Poems about my son are short and beautiful. Poems about beloved little sons - about a son - poems - beautiful poems

I will kiss your soft little hand,
I barely touch my nose with my lips,
My heart skips a beat with love for my son,
For me there is no better creature in the world!
The precious little one sleeps carelessly,
Tiny fingers clenched into a fist,
Will be the first guy in the future, of course
He's already a cool guy!
Dear boy, my ray of sunshine!
I admire you, my joy is endless!
Be healthy and happy, my dear son,
After all, with you my youth will last.
Worried about you, I turn to the children
(and the words come from the depths of my soul):
You are more valuable to us than all the riches in the world,
Happiness and joy to you, our kids!!!


My mother gave birth to me as a son,
But she just gave birth to me with nothing.
And here I lay undressed - a man,
And the women are dressed all around.

Eh, if I had teeth, I would have clenched tightly.
I wish I knew the words - said something,
But there are no teeth and no words, and I didn’t squeak,
What surprised the medical staff very much.

I lie silent, like a doll in a box,
All red from resentment and shame.
But they spanked my ass very painfully,
I couldn’t stand it, I cried then.

I looked at the midwife's watch
And I see it’s a long time until lunch.
And they weighed me and took my measurements,
It would be better if they put him on a potty.

They put a tag on my arm,
They didn’t even let me read what was in it.
They twisted it tightly with a diaper -
Don't kick your leg, don't scratch your nose.

They didn’t let me take a good look at my mother,
I'm afraid they'll replace it and give it someone else's.
Of course, I'm the best one here
And, of course, there is a lot of demand for me.

They carried me to the ward, and there were girls
And even a lot of people don’t sleep.
Some have wet diapers,
But clean and such a pleasant look.

There is so much tenderness and affection in their eyes,
But I just wanted to introduce myself -
An aunt in a white mask pushes me a pacifier.
So I didn’t have time to say anything.

Oh, how I don’t like this pacifier,
They will poke it at me day and night.
They put me on a milk diet
And I wouldn’t mind eating borscht either.

I was patient, I didn’t make faces
And then I saw my mother.
Wow, how similar are the mothers here -
All in white, like angels in heaven.

And only mine is the very charm!
Love came to me, what miracles!
And I started making dates with her
So often, every three hours.

And my life became like a miracle,
I am completely satisfied with my fate.
I will meet my dad tomorrow;
Mom will show it to me through the window.

It will be nice to see dad
He is very happy, you can see from everything.
Let's see how he smiles
When I don't let him sleep at night.

You are our joy
You are our pride)
You're growing up
Our dear son,
You're gaining strength
Like a sprout.
Let them be joyful
All your days:
You are hope
And family happiness.
Be healthy
Never get sick
And live
Make your life more fun


Eyes open
Eyes wake up
Leg stretches,
Heel stretchers,
Hands and palms,
Sweet guys!
Give me your elbow
Mom will kiss you!
My dear son!
How I love you!

He snorts quietly at your side,
Squeezing my finger so trustingly.
And I mentally praise God -
Now I have my boy.
He already says: “Mom!”
And he laughs when he sees me.
For him I will become kind myself,
The most loving mother in the world.
How many restless days were there?
You can't find a moment for yourself.
But I already forgot how I lived,
Without him, without my little one.
How many more bad weathers will there be?
I am not afraid in their anticipation.
After all, happiness is incomparable to anything -
At night listen to his breathing

Being a mother of girls, of course, is not the same:
There are dolls, dishes, a hospital, lotto,
There are fluffy dresses and toe-length braids...
Fate gave you guys.

Your house is not decorated with vases of roses,
And the cyborg killer that your son brought,
Having found him in a puddle near his native house,
Cleaned it, washed it and now it's like new.

No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!
Do you want to destroy a military base?
Do you want to demolish an airplane hangar?
Come to your senses, woman! This is a nightmare!

You will lead the tin soldiers into battle,
Be bold and daring, don't take a step back!
So, go in from the flank and hit with artillery.
(If you don’t know what it is, ask your sons).

You will learn all car brands with them,
And all types of their tires will become larger.
They will grow up and enlighten you,
How the starter, cardan and jack work.

Without them you might not know anything
Why do you need a jigsaw? Should I kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
Bearing - what is it? Something with spikes?


Son! I will knit your life, from cheerful melange yarn...

I will tie your life together, and then from my heart I will give you...

Where do I get threads? I will never confess to anyone...

To tie your life together, I secretly unravel mine...


I love you to bits
I love you to the point of trembling,
My child, my good one,
My imprint, my mark.

How similar you and I are,
The mirror gaze focuses,
You see, with a blue wreath,
Is my blood pulsating in you?

Umbilical cord nodule -
Our little bud is memorable.
Always behind you, son,
My mother's heart yearns to follow.

Flesh of flesh - God's will
I love you to the point of pain
My birthmark

. ***********************************

I remember the first cry
With whom my son came into the world,
And the sun that rose at that moment,
Even though the fog had been swirling since night.
I remember the nurse's hands
Already holding the baby,
There is a huge halo of sun in the window
Above all this sacred rite
Shout baby, live baby.
Get to your feet quickly.
But, I just beg you,
Become strong, remain gentle


You are sleeping, my little friend,
The heart of an angel is innocent.
I'll quietly approach the crib,
And I'll kiss you on the cheek.
I carefully, barely breathing,
I'll cover you with a blanket.
My soul lives in you,
In a small, tired child.
You'll turn on your side
In a dream, smiling carelessly.
Sleep sweetly, my dear son, -
I'll whisper when I touch your hair.
Keep your dream without complaint
I will be the dark nights.
Oh, Lord, don't let me comprehend
He is worried and sad.
I'll put it in your little hand in the morning
Forest bunny gift.
There is nothing sweeter to me
Your look is mischievous.
And when you wake up, I’ll come over,
I will see joy in sweet eyes.
It's so good that kids
They believe in fairy tales so willingly.
Oh, mommy, you whisper to me,
Guess who was there today?
Came to me from the forest
My good friend, fluffy bunny!
And joy and delight in the eyes,
And the laughter is wide and sonorous,
And I will kiss yours
The gift of clasped hands!


My man doesn't like beer and cigarettes,
He's not a gambler and doesn't even go to clubs,
He doesn’t have money to buy me a bouquet,
(Therefore, without hesitation, he picks it from the flowerbed).,
My man doesn't mind my girlfriends at all,
Curlers and dresses with large colored polka dots,
He's a little bit of a bully, but a very funny friend,
He and I walk hand in hand and amuse passers-by...
He is slightly afraid of dogs, the dark and quarrels,
But he’s ready to help me make pie and buns,
He will support the most meaningless conversation,
He calls me “sweet bunny” and “the best”
He is not at all jealous of my friends,
Phone calls, massages and Tom Cruise
He is the protector of frogs, lizards, monkeys,
He loves cocoa, cookies and corn,
He loves everything I give him
Gives compliments, draws the sun,
He is not shy to shout: “I love you!”
He calls the cat "Pot-bellied pilot"...
He falls asleep in the evening, by nine -
My real guy with the face of a son....
This is the best of my twenty-five:
Sing lullabies for a little man...

. ****************************************

The boy chose a rose
So that the rest don’t get crushed,
The saleswoman looked worried:
Help him or not help him?
With thin fingers
Bumping into flower thorns,
I chose the one that revealed
There are petals in the morning today.
Scooping out your change from your pockets,
To the question - who did he buy it for?
I was somehow very embarrassed
“Mom...” - barely audible
-Birthday, she’s thirty today...
She and I are very close
Only here she lies in
Soon I will have a brother.
Ran away. And we stood with
I'm over forty, she's over
Women should have been born
To raise kids like this

! *****************************************

A happy dream closed your eyelashes,
Leaving a thick shadow on the cheeks.
Tell me what do you dream about at night?
What dreams live among these walls?

Why did the Lord give me such happiness -
Raise you, cherish you, contemplate you,
Loving you with all the passion I can
And gently, gently press it to your heart?

I'll kiss your sleepy palm
I'll put my finger through the soft curl.
How sweetly your little nose sniffles!
How good you are, my sleepy angel!

How I love it when you calm down
Trustingly clinging to my cheek..
Someday, my baby, you will know
That you hold my heart in your fist.

Sleep, my sweet, glorious, serene one,
May the Angel guard your peace!
For the greatest tenderness in the world
I am forever in your debt!


I promised, I’m posting poems about our beloved boys...

The little bunny smiled at his mother:
I love you like this! – and spread his hands.
And that's how I love you! - his mother told him,
She spread her hands and showed too.

He crouched down and jumped high like a ball
I love you like this! – the bunny laughed.
And then in response, running wildly,
- That's how I love you! – the bunny jumped.
“That’s a lot,” whispered the bunny,
- This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
- I love you like this! - the bunny smiled
And he somersaulted on the grassy grass.
- And that’s how I love you! - Mommy said,
She tumbled, hugged and kissed.
“That’s a lot,” whispered the bunny,
- This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
- Do you see the tree growing right next to the river?
I love you like this! - You understand, mom.
And in my mother’s arms I can see the whole valley.
- That's how I love you! - the mother told her son.
So a cheerful day passed, at the hour when it was getting dark,
The yellow-white moon appeared in the sky.
At night, children need to sleep even in our fairy tale.
The bunny whispered to his mother, closing his eyes:
- From the earth to the moon, and then back -
That's how much I love you! Isn't it clear?..
Having tucked a blanket around the bunny on all sides,
Quietly before going to bed, my mother whispered:
- This is very, very much, it’s so nice,
When they love to the moon and then back!

They say that a toddler is like an extra burden for mom
Who came up with this shit, I'm almost crying
Who can say if I hadn’t woken her up in the morning
If I weren't there, who would she feed?
And whoever would be in the bowl of soap and where would the shampoo be poured?
Who would fill her diapers, and who would pull her hair?
Who else will find old gloves under the crib?
Who can stain the wall with a hand, a leg and a knee?
Whoever tears up unnecessary books, takes away hares and bears
A toddler for mom without a doubt
Joy, happiness and pleasure!!!

A happy dream closed your eyelashes,
Leaving a thick shadow on the cheeks.
Tell me what do you dream about at night?
What dreams live among these walls?

Why did the Lord give me such happiness -
Raise you, cherish you, contemplate you,
Loving you with all the passion I can
And gently, gently press it to your heart?

I'll kiss your sleepy palm
I'll put my finger through the soft curl.
How sweetly your little nose sniffles!
How good you are, my sleepy angel!

How I love it when you calm down
Trustingly clinging to my cheek..
Someday, my baby, you will know
That you hold my heart in your fist.

Sleep, my sweet, glorious, serene one,
May the Angel guard your peace!
For the greatest tenderness in the world
I am forever in your debt.

There is no greater happiness in the world,
Than hearing your son's first cry,
And look at him in admiration,
Realizing: “He is the most beautiful!”
There is no greater reward
How to look for your own traits in him,
And even though you look like your dad,
We know that I am you!
I don't need much from life:
No victories, no peaks, no praise.
I ask one thing from God,
So that he protects you.
Even if the sky disappears
And will be covered with black mist,
I want you to know
Wherever you are -
We will always be by your side.
We will put our love together
And let's multiply it by three!
We are Family and we can do a lot,
And we have already been able to do a lot!

This morning I woke up in a bad mood,
The slightest trifle seems like grief to me -
Socks in the corners and cookie bits,
And everything irritates me, and everything doesn’t feel right to me.

Comrades, how many times have I repeated -
Toys - on the shelf, tights - in the chest of drawers...
Cleaning down the drain, starting all over again,
As if I don’t have enough problems and worries!

Both father and son are frivolous people,
There is not a drop of remorse on their faces!
Go for a walk in the frosty air,
And don’t bother me with cooking dinner!

Dressed, got ready, sniffling guiltily -
-Well, mommy, have you left this morning?
They took the ice cube, bucket and shovel,
And I trudged to my frying pans...

Potato chips are crawling hastily,
Carrots and onions squeak appetizingly,
Things are sorted, toys are on the shelves...
I'm sitting enjoying the order around me.

But something is missing again for happiness,
There is an unusual silence ringing in my ears,
And quietly my anger disappears,
I'll go look at my people from the window...

This is the picture - snowflakes are flying,
There is bustle and laughter in the courtyard below,
Ice floes whistling through the snowdrift,
There is enough fun and fun for everyone!

Mine got down to serious business -
Looks like they're trying to put something together.
A child rolls a snowball clumsily
And the husband helps to consolidate success

The son diligently masters the skill -
He fills the bucket, shakes it with a spatula,
And a hot lump rises to my throat -
Oh my God, how fast my baby is growing...

As if recently - diapers, vaccinations,
Steps in a walker from the corner to the door,
Tired happiness from the first smile,
Sleepless nights until dawn...

I’m standing, propping up the battery with my edge,
A child makes miracles out of snow,
Why am I hanging around here and missing everything???
After all, this is half an hour from his life!!!

I’m running up the steps, in a hurry and worried,
This winter is so short...
And his frozen nose buried itself in my cheek
Mommy, how I love you!

May my homework not be appreciated again,
Let the soup on the stove not finish cooking yet,
There are things in the world that are much more important -
My son and I made a snowman!!!

My little, my sweet boy,
I love watching you when you sleep...
When you quietly snore,
And next to you is your bear and bunny...

You are my best friend!
I love your mischievous laughter
When you play with kids,
My beloved, glorious son!

Flower, my bunny, kitten!
May God keep you from troubles,
Be healthy, happy for a hundred years,
My dear little child!

Mom went to buy herself
a brand new fur coat,
and lacy linen,
and a skirt for going out,
and favorite perfume,
and a necklace on the neck,
- well, what comes to mind
from haberdashery...

I barely made it home
dragging packages.
They were lying in them - my God! -
sword, two pistols,
and hockey skates
and a soccer ball...
Because she has
I have a favorite boy!

My son once told me:
- I want them to be
Like a bird, you have

The flight has become over my shoulder,
Felt the power:
- And where will I fly?
I asked.

The son replied:
- Nowhere
Moms don't fly.
Moms always have wings
The kids are being closed!

You are sleeping, my little friend,
The heart of an angel is innocent.
I'll quietly approach the crib,
And I'll kiss you on the cheek.
I carefully, barely breathing,
I'll cover you with a blanket.
My soul lives in you,
In a small, tired child.
You'll turn on your side
In a dream, smiling carelessly.
Sleep sweetly, my dear son, -
I'll whisper when I touch your hair.
Keep your dream without complaint
I will be the dark nights.
Oh, Lord, don't let me comprehend
He is worried and sad.
I'll put it in your little hand in the morning
Forest bunny gift.
There is nothing sweeter to me
Your look is mischievous.
And when you wake up, I’ll come over,
I will see joy in sweet eyes.
It's so good that kids
They believe in fairy tales so willingly.
Oh, mommy, you whisper to me,
Guess who was there today?
Came to me from the forest
My good friend, fluffy bunny!
And joy and delight in the eyes,
And the laughter is wide and sonorous,
And I will kiss yours
The gift of clasped hands!

I'm my mother's best, best
Sweet cat, I'm with my mother,
Teddy Bear
And a butuz,
And a screamer
The bell
Even a pig...

Well, when will I be a CHILD?

Sweet, funny Why!
Everyone in the world wants to know quickly -
Why is there this cloud in the sky?
And where do the puddles on the alley come from?

Sleep quickly, calm down, son,
Close your eyelashes quickly.
May you dream tonight
Sun, breeze and bird song.

And burying my nose in the pillow,
Suddenly finding himself in the power of sleep,
Sleeps, hugging his favorite toy,
My fair-haired, dear Happiness.

Being a mother of girls, of course, is not the same:
There are dolls, dishes, a hospital, lotto,
There are fluffy dresses and toe-length braids...
Fate gave you guys.

Your house is not decorated with vases of roses,
And the cyborg killer that your son brought,
Having found him in a puddle near his native house,
Cleaned it, washed it and now it's like new.

No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!
Do you want to destroy a military base?
Do you want to demolish an airplane hangar?
Come to your senses, woman! This is a nightmare!

You will lead the tin soldiers into battle,
Be bold and daring, don't take a step back!
So, go in from the flank and hit with artillery.
(If you don’t know what it is, ask your sons).

You will learn all car brands with them,
And all types of their tires will become larger.
They will grow up and enlighten you,
How the starter, cardan and jack work.

Without them you might not know anything
Why do you need a jigsaw? Should I kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
Bearing - what is it? Something with spikes?


Little fingers
In mom's hand
Interesting boy
In the summer in the park.

On the boulevard affectionate
Shadow from poplars.
Grandmothers with strollers
Feeding the pigeons.

The sparrows are chirping
In sleepy silence,
Jumping between the glare
Sunshine in the grass.

The woman is beautiful
My son is five or six years old,
People smile
They look after them.

Your son asked me to sing before bed
But you didn’t have time for the evening chores
Finish on time, and the house was not cleaned.
She just smacked her lips in a hurry and didn’t even sit down.
On the edge of the bed. He sniffled,
With his nose buried in a teddy bear.
There were so many different things to do,
And there is no time to put the boy to bed.
Already big, what’s up, not a baby,
They didn’t sing to you at that age.
I asked, but you said you were in a hurry,
And there is no need to be capricious in bed....
You didn’t have time, there are many different “no”
Five years have accumulated during this
Son smiles sweetly in his sleep
In a green lamp in dim light...
He will grow up, because this is how the years fly by,
He takes off his yellow pajamas.
He will grow up and be an adult, never
He won't ask you to sing a lullaby anymore...

Tell me, does it really happen?
That everything is repeating itself again?
He yawns just as long,
He frowns his brow just like you...
Your eyes are so similar to yours
And the crease on your forehead...
My dear, the gift is more valuable
Probably not on Earth.
And there's hardly a reason
The way I love you so much.
My dear, thank you for your son!
I'm telling you again...

Mommy's sunshine, so sweet!
The look is impeccably naive and funny.
Dad's little eyes, with his upper lip,
Eyebrows, hair... You are my bunny!

How you smile! You are my dear!
Mom's desired, dear baby!
An angel returning home from heaven
A ray of sunshine, my golden one!

The gnome is cheerful, strong and groovy,
You are my stream with murmuring water!
A bright miracle, an unearthly gift,
My greatest gift in life!

Delusion, devilry,

Completely rewritten by the future,
You came - the best man in the world,
Selflessly loved and loving.

A gentle, sleepily purring cat -
Or a tigress, ready to tear everyone to pieces,
I'll stay with you for a little while
And then... and then - as you want.

“This doesn’t happen, it’s just fiction...”
- thoughts are quietly quarreling in my head...
So that like this - to the primitive,
Until the painful night's insomnia,

Where are the seconds of autumn leaves
They fall from the rustling arrows...
There's no point in stopping time
It's better to breathe quietly in the present,

Feeling how, paid for by pain,
Happiness, the room flooded,
Curled up on my chest...
I'm afraid to even move

So as not to inadvertently scare him away.
The night tiptoes out the windows,
My man is dozing by my side.
He will turn one year old tomorrow...

My son is a little miracle!
I lighten my heart without breathing -
From Heaven, from Wind, from nowhere
A young soul is born!

May your world be pure and bright
In our stuffy household dust!
Let the wind carry you around the world,
Without splashing the Earth with mud.

The boy chose the rose carefully,

So that the rest don’t get crushed,
The saleswoman looked worried:
Help him or not help him?
With thin fingers covered in ink,
Bumping into flower thorns,
I chose the one that revealed
There are petals in the morning today.
Scooping out your change from your pockets,
To the question - who did he buy it for?
I got embarrassed in a very strange way:
“Mom...” he whispered barely audibly.
-Birthday, she’s thirty today...
She and I are very close friends.
Only now she lies in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.
Ran away. And we stood with the saleswoman,
I am over forty, she is over fifty.
Women should have been born
To raise kids like this.

My boy, my brave kind lion,
My cornflower blue faithful knight,
Not having enough time to admire in a day,
I hasten to bow at the head of the bed
And I carefully study the features -
What has changed in them during this time...
“Stay with me some more,” you ask.
And I immediately surrender to your mercy.
When will the color wheel come back?
Circling non-stop near the bed,
Pierces the temple with sharp joy -
My boy, how similar you and I are!
Lightly sliding your lips along your cheek,
I trust silence and night
Carry you along the fairy river,
Passing time as if by the way.
How to do this (you asked yesterday),
So that the wings flutter behind your back -
You're rushing into the sky. And the time will come
When I'll tell you a secret
And you will understand that they can fly without them,
Well, while you sleep peacefully,
My clear falcon, my priceless treasure,
My beloved son, my hope...

I will kiss your soft little hand,
I barely touch my nose with my lips,
My heart melts with love for the child,
For me there is no better creature in the world!

The precious little one sleeps carelessly,
Tiny fingers clenched into a fist,
Will be the first guy in the future, of course
He's already a cool guy!

Life with Slavka has become fuller and more beautiful,
And hearts are filled with happy light!
Dear boy, my ray of sunshine,
I admire you, the joy is not hidden.

Worried about you, I turn to the children
(And the words are taken from the depths of my soul):
"You are dearer to us than all the riches in the world,
Happiness and joy to you, our kids!"

Cool statuses about your son

To the question “What is love?” my son answered: “Love is mom.”


I erected a monument to myself... - I bungled my son!


What a good son - even though he is her husband's child.


If a man is ready to do anything for a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then this man is her son.


Today I realized that my son has turned from a boy into a man - in the morning for the first time he asked me a purely masculine question: “Where are my socks?”


The son is a perpetual motion machine, and also a jumper, a galloper, a tight hugger and a gentle kisser!


The only one I will run after will shout to me “Catch up, mom!”


My best man, no doubt, is the one who says: “Mommy, hello”!


20 years ago: “My son is smart—you can’t tear yourself away from the computer from morning to night.”
Now: “My son is a complete idiot - you can’t tear yourself away from the computer from morning to night.”


I don’t look like a model at all, but I won’t worry about it. My son told me with tenderness that his mommy is BEAUTIFUL!


You know your children have grown up when your daughter starts putting lipstick on her lips, and your son starts wiping lipstick off his lips.


My son is a waiter. I can be calm about a glass of water before I die. The main thing is to keep tips on hand.

If a woman feeds a man, gives him water, clothes him, waits for him and forgives him everything, he is her son, it cannot be otherwise.


A gentle face, every line, a snub-nosed sniffling nose! Money, career... all this is unimportant... The important thing is sleeping next to you!


Based on the results of night vigils with his little son: “Night Watch”


I explained to my son where children come from. A million storks fly out, and only one reaches the cabbage...


The sooner you start treating your son like a man, the sooner he will become one.


I have an Angel and his name is Son...
My son has security and his protection is Mom!


When I have a son, there will be someone better than me...


A mother takes twenty years to make a man out of her son, and his girlfriend can make an idiot out of him in twenty minutes.


I want a daughter. She will be the most beautiful in the world! I will dress her like a princess. But first, I will have a son. To guard my princess.


Until the age of five, treat your son like a king, from five to fifteen - like a servant, after fifteen - like a friend.
Ancient Indian saying


I enjoy my son's childhood...


And the white sand on the sea was made yellow by someone, son.


Knowledge is passed on from father to son using a belt drive.


Prodigal sons return with prodigal wives.


I have the best man in the world!
Every day he says how much he loves me
Kisses every time we meet, hugs tightly!
One drawback: getting ready for kindergarten is slow!


My son is drawing a solar circle, the sky around... A woman's breasts, a fire, a barbecue... And it was his daddy who helped him!


Announcement. A translator from Russian to Elvish is urgently needed. WE LOSE MY SON!


It seems like just yesterday I was rocking him in my arms... And today he’s already a year old and he runs away from me when he doesn’t want to get dressed!


One day there comes a moment when, walking next to your son, you want to take him by the hand out of habit, and suddenly you realize that you have to take him... by the arm.


My son and I are running home, and there are many dogs ahead. The son asked: “Mom, are you scared?” I say: “No! I'm with a man." The son is important: “And the man is not afraid - he is with his mother.”


I really believe and hope that at the hour when the time comes,
I’ll tell a grown man: “I’m so proud of you, son!”


Yesterday my son showed me another masterpiece on the wallpaper. When asked where the red paint came from, he said ketchup. Today there is a brown drawing on the wall - I’m afraid to ask.



It is easier for a father to forgive a prodigal son than for a son to forgive a prodigal father.


A real woman must give birth to a son, raise a husband and build a mother-in-law!


The most expensive smell is not Dior or Chanel... the most expensive smell is the smell of your child


The embodiment of greed: this is when my son and I, after washing, divide where whose socks are...


A happy dad walks with his son - the son looks exactly like his dad.


I will name my son Vkontakty, and my daughter Aska


My son is my joy! My strength, my weakness! Nice bright light, I love you son!


Perhaps I’ll go and visit...
I'll visit my friend's son


By the time you realize that your parents were right, you will already have a son who will think that you are wrong.


Sons leave the parental home one by one, and usually return pair by pair


Today I went to a parent meeting and liked my son’s parting words: “Mom, the main thing is don’t trust anyone there!”


The mother raised her son in the belief in goodness and justice, that is, already in childhood he received mental trauma that was incompatible with life.


Mother to son:
...And note, son, I never said a single bad word about any of your rubbish!


For me, gold is not what glitters, but what crawls, laughs and turns everything upside down...


The son of a labor worker and a music teacher graduated from school with two straight A's.


It’s easier for a man, of course. He is known to have to do three things: plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. And it doesn’t matter to him at all who then raises his son all his life, waters the tree and cleans this house...


If you want the love of a prince, become a queen and give birth to a son.

*** Cool poems for adults

Husbands won't tell their wives what's on their minds! Never! Likewise, sons always keep their emotions inside. No matter how hard mothers try to find out even the slightest detail, the children’s feelings always remain behind seven impenetrable locks. To talk, they have to resort to a variety of tricks. And statuses about your son with meaning are one of these new ways to force a loved one to talk. By visiting our website, you can find sayings for any occasion. Post a kind and sweet quote in honor of your beloved boy that will inspire other men to remember their parents They are all different, therefore, the approach to each should also be individual. One is always next to you, and the other believes that his parents have completely forgotten about him, post a beautiful status about your son, give him confidence in your love!

Short and meaningful statuses about your son

Statuses about your son will meaningfully tell you about your most reverent feelings for him. If you know that he will come to your social page, post about him, give him a reason to smile and be in a good mood throughout the day! Believe me, he will definitely appreciate it, because such an act will definitely inspire him! By installing an interesting statement on your page, you will most likely be able to touch those very keys of the soul. Do not doubt, he is waiting for your kind words. We tried to collect all the best phrases and quotes in one place and divided them into categories to make it easier for you to find phraseological units for your husband, mother and other people close to you. A beautiful status about your son with meaning is the best way to talk to him, even if not directly!

Come visit us and reunite a broken family using the easiest way on the planet, cool status!

Poems for your son from your mother, as well as congratulations to your son on the holiday on the website Your Child.ru!

Being a mother of girls, of course, is not the same:
There are dolls, dishes, a hospital, lotto,
There are fluffy dresses and braids for the child...
Fate gave you a little boy.

Your house is not decorated with vases of roses,
And the cyborg killer that your son brought,
Having found him in a puddle near his native house,
Cleaned it, washed it and now it's like new.

No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!
Do you want to destroy a military base?
Do you want to demolish an airplane hangar?
Come to your senses, woman! This is a nightmare!

You will lead the tin soldiers into battle,
Be bold and daring, don't take a step back!
With him you will learn all the brands of cars,
And there will be more - all types of their tires.

You wouldn't be able to find out without him
Why do you need a jigsaw? Should I kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
Bearing - what is it? Something with spikes?

So much that could have passed by!
But this is happiness - to be the mother of a son!

A few commandments for my son

My dear son, you are a continuation of me in the coming years,
And my advice is not a lesson to you, but it is my testament.

Be poor, son, or rich, be proud of your intelligence, not your goodness.
Don’t limp in front of the hunchback, otherwise you will actually become lame.

Please your homeland with good deeds, and, following your grandfather and father,
Be with her in soul, mind and body, Be with her in deeds - not in words.

Take care of your conscience and honor. Feast to feast, whether to go into battle -
Be, son, always with everyone, and at the same time be yourself.

Son, my angel baby

Son, my baby angel,
How I love you, dear,
I love your mischievous laughter

I love every part

From the mouth of your child,
When you lie tired and sick,

And gives a tender kiss
And mom says quietly
I love you, my dear!

Mom's sunshine

Mommy's sunshine, so sweet!
The look is impeccably naive and funny.
Dad's little eyes, with his upper lip,
Eyebrows, hair... You are my bunny!

How you smile! You are my dear!
Mom's desired, dear baby!
An angel returning home from heaven
A ray of sunshine, my golden one!

The gnome is cheerful, strong and groovy,
You are my stream with murmuring water!
A bright miracle, an unearthly gift,
My greatest gift in life!

Congratulations on your son's birthday

You know who's the best
Whom do I hug tenderly?
Who is kind, cheerful, handsome,
My beloved son, of course!
I wish you to be healthy
And learn a lot in life!
Grow up, be a helper in the house,
And I will be proud of you!
Happy birthday!

My little, my sweet boy

My little, my sweet boy,
I love watching you when you sleep...
When you quietly snore,
And next to you is your bear and bunny...

You are my best friend!
I love your mischievous laughter
When you play with kids,
My beloved, glorious son!

Flower, my bunny, kitten!
May God keep you from troubles,
Be healthy, happy for a hundred years,
My dear little child!

My son is a ray of light

My son is a blond ray of light!
You don’t yet know how big the planet is,
You can't imagine how beautiful the globe is
Green in summer, white in winter.
You still don’t know much,
Your road is long and amazing.
Do not rush! - your mother explains to you.
You'll still have time to see it!
Cheerful baby - blue eyes!
I love you so much! With all my heart, very much!
Grow up healthy and happy!
May your path be full of joy!

Mother's happiness

The arrows count down the time loudly,
And the years melt away like white smoke.
But for me you remained a child,
My son, glorious and dear!
You still have the same sweet habits.
All the same facial expressions
Son, I’m so glad that everything turned out this way.
You haven't grown into a soulless liar.
You have become a strong, real man,
And in your work you have no equal.
Son, you visit me more often.
This is a mother's secret of happiness!

My son is growing up

My son is growing up
Kind and funny!
Turned one year old
Our first tooth has grown:
White and healthy!
Sanka will get up in the morning at six,
He will come running to his mother:
"Give me something to eat soon,
Don't lie in bed!!"
I'll make him soup
I'll warm up the kettle,
he will snuggle and whisper:
"I feel sorry for you!"
The heart will tremble and freeze,
It will be so nice!
It's good that you're alive...
here... with me... next to...

Son, my angel baby

Son, my baby angel,
How I love you, dear,
I love your mischievous laughter
I love your look, your smile,
I love your sigh, your tear,
I love every part
What a joy it is to hear mom
From the mouth of your child,
When you lie tired and sick,
Runs towards you with arms outstretched
And gives a tender kiss
And mom says quietly
I love you, my dear!

Wish for my son

Always be cheerful
Never be sad.
It will be difficult - brace yourself,
There will be wind - don't bend,
It will hurt - don't cry
Don't hide your eyes in your palm.
If there are thunderstorms, go
If there are tears, wipe them away,
If you're scared, hold on.
Remember, life is life!

Holiday wishes for my son

Son, always be lucky in everything,
May your affairs always go well!
We are proud of you day after day,
We wish you true friendship and love,
Ideas for the execution of any
And the most wonderful dream,
I wish you success, bright and great,
We are happy when you are happy!

We wish our son

Son, today is your holiday!
We wish you with all our hearts,
So that you can achieve everything,
May you be happy, son!
You are smart, brave, that means
You will achieve success in everything!

Wishes for an adult son

You have become an adult
And we are proud of you!
You embodied
Family Traits:
Cheerful, energetic
And skillful
Among the weak - kind,
Among the strong - the brave.
And we want
So that your life is
Clean, bright,
Delivered from evil
And to be distinguished
Among all
Good luck to you
Happiness and success!

Birth of a son

What an amazing moment
The birth of my son
And waiting for the appearance
All nine months of it.
I'm listening, I'm paying attention
Such a special contact
And sometimes I don't understand
What IS it happening like this...
So carefully and so vulnerable,
So joyful and fussy
It’s suddenly sad and silent
Days flash by, hours fly by.
And in this beautiful bustle
Nothing can be in vain:
It may be quiet, but it’s already so clear
Soul to soul speak.
With concentrated excitement
I'm in a hurry to change everything,
And waiting for the birth
I cherish every moment...
All-consuming tenderness
Now one owns me -
Incomprehensible and boundless
Like life itself or love!

To an adult son

We wish you, dear,
So that the road leads upward;
The greatest love - one,
There are many wonderful friends!
Good luck - there would be no end,
More pleasure...
Yes - I remembered, son, mother and father
Not just on birthdays!
Know: we glorify our son in every toast
And we always look forward to visiting you with our beloved!

Wish for my son

Don't hide from the rain under a stupid umbrella,
It is necessary - go against the storm with your chest,
Well, they’ll ask you, why and how much -
You didn’t sit like a stone, you lived and searched!
Let, son, be a fair hand,
Listen to your heart in the midst of the heat and blizzard,
Happiness in life cannot be achieved by fire or sword,
The path of goodness is only towards him, you live in truth!

Svetlana Zhachuk

And so that life is big, beautiful, full,

So don’t cross it, son!

Look, son, at the firmament.
And you will see Infinity.
All the stars, all the Worlds were created by the Almighty - God.
She has always been, she goes into Eternity.

The entire Higher World is permeated with beauty,
Everything there is in inexhaustible love, everything is in harmony.
Do you remember? We saw subtle worlds with you
And they enjoyed the music of love - the Divine Symphony.

We play different roles in life,
And each of these lives is a story.
Don't hurt those walking next to you, son,
Let all your actions be measured by your conscience.

A person cannot live only for himself,
In his desires and actions, he always influences everyone.
We are a big huge family on earth,
And the path is wide for those who create.

Wealth and satiety have no meaning on earth.
Do you remember that we are children of one Father.
Let the pain of others echo in your soul,
So that indifference does not build networks.

But if you have recognized the secret of Being,
Distribute golden grains with love.
The law of the universe is everything you gave,
The Almighty will reward you and make you complete.

Go son and sow your fields,
To ensure good seedlings, sift all the grains.
Your earthly life will end, and the harvest will ripen for you.
Just save your mind from the black shadow.

You are given signs from the Universe,
Don't pass them by, son.
They are in the rays of sunset, in a snow storm,
They are from the light of the Morning Star.

The light of the rainbow will always remind you
About the Higher World, about Divine love.
Take care and remember sacredly in your heart,
The one who leads us along a difficult path.

We are undergoing evolution in different kingdoms.
Can you hear? The transition period is approaching.
Cosmic Fire is already approaching the earth,
The stream of the new era is moving.

And according to the law of the Higher Powers and the Universe
Nothing can stop him.
And only he can accommodate it, whose thoughts and desires
For the good of the world, but not for yourself.

Accept the energy of distant worlds,
It contains the essence of all life - the mystery of Being.
The flight of your ideas will be high,
And you will understand what your mission is.

Do good, son, and spread it around the world,
Give your light to those living on earth.
Love and will will increase your strength,
And I will say a prayer to you:

“And so that life is big, beautiful, full,
So that it’s a shame, it doesn’t hurt at the end of the road!
There is a certain line, a line that we are allowed to do.
So don’t cross it, son!”

My affectionate, gentle, my sweet baby

My affectionate, gentle, my sweet baby,
Again you cried, again you are not sleeping.
You'll wake up mom and dad will come,
He will gently take you in his arms.

I'll cling to you, I won't dare to breathe,
You'll start to fall asleep in my arms.
Involuntarily a tear comes to your eyes,
Oh, how sweet the baby's soul is.

You brought joy at dawn in January,
You burst into life on a beautiful horse.
What a joy it is to be a father again,
Go through life, be a happy messenger.

You are the son, I am the father and this is our tandem,
We are together at the peak of everyday problems.
I'll grab you tightly by the hand,
And as a captain, I will lead you into the ocean.

Let all adversity melt and go away,
Misfortunes will fade and disappear at once.
I believe times will come for us,
Be happy baby, my dear, forever!

Poems about son

This morning I woke up in a bad mood,
The slightest trifle seems like grief to me -
Socks in the corners and cookie bits,
And everything irritates me, and everything doesn’t feel right to me.

Comrades, how many times have I repeated -
Toys - on the shelf, tights - in the chest of drawers...
Cleaning down the drain, starting all over again,
As if I don’t have enough problems and worries!

Both father and son are frivolous people,
There is not a drop of remorse on their faces!
Go for a walk in the frosty air,
And don’t bother me with cooking dinner!

Dressed, got ready, sniffling guiltily -
-Well, mommy, have you left this morning?
They took the ice cube, bucket and shovel,
And I trudged to my frying pans...

Potato chips are crawling hastily,
Carrots and onions squeak appetizingly,
Things are sorted, toys are on the shelves...
I'm sitting enjoying the order around me.

But something is missing again for happiness,
There is an unusual silence ringing in my ears,
And quietly my anger disappears,
I'll go look at my people from the window...

This is the picture - snowflakes are flying,
There is bustle and laughter in the courtyard below,
Ice floes whistling through the snowdrift,
There is enough fun and fun for everyone!

Mine got down to serious business -
Looks like they're trying to put something together.
A child rolls a snowball clumsily
And the husband helps to consolidate success

The son diligently masters the skill -
He fills the bucket, shakes it with a spatula,
And a hot lump rises to my throat -
Oh my God, how fast my baby is growing...

As if recently - diapers, vaccinations,
Steps in a walker from the corner to the door,
Tired happiness from the first smile,
Sleepless nights until dawn...

I’m standing, propping up the battery with my edge,
A child makes miracles out of snow,
Why am I hanging around here and missing everything???
After all, this is half an hour from his life!!!

I’m running up the steps, in a hurry and worried,
This winter is so short...
And his frozen nose buried itself in my cheek
Mommy, how I love you!

May my homework not be appreciated again,
Let the soup on the stove not finish cooking yet,
There are things in the world that are much more important -
My son and I made a snowman!
