Light beige foundation. Choose a shade of foundation to match your skin tone

Very often, girls face problems when choosing a foundation, since it should not only perfectly mask any imperfections, but also even out the tone of the face, and also fit the skin type. The beauty of the entire make-up as a whole will directly depend on how well the foundation is chosen.

Popular gamut

In the manufacture of tonal products, manufacturers often produce many different shades- for each line of cosmetics. Their number can sometimes reach fifteen or twenty or more.

The most popular shades, which are usually represented by all the most famous brands- peach, sandy beige, Ivory, golden beige (" light tan”), juicy sunny, porcelain, porcelain color (without yellow), green color with a yellow undertone, and also without yellowness, sandy, caramel and many others.

Note: even if the foundation comes in a transparent container, there is no way to determine how it will look on your skin. It will not work and pick up a shade of cream according to the palette in the magazine. The selection of foundation can be carried out only by applying various shades products for your skin. You can do this in specialized cosmetic stores, on the windows of which there are samplers of each cosmetic product on sale.

Remember: choosing the wrong tone of the cream, you risk spoiling the entire makeup. In this case, the skin of the face will look unnatural, and it may also be very different in color from the neck and other exposed areas of the body.

How to choose one that is not visible on the face?

Pick up ideal remedy very simple - just conduct a simple test. You need to apply a little foundation on the cheekbones, wrist or chin. If possible, it is better to apply the product on the face. Be sure to wait five minutes after application.

If you guessed right with the tone, the cream will be invisible on the skin - as if it is completely transparent. The skin with the applied product should look fresher, and the complexion should be even and beautiful.

How to choose according to skin tone?

When choosing a foundation, you must first determine what skin tone you have. To do this, just look closely at your wrist in natural light. Pay attention to the wreaths on the hands. If their shade is slightly bluish, your tone is cold, but if the wreaths are greenish, yellowish or olive shades- Warm tone.

For girls with a cold skin tone, it is better to opt for foundations with pinkish tints, and for those who have warm tone skin, it is better to choose shades of beige.

If you cannot unequivocally decide what tone you have (warm or cold), you can opt for products with neutral colors, which are generic for all types.

Very often when choosing a shade foundation ladies are guided by skin color. There are two main types:

  1. Reddish pink skin(occurs in people with good active blood circulation) - such suitable for girls pink cream.
  2. Tan skin(occurs in people with high content melanin) - owners of this type are ideally suited for golden and brown shades tonal resources.

How to make a tone lighter?

Many makeup artists who are guided by the basic rules of cosmetology advise when choosing a foundation to take a product one tone lighter than the skin tone. Thanks to this, the tone will look more natural and give the skin of the face freshness and beauty.

The basis of high-quality makeup is not only shadows, blush and lipstick. Equal and natural color faces. To achieve this, various tonal means help. They are a real lifesaver. modern women. Properly selected concealers will help even out skin tone, get rid of age spots, hide unnecessary rashes, give the face a rested look, eliminating bruises, swelling and other effects of stress and lack of sleep.

Types of foundation for the face

Picking the right foundation is no easy task. It is worth understanding what features you need to pay attention to.

Currently available for sale different kinds masking agents. Understanding what end results they are suitable for and how different textures work with different skin types will greatly reduce the variety of choices.

Tones are of the following types:

  • Cream powders and mousses. These products have a dense coating that allows you to mask redness and smooth out skin tone. Due to their texture, they do not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe. Cream powder additionally gives a matte effect, which is held for several hours. Such products are suitable for both young and mature women, with oily or combination skin. It is worth noting that young girls for the daily use of such funds are recommended to be avoided.
  • Classic foundation- This liquid agent different consistency. Often, foundation creams contain particles of powder, which allows them to cover the skin of the face with a fairly dense layer, it is better to stay until the evening and give a matte finish. Classic creams allow you to hide imperfections well: dark circles under the eyes spider veins, redness and dark spots. These creams are suitable for women with normal and combination skin.

  • BB creams. They have a light texture and do not give a dense coating, which allows the skin to breathe, easy to apply. Although BB creams contain coloring pigments, which allows you to hide small skin imperfections, improve and even out complexion, but their main task is still to protect against harmful solar radiation and maintaining hydration. These creams are good for regular use and for summer period. They are suitable for women with dry or normal skin. For those with oily or combination skin, BB creams are best avoided.
  • Sticks, concealers, correctors have a very thick coating. It is better to use such products to mask point imperfections: under the eyes, with small rashes and redness. They have very little consumption and are economical to use.

It is better not to use sticks for dry skin, as the product will not hold well and can ruin it over time. appearance faces.

They should be used with caution under the eyes. To prevent overdrying skin, apply a layer of foundation cream with correctors should be on pre-moistened skin, and powder on top, which gives durability and prevents the product from crumbling during the day.

We select by skin type

Different types of tonal products are suitable for certain skin types. Making the wrong choice can cause serious damage to the skin, which will lead to additional problems and financial costs.

When choosing a concealer, you should focus on the following recommendations:

  • For dry skin, you should choose tonal products with a moisturizing effect. It is best if the product is liquid, not powdery. It will not focus on dryness and will help to avoid early wrinkles. Products from the BB cream line are recommended for use just for dry skin. The skin will not only be moisturized, but also be protected from ultraviolet radiation, which will prevent premature aging.
  • With oily skin, the face acquires a noticeable shine, it does not look very attractive. When choosing a cosmetic concealer, creams containing various oils should be avoided. It is better to choose products with a matting effect (or apply light powder with the final layer - this will eliminate unattractive shine and will not clog pores).
  • For problematic skin, anti-allergic creams should be selected and the application of funds to the area under the eyes should be avoided. By consistency, it is worth giving preference to denser means - for maximum effect disguise. But they should not create a film after application, otherwise clogging the pores will further aggravate the situation, increase the number of blackheads and pimples.

  • In order to prevent irritation of delicate skin, you should try to select products with natural ingredients. Ideally, if they contain protective substances.
  • For owners mature skin it is recommended to pay attention to tonal means with a lifting effect, anti-aging components, containing vitamins and minerals. It is necessary that the agent has a protective effect against harmful effects environment. The main task tonal products for mature skin is the masking of wrinkles and unevenness of the relief, as well as intensive nutrition of the skin of the face.
  • Combination skin occurs quite often. With this type of skin, individual fates (forehead, nose, chin) have increased fat content, and in other areas the skin is overdried. For this type of skin, the foundation should be creamy-powdery, contain vitamins and mandatory protection against sun rays.
  • Owners normal skin can choose any means, focusing only on the color and the desired effect.

We determine the color type

Any type of foundation has a palette of different shades. To choose the right color, it is important to know about the color type of your appearance. There are several guidelines for determining it:

  • Testing is best done in a well lit room with natural light. Lights that are too bright, dim, or electric can misrepresent skin tones.
  • If the hair is dyed, it should be put in a ponytail or under a scarf.
  • It is advisable to carry out the test in calm clothing. colors.
  • You can use the help of friends or relatives.

In total, there are four color types of appearance: "Winter", "Spring", "Summer" and "Autumn". "Winter" and "Summer" refer to cold color types, "Spring" and "Autumn" to warm ones.

Girl-"Winter" has a contrasting, catchy appearance. The skin is of two types: either light, porcelain, which burns easily in the sun, or has a swarthy hue, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it turns out uniform tan. Such girls do not have freckles. Hair black or chocolate. Eyebrows and eyelashes are similar in color to strands. The lips of the representatives of the "Winter" color type are most often not very bright.

Girl spring" light, warm and airy. The skin has cream and peach shades, the tan lies with a reddish tint, there is a slightly noticeable blush on the face, there are freckles. Hair the color of wheat or chocolate. Eyes light colors and pale pink lips.

Girl-"Summer"has a cold and not very expressive appearance. The skin is light or dark, with a bluish tinge. Light skin of this color type is prone to burns. Hair of light gray, blond colors, does not have copper notes. The eyes are predominantly greyish. Lips are pale.

Girl-"Autumn" It has bright appearance, often so expressive that you can do without a make-up. Skin of warm tones, tan sticks badly. The hair is often curly, with a reddish tinge. Representatives of this color type often have freckles all over their bodies. The eyes are always bright, contrasting. Lips in warm peach and pink shades.

For the "Spring" and "Autumn" color types, masking agents of warm tones are suitable. In the store you can buy light beige creams or creams containing a light bronzer, and products with a shimmering effect are also suitable.

Concealers for "winter" and "summer" color types should be selected among cold notes. Means can be light, almost white. If the skin has a slight tan, it is allowed to choose a natural beige or green-yellow shade.

Less difficulties will arise when choosing a shade of BB creams. They have less variety in colors and adapt themselves to the tone of the skin.

When choosing any tonal product, you must follow simple rules:

  1. It is better to choose a cosmetic product in not very bright daylight.
  2. You need to select a shade strictly on the cheekbones or neck, and not, as is commonly believed, on the wrist or arm.
  3. When shading, the product should lie flat, without spots, peeling and lumps.
  4. After the test application, the BB cream should be given 5-10 minutes - and only then look at the result of the "fusion".
  5. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the product and its composition.
  6. To determine allergic reactions to a cosmetic, apply a little cream to the elbow bend and wait a few hours.

The effect achieved depends on the correctness of the selected shade. With the right choice of cosmetic product, the face will become brighter and younger. Not really correct shade emphasize flaws, visually add age or give the face a grotesque look.

Definition of colors

For light

Choice of colors for fair-skinned girls- the process is difficult. The choice should be made in favor of tinting cosmetic products with cold notes. Bright colors (rich peach or pinkish) are not suitable for fair skin. Owners of porcelain skin can use pale pink, beige, slightly transparent shades with a slight sheen.

For a swarthy

dark skin needs the least amount of concealer. If they are needed, then preference should be given to light chocolate and honey tones with a matting effect.

For those prone to redness

With capillary vessels located close to the surface, the skin becomes slightly reddish. This can be corrected with the right tint. cosmetic product. When choosing colors, preference should be given to cold (slightly greenish) shades - olive, which can be slightly diluted with a light brown tone. But the pinkish scale should be avoided.

Modern cosmetics have advanced so far that one jar of foundation is able to hide all skin imperfections. But sometimes this magic turns into a nightmare: the wrong remedy does not mask the flaws, but rather emphasizes them. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose the perfect foundation for the tone, color and type of skin than different creams differ from each other and what is their scope.

Texture classification

Thick cream is the basis. Most girls safely use only it. After applying the foundation, you can correct problem areas and even out the shade. But sometimes it is not enough, then means of different textures are used:

  • pencil - for spot masking;
  • liquid tone - to moisturize and improve the overall color;
  • cream powder - for short-term application, usually with a sponge;
  • day cream - an easy replacement for foundation;
  • tonal powder - for applying over the foundation and fixing the effect.

BB cream is one of the lightest analogs for foundation. It adapts to the skin tone better than foundation, and is almost invisible on the skin. But it does not hide imperfections so well, so if it is used, then only as a first, very thin layer or if the skin is in very good condition. You can also use a compact foundation with a large coverage effect, but it must be fixed with powder.

Choice by skin type

Different types of skin have their own individual, sometimes completely opposite features. So, on a dry face, it is correct to apply a foundation with a moisturizing effect, but for oily skin it will be destructive. Therefore, the type of skin is usually indicated on the cream box so that the girls know how to choose a foundation.

If you have dry skin, an oil-based product is required. It must have a light texture so that when applied it does not become heavier and does not absorb deeply. good cream contains nourishing moisturizing ingredients, they will give the face healthy shine. A luxury product can also have a diffuse effect: optical pigments repel light, as if visually leveling the face.

For oily skin, a mattifier is better. It is denser and heavier, plant elements tighten pores and absorb excess sebum. This relieves the face of oily sheen, making it more even with a velvety effect. Properly applied, a good waterproof cream dries out the skin, but does not clog pores - here you should be careful not to add black dots to yourself.

Owners of mixed skin require at least two products. If there is an oily area on the nose and around the lips with the effect unpleasant shine, and on the forehead and cheeks - dry, then on different areas will have to apply a different base. You need to learn how to combine them correctly.

WITH sensitive skin everything is simpler - you need a light texture with moisturizing herbal ingredients. If you are not sure why you need foundation, everything is clear here. The main function is protection from external influences, so it’s better not to skimp and choose luxury products. Often they have a thermoregulating ability and an effect that does not let cold or heat through, and thanks to cocoa butter and lanolin, they allow the skin to breathe. Luxury waterproof cream also protects against ultraviolet radiation: if SPF-15 is written on the box, or even better 25, the sun's rays will not be dangerous. Need perfect cream and in winter: the luxury product contains elements that protect against wind and frost, so the skin will not become weathered and flaky.

Mature and young skin is also the right choice different means. With age, especially after forty, the face needs to hide wrinkles and smooth out pigment imperfections, so the ideal cream should include useful pigment elements, collagen and silicone particles. In luxury creams, tinting elements are often combined with leveling ones, they fill wrinkles, and although they lie in a rather heavy layer, they create an even natural tone. It is more useful for younger girls to use a waterproof fluid cream as a base, light and almost weightless. It evens out the tone rather than covers up problem areas, but in most cases this is not required.

Color matching

If the shade of the cream differs from the color of the body, it will look strange and ugly. Therefore, when choosing a super-resistant foundation for the face, be sure to apply it on yourself first. The main test areas are the chin and the area under the lip. Many mistakenly check it on the hands or cheeks, but the skin of the hands is almost always different from the skin of the face, and the blush on the cheeks can ruin everything: after it comes off, the colors will no longer match.

It is difficult to come to the store with a bare face, but it is correct to check the shade on the skin without makeup. You can take cleansing wipes with you and remove only part of the makeup between the cheekbones and the neck, and after selecting the tone, correct the makeup. But in order to figure out how to choose a foundation without having to return it later, it is better to take samplers home and perform tests there.

For yellow skin sand is best beige color. Walnut, olive - depending on the shade of the face, the options may vary. Porcelain tone requires lighter shades - light beige, almost transparent with a glossy effect. Pinkish skin is correct to take copper, apricot, peach color. If the face is prone to redness, then you definitely need a little green tint in the base - this will calm the tone. However, if you are not sure how to choose the tone of the foundation in this case, then do not experiment. A shade of green will add soreness to a pale or grayish face.

For tanned girls, shades of caramel and chocolate with a radiance effect are ideal. But you can’t use them to create the illusion of a tan - the foundation will lay down strangely and unnaturally. bright face need peach or beige shade the same tone.

If you do not know how to choose the color of the foundation the first time, choose the tone that seems right to you and the neighboring shades. If you cannot decide between two similar colors, take the base that is slightly lighter.


When buying a super stable foundation for the face, always go to a familiar seller and choose only famous brand. Be sure to check the expiration date and integrity of the package. It is better not to go to the store in early autumn - summer tan hasn’t come off yet, but it will come off soon, after which the color will change and the foundation will not fit well.

To check how well the tool hides imperfections and adjusts to the tone, put a dot on the face bright pencil then apply foundation. So you will see if it closes the point or not. Choose carefully - this cream you will wear on your face, it should fit well.

In contact with

Beauty, freshness, charm - these are special privileges that Mother Nature does not bestow on everyone. Finding themselves in the role of the heroine of their favorite fairy tale, surely few people would have heard from a magic mirror: “You are beautiful, no doubt ...”. Although, if you apply certain tricks offered by cosmetics manufacturers, maybe the majority of the chances to compare with Snow White would increase significantly.

After all, the path to perfection for modern women is not as thorny and complicated as for their distant predecessors, who achieved the desired result with the help of substances unsafe for health - clay, flour, chalk and even white lead. Today, the choice of means that mask any flaws is impressive and diverse. The point is small: you just need to figure out how to choose the right foundation for yourself personally, taking into account all the features of the skin, its condition, type and color. To simplify your task, use useful tips from professionals.

Setting your skin type

There are a few steps you need to go through before choosing a foundation for your skin color. For thorough care of your face and proper use of tonal coverage, it is vital to establish its type. The skin performs a number of important functions:

  • protective - protects the body from mechanical damage and penetration of harmful substances;
  • excretory - in the form of sweat helps to get rid of decay products, as well as excess water;
  • sensitive - has a large number of nerve endings;
  • thermoregulatory - maintains a balance in body temperature.

The intensity of these processes affects the type of human skin. The easiest way to determine it is to use a regular napkin. Or resort to special tests, of which there are many. After finding out what your skin is - normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive or fading - you can start solving the question of how to choose the right foundation.

Decide on the type of foundation

One of the most common mistakes of inattentive women is ignoring its consistency when choosing a foundation. But it is this factor that underlies the division into species. Problems such as age spots, small wrinkles, pronounced vessels, can easily eliminate liquid foundation, which lasts a long time and is dense in its structure.

For dry skin, a significant amount of fats is simply necessary, which is what a superbly masking thick foundation can provide. Cream-stick successfully fights large flaws, and owners of a young blush are wonderfully suited with a touch. Foundation powder Recommended for all skin types except dry. If your face is perfectly clean and healthy, it will give freshness. Now the main thing is not to spoil the picture and pay attention to how to choose the tone of the foundation.

We study the complexion

Looking stunning is our goal, which means we move on to the next stage and begin to study the complexion. This is a simple task, you just need to observe how your skin reacts to exposure to sunlight - tans, burns or is difficult to tan.

With beautiful even tan there are no problems - most likely, your skin color type is yellow. And in the case when, after the adoption sunbathing she blushes intensely, eventually acquiring a copper tint, you are the mistress of the red type.

How to match if clearly identify the color do not allow irritation, allergic reactions, pimples or red streaks? Ask a friend to examine the color of the area behind your ear, it will be identical to the skin on your face.

We select the tone

After examining the features of the skin, we proceed to the choice correct options cosmetics. How to choose the color of the foundation, the names of the tones themselves will tell you. It's elementary!

Your skin type is yellow. So, pay attention to the following shades: sand, walnut, olive, light beige, gold.

Your skin type is red. Then stop at another palette: copper, apricot, pink beige.

How to choose a shade of foundation for a happy owner of a noble porcelain appearance? Look also at the name cosmetic products: light, transparent, etc. will do.

Don't forget the combination

Those who are restless in their pursuit of perfection should take another tip from experienced makeup artists - apply several shades of concealer at once.

The main areas of the face need a tone as close as possible to your natural one, it is desirable to apply a lighter one to the area around the eyes, the shape of the nose and the oval of the face should be shaded with dark shades. View the accompanying visual materials: figure out how to choose a foundation according to skin color, photos will definitely help.

We mask problems

You can very often hear a complaint from some women: “I don’t even go out without makeup!” Sometimes this is not an exaggeration, most likely they are victims of a problematic skin type. Red spots, bumpiness, pimples and oily sheen- an extra reason for a lot of complexes and self-doubt. A corrective rescuer is indispensable here.

How to choose a tonal The first rule is the same as for other types - the shade should be as close to natural as possible. If the skin is oily, choose one tone for the entire face. If combined, at least two close ones are needed - lighter and slightly darker, the latter is applied to the cheekbones and forehead.

Have you considered how to choose a foundation according to skin color? And now we focus on texture and consistency. To mask problem areas of the face, we use products with a liquid consistency, because they do not contain oils. But there are absorbent components that absorb fat secretions. Thanks to this, it will not be difficult to hide flaws from prying eyes.

Adhere to the application rules

If a woman does not care how to choose a foundation according to her skin color and her type, this can lead to the fact that the image will turn out to be sloppy or even vulgar. It is especially important that the foundation cope with three main tasks - moisturizing, masking imperfections and protecting against external factors.

It can be applied in several ways. Some advise to start with the chin, and then move up. Others recommend applying four strokes of “tonal” on the face - on the forehead, cheeks and chin, and then using a brush to evenly blend from the center to the edges. For evening make-up it is better to use a sponge or sponge, they cover the skin more densely with a masking coating. Of course, you can work with your fingers, but you should be careful here, carefully distributing the corrective substance in the areas near the ears and at the hair roots.

Benefit or harm?

If they make a remark to you that you can’t use the “tonalka” often, don’t take it to heart. This is not stone Age, today we have already learned how to produce high-quality products. Simply saving on your beauty and health is unacceptable.

A good tool is created with the addition of useful natural ingredients- cocoa butter, lanolin. It is permissible to use such a cream every day for a long time, and the skin will normally “breathe” and perform an excretory function.

In addition, tinting cosmetics have filters that protect against harmful ultraviolet, and contains a variety of vitamin supplements. If you have mastered the lesson perfectly and realized how to choose a foundation according to skin color, you will be able to look equally charming both in natural light and in artificial light.

The foundation of a cosmetic bag and half the success This is the right foundation. You can live beautifully without it, but it is difficult to imagine a technical and complex make-up without a tone that will allow the colors to lie down as cleanly as possible, and the shapes and textures not to conflict with each other. The times when foundations could not be recommended for regular use are far behind. The advantages of new formulas are more and more: many of them have an additional caring effect; in the cold season, the coating is able to protect the skin from aggressive external influences, A wide choose textures allows you to pick up the perfect invisible helper. Together with Gevorg, a makeup artist and author of the Super make up Suka blog, Gevorg, we are trying to figure out how not to make a pocket-draining mistake, what adjusters are and how to find your perfect color.

Hue and undertone

All ground rules how to choose the right decorative tool, you can find it in the mandatory set of any beauty blog: it is recommended to determine the skin tone by the color of the veins on the wrist or applying to the face White list. These tips are not universal, so even the owners of an even and stable complexion should take into account the nuances. In addition to genetics, many factors affect the condition, and therefore skin color - if once you take into account everything, then it will be possible to for a long time get rid of painful searches.

There is no single regulation in the description of skin color, so tonal products are sold under a variety of pompous names. You can hear up to a dozen subtone designations: golden, bluish, olive, reddish, greenish. We agree that five will be enough for our explanation: the undertone can be, as is clear from the popular range, yellow or pink, as well as olive or neutral (several pigments are found in almost equal proportions in such skin). For dark skin also emit red. With the main tone, things are much easier - the shades are ranked by saturation from light to dark, and not only professional brands.

The yellow undertone is the most problem-free, especially today: suitable shades varying degrees intensity is easily found among Korean-made tonal products. Such skin usually does not require strong color correction, and perfect coverage easy to achieve using even the lightest fluids. You can change the bases if the skin tans easily in summer, but it is possible that you can get by with one suitable color, complementing it with a bronzer. Owners of a pink undertone are somewhat more difficult. Even on healthy and well-groomed skin, areas where blood vessels naturally located closer to the surface - as a rule, this is the nose area. In the cold season, redness, which may not be to everyone's taste, becomes a regular companion every time you go outside.

Owners of a pink undertone are often advised to choose a product with yellow tint to make up for it. Gevorg explains that this should only be done if you really don’t like strong redness or want to hide rosacea: “If you have a face with a pink undertone, then you need to relax and choose a shade of foundation that matches your skin color. And if you have problem skin, closely spaced veins and a pronounced rosy complexion, I would suggest trying light moisturizing textures like CC creams. Then, when choosing a color, you can place more emphasis on the yellow subtone. This simple trick will help set the visual feel. even shade faces." It should be noted that special markings, again due to the lack of any consensus in the name of the funds, can be deceiving. A color labeled "beige" can have both yellow and pink undertones, so clarification is never superfluous.

Olive skin tone is less common and is defined as yellow with a greenish tint. It is because of him that even bright skin may appear dark, so rich bases with yellow undertones suit her. The rarest neutral shade can be friends with different bases, depending on the preferences of the owner - here, when choosing, it is important to choose the perfect color saturation. Special funds exist for these complex skin tones - look for them in professional brands like MAC, NARS and Make Up Forever.

Color customization

Brighteners and darkeners (or adjusters) of tonal products, which were previously found in a cosmetic bag not even in every makeup artist, in Lately It was easy for anyone to buy. If the base suits you in all respects except for the color, then the right customization can work wonders. Gevorg recalls that, first of all, these products are a type of foundation that differs only in an extremely dark or light shade. So, if there is an affordable alternative, the bank can easily be abandoned over time to the far shelf.

The makeup artist explains what to consider when using such a product: “The highlighter has its own texture, light (like MAC Face and Body white) or much denser (Manly Pro white adjuster). When you mix your foundation with a drop of adjuster, the texture changes too. Here's an example: if you take Chanel's Vitalumière Aqua, a light, wet tone, and lighten the shade with a MAC face and Body, the tone density remains the same low. And if you use a light BB cream and try to mix it with the white tone of Manly Pro, then the overall consistency of the product immediately becomes quite dense.

There are also subtleties in handling color: the most popular mass product, The Body Shop adjuster, contains pink pigment, so if you don’t have the task of “cooling” the tone at all, it may not work. It is possible that the solution to the problem already lies somewhere among the rubble of cosmetics. For example, Gevorg prefers to use Sephora's very light moisturizing concealer as an adjuster. So, the role of a means for customization can be perfectly played by your favorite concealers in very light or very dark shades and comfortable textures - as a rule, among professional clarifiers and dimmers, the choice according to this criterion is very stingy.

Most products that are intended for daily use do not provide dense coverage, which is not to be expected from them. Essentially helps the correct shrinkage of the color of the tonal foundation make-up base. Among them are tools designed for color correction - Givenchy Actimine, Smashbox Photo Finish Color Correcting Primer and many others. With their help, you can easily give the skin the desired neutrality, and then apply the main tone.

How to choose funds

Certainly, the best option obvious: everything needs to be tried on the face. Inner side hands in this sense - a bad helper. The skin color of this part of the body often differs from the skin color of the face, and it is quite difficult to adequately assess whether you have chosen the right coverage density. It is very important to test in natural light, but unfortunately it is a rare beast in our stores. A good way out is to consult a makeup artist who will help you decide not only on the color, but also on the composition that suits your skin type and common set the funds you need. Many recommend choosing a tone so that there is no need to complete the makeup with powder, which may not suit problem skin.

If a curse hangs over you and your favorite products are being discontinued, then a fairly accurate Findation service is at your service, which is looking for similar tonal foundations among all the goods known to him. The Temptalia blog is equipped with the same function - besides, there you can choose the base according to the main characteristics: undertone and shade.
