrounded by weekends. In most cases, such a working day turns out to be meaningless, and people’s labor productivity is low. It is clear that an extra day off on Monday or Friday in such cases does not come out of nowhere; usually you have to work it off on one of the next Saturdays.

A holiday falling on a Wednesday most often simply divides the work week into two parts: two working days before the holiday and two after.

This is what happened this time on February 23rd. This day in 2018 falls on Friday, which means we will simply rest for three days in a row - from 23 to 25 February.

February 22 will be a short working day

Please note that the last day of the short, four-day workweek (February 19 to 22), Thursday February 22, will also be a short day. The production calendar for 2018, approved by the government, implies that on this day the work shift is reduced from eight hours to seven.

Workers can go home one hour earlier or, if the team decides so, this hour will be devoted to congratulations to men by women and a small festive feast by the work team.

After January with its long New Year's weekend, the next month when Russia again celebrates a public holiday, which gives the right to additional rest, is February. Relatively recently, February 23 became a day off, which means that even in cases where this day falls on Saturday or Sunday, Russians have the right to an extended weekend. Let us remind you how we relax in February 2018, on what dates are the official holidays, which are provided for by the production calendar established by the government.

When will there be additional days off in February 2018?

The only “non-standard” day in February is the 23rd – Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is he who gives the right to one additional day of rest this month, and in relation to what day of the week it falls on, a convenient schedule of days off for this month is calculated.

In 2018, February 23 conveniently falls on a Friday, so we’ll just work on Thursday, the 22nd, reduced by one hour schedule, after which we will go on three days off: from 23 to 25 February.

Of the 28 days of the month, nine days will be non-working days and nineteen will be working days. One of the working days, Thursday, February 22, is officially a pre-holiday day, when the work shift lasts seven hours. Of course, this applies to those who work an eight-hour schedule.

Defender of the Fatherland Day: the history of the “male” holiday

Having figured out how we rest on February 23 and whether this day is a working day or a non-working day, let’s briefly turn to the history of this holiday.

Defender of the Fatherland Day, from the point of view of its history, is an amazing holiday in its own way, which was formed not so much based on some real events that took place on this day, but rather due to some accident and even a chain of such accidents.

According to later Soviet historiography, on February 23, 1918, exactly one hundred years ago, the barely formed people's Red Army was able to repel the German army in the area of ​​Pskov and Narva. The First World War continued, in Russia by this time the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II, the October coup (or revolution) of the Bolsheviks had occurred, and in January 1918 the Constituent Assembly was dispersed. Although the Bolsheviks retained power, they were far from completely retaining it; a civil war was brewing in the state.

The version that on February 23, 1918, the people stirred up in response to the German offensive, and the Red Army brilliantly repelled this offensive, was formed during the years of the next World War, the Second World War, or the Great Patriotic War, as its period from 1941 to 1945 is called in our country. country. In the conditions of a new war, such a propaganda myth was needed by the state, and it was not abandoned until the last years of the existence of the Soviet state. When the archives were opened, it turned out that everything was much more complicated and interesting.

What happened a hundred years ago and why February 23 became a holiday in the USSR

In fact, at the end of February - beginning of March 1918, German troops captured Pskov and Narva, although this happened a little later on the 23rd. On this date itself, nothing special happened in these directions. Already on March 3, the Bolsheviks signed a peace treaty with Germany in Brest, according to which, in exchange for the Germans stopping the war, they transferred to them significant territories that belonged to the Russian Empire, pledged to pay reparations, and also, among other things, to demobilize the army and navy.

Until 1938, while these events were still fresh in memory, February 23 was celebrated rather as the day of the creation of the Red Army.

But this is not true either. The interpretation that the decree on the creation of the Soviet army was signed on February 23 appeared five years after the real events - in 1923, when they decided to celebrate the first half-round date.

In fact, even according to the confession of military leader Kliment Voroshilov, which he made in 1933 at the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Red Army, the date of February 23 was the result of a chain of accidents and has no special basis.

The fact is that the decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was actually signed January 28, 1918. A year later, in 1919, they decided to celebrate the anniversary of this event, but they were a little late in organizing the holiday. As a result, it was postponed until the nearest other holiday - at that time there was the so-called Red Gift Day, February 17. In 1919 it fell on a Monday and the celebrations were moved to the following Sunday, February 23. At the same time, on the same day, both holidays were celebrated - Red Gift Day and the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army.

The date was remembered, began to be perceived as the day the army was created, and then historians found a more beautiful justification for this day. Which at that time was not at all difficult - the monopoly on truth belonged to the state and the Bolshevik party.

Of course, in our time, the centuries-old history of the holiday and all the vicissitudes described are just a funny historical anecdote about how one of the main holidays in Russia appeared. The history of the holiday and knowledge of the truth about this history in no way detracts from its meaning and significance. In Soviet times, a holiday of a warrior, a soldier, was needed. As time passed, the perception of the army and military duty became different in principle, and the holiday increasingly became an exclusively male day, or, if you like, a purely gender day.

Nowadays, Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday that mirrors another day, March 8, when women accept congratulations. In Russia, two weeks apart, there are two holidays around which a beautiful tradition has developed, when women first pay tribute to men for their qualities and role in women’s lives, and then men do the same, congratulating women. How these two dates developed and what events are or are not behind them in reality is not so important.

Despite the abundance of weekends and holidays in January, many of our citizens are interested in the weekends in February 2018. Experts explain this by the fact that by the end of winter the human body gets tired of short daylight hours and uncomfortable living conditions.

Indeed, each of us has experienced the feeling when we are tired of everything and want the winter with constant frosts and endless snow to end quickly, and spring to come faster with the gentle sun and fine days.

Production calendar

It is he who provides comprehensive information about what public holidays and official weekends await all of us in February 2018. The calendar is approved every year by the Government of the Russian Federation and is a guide to action for all state and commercial enterprises and organizations in our country. According to this document:

Number of calendar days 28
Number of working days 19
Official holidays 8
Shortened days 1
Official holidays 1
Working hours at 40 hours work. week 151
The same at 36 hours work. week 135,8
The same for 24 hours work. week 90,2

Now, let's figure out where these numbers come from:

  • 2018 is a leap year, so February has 28 calendar days.
  • With a five-day work week, the number of days off is 8, obtained by multiplying 2 days off (Saturday and Sunday) by 4 (the number of weeks).
  • In February in Russia there is one official public holiday - February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day.
  • On the eve of the holiday, the working day is reduced. This day will be February 22.

Working time standards are obtained from the following calculations.

We multiply the number of working days by the duration of work and subtract one reduced hour:


With a 6 day work week:

  • number of days off - 4;
  • number of working days – 23;
  • working hours – 183 (23Х8-1).

February 23, 2018: how we relax

The most revered and worthy of attention, of course, is the only official holiday in February - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Its history begins in 1918, when the Red Army was created. After this, the holiday changed its name and status, but still remains revered in our country. In 2002, it received a new name, but is always celebrated on February 23.

On this day, our people pay tribute to all those who once or now defend our Motherland. These are WWII veterans, Afghans, participants in combat operations in other hot spots of the world, military personnel of the Russian Army, cadets of military schools, etc. The celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day is organized at a high state level. The country's leadership, public figures, deputies of all ranks, religious leaders and ordinary citizens lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden. After a minute of silence, all those present witness the solemn march of the Kremlin honor guard company. In the evening there are ceremonial meetings and concerts dedicated to this significant date.

At ceremonial events, songs from the war years are played, footage from war films is shown, and memories of WWII veterans are heard. Late in the evening, festive fireworks are held in the capital of our Motherland and hero cities. It must be said that this holiday has turned into a real national celebration. It has lost all political overtones and is an informal day for all men. After all, each of them is a potential defender of the Motherland. They honor not only those who serve or have served in the Russian Army. They even congratulate young men who have yet to show devotion and loyalty to our Fatherland. They also do not forget about women veterans of the Second World War and those who are now associated with the defense capability of our country.

Since 02/23/18 is a Friday and a day off, then with Saturday and Sunday all citizens will have a long three-day weekend. Men can breathe a sigh of relief because after celebrating Men's Day, they should not go to work the next day. There will be enough time to “improve” your health after drinking alcohol. Women will also be pleased with this coincidence, as they will be able to take a break from preparing festive dishes by February 23rd. In general, we can hope that everyone will be satisfied with such a successful coincidence of circumstances.

Professional days

Representatives of many professions celebrate their professional days in February:

  • 02/06/18 – bartenders;
  • 02/08/18 – scientists and vein topographers;
  • 02/09/18 – dentists and civil aviation workers;
  • 02/10/18 - diplomatic workers;
  • 02/11/18 - winter sports athletes;
  • 02/12/18 – employees of marriage agencies;
  • 02/13/18 – radio workers;
  • 02/14/18 – computer scientists;
  • 02/18/18 – transport police officers;
  • 02/21/18 – tour guides;
  • 02/26/18 – glass washers.

How we relax on February 14

Quite recently, an unusual holiday came to our country - Valentine's Day. It is also called Valentine's Day. Oddly enough, this holiday, which is widely celebrated in Western countries, has taken root very easily in Russian spaces. Omitting the background of the holiday, we note that it is celebrated by everyone who has loving feelings for another person. Of course, such romantic relationships are typical mainly for young people. Although, in the West everyone celebrates it. In our country, it appealed more to young people. On this day, they show their feelings en masse by presenting each other with cute heart-shaped cards - Valentines. In them they open their feelings to their halves and write various wishes. Also on this day it is customary to give flowers, sweets and soft toys. Recently, on Valentine's Day, various entertainment events have been organized for young people.

Religious holidays

It should be noted that in addition to official and secular holidays, there are many religious holidays in February. Almost every day some saint is honored or important events from religious life are remembered. Let us note only a few important dates from the church calendar:

  • 02/12/18 – Maslenitsa;
  • 02.15.18 – Presentation of the Lord;
  • 02/19/18 – the beginning of Lent.

Many people have probably heard about Maslenitsa week. It’s hard not to notice the noisy folk festivities with tea drinking and pancakes that are held every year in our country.

Meeting is also on everyone’s lips. People say that on this day winter meets spring. Although, this interpretation has pagan roots. In fact, the Presentation of the Lord is a holiday dedicated to events that took place more than 2000 years ago. It was on this day, on the fortieth day, that the Virgin Mary brought her child, Jesus Christ, to the Temple of Jerusalem.

February 19 is also a very important date among the Orthodox in our country. It is on this day that Great Lent begins. This day is otherwise called Clean Monday. It must be spent with pure thoughts, remembering our God, who also passed the same test (forty-day fast), going into the desert after baptism.

Download a calendar with state and Orthodox holidays
