Love affair at work. Olya's office romance

  1. “I was the hostess, and he was the director of the restaurant. We flirted a lot, and all our communication had a sexual connotation. One day I came to his house, and everything turned out so that we quickly ended up in bed. We agreed to keep it a secret. The next day at work, everything was as usual. But I was a little ashamed, so I told my colleague about everything. She said it's all right. And then I found out that she had been dating the boss for a long time, and that's why he wanted to keep this incident a secret! In general, I had to leave my job,” Anna, 24 years old.
  2. “I had an affair with my boss at a New Year's party (how corny!). We flirted all night, and when everyone left, we sat and talked for a long time. I asked him several times if he really needed it, because he had a wife and children. He said yes, and we took a taxi to my place. The sex was terrible. I thought I made a terrible mistake and ruined my career. He texted me a couple of days later and I replied that I didn't want to repeat everything. He took everything fine, but this made our relationship strange, we began to avoid each other. I was worried and didn't say anything to anyone. I left my job after a couple of months. Now it all looks funny, but I definitely don’t want a repetition, ”- Lera, 27 years old.
  3. “My colleague and I were the same age, and the more we talked, the better I understood that we had a lot in common. We began to spend lunch breaks together, went for walks and became closer. But we were both in a relationship at the time, so no one made the first move. One day he started texting me saying that he always admired me. I answered the same. He said that he was unhappy in a relationship, and I was unhappy in mine, and we began to flirt. We began to stay late at work to be alone. Then I changed jobs, we stopped talking and realized that we were unhappy because of this. Now we are officially together, he told his colleagues about this, and no one was surprised, everyone was very happy for us, ”- Nastya, 22 years old.
  4. “I met with the commercial director of the company where I trained. At first I thought that everything would be wild and wonderful, but who knew that seven years later we would live together and plan a wedding! And we both still work there,” Alena, 30 years old.
  5. “My colleague and I were working on a promotional case that was supposed to be handed in tomorrow, and we stayed late. We already communicated closely, so everything happened by itself. It was great, plus we made up all sorts of sexy jokes and made fun of them. And then he transferred to an office in another city, and it was all over. I think if I stayed, it would be great, ”Veronika, 25 years old.
  6. “I had an affair with a colleague, and we retired to the bathroom. Once we were caught by the boss when we had sex at the sink. I didn’t have any underwear on, my colleague was without pants, and the boss’s surprised scream was heard, probably, by the whole office. I changed my job and I'm not going to start romances with employees anymore! — Olya, 27 years old.
  7. “In the restaurant business, novels by colleagues are practically the norm. With one guy, we often had drinks after work, and once we made love in the car. It was a secret. Then I went through a medical examination and found out that I had HPV. I asked him about it (Note that there are no tests for HPV in men yet. — Note. ed.). In addition, it turned out that he was dating another of our colleagues! In general, then we communicated only on work issues, ”Vera, 24 years old.
  8. “He pushed wedges against me for quite some time, and at some point we began a passionate romance, which we hid from everyone. But one day I accidentally found him on social networks and saw that all this time he was dating another woman! I immediately cut off all ties, he tried to return me, I had to send me to hell, ”- Larisa, 27 years old.
  9. “I work for a pharmaceutical company, and one day a colleague and I fell in love with each other and started dating. Six months later, the boss noticed this and told literally everyone. The people joked and forgot, but we are still together!” - Anya, 26 years old.

Does an office romance have a right to exist? For decades, people have been discussing the topic of office romances at work.

The topic is also relevant in our time, because employees spend most of their time at work, begin to show sympathy for colleagues, strong feelings often arise that encourage them to create a family, and some may use a leader or subordinate for their own selfish purposes.

You can talk a lot about the pros and cons of such relationships, it all depends on the specific situation, on the conditions at work and on the team. Let's analyze such relationships using real life examples.

Olya's office romance:

My name is Olya. After graduating from the economics department of the university, I started looking for a job. I sent resumes to various financial institutions, went to interviews. By that time, she had broken up with her boyfriend and spent weekend evenings with friends in various clubs.

There I met Maxim, who was 5 years older than me, we had sympathy, an office romance began. One day I received a call from the personnel department of a commercial bank and was invited for an interview, after which I was offered a job as an economist in one of the branches.

When I arrived at my workplace on the first day, I was shocked - the head of that department was Maxim, and I was his subordinate. He was not the same as I knew him, he was dismissive of employees and customers, forcing other girls to make coffee for him and wash cups after him.

I learned that earlier he had an office romance with another employee. I could no longer meet and work with him as well ...

Fortunately, a similar vacancy appeared in another department, to which I was transferred. The leader there was a woman, the team was friendly, and I was able to work in a relaxed atmosphere.

The situation that developed with Olya was such that the romance became official due to the fact that the circumstances were such, it did not last long, but the consequences were negative.

Very often, men who initiate romances with colleagues actually hide their real character and nature, often also their marital status. Many managers, taking advantage of their high official position, violate all the rules of corporate ethics and subordination.

After the end of a romantic relationship, it becomes unbearable for two people to work in the same team. In many structures, it is forbidden for spouses to work if there is a certain subordination of one position to another or a connection.

In such cases, there is a possibility of dishonest abuse of one's duties, the pursuit of family goals, the cause of conflict situations that affect work efficiency.

The history of Alina's office romance

When I got a job at a new job, I had been dating a guy for 5 years. We were comfortable together, but he did not propose to marry. The structure of the organization is rather big - about 100 people and is divided into departments.

At a corporate party on the occasion of the New Year, I met the head of the IT department, Oleg. He was a bachelor and turned out to be an interesting person. After always quickly troubleshooting my computer, when other employees often waited half a day, our IT department was actually very busy with work.

Once he invited me for coffee with lunch, a few days later - for dinner. Everything got to the point that I broke up with my boyfriend, who did not show initiative in our relationship, and I did not see a future with him.

A year later I married Oleg, colleagues were happy for us. We practically don’t see each other all day long, we sit in different offices, and at the same time we have a lot in common, we go to lunch together, so we don’t have time to get bored with each other.

This situation and an office romance that has grown into love is positive in that there is no subordination of the leader-subordinate, otherwise the reaction of senior management or colleagues could be different.

Often couples who have been dating for several years diverge due to the fact that they become uninteresting, there is no diversity and romance. And spending most of the time at work leads to the emergence of interest in employees of the opposite sex, who can be more decisive and proactive in terms of relationships.

For women, such relationships, as in the example of Alina and Oleg, have the advantage that jealousy and distrust of each other decreases, there is an opportunity to see your loved one at any time.

It is important to maintain the norms of behavior and not arrange erotic scenes or hot kisses in the corners or in the elevator, this will immediately cause unpleasant impressions and condemnation from other employees, the main thing to remember is: at work - think about work and the result, outside of it - give free rein to feelings and emotions .

Condemnation of colleagues is caused by office romances of married employees. After such situations, most often the female half of humanity becomes ashamed, unpleasant and unbearable to work.

Men rarely leave their families, and women at work can become just a temporary hobby, so you should be careful when choosing.

Office Romance - Life Stories

2015, . All rights reserved.

They say romance at work should be taboo for any self-respecting girl. But we are all living people and, coming to work, do not lose the ability to fall in love. What happens to those who break the taboo? Read real boss romance stories.

Got pregnant and he fired

I got it all wrong. After the divorce, she got a job in a computer company. What to hide, looking for love. And I myself did not expect that I would spin furiously romance with the boss. The type turned out to be greedy, I didn’t receive gifts from him, but the bonus was stable, I didn’t offend. It was good in bed with him, and he is a good person ... And then I flew from him. And somehow I felt offended, I felt sorry for myself, that again I was alone with my problems. Only sex at work joint. Nerves to hell, she began to throw tantrums, demand that he divorce his wife, a fool. It wasn't there.

He offered money for an abortion, and two weeks later ... fired me, that is, forced me to write a statement. He said: enough, the wife guesses, and in general he didn’t mean “anything like that”. So I was left without a boss, and without a job.

Elena, 26 years old, Moscow

When I pulled myself together, he fell in love

This story happened recently, it still hurts. On a wet March day, I went for an interview. A stunningly handsome man spoke to me - I had an abnormal erotic arousal. Became an executive director. The first week I could not think about work, because I thought only about him. Then with difficulty she pulled herself together, then he went crazy. In a word, we began a full-fledged office romance. During the day - work, all the nights - together. Finally, I decided to quit because it was unpleasant to see how the employees look askance. For three months we still met, and then fled - we turned out to be very different, not at all “halves”. I am very sorry that I lost a good job. Alas, one cannot fall in love in the service.

Svetlana, 27 years old, Tula

The boss proposed to me

My romance with the boss ended in marriage. Now he is my legal husband and the father of our wonderful son. And it all started quite romantically. Somehow I was late at work, sitting in an empty office. I hear the door open, it turns out the boss forgot something. And there was never anything between us. We worked together for a whole year, and no "movements of the heart." And here we are sitting, word for word, he told about himself (divorced, his daughter is grown up, recently moved to Holland, so they didn’t even tell him), I about myself (divorced, no children, empty evenings). An hour later, I was sure that he was my old close friend. Well, let's go. After 3 weeks, we went to Finland together, then to Prague ... And after 3 months, the "boss" made me an offer.

Valeria, Moscow, 34 years old

Co-workers ate me

Work is the whole woman's life, no matter what they say. To achieve something, you need to plow 8 hours a day. The schedule is tight, so where are romances possible? At work.

And it's better with the chief Ivan Ivanovich than with the mechanic Vasya or the engineer Petya. True, it does not always work out as it should. For example, I’m sad, and I’ll pull the career strap myself, you see. The first time was a typical story: I was 25, he was 45. But then a younger lady appeared, and they sent me out. The second time with his deputy. He gave these gifts, took them with him on weekends, and promoted them slowly. Yes, only the women ate me, survived from the department with dirty gossip and an unbearable attitude. Here it is, the envy of the deprived! And the lover did not defend. Now I'm in a different department, a new one is brewing romance with the boss. I'm already unenthusiastic, to be honest.

Veronika, 27 years old, St. Petersburg

Anonymous letters were written to his wife

The most terrible thing in "hazing" relations with the boss is evil tongues. And both women's and men's are the same. And although we hid our relationship and behaved quite cautiously, society knew everything. Any gesture of sympathy in my direction, even a smile on duty, caused real bouts of hatred among those around me. I had to leave work. But the "society" did not calm down on this. My lover was married, perhaps this is what provoked such a harsh negativity. And so the former employees began to write anonymous mocking letters to his wife. I think if it was a business structure, the situation would not be so ugly. But we worked in a state office ... In general, we broke up. Can't handle the pressure...

Svetlana, St. Petersburg, 39 years old

I sleep peacefully, I rarely cry

At an early age, I fell in love so much that it will be enough for me forever. Do not want anymore. Behind him is an unsuccessful marriage plus correctly drawn conclusions (I hope). I intend to live well and profitably. Three years ago I came to the company as an ordinary specialist and almost immediately quit romance with the boss.

Handsome man, under fifty, married, what else do you need? Ideal conditions! Since then, I live happily ever after, getting everything I want - diamonds, individual tours to Europe, rags. And stable career advancement and upwards.

I don't complain about salary and bonuses either. I sleep peacefully, I rarely cry, I call my benefactor an "angel". I demonstrate respect for his wife, I do not pretend to anything serious. Recently I got the rights - the boss promised to give Mazda as a gift ... What then - I don’t think. Never again will I suffer because of men.

Marianna, Moscow, 32 years old

They broke up when he moved

My affair with the boss lasted 7 years. And he would have continued further, but he moved with his family to a southern seaside town. All employees were in the know, intrigues were intrigued by everyone, but we were not particularly worried. He always helped me, helped me advance, paid for my son's studies at the institute, and found the best doctors for my mother. We had normal family relations, I would say so. They only slept in different houses at night, and the rest of the time they were nearby. And they understood each other perfectly, and the two of them knew how to keep silent. Why did they break up? Now we are texting on ICQ like children. Not about love - about the weather. No more frank talk. Wall. I have to end this, it hurts.

Alexandra, 46 years old, Murmansk

For refusal, the boss petty revenge

Worst of all is the end of a relationship. Therefore, before starting an affair with the boss, look for another job. Remember, someday this will end, and I don't believe in the Cinderella story. We had a classic office romance, where he is a chauvinistic careerist, and I am a woman who is obliged to keep quiet and follow orders.

When I realized that I didn’t want to be an eternal lover, and I couldn’t divorce him from his wife, I ended the relationship and went into work with my head.

Alas, the boss turned out to be a rather petty person. He began to load with work, reprimand and similar abominations. And so I survived for about six months. I thought he would cool down, but in vain. She pulled a cart and a small cart of insults from him, sidelong glances and malicious hissing from colleagues loyal to the boss. In general, I could not stand it, I left.

How are they born? Is it worth dedicating colleagues to this? Four couples told us their love stories.

“He sent me a bouquet of flowers anonymously!”

Svetlana (25), office manager, and Evgeny (28), consultant-auditor

Changes in the cash composition of colleagues never go unnoticed. "Our new consultant-auditor," the head of the department whispered hotly in my ear, "he's such a handsome man..." With a panther's gait, she headed towards him.

After a couple of moments, they were talking casually about something. I looked at them with sad irony and again plunged into my endless affairs.

The next time I ran into Evgeny was when he had to fill out paperwork for financial reporting. He smiled at me, and suddenly we started talking.

Half an hour later, it seemed to me that we had known each other all our lives. “I think he has his eye on you! - Once said the boss. “It’s high time, otherwise it’s all alone and alone - it completely withered without male attention!”

In this causticity, the woundedness of the rejected female was felt: after all, despite all her efforts, Zhenya did not notice her point-blank.

One day, on the eve of March 8, I entered the office and stopped dead in my tracks in surprise: a luxurious bouquet of roses flaunted on my desktop.

“Wow, they show increased attention to our Svetochka,” the boss remarked venomously. - Do you know how office romances usually end? Dismissal of your own free will! she finished ominously.

As soon as the boss left, I impatiently opened the message attached to the bouquet, but was disappointed. There was no hint of a sender in the card - only a large heart drawn with a red marker.

At that moment, Zhenya approached me and said quietly: “You know, someone here definitely likes you very much.” "And who could it be?" - I asked with a challenge, in the depths of my soul dying of embarrassment. Instead of answering, he invited me to a restaurant.

It was a crazy beautiful evening! Dancing, passionate glances, cocktails, kisses... At four in the morning we landed on my couch and couldn't tear ourselves away from each other for two hours.

But they went to work one by one, so that no one in the office would guess anything. Keeping relationships secret has become a principle for us ...

Everything changed only when Zhenya moved to another company: on March 8, he quite openly came to my office and gave me a wonderful bouquet of flowers.

Everyone gasped, and I was terribly glad that I no longer had to play spies and that I could finally tell my colleagues about the upcoming wedding.

"We'll get married in the fall"

Anastasia (27) and Anton (29), fitness instructors

It's funny, but we were brought together by a passion for a healthy lifestyle. When my friends told me that they go to the gym to flirt, I laughed: after all, for me it was just a job.

However, ironically, our love story began there. After the first working day in a new place, my colleagues and I decided to go to a fitness bar located in the same building.

I looked at the menu for a long time, not knowing what to choose. “I recommend a fresh carrot and orange,” said a handsome guy sitting at the bar.

He smiled so charmingly that I couldn't help but flirt with him. He asked permission to sit at my table, and we started talking.

I found out that his name is Anton and he also works in this fitness club. We exchanged phone numbers and have been having lunch together ever since. I liked his calm, reliable and trustworthy character. Every day we got closer and closer to each other.

Once, when we were having lunch as usual, the song of Eros Ramazzotti sounded on the radio. "I like him so much!" I exclaimed. “Strange, but Ramazzotti and my favorite singer!” Anton was surprised.

It's not unusual for fitness instructors to have affairs from time to time. But not all relationships last as long as ours.

Two and a half years after we met, I moved in with Anton and we began to live together. Common work and passion for a healthy lifestyle united us even more.

We get up together at 6 o'clock in the morning, run in the park, cook a delicious and healthy breakfast. Unfortunately, both of us devote a lot of time to work: we lead fitness groups, participate in competitions ...

But we have a tradition that we strictly observe, postponing everything: a couple of times a week we are released early and arrange a wonderful romantic evening for ourselves.

July 16 is a special date for us, in the calendar it is always circled in red. On this day we celebrate our first meeting. And soon there will be another reason. On July 16, 2017, Anton had a picnic in Kolomenskoye, to which he invited all of our friends.

When the party was in full swing, he suddenly got down on one knee in front of everyone and proposed to me. It was so unexpected and romantic! So this year we are going to get married.

Flirting in the office

Are you also in love with a work colleague? Follow our instructions!



Do not tell everyone in a row about your connection, even if you are eager to tell the whole world about your happiness.

Restrain yourself at least until it becomes clear that your relationship will last a long time, and will not turn out to be just a fleeting flash of passion.

Company's secret

Do not share confidential information regarding your department or division with your partner! If together, this does not mean at all that the partner should automatically be aware of all the nuances of your work. The absence of unnecessary information will save your relationship.


Don't give co-workers reasons to find fault with you because of mistakes and absenteeism - your work should be as perfect as before.


Do not break away from the team - continue to participate in the life of the office along with everyone. The one who instead closes in on the beloved runs the risk of becoming an outsider.

Anti-crisis management

Even if you can’t imagine it now, discuss with your partner in advance how you will behave if the relationship ends. How will your joint work be built if you are no longer together?


Kissing is forbidden

You should not show colleagues proof of your love: kisses, passionate hugs and affectionate cooing. In your envious and superiors, such veal tenderness can cause a persistent allergic reaction - as well as tender glances or romantic e-mails.

Attention: subordination

You need to be especially careful in dealing with superiors or subordinates. Get ready for the fact that at every step you will be accompanied by hard-hitting gossip and malicious attacks - like "he / she sleeps with the boss to take a higher position." If he really is the man of your dreams, it may be worth considering changing jobs or moving to another department.

Grow by leaps and bounds

Do not seek to use hazing for career advancement. Not only the atmosphere in the team suffers from mixing personal and professional interests, but also your reputation.

And the walls have ears

Never quarrel in public and do not bring your personal conflicts with him to the discussion of colleagues. Such scenes put unwitting witnesses in an awkward position.

Factor "EX"

In case you still broke up, briefly and clearly inform everyone about it. And most importantly - immediately draw a clear line between personal life and work: extorting information from colleagues about your ex or trying in every possible way to denigrate him is below your dignity.

"In love with her boss's friend"

Ekaterina (23) and Alexander (36), bank employees

Sasha worked in the Moscow branch, and I worked in the St. Petersburg branch of our bank. They were great friends with my boss and called almost every day to chat about all sorts of nonsense.

When the boss was busy, I picked up the phone and talked to the mysterious Alexander. His voice simply fascinated me, I always imagined how great his owner should look.

Three years later, when I was transferred to Moscow, I was finally able to see the hero of my dreams live. How many years I have been waiting for our meeting, but when it did take place, I was severely disappointed.

Alexander looked even better than I imagined him, but he behaved completely differently: he flirted with me on the phone, and now he was completely cold and unapproachable.

Meeting at the office, we talked only about current affairs and our colleagues. But once in a conversation, he casually mentioned that he regularly goes to the pool to keep himself in good shape.

Then I reluctantly said as casually as I could, “Good idea. Will you take me with you sometime?" On the weekend we went to the pool together.

After that, there was a pause in our relations again. Only a month later he invited me to the cinema. Then again some time passed before we agreed to have dinner together.

Colleagues knew about our meetings, but they did not think anything of the kind, because our dates were spontaneous and rather rare. In addition, it has already become a tradition that personal contacts in our bank are, in general, a common thing, and no one is surprised by this anymore.

Four months later, after an evening in a nightclub, Alexander suddenly, for no reason at all, threw off his mask of coldness and restraint.

He walked me home, and I already wanted, as usual, to quickly kiss him on the cheek goodbye, but this time Sasha hugged me and kissed me passionately.

And then he admitted that he had been in love with me all this time, but for a long time he did not dare to have an affair with a work colleague. From that moment on, we began to meet every evening. Secretly, of course.

In the office, we talked to each other as if there was nothing between us. We were able to disguise ourselves so well that colleagues did not suspect our relationship.

Everything went like clockwork until three months ago we started living together - the personnel department noticed that we had the same address. We got caught!

The news spread like lightning throughout the office. Of course, colleagues gossiped behind our backs, but no one openly told us anything. It's good that our bank has an unspoken rule: the love relationships of colleagues are not discussed!

"Colleagues betrothed us"

Irina (30), party organizer, and Oleg (33), designer

Every day, my colleagues and I were looking forward to the appearance in the office of Oleg, who worked part-time in our department as an assistant designer.

He has a great sense of humor - we laughed at his jokes like crazy. He flirted with me, but I considered him a typical rake and did not take him seriously - until he convinced me otherwise.

Our agency arranged a performance of a famous English singer in one of the Moscow clubs. A quarter of an hour before the start of the concert, the extravagant star demanded to decorate the stage with live lilies. Otherwise, she flatly refused to sing.

In desperation, I asked Oleg for help. Ten minutes later, he burst into the parking lot in a car full of fragrant flowers. “I ran like crazy,” he said, smiling. “But what does the risk of being fined by the traffic police mean if I’m ready for anything for you!”

It was then that my attitude towards Oleg suddenly changed. Now, in his presence, I was terribly embarrassed and blushed. Of course, my excitement did not go unnoticed by colleagues who decided to arrange our personal happiness.

They told Oleg about an imaginary admirer who allegedly does not give me a pass with his courtship. Their plan worked! Oleg was so tormented by jealousy that he gathered all his courage and confessed to me: “I am madly in love with you.” This was ten years ago. We are as happy now as we were on the first day.

Sergey, 28 years old, top manager

“I liked Rita for a long time and, thanks to the corporate party, I managed to get close to her. We started a relationship. But then something went wrong. She began to avoid me. At work, with a team, she asked me to communicate with her as before. In general, do not allow yourself too much. She did not answer my frequent calls, and one day she sent a text message: “Get off me. We will not be together". I could no longer work properly. I started to have a mania, it seemed that Rita was flirting with all the men around to spite me. In general, I quit, or rather just stopped going to work.

2. You may have problems with your boss

Alexander, 33, bartender

“I got to know Vika closely two weeks after she joined our company. I was young and carefree. We started dating. Our meetings in bars and restaurants demanded continuation. Vicki had the keys to the director's office. In it. But one day the director came to work earlier. Entering the office, he, first of all, saw my back and Vika's face ... Burning with shame, we left the crime scene. He fired us both without a second thought. After the dismissal, I stopped meeting with Vika. The job was good and close to home, and Vicky got me fired.”

3. Probably nothing will come of this relationship.

Kirill, 25 years old, sales representative

“The company I worked for at the time basically had a lot of young and pretty girls. There was no desire to enter into a love relationship with any of them. There was one girl... For work, we often had to leave the office together. And so, step by step, the relationship nevertheless began. At first, everything was easy. But then I started to get tired of these relationships. Almost 24 hours a day we were together, she knew everything about me. I was constantly under the gun. The same face at work and after. I was not in the mood for a serious relationship ... We broke up when enough quarrels and grievances had accumulated. Working together was not easy. There was some tension all the time. I won't do that again for anything."

4. You may lose your job

George, 30 years old, entrepreneur

“At that time, I had big problems with my wife. I worked in a hotel, where I met Nastya. Twisted. My feelings quickly faded. I wanted to return to my family. My wife did not mind, she also missed me, calmed down, forgave me. When I said that I was leaving, hysterics, blackmail and scandals began from Nastya. It became impossible to work. She turned the whole team against me. My wife made a condition that she accepts me back if I no longer see Nastya. Basically retired…”

5. True romance is difficult to survive.

Mikhail, 31, supervisor

“We worked together for a long time. Some years. Relations were strong. I felt like true love. We started living together. Work and family life have learned to separate very well. In general, it was not that we would be tired of constantly seeing each other. Maybe because it turned out to take breaks, thanks to business trips. I had a great career with this company. Waiting for a raise. But she started sleeping with our boss. Colleagues told me about it. She didn't really deny it. I was just in shock. What to do? Beat the boss in the face? Quit or keep working? She was quickly promoted. And I, after exhausting myself for a year, fell under a general layoff, as the company went bankrupt.

6. You will be beaten, humiliated and persecuted

Eugene, 30 years old, teacher

“Somehow I decided to have an affair with the boss, having learned that she liked me. Then I did not suspect that a fleeting hobby could turn into a real hell for me. I ended this story unilaterally without stating reasons. But she continued to behave as if nothing had happened. She behaved in such a way that I burned with shame. Then the persecution began: calls, texts, and so on. Problems started at work. Instead of a bonus, I began to receive fines, insults, tantrums, and even minor bruises from objects flying at me. Six months later, it became a little easier, her fuse was replaced by coldness. ".

7. Maybe worth a try?

Vyacheslav, 28 years old, sales manager

“In the beginning, Sasha was just my girlfriend. I got a job four years ago. and the boss, the salary is more than decent. Alexandra did not get on with her work. I spoke to the director. The director was in favor, provided that Sasha and I were colleagues at work and nothing more. Everything turned out that way. During the working day, I am Vyacheslav Alekseevich for her, she is Alexandra Artemovna for me. A year after she came to our office, we got married. Both our colleagues and the director were walking at the wedding. Yet soon our joint work will come to an end. Sasha is expecting a baby, which means a decree.”

And a few more opinions

8. Sergey, 27 years old, journalist

“Office romances, like all good things, come to an end sometime. And not always smoothly. And you generally like this job. So that it would not be inconvenient later, it is better not to start.

9. Vladimir, 27 years old, photographer

“I work with models. Most of the time they are practically naked. This is a very intimate moment: the work of a model and a photographer. If I were to hook up with a producer, an assistant, or the same model, some magic would be lost. Or it wouldn't be a job anymore. And attacks of jealousy, tantrums, all this is definitely not for me.

10. Michael, 32 years, designer

“To be together at work, at home, and on vacation. That's too much. A man needs something of his own, he needs a sense of freedom. Otherwise, you can go crazy."

11. Rais, 35 years old, artist

“You can’t interfere, there must be a clear hierarchy. Give up the slack, then it will start: I want it, I don’t want it ... And where is the prize? I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles! If suddenly a person becomes close to you, it will be difficult to achieve your goal.

12. Sergey, 31 years old, showman

“I work as a host of various events, I often hold wedding celebrations, where there are a lot of beautiful girls. To me, as a leader, a lot of attention. How do I use it? I help single guys shine in front of these girls, because if they succeed, guess who will host their wedding?

13. Eugene, 31, entrepreneur

“Personally, I met my wife at work in a nightclub. The place was littered with scantily clad girls and guys that all of us had contact with for work and other matters. There was no jealousy or other problems. After some time, we said goodbye to this place of work, got married, had children, and everything is fine with us, thank God.”

What do you think about office romances? Write your opinion in the comments.

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Comments: 8


    I do not agree! I met my husband at work, worked as a financier, he was in the commercial department) and he came to our company from competitors, where I had previously come for reconciliations🤔😉🤔 saw, fell in love and moved to us) got married six months later💝And now for 17 years we work and live together 😘 Therefore, I’m willing to bet) apparently the boys came across the wrong girls 🙃

    18.01.2016 / 20:48


    I agree with Marina! A good, adequate, normal person can be recognized precisely in work. For further relations, IMHO! Here you can see how a person performs his duties. His present, his future. And his past is well known. You will see a person in action and on vacation. (With)

    19.01.2016 / 08:30


    I also liked the man at work. Our relationship only started on the day I quit. Apparently, he did not dare to start them while we were employees. True, after 9 months of communication, it ended with nothing. And I thank God that we are not working in the same office now. Sometimes you have to be there on business, and seeing this person is very painful ((

    19.01.2016 / 13:17


    And I like my position, in our department there are about 100 people, and the ratio of M/F is approximately equal. I had intimacy with 7 employees, all people are already quite adults and we are aware of the unpleasant consequences. Not a single example of the above written fell on our heads. Feelings from general adequacy, felts have passed so far) I meet with 2 out of 7 on a regular basis, solely for one purpose, but since this is a mutual attraction, I do not consider myself guilty. Girls are lonely, but everyone wants passion. At work, we behave quite naturally, "hello, hello", "how are you? - and I'm fine" no flirting, and hints that we had anything, ever. Colleagues do not seem to know, although I am sure they have their own skeletons in the closet. I think the theme of office romances is quite normal if one of them is not in a relationship or marriage on the other side of work. To change is not a worthy deed

    23.01.2016 / 13:21


    And I once had an affair with a popular colleague at work. It seems that they did not advertise the relationship, but apparently they slept somewhere. There were many who wanted to join him, but in the end it didn't end very well. The fact that they broke up with him is, of course, experienced, but the memories of how the ladies, how bad for him, how much g ... got out, how they competed for him, how many set-ups there were .... He obviously did not deserve it survive.

    08.02.2016 / 11:14


    Hello! 10 months ago I started an affair at work. Everything turned out spontaneously, I had been alone for a long time. But I can’t continue it further, because I didn’t have feelings for a person, but he doesn’t let go and doesn’t hold. He does not think about the future, while he would like to just be with me. And time goes by. I will soon be 27 years old. Behind my back, many are whispering and have ceased to trust me. I can't behave properly anymore. I am constantly nervous, everything hurts, I often catch a cold or feel unwell. Tell me what I could do to make people treat me more respectfully, because this is work, not a place for entertainment.
