Your perfect hairstyle according to your zodiac sign. Your ideal haircut according to your zodiac sign

Helpful Hints

Have you ever thought that the appearance of a person can tell a lot about his character, and some character traits impose imprint on appearance? Each sign of the Zodiac, as you know, has its own characteristics, which are reflected in the appearance, in particular on the hairstyle and hair.

Today I would like to talk about the horoscope of hairstyles, about what haircuts and hairstyles most suitable for one or another zodiac sign, you will also learn about when it is best for you to go to the hairdresser, what hair care products to choose. All these subtleties will be prompted by the Moon and the Lunar calendar, as well as your solar sign.

Hair has always been considered magical part our personality, the guardians of the life force of many peoples. The first haircut of children was considered a special rite, even to this day many parents keep the first cut of a child's hair as a keepsake. Having made a certain haircut, you can change something in your life and inner world.

easier in spring and summer grow hair than in the cold season, especially if you cut the ends during the waxing moon. On average hair grows 12 millimeters per month, so if you cut at least 5-6 millimeters monthly, per year you can grow about 7-10 centimeters hair! However, hair growth can be accelerated if you use special stimulants in the form of masks, nutritional wraps, lotions, rinses.

Hair cutting horoscope


Representatives of the sign Aries often have blond, slightly curly hair. If the hair is straight, they may often have a desire to wind it on curlers or do “chemistry”. In most cases, this hairstyle suits them very well.

Aries hair is hard, naughty. Often they prefer to cut their hair short so as not to mess with long curls, but they usually choose modern, bright and memorable hairstyles, because fiery signs always like to stand out.

The head is the weak point of Aries, so the representatives of this sign should especially take good care of your hair, regularly make hair masks, as well as massage your head to accelerate hair growth and improve well-being.

What will suit you?

When choosing a haircut, you should always remember the golden rule: measure a hundred times, cut once. The fact is that your often spontaneous and unpredictable desire to act can play a cruel joke, and a hastily invented hairstyle can disappoint a lot.

It is better to go to the hairdresser after you have thought it over carefully and change your appearance only if you have been for some time (at least several days or weeks) want it. They say that classic Aries look great with short "male" or "unisex" haircuts, but too standard hairstyles will quickly bore you. Hair must be non-classical, stylish may even be asymmetrical.

Try to choose haircuts so that you can still change appearance, for example, pinning up hair, changing the location of the parting, twisting on curlers or changing the hairstyle with styling. You can also use washable hair dyes, because if you often repaint, the hair will quickly deteriorate, become thin and brittle.

For young representatives of the sign Aries, a short sports haircut will help to find your style, emphasize sexuality. Mature women with the help of this hairstyle can "lose" a few years, look younger and more attractive.

When to go to the hairdresser?

Days when the Moon is in fire signs Leo and Sagittarius, ideal for changing the image of Aries. It is especially recommended to cut your hair in waxing moon days so that your hair grows back quickly and you can update your hairstyle or completely change it, because you quickly get bored with everything and constantly want something new.

Tuesday- the day of Mars, the planet that patronizes the sign Aries. On this day, you can sign up for a hairdresser, or you can use it for hair care.

Aries should not cut their hair on a day when the Moon is in a sign Virgo and Capricorn. These days, hairstyles will turn out to be too strict and classic and will not suit your image.

How can Aries hairstyles help?

If representatives of another sign of the Zodiac choose sports short haircuts, "Avnov" hairstyles, then they can speed up your pace of life, find your place and acquire some leadership qualities. Of course, having made an Aries hairstyle, you will never fully become one, but this will give you self-confidence. It will become easier for you to realize your plans, generate new ideas and start doing what you have not dared to do before!


Taurus is the feminine earth sign of the zodiac, which is patronized by the beautiful Venus, which is why the appearance, and especially the hairstyle for Taurus, are of paramount importance. Taurus love long hair, because they are the symbol of femininity. Taurus natural hair does not have light shades, it is usually darker hair, very thick.

What will suit you?

Medium Length Hairstyles - not too long, but not too short, most of all you will go. Tauruses are often distinguished by a downed “stocky” physique, they may seem shorter than their height, you can’t call them a “light fluff”, so hairstyles should not be airy with a pile and fine chemistry, but more strict, meticulous.

Most of all Taurus go loose hair, not raised up with hairpins and hairpins, or puffy ponytails. Curls with curled hair should be perfect, not tangled with the rest, lying separately. Such hairstyles are easily obtained with the help of special curlers and gels. The obligatory presence of a form in the hairstyle is the main condition, because Taurus, like no other sign of the Zodiac, can feel the shape.

Taurus also go hairstyles with braids, woven ribbons, long bob.

When to go to the hairdresser?

Best of all, Taurus should go to the hairdresser when the Moon is in earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. avoid days Air and Water, then the hairstyle will not turn out the way you would like, and the new haircut simply will not work for you. Best day of the week for haircuts - Friday.

Get your hair cut on the growing moon if you would like to enhance hair growth. If the length suits you, you can go to get a haircut on the waning moon.

How can Taurus hairstyles help?

If you take advantage of the Taurus style (do a neat styling, cut your hair to medium length, style it so that the hairstyle holds its shape), you can stabilize your financial position, attract good luck.


Gemini is a dual, fickle sign that strives for change, which is why it chooses hairstyles light and easy to change. Mercury, the planet of Gemini, does not give the representatives of this sign a bright and catchy appearance. Their attractiveness, first of all, is connected with the ability to find a common language with literally everyone.

Usually women of this sign have refinement, harmony, they are characterized by ease of movement, airiness. In the choice of hairstyles, the Gemini really appreciate the convenience and practicality. Hair color is usually dark or brown. Facial features are rather small.

What will suit you?

Usually representatives of this sign go light air hairstyles. A very important thing in choosing a hairstyle will be the ability to transform it: especially in this case, long hair is suitable, which is easy to stab, raise, dissolve or curl.

You can go "chemistry" or just curled hair on curlers. However, you should not overload hairstyles with details too much. It can be simple but stylish haircuts, light, slightly careless perm.

If you are small, you can higher hairstyle but remember the sense of proportion. Try to raise your hair with a comb, hairspray, special foams. Voluminous hair will especially want to have those who naturally have thin hair, which is quite common among Gemini.

You can also dye your hair the color you like best, ideally for Gemini ashy shades.

When to go to the hairdresser?

To make the hairstyle perfect for your type, you need to go to the hairdresser on the days of the passage of the Moon on signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. avoid days Sagittarius and Capricorn when the hairstyle may be too "heavy" for you. Good luck will come to you if you go to the hairdresser in Wednesday.

How can Gemini hairstyles help?

Light hairstyles in the style of Gemini will help you harmonize nervous system. Such hairstyles will attract new acquaintances and allow you to significantly expand your social circle. This is especially true for those who move and want to quickly acquire new connections and acquaintances, find like-minded people and friends.

Cancer women usually differ in some roundness of forms, especially stands out in this case, the face, which is almost never narrow. Round shape attached to this sign Moon that governs Cancer. Hair is often quite thick, but much depends on the personal horoscope. With a disharmonious Moon in the birth chart, hair can be rather weak and thin and require more care.

Cancer women usually pay great attention to their appearance, often prefer to visit beauty salons and hairdressers, adore and home procedures self-care, because at home they feel much more comfortable than in public.

What will suit you?

Haircuts and hairstyles that allow you to visually lengthen the face, for example, long bob, asymmetrical hairstyles, haircuts with side parting and bangs.

If you have long, straight hair, you can curl it down at chin level and leave the top part straight or slightly wavy. Don't do it wide and very lush bangs which will make your face even more round.

You can also go ponytail, as well as a slightly raised top without bangs.

When to go to the hairdresser?

If you want your hair to be thicker, try to cut it on days waning moon in the days Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. When the Moon grows in these signs, a haircut is recommended for those representatives of the sign of Cancer who want to quickly grow long curls. In the days of the passage of the moon signs Aquarius and Capricorn going to the hairdresser is not recommended, hairstyle can disappoint you.

Monday- the day of the Moon, which means the day of the sign Cancer, so you will be most lucky if you go to the hairdresser on Monday.

How Can Cancer Hairstyles Help?

Crayfish hairstyles (like a long bob) will allow you to improve your work digestive system. Try this haircut if you have stomach problems. Cancer hairstyles also help improve relationships with older people, as well as become family man, find a life partner.

Leo's hair is often thick and coarse, chestnut or golden in color. They are also often curly. The face of the Lions is wide, rounded. Facial features - large, high forehead. Representatives of this sign can be easily recognized by demeanor: lionesses walk in such a way as to appear taller than their height, they stride importantly, raising their heads and keeping their backs straight. Lions love to adorn themselves in every possible way with jewelry, jewelry, often of their own production.

Attention to hairstyle emphasize bright details. Leo is a fire sign and loves to stand out. There is something “catlike” in the manners of female lionesses, by the way, many of them adore cats and keep them at home.

What will suit you?

The most important thing for you is to get an eye-catching hairstyle that is profitable. accentuate your personality and style, will be complemented by bright and spectacular makeup.

Lionesses will really like lush hairstyles that look like a mane. If by nature you do not have beautiful lush hair, you can hair extensions, use clips with strands, hairpieces, false tails and so on.

To make your hair look more voluminous, you can use stepped haircut.

suits you better long hair, and if you decide to cut them, let the hairstyle still retain curvaceous forms. You can wind your hair with curlers or make a perm with wide curls. By the way, you can style your hair with wide curlers, winding them on slightly damp hair and allowing them to dry.

You also cannot do without foams, shampoos and volume masks to always maintain a lush hairstyle. Don't forget to regularly trim the ends of your hair. Ideally once a month on the growing moon so that the hair grows faster, and the ends do not split.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is best to go to the hairdresser on days growing moon in fire signs: in Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Do not go to the hairdresser on the days when the moon passes the signs Virgo and Capricorn, since hairstyles during this period are obtained not your style at all. Lion driven sun, which corresponds to the day of the week - Sunday, so this is the best day for hair care, as well as haircuts.

How can Leo hairstyles help?

Lush Leo hairstyles will help you reveal your creative potential, become more self-confident, add romance to relationships with the opposite sex, joy and fun in life. If you want to fall in love, you also cannot do without such a hairstyle.

What hairstyle to choose?


Virgo is an earthly sign, restrained, which is distinguished by great accuracy, as well as incredible femininity. The hair of the representatives of this sign is often brown and dark, blond are less common. Wavy hair is not characteristic of Virgos, it is usually very straight hair. Virgo's facial features are usually small, but pretty.

What will suit you?

Hairstyles with clear lines, without complex details, if possible quite simple most of all will go to the representatives of the Virgo sign. The hairstyle should look very neat, the use of artificial strands, false hair, wigs is allowed.

It is unlikely that you will want to do something ultra-modern, you will also not go bright and catchy hair colors, like fiery red and red. It is better if these are natural colors - light brown, chestnut in different shades.

If your facial features are especially small, you should make more lush hair, you can curl your hair. It is better to avoid small details in the hair like small braids, and also not to cover the face with hair.

When to go to the hairdresser?

The best time for haircuts for you is the period when the moon passes the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. At this time, hairstyles are neat, feminine, classic. Wednesday- day Mercury, which is the ruler of the Virgo sign, so you better make an appointment with a hairdresser on Wednesday.

How can Dev hairstyles help?

Hairstyles that are suitable for the Virgo sign can be done by representatives of other zodiac signs if they want. succeed in areas where precision, accuracy and patience are required. Such hairstyles will also bring success in trading and learning. For those who suffer from intestinal problems, Virgo haircuts will help.


Libra - feminine airy and very light sign, and its representatives are distinguished by the ability to easily find a common language, talkativeness, diplomacy and tact.

Libra planet - Venus so Libra women know a thing or two about beauty, know how to teach themselves, know the secrets of how to improve appearance, and know how to make beautiful hairstyles. They are also distinguished by slenderness and beautiful forms, even with a relatively large weight, such a woman looks very elegant, her figure is very feminine. Libra's hair is usually light shades, very shiny and lush. The facial features are usually very pretty, a little "angelic", the eyes are large, and the mouth is small and plump.

What will suit you?

Lush hairstyles in a classic style will suit you, without ultra-modern details, multi-colored strands and bright hairpins. Long hair may be gracefully arranged, raised up, or braided into a braid.

You can do a very simple classic haircut, but add a small detail in the form of neat fine highlighting. The hairstyle will look completely different and will be beneficial single you out. Also, hairstyles with a cascade will suit you - strands of different lengths will give lightness to the hairstyle, and if your hair is very thin, the hair will seem much thicker.

You intuitively choose for yourself a special feminine style, which can also be seen in the hairstyle. If you have large enough facial features, do not do hairstyles too lush but not too small either. Also, you should avoid too "heavy" hairstyles with a lot of varnish, as they most likely will not suit your fragile figure.

When to go to the hairdresser?

You should make an appointment at the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in air signs - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. It is these days that get very airy light hairstyles, which will be not only stylish and modern, but also favorably emphasize your character traits. Day of the week, good for haircuts - Friday, day Venus.

How Can Libra Hairstyles Help?

Light Libra-style hairstyles will help you become a diplomat, find an approach to different people and understand them well. You can easily build relationships with those with whom you often quarrel, you can learn to compromise. This hairstyle will also allow you correct kidney function.

Choosing a hairstyle according to the horoscope


Scorpio women are usually distinguished by their gaze - piercing, concentrated. They have a very developed intuition, which they know how to use when choosing cosmetics, clothes, hairstyles. Scorpio is one of the sexiest signs of the zodiac, so the appearance of Scorpio women always slips sexuality and sensuality. Their hair is usually coarse, dense and unruly. The color is more dark than light.

What will suit you?

The “vamp” style is certainly associated with the sign of Scorpio, and hairstyles in this style will give even more mystery to your image. Long hair styled in neat waves looks sexy. Hairstyle should certainly be supplemented with bright makeup, then your image will become more complete.

You will also like straight and smooth bob with bangs. Long straight hair is also a great choice. Scorpio style haircuts may vary extravagance, unusual haircuts with straight lines in this list take the first place. Hairstyles in the style of “I just got out of bed” will not be entirely appropriate here, this is more of an airy path. It is better if the haircut is neat and smooth.

When to go to the hairdresser?

To go to the hairdresser, you should choose the days when the Moon is in the signs of the water element - Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer. And though the signs Cancer and Pisces not very favorable for haircuts, choose them when the moon is rising. For you, haircuts made under the Moon in Aries and Aquarius.

Junior Ruler of Scorpio Mars, so haircuts made in Tuesday, will be the most successful. Choose days growing moon for a haircut if you grow long curls.

How can Scorpio hairstyles help?

Vamp hairstyles will naturally attract the attention of the opposite sex, and you should use this style if you wish. conquer someone. However, do not go too far, remember that you should look mysterious and interesting, and not too vulgar, otherwise you will easily catch the wrong fish with the bait.

Scorpio-style hairstyles help protect against extreme situations, awaken your guardian angel, help to find harmony in the sexual sphere.

Lunar horoscope haircuts


Sagittarius women are self-confident, very purposeful and active persons who constantly need change of impressions, environments, communication and the opportunity to learn something. Because of the perpetual motion, they often do not have enough time to pay attention to their appearance, so they choose rather simple hairstyles that are easy to style and do not need to be touched up often. However, Sagittarius hair grows very quickly, so if they do not grow long hair, then hairstyles change quite often.

What will suit you?

Light haircuts and styling will suit you, without complex bells and whistles that are easy to style, or better yet, that style themselves when the head dries. Long hair also suits you perfectly, moreover, the hairstyle can be just natural, without bangs, with neatly trimmed tips. It will look effective if comb long hair back.

Hairstyle for you should be comfortable so that you can easily do styling, even in the farthest corner of the planet, because you Do you like to travel!

Step haircuts, light curls, but without much extravagance. A little tousled hair with a short haircut will look beautiful, which is easy to style with hair foam. This hairstyle will look different every time.

You will also like horse tails, as well as hairstyles with tails in the back and short in front. Such hairstyles will emphasize the dual nature of your sign, allowing you to always be different and interesting.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is best for you to go to the hairdresser on days when the moon is in fire or air signs. It is at this time that light and comfortable hairstyles are obtained. Thursday- the day of Sagittarius, as it is ruled by his native planet Jupiter.

How can Sagittarius hairstyles help?

With Sagittarius hairstyles, you can set goals and achieve them, it will also be easier for you achieve recognition in the chosen case, you will be able to do something that did not work at all before. Hairstyles of this type will correct the work of the liver.


Capricorn is a serious and very hardworking zodiac sign. Representatives of this sign refer to themselves quite critical That's why they try to look perfect. But their style is rather a bit heavy, dry, businesslike than light and serene. This also applies to hairstyles. Capricorns usually do not differ in emotionality, they do not like bright colors in clothes and hairstyles and, first of all, revisit the classics.

Capricorn's hair is predominantly dark shades, they are often thin and rare, which makes it difficult to choose hairstyles.

What will suit you?

Capricorn is a rather conservative sign, so good old classic you feel much more confident. Restrained and concise haircuts will suit you more, without unexpected details, jagged edges, cutting-edge techniques. It can be just neatly collected back hair, braids, buns using special masking hairpins, sponges and rollers. Short hair should be strict and meticulous.

Hair can be collected with headband or scarf. You can hide your hair under a scarf, which can sometimes look very stylish, but without a hint of your religion.

When to go to the hairdresser?

The most successful days for visiting a hairdresser for you will be the days when the Moon is located in the signs of the earth element: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Don't choose air signs, especially Aquarius so that the hairstyle does not disappoint you. Also you will be unlucky if you go to the hairdresser in the days Cancer. Capricorn day of the week Saturday, so it is better to get a haircut on this day of the week.

How can Capricorn hairstyles help?

Hairstyles in a strict "Capricorn" style will help you realize yourself in material terms, achieve financial independence and stability, get a good and profitable job. Also, you will be able to achieve success in the profession.


Aquarius is the most unconventional and original sign of the Zodiac, so Aquarius women always attract the attention of their unusual, which can be expressed in appearance, behavior or character traits.

Aquarians are very unpredictable people, they don’t really like to plan something, so the idea of ​​​​going to the hairdresser may come to them. very unexpected. If you meet an Aquarius lady and see her new hairstyle, it is possible that the next day the hairstyle will be completely different.

Aquarians don't like it when they are limited in some way., dictate something, fantasy always works very well for them. They can take the most interesting things from fashion, combine the incongruous, combine different styles and trends.

Aquarius intuitively can ahead of time and therefore they feel fashion as if "in advance". The haircut that the Aquarius woman wears this season can only come into fashion next year, so this year seems somewhat unusual and different from all.

What will suit you?

Unusual and stylish haircuts that you can make up your own mind. It can be something non-standard - contrasting colors, bright coloring, cascades, a combination of long and short strands. You can add unusual hairpins, bows, headbands and other details to your hairstyles.

You can fit as short cutting edge haircuts and hairstyles with long hair. The main thing is that these hairstyles are special, unusual and unique.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is better to go to the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in the signs of Air - in Gemini and Aquarius. Moon in scales will allow you to make a light haircut, but special raisins won't work. You should also avoid boring days for your sign. Virgo and Capricorn. Saturday- day Saturn, the second ruler of Aquarius, so it is best for you to cut your hair on this day of the week.

How can Aquarius hairstyles help?

Such hairstyles will give you courage, help you generate brilliant ideas and look boldly into the future. You can easily start new projects, you can find an approach to the right people, surround yourself with friends. This is a sure way to make new friends.


Pisces is the most mysterious, vulnerable and melancholy sign of the Zodiac. Pisces are subtle and intuitive natures, very gentle and feminine. Their hair is often are soft and wavy. Pisces love long hair and, even if they cut their hair mostly short, they try at least for a while grow long curls. Pisces love romance, and long hair is more often associated with it.

What will suit you?

If you have long or medium hair, hairstyles with using braids and complex weaves, which are symbols of the interweaving of different forces of the universe into one single one.

Choose harmonious hairstyles without sharp corners and strict straight lines. It is better if the hair curls a little. Hairstyle should be smooth, neatly styled. For example, for short hair, a square will do.

When to go to the hairdresser?

Go to the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in a sign Pisces or Scorpio, and Taurus and Libra. Fish are managed Jupiter, so your day of the week is Thursday.

How can Pisces hairstyles help?

Pisces hairstyles will help you gain inner harmony, add romanticism to gray everyday life, give the patronage of higher powers, help to heal the whole body. You can also feel a surge of new strength, calm your thoughts if something is bothering you. Such hairstyles should be done by those who feel that their nerves are on edge.

According to astrology, it is possible and necessary to choose a hairstyle for yourself not only according to the type of face, but also according to the sign of birth. And then a person is able to feel a real surge of vitality and even improve health. So, the choice is yours!

Often people who are born under the sign of Aries have wavy hair. Aries is a very powerful sign, its energy is mobile, and ideally this should be reflected in the hairstyle. Aries feel best with a short haircut. They usually like sporty hairstyles. You can also create an original image, full of dynamics and movement - for this you need to lay the curls with the help of clamps, imitating a light creative mess. Short or "free" forms will give Aries playfulness and cheer up even in difficult situations.

Medium length hairstyles that open the neck are suitable for you. A good option is a fashionable graduated caret. The earthly energy of the sign means dyeing your hair with natural products in warm golden hues - this will improve your financial situation. After all, Taurus always feel thoroughly in the material world - so why not attract good luck with the shine of golden hair? Strands of Taurus hair should be neat and loose. It is worth abandoning too strong styling products that stick together hair. The right hairstyle will direct energy to improve health and open up new horizons in your career.


The freedom and ingenuity of the twins will be emphasized by light, airy hairstyles, shoulder-length. If you have wavy hair, emphasize your volume with a cascading haircut. Straight hair can be volumized with light chemicals. According to the horoscope of hairstyles, you are recommended to make a simple haircut that can be styled in different ways, depending on your changeable mood. Style your hair with foam or mousse to add volume. This style will help you succeed in work, study and communication with new people.


The hair of this sign is usually straight and thick. Your ideal hairstyle is a bob, straight or layered. For special occasions, you can fix a decorative hairpin in your hair. It has been noticed since ancient times that such hairstyles give the body additional strength and improve health. The energy of the sign of Cancer has a powerful genetic memory, so with the right hairstyle, you will improve relations with your parents and successfully select a life partner.


Representatives of this royal sign are recommended by astrologers to wear a lush hairstyle symbolizing a lion's mane. Hair can be cut in one line, and then fluffy with a hair dryer and comb. Another good option for you is a stepped haircut. When laying curls, it is recommended to curl a little with a hairdryer and mousse. Hairstyles characteristic of the lion sign give a person self-confidence, add strength and vitality.


The pedantry and diligence of the virgin will be emphasized by a neat little haircut, with loose strands. The main rule of your hairstyle is simple styling. Hair should be smooth and shiny, for this you can use shine products. Curls of medium length are recommended to shade with golden autumn tones. According to astrologers, Virgos tend to hide their natural beauty with the help of artificial wigs, hairpieces, false strands. This helps them cope with large volumes of monotonous work. Hairstyles in the style of the Virgo sign stimulate success in work, study, business, improve the functioning of the digestive system. Virgo astrologers recommend warm hair colors and golden hues, as well as paying special attention to creating, maintaining and maintaining the natural shine of hair.


Representatives of this sign prefer simple hairstyles with a twist. Your ideal style is classic. The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same time light and elegant. A good option is a haircut cascade on medium length hair. The main criteria are simplicity and sophistication, light, soft colors are preferred. Cascading haircuts and classic highlighting, but if you want variety and originality, then scales will be happy to try coloring. The highlight of the hairstyle can be given by highlighting, coloring or by changing the color from dark (at the roots) to light (at the tips). The classic style of the scale helps to establish contact with the right people, helps to choose the right solution.


A characteristic feature for women of this sign is thick, heavy hair. In order to better accumulate the flow of energy, Scorpio is recommended to wear straight, smooth hair. To increase the splendor of the hairstyle, a bob haircut will help, which can be styled in different ways, depending on your changeable mood. According to the horoscope of hairstyles, your optimal style that will add your vitality is a vamp woman. Choose bright saturated colors for hair coloring, this will emphasize your sexuality and improve the situation on the “love front”. Short cut hair will add fire to your life.


A distinctive feature in the character of Sagittarius is freedom and dynamism. To reflect this in your hairstyle, you are advised to wear a light layered haircut on medium length hair. If the hair does not naturally curl, it can be slightly curled at the ends. Sagittarians prefer a restrained style, avoid extremes - excessive severity and extravagance. Sagittarius will feel great both with a short haircut and with long hair smoothly combed up. Sagittarius hairstyles give a person confidence and help to achieve success in the social and business sphere.


Representatives of this sign prefer strictness and restraint in their hair. Familiar to everyone, a smooth medium-length haircut with bangs will be ideal for you. For parties, meetings and holidays, you can arrange a slight mess - disheveled hair, "naughty" strands whipped with wax and gel with your fingers. A good Capricorn hairstyle is one that can be easily styled in a few minutes. Long and medium hair can be tucked under a headscarf or bandana to help you focus your energy on your career. Capricorn hairstyles contribute to the improvement of the financial situation.


Women of this sign perfectly feel new trends in fashion. For you, there are no strict rules in the hairstyle, the main thing is that it be extravagant, original and meet the requirements of modern fashion. According to the horoscope of hairstyles, you are recommended to dye your hair in bright, unusual colors. Decorate your hair with a bright hairpin. Aquarians are well suited for long and medium-length hair in a wave or perfectly smooth strands created with the help of “ironing”. An Aquarius-style hairstyle contributes to success in any endeavor, establishes contact with people. In terms of health, it controls the work of blood vessels and arteries.


Representatives of this sign symbolize peace and harmony. A modest hairstyle, such as a bob, and a neat, smooth styling will suit you. Neat hairstyles for short hair in the style of Audrey Hepburn will make the fish sophisticated and irresistible. Hair colors are calm, hazel, honey and soft chestnut tones. Hairstyles in the style of Pisces help to establish a connection with the cosmos, find inner harmony, and improve overall health. Astrologers recommend that you weave braids, because woven strands combine cosmic energy flows together.

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Today we would like to present the horoscope of hairstyles. After reading this article, you will find out which haircuts and hairstyles suit different zodiac signs. When is the best time to go to the salon? Haircuts according to the zodiac sign, according to the lunar calendar, may help you change something in your life.


Most often, representatives of the Aries sign have blond, slightly curly hair. Representatives of the sign often wind straight hair on curlers or do a perm. These hairstyles really suit them. Aries have unruly and coarse hair. Perhaps that is why they are often cut short, but at the same time they choose bright modern hairstyles: fiery signs prefer to stand out from the crowd.

When choosing a haircut, Aries should remember that often an unpredictable and spontaneous desire to change their hairstyle can play a cruel joke on them, and a hastily invented hairstyle can disappoint. Representatives of this sign are very masculine (short) or unisex haircuts, remember that you can quickly get bored with standard hairstyles.

The hairstyle should be stylish, asymmetrical options are allowed. It is better for representatives of this fire sign to choose such haircuts so that you have the opportunity to periodically change your appearance, for example, change the location of the parting, pin up your hair, wind it on curlers or style it differently.

In addition, Aries can use easily washable hair dyes, because if you often use ordinary dyes, your hair will become brittle and thin. A sporty short haircut will help young representatives of this sign to find their own unique style. Mature women with the help of a haircut will look younger for several years, they will look more attractive.

When is the best time to get a haircut?

Haircut days according to the zodiac sign Aries fall on the period when the Moon is in the fiery signs - Sagittarius and Leo. It is advisable to change the image on the days of the growth of the moon. In this case, the hair will grow quickly, and you can update your hairstyle more often or completely change it. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries. Her day is Tuesday. This day should be planned for a visit to the salon. A haircut is not recommended during the days when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn and Virgo. Experts believe that during this period, hairstyles are too strict and do not really fit the image of Aries.


A very feminine and attractive earth sign of the zodiac, patronized by the beautiful Venus. Appearance in general and hairstyle in particular for Taurus are of great importance. Representatives of the sign often prefer long hair, since it is they who are considered a symbol of femininity.

Haircut according to the zodiac sign Taurus should be of medium length. Hairstyles are strict and neat. Beautiful representatives of this sign fit loose hair. On curled hair, curls should be made perfectly: not tangled with other strands, lying separately.

In addition, long squares suit the face. The lunar calendar of haircuts according to the Taurus zodiac sign is as follows. You should go to the hairdresser when the Moon enters the earth signs - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus. You should not change your hairstyle on the days of Water and Air. During this period, the hairstyle rarely turns out the way you dreamed of, and most likely will disappoint. It is advisable to go to the salon on Friday.


Which zodiac haircut suits Gemini - this fickle, dual sign that needs a change? Mercury, the patron planet of Gemini, did not give the representatives of the sign a catchy and bright appearance. Their attractiveness lies in the unique ability to find a common language with literally everyone.

As a rule, women of this sign are refined and slender, they are distinguished by a certain airiness, ease of movement, and therefore light hairstyles are suitable for them, which can be easily transformed. Hair curled on curlers or a perm will suit you. Do not overload your hair too much. Stylish but simple haircuts, light and slightly careless curls are suitable.

Gemini can experiment with color: ashen suits them more than others. To make the haircut perfect, it is better to go to the hairdresser on those days when the Moon passes through the signs of Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Do not plan a haircut on the days of Capricorn and Sagittarius. The hairstyle will fully meet your desire if you visit the hairdresser on Wednesday.


Pretty Cancer women are often distinguished by a slight roundness of forms, and their face is quite rarely narrow. The roundness of the forms of this sign is given by the Moon, the ruler is usually quite thick. Cancer women devote a lot of time to their appearance, they love to carry out home hair care procedures, because they feel much more comfortable in their own walls than in public.

For Cancers, haircuts are suitable that visually lengthen the face, for example, asymmetrical with side parting, long bob. If you want your hair to be thicker, the auspicious signs of the zodiac for cutting hair will be the days of Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer during the waning moon. Those representatives of the sign who dream of quickly growing long curls should cut them when the Moon is growing in these signs. You will not be disappointed in your new look if you make a haircut on Monday - the day of the Moon and, accordingly, the day of the sign Cancer.

a lion

Thick and coarse hair of golden or chestnut color is characteristic of this sign. Often they are quite tough. Lions emphasize attention to their hairstyle with various bright details. This is a fire sign, so its representatives love to stand out. For women, it is important to make a hairstyle that will attract the attention of others and emphasize individuality.

To make your hair look lush, do stepped haircuts. Long hair is more suitable for Leos, but if you want to cut it, the hairstyle should still be lush. Don't forget to trim the ends of your hair regularly. It is advisable to do this once a month on the growing moon. Don't forget the auspicious days. A haircut according to the zodiac signs for Leo is recommended during the passage of the fire signs by the Moon: Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. The Sun rules Leo. It corresponds to Sunday, so this is the best day for haircuts and hair care.


Restrained earth sign, characterized by incredible femininity. The hair of the representatives is often dark or chestnut, blond are much less common. Virgo's facial features are usually small, but very pretty. Haircut according to the zodiac sign Virgo should be lush, you can make curls.

Avoid small details in the hairstyle and do not cover the face with hair. Virgos, as well as other signs, should adhere to the haircut calendar. According to the sign of the zodiac, the best time for you is the period when the Moon passes the earth signs - Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Wednesday is the day of Mercury, which rules the sign of Virgo, so it is on this day that it is better to make an appointment with a hairdresser.


Feminine, airy and surprisingly light sign. Representatives of the Libra sign are characterized by the ability to find a common language with almost everyone, diplomacy and tact. Venus is the planet that rules Libra. Therefore, representatives of this sign know how to present themselves, know many secrets on how to improve their own appearance, and make beautiful hairstyles. These women are distinguished by their slenderness and beautiful figure, even with a rather large weight, a woman looks elegant and feminine.

As a rule, Libra's blond hair is lush and shiny. The facial features are pretty, one might even say angelic: big eyes and a neat little mouth. Simple classic haircuts are suitable for girls, but with the addition of small details in the form of small and neat highlights. Hairstyles with a cascade look good - strands of various lengths will give lightness to the hairstyle, and if the hair is not too thick, the hairstyle will seem more voluminous and fuller.

You should sign up for a salon when the Moon passes air signs - Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. A favorable day of the week for a haircut is Friday, the day of Venus.


Scorpio women stand out with a piercing and concentrated look. They have a well-developed intuition, which they skillfully use when choosing clothes, cosmetics, hairstyles. The hair of the representatives of the sign is hard, dense and completely naughty. The vamp style is often associated with this sign, and such hairstyles add mystery to their owners.

Haircuts according to the zodiac sign Scorpio are recommended to choose extravagance, original hairstyles with straight lines, for example, a bob with bangs. It is desirable that the haircut is smooth and neat. Plan to visit the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in water signs - Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces. Haircuts made on Tuesday, the day of Mars, will be the most successful.


Self-confident, active and purposeful persons are representatives of Sagittarius. They need a change of environment, impressions, communication and the opportunity to learn something. Due to the constant movement, they often simply do not have enough time for their appearance. For this reason, they choose the most simple hairstyles that are easy to style and can be left untouched for a long time.

Perhaps, with a light curl, but without extravagance, they will suit you. They look beautiful slightly disheveled, which can be easily laid with the help of a special foam. This hairstyle will look different every time.

You should go to the hairdresser on Thursday (Sagittarius day), when the Moon passes air and fire signs.


Serious and very hardworking zodiac sign. Representatives of Capricorn are quite critical of themselves. It is for this reason that they usually look flawless. True, often their style is a little heavy. He is businesslike and dry. This can be seen in hair as well. Capricorns do not like bright colors in clothes and prefer classics in hairstyles.

Laconic and discreet haircuts are suitable for you, without cutting-edge techniques and jagged edges. Short haircuts are desirable neat and strict. Schedule a haircut for Saturday, the day of Capricorn, when the Moon is in Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus. You may be disappointed with your hair if you go to a salon on Cancer days.


The most original and unusual sign of the zodiac. Women related to him attract attention with extravagance, which is sometimes expressed in appearance, character traits, and behavior. Aquarius can not stand when they are limited in something, they dictate something, they have a well-developed fantasy. They can take something most interesting from fashion, skillfully combine the incongruous, combine completely different directions and styles.

The haircut that the Aquarius woman wears this season can only come into fashion next year, so it often seems unusual, different from everyone else. Stylish and unusual haircuts will suit you, which you can easily invent yourself. It can be contrasting colors, cascades, bright coloring, a combination of short and long strands.

It is better to go to the hairdresser on the day of Aquarius - on Saturday, when the Moon is in the signs of Air - in Aquarius or Gemini.


The most vulnerable, melancholic and mysterious sign of the zodiac. Pisces are intuitive, vulnerable, very feminine and gentle natures. Their hair is often wavy and soft.

More often Pisces prefer long hair. If they do cut their hair, it is mostly short. At the same time, at least for a while, they try to grow long curls. Choose haircuts without sharp corners. It is better if the hair is slightly curled. Even in the case of a classic square, you can slightly curl the ends inward.

Haircut Pisces should be done on Thursday, when the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio or Pisces, as well as Libra and Taurus.

A person's appearance can tell a lot. Astrologers know that even a hairstyle can help representatives of the zodiac constellations find the path to happiness and catch luck by the tail.

Creating the perfect look in which you feel comfortable is not so difficult. Use the knowledge of astrologers who will tell you exactly which hairstyles will help you unlock your inner potential. Site site experts are sure that with the help of a new haircut, as well as a change in hair color, you can achieve success and leave trouble behind. Do not forget that there is colossal energy in the hair, which can help you recharge with strength and give you insight. Take care of your curls not only in the salon, but also with the help of homemade masks to look charming at any time of the day.


Aries are distinguished by a difficult character, they are stubborn and impetuous, often impulsive and spontaneous. Representatives of this zodiac constellation will suit short haircuts that do not require long-term care. Also, astrologers recommend that Aries pay attention to asymmetrical hairstyles with torn strands or an elongated bob, turning into a short one at the back. The impulsive representatives of this Sign will not interfere with the emphasis on color. A few bright streaks or fiery red hair will be indispensable if you need to do laborious tasks in order to achieve significant success. It is believed that the best day for Aries to go to the master stylist will be Tuesday.


Stability lies in the character of Taurus. People of this Sign are accustomed to living securely and do everything in order not to deny themselves comfort. Such a life leaves its mark on the appearance, and Taurus can be recognized by the perfect hairstyle. Representatives of this constellation will suit feminine squares, neat curls that fall to the shoulders, or smooth hairstyles that can be tied into a ponytail. Airy, as if flying hairstyles, styled with varnishes and mousses, are not excluded. Tauruses do not need to focus on color, but you can add elegant hairpins or fresh flowers to add charm and mystery. For a trip to the hairdresser, you should choose Friday.


Changeable and mobile Gemini rarely sit still, and you can recognize them by their jerky movements. The element dictates them comfortable hairstyles that do not interfere with visibility and movement. Representatives of this Sign should pay special attention to haircuts that are easily transformed and suitable for all occasions. Who knows what will happen in an hour, because the Gemini may decide to go to a restaurant after an intense bike ride. Thick hair can be styled in a cascade, giving it volume with a small curl or bouffant. Such hairstyles are easy to stab or remove in a ponytail, in order to later surprise others with a chic wave of well-groomed curls. Gemini should go to the hairdresser on Wednesday.


Crayfish, despite their apparent fragility and tenderness, have a steel character. Their business acumen and resourcefulness can be the envy of many, so the hairstyle should reflect their dual nature. On the one hand, romantic curls and beautiful hairpins, and on the other hand, strict hairstyles that exclude any liberties. Stylists will perfectly cope with this task, creating a haircut that is suitable both for a date and for business negotiations. Give preference to asymmetrical styling without bangs. If necessary, hair can be pulled back in a ponytail, which will not interfere with your interview or difficult work. The best day to update your hairstyle can be considered Monday.

a lion

Leos need voluminous hairstyles that will help them establish themselves in society. The pressure of the Lions only at first glance seems like confident steps towards victory, but in fact, the representatives of this Sign need additional support. A well-chosen hairstyle can become such a support. Large curls curled on curlers, all kinds of bouffants and even the use of artificial strands will return the fighting spirit and good mood to the Lions. Hairstyles should look natural, so it is better to limit the use of styling products or replace them with invisible hairpins and hairpins. It is best to go to the Lions hairdresser on a Sunday.


Virgos for the most part lead a modest lifestyle. They are punctual and disciplined, which is reflected in their appearance. Representatives of this zodiac constellation will suit simple hairstyles with straight lines. Virgos should abandon complex details, but give femininity to their hair. To do this, it is enough to select a few light or dark strands, comb your hair back or collect them in a bun. Do not avoid hair ornaments: an original hairpin or other accessory will give you charm and charm. Be careful about the master you trust with your curls: Virgos need confidence in the result, so they prefer to find their master and not change him for years. Wednesday can be considered a lucky day for changing hairstyles.


Libras are not accustomed to looking sloppy and carefully monitor their image. Representatives of this constellation prefer classic styles, but are not alien to experiments, so their preferences may vary. These people should pay attention to simple hairstyles, complicated by decorative ornaments or color accents. In the beauty salon, they will be able to find a new look for themselves, choose one of the hairstyles with complex coloring. Haircut representatives of this constellation should choose such that, if necessary, it quickly gathers in a strict bun or high tail. Libra should go to the hairdresser on Friday.


There is a powerful sexual energy charge hidden in Scorpios, which can be emphasized with bold hairstyles to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Braided braids, intricately twisted around the head, flowing curls or smooth hairstyles in the vamp style are suitable for them. Scorpios should not be shy about changing their image according to their mood, because their appearance is able to reveal the powerful potential of conquering new heights. Representatives of this constellation do not need to drive themselves into the framework of standard hairstyles, because not only mood, but also performance will suffer from this. The best day to visit a stylist for these people will be Tuesday.


Democratic Sagittarius hair should not cause inconvenience, so they are unlikely to appreciate lush hairstyles and intricate styling. Hair should be beautiful, so Sagittarius is not recommended to spoil it with varnishes, mousses and aggressive paints. An excellent option for representatives of this Sign will be the simplest haircuts, emphasizing their love of freedom. The natural shine of hair, even gathered in a bun, even ends without traces of section or other damage will indicate to you a characteristic representative of the Sign. Sagittarius can fit light styling on loose hair, as well as standard ponytails. Thursday is the best day to update your hairstyle or change your image.


Capricorns are by nature quite stubborn and intractable. You can see coldness in their behavior, but behind the feigned calmness there is a hurricane of emotions that can spill out. Astrologers advise Capricorns to grow bangs and choose hairstyles that can be quickly styled without spending much time. The representatives of this Sign in the first place is the natural beauty of hair, simple hairstyles without torn edges. Capricorns can choose any hair length, but they are unlikely to agree to ultra-short haircuts. People of this constellation should visit their hairdresser on Saturdays to create a beautiful image.


Aquarians are originals in everything and are unlikely to be content with a "shabby" appearance. It is not in their rules to remain in the shadows, because the representatives of this Sign are used to attracting the attention of people around them. Hairstyles for Aquarians are most often based on the latest fashion trends, so short haircuts, shaved temples, bright color accents will suit them best. Aquarians today can be feminine and attractive, and tomorrow they will become inaccessible and cold, just by changing their haircut. A good day for experiments will be Saturday.

A new haircut or hairstyle cheers up and gives us strength and self-confidence. Of course, it also happens the other way around, when after an unsuccessful haircut we feel a decline in vitality and want to withdraw into ourselves. It was like trying on someone else's dress. Here astrology comes to the rescue, which helps us choose a hairstyle for ourselves not only according to the type of appearance, but also according to the sign of the Zodiac. With the help of a horoscope of hairstyles, you can even improve your health. Try it too!

Often people who are born under the sign of Aries have wavy hair. Aries is a very powerful sign, its energy is mobile, and ideally this should be reflected in the hairstyle. Aries feel best with a short haircut. They usually like sporty hairstyles. You can also create an original image, full of dynamics and movement - for this you need to lay the curls with the help of clamps, imitating a light creative mess. Short or "free" forms will give Aries playfulness and cheer up even in difficult situations.


Medium length hairstyles that open the neck are suitable for you. A good option is a fashionable graduated caret. The earthly energy of the sign means dyeing your hair with natural products in warm golden hues - this will improve your financial situation. After all, Taurus always feel thoroughly in the material world - so why not attract good luck with the shine of golden hair? Strands of Taurus hair should be neat and loose. It is worth abandoning too strong styling products that stick together hair. The right hairstyle will direct energy to improve health and open up new horizons in your career.


Love for freedom, mobility and ingenuity of Gemini will reveal airy light hairstyles, shoulder-length. The volume of wavy hair is best emphasized with a cascading haircut. Gemini is better to make a simple and elegant short haircut, which can be styled in different ways, depending on the changeable mood of the representatives of this sign. Well, straight hair can be given volume with the help of light chemistry. Style your hair with mousse to add volume. This style will help you succeed in your studies and when meeting new people, making you irresistible and enhancing the natural charm of the sign.

The ideal hairstyle for those born under the sign of Cancer is a bob, straight or graduated. For special occasions, you can fasten a beautiful decorative hairpin in your hair - this will add the mystery that Cancers love so much. Even ancient people knew that such hairstyles give the body additional energy and improve health. The energy of the sign of Cancer has a developed genetic memory, so with the right hairstyle, you will improve relations with your parents and successfully select a life partner.

Representatives of this royal sign are encouraged to wear a lush hairstyle, symbolizing a lion's mane. For example, hair can be cut in one line, and then fluffy with a comb and hair dryer to add volume. Strong Leo energy can also be attracted by styling, in which the hair is slightly raised on the sides and combed back. Another "lion" option is a stepped haircut. When styling such a haircut, the strands of hair need to be curled a little with mousse and a hair dryer. Even if you are a representative of a different zodiac sign, Leo-specific hairstyles will give you self-confidence and add vitality.

The neatness and pedantry of the Virgo will be emphasized by a stylish haircut with calmly lying strands. The main rule of hair is simple styling. Virgo's hair should be smooth and shiny, for this you can use shine products. Curls of medium length are best shaded with golden autumn tones. According to astrologers, Virgos tend to hide their natural beauty with the help of artificial wigs and false strands. This helps them cope with large volumes of routine work. Hairstyles in the style of the Virgo sign will bring success in work, study and business. They also improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Girls born under the sign of Libra prefer simple hairstyles with a twist. The ideal style in this case is a classic. The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same time graceful and as if flying. A good option is a haircut-cascade on medium-length hair. The unusualness of such a hairstyle can be given by coloring or highlighting. The classic style of Libra will help other signs of the zodiac, if they do this hairstyle, in establishing contacts with the right people. In terms of health, the Libra hairstyle regulates the functioning of the kidneys.


A distinctive feature of women of this sign is thick lush hair. To better accumulate the flow of energy, astrologers recommend that Scorpios wear smooth, straight hair. Again, a fashionable bob, a haircut that allows for a variety of styling options, depending on the mood, will help to increase the splendor of the hairstyle. The optimal style of the Scorpio lady, which will definitely add strength, is the vamp woman. Therefore, feel free to choose bright colors for hair coloring, emphasizing sexuality and improving the situation in the love sphere. A short haircut will also add fire to your life.


Distinctive features in the character of Sagittarius are dynamism and an almost indomitable love for freedom. To reflect this in the hairstyle, astrologers recommend wearing a lightly stepped haircut on medium length hair. If your hair is curly and naturally straight, you can curl it at the ends. In general, we can say that Sagittarians prefer a restrained style. They do not like extremes, and immense rigor, as well as insane extravagance, is not for them. Representatives of this sign will feel great with both a short haircut and long, smoothly combed hair. Hairstyles a la Sagittarius give confidence and help to achieve success in the business field.


Those born under the sign of Capricorn are often subconsciously guided by strictness and restraint when choosing a hairstyle. The usual even haircut of medium length with bangs will be ideal for them. However, it will be quite excusable for young ladies to arrange a “creative mess” on their heads and fix their hair with varnish. A good Capricorn hairstyle is one that is easily done in minutes. Medium or long hair can be tucked under a scarf, which will help you concentrate energy on your career. Hairstyles in the "Capricorn" style will help improve the situation with finances and increase cash flow.


Young ladies born under this sign are real fashionistas, and sometimes they start using new trends even before new products appear on the catwalks. For them, there are no boring rules regarding hairstyles. The main thing is that the hairstyle is original and different from generally accepted standards. Aquarians can not be afraid to dye their hair in the brightest and most unusual shades. Extravagant hairpins and hair accessories are also suitable. An Aquarius-style hairstyle will bring success in any field and help you establish contact with loved ones. As for health, successful hairstyles help Aquarius to control the work of blood vessels and arteries.

For romantic and sensual representatives of the Pisces sign, which symbolizes peace and harmony, a modest hairstyle, for example, a bob, and a smooth styling will do. Pisces ladies look great with both long and short hair. Astrologers advise those who want to connect with positive cosmic energies and find inner harmony to wear fish-style hairstyles. For example, to do neat styling or weave braids, because woven strands combine heterogeneous cosmic energy flows together. And then they act for the good and improve both the physical and emotional state of a person.
