How long does a sun tan last. Why country tan lasts longer than sea tan

Before moving on to the secrets of maintaining a tan, you need to understand why our skin changes color.

Many people do not think that UV rays are useful for our body only the first minutes of exposure to the sun. Abuse of sunbathing is fraught with burns.

Under the influence of sunlight, the skin loses a lot of moisture, its elasticity deteriorates, and wrinkles appear. At the same time, melanin production processes are launched in the body, due to which the skin changes its shade to a darker one.

Sunlight affects everyone differently. Dark-skinned people tan more easily and last longer, while fair-skinned people suffer from excessive redness with minimal exposure to the sun.

Many women, getting on the coast of the sea, treat solar procedures with fanaticism. They sunbathe until they get burned. After their skin turns red, it darkens over time, flakes and peels off. Thus, the skin is restored, rejecting damaged cells.

At the moment when the skin is covered, the acquired tan disappears, and the skin acquires its natural color.

Therefore, in order for the tan to last longer, it is important not to get burned and constantly moisturize the skin.

Preparing the body for tanning

Basically, all women think about saving their own when a tan has already been obtained. But this is not entirely correct. To make your tan last longer, you need to prep your skin before you head to the beach.

These are simple daily procedures that are familiar to each of you. So, before you go to the sea you need:

  • Cleanse the skin with non-acid scrubs. Thanks to this, you will get rid of dead skin cells, the tan will lie flat and last longer. Just remember that this procedure must be done a few days before the first exit to the beach. During this time, the skin will recover after the cleansing procedure.
  • Visit a bath or sauna. In the bath, your skin is steamed and cleansed. At this point, you can perform a full body peeling procedure.
  • Take a hot bath. If you don't have access to a sauna, a hot sea salt bath can be a great alternative.
  • Get out in the sun more often. In order to get the desired tan faster, try to start sunbathing before going to the sea. Dark-skinned people do not burn as quickly, and they can stay in the sun longer. And this leads to a more intense tan.
  • Drink 1 glass of carrot juice. Start drinking carrot juice a week before your trip. This vegetable stimulates the production of melanin, thanks to which our skin acquires the desired shade.

Preparing your skin for tanning

Our face suffers most from the sun's rays. Probably every woman is familiar with the situation when, and after the manifestation of a tan, they have a more pronounced brown tint.

In order for the tan on the face to lie evenly and last for a long time, it is necessary to do a light peeling with a cosmetic product based on oatmeal.

Rules for staying in the sun and getting a tan

In order for a tan to stay with you for many months, you need to purchase it correctly. Many women know, but don't follow, simple sun exposure tips.

But because how seriously you will approach this issue, not only the quality of the tan, but also your health in general depends.

We have compiled basic rules that will help minimize the negative effects of aggressive sunlight.

  1. Sunbathing is better not to take in the period from 11.00 to 16.00.
  2. Be sure to use sunscreen with SPF.
  3. In the first few days of your stay on the beach, it is recommended to sunbathe in the shade. Thus, you will sunbathe longer, but allow the skin to adapt and definitely not get burned.
  4. The first 3 days should not be in the open sun for more than 30 minutes.
  5. After you return from the beach and take a shower, apply special after-sun products to your skin.

Tanning products

But for those who want to tan, these methods are unlikely to suit. Sunscreen is a great alternative to a T-shirt and umbrella. Such creams and lotions should contain an SPF factor in their composition. It is he who blocks or reflects the rays.

Different sunscreens have different levels of protection. When buying such a product, pay attention to the numbers next to the inscription "". They can range from 2 to 50+. The higher the value of the number, the higher the degree of protection.

We recommend purchasing 2 sunscreens. One is more powerful and the other is weaker. For example, a cream with SPF 50 and SPF15. In the first few days of sun exposure, use a high protection product, and when the skin has a bronze tan, less.

You need to choose tanning products based on yours. If you're naturally dark, then you're less likely to get sunburned, so a cream with SPF30 might be a good choice for high protection.

After sun products

In addition to creams, lotions and tanning sprays, your cosmetic bag should have. They are also called prolongators.

They well moisturize and nourish the skin, make it supple and elastic. In addition, they fix the tan.

Give preference to cosmetics containing aloe. Not bad if the composition contains an extract of arnica, witch hazel or horsetail, as well as citrus essential oils.

How to keep a tan after the sea

Once you get back from vacation, you'll have to work hard to keep your tan from disappearing after a few weeks.

It is worth noting that a sea tan is washed off faster than a tan obtained on the banks of a river reservoir or in a summer cottage. All due to the fact that going to the sea, we find ourselves in an unusual climate for you. The body is in a state of stress and rebuilds. After returning home, active recovery processes are launched in the body. As a result, the acquired tan disappears, and the skin acquires its natural shade.

This process cannot be stopped, but it can be slowed down. To do this, follow the following tips.

  1. Apply a moisturizing lotion to your skin every day after taking a shower.
  2. Take baths with sea salt or flaxseed oil.
  3. For a while, refuse to visit the baths and saunas.
  4. For daily hygiene procedures, do not use hard washcloths.
  5. Avoid scrubs.
  6. Do not use cosmetics that contain ingredients that whiten the skin (cucumber, lemon, etc.).

How to keep a tan after a solarium

In order for a spectacular bronze tan after a solarium not to disappear for a long time, you must adhere to the following rules. Namely:

  • Prepare the skin for tanning, making gentle peeling;
  • Use sunscreens that are suitable for tanning in a solarium;
  • After achieving the desired skin tone, do not use cosmetics with a whitening effect.

How to maintain an intense tan without sun exposure

In order to keep the acquired tan until next summer, you will have to visit regularly. This is the only way that will 100% preserve your bronzed skin tone. For many people, these procedures, therefore, before visiting the solarium, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

If there are no contraindications, then a month after returning from the sea coast, you can go to the solarium. To maintain the existing tan, it will be enough for you to carry out 1 session per week, lasting 5-6 minutes.

Some women actively use self-tanning cosmetics. These are creams, lotions or sprays that, after contact with the skin, change the color of the skin.

How to keep a tan for a long time: folk remedies

If you do not have the time and opportunity to visit solariums, then folk skin care recipes will come to the rescue, which are no less effective than a solarium.

hot baths

  • Make a strong decoction of chamomile, strain it and pour it into a bath of water. After taking such a bath, the tan lasts longer, and the skin becomes velvety.
  • Brew strong black tea and pour all the tea leaves into the bath. After a few procedures, you will notice how much the skin softened and became more toned.
  • Melt a bar of chocolate and mix with 100g of water, then pour this mixture into a bath of water. Thanks to this procedure, the skin is rejuvenated.
  • Perfectly moisturizes and saturates the skin with olive oil baths. Simply pour 0.5 cups of olive oil into a bath of water.


  • Wipe the skin daily with a swab dipped in black tea, cocoa or coffee.
  • You can wipe your face with infusions, for example, from a string or chamomile. To do this, take 10 tbsp. herbs or inflorescences and pour 1 liter of very hot water. All insist for 2 hours.
  • You can wash your face with green tea or milk.
  • Wipe the skin with cream.


  • Take the grounds of freshly brewed coffee and apply it on your face. Wait for the mask to dry. Rinse off the coffee afterwards. Massage the skin at that moment until the mask on the face is needed.


  • Take some carrot juice and olive oil. Mix these 2 ingredients. Apply the mask on your face and wash off with cool water after 15 minutes.
  • Mash 2 ripe tomatoes until a slurry is formed and mix with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 4 tbsp. fatty curd. Apply this mixture on your face and wash off with water after 1/3 hour.

Most of the components of folk remedies are in every housewife. The main thing here is not to be lazy and use them regularly.

Why tanning depends on diet

Under the influence of sunlight, the skin is dehydrated and it must be nourished not only with cosmetics, but also with vitamins, amino acids and fats from the inside. Do not forget about rational nutrition. Summer is the time when you can and should eat the maximum amount of fruits and vegetables. Some of the gifts of nature contribute to fixing the tan on our skin.

Pay attention to products:

  • Vitamin A- milk, apricots, cheeses, egg yolk, beef liver, etc. These products must be consumed in combination with fats (oily fish, nuts, etc.). This is how vitamin A is best absorbed.
  • Containing vitamin C- mainly fresh berries, fruits and vegetables (strawberries, black currants, tomatoes, peppers, etc.).
  • Containing vitamin E- vegetable oil (corn or sunflower), almonds.
  • Containing beta-carotene– spinach, peach, watermelon, carrot, melon, mango, etc.

The beneficial substances in these products are powerful antioxidants. They contribute to the rapid absorption of selenium and eliminate the consequences of the negative effects of sunlight on the human body.

  1. Every day, before going to the beach, drink 1 glass of apricot or carrot juice.
  2. Moisturize your skin constantly.
  3. Do not use folk remedies whose ingredients can whiten the skin (cucumber, lemon juice, etc.).
  4. Forget about aggressive scrubs.
  5. Visit the solarium periodically.
  6. Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

Great folk tips for prolonging a tan for a long time.


All the fair sex dream of dark skin. But a tan cannot last forever. The main condition for its preservation for a longer time is intensive skin hydration and proper care.

Regular beauty treatments, proper nutrition and a solarium - that's what will help you always be a "chocolate"!

Summer always attracts us with its sunny warm days, beautiful and vibrant nature. And, of course, we also love summer because there is an opportunity to go to the sea or the river and soak up a little under the sun. But how long does a tan last? It's a difficult question. It all depends on how you got it, what products you used and what type of skin you have.

beach tan

Of course, you should not think that your tan will last until the next vacation. It's not real. It is possible to support him, if only to go to the solarium and there, in the future, to acquire a tan. How long your tan lasts, you must understand from your own experience. That is, notice every year the time for which you have a summer or sea tan. It can only be noted that dark skin "keeps" a tan much more than "white" and is not so susceptible to the burning summer saline.

Instant tan

Instant tan. How long it stays on the skin - it all depends on the type of skin and the product used in the salon, the number of sessions performed also plays a big role. If you are a lover of a dark and rich tan, then it is better to do this procedure several times, perhaps three to four. Most likely, even in the salon they will tell you that one session will make your skin darker, only for two weeks and no more. Another very important thing is an instant tan and facial skin. You yourself know that we women use facial skin much more often: make-up, creams, washes, and other useful procedures, so an instant tan will last no more than ten days on the face.


Some of the female representatives prefer going to the solarium. How long does a tan made under lamps last? It is very important to understand that you should not overdo it with a tan in a solarium, and before visiting it, you need to consult a doctor. The tan itself lasts about two weeks. And as soon as your skin will be updated, then the tan will go away. But to maintain your tan, it is enough to visit this salon once or twice.

Everyone wants to flaunt a spectacular tan brought from warm lands for a longer time. How to make sure that the chocolate shade does not “wash off” after a week and lasts as long as possible, winding up pleasant memories and keeping the summer mood?

You can, of course, continue to fry in the solarium or patch up a fading tan. But it will harm already sun-dried skin. It is much more useful and easier to take care of the skin with the help of improvised means and introduce the “right” foods into the diet.

How long your tan lasts depends both on the individual skin characteristics and on the place where you tanned. So, in white-skinned people, the golden hue loses intensity much faster than in their swarthy neighbors on the beach. "Southern" tan is washed off faster than acquired in central Russia. Our skin, unaccustomed to the hot rays of the sun of the south, tries to recover faster and intensively exfoliates the "burnt" cells.

So that the tan does not “peel off” immediately after the holiday, the skin must be properly moisturized. Severely dehydrated, active creams and lotions with the prefixes "super" and "ultra" in the name are suitable for her. It would be nice to alternate them with a special “after-sun”, designed to solve two problems at once - moisturize the skin and fix the tan.

It is better to refrain from baths and saunas. Under the influence of steam and high temperature, a large amount of moisture is removed from the body, the skin comes off by “kilograms”, and the tan becomes noticeably paler. At the same time, if you do not exfoliate the top layer of the skin at all, then the tan will look uneven. Therefore, taking or various vegetable oils is very useful.

While you protect your tan, give up. Including from cosmetics and masks with milk, cucumber, lemon. Otherwise, the skin will not only fade, but may also “spot”.

Popular experience suggests that the tan will last longer if you wash and rinse the skin with weakly brewed tea. Tea helps to keep the skin dark, moisturizes the skin and tightens the pores. As a peeling, you can use coffee grounds: just apply it on your face and hold for 15 minutes. Such a scrub is good for the whole body, as it not only protects the tan, but also.

for long lasting tan
Make sure that your diet always contains the cherished trinity: vitamins A, C and E. They both protect the tan and fight the harmful effects of shock doses of ultraviolet radiation. They also promote the absorption of selenium, a powerful antioxidant. It is also necessary to increase the intake of beta-carotene (provitamin A) - it stimulates the production of melanin and is considered one of the most powerful natural tanning activators and fixers.

▪ Vitamin C is found in fresh summer vegetables and fruits. Eat them raw or drink freshly squeezed juices - this way vitamins are better preserved. Summer sources of vitamin C: strawberries, peppers, watercress, tomatoes.

▪ Vitamin A is found in foods such as milk, egg yolk, apricots, spinach, carrots, beef liver, fatty fish, butter, tomatoes, cheeses. Take into account that vitamin A is absorbed along with fats, for example, carrots are best eaten with sour cream or vegetable oil. Lettuce, red and yellow vegetables and fruits also help to maintain a tan.

▪ Champions for beta-carotene in all groups: mango, apricot, melon, carrot, yellow peach, spinach, watercress, watermelon, guava and all red-orange vegetables and fruits. That is why lovers of sunbathing attribute downright miraculous properties to carrot and apricot juices. They really brighten up the tan. But without fanaticism! Firstly, on a carrot-apricot make-up, the tan acquires a yellowish tint. Secondly, it can give a "leopard color" to your body. To avoid such embarrassment, it is better not to abuse juices. One glass a day is enough.

▪ Vitamin E contains vegetable oils, especially sunflower and corn. It is also abundant in almonds, hazelnuts, and fresh vegetables.

▪ Selenium can be found in seafood, shellfish and fish. And also in mushrooms, garlic, onions and whole grain products.

11 chose

After returning from the resort, you want to keep the bronze skin tone longer. There are several easy ways to do this.

You have probably noticed that a tan obtained at a seaside resort is much more intense: it looks brighter, but, alas, lasts less. If you took sunbaths in your native latitudes, then the skin tone will not be so bronze, but it will last an order of magnitude longer. This is explained very simply: in the south, the sun burns much stronger and the skin receives a decent dose of radiation, even if you sunbathed according to all the rules. That is why sea tan is so dark. Over time, the body will try to renew the epidermis faster, which is why the southern tan fades so quickly. But there are ways to keep it. We'll talk about this.

Tanned skin tends to be dry. For the most part, it is for this reason that it starts to go off earlier than you would like. So if you want to prolong the life of your tan, stock up on a good body moisturizer. Usually such products have the prefix "super", "intensive" or "extra". Apply it several times a day when you feel tightness and always after water procedures, paying special attention to obviously dry areas of the body.

The easiest and surest way to maintain a tan is to simply prolong it. For example, in the solarium. Of course, this option will have its opponents and supporters. Be that as it may, if you decide to visit the solarium, prepare for this procedure as expected. Namely: take a sunscreen with a small protection factor, such as 10 or 15 SPF. Before sunbathing in a solarium, it is better not to take a shower, so as not to wash off the protective lipid barrier of the epidermis. But the day before, it is desirable to make a good body scrub. Although we will prolong the tan, in fact, we will receive a new portion of ultraviolet radiation and in order for it to lie more evenly, dead cells must be removed. After tanning, be sure to moisturize your skin with a soothing moisturizing lotion. The tanning time in a solarium depends on your skin type: 5 minutes will be enough for fair girls, 7 minutes for dark ones.

Another surefire way to keep your skin golden is to use a self-tanner. Just use the bronzing lotion once or twice a week. Of course, do not forget about the scrub the day before. By the way, for those young ladies who were previously afraid to use self-tanning or had an unsuccessful experience with it, it is best to make another attempt right now, when the skin is still tanned - any flaws will simply not be so noticeable.

In addition, modern self-tanners imitate the natural color of a tan so well that you can not be afraid to get too yellow or pink.

If you want to keep your tan, refrain from using whitening products - masks and peels. They remove the top layer of the skin, thereby literally erasing the tan. If the need for the use of such products is great, then be sure to purchase a powder with a tanning effect or a washable bronzate. By the way, they can be used not only on the face, but also on the body. For example, in the décolleté, neck and shoulders.

Sunburn can be fixed not only with the help of external means. Include as many foods high in vitamin A and antioxidants as possible in your diet. Drink more fresh carrot juice and wipe your face with it. You can also drink a course of multivitamins.

To save your tan, you should wait a while with a visit to the sauna and bath. After such procedures, the metabolism increases and the skin turns noticeably pale. And while taking baths, add a strong infusion of tea or coffee to the water - this helps to keep a dark shade.

Every year, popular publications write that the fashion for a tanned body is losing ground. But with the advent of summer, even avid fashionistas relentlessly post their tanned bodies on social networks. Moreover, today you can become the owner of dark skin without exhausting yourself under the scorching sun on the beach. Modern women have long preferred a solarium to a natural tan. And there are a number of explanations for this. Firstly, you can visit a beauty salon to get tanned skin all year round. Secondly, artificial ultraviolet is much safer than the natural rays of the sun. Thirdly, such a service is now provided in every city, and its cost is low, so each of us is able to afford to go tanned all year round. But in order to maintain a tan after a tanning bed, it is necessary to take into account several important points. And you need to take care of this long before visiting the salon. So how long does a tan last after a tanning bed? Look for the answer in our article.

Experts say that, regardless of where you got your tan - in the sun or in a solarium, it will last the same time. But if you follow some rules and use products that preserve a beautiful skin tone, then you can remain “chocolate” for a long time.

After tanning in a solarium, melanin is produced on average after 1-8 hours. With each subsequent visit, the development time will be reduced, so the skin becomes darker faster. To speed up the process of skin darkening, experts do not recommend visiting the solarium daily. This will only lead to overwork of the skin. In addition, the shorter the interval between tanning procedures, the slower the protein is restored, the synthesis of which slows down significantly when visiting a solarium. This process often leads to the development of skin allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to sunbathe in a solarium with an interval of 1-2 days.

If you want the tan to appear faster, we recommend that you use a cream to accelerate the production of melanin. Such tanning accelerators can be bought in the salon, where they provide a solarium service. Be sure to consult with a specialist to purchase a product that suits your skin type.

How long does a tan last after a tanning bed?

We have already said that there is no significant difference between solarium and natural tanning. Therefore, a beautiful skin tone after visiting a solarium will last for about two weeks. However, if you want to keep the tanning effect for a long time, then use the following tips:

  1. Visit the solarium once a week to maintain your tan.
  2. Use special cosmetics, the action of which is aimed at moisturizing the skin and maintaining its dark shade.
  3. Introduce as many foods containing beta-carotene into your diet as possible. It is he who is a stimulant for the production of melanin and a powerful tan fixer. These are carrots, lettuce, tomatoes.
  4. To maintain a dark skin tone, it is necessary to consume as much drinking water and juices as possible.
  5. In a salon that provides tanning services, purchase a product called a prolongator. Such cosmetics are able to maintain a bronze skin tone for a long time.
  6. Summing up all of the above, we can conclude: a tan in a solarium appears faster than a natural one, but lasts no more than two weeks. To prolong the life of tanned skin will help the use of special cosmetics, proper personal care, supportive therapy in the solarium booth and proper nutrition. Therefore, if you decide to become the owner of a beautiful tan and strive to maintain the effect for many months, then make it a rule to visit the solarium weekly, eat products containing beta-carotene daily, and use a moisturizer after every shower. Compliance with these simple recommendations will allow you to maintain a perfectly even, golden skin tone and look no different from models flaunting against the backdrop of the sea coast.

    Good luck and great results!
