The seventh (7th year) wedding anniversary is a copper wedding. All wedding anniversaries

Represents a period of life together when there is a weakening of emotional intimacy, infatuation and passion. Confusion, doubt, and a feeling of impasse arise.

Characteristics of the crisis period

On the one hand, there is an established common life and relationships. On the other hand, it happens satiation with addiction, thoughts arise about the doubtfulness of further life together, about the mistake of choice. This inevitably leads to quarrels, conflicts, and disagreements. Often spouses cannot even understand the reasons for their occurrence.

The occurrence of crises is individual, because each family is unique, it has its own characteristics, rules, traditions. It is difficult to compare families; one can only highlight certain common features that are characteristic of all. Much depends on the behavior of family members.

There are practically conflict-free relationships within a couple, and there are those in which disagreements arise especially often. But there are such psychologically important periods in family relationships when the danger of conflicts is most likely. One of these dangerous periods is the crisis of 7 years of marriage. Psychologists consider this period a kind of turning point.


After seven years of marriage together, a crisis of monotony and accumulation of problems often begins. For 7 years, life has been adjusted. Family responsibilities are shared. The child(ren) is growing up. A feeling of routine, emptiness, and monotony is created.

A crisis is not born out of thin air. It begins with small strokes that intensify and reach a climax. Initial symptoms of a crisis: focusing on the shortcomings rather than the best qualities of a partner, the pressure of everyday life, weakening of the pleasure of communication.

Fact. During the seven-year crisis in family relations, the number of divorces is increasing.

Due to predictability and constancy, there is a distance from each other. Interest loses its edge. Conflicts begin. Although this figure is quite arbitrary and individual. Rather, its average value is given. After all, each individual marriage has its own laws of development, features, traditions, and characters.

Main signs of crisis 7 years

During this period the following phenomena are observed:

  • increased frequency of quarrels, angry statements;
  • manifestation of indifference;
  • weakening of sexual sensations;
  • showing interest in other possible partners.

Usually, after seven years of married life, there is a child in the family, sometimes more than one. Disputes about growing children can also cause family quarrels. There is not always agreement on issues of education. Sometimes children do not live up to expectations and hopes. This can give rise to mutual reproaches. But children can feel their supposed guilt, and this will not have the best effect on them

Advice. There is no need to assume that the child does not understand anything at all. It is enough to listen to the stories of adults about their childhood memories to understand that even if now he is not fully aware of what he is observing, this does not cancel his feelings and emotions.

The couple are still beautiful and young. Sometimes there are attempts to try yourself in other relationships. At this age there are many suitable candidates. It seems to the spouse that it is important to feel like a man, to be distracted. And women may wonder: did she choose that one? However, others seem better from a distance. The shortcomings are not immediately noticeable. Time will pass and they will reveal themselves.

There is a misconception that the best is behind us. Ahead lies boredom, monotony, problems. During the 7-year crisis, it is often the woman who initiates quarrels. Drunkenness, drug addiction, and beatings cannot be justified. In other cases, there are a lot of compromises.

Causes of crisis situations

  1. Feeling of monotony, monotony, the too familiar rhythm of existing relationships. The days are alike.
  2. Moving away from each other, decreased sexuality. Lack of romance. Decreased tenderness and sensuality. Ignoring the importance of the sexual side of life for men. Weakening of the desire to be sexually attractive to the husband.
  3. The emergence of disagreements. All traits and aspects of character have already been learned. They begin to defend their own opinion, infringing on the position of the other half. Satisfying your own desires while ignoring your partner’s needs. Inability to give in or compromise.
  4. Everyday problems. Mutual reproaches on this basis.
  5. Lack of romance. It is important especially for women. The absence or smaller number of admirations, crazy actions, and holidays reduces emotional satisfaction.

How to survive a relationship crisis

It is necessary to consider and decide whether saving the marriage is truly necessary. And what does your partner think about it? Without confidence and desire, it is difficult to save family relationships.

However, in most cases the prognosis remains positive. We need to analyze the time spent together, traditions, habits. Among which, identify events with a “plus” and “minus” sign.

Events and facts with a plus sign

  • outdoor recreation with the whole family;
  • joint trips to the sea and other vacation spots;
  • interesting time spent together: mushroom hunting, swimming in the river, visiting sports complexes, cultural events;
  • the presence of feelings that you are loved and in love;
  • any interesting entertainment: picnics, cinema, excursions, cafes.

Events and facts with a minus sign

  • disdainful attitude towards a partner during joint affairs;
  • receiving reproaches instead of the expected support and praise;
  • expression of disapproval or envy.

An analysis of everyday life, relationships, reasons for cooling, disappointments is necessary.

A reliable way is to simply talk. Silence only makes problems worse.

It is important to understand that there is no one person to blame for the current situation. Both are always to blame. Be able to admit this to yourself honestly, without shifting all the blame onto your marriage partner.

Important. Without hearing each other, it is impossible to reach agreement.

Review your own requirements. Cannot or does not want to fulfill a request - two different things. Don't feel the need to justify yourself. Simple communication and a change of scenery are optimal. Using the magic words “Have it your way.”

Providing personal space to the partner to fulfill individual needs. Everyone has the right to personal time and space, activities and thoughts.

What is important to do during a difficult period

The following actions will help you get out of the crisis with minimal losses, and even possibly gains:

  • talk to each other, discuss any problem in a calm tone;
  • not only talk, but also listen, and most importantly, hear;
  • if possible avoid quarrels, pressure on each other;
  • show love and tenderness, as before, because not only words are important, but also a look, a touch, a smile;
  • make every effort to eliminate the displeasure, bring romance and, to some extent, game;
  • identify irritating factors, find ways to get rid of them;
  • calmly discuss, plan, set deadlines;
  • set a common tempting goal, save money for it, try to enjoy even the little things together;
  • distribute family responsibilities constantly helping each other;
  • diversify your home and life in general;
  • solve all financial issues together, give good advice, discuss issues of saving the family budget;
  • don't reproach partner for what he didn’t have time to do, but praise him for what he has already done.

In particularly difficult cases, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

If difficult situations arise, it is recommended to contact psychologists. They will help you understand your specific situation and give individual advice. They also developed general recommendations.

  1. If it is impossible to avoid quarrels be able to pause, be silent, write your complaints on a piece of paper. During the period of recording and simultaneous analysis, it is often possible to calm down by looking at the problem differently.
  2. Remember a happy past. After all, at the beginning of our journey together, everything was different, there was a lot of light, kindness, and warmth. The feelings that gave birth to the family were sincere.
  3. For happiness you definitely need travel together 4-5 times a year. Don't forget about the romantic side of relationships. Trips do not have to be long, because the budget must be calculated rationally.
  4. Escape from everyday life and routine, change the environment more often.
  5. A woman, after giving birth to children, devoting almost all her time to them, don't forget about your husband. Live not for the sake of children, but with them, to remain happy.
  6. Kolkikh avoid judgments and insults, forgive and apologize. Subsequently, this will be appreciated by the spouses.
  7. Take a break from each other. Psychologists advise spending one month apart.
  8. To many situations approach with a sense of humor, statements that can upset, turn into jokes.

Psychologists compare marriage to a living organism. Just as the body develops, changes, and sometimes gets sick, so does marriage.

Ways out of the crisis

Any crisis has its end. What it will be depends on the two.

The crisis of 7 years of marriage reveals weaknesses, points out gaps and shortcomings. There is always a way out.

However, if you were unable to overcome the crisis, you need to make sure that you really fought (at least six months).

Interesting. The 7-year crisis is a catalyst that helps you see cracks in relationships and family life.

Having overcome the crisis, it is necessary to bring relations to a new stage of development. After all, a period of second love may come. And do not strive to start another relationship without marriage. You just need to take care of yourself, body, appearance, soul.

Having survived the crisis with dignity, the family will only become stronger. The spouses will be able to like each other again. We just need to remember the importance of the following factors:

  • communication;
  • harmonious sex;
  • attention, care, embodiment of crazy ideas.

The seven-year crisis is a kind of threshold that can be overcome while maintaining beneficial relationships in marriage. However, you can stumble, receiving a harbinger of a big thunderstorm on the family horizon. Skillfully overcoming the crisis will give confidence and strength for the further flourishing of relations. The entire future life of the family often depends on this.

Video consultation

Sergei Gudkov talks about the crises of the first, third and seventh years of life.

7 is a fabulous, sacred and lucky number. If your marriage is already 7 years old, this is a very good sign, encouraging that the next wedding anniversaries are just around the corner, which symbolize increasingly stronger elements. And the seventh wedding year is associated with copper or wool.

On this day, give your loved one a gift or give a gift to a married couple you know. Choosing a themed gift that includes copper and/or wool is not so difficult; we will help you choose original and pleasant options. And on this day you can give something related to the number 7 in order to leave a long-lasting memory of such a significant date.

And you don’t have to look far for ideas - read this article.

7 years of marriage is called a copper or wool wedding... Why?

By associating wedding anniversaries with a certain material, tradition relies on its properties. Easily degradable substances - chintz, paper - are replaced by wood, then by metals that are increasingly resistant to external influences. And now the turn came to copper.

Copper is a durable metal with a fiery glow. It hides within itself the flame of Venus, which emerged from the foam onto the shores of Cyprus, which gave its name to the Latin name for copper - “cuprum”.

On the 7th anniversary, copper reminds of marital love, which no longer blazes with bright passion, but flows like current through wires - it’s not for nothing that they are mostly copper.

In extrasensory perception, copper drives away evil spirits and fills the room with positive energy: a very useful option for a family home! In medicine, copper has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, regulates metabolic processes, quickly heals bruises: you must agree, this is very important in the family body.

Copper is strong, but it is a fairly soft metal that is easily forged and its shape can be changed by melting down. Likewise, relationships that have already developed in their deepest basis can be improved and corrected, striving for diamond perfection.

As for wool, it is primarily associated with warmth and comfort. Roman brides wrapped wool yarn around the doors of the groom's house, and spouses untied their sheep's wool belts on their wedding night.

If the family is already 7 years old, it will definitely warm those who enter it with its care, enveloping it in a warm “woolen” cocoon. But do not forget that wool products can be prickly and “biting”, and if you care for them incorrectly, they can “cough”. You need to constantly work on relationships: this is the secret to a happy family.

Our seventh anniversary: ​​exchanging gifts!

Spouses who have been waking up in the same bed for 7 years, are no strangers to romance, will want to give each other not only kisses, but also small surprise gifts.

You can present each other with the following signs of attention and love related to wedding anniversary materials:

If both spouses agree, on this day you can invite a furball into the family - a pet: a kitten, puppy, hamster, guinea pig, decorative rabbit, chinchilla or even a ferret!

Surely, by the age of 7 years together, the existing child has already grown enough to accept responsibility and receive lessons of selfless love from the little creature.

Such a purchase will be a gift for the whole family, marking a new stage in their life. The main thing is that all family members enjoy the new pet. Such gifts should not be given as a surprise.

To you, my love! Seventh birthday gifts for wives

A loving husband, who does not forget about the anniversary of their marriage, tries to please his wife with a surprise that matches the theme of the anniversary. Attentive men enjoy from their wives the well-deserved credit of boundless trust and complaisance! Therefore, it is worth spending a little time and choosing from the list of gifts the most suitable for your wife.

Copper is in favor

From this metal, which is considered valuable, although not very expensive, you can choose many useful things for gifts that women will definitely like:

Wool ideas

If copper gifts have not found a response in your soul, or you want to cover both sides of the anniversary, turn your gaze towards wool. Your wife will probably like something from the following list:

  • a beautiful shawl that you will carefully throw over her shoulders in chilly weather;
  • a new woolen dress (if you find it difficult to choose, donate a certificate to the appropriate store or to have it made by hand to order);
  • an openwork knitted napkin (you can put a copper figurine on it), order its production or purchase a ready-made one;
  • an exclusive soft toy - such gifts are given to romantic wives who have retained in the depths of their souls a little childish spontaneity and the ability to sincerely rejoice;
  • a craft box filled with skeins of multi-colored wool - a craftswoman will appreciate this gift and quickly find a use for it.

For a spouse with seven years of experience: what to give your husband for a copper wedding

A wife who has lived with her husband for 7 years has already studied his tastes quite deeply, and choosing a suitable gift for him usually does not present any difficulties for her. To make it easier to choose, here are our lists of interesting options.

Gifts made of copper

What metal will attract the attention of your beloved husband? The gift should, first of all, be something that is useful in everyday life: men value practical use over beauty. Good gifts would be things for relaxation or shared leisure time. In short, choose:

You can knit a warm scarf, a cozy sweater, or an exclusive hat from wool for your loved one. Of course, all this is easier to acquire. But, according to the popular French writer Hervé Bazin, “The bird sings to declare: this place is occupied by me, and the woman knits to emphasize: this man belongs to me.”

Are you invited to a copper/wool wedding? Choosing gifts for friends

If your friends or relatives are celebrating their seventh anniversary, try to surprise them with a gift that matches its name. If you definitely want to give a universal gift - money, for example, make an original paper clip from copper wire for the bills or wrap them with woolen yarn, you can even hide the bundle in a ball of thread.

However, this way you can give absolutely any small gift. On this day, we try to give not individual gifts, but something for the whole family, or gifts should be in pairs.

Copper surprises for the family

The majority of copper gifts are souvenirs and nice things intended for relaxation and comfort. A seven-year-old family can be presented with the following interesting gifts:

Wool family gifts

Choosing a gift from wool for a married couple is also not so difficult: there are so many useful things made from this material! Gift options:

  • blanket - useful in any home;
  • a blanket or blanket for a sofa, armchairs, bed;
  • bath accessories;
  • paired knitted items: mittens, inside of which you can hold hands, a blanket to cover yourself together, etc.;
  • painting made from wool.

7 ideas with the number 7

Since the number 7 is traditionally considered lucky in our culture, you can come up with interesting gifts related to this number for your seventh wedding anniversary. What do you associate with the number 7? We present to you 7 original ideas for such gifts.

Whatever gift you choose for your seventh wedding anniversary, the main thing is that it is warmed with love. Just as copper conducts current, so let understanding continue to be the basis of relationships. Wool warms and heals - let the spouses pour out warmth and care to each other and to their children.

Until the next, even stronger and more precious wedding anniversaries!

According to ancient traditions, the seventh anniversary of the marriage of the spouses is a copper wedding or, as it is also called, a woolen wedding. Such definitions for the next marriage milestone are not accidental; the life of a husband and wife vaguely resembles these materials. Relationships are valuable, soft and can take the desired form - spouses adapt to each other’s tastes and preferences, value the point of view of a loved one, cherish what was given with such difficulty. Cozy and warm, like wool, but sometimes they can be prickly - rarely does a couple get along without disagreements, they are still learning the delights of everyday life and do not always agree with the other half.

The 7 years of weddings that have passed in worries extinguish the fire of passion, transferring it to the plane of regularity and cold reason. Children grow up, their views on life become similar, but occasionally outbreaks of jealousy tone up one of the spouses, who relaxes with the flow, ceasing to fight for the attention of her husband (wife).
It is believed that a 7 year wedding anniversary is a significant moment; if a couple experiences it together, it means that they will carry love and mutual respect until the holidays corresponding to other precious metals (gold and silver).

Wedding traditions for 7 years of marriage

The Russian soul is accustomed to celebrating everything on a grand scale, and the copper wedding is no exception. On this day, they do not gather a purely narrow circle of close people (children and parents), but call friends and acquaintances who want to congratulate the “newlyweds”.
There are several traditions dating back to the distant past.

  1. The spouses were given copper rings, which they exchanged at the wedding and did not remove the jewelry for a year. This is a symbol of fidelity, prosperity and a vow for a long life together.
  2. The tradition that drove away all troubles and misfortunes from the family consisted of the husband and wife wearing costumes. They had to be “loud”, supplemented with coins and metal objects (necessarily made of copper); during the dance and meal, a melodious ringing could be heard, driving away evil spirits and envious people from the family.
  3. The spouses were given copper glasses or cups from which they drank throughout the evening. Our ancestors could serve the table with such dishes for a wide range of guests, but reviving traditions can now be limited to glasses for the young.
  4. A horseshoe (decorative or real) is hung over the threshold of the house; a copper wedding will be a turning point in the formation of the first family amulet. All the negative energy carried by ill-wishers will remain outside the threshold.

How to celebrate your 7th wedding anniversary

The more interesting and unusual the copper wedding celebration is, the longer it will remain in the memory of friends and family. You can invite a professional toastmaster, who will come with a ready-made script and organize a holiday of the highest standard with music, toasts and jokes. A copper wedding can be a discovery for spouses in terms of eating habits - it is worth trying Japanese, Asian or Chinese cuisine. Fragrant food, moderately spicy, will symbolically add spice to a measured life. This is a subconscious hint that it's time to liven up and get rid of the routine.

There is no desire to invite guests - you can go on an exciting trip full of surprises to the mountains (to the sea/in the forest) or spend a romantic evening on the lake shore away from civilization and prying eyes. A gift for a copper wedding is a mandatory attribute that spouses must exchange. Jewelry, clothing items with metallic decor - anything that contains copper will be iconic and appropriate.

What to give for your 7th wedding anniversary

Guests can sometimes rack their brains over gifts for a long time, trying to find something unique, non-trivial and something that will not gather dust on the outskirts of the family hearth, but will be useful in everyday life. What is given as a gift for a copper wedding is a question that is of great interest to modern people. The following copper items would be an excellent option:

  1. Jewelry boxes - a gift given to a woman who will use it for its intended purpose, keeping things dear to her heart. It is better to choose exquisite handmade products with forged elements; such a box can be placed in a prominent place to decorate the interior.
  2. Cast candlesticks - they must have 7 candles in order to bring good luck to their new owners. This is a unique gift for a 7th wedding anniversary, its cost is high and the risk that another guest will repeat the idea is minimal.
  3. Copper flower vases or fruit bowls - copper is an environmentally friendly metal without harmful impurities and does not emit an unpleasant odor. It may come into contact with food or plants.
  4. Woolen scarves or socks that can warm and surround the newlyweds with warmth. A relevant option for those who celebrate their wedding day in the fall; very soon the cold winds will bring discomfort into a person’s life and you need to hurry up and give him a pleasant and useful gift dedicated to the family celebration.

Spouses living in an atmosphere of mutual respect and love will definitely turn a banal holiday into an unusual, memorable one, symbolizing feelings that have not yet cooled down. A copper wedding is an opportunity to rethink the past years, “work on mistakes” and receive a powerful charge of positive energy from friends and acquaintances who sincerely wish the well-being and well-being of the married couple.

Vika Di

What kind of wedding is called a copper wedding? After how many years of marriage does a copper wedding occur? A copper anniversary is when 7 years of marriage have passed. The number 7 is considered particularly significant in many cultures; it is even sometimes attributed magical meaning, so the seventh wedding anniversary is a special holiday that must be celebrated.

Why is the seventh wedding anniversary called copper? This means that it is assigned a certain meaning. By the way, 7th wedding anniversary is called not only copper, but also wool, although not everyone knows about it. Let's try to think about what copper and wool symbolize in relation to the 7th wedding anniversary.

Copper is a fairly strong metal, but it also bends. So it is with a family after seven years of marriage: it is already quite strong and established, but there is still an opportunity to change something, correct it, “bend” it in the right direction

Wool is associated in our minds with warmth and comfort: woolen things are pleasant to wear, they create warmth, and therefore are fully consistent with the kind of relationship that should exist between spouses. Sturdy and warm – perfect for a family, is not it?

How to celebrate your 7th wedding anniversary

To adequately celebrate this anniversary, it is advisable to develop a copper wedding scenario for 7 years of marriage, but first decide who you will invite. If over the years you have maintained close relationships with friends who attended your wedding, then it would be good to invite them and, of course, your parents. You can also invite new friends if you have any.

The celebration can be held at home or in a restaurant.. If you have sufficient financial resources, then it is worth inviting a toastmaster and discussing the scenario with him.

It is not necessary to organize a large-scale event, the main thing is that it takes place in a warm atmosphere, so a copper wedding at home will be no less fun than in a restaurant

An invitation to celebrate 7 years of married life must be sent out in advance so that the guests have time to prepare. You can specify a dress code on the invitation. It should be in copper tones. If the guests do not have copper-colored items, they can choose wool colors: for sheep it is light (white, gray) or black, for camels it is in brown tones. And the owners, when welcoming guests, can pin copper-colored bows on them.

  • "Girls! I thought that 7 years ago I was offered a hand, a heart and a gold ring, but it turned out that they were talking about a stove, a vacuum cleaner and a washing machine!”
  • “Guys! Know that after 7 years of family life I realized that everything is divided equally! Socks and shaving foam for you, a fur coat for your wife and a trip to the Canary Islands.”

Home decoration and menu

As you understand, it is also advisable to keep both home decoration and dishes in shades, close to copper color, in a fairly wide range from orange-red to reddish-brown. Balloons, garlands, flowers - all this will create a festive atmosphere.

An original decoration will be hearts made of copper wire, which can be made of different sizes and hung and/or placed next to each guest’s device. Make seven the main symbol of the holiday, formed from balloons and mounted on the wall.

Spouses can arrange a photo session for a copper wedding in advance, make a photo collage from the pictures and hang it on the wall for everyone to see. If there are children in the family, ask them to draw your family and be sure to add these drawings.

The menu for the festive feast should also correspond to the copper wedding. This doesn't require much effort. Carrots are closest in color to copper, and should be used more actively in decorating dishes. If you make the top layer of the usual herring under its fur coat with carrots, then it will fit perfectly into the holiday. Oranges for dessert will complement this impression. Birthday cake decorate with your initials and number 7. It will fit perfectly into the overall holiday picture if the top is filled with orange jelly.

How to have fun celebrating your 7th wedding anniversary

7- The 1st wedding anniversary is certainly a significant event, but you shouldn’t turn it into something officially boring. The first word belongs to the parents: they will express their congratulations and wishes, and then the guests will speak.

Surely among your friends there is someone especially resourceful and witty - so entrust him/her with the role of toastmaster, familiarize yourself with the list of guests and think about how to make the holiday interesting and fun. Surely you will get, and they can also be beaten, but this is up to the toastmaster and his ability to improvise.

By the way, you can read about gifts for your husband for a copper anniversary (7 years of wedding), and you can familiarize yourself with the list of gifts for your wife for a copper anniversary (7 years of wedding).

Take care of the background music too, but choose music in accordance not only with the tastes of your generation, but also the generation of your parents, they will be very pleased with it.

Competitions are the decoration of any wedding. Think back to the ones you had at your wedding and recreate some of them. Here are a couple more ideas.

Competition for the best dancer

For it you need to draw up in advance musical composition of the most diverse dances, and they must go on without a break (in small fragments, perhaps), and the participants must instantly adapt to the appropriate melody. The competition is quite difficult, because instantly switching from a gypsy to a lambada or from a waltz to a Russian squat dance is not so easy.

Competition to see who can do household chores better

There are two teams of 5 people, one male and one female. Task for women: dress a baby doll in 5 items: diaper, dress, booties, cap and bib. Task for men: drive 5 nails into the board in the marked places. The “objects” lie on chairs at the other end of the room. Each team member performs one of 5 actions. The team that finishes it faster wins the first round. But that is not all! At the command of the toastmaster, the teams change tasks, and this is where the fun begins. Only women need to be more careful not to break off their fingers.

The winners of the competitions, and all guests can give refrigerator magnets in the shape of horseshoes– may they also have the same happiness as you!

January 19, 2018

The crazy and charming years of married life are passing very quickly. As if yesterday the chords of Mendelssohn’s famous waltz sounded, the train of a white dress flowed and the gaze of a loved one excited. And now a solid marital experience has been acquired. People use a calendar to commemorate the years they have lived together. Proven wisdom over the years suggests that a certain milestone on the path of the spouses symbolizes a certain stage and its overcoming. And 7 years of marriage, what kind of wedding? They call it a “copper wedding”, or a woolen one.

Copper is not the hardest metal, but it is unique in its properties and vital for the normal function of the human body. Wool both warms and tingles with its fibers. The family marriage has not yet fully strengthened; 7 years of grinding and “tingling” are behind us. And yet your union is unique, like a rare deposit of copper, and is warmed by a woolen shawl of mutual love, hope for an even greater strengthening of feelings and mutual understanding.

A copper wedding means a transition from fragile, soft bonds of marriage to a long and lasting union.

Living together for 7 years means the constant development of further marital relations. Seven is generally a special number in Rus'; many beliefs are associated with it. So you need to celebrate this wedding in a special way - bright and fun. You are already winners, hardened at such a difficult stage of building your personal happiness; try to lay the foundations of your own family traditions on this date. This could be an original dish of your own creation, or room decoration, or a special gift - anything that will pass from anniversary to anniversary.

What do you give for a copper wedding?

How to congratulate each other on your seventh wedding anniversary

Gifts within the family of the celebrants are also very important. The very meaning of the name of the wedding hints that this is not a rare and expensive metal, that the spouses have something to strive for, improve relationships and life, and accumulate wealth. You can take this both seriously and with a grain of skepticism: it doesn’t matter how many years or months you’ve been married - the main thing is that you are happy and love each other. Exchange copper rings and store them for future dates.

7 wedding anniversary: ​​what kind of wedding, what to give to your husband. Of course, traditionally the husband presents his beloved wife with copper jewelry: beads, earrings, hair clips and, of course,! And the beloved gives some woolen items made with her own hands (knits a pullover sweater, vest, hat). You can knit a souvenir bag and put some item in it (cigarette case, bracelet). Such a gift will be especially pleasant, because it is unique, made by the skillful hands of his wife. Your friends will be jealous!

The closest relatives (fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers) will be able to please the children with a beautiful blanket, woolen throws for the sofa and armchairs. A gift from them in the form of a money tree could be very original and symbolic. The tree is alive, beautiful, powerful. But you need to decorate it with copper coins on beautiful woolen ribbons. According to legend, the tree will bring wealth, success and prosperity to the newlyweds’ home, and copper coins will increase wealth.
