Cohabitation before marriage - pros and cons. Joint life with a guy: surprises and pitfalls

You will be able to spend more time together. In the morning you wake up, have breakfast, get ready and leave the house with your loved one. In the evening, share fresh impressions about the past day, then you can allow yourself to talk until late or do other joint activities.

More time for sex. No more adjusting to your parents' schedule or doing it quickly at the hotel. All evening and night you can indulge in love pleasures. No witnesses, restrictions and interference. Everything depends only on your desires.

Less spending on rent and other expenses. If you used to live in two different apartments, now you can save. There will be savings on other small expenses, such as household appliances. Some of the things from past apartments can be sold, and with the proceeds you can buy something really necessary.

Cohabitation allows you to feel truly grown-up and free. Moving out of your parents' apartment, setting up a new home, paying utility bills, and other routine issues will help you grow up quickly. You will be able to enjoy freedom and a sense of your own independence.

Cons of living together with a guy

New domestic problems are emerging. You have to cook more, wash, clean, iron and do other chores around the house. Men, as a rule, rarely take on household chores, and mostly it falls on the shoulders of girls.

Financial issues can cause serious conflicts. Previously, you existed separately and did not report on waste to each other, but now you need to learn how to live together. A man may not appreciate the purchase of a new handbag or shoes, and you may be disappointed because of the purchase of winter tires for the car.

When living together, you need to "try" more. 24 hours a day to look well-groomed, beautiful and take care of yourself. Not every man can calmly accept the transformation of his "model" into an ordinary girl.

There may be communication problems. Spending so much time together, you will quickly discuss all the usual topics, and you will need to look for new ones. Some couples break up at this stage, realizing that they are too different and have nothing to talk about.

You will be able to get to know each other better. Previously, you could only see the official look of your partner, but now he is in full view. Sleepy and irritated in the morning, sitting late at the computer, tired after work.

Many relationships break down because of different outlooks on life. Living together before marriage helps you take a sober look at your future. Do your views on financial and domestic issues coincide? Does the constant presence of your boyfriend annoy you? How similar are your tastes?

But do not forget that a lot depends on your couple. If you understand each other perfectly and know how to peacefully resolve conflict situations, living together will bring only joy.

After the candy-bouquet period has passed, thoughts arise about living together with the chosen one. Tired of constant trips from one house to another, everyday transportation of things necessary for life. I want constancy, not meetings in the evenings and a lonely return to my empty room. Moreover, the relationship has already grown into something tender and reverent.


It’s not worth it to drag out the period of meetings, it can develop into a habit, and then you may not want to live together if everything suits him anyway. You need to start by discussing how it would be convenient and pleasant to wake up every morning together, sleep under the same blanket, luxuriate in bed for a long time. He will gradually begin to think about it himself, and the idea will look pretty.


Joint life often brings a lot of problems, you need to be prepared for this. Discuss the division of household chores ahead of time.

Helpful advice

Try not to give a reason to think that an encroachment on the freedom of a guy will begin, for the male half of humanity this is very important. Don't get into a fight when he goes out with his friends for a beer and a football game. Sometimes you need to allow such liberties.


  • guy lives with a guy

The decision to live together with a loved one is always a new stage in a relationship that a couple will inevitably move on to. But so that such a rapprochement does not go to the detriment, it is necessary to properly prepare and think everything over.


Do not make such a decision on emotions. After a romantic evening spent together, when the soul is pleasant and calm, you can easily agree to live together with. But you have to face reality. Living together is not, but the daily contact of two adults who have their own habits.

Discuss how real the realization of your desire is. You need to sort out where you live, and it is preferable that you live separately from your parents. Discuss the reasons that interfere with you, and methods for their elimination.

Don't hide your doubts. Open communication will help you identify possible problems and take care of them in advance. Perhaps you will become stronger in your determination to live together, or, conversely, you will understand that it is not advisable to do this at this stage of the relationship.

Be prepared to give in. No matter how warm, tender, and extraordinary your courtship relationship may be, living together can bring with it many challenges. Therefore, instead of insisting on your preferences, find compromises, otherwise you will not be able to get along.

Discuss as many details as possible before moving. Cohabitation will reveal many unresolved issues that will need to be addressed. Therefore, do not put off talking about what is already obvious and. Discuss your daily routine, weekend plans, food preferences and budget planning.

Don't deprive yourself of your freedom. No matter how much people love each other, they cannot spend all their time together. The need for freedom can be especially acute at the beginning of cohabitation, because when you met, you each lived your own life, and now it is shared. For relationships to be stronger, you need to spend time apart. Make sure you both get it right.

Don't expect much. Difficulties and disagreements at the first stage after the move are normal, because each of you has your own habits, and since you cannot read thoughts, there will be disagreements. No need to hastily decide that you need to leave and live your old life. Give yourself time to adjust to new circumstances.


  • where to start if you start living together

Tip 4: What are the pros and cons of dating a metrosexual

For quite a long time, only razors and shaving foams were presented for men in cosmetic stores. Now the range of men's cosmetics has expanded significantly. And a new type of man appeared - the metrosexual. It is important to note that this is not at all a definition of a man's sexual orientation.

A metrosexual is a man who understands fashion trends, he, as a rule, intensively takes care of himself and is not at all shy about demonstrating his sensuality. And in a relationship with such a man, there are pluses and minuses. And it is better to deal with them in advance in order to know whether such a man is suitable for you in such a relationship.

You will never get bored shopping together. Because this is not at all the kind of man who will count the minutes until you finally leave the store. Also, he won't sigh every time you leave for a fitting room with a bunch of things. A metrosexual is always aware of what is fashionable now and what to combine with what. Therefore, he will be able to give you a lot of advice on choosing outfits.

You will always have a great incentive to take care of yourself. After all, the metrosexual always carefully monitors his appearance. He is perfectly built, eats right, diets, goes to the gym and so on. And when such a man is next to you, of course, you need to always keep yourself in great shape.

You will never have a lack of cosmetics at home. If you have run out of hand or face cream, lost a nail file, you can always take everything you need from your man.

Of course, many women will look at a well-groomed man. However, besides them, men can also pay attention to it. After all, metrosexuals are often suspected of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Do not rely on the fact that you will be in the first place for such a man. All because for him, he will always be in the first place. No wonder he is so actively and carefully watching himself.

Most of your family budget will be spent on his appearance. After all, cosmetics, proper nutrition, a gym and a swimming pool require considerable investments. In addition, he should always dress according to the latest fashion trends.

Nowadays, it is not so easy for a young family to acquire their own housing. Many couples rent quite expensive housing, and they have to save up for their own apartment not only for years, but for decades. For those who do not want to spend extra money and prefer to live for their own pleasure, there is only one way out - to live with their parents. This option is fraught with both positive and negative sides.

1. Foundations and habits of relatives. Each family has its own rules of conduct. For example, someone is used to closing the door to a room, but for someone it may seem ignorant. The purchase of household appliances can also cause complaints from the older generation, because a toaster or a juicer will seem to them an excess and a whim.

2. Material issue. This item is the most important when living together. You should immediately discuss who will pay the bills or buy groceries, as well as clean the house or cook. Unresolved issues can escalate into serious conflicts.

3. Instructions from parents. Invaluable advice from the mother-in-law or mother-in-law is often useful, but sometimes it turns into endless moralizing. Even psychologists confirm that intervention will not benefit a young family, even if it comes from very wise people.

4. Leisure of a young family. Many couples after moving in with their parents believe that parties on their territory are no longer possible. There is also something to discuss here: is it possible to invite friends to your place and at what time meetings with them should end, whether card games or music are allowed. It is worth remembering that communication with friends and other couples only strengthens relationships in a young family.

5. Pregnant women and young mothers with children. Undoubtedly, there are advantages in such a situation: help with the child and housekeeping. However, not all parents can be so caring and understanding, and communication with them will only add even more reasons for stress.

Psychologists agree that living together under the same roof with relatives negatively affects the formation of a young couple. If there are still no other options, then it should be borne in mind that any family is a separate territory with its own rules, customs and traditions. So be sure to stock up on patience and strength to adapt to a new environment.

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Tip 6: The pros and cons of relationships in which the man is younger

Most couples don't have much age difference. There are also couples in which the man is much older than the woman. But there is a third category of relationships in which a young man is younger than his soul mate. Some look at such couples with disapproval and condemnation. Meanwhile, there are more and more such couples every day.

The benefits of such a relationship

1. When a woman is next to a man who is younger than her, she begins to get younger herself. She carefully monitors herself, spends more time and money on her appearance. Regularly updates the wardrobe, hairstyle and so on.

2. The man begins to gain experience from her and becomes more mature. When a young man feels the age superiority of his companion, he begins to try his best to match his woman.

3. In terms of physiology, in terms of intimate relationships, when a man is younger, then a woman can not only teach something to the partner, because she is more experienced, but also adjust it to her liking. The latter is much more difficult in a relationship when the man is older. Therefore, when a man is younger, both parties get maximum comfort.

cons of this relationship.

1. When a woman is older in a couple, no matter how much she tries to rejuvenate and no matter how much money she invests in it, she will still have a fear that her young man can be taken away by a girl much younger than herself. This is where jealousy comes from. This means that scandals and quarrels begin in a couple.

2. Sometimes when a man is younger, he begins to perceive his beloved as a mother. He begins to impose on the woman all his whims and "I want."

3. In a couple where the man is younger and the woman is older, the woman is often serious. She knows what she wants from life and clearly outlined her plans for the future. The man may not have made up his mind yet. And then the couple may encounter different views and goals. In other words, a woman may already be ready for a family and clearly understands this. And the man wants to take a walk and enjoy freedom.

Your man has offered you a free relationship instead of the usual one. Or you just experienced a difficult breakup not so long ago, so now you don’t want a serious relationship and are looking for a replacement. To begin with, it is worth understanding the pros and cons of an open relationship.

Advantages of an open relationship

In these relationships, every man for himself and every man for himself. In other words, you do not have any obligations to each other. You can end this relationship at any moment easily and without pain. You do not need to constantly prove the relevance of the relationship to your partner. You don't have to prove anything to him at all. You do not depend on each other, which means that there will be no pain, jealousy, swearing and so on between you.

As you know, forbidden fruit is sweet. Therefore, as soon as all prohibitions are lifted and the relationship becomes free, your partner may change his mind about cheating on you. After all, when there is no prohibition, then the most cherished and forbidden is not so desirable.

Cons of an open relationship

In such relationships, there is a clear line between sex and love. In other words, partners know that they can have sex with absolutely anyone, but love only one. Therefore, betrayal is experienced in such a relationship very easily. They are perceived as something that can happen to anyone.

Many have a negative attitude towards such relationships, considering them immoral. Therefore, if you decide to start such a relationship, then be prepared that your relatives, friends, acquaintances, people around you will begin to condemn you.

In such a relationship, it is actually difficult to overcome the feeling of jealousy and possessiveness. Many simply do not want to take responsibility.

As a rule, such relationships end quickly. Because at some point one of the partners will want something more, and the second one simply will not be able to give it to him.

A shift work schedule or an activity that involves exclusively night shifts does not suit everyone. However, there are people who choose just such a labor rhythm, not only out of necessity, but also completely voluntarily, given the opportunity to work “like people” from 8 am to 5 pm.

Benefits of night shift

Indeed, working at night can be very attractive, especially for the so-called "owls", who, on their own initiative, are ready to sit all night long at a computer or TV, and also devote the traditional time to sleep to their favorite hobby. This mode of operation is literally created for such people.

Indeed, working the night shift, a person gets a free day as a bonus. He will not have to visit shops during "peak hours", he can safely do household chores and devote time to loved ones. Of course, it must be taken into account that a few hours of sleep still have to be carved out somehow. But this problem is also solvable. Some purely "night" professions do not at all imply that a person will be awake all night, and on night duty you can take a nap for a couple of hours.

Another advantage of night shifts is the quieter environment. Indeed, management, as a rule, sleeps peacefully at night and is not inclined to appear and interfere in the course of the “work process”. At night, there is less influx of visitors in convenience stores, and even night watchmen are completely alone and can do something that is not directly related to work duties.

In addition, it is rare to find a type of activity in which a person has to work every night. As a rule, after night shifts there are long weekends, which can fall into the middle of the week. This is especially nice for those who like to spend time at home when the household leaves for their daytime activities.

Well, we must not forget that night shifts are paid more than day shifts, and this is also important.

Disadvantages of working at night

But, as you know, every coin has two sides, and night work has not only pluses, but.

The most unpleasant thing is that the natural rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is disturbed, and this can negatively affect the state of health. It is normal for a person to sleep in the dark and stay awake in the light. If he constantly lives in an “inverted” mode, fatigue gradually accumulates, which can lead to a decrease in efficiency, a deterioration in mood and other unpleasant consequences.

Another disadvantage of night shifts is that in case of various kinds of emergency situations, which, unfortunately, can happen at any job, it can be more difficult to resolve them than in the daytime. Of course, when it comes to accidents or other emergencies, there is not much difference: the people who fix such problems are also on duty around the clock. But if it is necessary to sort out some working moments, this will have to be postponed until the morning: after all, people authorized to resolve such issues, as a rule, rest at night.

If you want to test the strength of a relationship, start a home renovation, says folk wisdom. But what if you are just about to start living together? What to be ready for before moving in with a guy, whether it is worth changing habits to please a loved one and how to properly distribute roles and territory, read on.

We divide the territory

It's not hard to get along with a guy. It's much harder to get along. No matter how wonderful the relationship is, sooner or later one of you will violate the boundaries of personal space, to which the partner may react unpredictably. Practice shows that it is easiest to live with a guy with whom a path has been traveled, which included various situations.

The opinion of psychologists:

“Often, conflicts in a couple arise due to misunderstanding and suppression of grievances. When people are just starting to meet, they turn a blind eye to many of the partner’s shortcomings - hormones are seething, so that analytical activity is completely absent. The more life situations a couple experiences, the stronger the relationship becomes. And in each of these situations, true character traits appear.

So after deciding to live with a guy, the girl already knows that he can be aggressive and impatient in certain cases. It makes no sense to be offended by him - this is his nature. If the pastime of the couple mainly involves entertainment, it is impossible to get to know each other better. As a result, when lovers begin to live under the same roof, other, not always positive, character traits begin to appear unexpectedly and unexpectedly. This leads to resentment. After all, in fact, resentment is an unjustified expectation of something that never happened.

Most grievances are related to the division of territory. Here's what you need to be prepared for before you start living with a guy:

  • He sometimes wants to be alone. Many girls are afraid of such a desire, like fire. They think that the guy fell out of love with them. This is one of the biggest mistakes, on the basis of which serious scandals flare up.

Why? Every person needs solitude from time to time - to streamline thoughts or disconnect from reality. Just a few minutes is enough for someone to withdraw into themselves and return, while someone needs at least half a day. This is mainly due to the activity of the brain, which sometimes needs a reboot.

What to do? If you don’t want to be branded as a “brain peck”, do not take precious moments alone with yourself from your loved one. After all, sometimes you also want peace and quiet. So instead of another portion of reproaches, it’s better to do what you love – visit the gym, take a walk in the park, go shopping.

  • Not all of his hobbies are your business. And you will have to come to terms with this. Otherwise, it will turn out like a joke: getting up early, she broke all the fishing rods, flushed all the maggots into the toilet and cut the net with scissors, and then pressed herself against her beloved shoulder. There were two hours to live.

Why? Hobbies are private. Not everyone enters there (and even the closest friends). And if your favorite pastime is connected with the realization of a childhood dream? That's the same. So be loyal to the little weaknesses of your loved one.

What to do? Option two: fall in love with the same thing, and then instead of an enemy they will see you as a like-minded person (if your loved one is a fan of Dynamo, you can get sick together at home or in a sports bar, at the same time, you will control the process of consuming alcohol), or give up and get a hobby herself. But do not try to root for another team, otherwise scandals due to football battles will be added to domestic conflicts.

  • He likes chaos. And yes, it's much easier to figure it out than your perfect order. So, if a bunch of drawings, schedules, professional literature and airplane models flaunts on your desktop, do not interfere. He is so comfortable and familiar. And then, before living with you, he somehow managed to cope.

Why? There are many options: the beloved is a pathological slob and he likes to live surrounded by a mountain of garbage; he is too preoccupied with career growth to pay attention to such trifles; a mountain of garbage is a protest sign of your excessive cleanliness (yes, socks under the sofa from this opera).

What to do? Relax and stop cleaning, as if you live in an operating room. Or set up a cleaning schedule.

Building shared habits

Moving in with a guy means moving in with his habits. He will have to do the same. Some habits can transform over time - no one has canceled the compromise. Immediately specify a few points (it seems to be a trifle, it is not because of such trifles that families break up), for example:

  • How to leave the toilet lid. Here, it's convenient for anyone. For hygienic reasons, it is better to lift;
  • What to do with a tube of toothpaste. Someone calmly twists the lid if a loved one left the tube open. And someone is terribly annoyed when a partner squeezes out toothpaste not from the base.
  • Who and when washes the dishes. Not everyone wash the cup immediately after drinking tea. Like, then there will be the main meal, so I’ll wash it. When clean cups run out, there will be no time for jokes.
  • Who takes out the trash. If you always wash the dishes, let the garbage be on the conscience of your loved one. Or vice versa. But never take on all the chores around the house, otherwise you will grow a lazy and slut with your own hands.
  • How much cosmetics can be stored in the bathroom. Undoubtedly, tubes, jars and bottles are necessary, but isn't it easier to use one, but half full, instead of four body lotions?
  • Who and when uses a computer. If everyone has their own gadget, the question disappears automatically. But if, on duty, you need to regularly receive and send files, and your loved one has occupied a laptop and is passionate about a “shooter”, it is impossible to convey anything to him, embraced by excitement.

financial question

Planning a family budget is one of the most difficult tasks for a young couple. How many people, so many opinions about who should replenish the family piggy bank.

Council of psychologists:

“No matter how independent and financially independent you are, in any case, in a financial matter, do not pull the blanket over yourself. Firstly, by doing this you humiliate your partner - you question his ability to be a provider. Secondly, think about the future - after all, you will have children. It is doubtful that before and after childbirth you will work with the same dedication. So let your partner get used to being the captain of your shared boat.”

At the same time, one should not resort to extremes: a man must a priori, and a woman was created for love. A normal man already knows this. But a couple is a couple to support each other in difficult times.

If your other half is able to provide for a family, let your contribution to the budget be symbolic. If not, you can use a 2:3 ratio (you give a slightly smaller amount for joint expenses) or split the expense items (someone pays utility bills, someone pays food).

Never control a partner's income. A normal man will always save money for something important to both of you. And no one has canceled small joys that also require money (for example, fishing or designing airplanes). After all, no one requires you to report why this or that lipstick and mascara was bought.

For more information on how to understand the second half, see the video below.

This month it's been 2 years since I've been living with a girlfriend and exactly the same time since I gave up writing on LiveJournal. It's okay, I'll fix it...

Having lived two long happy years with a girl, I decided to remember my dark prodigal past, relate it to the bright righteous one, and outlined for you guys the advantages of the relationship from which you are trying so hard to escape. So, 10 reasons to live with a girl:

1. You no longer cook for yourself.
Of course, it starts with the fact that the girl is trying to demonstrate all her culinary talents, and you are gastronomic fantasies. And now you have already tried the leg of lamb, chopped cutlets, Ukrainian borscht, and it would seem ... But you really begin to appreciate her talents during the periods of your fitness diet. When you get meals for dinner, according to the food glycemic index table. And the morning begins with oatmeal porridge and a bowl of peeled pomegranate, which can be eaten with a spoon.

2. Houses are always clean.
When I lived alone, I remember, I did not want to return to my apartment. Since she made me depressed, because of the constant srach in her. Now, no tea house can compare in atmosphere with a clean and cozy home environment, and the smell of my own, with the soul of a cooked hookah.

3. You always have something to wear.
It's not just about clean, ironed shirts and T-shirts, not to mention sorted socks in a drawer - that's really cool. But, including, a patient for the male head of the issue, shopping. You no longer rack your brains about how jeans fit on you, whether a blue shirt fits them, and whether it would be too vulgar if I unfasten the top two buttons. The main thing is not to miss the moment when she secretly tries to throw away your old favorite T-shirts, in which, in her opinion, you look like a bum.

4. You begin to appear reliable to others.
Unlike fleeting connections, you finally have an official girlfriend that you can introduce to your parents and relatives. Married friends and couples begin to treat you with great confidence. At work, you don't look so gouging anymore. In the eyes of society, you are no longer a sociopath, so it is easier for you to pretend to be a normal person. Whatever one may say, based on personal experience, the status of "busy" is still valued by society higher.

5. You no longer need to fill your head with trifles.
There are a lot of little things that a loving girl will gladly take over, in my case: replenish the loot on the home Internet in time, mobile account, fines in the traffic police, taxes and other bureaucratic routine that brings gray melancholy. Of course, not for my money - that would be completely rude on my part. Well, and all sorts of care, as a reminder to take tests, go to the dentist, charge an iPhone ... Since my head is always occupied with thoughts of the great, of course, such care is always pleasant.

6. You have someone to go crazy with.
Finally, you have a man who grit his teeth is ready to share the romance with you by watching all the parts of "Terminator" and "Back to the Future". And he doesn't run away from you with the phrase "That was Rocky 1, then we'll watch Rocky 2,3,4,5,6, and then we'll revise them again and again until death do us part." Of course, after all this, armed with red wine and popcorn, you should be ready to watch Bridget Jones's Diary 1.2. Gradually you mutate, and you have your own themes. You can spend hours watching broadcasts on the investigation of air crashes, studying the biography of serial killers, .. You are fond of all this secretly, only occasionally shocking an unprepared public with your knowledge.

7. You receive gifts.
Who said that this is a woman's chip? In fact, girls also like to give gifts, just like men like to receive them. In addition to pleasant small surprises, it is very cool to receive as a gift something that, of course, I could buy for myself, but I would never (because I feel sorry for the money), although I secretly always dreamed about it. So one day I received a Playstation 4 as a gift, I remembered my childhood, and burst into tears of happiness. She also received Trinity de Cartier, posted it on Instagram.

8. You discover the delights of the spa.
The girls know a lot about spa treatments, and because for them it's another way to make us better, and at the same time pleasant: a joint bubble bath that ends with joint mud face masks; relaxing massage; and, you won't believe it, a manicure - now this procedure is done at home while watching the next episode of "Breaking Bad" with a glass of gin and tonic in my free hand.

9. Sex and other pranks.
I remember my prodigal past, personally, I never really got excited about the "first time" with another girl, since both are usually clamped, especially the girl, or drunk in the ass, especially me.
After 2 years, I can say that the most important feature of sex in a relationship is that you are sure that both of you will finish, because in the process, each of you can afford to think about your own pleasure - no pink snot. And now, watching another episode of Dexter means it's time to fuck fuck. Therefore, it's not surprising, now even at moments when I'm alone, from the screensaver of "Dexter" I have an erection.

10. Oddly enough, you are loved.
At least one person in the world recognizes you as “the sexiest man alive”, your flaws touch her, your small successes are recognized as heroic victories .. The funny thing is, you really start to believe in all this, and it gives you confidence and strength.

You may get the impression that relationships are a continuous holiday, the main thing is to relax and have fun. This is partly true, indeed. Of course, there is no getting away from costs and restrictions, but as practice shows, this is all garbage - everything is decided. Someday I'll write a post about it...

You can watch movies both alone and together with a girl. If you want to watch something interesting, I advise you to choose a movie for your holiday.

Both having and not having a relationship has its pros and cons. Many people think that being in a relationship is better than being single, but this is far from the case! If not having a relationship is as beneficial to your life as having one, then you have nothing to worry about. Everyone chooses his own right path. Warm hugs after a long day at work and the true sense of independence that a lonely adult has are equally good.

If you have not been in a relationship for a long time or have recently broken up with a girl or boyfriend, do not forget that this has its advantages.

People think they choose who and when to meet. This is wrong. The only thing you control is the quality of the relationship you are in. Many of us are involved in unhealthy relationships, so perhaps you should explore the benefits of being single and realize that you only deserve happiness.

So what are the benefits of not being in a relationship?

1. You're not shy about experimenting with your look.

No, this does not mean at all that you cannot experiment with your appearance or clothing while in a relationship. When you're not in a relationship with someone, it can help you shake things up a bit. Loneliness is a good time for self-discovery and a sense of identity. The way you look is an expression of your self-perception.

2. Spending time with friends

When you are in a relationship, you spend most of your time with your boyfriend or girlfriend. For this reason, after parting, you may be in a state of shock for some time. You have a lot of free time, which you most likely want to spend with old friends, because when you were in a relationship, you probably saw them very rarely.

3. You will learn a lot about yourself

There is no doubt that as you developed relationships, you experienced personal growth. In fact, if you constantly feel that you are developing as a person, then the relationship you are in can be called healthy. The time you have after a breakup can be spent learning to love yourself. When you are in a relationship, it is very easy to lose your identity. However, starting to rebuild it, you may notice that you have become much stronger than you were.

4. You can focus on your interests

There is nothing wrong with watching romantic comedies with an original plot while sitting at home with a girl, especially when all your friends are drinking beer and watching sports at the same time. But even the most patient young people can quickly get tired of this activity. When you don't have a girlfriend, you can watch whatever you want. It gives a feeling of freedom and independence.

5. You can expand your interests

Many people for the sake of relationships, especially if they have already lasted long enough, sacrifice their hobbies and interests, because there is not enough time for everything. When you do not have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, you can spend your free time expanding your circle of interests. After a breakup, there is nothing worse than sitting at home and doing nothing. You must not stand still. Keep developing as a person.

6. You will understand what you want to see in your future partner

This advice is useful for those who have already experienced a breakup. Sooner or later you will come to the moment when you want a new relationship. Each previous one certainly taught you something, and now you know exactly what kind of person you would like to see next to you.

7. You ended an unhealthy relationship.

Of course, this does not apply to all people. One of the best feelings can be knowing that you have freed yourself from an unhealthy relationship. Perhaps for their sake you had to sacrifice what you were so fond of. After a breakup, you can go back to it. After a breakup, things don't get easier right away. Only after a while you will realize that everything was for the better.

8. You can focus on work and other commitments.

When you are exclusively infatuated with your significant other, various areas of your life can begin to slip. If you want to build a career or devote more time to some other labor-intensive activity, the absence of a relationship can be a great opportunity to fulfill your plans.

9. Ability to save money

A romantic dinner at a restaurant is, of course, great, but this fantastic evening can be ruined by the numbers on the bill. Every relationship is different, and you don't have to empty your wallet all the time to have a good time. There is no doubt that dating is not for poor people. If you have financial problems, then you need to hope that your significant other appreciates all the little things you do to make her life better.

10. You can flirt

Forget dating! It's too hard! Sometimes sitting alone with a glass of wine while scrolling through Tinder is much nicer. If you've recently broken up with someone, you may not feel as confident at first as you once did. One way to deal with this is to flirt a little.

Here are ten benefits of having a healthy relationship that will make you want to fall in love again!

1. He/she is your best friend

We all have friends, but without a doubt, life seems better when your best friend is your partner. You spend most of your time with him, not noticing how fast it flies, and not wanting to see someone else nearby.

2. You sincerely enjoy every meeting.

One of the signs of a healthy relationship is that you are always incredibly happy to see your partner, especially after a long day at work. If you are intimidated by the time you need to spend with your partner, then why do you need this relationship?

3. He/she is your support and support

Life is not always easy. Sometimes the people around you need your support. Having wonderful friends and family is great, but only your significant other understands you like no one else and knows what steps to take to make you feel better.

4. Great sex

You can have sex without even being in a relationship. However, no one will deny that a night spent with the person you truly love is always much better and more enjoyable than having sex with a random girl from a bar. What's more, with a girl you've been dating for a long time, you can experiment with different sex toys and other things that you can't do with someone you barely know.

5. You can have fun dates.

It is unfortunate that when people date for a long time, they begin to forget about the importance of romance in life. Dating is one of the best parts of a relationship. If your fantasy refuses to work, you can find a lot of ideas for exciting dates on the Internet.

6. Some activities are just for dating.

In How I Met Your Mother, there is an episode in which the characters discuss the so-called "brunch" (brunch), a meal that is not intended for single people. This upsets Marshall, who recently broke up with his girlfriend but loves brunch. This humorous episode goes to show that there are activities that are just meant for couples. You can go ice skating or go to the movies alone, but it's much more pleasant to do it with your soulmate.

7. Shared costs

One of the advantages of a relationship is that your partner will always support you in difficult times, including financially. Are you withholding wages? We hope your partner is able to help you financially and I am sure that you would do the same for him. No one wants to borrow money, especially from relatives or friends. At least when you borrow money from your partner, you know that he is doing it out of love for you. This will definitely benefit both of you.

8. You have someone to talk to

9. You must expand your interests.

Nobody wants to be in a relationship with a narrow-minded person. At one point, you may find that the longer you date someone, the more hobbies and habits you pick up from them. If your partner, for example, is fond of cooking, then you can also become interested in it.

10. Together until old age

When people are asked what they would like to achieve in this life, they always answer in different ways, and this is absolutely normal. Some want to grow old with their loved one and, as an option, contribute to society. If you think about it, then there is nothing better than having a healthy relationship, growing up, developing with your partner and living to a ripe old age, overcoming all the obstacles and hardships along the way and enjoying happy moments.

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