Dream interpretation interpretation of what the golden ring is dreaming of. Jewelry on the finger

Dream Interpretation Golden Ring - meaning and interpretation of sleep

Seeing this symbol in a dream is a good sign, if in a dream your lover gives you a golden ring, then in reality you will find a marriage proposal. However, if in a dream the ring presses or falls, this is a restless sign, your union may not be happy.

Also, such a dream can portend the birth of a child, and if you dreamed that you were putting a gold ring on your hand, then in reality your desires would come true.

A dream in which a man gives a golden ring means that he is ready to get married in reality.

As the dream book interprets, the golden ring is a symbol of affection or gratitude, however, this symbol can represent obligations to someone in real life.

A dream in which you see a golden ring with pearls portends tears and disappointments in reality, if in a dream you saw a ring with a diamond, then in real life you will find a profitable ...

To date, any person, going to bed in the evening, almost never thinks about what he will dream at night. Quite often there is such a situation that an absolutely calm day without stress and nervous breakdowns leads to terrible nightmares, after which you feel a slight shudder from memories for the whole day. And vice versa, hard work and overstrain lead to a peaceful and calm sleep, about which back in the distant "grandmother's" times they said "sleeps like selling wheat."

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that there are a huge number of dream books and simply interpretations of individual dreams, according to which you can write down everything you see during the night. So, one of the fairly common dreams is a picture when you are either presented with a golden ring, or you yourself present it in an appropriate setting. However, if we consider this dream in various directions, we can identify ...

If in a dream you saw a golden ring - such a dream is good. The ring is a symbol of friendship, love, family relationships. Therefore, if you dreamed about it, then probably in the near future you will find a good turn in your relationship with your loved one, and possibly even an engagement. If you are already married, it means that something will happen that will unite you and your spouse more strongly and refresh your feelings.
If the dreamed golden ring is an engagement ring, then success awaits you not only in your personal life, but also in work, in addition, you will meet interesting people with whom you will become good friends.
The ring that was lying in a box in a dream or seen in a store window portends the wedding of one of your friends, which you will have a chance to walk on. Moreover, this marriage is waiting for a long and happy future.
A golden ring with precious stones - to the sad events that will soon appear in your life.

Dreamed of something interesting? ...

There is a suggestion that our consciousness communicates with us through dreams, and many people believe this. Dreams in which we see golden rings are usually interpreted as a good sign - many dream books say so.

Why dream of a golden ring? Interpretation of dream books

Miller's dream book says that such dreams speak of success in business and good luck in general. If you see a ring on your finger, then this promises success in the affairs that you have in mind. If the ring has a defect or is broken, then such a dream is negative - discord in the family, treason. When in a dream your other half gives you a golden ring, then do not hesitate - your love is strong.

Vanga's dream book says that a dream where there is a golden ring indicates that there are unresolved tasks in your life that haunt you in real life. When a stranger gives you a ring in a dream, it means that soon you will plunge into the maelstrom of a love affair. The golden ring was dropped from the hands - expect severe trials that ...

Idiomatic dream book

To see a ring in a dream - “Ring” - forcibly marry; "wedding ring" - the establishment of an intimate relationship.

Summer dream book

What is the dream of the Ring in the dream book:

Ring - Seeing a wedding ring in a dream is a divorce.

Children's dream book

Dream book ring:

The ring is a symbol of marriage and power. The ring usually dreams either of the formation of strong alliances between people (not necessarily love ones, it can be friendships or business relationships), or exaltation in one's community, gaining fame or respect. If the ring is put on your finger, it means that soon you will have to bind yourself with some kind of promise, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

A dream with a golden ring also symbolizes the birth of a baby. A gift of a golden ring will also bring great happiness and good fortune. In a dream, a man gives a ring to a woman - in real life, this young man is already ready for marriage.

The golden ring is a symbol of affection, but it also indicates obligations to another person. A dream in which a pearl ring portends ...

Anchor points:

The meaning of the dream about the golden ring

Such a dream is generally positive. It symbolizes good relations, sympathy and reciprocity. If your life is not yet determined, a dream with a golden ring portends a happy married life, if you are already married, then you should expect replenishment. Also to dream gold ring. If you bought it, then in reality you experience a feeling of love, accepting it as a gift is a sign of warning - be careful not to be deceived. There was a diamond on your ring, which means that you will achieve success with the help of the right connections and acquaintances.

Have you seen a gold ring on the little finger or ring finger? Such a dream speaks of close and trusting relationships with friends, the ring was on the middle finger - you are devoted and faithful in marriage, but if it was on the index finger or thumb, then you are a man of your word. You saw a lot of gold jewelry in your hands, which means that respect and glory await you. golden wedding ring, which at the same time sparkled and shone, dreams of a successful marriage and prosperity. Fulfillment of desires promises a dream where you put on a golden ring. Found on the road, it symbolizes a true friend who is always ready to help you, if you saw a ring lying on the table, then you should use this help.

What dreams predict trouble

Drop, lose a golden ring in a dream - you will soon get sick. For loss, there is a dream in which you gave it. If in your dream small stones were interspersed in the ring, then such a dream symbolizes tears. Break a golden ring in a dream - to treason. To put on someone else's ring - strives for something risky, forbidden. There is no person in your life that you truly love if you had a dream in which you cannot find a ring of your size.

Why is the golden ring dreaming and how to unravel this image? So, one of the fairly common dreams is a picture when you are either presented with a golden ring, or you yourself present it in an appropriate setting. However, if we consider this dream in different directions, then many opposites can be revealed.

Why dream of a golden ring - Freud's dream book

In almost all scientific works of the psychologist and psychoanalyst Z. Freud, the golden ring refers to one of the indicators of the feminine, or rather the female genital organs. Accordingly, he describes the appearance of a golden ring in a dream, namely its removal and putting on, only by the desire of the parties to have sexual intercourse.

In a situation where a man or woman gives golden rings, Freud says that at the moment they are ripe for a more serious and lasting relationship, which means that it is time to propose marriage.

At the same time, if in a dream the moment is clearly drawn when a golden ring is given to you, then this indicates that in your immediate environment there are people who are ready to become much closer to you than ordinary friends.

I dreamed of a golden ring - Vanga's dream book

And why is the golden ring dreaming according to Vanga's dream book? The soothsayer Vanga perceives the golden ring as a symbol of affection and fidelity, when a promise given by a person is subject to fulfillment in any case, regardless of the circumstances and unresolved problems.

Therefore, if a golden ring is put on your finger, it means that the other half values ​​​​your relationship and vows to be always there. In the case when the ring falls from your hand in a dream or is accidentally lost, this is an indicator that the oath promises given to the second half are not so significant for you, and you can easily break or bypass them.

Why dream of a golden ring - Miller's dream book

In this interpretation of dreams, the golden ring is a symbol of good luck and favorable twists of fate. According to Miller, any dream with a ring means the realization of all goals and a good "harvest" of results.

When in a dream you put on gold rings or see them on other people, this means that you can safely start working to achieve your goals. The only exception in the interpretation of Miller's dreams is a broken ring, which indicates a bad outcome of events (a complete failure in work affairs, adultery, a break in relations, etc.).

Golden ring in a dream - Loff's dream book

Another addition to the interpretation of dreams is Loff's dream book, according to which to see golden jewelry in a dream, in particular a golden ring, means to have some kind of invisible patronage of higher powers.

In other words, when you are given or put on a piece of jewelry, this indicates that you are "given" a huge responsibility and corresponding obligations over the person who does this.

The case when the golden rings are just next to you, Loff regards as having some kind of gift of foresight and a sense of incredible intuition with the simultaneous manifestation of magical abilities. Loff's dream book also says that gold is always luxury and wealth.

In general, if we take more modern ideas about the interpretation of dreams, then almost most of them are twofold related to gold rings. On the one hand, they certainly consider them a symbol of good luck and incredible wealth, on the other hand, they are a reason for deception and some delusions. And only the person himself determines for himself what he most wants to see in a dream.

And a superstitious person, and one who does not believe in omens, fortune-telling and predictions, at least once in his life, resorts to the help of dream books. Let him do it out of simple curiosity or with an unconscious goal for himself to read something positive and positive in order to assert himself and tune in to a good wave. Some people take what they dream very seriously, remember every little detail, so that later they can resort to the help of interpretations of various dream books. As we know, there are dream books belonging to different authors: dream books of Gustav Miller, Vanga, Sigmund Freud, and others.

When reading a dream book, you need to know that not all dreams can come true. This opportunity depends on the day of the month on which one or another significant, in your opinion, dream was dreamed. For the convenience of determining, there are special tables of values ​​of a particular date and day of the week. You can get acquainted with them both on the Internet and in many printed publications, television programs.

One of the most interesting dreams-predictions is golden rings. The dream book tells how it is interpreted. We will turn to some of the sources of interpretation listed above.

Dream Interpretation of Gustavus Hindman Miller. In a dream, did you see gold rings? The dream book of this author claims: to see that someone is wearing a golden ring - to improve financial well-being, the emergence of new true friends. If you dream that you are wearing a ring, then you will be successful in everything. If the ring breaks or is already broken, this promises trouble in family life, separation. The girl will dream that she was presented with a ring as a gift, which means that there is no reason to worry about your love relationship, the fidelity of the second half is guaranteed to you.

The rings are gold. Wangi's Dream Interpretation. According to the Bulgarian fortuneteller, the rings are a series, or rather a circle of events, unfinished tasks. If in a dream a ring fell into your palm, then this is a very bad omen. This means that in reality you did not fulfill what was promised or planned, and now providence has prepared difficult trials for you.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring that fits in any way, it means that your heart does not belong to anyone at the moment, you do not feel love, you are indifferent.

If someone unfamiliar puts a ring on your finger, you will receive unexpected help in overcoming accumulated problems.

You yourself put a ring on your lover's finger, this speaks of harmony in your feelings and thoughts.

A dream, when you see gold rings, the dream book of each author interprets in his own way. So you have to choose and give preference to one of the interpreters of dreams.

decoration - what does Miller's dream book mean? If a woman in a dream accepted gold jewelry as a gift, this means that she will marry an imperious and rich, but very greedy person. If you find a gold jewelry, this promises you an increase in well-being that will come after your own efforts and actions. The loss of gold is a dream of missing out, perhaps a significant chance in a particular business or idea.

With a stone? If you dream that you are in a hurry to take it off your finger, this means that a quarrel with relatives or friends will soon occur.
If you were presented with a ring with a stone - to significant changes in life. The diamond adorning the ring is dreaming of a successful one. If you give someone a gift in the form of a gold ring with a precious stone, this is a harbinger of an interesting intriguing offer. The loss of a ring with a stone dreams of distrust on the part of a loved one.

The variety of interpretations is so great that in order to find the correct and exact meaning, you will have to remember the details of the dream, what exactly happened, because every detail can greatly affect the meaning obtained when using one or another dream book.

Seeing this symbol in a dream is a good sign, if in a dream your lover gives you a golden ring, then in reality you will find a marriage proposal. However, if in a dream the ring presses or falls, this is a restless sign, your union may not be happy.

Also, such a dream can portend the birth of a child, and if you dreamed that you were putting a gold ring on your hand, then in reality your desires would come true.

A dream in which a man gives a golden ring means readiness to get married in reality.

As interpreted by the dream book, the golden ring is a symbol of affection or appreciation, however, this symbol can represent obligations to someone in real life.

A dream in which you see a golden ring with pearls portends tears and disappointments in reality, if in a dream you saw a ring with a diamond, then in real life you will find a profitable acquaintance or patronage.

In Miller's dream book, a golden ring portends that in reality all your undertakings will be crowned with success.

For a woman to receive a golden ring as a present in a dream, a sign that in reality she will become the wife of a rich, but very mercenary and greedy man.

If in a dream you accidentally found a gold ring, it means that in reality you will easily achieve wealth and fame, thanks to your virtues.

The dream in which you lost a golden ring means that you will miss a rare chance or dispose of it completely mediocre.

As the dream book explains, if a stranger put a golden ring on your hand, then in real life, you will suddenly be offered help in solving old problems.

I dreamed of a broken golden ring, expect a quarrel or misunderstanding in married couples and a break in relations for lovers.

In Freud's dream book, a golden ring is a sign that in reality you are striving to change your personal life for the better.

Why else dream of a golden ring

Why dream of losing a golden ring - a dream in which you lost a golden ring and cannot find it, and also if the ring is cracked or broken, portends betrayal or a break in relations with your loved one.

I dreamed that you were giving your golden ring to another person, a sign that you voluntarily give up the relationship and no longer want to continue it.

If in a dream you saw how the deceased gave you a golden ring, then in real life you will assume the duties of the deceased.

Why dream of a golden ring - a dream in which you saw a wedding ring portends a wedding in reality, if in a dream you stole someone else's golden ring, then in reality you will lose the respect of those around you.

I dreamed that you were giving a golden ring, in the near future you would be at a wedding. A dream in which you see a lot of golden rings means that in reality there are a lot of henchmen around you, such a dream also symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

Seeing gold rings on other people in a dream is a sign that in real life you will find yourself in a society of wealthy people and make new acquaintances.


Why dream of a golden ring?

Why dream of a golden ring and how to correctly interpret this dream? In general, if you have to see a ring made of precious metals in dreams, this means that in real life a person has good friends or a true loved one.

If a woman saw a golden ring in a dream, it is time for her to get ready for the wedding, because very soon she will receive a marriage proposal from the most beloved person in the world.

When, in a dream, a golden ring appears to a man who is about to propose, this is also a good sign. Such a symbol in a dream suggests that the beloved woman will definitely say the cherished “yes”.

However, the ring can symbolize not only marriage and love relationships, but also the fact that in the life of the sleeping person there are reliable true friends who are "as worth their weight in gold."

It is worth noting that a dream about a golden ring can portend not only the engagement or wedding of the sleeper himself, but also the betrothal of someone close to him. Therefore, when interpreting such a symbol, one must also pay attention to other details of the dream.

For example, if the sleeper himself gives his friend a golden ring, this means that their friendly relations are strong and indestructible. And in the case when in a dream a friend or girlfriend of the sleeping person receives a golden ring, and a loved one gives them such a gift, this means that the dream is a harbinger of the happiest event in the life of not the sleeping person, but the one he saw in a dream.

It is also necessary to interpret dreams in which there is a golden ring, paying attention to how exactly this object is seen by the sleeping person. In fact, in many dreams, not only the objects themselves play an equally important role, but also the materials from which they are made, their strength, reliability, appearance, and so on.

When in a dream a person sees a golden ring adorned with a beautiful large stone, this means that an interesting acquaintance will occur in the life of the sleeping person, which will bring him a lot of joy, and, perhaps, will become useful not only morally, but also materially.

But when in a dream a golden ring is encrusted with small pebbles, in real life a person will face some minor troubles, because of which he will have to shed tears. But, do not worry too much about this, because the problems will be as small as the pebbles on the ring.

Perhaps the most serious warning is the dream in which a person bursts or breaks a golden ring. In this case, he needs to carefully look at his beloved, because he is prone to betrayal and can "go left" at any moment.

Having seen such a dream, the sleeper needs to reconsider his attitude towards his beloved and decide for himself whether it is worth trying to prevent betrayal or put up with it, and perhaps you just need to get away from the future traitor first in order to start a new relationship with someone who will never betray.

If in a dream a person loses a golden ring, this means that because of his actions and decisions, relations with those people whom he has known for a long time will be destroyed. By the way, it is worth noting that such a dream is not always a bad sign, on the contrary.

It can also mean that soon the sleeper will stop communicating with those who badly influence him, do not allow him to think freely and act correctly. Therefore, having seen such a dream, you need to think about with whom from the environment you need to maintain relationships, and which ties are really worth destroying in order to find new friends and change your life.

If a woman in a dream cannot remove a golden ring from her finger, this means that her life passes, as if in a golden cage. She consciously or subconsciously does not feel free and it oppresses her.

Having seen such a dream, the fair sex should think about how to somehow change their lives and get out of the moral imprisonment that can be created by parents, a loved one, work or other circumstances that can be influenced if you really want to and accept the right ones. solutions.

When someone finds a ring in a dream, such a dream means new meetings and acquaintances. If, after such a dream, the sleeper is given the opportunity to meet some new person, in no case should he miss it, since it is this acquaintance who can become his true friend or true lover.

Dreams in which a person sees a golden ring are often a good sign and portend loyalty and love from relatives and friends. But, even if such a dream carries some kind of warning, all the same, you should not be afraid and worry too much about this. Simply, you need to analyze your life and make the right decisions.


The ring in a dream is a symbol of the recurring cycle of life. It can mean completeness, unity and wholeness. It is a symbol of friendship, engagement and marriage.

What ring did you dream about? What actions did you dream about with the ring? Where was the ring? What happened to the ring? How many rings did you dream about?

What ring did you dream about?

Gold ring Wedding ring Stone ring Silver ring Diamond ring Broken ring Broken wedding ring Pearl ring Emerald ring Black ring Ruby ring Sapphire ring Wooden ring Large ring Earrings and ring Alien ring

I dreamed of an engagement ring

An engagement ring in a dream symbolizes an imminent marriage. The presence of other wedding decorations in a dream portends a harmonious union with a lover, mutual understanding and love.

Dreaming of an iron ring

Why dream of an iron ring? A dream portends a large amount of work, problems that have piled up, the solution of which will require the use of all available resources.

Seeing a bent ring in a dream

I dreamed of a bent ring - an alarming sign. It is possible that your other half is not as true as they say they are. There is reason to think seriously.

Why dream of a bursting ring

Felomena's dream book interprets a broken ring for a young man as a symbol of instability at work. You should gain strength and patience, as not everything will go smoothly in your career. Failure will be temporary.

I dreamed of a ring with topaz

A ring with topaz dreams of pleasant acquaintances and meetings. You can make new friends soon. They will prove to be reliable and will be able to provide support whenever needed.

Seeing in a dream a ring "save and save"

A dream about a ring with the inscription "Save and save" personifies harmony and tranquility. In the near future, serious changes and negative events will not occur in life.

Dreaming of a red ring

See a red ring in a dream or receive it as a gift - to the appearance of a lover. Relations with a partner will be tense, it is worth thinking about the actions taken.

I dreamed of a rusty ring

Why dream of a rusty ring? A dream portends a difficult era in life. You can stop communicating with someone from relatives or friends, lose confidence in yourself and begin to withdraw into yourself.

Why dream of an old ring

I dreamed of an old ring - in reality a significant meeting is ahead. You will be able to meet a person whose participation in your life is destined by fate, which you will thank more than once for such a gift.

What actions did you dream about with the ring?

Find a ring Lose a ring Buy a ring Look for a ring Measure a ring Steal a ring Remove a ring Give a ring A guy gives a ring

Choose a ring in a dream

Why dream of choosing a ring? A dream is a sign of the favor of fate. Take advantage of the opportunities it provides. The next chance may not come soon.

Choose a ring in the store - in reality you will be tormented and doubted. Experienced friends and relatives will help you make the right choice.

Give someone a ring in a dream

I dreamed that I gave my ring to someone - in reality, you will provide him with invaluable support. There is a high probability that this will not be your last collaboration.

Hold a ring in your hand in a dream

According to the dream book, holding a ring in your hand means receiving a valuable gift. Winning the lottery or other source of income is not excluded. The material condition will become stable.

She dreams that the ring was customized in size

She dreams that the ring was customized in size - take care of arranging your own family life according to your canons. Fate will favor you, everything planned will be fulfilled.

Put on someone else's ring in a dream

The dream where you put on someone else's ring symbolizes your desire to fulfill other people's obligations and show interest in the lives of others. Sometimes such curiosity can be misunderstood.

Collect rings in a dream

Collecting rings in a dream - representatives of the opposite sex pay attention to you, your popularity can give rise to a new romance or a more serious relationship.

Where was the ring?

ring on finger ring on hand

Dreaming of a ring on my leg

I dreamed of a ring on my leg - to sadness, various worries. Perhaps imprisonment, imprisonment for committed acts. Think about your actions in advance, especially their consequences.

What happened to the ring?

The ring burst in a dream

According to Felomena's dream book, the ring burst, the event is interpreted as the restoration of the previous relationship. You are trying to return the past, if fate is favorable to you - everything can work out.

The ring cracked in a dream

She dreams that the ring cracked - to the appearance of problems in the service. Conflict situations with colleagues or management are not excluded. Your opinion may not always be correct, you should not always defend it, others may also be right.

I dreamed that the ring turned black

A dream about a blackened ring for a man portends a meeting with a soul mate, to whom in the future he will make a marriage proposal. It is worth taking a closer look at the chosen one, her bad character and cruelty to others can ruin your life.

The "save and save" ring broke in a dream

The "Save and Save" ring broke in a dream - an alarming sign. In reality, you can lose help. This will happen inopportunely, as vanity, worries and troubles will come.

How many rings did you dream about?

Dreaming of many rings

Why dream a lot of rings? In reality, you will communicate a lot, contact with others. You will also be able to make new acquaintances. For a single girl, a dream means success with the stronger sex and increased attention to her person.

I dreamed of three rings

I dreamed of three rings - an alarming sign. A love triangle will appear in your life. No matter how you behave, there will still be an injured party in this relationship.


I dreamed of the Ring, which means the Ring in a dream

Star dream book Dream Ring why dream?

Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams: You dreamed of the Ring for what it is - a symbol of connection. Possible marriage.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dream had a Ring.

Ring - own image; relationships with other people. Wedding ring - the relationship between a man and a woman; contract; taking on certain obligations; the ring is bright and shiny - good feelings and excellent prospects; the ring is lost or broken - disturbing thoughts and insecurity in a partner; magic rings - dreams of possessing magical abilities; rings or wheat circles drawn on the ground - the need for protection.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidorus What does the Ring mean in a dream:

You dreamed of the Ring for what it is - Sometimes for marriage or marriage. Lose the wedding ring A dream that occurred on Monday night, to separation; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to confusion and not knowing what to do; dreamed on the night of Saturday or Sunday, the dream says that you will forget your promises. Dropping the ring into the water is a miracle to avoid great danger. Clean the ring - ask for forgiveness. Break the ring - to the disease. Stubbornly, but without any success, trying to put a ring on your finger that turns out to be too small is to choose the wrong way to achieve the goal. It is difficult to remove the ring from your finger - to commit a rash act that can have bad consequences.

Dream Interpretation of K. Hall Interpretation of sleep Ring:

What does the Ring mean in a dream - connection, wedding. Broken ring - parting of lovers. A small ring that is not worn on the finger - the partner you have chosen is not your destiny. To receive a ring as a gift is to have happiness in the future. Seeing rings on other people's hands is trying to make friends. Wedding ring - to marriage.

You dreamed about the Ring, what is it for - a wedding, a new acquaintance, an engagement, an offer, or a successful business contract. Narrow ring - disruption of the wedding. Seeing an exchange of rings in a dream is the fulfillment of all personal desires. Putting a ring on a partner's hand is a sign of fidelity. If in a dream you measure different rings and none suits you, then you do not feel affection for anyone. If the ring slipped from the finger and fell - a violation of fidelity.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does the Ring mean in a dream:

What does the Ring mean in a dream - For an early marriage or marriage. Married - to a happy family life. Imagine that you are putting on a ring, it sits firmly on your finger. Nobody can take it off.

English dream book Why is the Ring dreaming in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream you dreamed of a Ring for what it is - Hands - this is an expressive symbol of creative abilities and skills. Rings symbolize status, revealing the wearer's social, professional, or financial position. Why dream: Consider the shape of the ring, the material from which it is made, and the circumstances surrounding it. Was it given as a gift or to confirm an agreement, such as an engagement ring? Were there rings on all fingers? If so, then the dream may mean that their wearer is not self-confident and uses wealth or a boastful display of talents to hide their shortcomings. Dreams in which you wear rings on your toes suggest a desire for a more exotic life. See also Hands, Fingers

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does the Dream Ring mean?

Why dream What does the Ring mean in a dream - you see the ring on your hand - you risk taking on an unfamiliar business; to your surprise, the first pancake will not be lumpy; you will quickly gain experience in a new business, and it will bring you prosperity. A young woman sees a ring on her finger - this woman will have a lover. A young woman dreams that someone is giving her a ring - this woman's lover will be sensitive and helpful; in the ideas of this woman, her lover is close to ideal. You dream of a golden ring - a wedding is approaching. One of the spouses dreams of a broken, or bent, or scratched ring - due to mutual misunderstanding and disrespect in the family, there will be constant quarrels.

Phoebe's big dream book What does the Ring mean in a dream?

The ring is what it is for - unmarried and unmarried for a wedding, family - fortunately in marriage. Imagine a jewelry box. You open it and see a wide variety of rings. You choose the ring that you like best and put it on your finger. It fits you just right, sits firmly on your finger and looks very beautiful.

Psychoanalytic dream book If the Ring is dreaming, what is it for?

Interprets the dream book: What does the Ring mean in a dream - see also the Wedding Ring. 1. A ring in a dream usually denotes some specific relationship. The wedding ring suggests union and promise. A family heirloom ring represents ancient traditions and values, while an engagement ring is just a test promise of fidelity. The ring of eternity signifies a long-term commitment. Signet ring - sealing something. A ring inserted into the nostril of a bull is an element of cruelty. 2. We all want to continue what gives life a sense of comfort and coziness. The ring symbolizes this as it never ends. 3. Like the circle, the ring denotes eternity and the divine principle. Integrity.

Russian dream book What does the Ring mean in a dream:

You dreamed about the Ring, what is it for - a fun wedding.


Dream Interpretation Rings

Rings, Gold rings, Rings on fingers, Ring, Ring without stone, Ring as a gift, Ring presses, Golden ring, White gold ring, Pearl ring, Ring on finger, Ring to find, Ring not in size, Wedding ring, Ring lose, Diamond ring, Pearl ring, Ring with a stone, Broken ring, Cracked ring, Lose a ring, Give a ring, Give a ring, Ring burst, A stone fell out of the ring, Find a ring, Find two rings, On the finger a ring with a stone, The dead man gives a ring, The guy gives a ring, Give the ring, Put on the ring, Two rings, Young man gives the ring, Beloved gives the ring

If in a dream you saw an Engagement Ring, you were Given an Engagement Ring, or you yourself made such a gift to someone, Dream Interpretations claim that you are subconsciously ready to enter into a family union. However, Dream Interpretations warn that if in a dream the Ring Presses or Falls, This is an alarming sign - marriage can become unhappy for you.

Seeing a golden ring or two rings in a dream, Giving an engagement ring in a dream (for men)- readiness for marriage; otherwise, the need to mechanically follow generally accepted rules and norms.

You need to look deep and deeply into yourself. The wedding ring can really be sent to you by the subconscious as a sign - you are ripe for the idea of ​​marriage, it's time to propose to the chosen one, it's time to start a family. However, remember your feelings from the dream you saw. Perhaps the Ring on the contrary caused you a strong rejection or fear. Then the dream is provoked by your inner fears - you are afraid of a potential marriage, you categorically do not accept it, it is too early for you to think about a wedding.

To receive a ring as a gift in a dream, To see in a dream that they give you a ring, A guy or a young man gives a ring, A loved one gives a ring in a dream (for girls and women) - to a marriage proposal; obsession with thoughts of marriage.

In the traditional interpretation of such dreams, the appearance of the Wedding Ring is always associated with the subsequent receipt of a marriage proposal from the chosen one. However, the Dream could appear to you as a projection of daytime thoughts and feelings, As a result of your excessive immersion in thoughts about marriage (for example, With a long delay with a proposal from your potential spouse).

Seeing rings on fingers in a dream, The ring on the finger is tight, Wearing a ring that does not fit- inconvenience in relationships, constraint and limited living space.

The dream symbolically indicates to you the problems that really exist in your waking relationship. Probably, your couple lacks mutual understanding and harmony.

Seeing a ring without a stone in a dream, A smooth ring or a ring made of white gold, Wearing a non-wedding ring in a dream - appreciation, Affection; otherwise - obligations to someone.

Any non-Engagement Ring is a symbol of affection, Gratitude, Loyalty and love. And at the same time, the Ring image is quite complex - the Ring can act as a guarantor of obligations Given to someone in reality. You need to accurately understand what you see.

Seeing a pearl ring in a dream, a pearl ring- to tears.

Any Pearl jewelry traditionally portends tears, Sadness and disappointment for the dreamer.

Seeing a ring with a stone or diamonds in a dream, Seeing a ring with a stone on your finger, Finding a ring or two rings in a dream is patronage; profitable acquaintance.

A Precious Ring with Stones means that you will acquire some kind of powerful patron. Sleep is equally relevant for both women and men.

To dream that a stone fell out of the ring- loss of patronage.

Lose the ring in a dream, Seeing the ring cracked or broken, The ring burst, Losing and not finding the ring in a dream - a break in relations; treason.

Loss or damage to the Ring in a dream traditionally portends a cooling of feelings, Divorce or a break in relationships.

Give a ring in a dream- voluntary withdrawal from the relationship.

A dream can indicate not only the area of ​​​​interpersonal relationships and feelings. If we take into account that the Ring symbolizes mutual obligations, Perhaps you gave the Ring in a dream, Because you do not want (can not) fulfill the promises you once made.

To dream that a dead person gives you a ring- take on some of the duties of the deceased.

An exact interpretation of this dream can be made, Only if you take into account who the deceased was for you, What kind of relationship connected you in reality. Depending on your relationship, we can talk about a couple that did not work out (if the deceased is your lover or boyfriend), or about transferring some of their duties and powers to you (for example, your late brother or father gave you the Ring).


Dream Interpretation Find the Ring

Why dream of finding the Ring in a dream from a dream book?

Finding a ring in a dream book means a new love, the appearance of a friend, or a fateful meeting. Lose and find the ring - two diverse events will occur.

Such a symbol portends a loss in reality, while the role of loss can be something that is very dear to you - love, friendship or relationships. If you find a ring, everything lost will be returned, you just need to wait.

How many rings did you find in your dream? What ring did you find? Where did you find the ring?

How many rings did you find in your dream?

Find many rings in a dream

She dreams that she found many rings - you are too confident in your own beauty and indispensability for others. Be careful, such concepts are too unstable.

What ring did you find?

Find a larger and heavier ring in a dream

The dream of finding a large and heavy ring is a symbol of disagreement. If the decoration was with a stone - expect a pleasant acquaintance with an interesting person who can diversify your leisure time.

Where did you find the ring?

Find a ring on the street in a dream

Find a ring on the street in a dream - you are under pressure. Someone is trying to persuade you to make a bad decision. Do not give in to persuasion and try to follow your own principles in everything.

Find a ring in the water in a dream

Why dream of finding a ring in the water? For a married woman, a dream predicts a long-awaited pregnancy if the water was clean. For a man, this is an unfavorable sign. You should continue to develop the work you have begun until it ends at one moment.


Golden jewelry according to the dream book

If in a dream you were lucky enough to find gold jewelry, know that in reality you will soon be very lucky. The dream promises that a problem that previously seemed insurmountable will suddenly be solved by itself. According to the dream book, you can count on a premium, a good deal, a sharp increase in the cost of your product or service. You will be lucky in everything related to finances.

The dream interpretation notices that those who in real life are used to going around in real life most often manage to find gold jewelry in a dream. The dream is trying to remind you that fear of difficulties is far from being the best assistant in making decisions. If you are now facing a difficult choice, the dream suggests that the option you are leaning towards is the right path, which seems difficult only at first glance. The dream indicates a good combination of circumstances and the likelihood that help will come from where they were not expected.

Why dream that gold jewelry was stolen from you? The dream encourages you to look both ways, as there is a possibility that in reality, due to your own absent-mindedness, you risk missing your grand chance, which does not happen often, and not for everyone. The dream interpretation clarifies that we are not necessarily talking about material values, although it would also be useful to take care of the safety of your property. The dream may relate to interpersonal relationships, parenting, business proposals.

Why else dream of gold jewelry in a dream

If you dream of a lot of gold jewelry, the dream indicates that you are dreaming of wealth. Even if the jewelry does not belong to you, nevertheless, in a dream there was an opportunity to touch them, the dream book promises that you will soon be entrusted with a responsible and honorable mission. The dream also means that you have nothing to worry about in advance: you will brilliantly justify your trust and receive a well-deserved reward.

The dream book believes that a dream in which you can only see gold jewelry without being able to touch it will bring great grief due to a loss. A golden chain dreams of a meeting with a deceiver, a gold ring - for a wedding, a bracelet - for power and new opportunities, a diadem - for a gift of fate. A dream in which you see jewelry with bells or jingling coins means that important information will be at your disposal.

Stop collecting gold jewelry in a dream, it's time to move on to active actions in reality - that's what this dream is about. The dream interpretation says that luck is on your side now. The dream calls for just making a little effort, which in the end will fully justify itself. At the same time, if a dream raises suspicion that you are dealing with gilding or fake jewelry, it is better to wait a bit with active actions: the likelihood of deception is too high.

Miller’s dream book will tell you why gold is dreaming: gold jewelry seen in a dream will open any door for you in reality. If you received jewelry as a gift, a marriage of convenience awaits you. The dream in which you found gold jewelry promises successful career advancement. the loss of gold portends missed chances and lost opportunities. any attempts to take possession of jewelry illegally dream of gossip, which can seriously damage your reputation, the dream book warns.


If in a dream you were presented with a ring, then in reality, in the near future, a new romance awaits you. If a woman dreamed that a ring was being given to her, soon in real life she would be able to find a solution to a problem that dragged on for a very long time. For a man to whom his wife gave a ring in a dream, the dream suggests that she needs to take more care of her.

The dream in which you receive a ring as a gift portends you a strong family, love and joy that children will bring. If you were presented with a golden ring, then soon you can expect an improvement in your financial situation. A gifted silver ring means that your lover will be faithful to you.

It also matters who gave the ring. If you remember, be attentive to this person. Most likely, your well-being in personal and business matters will be directly related to it.


Golden ring in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Golden ring. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of the Golden Ring mean, or what it means to see the Golden Ring in a dream.

Golden ring in a dream

In a dream, I swam in the pool, I was not alone, with my parents and sister, the water in the pool was clear and clean, we dived, swam and had fun ...., then, when I left the pool, I saw that I had lost a gold ring (not engagement) from the little finger. I began to carefully look for it everywhere: in cracks, corners, on window sills, but I came across other gold rings and jewelry that I did not take for myself - it seems like it’s someone else’s, although also lost .....

At the same time, I thought that this ring was a gift from my girlfriend and I need to find it, because I like it so much. The ring was never found, then I woke up.

Golden ring in a dream

As if I found a golden ring, then I find out who lost it - I give the ring to the owner, but she refuses not to take it, although she is in poor condition with a child in her arms (like a refugee), the ring remains with me.

Golden ring tattoo in a dream

I dreamed that on my finger (middle or ring finger, I don’t remember exactly) of my right hand, I had a new gold ring with small pebbles around the circumference (similar to a wedding ring). And this ring covers a small tattoo on my finger (in reality, I have no tattoos).

I look at my hand, making sure that the tattoo under the ring is not visible. In a dream, there was a thought that someone should not see this tattoo. Thanks for the interpretations.

Golden ring with a red stone in a dream

I didn’t have time to fall asleep, I saw it like in a dream, I was lying on my bed and suddenly something prompted me to look under the bed, I looked and there was a gold ring like new with a red stone, so comfortable and I liked it so much, I was happy to I looked at it and was surprised that it was me. And it was light under the bed, daylight. I did not take the ring in my hands, I returned to bed with joy and confidence that it was mine, I did not even try it on. In my dream, there was a sense of the practicality of this ring, its appearance without scratches and scuffs, and full confidence that it would not go anywhere.

Golden ring with ruby ​​and diamond in a dream

Tonight he gave me and put on my finger a gold ring with a bright red ruby ​​and a small diamond. All my dead relatives were present around. I got a good look at the ring: a gold signet with a small but very bright ruby ​​and a tiny, dim diamond.

What could this mean for me dreamed of a golden ring with a ruby ​​and a diamond in a dream?

I am divorced, live alone, recently changed jobs.

Golden ring in a dream

I dreamed that my friend brought me a ring that I ordered from a jewelry workshop. But it didn't turn out the way I wanted. It was my size, but very long, much longer than my finger.

I checked the gold sample, it was in place, the ring itself consisted of monograms and flowers with stones. I tried to put it on my middle or ring finger, I don't remember exactly, but it was too big.

I got mad at my friend for not bringing me what I ordered and started cursing and yelling at her.

Found a golden ring in a dream

I found two gold rings in the sand, one of which is in the shape of a carved butterfly, I showed them to someone, but did not give them away

What does this mean Found a golden ring in a dream?

A golden ring falls from a finger in a dream

Several times in a dream I see how a beautiful golden ring falls from my finger to the floor. I pick up and put on again. It falls again. Here is such a dream. Can you please tell me what it all means?

Golden rings on the hand in a dream

I had a dream that in a store similar to a pawnshop I choose rings, and I want a couple of large rings, but I have to choose and purchase (but for some reason I didn’t give money for them) a lot of not large ones but with stones, I have on each hand on each finger one or two gold rings with stones, mostly diamonds, but I don't really like the quality of these rings, although overall I'm satisfied. Tell me why such a dream, since before that I almost never dreamed of rings.

After that, I met my late mother and, pleased, showed her my hands in rings, told her to look, my mother was sad.

Golden rings in a dream

The day before yesterday I had a dream. They put gold rings on my fingers, who I don’t see, but there are already 2-3 rings on each finger, and everyone continues to wear them. I would like to know what this dream means.

4 golden rings in a dream

The dream had a dream from Thursday to Friday. In a dream, it was my birthday and a friend gave me a box, and in the box there were 3 gold rings (all of different sizes) I immediately started trying on, put the smallest one on the ring finger of my right hand and started to look, then I realized that it was engagement, it shone very much. After I was about to go home and saw the key to the door lay (it is yellow like gold), I understand that this is my key and I need it, but I did not pick it up. Then he dreams that the guy gave the ring also gold (I didn’t see the ring itself, but it feels like it was big). I tried it on and reached into my bag to look for something and it jumped off me and I searched for a long time and was very worried that I could not find the ring in the bag. In the end, I found it, the ring was in a box in which he gave it to me. It is very difficult to understand, there is both joy and sorrow, but I don’t even know what to expect. (

Comb On the floor, other people's golden rings in a dream

Today I dreamed about my comb, on it there is a soft wire black and gray. In a dream, I understand that this is such hair. I wondered where? This is my comb, no one can touch it. On the floor I see a gold ring, whether it is an engagement ring or not. I look more closely there are more and more rings. I picked up one I’m considering, not an engagement one, with petals, the color is yellow, the sample is not 585 ... ... Strange. I show it to my husband and he doesn't understand. Who was with us and lost it all? What's happening?

Right hand in gold rings in a dream

I dreamed that I was looking at my right hand, and on each finger there was one golden ring, it was nice how it became ...) and then I dream that I wake up in the morning and was scared that they were stolen from me, but I looked closely and found them, but not that's all, 2 I remember exactly, but the rest don't seem to be... Why?

dream ring

I had this dream:

The man who likes me (he is actually married) had two identical gold wedding rings on his right hand (one on the ring and one on the middle one).

And last year I saw him in a dream with only one such ring (only on the nameless one). Then I found out that he was married.

What can a ring mean in a dream?

dream ring

I had a dream that I was looking at rings with a person in real life who likes me. Rings are all expensive white gold with lots of diamonds. But we do not choose them, but simply consider them, and our tastes in design do not match. He takes one ring and says that: “this is not bad”, and I point to another.
