The most adorable cat is the Exotic Shorthair. Exotic shorthair cat: breed description and pet care

Short-haired exotic cats periodically need to remove dead hair, preventing it from being swallowed when licked. Removal of dead hairs is carried out using a metal comb with frequent teeth.

Shorthair cats do not need daily brushing. It is enough to carry out this procedure 2 times a week. You can also use special dry shampoos, which are sold in pet stores in a large assortment.

When combing it is necessary to try so that the powder does not get into the eyes and nose of the cat. As a rule, with regular care, the cat gets used to the above procedures and even enjoys them, especially during the molting period.

At this time, the animal should be combed regularly with a massage brush, removing dying hairs.

Renewal of fur in cats occurs constantly. Sometimes the molting process lasts a long time, from about September to November and from February to April. During these periods, you should carefully comb out all the changing hairs and comb the coat more often, massaging the skin of the animal and thereby stimulating the growth of new hair. The very first molt in a kitten occurs at the age of 5 - 7 months. Molting begins from the head, after which it passes to the body. As a rule, this period falls in autumn or spring. But sometimes it can drag on for a whole year or even more.

Every cat has rough papillae on its tongue; with their help, when it licks, it removes dead hairs, helping its coat to renew itself. Sometimes she can swallow her own fur, as a result of which fur balls form in the stomach, clogging the gastrointestinal tract. Usually the cat itself gets rid of them with the help of vomiting. Now, without any problems, you can buy a product for dissolving wool in the stomach of a cat.


Ideally, exotics are bathed once every 2 months. As a bathing place, it is advisable to choose a sink of a suitable size or other container located at the height of the belt. If you put your pet in the bathroom and lean over him, he will probably get scared and try to run away. It will be difficult for the owner to hold the animal and follow him, being in a half-bent position.

Before you start water procedures, you need to stock up on special cat shampoo (those made on the basis of seaweed and medicinal herbs are good), rinse aid, flea remedy, as well as a soft towel or sponge for washing the muzzle and a large towel for drying the coat. It is advisable to put a rubber mat or towel on the bottom of a sink or other container intended for bathing a cat so that it feels more confident and less afraid. Then you need to half fill the container with warm (38 - 40 ° C) water and immerse the pet in it, holding it with its muzzle away from you. It is recommended to drip 1 - 2 eye drops to the cat before bathing in order to protect the mucous membrane of the eyes from irritation due to shampoo accidentally getting into the eyes. It is advisable to lower the cat into the water with four paws at the same time, this usually has a calming effect on cats.

As soon as the cat is in the water, you should put one hand on her shoulder blades, and with the other, carefully moisten the coat and apply shampoo to it.

It is better to wipe the pet's muzzle with a damp cloth or sponge dipped in soapy water. It is also better to wipe the ears with a damp cloth in a more relaxed environment.

After applying the detergent, the coat must be thoroughly washed, since even a small amount of shampoo remaining on the integumentary hairs can cause poisoning of the animal, as cats instinctively lick their hair after bathing, and the remnants of the soap solution fall on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse the cat three times. For the last time, you can add 1 tbsp. l. 6% vinegar per 1 liter of water.

To wash a cat, another method is used to avoid many inconveniences. The bag is made from a water-permeable material. A little shampoo is poured into it and a cat is placed there. The pouch is tied with the animal's head left outside, after which the pouch is half-immersed in warm water. Washing the cat is done through the bag. Rinse the cat in the usual way. A washed pet should be wrapped in a towel and taken to a warm room where there are no drafts. First you need to dry the coat with a towel, then continue drying it with a hair dryer, especially during the period of intensive molting of exotics, otherwise, due to the thick undercoat, the coat will remain wet for a long time.

It must be remembered that frequent bathing of a cat can weaken the natural protection of the skin and coat of the animal due to the removal of fatty grease from them. It is not recommended to bathe a cat that has recently eaten, it will be better if at least 4 hours have passed since the meal.


Cats tend to sharpen their claws, but this is their completely normal behavior that does not go well with staying in an apartment. The best option is to take a corner for a scratching post.

To do this, take a board about 30 x 60 cm in size and fit it with a thick coarse cloth. The finished board is hung on the wall. To attract the attention of a cat, some owners lightly sprinkle it with an infusion of valerian for the first time. For other pets, it is enough to put a broom on the floor, and they sharpen their claws on a lying broom.

There are many ways to wean a pet from scratching furniture (for example, by spraying the animal with water at the moment when it is preparing to sharpen its claws in the wrong place). Most cats do not like water, so if you do this regularly, your cat will give up on their intentions.

You can also scare an animal about to sharpen its claws by throwing a bunch of keys on the floor next to it, a thick magazine, or clapping your hands loudly. There are still ways - to make a plastic coating on the most frequently damaged areas of furniture or, if it is upholstered furniture, you need to rub the items with orange peel or ground allspice. Animals are repelled by the smell, and they stop scratching the coating.


The owner of an exotic should regularly examine his organs of vision. As the eyes of exotics get dirty, it is advisable to wipe them with a soft, well-absorbing cloth moistened with a 2% solution of boric acid, strong tea or a special preparation. Optik gel.

With severe lacrimation, it is necessary to drip the cat (2 drops each) with Vizin or Maxitrol eye drops. With severe suppuration, tetracycline eye ointment should be used. The cat's eyes should be washed about once a week, but in some cases this procedure can be carried out more often. For this purpose, a strong infusion of tea applied to a cotton swab is usually used.

Obstruction of the nasolacrimal ducts is common in cats, as their nasal septum is curved, so excess tears flow out over the edge of the eyelid, leaving dark brown marks on the fur under the eyes.

Exotic shorthair cats often have droopy eyelids. It is treated surgically, the operation almost always gives good results.

If, upon examination, the ears are found to be dirty or filled with large amounts of excreted sulfur, then it is necessary to clean them. Usually, cats' ears are cleaned with cotton swabs soaked in warm water, sunflower oil or alcohol. You need to take a thin wooden stick and wrap cotton wool on it, one edge of which should protrude beyond the tip of the stick. After wetting the swab in the liquid used, it should be squeezed out a little. Cleaning is carried out very carefully.

The cat begins to experience itching around the ears, which makes her shake her head and scratch the affected areas with her claws. Large secretions of sulfur accumulate in the auricle, acquiring a greyish-brown dirty color. The disease is treated with the help of anti-scab preparations, as well as 3% boric alcohol, which is used to treat the ears with cotton wicks. Special care is also required for the nose of a cat, especially if the animal has recently suffered a cold or is not accustomed to carefully absorbing food.

A stuffy nose can be cleared with water-soaked cotton balls or swabs, but care must be taken as many cats do not like this procedure. The cat's nose should always be sufficiently moist and cold to the touch.


If the teeth are not cared for, then tartar forms on them, which in turn can cause oral diseases. The gums begin to bleed, lose their former elasticity and begin to decrease in size. In this case, the cat may begin to lose teeth. To care for your teeth, it is not necessary to conduct a special course of treatment.

It is much more important to ensure proper feeding of the cat. You should choose such food so that the gums are well massaged and plaque is removed from the teeth.

Undercooked, slightly tough meats such as tripe or stringy beef work well for this purpose. Such meat should be given to the cat regularly. This will make her work her jaws more actively.


Trimming nails is only necessary when they reach excessive length.

If the blood vessel does not reach the tip of the claw, then the claw is very long and can be trimmed without fear of damaging the blood vessel. If your pet has light-colored nails, it will be easier to clip them than cats with dark nails, since pink blood vessels are easier to see on nails that are devoid of pigment.

In the case when the blood vessel is not visible under the black claw, the place of cutting is determined, following your own experience.

It must be remembered that along with the growth of the claw, the vessel also lengthens, so that when the claw is cut to normal length, it is easy to damage the vessel and cause bleeding. Therefore, it is better to cut the claw so that it is slightly longer than usual. Then you can trim the claw again after 2 weeks.

It is more convenient to trim the nails when someone helps to hold the cat firmly. Before starting the procedure, it is important to make sure that our pet is calm, does not experience excitement and fear.

It is better to use special scissors or nail clippers, which can be purchased at any pet store. They must be sharp enough, otherwise there is a danger of splitting the claw, which can cause severe pain to the animal. It is necessary to take the cat's paw with two fingers and squeeze it slightly so that the claws protrude from the pads.

You can cut off the tip of the claw strictly across, but not obliquely, so as not to damage the blood vessel and nerve endings. After clipping the nails, you can polish the sharp edges with a nail file or sandpaper. If bleeding occurs, it can be stopped with a styptic pencil. In case of severe bleeding, you will need to apply a pressure bandage and contact your veterinarian. A haircut is necessary in cases where the claw is broken and a piece of it dangles. You need to completely cut this piece. In case of bleeding, proceed as described above.


It is easy for a cat to accustom a toilet located in a certain secluded place. The toilet should replace a piece of natural nature for a cat living in an apartment. It is best to use a plastic tray for cat litter with a perfectly flat bottom that provides stability.

The bath should be placed in a place where no one will disturb the cat: in the toilet or bathroom. The filler of the bath can be sand: it absorbs moisture well and is convenient for the animal, since in natural conditions cats most often bury their excrement in the sand.

Some people use finely shredded newsprint as cat litter. However, the paper quickly becomes damp and becomes a source of an unpleasant odor.

Pet stores sell special plastic cat litter trays. Some of them provide for the use of absorbent filler, others are equipped with a plug-in grate that allows the liquid to drain to the bottom.

The latter are much more convenient in the sense that they free the owner of the cat from having to buy a filler every time.

But some animals refuse such a toilet, since it is natural for them to bury excrement, and pallets with an inserted grate deprive them of this opportunity.

The cat litter box needs to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. To do this, use hot water with vinegar. It is not recommended to wash the pet's toilet with any strong chemicals that leave a pungent odor. Some cats prefer to use the toilet.

Australian housewife Jo Lapidge has come up with a device that can be used to train domestic cats to use the toilet.

The invention of the Lapidge mission consists of 3 plastic trays, the shape of which repeats the contours of the toilet seat. At the same time, they are all of different colors: red has a solid bottom, while orange and green are equipped with holes of different diameters. First, a red tray is used, into which cat litter is poured. The tray is first placed next to the toilet, like a regular cat litter box. When the animal gets used to it, it is moved to the toilet. Later, the red tray is replaced with an orange one with a small hole in the middle. Then the orange is replaced by the last one - green - with a larger hole. As the hole increases, the amount of filler decreases, and, according to the inventor, the cat gradually gets used to doing without sorbent and trains its balance skills.

According to Jo, she was able to toilet train her cat in 8 weeks.

By the way, cats in Russia have been using similar trays for a long time. They are sold in many pet stores, only in the kit there are not three, but two trays.

You can also put a regular tray next to the toilet. Then put something under the tray, gradually raising it. When the tray is at the same height as the toilet, you can remove it. Most likely the kitten will understand what is required of him. However, you should not force the kitten to use the toilet if he is already accustomed to another place.

It should be noted that many cats are well versed in the intricacies of relationships and turn the problem of going to the toilet into an instrument of influence on the owner. Some animals thus seek to attract attention, others take revenge for a long absence from the owner’s house or for frequent punishments, others mark their territory during the mating season, and the fourth may have serious health problems. Naturally, in each case, it is necessary to carefully observe the cat for some time in order to find a reasonable explanation for the reasons for its behavior.


"In order to make safe walks with a cat, it is necessary to accustom it to a harness and leash. This allows not only to let it out in the park, but also to provide the necessary movement for the animal during long transportation in a car or train. Cat harnesses are sold in pet stores and are made of elastic nylon tape on a soft felt lining.The harness should fit snugly against the body of the animal, only one finger should pass under it.You can not fasten the leash to the collar.Cats do not have such a muscular neck as dogs, and it will not withstand stress. Someday, the cat can either suffocate or hurt its neck (Kurchevskaya).

In order for the cat to get used to the harness and feel comfortable, you need to put the harness on the cat before feeding it, or while playing with it. Then the cat will associate the presence of a foreign object on her body with something pleasant for her, and the process of eating or playing will distract her from the sensations that were unusual for the first time, and she will stop noticing her. When going for the first walk in a cat's life, it is necessary to choose a secluded place in advance, where neither dogs nor a large crowd of strangers will frighten the cat. To the place of the walk, the cat should be carried in your arms, putting on a harness and fastening the leash in advance. It is advisable to take a treat with you, and, holding the cat at a distance of an extended (but loose) leash, call her to you.

You can’t force a cat to pull on a leash, so as not to permanently instill in it an aversion to walking. As a rule, when walking with a cat, she moves where she wants, and the owner slowly follows her.

The main provisions of hygienic care for "pet" animals, and it is undeniably necessary to include thoroughbred representatives of the cat kingdom, is a rather impressive list:

  • Bathing
  • Combing
  • Hygienic care of ears and eyes
  • Quarterly deworming
  • Annual vaccination
  • Cosmetic procedures (not required, but desirable)

    Hygienic oral care

    Oddly enough, the first on the list is oral hygiene. You can convince for a long time how it is necessary and why, I will say briefly: read the veterinary literature, especially the section on stomatitis, and everything connected with them. Domestic veterinary science is guided by the content of "domestic thinness" (farm animals) - it's stupid to take care of a toothache in a pig or a yard dog, but think about how your pussy will behave, tormented by teeth, and what to say about the Staffordshire Terrier ... so I advise you to listen.

    But it's "why?", now about "How?".

    Taking an exotic cat in your hands, you will be surprised at its pliability and good nature of character, however, do not flatter yourself - they do not like to brush their teeth just like children, especially without the habit, they may not do without scratches, tearing out and mutual insults. Humble yourself ... alas, this is necessary. Moreover, at least once a week, with a special brush attachment (look at the pet store) or a soft children's toothbrush, moistened with water at first, then, after a couple of months, lightly powdered with tooth powder without flavorings and fragrances (although my kitty tolerated this procedure tolerably The best option is to start doing THIS from the young claws, immediately after the change of milk teeth, at first not particularly insisting, gently holding the kitten under the front paws by the chest, allowing the hind paws to firmly lean, gently, trying not to frighten and not to cause pain to clean the outside of the incisors and especially the canines, then slowly (but without delaying the "execution") go to the "chewing" surfaces and the inside of the incisors and canines. !

    • Tip 1: if it happened that you did hurt - leave it, calmly let it go, next time consider your mistake.
    • Tip 2: To avoid scratches, trim and file your cat's nails the night before, but never just before brushing your teeth.
    • Tip 3: if resisting, the cat begins to "hysteria" (yes, don't be surprised if this happens, you will immediately understand "what you are dealing with") do not be zealous, put it off until the next time, but do not let the animal go in this state, calm down pet, offer a treat, if everything goes well after 5 minutes, try again
    • Tip 4: consider the animal does not understand what and why you are doing, is it dangerous for him, moreover, he knows for sure that IT is unpleasant, try to understand this and convince the "masik" that this is just a small inconvenience that you need to put up with and that at the end of the procedure there will definitely be a lot of "warmth" and affection.

    Phew, well, now let's move on to something simpler. How often do you wash your hair? Now imagine (women will have it easier here) that you have dry sensitive hair type, and hair covers 99.99% of the surface of the body, and, by the way, do not forget about the down. Convinced? Bathing cats is a must! The question is how, when and how...

    Even though Exotics are the short-haired version of the “Lazy Persians,” they are still Persians, which means they have very thick coats.

    "WHEN" - only practice will help here. Be attentive to your pet, you urgently need to bathe only in two cases - when it is dirty and when it sheds. When dirty, I think it’s understandable, but why when she sheds ?!

    We all love and appreciate exotics for their wonderful, dense, soft coat with abundant down. So imagine that, when the wool falls out, it remains in the “fur coat” practically without “shaking out”, that's when it becomes necessary for us to bathe the exotic at least once a week.

    Otherwise, it is enough to bathe every 1-2 months


    Congratulations! You are the owner of the perfect pet, "Persian for the lazy"! This procedure can and should be a real pleasure for you and your pet. We scratch exotics when we are in the mood, when we want to caress and please our baby / baby! We scratch them because it immediately affects the appearance of the coat and is good for the health of the skin.

    But we still scratch exotics! A standard set - a comb, a slicker, a massage brush - in our case, it does without a splitter!

    The clean coat of a healthy animal naturally separates from the body, does not cake or tangle.

    During molting, we use a slicker and bathe.

    There is no need to comb every day, but to create a neat appearance, it is advisable to “smooth” the hair once every 2-3 days with a massage brush, once a week with a comb, while powdering it with acaricidal powder for prevention (I recommend the Bolfo line of preparations).

    Well, that's actually all combing.

    • Tip 8: It’s a good idea to use regular potato starch for dry cleaning wool (especially if you need to dry the wool urgently), using it like a powder but combing it thoroughly.

    Hygienic care of ears and eyes.

    Ear and eye care are combined in one paragraph, not because they are somehow connected, but because it needs to be done with the same frequency - once every 2 weeks (provided that both are healthy!).

    Ears - neat and gentle! fix the animal on your knees (under the arm, on the stomach or in any other mutually convenient position) gently (in the sense of not disturbing the “client” with your actions) bend the ear, opening the ear canal. ... All you can and have the right to do is to clean out the excess natural secretions, dusty and therefore frighteningly suggestive of ear mites. If you remember about prevention, finally drip acaricidal ear drops, just in case, for greater confidence.

    By the way, take a closer look at the skin on the “cheekbone” for order, the hair here is not so thick and you can notice and take control of skin mites in time.

    The eyes are a weak point for all Persian hybrids. Large round, bright and so beautiful!, the most vulnerable place for all kinds of bacterial, fungal infections, etc. (read the relevant veterinary literature) - need systematic care, from elementary boiled water and a napkin to stimulating (containing hormonal substances) antibiotic drops and ointments.

    Everything related to fixing the body is the same as in the case of caring for the ears.

    You need to wipe your eyes with light movements, without “erasing” the hair, so as not to cause inflammation of the eyes - in general, DO NOT RUB!, soak, rinse, but in no case do not rub. In case of mild inflammation, rinse your eyes with strong warm tea brewing (I specify by brewing the cat's body temperature, and not cooled sweet tea!). For a snack, “clean” the nose - natural secretions accumulate in the corners of the nostrils - “goats” - with a cotton swab moistened with liquid to remove the eye stone (and there is such a thing! Look in veterinary pharmacies).

    • Tip 9: when caring for your eyes, remember that antibiotics should not be used for the purpose of prevention, but only if necessary and only strictly in accordance with the instructions !!! This is not just a fad - the causative agents of infectious eye diseases quickly develop "resistance" (insensitivity) to antibiotics.
    • Tip 10: when choosing acaricidal preparations, give preference to external or systemic ones. Outdoor - i.e. not getting into the blood - because. many of them are toxic (especially for the liver); systemic - i.e. getting into the blood and accumulating in the skin - because. able to protect against unnoticed foci.
    Quarterly deworming.

    Remember advice number 7 - there are worms, the whole question is who. If you at least occasionally go into a room where animals are kept in street shoes, dusty clothes, you simply cannot throw away your wife’s / husband’s favorite azalea - there is a source of infection in your apartment. And then there are three options:

    1. under no circumstances do not play with the "mask", do not "kiss" her on her lovely pink nose, and after the slightest sign of attention - immediately wash your hands with soap, NEVER allow any of the children to touch the pet
    2. come to terms with the fact that your body is “habitat”
    3. carry out systematic deworming (every 3 months)!

    The choice is yours.

    "How": go to the nearest veterinary pharmacy (there you will be offered a bunch of options!). Go to the pharmacy around the corner and look at the universal human anthelmintic (Decaris is very good) - buy a baby package (there is a wonderful Pirantel for children in the form of a chocolate-flavored suspension - take a chance!) and ... carefully calculate the weight - the standard package is designed for 75 kg of body weight - in a cat from the strength of 4-5 kg ​​- an overdose can cause death.

    "How": pour in by force, pour in by deceit, shove it with something tasty .... The choice is again yours.

    • Tip 11: pour / lay on the root of the tongue - a guarantee that it will not spit out
    • Advice 12: "some professors there eat a treat and pick out a pill" - sometimes, my advice is to be smarter and not stronger, change tactics.

    Annual vaccination.

    REQUIRED, “how” read in the relevant literature, from what: everything depends on the epidemiological state at the moment.

    From rabies, I personally do not, for the transmission of this disease, contact with the saliva of an infected animal (in my opinion, even dried up) is necessary. in the case when the cat walks by itself, only a veterinarian can do the vaccination.

    From the “four cats” I definitely do it, moreover, on the eve of spring, when they mainly spread (just check how quickly immunity is formed) with dust, hairs, etc.

    From lichen there is not bad at the beginning of the exhibition season (also depending on the time required for the formation of immunity) - in addition, this group of vaccinations is both preventive and curative.

    • Tip 13: Remember the two golden rules:
      - extra "hole" to nothing
      - an extra “hole” is better than a painful disease

    Cosmetic procedures (not required, but desirable)

    Oh, this list can be endless, if you know something that I do not know, write - [email protected] or [email protected]

    Nail trimming– not as necessary for exotics as for other breeds (I’m talking about my experience, even an extremely frightened “fluffy” releases its claws so delicately that I have never been scratched by any of my pets or their offspring).
    But, if you want to insure yourself, then cut the very tip, with sharp nail clippers or special tweezers, but still very well sharpened, you can file it so that there are no “burrs” and sharp edges.

    Cosmetic powdering- only if you do not powder with acaricidal powder, for a better appearance.

    Plucking the Ostyaks- the rush of "alien", not Persian blood sometimes gives such an unpleasant property of wool as the presence of rather hard outer hairs (especially for the color group) - they can be plucked, and preferably immediately after molting. Holding the coat and skin, carefully “take out” the Ostyaks (these are such hard thick hairs that stand out on the total mass of wool) 3-7 hairs each, with a clear movement, soft and sharp at the same time (Women, remember how we pluck eyebrows).

    Article prepared by: Fedorova Katerina
    breeder of exotic shorthair and persian cats
    cattery "Honey kitten"
    [email protected]

  • The Exotic Shorthair (Exot) is one of the youngest breeds. She was bred by breeders from the United States as a result of crossing silver Persian cats and American Shorthair cats. Visually, exotics are very similar to Persians, and only thick short hair was inherited from American Shorthairs. This cat breed was officially recognized in the 80s of the last century. Exotic cats quickly fell in love with breeders due to their unusual appearance and docile nature.

    Description of the breed

    The exotic cat standard duplicates all the main characteristics of the Persians, with the exception of the length of the coat and its quality. The description of the exotic breed is as follows:

    • large and massive physique;
    • muscular backbone;
    • wide chest;
    • short tail with a rounded end;
    • massive rounded head;
    • small, low-set auricles;
    • flat, short muzzle;
    • large eyes;
    • sunken nose.

    All changes to the Persian standard are automatically added to the Exotic standard.

    The wool of exotic cats is much shorter than that of Persian cats, but longer than that of British and American cats. The coat of exotics is soft, plush and thick. As far as colors are concerned, all colors of Persians are allowed by the standard for exotics, including black, red, tabby, bicolor and calico. Kittens are born single-color and multi-color.

    The nature of pets

    Exotic shorthair kittens are very mobile, playful and inquisitive. They quickly become attached to the owner and try in every possible way to show their love. Cats are wary only of small children and try to hide away from them. Exotic cats treat strangers calmly and show no interest in them.

    Exotics are endowed with an extraordinary mind and easily learn simple commands. These pets never show unreasonable aggression and are distinguished by friendliness and complaisance. The cat recognizes only one person as the owner after some observation of all household members.

    A feature of these cats is that in their behavior they are more like dogs than representatives of the cat family. They are infinitely devoted to the owner and extremely hard to experience separation from him. For exotics, it is very important that the owner is always with them and shows his love. With other pets, exotic shorthair cats get along well, but prefer to stay away from them, spending most of their time with the owner.

    Exotic cat care

    Exotic Shorthairs are fairly easy to care for. The coat of the pet should be combed once a week with a brush-mitt. During the molting period, it is recommended to comb the cat more often. If necessary, you need to bathe the animal and cut its claws with a nail cutter. Periodically, it is necessary to inspect the auricles and eyes of the exotic for the presence of contamination and clean them with a cotton swab.

    The most important point in caring for the Exotic Shorthair is a balanced diet, as representatives of this breed are prone to obesity. In the diet of a four-legged pet, there should be as many proteins as possible, and fats should be completely eliminated. The body of small kittens needs calcium and phosphorus to form a strong bone and muscle system. It is desirable that the nutrition of babies consists mainly of dairy products, namely low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream.

    An adult can be fed natural food or industrial dry or canned food. If the owner chose the first option for feeding the exotic, then he will need to take time to cook dishes. The basis of the cat's diet should be lean meat (veal, chicken) and dairy products. A meat dish for an exotic cat is prepared as follows:

    • veal is pre-frozen for a day;
    • after defrosting, the meat is cut into small pieces;
    • add half a teaspoon of olive oil to the meat;
    • mix veal with boiled vegetables (cauliflower, spinach);
    • if desired, add a little buckwheat or rice porridge at the rate of 3 parts of meat per 1 part of additives.

    All dairy products must be fat-free. At the same time, it is impossible to feed an exotic shorthair cat with fresh kefir, since it can provoke indigestion. It is advisable that kefir stand in the refrigerator for at least a day. Sour cream and natural yogurt without additives are recommended to be given to the pet no more than 2 times a week. Periodically it is allowed to feed the cat with fermented baked milk. Milk to drink exotics is not recommended.

    It is also advisable to consult a veterinarian about vitamin supplements and be sure to include them in the animal's diet when feeding natural food. If the choice fell on industrial feed, then it is recommended to choose brands not lower than the premium class.

    The Exotic Shorthair cat is the closest relative of the Persian cat. Exotics can be easily distinguished from other cats by their pretty flattened face and plush thick fur. Due to their friendly nature and special affection for humans, exotics have become one of the most popular mustachioed pets.

    History of the breed

    The exotic cat was bred by chance in the 1960s. Breeders of American Shorthair cats began to cross them with Persians. With this experiment, they wanted to improve the appearance of animals and get a silvery shade of fur.

    The result of this crossing was very unexpected. Newborn kittens were difficult to distinguish from Persians. Their muzzle was wide and rounded, their nose was flattened, and their body was massive and squat. The main difference was in the short and thick coat. The resulting hybrid breed bore little resemblance to the American Shorthair cat, so animals with signs of hybridization were subject to disqualification. Exotic breed was bred by accident

    The unusual appearance of the cats obtained during the experiment interested breeders. In 1966, the famous breeder Jane Martin proposed to the CFA to register a new breed. Initially, they wanted to give her the name "sterling", which translates as "silver", as this would correspond to the color of the cat's coat, but in the end the breed was called "exotic shorthair". The breed standard for exotics and Persians was the same, the difference was only in the characteristics of the coat.

    To fix the shorthair gene, exotics were crossed with American Shorthair cats, Russian Blues and Burmese. Such inbreeding made it possible to obtain not only a thick short coat, but also its various colors. Currently, exotics can only be knitted with exotics or Persians.

    Appearance of exotic cats

    The physique of this breed is very similar to the Persians, but their coat is significantly different. Exotics have a stocky body with a large round muzzle. Huge round eyes and a flattened nose give them a toy look. The coat of exotics is short, unlike the Persians, thick and plush due to the undercoat.

    CFA standards

    Thanks to plush wool, all lines of the body and head of exotics seem soft and smoothed. The CFA has established the following breed standard:

    1. The head is rounded with a broad and massive skull. The muzzle is rounded with pronounced cheeks, connected to the body by a short neck.
    2. The nose is short and flattened, a wide depression at the base of the nose is clearly visible.
    3. The jaws of cats are wide and massive.
    4. The chin is rounded, showing the correct bite in the animal.
    5. The ears are small in size with rounded tips, looking forward a little.
    6. The eyes are large and round, set wide apart.
    7. The body is squat, wide in the chest area, with well-developed muscles.
    8. The limbs are short and strong. Paws are large and rounded. The fingers are close to each other. There are 5 toes on the front paws, and four on the hind paws.
    9. The tail is short, but in relation to the size of the body it should look proportional, no bends are allowed.
    10. The coat is dense, soft to the touch, with a thick undercoat. The length may vary depending on the density of the undercoat. If an animal has long or wiry hair on its tail, it is classified as AOV (Unrecognized Variations).

    Participation in exhibitions requires compliance with established standards. So, the animal is subject to disqualification with the following defects in appearance:
    Exotics look very similar to Persians

    • excessively small nose;
    • the presence of creases on the tail;
    • the wrong number of fingers on the paws;
    • deviations in the development of the back of the body (weakness of the limbs);
    • visually visible deviations in the structure of the spine;
    • the curvature of the skull, which violates the rounded features of the muzzle;
    • strabismus;
    • Color point cats have white toes and non-blue eyes.

    The structure of the body of exotics

    The body of exotics is quite massive, but not because of fat deposits, but due to well-developed muscles. Adult cats can weigh 5-7kg. Cats weigh less - 3–5 kg. Their body length is 60–70 cm.

    A large rounded face with large eyes and small ears makes exotics look like a cute toy. The tips of the ears are rounded, they are in perfect harmony with the smooth lines of the head.
    Expressive eyes and a flattened nose make exotics look like a toy.

    The body of exotics is squat due to short thick limbs. At the withers, they do not exceed 25–30 cm. The tail of exotics is also not too long (25-30 cm), well pubescent. The size of the tail is proportional to the size of the body.

    Wool Features

    The main difference between exotics and Persians is their thick, dense and short coat. When stroked, the animal seems plush due to the rich undercoat. The length of the hairs, as a rule, is 2-5 cm, it all depends on the quality of the undercoat.
    Due to the thick and dense undercoat, exotics feel like a plush toy to the touch.

    The quality of wool in different cats may vary. Her condition is influenced by genetics, nutrition and the conditions of the pet. In some representatives of the breed, the undercoat is so dense that it is very difficult to see the skin of the animal.

    Exotic coat colors

    Exotics come in a variety of colors. From a kitten it is not always possible to say unequivocally what color it will be, since with age the color of the coat may change slightly. The main colors are:

    1. Solid. The coat of an animal has one color without impurities (black, blue, chocolate, cream, white and red).
    2. Tortoiseshell. An exotic fur coat combines two primary colors. Most often there are combinations of black and red, blue and cream.
    3. Tabby. Various patterns are drawn on the fur of the animal. The marble color is characterized by a pattern on the forehead similar to the letter "m".
    4. Smoky. In animals with this color, the color of the undercoat is lighter than the main color of the coat. Outwardly, the coat seems to be of one color.
    5. Bicolor. Cats with this color have a two-tone coat. A combination of any dark color with white is allowed.
    6. Calico. This color is found only in cats. It is characterized by a combination of tortoiseshell color and bicolor. On the stomach, the fur in animals is white.
    7. Chinchilla. The hairs at the tips are darkened.
    8. Color point. There is a darkening of the fur on the muzzle.
    9. Links point. This color combines tabby and color-point. It is characterized by the presence of clear stripes on the body of the animal.

    Photo gallery: exotics of various colors

    The coat of exotic cats can be of one solid color Exotic shorthair cat of red color Tortoise color exotic combines two main colors of wool Coat color, which combines any dark color with white, is called bicolor In chinchilla-colored exotics, the tips of the hairs are darkened

    The nature and characteristics of the behavior of exotics

    Exotics have higher intellectual abilities than Persians. They are affectionate and curious. They inherited such character traits from American Shorthair cats and Burmese. Animals are easily trained and get along well with others.

    Positive and negative qualities, preferences of the animal

    The pretty face of exotics is not all that these plush cats are loved for. They are friendly and highly trainable. They behave very calmly and reservedly.

    They are quite active and love to have fun with the owner. Even with age, the love for games among exotics does not go away, which cannot be said about the Persians, who prefer a calm and measured lifestyle.
    Exotics have a calm disposition and are well trained.

    If the exotics require attention from the owner, they will never bother him with their meow. They are quite silent, so you won’t have to hear an annoying “meow” from them.

    Table: pros and cons of the breed

    Cohabitation of exotics with other animals

    Exotics can get along well with other animals, including dogs. If the other pet does not behave aggressively towards the exotic, then they will most likely become great friends, they will spend time together playing their favorite games. It should be borne in mind that if there are small rodents (for example, hamsters) in a house with an exotic, then he can take them for his prey.

    Exotic relationship with the owner, with strangers

    A distinctive feature of the nature of exotics is their attachment to the owner. As a rule, among all family members, they choose one owner for themselves, who takes care of the animal the most. Exotics strive to always be close to a person. They love to sleep with him in the same bed, and sometimes they just need to sit next to their master. Plush pets do not tolerate neglect. If they don't like the person, they will simply ignore him.
    Exotics get along well with people and other animals.

    Exotics are able to feel the mood of the owner. When feeling unwell, they take on the role of a doctor, perching next to a sore spot. Exotics are patient with the pranks of young children, never behave aggressively with them.

    Exotic breed cats are more attached and show their love for a person. They do not tolerate loneliness well. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent. They behave more restrained and detached in relation to the owner. Cats of an exotic breed are more similar in character to representatives of the Persian breed. The long absence of the owner does not upset them, since the cats do not feel strong attachment to him. If there is a desire to acquire a pet of an exotic breed, but there is no way to devote too much time to it, then it is better to opt for a cat of this breed.

    Video: plush exotic pets

    Exotic health, longevity

    The life expectancy of any cats, including exotics, depends not only on the genetic predisposition, but also on the nutrition of the animal and the conditions of detention. On average, representatives of an exotic breed live 15 years, but in the absence of genetic diseases and ideal maintenance, they can live longer (up to 20 years).
    With proper nutrition and care, exotics can live for more than 15 years.

    Most of the diseases that plush pets are prone to were transmitted to them from the Persians. So, exotics can suffer from the following diseases:

    1. Polycystic kidney disease. Signs of polycystic disease appear already in an adult animal (age 3–10 years). It is impossible to get rid of this problem, but with timely treatment, you can improve your pet's well-being and slow down the development of the disease. Improvements can be achieved with the help of special therapy and nutritional adjustments. A cat that has this disease begins to lose weight, it shows violations of the digestive system (vomiting, loss of appetite). In some cases, cats can become aggressive on the background of the disease.
    2. Diseases of the respiratory system. A flattened little nose not only makes these cats very pretty, but can also cause blockage of the tear duct. This manifests itself in excessive lacrimation in the animal, the development of a runny nose. Exotics quite often suffer from colds.
    3. Dental diseases. Exotics often suffer from the appearance of tartar. If you do not pay attention to the problem, then this can lead to the development of gingivitis. Gingivitis can manifest itself as acute pain and the development of ulcers on the oral mucosa. It is not difficult to notice a problem in a pet. The cat will refuse food, a fetid odor will be heard from the mouth. The gums with gingivitis are highly inflamed, the animal has excessive salivation.
    4. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Such heart disease can even lead to sudden death of small kittens. Animals with this disease are very lethargic, refuse food, quickly get tired after active actions. This state of the body is associated with a lack of taurine. Cats are more susceptible to this disease than cats.

    The content and features of caring for exotics

    The short coat of exotics does not require daily combing, but hygiene procedures for the eyes and ears will need to be carried out regularly. If you teach a cat to care from an early age, then she will behave calmly and, for example, cleaning her ears will not cause her any discomfort.


    Good nutrition and the health of a fluffy pet are closely interrelated. Exotics, like other cats, can be fed with both natural food and ready-made food. The main condition is a balanced diet, in which the body of the animal will receive in sufficient quantities all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

    Cat food

    When choosing a ready-made food, you should focus on its composition. The most preferred are premium and super-premium feeds. They contain the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the animal.

    The list of the best foods suitable for exotics includes:

    • Innova Evo (USA);
    • Hill's Nature's Best (Holland);
    • Eukanuba Adult Hairball Indoor (Netherlands);
    • Bosch Sanabelle Adult Ostrich (Germany);
    • Orijen Cat & Kitten (Canada).

    When choosing food for exotics, you need to give preference to premium and super-premium class foods.

    A cat has been living in my house for a long time, so I want to note that one should not blindly believe in advertising, since most often low-quality feed is advertised in large quantities. Yes, they may have an attractive price, and you can buy them at the nearest supermarket, but such savings will only harm the health of the animal. A huge amount of artificial additives in the feed and the lack of natural ingredients will sooner or later negatively affect the health of your beloved pet. Treating an animal will cost much more than buying quality food, and the torment of a fluffy pet is not at all worth such savings.

    natural food

    Among the breeders there are also opponents of ready-made feeds, which feed cats exclusively with natural food. With such feeding, the following products should be included in the exotic diet:

    1. Lean beef, chicken, turkey.
    2. Offal (chicken hearts, lungs, beef kidneys).
    3. Low-fat fish, cleaned of bones and scales (cod herring). Should be in the diet no more than once a week.
    4. Rice, buckwheat.
    5. Low-fat dairy products.
    6. Vegetables (beets, cabbage).
    7. It is worth considering that the basis of natural nutrition is still meat (70%), and cereals and vegetables are already in the form of a supplement.

    Some people think that natural nutrition is food that the owner himself eats. Many feed their pets this way, sharing their portions with them. It is absolutely impossible to do so. Cats are not allowed to eat most of the foods that are in our diet. Fatty, salty and sweet food is absolutely not suitable for cats, even if they eat it with pleasure. When choosing natural food for your pet, the owner needs to be prepared for the fact that the animal will have to cook food separately.
    When feeding exotic with natural products, it is necessary to properly balance the pet's diet

    It is worth noting that with natural nutrition, cats need to be given vitamin and mineral supplements so that all the necessary substances enter their body in full.

    Nutrition Features

    The easiest way is to use ready-made feed. On the packaging, the manufacturer always indicates the recommended serving size depending on the weight of the animal. So, adult cats need 55-75 grams of food per day.

    If the animal eats natural products, then you will have to calculate the size of portions so that the cat does not overeat. As a rule, 40 grams of food is required for 1 kg of weight. For adult cats, two feedings a day are enough. If the animal does not overeat, then when feeding with food, its constant presence in the bowl is allowed. Clean drinking water should always be freely available.

    Required living conditions

    Even before purchasing a kitten, you need to take care of the availability of additional attributes for the animal. Exotics will need:

    • cozy house;
    • bowls for food and water (special models with low sides for cats with flattened muzzles are commercially available);
    • cat tray and filler for it;
    • scratching post;
    • hair care products;
    • toys.

    If an exotic is accustomed to a scratching post, then he will sharpen his claws on it on his own

    It is better to place a house for a cat in the owner's room, the animal will feel closer to the person. But it is better to put the tray in a secluded corner where the animal will not be disturbed by unnecessary sounds and movements.

    Hygiene and hair care

    Exotics have a short coat, so there is no need for daily combing. It is enough to comb your pet 2-3 times a week to avoid constant swallowing of dead hairs. The undercoat of exotics is very dense, so for hair care it is better to choose a special metal comb with frequent teeth.

    Hair care products

    Bathing a cat more than once every 2 months is not worth it. For bath procedures, you need to use only special cat shampoos. The following hair care products are suitable for shorthair exotics:

    • Shampoo for shorthair cats DoktorZOO;
    • shampoo conditioner for shorthair cats Ms. Kiss;
    • Shampoo-conditioner Cliny "Nutrition and Shine";
    • Shampoo Beaphar Pro Vitamine;
    • Shampoo Royal Groom "Shine and Moisture" for shorthair cats.

    When bathing, the cat's hair should be thoroughly washed from shampoo, and water should not get into the ears.
    Bathing exotics is enough once every 2 months

    Often in cats, irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes occurs when shampoo enters. This can be avoided by instilling 1-2 eye drops in the animal before bath procedures.

    Eye, ear, nose and mouth care

    The owner regularly needs to monitor the cleanliness of the ears, eyes and nose of the plush pet. This breed is characterized by excessive lacrimation, so the eyes and nose of exotics should be regularly (once every 1-2 days) wiped with a cotton pad dipped in clean water or a special liquid.

    It is enough to carry out hygiene procedures of the ears once a week. Special lotions are also commercially available for cleaning the ears. If cleaning is done with cotton swabs, care should be taken that they are soft and do not scratch the cat's skin.

    Immediately after the change of milk teeth, it is necessary to begin to monitor the oral cavity of the exotic. They are prone to dental diseases, so it is imperative to take preventive measures. With the help of a special brush-nozzle and soft tooth powder, you should clean your exotic teeth once a week.

    Nail clipping

    Having a scratching post in the house, of course, allows the cat to sharpen its claws naturally, but this is not always enough. You can protect wallpaper and furniture from damage by your beloved pet by regularly trimming your claws or by using special anti-scratches.

    For cutting nails in any pet store, you can buy a special tool - a nail cutter. The procedure for cutting the claws is painless for the animal, but it should be taught to such manipulations from a young age. Only the sharp edge of the claw (2–3 mm) needs to be trimmed so as not to damage the vessels.
    Plastic caps are attached to the claws with a special glue.

    Some breeders prefer special plastic caps that are put on the claw and attached to it with a special glue. Not everyone approves of this method, as they believe that the cat has foreign objects on its body that cause a constant feeling of stress. In addition, the adhesive components can cause an allergic reaction. If the cat does not have allergies, then there is nothing wrong with using anti-scratches, and furniture and wallpaper will be 100% protected from the claws of your beloved pet.

    Features of mating and breeding

    Exotic breed cats reach puberty at 7–8 months, and cats at 8–10 months. But in some cases, the animal can reach puberty even at a later age (about 2 years).

    If the pet is kept for the soul and further breeding is not planned, then it is best to castrate the animal. The most suitable age for surgery is 7–9 months.
    Exotics can only be bred within the breed or with representatives of the Persian breed

    The first time to knit exotics at an early age is not worth it. It is best to allow animals to the first mating at 12-20 months. If you plan to use exotic for further breeding, then its owners should consider the following recommendations:

    1. It is better to buy a kitten in proven catteries from purebred parents, which can be confirmed by the presence of a pedigree.
    2. The animal must take part in exhibitions.
    3. When choosing a pair for breeding, it is necessary to carefully study the pedigree of the partner, as well as pay attention to the health of the cat (cat).
    4. After successful mating and birth of kittens, babies should be registered at the club and felinological documents should be issued.

    When breeding exotics, breeders are faced with the fact that long-haired and short-haired kittens can be born in one litter. It is possible to more reliably determine the length of a kitten's coat only after 3 weeks.

    How to choose the right exotic pet

    When choosing a small exotic, it is easy to confuse it with a Persian. You can distinguish an exotic by the following features:

    • if, when stroking the fur of a newborn kitten, “waves” are not felt, and the hairs fluff and stick out, then most likely the kitten is an exotic breed;
    • on the back of exotics, the fur is stiffer than on the rest of the body;
    • Exotics have a thicker coat than Persians;
    • at 3 weeks of age, the tail of the Persians becomes fluffy, and in exotics, the hair on the tail does not differ from the general coat of hair on the body.

    In addition, you should pay attention to the general condition of a small kitten. He should behave actively, not look intimidated. Ears and eyes should be clean, and there should not be any bald spots or other problem areas on the coat.
    Little exotics are very similar to Persians

    In Russia, exotics can be bought in such nurseries:

    • LumiCat;
    • Maxima Best;
    • C-matrix;
    • Palmer-cats;
    • DT'beatrix.

    Prices for small exotics depend on the class of the animal. A kitten that will not take part in exhibitions can be bought for 10,000 rubles. The price for show class kids can be from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles. It all depends on the color of the kitten, its pedigree and the achievements of its parents.

    An exotic cat is an incredibly beautiful animal, outwardly resembling a sluggish, imposing Persian, but surprising with a magnificent character. This cute, plush breed was accidentally bred by American breeders in the middle of the last century, becoming a real sensation. And today no one remains indifferent at the sight of this small, fluffy lump.

    In order for a pet to always enjoy excellent health, excellent mood and beautiful appearance, it is important to provide proper care for exotics.

    Exotic cats: features of the breed, care and maintenance

    An exotic cat is the perfect pet. She is very calm, meek, affectionate, gets along well with all household members, small children and other pets. Of all modern breeds, only this one has incorporated the best character traits of its ancestors.

    Despite the unpretentiousness, lightness, care and maintenance of such a pet requires a special approach and taking into account numerous nuances. The main procedures that must be carried out regularly:

    • Combing wool. A short-haired exotic cat should be brushed every two to three days. During molting, repeat this procedure daily. When combing, we use special brushes, moving in the direction of hair growth. Periodically we pass through the fur with a slicker to remove dead hairs. At the end of combing, we give the coat a natural look with a natural bristle brush.
    • Bathing. Experts recommend bathing the animal once every two months. If you do this more often, then the coat will lose its natural protection, which will negatively affect its appearance. Bathing should be done using a special shampoo, which can be purchased at a pet store.
    • Washing. You should take care of the muzzle of your four-legged friend every day. We remove the discharge that has appeared in the corners of the eyes with cotton pads soaked in a special solution. We clean our teeth several times a week with a small piece of gauze dipped in a solution of salt and water in a 1: 1 ratio. We regularly check the spout, if necessary, we process it with napkins.
    • Ear care. The veterinary pharmacy sells special products, solutions, which should be used to periodically treat the auricle of your pet. The composition contains substances that can reduce friction, quickly and completely remove sulfur and accumulated dirt.
    • Nail clipping. We check claws every week. If they have grown, then using a nail cutter, we reduce their length. It is important not to go into an area with visible blood vessels. If a vessel is accidentally damaged, and blood starts to flow, it treats this place with hydrogen peroxide.

    Exotic cat food

    What to feed the exotic? This question interests everyone who is about to become the owner of a small, teddy bear. Cats of this amazing breed are quite sensitive to their diet, but there are some representatives who can eat almost anything. The truly good health of your pet depends on a properly formulated diet, which should contain:

    • Fats.
    • Microelements.
    • Squirrels.
    • Vitamins.
    • Amino acids.

    All these nutrients are found in the following products, which must be present in the weekly menu:

    • Sea fish: cod, mackerel, herring.
    • Cottage cheese.
    • Eggs.
    • Lean meats: rabbit, beef and veal.
    • Cereals.
    • Greenery.
    • Low-fat poultry: chicken, turkey.
    • Offal.

    If there is no time to engage in the preparation of a balanced diet, then you should pay attention to ready-made dry and canned food. Modern breeders highly recommend the products of the following manufacturers, who offer entire breed lines:

    • Bosch.
    • Royal Canin.

    Exotic Health

    Like all thoroughbred animals, these are also susceptible to various diseases, including hereditary ones. In most cases, they suffer from diseases of the respiratory system, which is associated with the structure of the nasolacrimal canal. That is why pets constantly watery eyes. The list of possible diseases also includes:

    • Various dental lesions: gingivitis, tartar formation, periodontal disease, etc.
    • Polycystic kidney disease. With this disease, cysts form on the kidneys. Often, polycystic disease is "inherited" to small kittens.
    • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The most common disease of the heart muscle, which at a young age very often leads to death.
    • Displacement of the lower jaw. Malocclusion is also common in cats of this breed. If the problem is not diagnosed and eliminated in time, there is a high probability of other dental diseases and discomfort when eating.

    If you do not run the health of your exotic, you can avoid these ailments. It is important to remember that each cat has unique, individual characteristics, so hygiene, nutrition, maintenance should be approached with all responsibility, taking into account every nuance.

    If you suspect the presence of any disease, you should immediately contact a veterinarian who will diagnose and cure your pet. Proper care and maintenance is the key to the longevity of your cat. Take good care of your animals!
