Super date how to organize. An unusual date with a girl: how can it be done? How men and women perceive a date

Coming up with an idea for a second date can seem like a daunting task. You have already made a good impression, but now you have no idea where to take your “newly made couple”. Use the following trouble-free tips. Of course, you can repeat yourself and go to the same place a second time. But the best second date is movement. Shopping mall, rollerblading or picnic. In such places, you have the opportunity to move around, flirt more and get to know each other better.

Here are some second date ideas that will guarantee you a third date.

Shopping mall

While shopping or just going shopping without the purpose of buying here and now, you have many topics for conversation, both important and comic. The shopping center allows you to see a person in a natural environment and a relaxed atmosphere. Shopping is a great way to learn about the real tastes and interests of the chosen one. Since both people are constantly on the move, this makes communication much more energetic and lively. The guy will immediately understand if the girl knows how to save money, and she, in turn, will see how generous her new young man is.

Swap meet

Walking around the flea market, you can find many wonderful things that you have never seen or have not seen for many years. This provides a virtually endless source of conversation. If your first date wasn't very dynamic, this is a great idea for a second date. Most often, these markets have live music and very unusual cafes with good food. Be sure to buy your girlfriend a small souvenir during a date.

Bowling/roller skating

Bowling is a great way to get active on a second date. For starters, the guy needs to make sure that the girl doesn't consider herself "too cool for activities like bowling or rollerblading." But if a girl immediately agrees, then she loves adventure, she is active and fun. The only rule is to spend time carefree and in no case be upset about a lost game.


The movie theater is a great place to ask a girl out on a date, but not on the first date, because it's hard to spend time with someone when you can't talk during the movie. It's best to go to the premiere. But if you want to be alone, choose a film that has been at the box office for a long time, then the hall will be guaranteed to be half empty. Always consider the girl's viewing interests and choose light films to watch: comedies or romantic dramas.

Live music

Live performances of musicians are always accompanied by an explosion of emotions, so a concert can be a great bonding experience.
For a second date, it is better to find a small concert - in a club, restaurant or on the street. You don't have to spend a lot of money on famous star tickets at this stage. Yes, and you will be able to communicate much more among a small handful of people than in a stadium among 15,000 people.

bike ride

We are not talking about tight suits, mountain slopes and speed bikes. Just invite the girl to a quiet bike ride in the nearest area: it can be a scenic view or an interesting city block. But don't tell the girl where you're going. Women love a little mystery and confidence that they can rely on a man. A date like this will help you determine if the girl is willing to step out of her comfort zone and try new things. One "but" - warn in advance that the girl comes in jeans or shorts.


A picnic is a classic and fail-safe option for a second date. A good way to diversify your trip to nature is to plan a picnic for the whole day. The park is the standard picnic spot, but you can go elsewhere: the beach or the lake.
The second date in nature is sure to be laid-back and easy, after the formal and tense first meeting.

Dinner at home / cooking together

Women adore men who can cook. Dishes don't have to be extravagant, as this date should primarily demonstrate simple cooking skills, not Jamie Oliver's high skill. Although if you are a chef at heart, you can impress a girl with your risotto or boeuf bourguignon. You should not experiment and it is better to cook dishes in which you are really good. It's best not to start before your girlfriend arrives, but make sure you have all the necessary ingredients. And don't forget the wine.


Wake up the child in you and your girlfriend. An amusement park will help to liberate you much better than all other places. Here you can fool around, flirt, overcome your fears together, eat cotton candy and scream from the heart on the roller coaster. Your second date will definitely become active and very emotional.

How to create sexual tension on a second date

The best way to create sexual tension is to bring it up in conversation. Let your girlfriend know that she leads you on too ambiguous thoughts when she is next to you at the cinema or wherever you are.

You can play a little and defiantly define an invisible wall between you to make it clear that you do not want to overstep the line. But no one forbids throwing glances or accidentally touching during a date. This technique shows that you are not a sexual maniac and are not trying to cause aggression from your girlfriend. It's fun, flirtatious and sure to please her, albeit subconsciously.


The most important component of a second date is a quiet or active activity. This will allow both of you to enjoy, be yourself and create a relaxed environment.

Use one of the ideas above, and you will definitely agree on a third date.

In order for you not to meet the failure of the first date, you should use all your imagination and resourcefulness. Almost all girls decide the fate of subsequent meetings on the first date. Of course, I do not mean that by inviting a girl on a first date to a cafe or just to the park you will make a colossal mistake, but originality will only play a bonus for you.

Where to invite a girl on a first date

  1. invite her to ride on a water bike. She definitely never had such a first date (or maybe not the first one), and the emotions from driving a jet ski will be completely new. And then you can have lunch in a cozy cafe, working up an appetite on the way to it and discussing the emotions from the morning drive.
  2. Take her to Modern Art Museum. It's quite funny to wander around the room and look at contemporary art, trying to understand what the author wanted to say with his creation.
  3. Bowling. A great option for those guys who don’t really know how to speak beautifully. A well-aimed ball in skittles - instead of a thousand words. Playing with each other or against some other pair you will show that you know how to work in a team and support your partner even in the game. By the way, this place is ideal for getting a good idea of ​​who is in front of you. You can learn a lot about her, from the size of her shoes to her personality. Plus, it will help to dilute the tension of the first date with a girl.
  4. If the weather is good outside, thenboat or catamaran tripwill give a pleasant atmosphere for your conversations.
  5. Economy option, but also not a little worse. Suggestwalk along the bridge and watch the sunset.
  6. A park, with a ride on a ferris wheel and cotton candy. Why not? That's where you can learn a lot about her. Feed the birds and go rollerblading if there is a rental.
  7. Surprise a girl on a first date will help youflea market. A flea market is a place with interesting things and non-standard first gifts.
  8. Buy lottery ticketsand not because you are eager to win, but in order to dream up where you would spend the winnings together.
  9. Take bubbles and blow themhouse roofsor just in the park.
  10. Suggest launch a large number of balloons into the skywith helium, making a wish. Together you will find where you can buy and inflate them.
  11. To make sure you don't wonder anymore:where to invite a girl on a first date, write all this withdate options listor your list of first date ideas and randomly poke your finger.
  12. Trial dance lesson. You will have fun and you will feel the warmth of each other.
  13. horse ridewill not only be full of new emotions, but also good for health. Hippodrome at your service.
  14. The city has dolphinarium? Go there to swim with the dolphins.
  15. Instead of a movie, invite me toplanetarium. This is where the atmosphere will be most romantic.
  16. Visit cooking masterclass.Great place to learn more about each other's tastes.
  17. Completely non-standard, but it will be intriguing to go tofortune tellerjust like that and it is not necessary to believe in fortune-telling.
  18. You will certainly surprise a girl by inviting her to look at your city with new eyes, as if youtourists. Be sure to take lots of photos, souvenirs for each other and sights.
  19. If it's not rush hour outside -ride on any vehicle(minibus, tram) and look at people, try to imagine who they are and what they do in life.
  20. Ice skating or rollerbladingalso an option, you can hold her hand or even hug her while skating so that she (or you) does not fall.
  21. If the girl is athletic, offer her an evening jointjog or bike ridey, even if you don't have a bike, you can find their rental.
  22. invite to house roof,having previously prepared therepicnicand a cover. If it's evening, don't forget something warm.
  23. Amusement parkin with a bunch of emotions and souvenirs.
  24. Offer to go tokarting. The drive will raise adrenaline, and after that you can discuss emotions in a cafe.

Tips like what to do on a first date with a girl:

  1. Be caring. You can't even imagine how important this is. For them, care (such as giving a hand or helping to take off a coat, etc.) is tantamount to love. As you show yourself, so it will be perceived further. Something like respect.
  2. Joke. Humor for girls is on the top list of essential qualities for men. If you have trouble with humor, then prepare a couple of jokes in advance.
  3. Touch. It has been scientifically proven that when we touch each other, our relationship moves to a new level and this is stored in the subconscious for a long time. Touch her hand, but friend, try to do it unobtrusively and gently, foreplay is not soon.
  4. Ask her about tastes and hobbies. Favorite music, food, color and entertainment. Find out what she dreams about, what was the funniest moment in her life (carry on a dialogue, in general). Having found out her preferences, you will easily understand what to talk about with her further, so that she does not want to run away as soon as possible and, as a bonus, you will know where to invite the second time. No less bring together themes about childhood.
  5. Look into her eyes. I understand that there may be a more interesting view, but for them it is important. Of course, I don't mean to stare at her all the time, but to look at her sometimes with a spark in her eyes.
  6. If you decide to take her for a walk along the embankment, to the pavement or a picnic, then take a jacket or a warm sweater with you to give it to her when it gets cool. Girls love such little thoughtfulness. And this will be an occasion to meet a second time, because you can lend her a warm jacket.
  7. Cunning and test for adventurism. Perhaps you preferred to take her to a cafe, in order to avoid an awkward moment of settling with the waiter, intercept him on the way to the toilet and pay the entire bill in advance. And offer her to run away without paying. This will definitely surprise her.
  8. Hide a rose in some place earlier and, as if by chance, find it and give it to her.
  9. If you've already taken a walk in the park and started discussing upcoming movie releases, offer her to go to the cinema to see a certain movie, ostensibly without a ticket. Not because you can't afford it, but just for fun. Oddly enough, your girlfriend is likely to take such an idea with a “Hurrah!”. At the moment when she goes to the toilet, buy tickets and agree with the ticket attendant that you will immediately give her tickets, and then you will go without tickets. It will be emotional for sure.
  10. If you are confident in yourself, then feel free to offer to dance to her in a non-standard place, while singing music or turning on the music on your phone. Romance is in vogue.
  11. If money is low, then offer her a ride in a supermarket cart, buying whatever you want (within reason).

What not to do on a first date:

  1. Don't just talk about yourself.Show her interest in her, question her, but in moderation so that the interrogation does not turn out.
  2. Never bring up an ex. She will simply conclude that this is how you will speak about her.
  3. Don't complain about life. Pity is not sexy and attractive. It will only drive you into the friend zone.
  4. Don't take her on your first date to the movies. Imagine, she spent an hour in front of the mirror to preen and in the end, you will go to a place where it is dark and you can’t talk in order to get to know each other better. Most likely, from this option of a date, she will not be delighted.
  5. After the first date, don't be intrusive. If you want to tell her something, write her just one message, like: “It was great with you! Will have to do it again!" With this behavior, you will make it clear that you like her and you will hook her. She will be intrigued and will not mind going on a date again, and this is definitely a victory ..

And a little last tip. To narrow down your search for where to go with a girl on a first date, before you go on a date, find her on social media. Just a few minutes and it is there that you will understand what this beauty is like. Videos, music, photos, information about yourself. You will reveal almost all the cards and you will be able to conquer, knowing in advance more about her than she can imagine. It was Max, I wish you more self-confidence and good luck!

If you don’t get enough vivid impressions within your couple (and this is a common thing when joint life enters a comfortable rut), then there is a risk of going somewhere else for them or starting to unconsciously “rock the boat”, clinging to a partner for nothing. To prevent this from happening, organize a little adventure for the two of you!

Ideas to spice up your dates

A weekend on a yacht in the Mediterranean, a helicopter flight and other dizzying dating options that you know from films, let them remain within the TV screen. A boring rendezvous should not require preparation comparable to a special operation, and drive you into loans.

City Tour

The streets you walk to and from work are bound to have some history. The beautiful building in which the tax office of your district is located, quite possibly, was once a merchant's mansion. At that crossroads, it turns out, in the last century, an attempt was made on the governor's life, and a famous children's writer spent his summers in this inconspicuous house. To become a guide for your companion, you do not need to dig into dusty archives - just download and study the guide app in advance or read a couple of articles by local historians that are easy to find on the Internet.

rooftop picnic

It sounds almost unrealistic, but in fact there is nothing complicated here. You can climb any city roof by asking for the keys from the senior in the house or from the representative of the HOA. Bottles of wine, fruit, and light snacks will suffice for a high-altitude dinner—stargazing and city lights from an unaccustomed height will be the main course. Do not forget a couple of blankets: on one it will be possible to lay out a treat, on the second - to cozy hide together.

Cinema outdoors

You must have seen or read about American drive-in cinemas, when the screen is installed in a large clearing, and the audience watches the movie each in their car. The fashion for such film screenings has also swept across Russia, but even if it has not yet reached your city, it doesn’t matter - you only need a laptop with your favorite movie, a car (your own or rented), a secluded place if possible, and a satellite who agrees that the back seats are perfect kissing spots.


A liquor store, a cheese factory, a handmade chocolate shop... Any place where they can give you a little lecture and treat you to something delicious will do. In this case, it is not so much the opportunity to try several types of product that is important, but the atmosphere itself. Therefore, take an interest in reviews about the chosen institution in advance and speak out all the controversial points when booking. Say that you want to arrange a romantic date, which means that the presence of other participants is undesirable. If this is not possible, discuss what kind of surprise you can prepare for your loved one.

Cooking class

If your man says that he does not like to cook, it means that he simply does not know how to do it very well and is embarrassed to admit it. One-day culinary schools will help you either master the secret of preparing some complex holiday dish, or, conversely, teach you how to cook an everyday dinner with a minimum of hassle and expense. There are plenty of places where you can find a teacher in a chef's hat: restaurants, cafes, training centers and even consulates of countries famous for their cuisine regularly organize such master classes!

Relax for two

An option that a man may have seen in the collections of ideas for Valentine's Day, but did not like it - a joint visit to the SPA-salon. It may include a simultaneous couples massage, a "barrel of health", a tea ceremony, a hammam or a sauna. You can get by with a budget option - buy subscriptions for a one-time visit to the pool and just swim side by side.

Who will pay?

If you are determined to arrange a turnkey date, then you pay - and not from your general budget. Another thing is that not every man will be able to calmly watch a girl take out a wallet, so solve all financial issues in advance.

check yourself

If you are used to taking on any task with Stakhanovite zeal and seem to get a little carried away when planning a date, check yourself against the checklist!

■ The budget should not go beyond what is reasonable - for example, the amount of your weekly expenses in the supermarket. This is still a date, albeit not quite an ordinary one, but still not a celebration of a crystal wedding.

■ Respect time and space limits. A date cannot last three days and pass five hundred kilometers from your hometown. Otherwise, this is already a mini-vacation, the organization of which, by the way, is better for you to do together - this is incredibly close.

■ The format of the date should be of interest to both of you. It is not necessary, using a plausible pretext, to drag a man to a jazz festival if he listens only to Russian rap.

What is unlikely to please your man

If you are inspired and made your own list of original date ideas, read it carefully and cross out everything that your man is unlikely to like.


Even if the shopping center is on the way, even if you just need to run into one department for a minute, and even if you decided to be a stylist out of good intentions, devoting the whole evening to choosing new looks for your "half" or "family look" for the two of you - cross out ! For a man, a joint shopping trip is torture, but for you it’s also a ruinous option, because you yourself pay for an atypical rendezvous, as we have already agreed with you.


The result is sure to be sweet and romantic, but the whole process of dressing up and freezing in awkward positions is quite tiring. It is unlikely that a man will be delighted. Better put it off until your wedding anniversary (or even completely).

double date

It doesn’t matter if you invite a couple you know to join or arrange to bring a free friend and girlfriend with you to try to arrange their personal life at the same time. The focus of attention in any case will be partially shifted to strangers. Is this what you wanted in the first place?


Travel together to an animal shelter to walk a dozen dogs, or volunteer to deliver boxes of food and toys to large families. This is a wonderful and honorable initiative, which, however, does not fit in with the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdeveloping time for each other. So next time.

Good afternoon, friends and visitors of the blog ""! Feb 14 is coming soon, Valentine's Day. That's why I want to talk about romantic dates. Since today is a rather difficult time to give fur coats and cruises, I have collected exactly the options for romantic dates that do not require special expenses.

(Valentine's Day). This holiday is celebrated everywhere. On this day, sweets, soft toys, flowers, valentine cards, etc. This a holiday is a great occasion to spend a romantic evening with your soulmate. For most people, dates and holidays are associated with serious expenses: going to a restaurant, going to the cinema, etc. It's really expensive and a bit boring. After all, you see, it’s more pleasant to get something unexpected on this holiday than to regularly replenish your collection with another banal “Valentine”. So where to go on a date with a girl?

How save on gifts without sacrificing quality, we have already said earlier, an article about this can be read here. Today I want to propose to arrange an unforgettable event for yourself and your beloved (beloved), to bring a bright event into everyday life. I bring to your attention 50 options for budget dates, I hope you will find the right one for you.

And in general, why only for the holiday? Why not get in the habit of having these small budget outings from time to time? After all, the costs are minimal or completely absent, and you will stay together, and in general you will have a pleasant and useful time.

Romantic date -

ideas for February 14, and not only:

1. Arrange yourself nostalgic evening watching your favorite movies or watching sports games.

2. Walk by museums (especially relevant during the annual international action "Night at the Museum", when admission to many museums is free).

3. Ride on ferry, boat or raft .

4. Make an itinerary for places you remember cities and visit all the designated points or just take a bus, train and get off in an unfamiliar place, explore it.

5. Go to poetry readings , author's meeting and so on.

6. Visit cafe with board games play from the heart.

7. Go in for "pair" sports (badminton, tennis, chess, etc.).

8. Plan romantic trip to nature , have a picnic, start a sky lantern.

9. Visit free karaoke night , sing your fill.

10. Go skating, horseback riding, rollerblading or biking together, skateboards and other means of transportation around the city, suburbs, etc. If one of you or both of you can't skate, it's even more fun.

11. Go to the lake, go fishing together.

12. Choose interesting puzzle and assemble it together .

13. Visit art or photo exhibition .

14. Remember childhood - play your favorite kids games, maybe even in the "war" with water pistols.

15. Visit pool or local lake, river swim together.

16. Plan a future trip together. Make an itinerary and discuss places who would like to visit. See photos of the area.

17. Visit jazz bar .

18. Find contest topics of interest to you and participate in it.

19. Arrange fondue evening - Experiment with the ingredients.

20. Go to zoo .

21. Visit tasting favorite drinks or arrange it yourself.

22. Together work on photo album of shared memories . Create and design it. Get creative with this process.

23. Together visit an open class, for example, dancing, yoga, etc. Before recruiting new groups, such open lessons are usually held free of charge.

24. Allocate the same amount (for example, 1,000 rubles each) and see who will spend it with great sense.

25. Arrange romantic evening for your soul mate by candlelight, preparing your signature dish.

26. Do massage .

27. Play a game "truth or dare" .

28. Run homemade kite .

29. Meet the dawn on the river bank , take a walk in nature or have a picnic.

30. Remember about winter activities : make a snowman, play snowballs, go downhill on a sled, ice skates, make an angel in the snow.

31. Visit performance by local bands (theatrical, musical and other groups).

32. Purchase on a discount (coupon) service a suitable action and implement this idea together.

33. Visit excursion .

34. Look interesting movie in the drive-in theater .

35. Visit local festival .

36. Look Together production by an amateur theater group. There are a large number of places where you can see performances at a very attractive price.

37. Look baby pictures each other, it can be very funny.

38. Play an exciting game tourist game "Geocaching" .

39. Arrange culinary evening - make pizza with your favorite toppings and don't forget to arrange a tasting with candles and heartfelt conversation.

40. Visit bar with billiards, bowling, darts - arrange fun competitions.

41. Arrange evening of experiments - come up with cocktail recipes, names for them and, of course, do not forget about tasting.

42. Play a game mini golf .

43. Dress appropriately and visit theme party .

44. Visit a pub or bar that hosts team game "trivia nights" - similar to the TV game “What? Where? When?".

45. Take a walk together on " Ikea ».

46. ​​Arrange for each other photo shoot .

47. Write letter each other.

48. Learn something new from Youtube videos, start a joint project or, for example, start learning a new language.

49. Visit open master class . They are often held in handmade stores and at various fairs for free or at budget prices.

50. Compose which you want to put into practice within a certain period or throughout your life. Discuss these lists with each other.

There are many options for a pleasant pastime for two people who are not indifferent to each other. What kind of dates do you prefer? Write your options in the comments.

If you are again thinking about what you could do together and how to diversify your life, choose an idea for a date to your liking. Here are my recommendations on this topic:

    Dinner or cinema

  1. Pizzeria: Ask him to cut a slice of his favorite pizza in the shape of a heart.
  2. A bar with live music is a great alternative to cinema.
  3. Choose your favorite show program or series, let regular viewing of the new season become an occasion for a new meeting.
  4. Night watching movies in the cinema.
  5. Dinner and star show at the planetarium… Very romantic.
  6. Tea room for two in a restaurant (you can find an afternoon snack in expensive restaurants at very affordable prices).
  7. Drive your car to interesting places in the city.
  8. Secrets of Seduction

  9. Choose the sexiest outfit and go to the trendy bar.
  10. Bubble bath for two. Candles. Champagne. Is there anything else that needs to be added?
  11. Shrimp are aphrodisiacs. Cook them for dinner.
  12. Dinner on the beach to the sound of the surf.
  13. Order a fondue, watch a French movie, and let it all end with a French kiss.
  14. Jazz? Go to a jazz concert or listen to Casandra Wilson's CDs.
  15. Prepare different canapes and feed each other with your hands.
  16. Have a masquerade. Dress up as different characters and take a few photos in a new image.
  17. date at home

  18. Take turns singing old karaoke songs.
  19. Play twitter.
  20. Have a picnic in the yard: cheese, croissants, chocolate and wine.
  21. Is it too cold outside? Spread a tablecloth on the floor in your room 🙂
  22. Write a message to future generations on a disk and post it on the Internet.
  23. Announce an evening of unusual cocktails. Exotic recipes can be found on the Internet.
  24. Invest in a bread maker and experiment with your favorite recipes.
  25. Solve crossword puzzles.
  26. Organize a board game tournament.
  27. Organize a romantic evening by candlelight.
  28. Make a dream card by cutting out pictures from old magazines.
  29. Plant a flower or tree together.
  30. Budget dates

  31. Go on a tour of the museum.
  32. Buy a voucher and go for a massage together.
  33. Go cycling or rollerblading in the park.
  34. Go to the sports ground and play basketball.
  35. Have fun in the amusement park.
  36. Visit the city fair.
  37. Arrange a reading club in a cozy cafe.
  38. View the city from a vantage point at sunset.
  39. Find the bridge of love in your city and walk across it.
  40. Visit the botanical garden.
  41. Drive out of town and lie on the grass watching the starry sky.
  42. Take part in a charity event.
  43. creative dates

  44. Arrange a viewing of your dream home.
  45. Paint the cups.
  46. Take a photo of your aura.
  47. Play with the flying kite.
  48. Sign up for massage lessons.
  49. Buy a remote control plane and go to the park.
  50. Go on a one-day mushroom picking trip.
  51. Arrange extreme rock climbing on an artificial wall in the tourist club.
  52. Go ice skating.
  53. Give each other new hairstyles.
  54. Go on a photo session for two and hang your favorite photos on the wall.
  55. Play Frisbee.
  56. Try horseback riding.
  57. Go bowling.
  58. mini dates

  59. Throw a coin into the fountain and make a wish.
  60. Write a poem together.
  61. Check out your favorite bakery.
  62. Feed the swans or ducks.
  63. Kiss each other while riding in the elevator.
  64. Meet the sunrise.
  65. Have a 3 hour kissing session.
  66. Do couple yoga.
  67. Dating for men's taste

  68. Give her a lecture about football and go to the match with your friends.
  69. Take a test drive of a sports car.
  70. Ride an SUV.
  71. Visit a sports bar and support your favorite team.
  72. Go to the gym together.
  73. Have a picnic and treat all your friends to burgers.
  74. Play paintball.
  75. Go to the bar for beer and billiards.
  76. Go to the lesson of oriental wrestling.
  77. Go to the casino.
  78. Prepare a barbecue.
  79. Privacy

  80. Book a 2-hour spa treatment.
  81. Spontaneously buy tickets and travel to a new city.
  82. Go to a monastery, church or temple and listen to the silence.
  83. Adventures

  84. Grab some binoculars and go birdwatching in nature.
  85. Ride in a hot air balloon.
  86. Have a health day and swim in the pool.
  87. Rent an expensive car and drive around the city.
  88. Go to the aquarium.
  89. Ride on a boat or catamaran.
  90. Take a trip to the open ocean and watch the dolphins.
  91. Did the first snow fall? Make a snowman.
  92. Walk along the beach.
  93. Cultural events

  94. Visit the art gallery.
  95. Get moving: learn how to swing, tango or waltz.
  96. Sign up for an acting class.
  97. Pass the casting and play in the extras in the commercial.
  98. Find out about wine tasting. Sometimes they are free 🙂
  99. And the same goes for cheese tasting.
  100. Get dressed and go to the theater or opera.
  101. Gaze at the stars together at the planetarium.
  102. Nostalgia

  103. Make a collage of photos of the brightest events.
  104. Explore childhood photo albums and learn more about each other's life story.
  105. Decorate the T-shirt with the name of your favorite band.
  106. Sign up for a tour of the historical places of the city.
  107. Write down your most vivid memories and seal them in a bottle that you will open in 10 years.

And remember that this list is endless. Our imagination knows no limits.

Be yourself,
Love Carrot
