The most beautiful girls in heels. Beautiful legs in high heels

This is exactly what women's stiletto sandals provide. It is useless to argue here, there are comfortable and pragmatic, but not devoid of femininity, flat-soled models. But a pair of elegant, but seemingly useless shoes is still worth getting.

Pragmatic and simple, flat shoes are comfortable to wear in summer. But summer is exactly the season in which 2019 stiletto sandals rule the show. This is exactly the case when the beauty and slenderness of the legs and the figure as a whole should be demonstrated “in full growth”.

High-heeled smart casual sandals

Studs never give up! Even with the total fashion for a flat sole, models with high elegant heels are the main trend of the season. It would seem that new things can be brought to such sandals. But this season has its own distinctive features.

Stiletto sandals 2019 are very elegant and feminine models. But they are intended not only for evening or solemn images and special occasions. These models are actively mastering the summer.

The basis of the most current models is the classic style with a wide transverse membrane and simple fastening with thin straps. In combination with a high thin heel, such shoes are sexy in themselves and at the same time elegant.

Active accents, such as thin straps intertwining at the ankle, leather with reptile dressing, have clearly dropped out of the trends this year - the emphasis is on the purity of the style, bright colors and original decor.

The main purpose of women's stiletto sandals this summer is to be an expressive decoration. The role of an addition to outfits is assigned to more democratic flat-soled models.

The color scheme is as active and optimistic as ever. The designers took the colors of the new summer as a basis - rich berry, fruit and flower shades.

Red sandals look the most interesting in this design. Stylists can argue as much as they like about how appropriate this color is in shoes, but in the images of this summer it is the main one.

Best of all, the trend is demonstrated by red stiletto sandals in these photos:

At the same time, red can be of any shade - from bright scarlet to saturated almost pine forest. The brightness of the color is perfectly emphasized by patent leather and, of course, the simpler the style of such a model, the more flawlessly you will fall into the fashion trend.

Look for literal color combinations in the outfit is not necessary. Red will perfectly support fashionable monochromatic outfits. Personally, high-heeled sandals will give you height and slimness to your legs and figure - in general. There is simply no better way to visually look perfect.

Better than red, there can only be black stiletto sandals - this is exactly the model that you should have in - for that very insidious case when there is nothing to wear. But you should be especially careful with them.

This model, especially with metal heels - silver stilettos, is definitely worth having in your own wardrobe.

They are in any trend show, and if you can find your own model in black leather with a stiletto heel in white metal, you should definitely get it.

Open summer sandals with stiletto heels made of natural materials

The opinion that wearing summer stiletto sandals is a whole test is preached by those who simply do not know how to wear them and, in principle, reject shoes with heels.

Meanwhile, there are a few simple rules that will allow you not only to fall in love with these shoes, but to wear them with style. Taking advantage of all its benefits.

First of all, choice. Materials, especially interior decoration, should be exclusively natural - soft and delicate leather is best with a minimum of stitching so as not to rub delicate skin.

The model of open sandals with a stiletto heel should be as comfortable as possible, first of all - a block that you need to choose only for yourself. You can achieve the result only with a personal fitting and not one, but several pairs.

This should be done in the evening, when the legs are already “tired” - this is the only way to feel all the advantages and disadvantages of the model.

And do not forget about such convenient and practical things as silicone shoe pads. They perfectly and at the same time imperceptibly fix even the most open and difficult to wear sandals on the leg.

And, of course, it’s not at all superfluous, even for those who don’t wear heels out of principle, it will just be to work out at home in front of the mirror before bringing this new pair “to the light”.

There are many visual and practical lessons on the net on how to perfectly work out a beautiful walk and learn how to wear such models elegantly. Even Marilyn Monroe herself learned the correct gait.

Pay attention to the video, how stiletto sandals give the perfect gait:

Elegant sandals with a thin stiletto heel

Refined heels don't have to be high. In itself, the concept of "hairpin" - does not have a measurement in centimeters, five or twelve - on which, by the way, few people know how to walk - does not matter. But shoes like stiletto heels - even minimal ones - are a great reason to look slimmer and taller.

A great summer offering from numerous brands, white stiletto heels are a frankly dressy option, especially if the stiletto heel itself looks defiant.

Thin, tall, metallic - this is a clear and obvious reminder of the Spanish stiletto - no one can resist. This is what sandals on a thin stiletto look like. If you haven't tried it, it's definitely worth it.

Of course, you should not wear such models every day. They are designed for grand entrances and extraordinary naiads. But oddly enough, the most fashionable designers advise wearing them every day.

Everyday, and so familiar to everyone, the style becomes unfashionable - there is too much of it. And summer is a great excuse to break all the rules and put on a pair of completely light, almost weightless and carefully calibrated sandals. This trend in fashion is only gaining its height - and you should definitely take advantage of it.

Just put on trendy stilettos. This season, designers did not miss the opportunity to present completely new versions of the models of the most feminine shoes. The best way to choose your own pair of them is personal taste, multiplied by an accurate knowledge of the latest trends.

Hairpins are rightfully considered a real secret female weapon. They do not just add a few centimeters of height and slimness to the figure: the sexuality, charm and mystery of such models is unparalleled.

Stilettos 2019

The high thin heel and platform, perhaps the most daring design proposal of recent seasons, has firmly established itself on the hit list. Such models look especially impressive with colored soles, which came into fashion with the light hand of Christian Louboutin. Or rather, nail polish, which one day before the show, the designer covered the soles of the shoes. Today it is a fashionable standard and a modern classic of elegant style.

This season, such models are decorated with a small, but obligatory detail - a cutout in the form of a droplet, at the very tip of an elegant spout. Paying tribute to the spectacular silhouette, the designers did not overload it with decor, but focused on non-trivial color solutions.

The nuances of the style of stilettos from the 2019 collections in the photo are here:

Laconic, strict forms of stiletto heels of 2019 are presented today in all the variety of colors of the fashion range. We are left with a choice: to make them an elegant addition or a self-sufficient part of the ensemble.

"Nude" and any pastel shades will perfectly cope with the role of an addition. But the colored and complex print models will take on a real stylish challenge.

Active colors that can create contrast and become an independent accent today are at the very peak of fashion. It is almost impossible to make a mistake with the choice - the main colors of the rainbow spectrum are in the fashion favorites.

High-heeled shoes and their photos

With prints, designers offer to be even bolder: only something that balances on the verge of everyday life and bright, defiant impressions. And no hints of boring conservatism: reptile embossing or predatory print? Any most extravagant drawing will take you to the top of the trends.

See how effectively the print and style of high-heeled shoes are combined in these photos:

Black stilettos and their photos

The invariably thin, chiseled and preferably very high heel became the epitome of contrast. The most stylish solutions of this season are a contrasting and slightly aggressive color or metal.

But the real exception to the rule, which is worth noting, are the classic black models, this season they promise to be a real hit.

Only black stilettos in the photo can look so aristocratic:

Beautiful stiletto pumps: photos and trends

At least one pair of such shoes must be in the wardrobe of every self-respecting fashionista. A fresh and stylish interpretation of the classic style has become the main theme for design inspiration.

We owe the victorious procession of boats along the best catwalks of the world to the style of the 50s, which is very fashionable today. It is he who maintains the standards of beauty, in which elegantly emphasized femininity is the basis of the foundations. The new version of such models does not change the underlying idea, but has recognizable fashionable features. First of all, very elegant forms, this also applies to a deep neckline that delicately opens the toes and a refined heel. But the main thing is the colors, in the palette of which there was no place for any dull and ordinary.

The brightest floral and fruity shades coexist with delicate pastels. Its designers see it in bleached shades of ash pink, pearl gray, mint and the hit of the season - nude.

The current color scheme of fashionable pumps on a stiletto heel in the photo is here:

The simplicity of forms is compensated not only by bright colors. Prints - that's what this season is hard to take your eyes off. The femininity of the style is enhanced by floral patterns, as well as naive, but so cute “polka dots” and “cell”.

The boats presented this season look great in combination with the most fashionable decor techniques. Imitation of lace and transparent "plastic" inserts - most accurately reflect.

Photo of stiletto heels for 2019

The rise in popularity of such models has become a worthy response to the fashion of recent years, in which convenience has become the main advantage. Today, designers offer to wear stiletto heels not only on special occasions - the most stylish everyday looks are built with their participation.

But a special caste - models for the evening. The thin, graceful style of the model will perfectly emphasize the beauty of the legs, and the colors and decor will only enhance this impression. Active, bright finishes with rhinestones and crystals are combined with bright colors today.

The current range of red and blue is complemented in this year's collections by the sheen of metal: gold and silver have become the main theme for spectacular design.

The most accurate, almost reference standard, such models are created with trendy knee-length skirts and dresses. If you want to add sexuality, wear tight-fitting and tapered models to the hem. Romance and frivolity? Flared or pleated. Classic and slightly forgotten combinations with a hairpin are back in fashion today.

Women's stilettos and their photos

But do not lose sight of everyday images in which these models have a special role. First of all, these are carefully selected, but often boring outfits for work. The simplest, most familiar and even boring skirt and blouse will become a stylish office outfit, just add feminine stilettos to them.

Photos from the shows of fresh collections amaze with effortless elegance and contradictory combinations. In which the main role is given to fashionable stilettos.

Stilettos for girls are a symbol of confidence, success, sexuality. The heel itself is a long, high and thin heel. It can be of different colors, covered with leather or simply metal, decorated with precious stones, snakes, or even transparent.

Who else looks more stunning and seductive than girls in stockings and high heels? Male representatives cannot be indifferent to such persons. The first thing they pay attention to is slender long legs, and if the image is complemented by stockings, you will definitely not end up with gentlemen.

The subtleties of walking in stilettos

Girls in high heels look slimmer, sleeker, and the figure looks more attractive. But it’s not enough to wear stilettos, you also need to learn how to defile gracefully on them. To begin with, try balancing and walking at home, in front of a mirror. Do not slouch or lean too far forward or backward. When walking, put your foot first on the toe, then on the heel. Legs should be straight, you can not walk half-bent. And the most important thing is the inner feeling of your beauty and uniqueness.

For the first time in the light, it is better to go out on a hairpin in spring or autumn, when the roads are not yet covered with puddles, mud and snow, they are dry and not slippery. A girl on a stiletto heel in boots will feel more confident and stable, thanks to a better leg circumference.

Cons of stilettos

Do not forget about the shortcomings of stilettos for girls, because sometimes they are a reason to refuse in favor of ballet flats, sandals, sneakers and other flat shoes. These include pain in the spine, legs and lower back, and the most common diseases provoked by a hairpin are arthritis, swelling of the legs.

The golden mean for lovers of high heels

Undoubtedly, girls in high heels are beautiful and charming. But they also need to take care of their health. In some places - at work, in the car, on a walk - carry a second pair of comfortable replacement shoes with you. Of course, high-heeled shoes are indispensable for a business meeting or a date, but if you are not comfortable walking on high stilettos, you can buy shoes with 5-9 cm heels, they also look quite elegant. Or pick up fashionable shoes with a wedge, platform or wide, stable heels.

Do you want to learn how to wear high heels without affecting your body structure? Listen to the advice of yoga therapist Elena Ulmasbayeva.

The question of whether or not to wear stilettos worries all women on the planet. And most often the answer to it is unequivocal: of course, wear it! After all, a modern woman cannot imagine herself without high-heeled shoes that lengthen her legs and elevate her above reality and rivals in the struggle for survival. From the point of view of the Darwinian theory of the origin of species, the intentions of a woman are understandable and even necessary. However... Be honest: walking in high heels is uncomfortable. You can stand in them, leaning against the wall, or sit in an armchair, beautifully crossing your legs. But just don't walk!

On your own. In ancient China, wearing heels was a privilege of the nobility. High status obliged to be above all in the literal sense of the word. In addition, in China for a thousand years there was a cult of a small foot. From the age of eight, girls had their feet tightly swaddled so that they would not grow. This custom turned aristocrats into cripples, who often could not move without assistance. Outside of China, the “swaddling ceremony” did not spread, but high heels in the Middle Ages “came” to the West along the Great Silk Road.

Below grass. Modern women who want to remain not only beautiful, but also healthy can be given advice: the heel should not be higher than five centimeters. The human musculoskeletal system is designed in such a way that the main support falls on the heels. And if you decide to flaunt in shoes with higher heels - do not wear them every day. Many women know about this, but still continue to run to work on ten-centimeter stilettos and “go down to the ground” only when they discover that they have grown bones at the base of their big toes, the X-shape or O-shape of their legs has intensified, hard and large calves, knees do not straighten and lower back hurts. Unfortunately, a memo with a description of the possible consequences is not put in a box with brand new patent leather shoes! But in heels, the weight of the body is transferred to the forefoot and toes, which are not evolutionarily adapted to support the entire body. To balance ourselves in space, we, depending on individual characteristics, begin to bend our knees, push our pelvis forward and arch our lower back. The head and neck are extremely tense. When walking in heels, the entire spine is compressed, posture is disturbed, internal organs are displaced. This is especially pronounced when teenage girls put on hairpins, whose skeleton is not yet fully formed. But this can lead to a slowdown in physical development, since an inadequately distributed load in the musculoskeletal system negatively affects the growth zones of the long tubular bones of the epiphysis.

The proposed complex will not correct the severe deformity of the joints, but will help relieve tension. In personal practice, place accents depending on individual characteristics. For example, with protruding bones, stretch the inner sides of the big toes, with a lowered arch of the foot and X-shaped legs, press the outer edges of the feet to the floor more strongly and raise the inner parts of the ankles, with an O-shaped deformity and skew from the side of the outer edges of the feet, point to the floor bases of the big toes. And if, as a result of wearing heels, the hips begin to protrude strongly forward, press your heels on the floor and pull in the top of your knees. You can perform this complex at any time.

Do not do Viparita Karani (Inverted Candle Pose) during your period. By the way, during this period, walking in high heels is especially undesirable, because it overstrains the front wall of the abdomen and disrupts circulation in the pelvic organs.

6 poses for beautiful legs

The complex helps to relieve tension in the feet, aligns the structure of the legs, frees the lower back.

1. Uttanasana (Intense Stretch Pose)
Stand on a rolled up mat so that your heels rest on the floor and the pads are on a raised platform. Lower your hands to the floor. Draw in your elbows, turn your shoulders.

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose, hands on bricks)
Place two bricks with the short edge against the wall. Press both palms against the bricks and step back, entering Adho Mukha Svanasana. Lower your heels to the floor and lift your toes up.

3. Supta Padangushthasana I and II (Thumb Grab Pose I and II)
Lying on the floor, bend your right leg at the knee, grab your big toe with your fingers. Actively working with your legs, hold the pose for 3 minutes. Take the leg to the right, not allowing the left side of the pelvis to rise. Stay in the pose for another 3 minutes. Then follow both options to the left.

4. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)
1. Connect your knees and sit on your heels. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, bringing the inner parts of the feet together.

2. Then, raising the pelvis, tuck the toes. Lower your pelvis onto your heels. Balance in this position for 30 seconds.

3. Raise your pelvis again and spread your heels apart. Lower the outer sides of the buttocks to the heels. Stay like this for another 30 seconds.

5. Malasana (variation of Garland pose)
Place your palms on the windowsill. Squat down, lowering your pelvis to the floor and trying to press your heels to the floor or a rolled rug. Stretch your spine. Stay in the pose for at least 30 seconds.

6. Viparita Karani (Inverted Candle Pose)
Place the roller a few inches from the wall. Sit on the side of the roller. Tie a belt around the middle of your thighs and ankles. Bending your knees, transfer them to the wall, and lower your shoulders and thoracic spine to the floor. Lower your buttocks into the gap between the roller and the wall. The loin should be in a deflection on the roller.

Timofey Rakin, chiropractor:
What happens when you regularly wear shoes with heels higher than 3 cm? The Achilles tendon contracts, the center of gravity moves forward. The bones of the fingers are pressed into the sock. This leads to a hammer-like expansion of the toes: the Achilles tendon is deformed, bump-like swellings appear on the heel, and the inner region of the foot becomes inflamed. Then these processes become chronic, and the shape of the legs does not change for the better. So instead of the expected beauty and sex appeal, women get swollen legs with crooked fingers! Modern beauty standards require shoes with heels not lower than 6 cm, but one should be aware of irreversible consequences: pain in the back and legs, curvature of the spine and pelvic bones, diseases of internal organs and varicose veins. There is an opinion, which I, by the way, share, that the desire to show sexuality solely with the help of high heels to the detriment of health is associated with psychological problems based on a sense of self-doubt.

Photo: yogainspiration /
