Test "are you good parents" test on the topic. Test “What kind of parent are you?” Test whether you are good parents

Test “Are you a good parent?”

Target: identify the ability of parents to understand their child, the ability to raise him correctly.

Instructions: The questions asked below must be answered “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”.


  1. Do you often react to some of your child’s actions with an “explosion” and then regret it?
  2. Do you sometimes use help or advice from others when you don't know how to respond to your child's behavior?
  3. Are your intuition and experience the best advisers in raising a child?
  4. Do you sometimes happen to trust your child with a secret that you would not tell anyone else?
  5. Are you offended by other people's negative opinions about your child?
  6. Do you find yourself asking your child for forgiveness for their behavior?
  7. Do you think that a child should not have secrets from his parents?
  8. Do you notice differences between your character and the character of your child that sometimes surprise (delight) you?
  9. Do you worry too much about your child's troubles or failures?
  10. Can you resist buying an interesting toy for your child (even if you have money) because you know that the house is full of them?
  11. Do you think that up to a certain age, the best educational argument for a child is physical punishment (belt)?
  12. Is your child exactly what you dreamed of?
  13. Do you sometimes feel like your child is teaching you new thoughts and behaviors?
  14. Does your child give you more trouble than joy?
  15. Do you have frequent conflicts with your own child?

Calculation of results:

For each answer “yes” to questions: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, as well as “no” to questions: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15 - you get 10 points. For every “I don’t know” you get 5 points. Count up your points.

If you scored from 100 to 150 points, then you have great ability to correctly understand your child. Your views and judgments are your allies in solving various educational problems. If this is accompanied by such open and tolerant behavior in practice, you can be recognized as an example worthy of emulation. For the ideal you need one small step. This could be the opinion of your own child. Take a risk.

If you scored from 50 to 99 points, then you are on the right road to a better understanding of your own child. You can resolve your temporary difficulties or problems with your child by starting with yourself. And don’t try to make excuses based on lack of time or your child’s nature. There are several issues that you have influence over, so try to use it. And don’t forget that understanding does not always mean accepting. Not only the child, but also your own personality too.

If your total score is from 0 to 49 points, then it seems that you can sympathize more with your child than with you, since he did not end up with a parent - a good friend and guide on the difficult road of gaining life experience. But all is not lost. If you really want to do something for your child, try to find someone who will help you with this (a specialist). It will not be easy, but in the future you will return with gratitude and the established life of your child.

Tips for parents

Work on mistakesHow often do you tell your children:

All these “words” cling tightly to the child’s subconscious, and then don’t be surprised if you don’t like that the child has moved away from you, has become secretive, lazy, distrustful, and unsure of himself.

These words caress the soul of a child:

Feelings of guilt and shame will in no way help a child become healthy and happy. You shouldn’t turn life into despondency, sometimes a child doesn’t need an assessment of his behavior and actions at all, he just needs to be reassured

“What kind of parent are you?”

10.What are you thinking about? 2 points

11.What a great fellow you are! 1 point

12. Do you think your opinion is important to me? 1 point

13. All children are like children, and you! 2 points

14.How smart you are. 1 point

Evaluation of results:

(calculate your total points)

If you scored 5-7 points,This means you live in perfect harmony with your child. He sincerely loves and respects you, your relationship contributes to the development of his personality.

Sum of points from 8-10indicates the presence of difficulties in the relationship with the child, a lack of understanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for shortcomings in his development to the child himself.

11 points and above – You are inconsistent in communicating with your child; his development is influenced by random circumstances. It's worth thinking about this!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Is it good to remember everything?

Children involuntarily remember educational material that arouses their interest, presented in a playful form, associated with bright visual aids, etc. This is the first feature of memory. the second one is special...

Who doesn't want an answer to this question! That is why we offer you this mini-test.

Mark the phrases that you often use when communicating with your children.

  • How many times do I have to tell you! (2)
  • Please advise me. (1)
  • I don't know what I would do without you! (2)
  • And who are you born into? (2)
  • What wonderful friends you have! (1)
  • Well, who do you look like! (2)
  • I'm on your time! (2)
  • You are my support and helper! (1)
  • What kind of friends do you have! (2)
  • What are you thinking about! (2)
  • How clever you are! (1)
  • What do you think, son (daughter)? (1)
  • Everyone's children are like children, and you? (2)
  • How smart you are! (1)

Now count the total points and find the answer. Of course, you understand that our mini-test is only a hint of the actual state of affairs, because no one knows what kind of parent you are better than yourself.

7-8 points. You live with your child in perfect harmony. He truly loves and respects you. Your relationship contributes to the development of his personality!

9-10 points. You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

11-12 points. You need to be more attentive to your child. You enjoy his authority, but, you must admit, authority is not a substitute for love; the development of your child depends on chance to a greater extent than on you.

13-14 points. You yourself feel that you are going down the wrong path. There is mistrust between you and the child. Before it’s too late, try to pay more attention to him, listen to his words!

Advice: We are not the masters of our children's lives. We cannot know their fate. We don't fully know what is good and what is bad for their future. Therefore, we will be more careful in all decisions that may affect the child’s path.
