Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan. Video (Russian voice acting)

Why is the age of a woman's soul and her appearance almost never the same? The endless and inexorable time is to blame for this, which draws wrinkles, spots on the faces, leaves traces in the form of small scars and bumps. Of course, women do not sit with their hands folded, they invent various ways to stay young and beautiful for a long time, but not all methods are effective, and some are even unsafe.

And yet, you should not despair, because relatively recently the land of the rising sun gave the whole world a very old and effective method of restoring youth - Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage. The technique of this massage has been perfected over centuries of applications, and its effectiveness has been proven by more than one thousand rejuvenated charmers.

Yukuko Tanaka and Zogan two-finger massage

Tanaka Yukuko, one of the most popular Japanese stylists, revived the Japanese rejuvenating massage. The sequence of movements and the force of pressure Yukuko was taught by her own grandmother, and the stylist herself brought the massage to perfection. Tanaka systematized all her developments in this direction, and in 2007 her book called "Facial Massage" saw the light of day.

Residents of the post-Soviet space were able to get acquainted with the lessons of the Japanese stylist a little later, and the translators came up with a name that was different from the original - Asahi massage (massage of the morning sun). How does Japanese facial massage differ from its European counterpart?

First of all, the effect on the deep tissues of the face. Standard massage is the application of massage oils or creams to the skin and light stroking movements along the massage lines. The cosmetologist acts only on the skin, the underlying tissues remain indifferent.

Japanese facial massage is a deep impact, in which the master involves the skin, muscles, connective tissue, and even the bones of the skull in the process. In addition, Asahi massage is performed not with the fingertips, but with the whole palm.

Another significant difference of Japanese massage is its detoxifying effect on the skin and deeper tissues. After all, the movements of the massage therapist's hands go along the lymphatic vessels, actively working in the areas where the lymph nodes are located. As a result, lymph outflow from the face and neck improves, which leads to improved removal of toxins from this area.

Zogan massage - another name for the described technique - has a good effect on the muscles of the front of the head, toning and strengthening them. Thanks to this effect, the oval of the face acquires clearer contours, the severity of wrinkles decreases, and the appearance of the skin improves.

Japanese massage is great for the prevention of aging, but in some cases its effectiveness is especially visible:

  1. If you need to get rid of edema.
  2. To improve the outflow of lymph.
  3. For tightening facial contours and improving skin tone.
  4. To combat mimic wrinkles.
  5. To get rid of a double chin.

What results can be achieved?

Basic rules for performing the massage "Become 10 years younger"

Like other cosmetic procedures, rejuvenating lymphatic drainage massage is performed on previously cleansed skin. Wash your face with warm water and any cleanser and pat your skin dry with a tissue. Some experts recommend using a scrub for deeper cleaning.

Before you start practicing Zogan massage, you need to study the anatomical atlas well - the section that describes the localization of the lymph nodes and blood vessels. This knowledge is needed in order to fulfill one of the prerequisites for proper massage - improving lymph flow. Remember the main groups of lymph nodes located on the face and neck:

  1. Parotid.
  2. Behind the ear.
  3. Occipital.
  4. Mandibular.
  5. Sublingual.
  6. Lymph nodes of the angle of the lower jaw.
  7. Anterior cervical.

Massage movements should have a strict focus, which is individual for each of the exercises. The force of pressure on the skin and soft tissues is more intense than when performing a conventional massage, but when the massage therapist works in the area where the lymph nodes and blood vessels are located, the movements are not so energetic. Remember that you should not experience pain during the manipulation.

Yukuko Tanaka recommends performing the massage in a standing or sitting position, maintaining an even posture. Since the duration of the procedure is short - about 10-15 minutes, this rule is not so impossible. But if you find it difficult to keep your back straight, take a horizontal position.

In order for the hands to easily glide over the skin, it must be lubricated with a sufficiently large amount of massage oil or cream. In some salons, cosmetologists prepare special massage mixtures that help deliver nutrients to the skin.

Each person who decides to master the Zogan massage technique must first learn the main massage element - the final movement. It is not difficult to perform, but it is with them that each Japanese massage exercise is completed. Here is a detailed description of this important technique:

  1. With three fingers (index, middle and ring) of both hands, lightly press on the point, which is located near the shells of the ears - in the area where the lymph nodes are located.
  2. Press not with your fingertips, but with the entire length, tightly pressing your fingers to the skin.
  3. The duration of pressing is 2 seconds.
  4. Then smoothly go down to the collarbones, without changing the intensity of pressure.

It is this technique that is designed to improve lymph flow from facial tissues.

Massage contraindications

Zogan Japanese facial massage is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. If the client has diseases of the lymphatic system.
  2. Pharyngitis or other ENT pathologies.
  3. Rashes on the skin of various etiologies.
  4. SARS.
  5. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  6. Gently used for people who have a very thin subcutaneous fat layer on the face.
  7. Couperose.

Japanese massage technique

The first technique was described above - it is they who need to complete each stage (exercise) of the massage.

Forehead smoothing

Three fingers of each hand - index, middle and ring fingers - are pressed tightly against the skin in the center of the forehead. After 3 seconds, gently move them towards the temples, without stopping the pressure. At the temporal part of the face, turn your palms 90 degrees and bring them down, performing the final exercise.

Removing puffiness from the eyes

With the pads of the middle fingers, touch the outer corners of the eyes and slide to the inner corners without pressure, as if resting on the bridge of the nose - these are the points of beauty (hold on the point for 3 seconds). Next, you should increase the pressure and run your fingers in a circle just below the eyebrows - where the edge of the eye socket is located. Stop at the outer corners and fix the pressure for 3 seconds.

The next step is to loosen the pressure and return to the inner corner along the lower eyelid. Then we increase the pressure, and return along the lower orbital bone to the outer corner of the eye, linger at the point, slightly pressing, and finish with the final movement.

Raise the corners of the lips

Place the ring and middle fingers of both hands in the center of the chin, press with moderate pressure and linger at the point of pressure. Then, move your fingers around the lips, continuing to press on the skin. We complete the reception in the center above the upper lip, hold the pressure at this point for several seconds,

Smooth out the nasolabial folds and shape the nose

Place your middle fingers in the hollows near the wings of the nose and make 5 sliding movements from the bottom up and back. Then, attaching the ring finger, rub the back of the nose, moving towards the cheeks. Don't forget about the finishing move.

Massage of the corners of the mouth, cheeks, cheekbones, the entire upper jaw

The three middle fingers need to be pressed quite strongly to the center of the chin. Further, without releasing pressure, move to the eyes, bending around the corners of the mouth. Fix for 3 seconds near the eyes, turn your palms and spread them to your temples. Final movement.

Raise the lower part of the face and cheeks

Massage each side of the face separately. The center of the palm of one hand rests on the bone of the lower jaw on one side. The second palm moves from the corner of the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. Fixation for 3 seconds and continue the movement from the corner of the eye to the tragus, the final movement. The exercise is performed 3 times for each side of the face.

Strengthening the middle third of the face and cheeks

Press the fingers of both hands on both sides of the nose and force them apart to the temples. Final movement.

Raise the cheeks, correct their sagging

Place your elbows and palms together in front of you. Open the hands with palms up, put the base of the palms to the lips. Raise them with pressure to the nostrils and cover your cheeks with your palms. Fix for 3 seconds. Spread your palms to the temples with pressure and perform the final element of the massage.

We smooth the middle part of the cheeks and form the line of the lips

Attach the base of the palms to the center of the chin and press them apart to the tragus of the ears. The final step is required.

Fighting double chin

Place the base of one of the palms under the chin and with pressure draw from the center to the tragus of the ear, then - the final reception. Perform the same exercise, but in the opposite direction, with the other palm.

Down with nasolabial folds

The thumbs are located under the chin, the rest wrap around the nose. With effort we part our palms, stretching our face, fix it for 3 seconds. The final appointment is required.

forehead massage

Alternately with both hands we massage the forehead from right to left and vice versa with zigzag movements. Remember the final move.

Problems after Japanese massage and their solution

If rashes appear after the massage, which are not associated with hormonal imbalance or infection, it is necessary to stop the procedure. After the disappearance of acne, change the massage tool, and also pay more attention to cleansing the skin after the procedure.

It is not uncommon for a person to notice face weight loss. To prevent this process from progressing, use special massage techniques or reduce the number of sessions. Sometimes it is enough to reduce the pressure force. If these techniques do not help, the massage will have to be stopped.

You began to notice that after the massage there is swelling. This consequence is caused by the fact that an oil base is used for massage or it is carried out before bedtime. To prevent swelling, use light massage products, and transfer the procedure itself to the morning.

It happens that clients complain about the deterioration of the skin - it sags, loses elasticity. This is due to the fact that during the massage you used little massage base and your hands did not slide well over your face.

If you have signs of rosacea, but he insists on a Japanese facial massage, use the following techniques:

  1. Couperose zones are not massaged.
  2. The massage base should contain hesperidin.
  3. It is recommended to perform special facial exercises.
  4. A consultation with a doctor is required.
  5. Adhere to the principles of a healthy diet.
  6. Eat foods containing silicon.
  7. Use UV protection products.
  8. Do not use scrubs and peels.
  9. The ban on visiting baths and saunas.

By adhering to the rules of preparation for the procedure and correctly following all the techniques, you will not only improve your general condition, but will also be able to regain your lost youth. No wonder there is a saying among the people: do a Japanese facial massage - become 10 years younger!

Detailed video of Japanese facial massage techniques

31.01.2017 2 175 0

Japanese massage will help improve the condition of mature skin. It is also called Asahi or Zogan massage. Just a few procedures will give the face a tightened contour, refresh the color and smooth out fine wrinkles. The uniqueness of the massage technique lies in the fact that the mechanical effect is carried out not only on the skin, but also on the muscles of the face and bones of the skull. Such techniques revitalize tissues by improving blood circulation, nutrition and elimination of toxins. A large number of Japanese massage beginners note its positive impact not only on the physical, but also on the emotional level. After even one single lesson, the mood improves significantly, a feeling of cheerfulness appears, so it is worth doing it in the morning, immediately after sleep, in order to achieve the greatest possible effect.

How not to get confused in the names - Asahi, Zogan, Zogan 2.

Asahi in Japanese means "rising sun", this is a purely Russian designation, in Japan no one calls this massage that way. If you try to go to a massage parlor and ask for an Asahi, they will look at you like a weirdo, because Asahi is a popular beer of the same name and The Asahi Shimbun newspaper. The original name is Zogan, which is the name of the famous facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka. What about Zogan 2? After the new video from Yukuko Tanaka got to us, everyone instantly gave it the name Zogan 2, in fact, if you translate a little from Japanese, you can understand that there is no Zogan 2, these are just additional movements for a different face shape. With the postscript "How to become 10 years younger." The original CD comes with booklets with before and after photos of girls of various ages after 50, after 60, after 40, after 30 with the result of a massage. They really look 10 years younger.

In addition to the face, you can also use the neck.

The effect of Zogan massage on the skin

Unlike traditional types, Japanese massage is accompanied by increased sensitivity. This is due to the fact that the main attention is paid to the study of the lymphatic system. It is no secret that the accumulated intercellular fluid and lymph stagnation are very conducive to the appearance of cosmetic defects.

Massage procedures eliminate these phenomena. The result is the saturation of cells with oxygen, the restoration of collagen tissues. Thanks to the Zogan technique, dark circles and puffiness in the eye area disappear, the skin is strengthened and pores are narrowed.

Japanese massage is contraindicated for certain skin diseases, numerous warts and moles, herpes, open wounds and inflammatory processes.

You can entrust your face to professionals from beauty salons or learn a few simple tricks on your own. I recommend you the second option, it is not difficult to learn massage, the exercises do not take much time. You don't have to lose it when making an appointment with a massage therapist. Doing everything with your own hands, you will feel every cell of your body, after the first results, which will be no worse than from "beauty injections", you will be especially proud that you were able to do everything yourself without spending a penny on it.

Preparatory procedures

First of all, the skin is cleansed of impurities using lotion, milk, cream. To release clogged pores, you can use a coffee or oatmeal scrub. After that, a moisturizer is applied to ease the fingers. Instead of ready-made cosmetics, natural oils, baby cream, squeezed juice are suitable.

A Zogan massage session takes 15-20 minutes and is a complex of stroking and pressing movements that are performed alternately. Moreover, the effect on the zones of the lymph nodes is in a soft stroking way, and the facial muscles are worked out with sufficient pressure. All massage manipulations are carried out with 2-3 fingers three times. After you see positive changes in your face, you can reduce the execution time to 5 minutes, three times a week.

Basic techniques of Japanese massage.

The Asahi technique includes many exercises. It's hard to remember them all. But by regularly performing a few basic techniques at home, you can achieve amazing results.

  • Forehead. The pads of the fingers should be firmly pressed to the middle of the forehead and smoothing movements should be made to the temples and down under the earlobes.
  • Eye area. With your middle fingers, you need to carefully move the skin of the upper eyelids from the outer corners to the bridge of the nose, then from it along the lower eyelid to the temples.
  • Nose area. Press two fingers to the wings of the nose, then slowly move them to the bridge of the nose and back. Returning to the starting position, stretch the skin towards the ears.
  • Mouth. With the fingers of both hands, press the skin under the nose and slowly move along the upper lip, then up to the lower eyelids.
  • Cheeks. Press the fingers of one hand to the chin. With the second hand, make a few strong strokes from the junction of the jaws to the lower eyelids and back.
  • Chin. Put your elbows on the table and put your chin on open palms. With strong finger movements, lift the skin in the direction of the temples.

After finishing the massage session, it is necessary to wipe the skin with a suitable cosmetic product. Already after 3-4 sessions, your skin will get stronger, your cheeks will tighten and mimic wrinkles will decrease.

Japanese facial massage, how to become 10 years younger.

Becoming 10 years younger after a few dozen massages sounds tempting, doesn't it? But is this information true? I think everyone probably understands that if your face is very neglected and you decide to look younger only after 50 years, this Japanese facial massage will not help you much, it's too late. But if you have been taking care of yourself throughout your life, and the first wrinkles that have appeared are not so terrible, then the result will please and surprise you. You can do it with your own hands in 10 minutes a day, correct the line of the face, tighten the chin (remove the second one, if you have one), “bring out” the cheekbones, remove chubby cheeks. Together, all this gives an effect when you look 10 years younger.

Video lessons on Japanese massage Zogan (Asahi)

Just a few months ago, most of the video tutorials that can be found on the net were unfortunately in Japanese or English. But now the situation has changed, the most popular techniques have been translated into Russian. Some Russian-speaking users even create their own massage technique, which is popular.

Video lesson Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan Russian voice acting:

Video lesson of Japanese massage with Russian translation:

In this video you can see Tanaka Yukuko's workshop, it was she who popularized such a thing as "Japanese facial massage". As she claims to all movements, her grandmother, who kept ancient traditions, taught her the technique of their implementation. Tanaka was able to systematize everything, draw up a program and train several million people on it. She also released a book on Japanese massage which became an instant bestseller in Japan.

Japanese facial massage from Alena Sobol - become 10 years younger

Alena Sobol is one of the most famous specialists in Japanese massage in our country. He tries not to miss all the new trends, translates from Japanese, teaches his subscribers the correct technique.

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Japanese facial massage

In this article, you will get acquainted with the Japanese Asahi (Zogan) facial massage technique, which is aimed at rejuvenating and tightening the skin of the face. You can do this massage yourself, for this we have provided you with detailed instructions with pictures and videos.

The content of the article:

What is Japanese facial massage

The technique of Japanese facial massage arose a long time ago, but this massage became known thanks to the book of the famous Japanese stylist, makeup artist and beautician Yukuko Tanaka (Yukuko Tanaka, 田中 宥久子) - "Face Massage" (Yukuko Tanaka's Face Massage, 田中宥久子の造顔マッサージ ( 単行本), 2007). In this book, she detailed how to perform this massage, and also released a video with a detailed explanation and demonstration.

Yukuko Tanaka came to this facial massage technique gradually. Working as a makeup artist for actors and presenters, she tried to make people younger and more attractive. At first, she wanted to achieve this with a classic facial massage, which she did before applying makeup, but this did not bring the desired result. Then she studied in depth the various massage techniques, the anatomical features of the muscles of the face and the work of the lymphatic system. Based on the data studied and her own experience, Yukuko Tanaka has developed a unique anti-aging facial massage technique.

This rejuvenation technique is very popular in Japan and around the world among women of all ages. This technique is familiar to us under the name - Japanese Asahi facial massage, which means "morning sun" or Zogan massage (Zogan, Tsogan), which means "creating a face", as well as the "10 years ago" technique.

The essence of Japanese Asahi massage

Japanese facial massage is very different from the classic aesthetic massage we are used to, which is done by cosmetologists in the salon or by ourselves at home. In the classic version of the massage, all movements are soft, gentle, not causing discomfort. And the Asahi massage deeply works out the muscles, it is based on manual techniques, and to perform it, you need to apply sufficient pressure on the skin and muscles.

Asahi massage (Zogan) includes:

Lymphatic massage. It is aimed at removing excess fluid from the skin of the face and removing swelling under the eyes.

Deep muscle massage. Based on manual techniques, it helps to relax muscles, improve metabolic processes in the cell, and also helps to obtain a lifting effect and correction of facial contours.

The removal of excess fluid from the tissues,
- improves metabolic processes,
- trains facial muscles,
- improves skin tone and turgor,
- improves complexion,
- tightens the oval,
- Reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

Yukuko Tanako said that doing the Japanese Zogan massage daily will make you look 10 years younger. You can master this simple technique yourself at home. But do not forget that the face requires careful handling. Any manipulation can cause complications, and therefore, before performing Asahi (Zogan) massage, you should familiarize yourself with its contraindications, techniques and types.

Indications and contraindications for Japanese facial massage

Indications for Asahi massage

Prevention of premature skin aging;
the presence of wrinkles;
reduced skin tone and turgor;
swelling of the skin of the face and swelling under the eyes;
gray skin;
the presence of a second chin.

Contraindications for Japanese massage

Inflammatory processes and diseases of the skin of the face;
colds (SARS, influenza, acute respiratory infections, ENT diseases, rhinitis);
diseases of the lymphatic system;
couperosis and rosacea;
autoimmune diseases (Werlhof's disease);
mental illness;
damage and trauma to the skin of the face.

For girls with thin skin and a small fat layer, it is advisable to work out only the upper part of the face. On critical days, it is better not to do Japanese facial massage.

To learn how to do Asahi's facial massage correctly, you can familiarize yourself with the video that is in Russian (located at the bottom of the article), and you can also do several massage sessions with a professional, and then do it yourself at home.

The main condition for the correct performance of the Japanese Asahi facial massage is stroking and pressing along the lymphatic tract, while the pressure on the lymph nodes themselves should be minimal. The picture below shows the location of the lymph nodes on the face, please study it before performing the massage.

This is a rejuvenating facial massage, so it is indicated for women after 30-35 years. The procedure must be performed regularly to notice the effect. One-time manipulations will not bring results. It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning after washing. The course is designed for 2-3 months, then you can take a break for several months. It is recommended to massage daily for the first three weeks, and then 2-3 times a week.

What procedures can be combined with

Light surface peels can be combined with Japanese massage - these are both home peels and facial peels that are carried out in the salon. Facial mesotherapy, Botox injections for wrinkles are best done after the end of the course.


The skin must be cleansed before the massage, your daily care products are suitable for this. Milk or gel for cleansing the skin and tonic. Japanese massage is done with a thick cream or oil. The choice of remedy should be made based on skin problems: for oily skin, grape seed oil is suitable, for dry and aging skin, wheat germ oil, for normal skin, almond or jojoba oil. The skin of the face should always be moisturized so that the hands glide easily, so if the cream or oil is absorbed into the skin, then you should apply more.

After the procedure, remove the remaining cream or oil with a tonic and rinse your face with summer water.

Japanese facial massage step by step

Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan) can be done while sitting or standing, while the posture should be straight. We will cover it in detail in pictures and videos with detailed descriptions of each step.

Asahi basic massage movement

Preparatory movement for massage, improves lymph outflow. And also this movement is final after all other steps except for one.

With the three middle fingers of both hands, simultaneously lightly press on the point in front of the ears on the temples (above the palpable bone), linger for 2 seconds. We use not the tips of the fingers, but their entire length. Then slowly lower your fingers along the lateral contours of the face, then the neck, paying attention to the submandibular lymph nodes, move up to the collarbone (up to the supraclavicular lymph nodes). Repeat this movement 3 times.

Step 1 - forehead and between the eyebrows

This movement is aimed at smoothing wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

Performance: movement is performed simultaneously with both hands. Place your index, middle and ring fingers flat on the center of your forehead and press them firmly, hold for 2 seconds. Then, with pressure, move your fingers towards your temples. Then turn your palms ninety degrees down (while reducing the pressure) and move them along the sides of the face to the ears, neck and supraclavicular lymph nodes. Finish the first step with the basic movement described above. Repeat all 3 times at a slow pace.

Step 2 - around the eyes

This movement is aimed at eliminating swelling and bags under the eyes, as well as reducing wrinkles around the eyes.

Performance: massage is performed with the pads of the middle fingers with both hands at the same time. Place your fingers at the outer corner of the eye (starting point) and lightly pressing slowly move towards the inner corner of the eye. Then we go to the bone under the eyebrow and return to the starting point. We repeat the movement to the inner edge of the eye, and then we return through the bottom to the outer corner of the eye, there we fix the fingers for 2 seconds, and then continue to the temple. From there we make the main massage movement. Executed 3 times.

Step 3 - corners of the mouth

This movement is aimed at raising the corners of the mouth.

Performance: both hands are involved. Place your middle and ring fingers in the center of your chin and hold for 3 seconds. Applying pressure move your fingers around the mouth, they should meet under the nose. Fix the meeting place for 3 seconds. The pressure must be strong enough. Repeat this movement 3 times.

Step 4 - nasolabial folds and bridge of the nose

This movement is aimed at smoothing the nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

Performance: the starting point is the bottom of the wings of the nose. With arched movements, massage the wings of the nose on both sides with your middle fingers (repeat 5 times). Then, with two middle and ring fingers, massage the bridge of the nose from top to bottom (repeat 3 times). Then move your fingers, without lifting them from the skin, to the temples and make the main movement.

Step 5 - cheeks, cheekbones, oval face

This movement is aimed at tightening the skin of the cheeks, cheekbones and corners of the mouth.

Performance: place the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands in the middle of the chin, bending around the mouth from different sides with pressure, move the fingers to the eye socket, fix for 2 seconds, and then to the temples. From there we perform the main massage movement. The movement is performed by all phalanges of the fingers. We repeat 3 times.

Step 6 - lower face

This movement is aimed at forming an oval of the face, pulling up the jowls.

Performance: massage movement is performed alternately first with one hand then with the other. The non-working hand lies on the lower jaw with the entire surface of the fingers and palms and slightly presses upward. With a working hand, with all fingers, with pressure, we draw diagonally from the corner of the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. Then we weaken the pressure and lead to the temple, from where we make the main movement. Do 3 times on one side of the face, then the same number on the other.

Step 7 - middle part of the face

This movement is aimed at removing excess fat from the surface of the nose and strengthening the middle part of the face.

Performance: place 3 fingers horizontally near the back of the nose. Squeeze the nostrils, and then with pressure slide your fingers to the temples, from where you make the main movement of the Japanese massage.

Step 8 - middle and lower part of the face

This movement is aimed at lifting and smoothing the middle and lower parts of the face.

Performance: The movement has two parts. First we work with the middle part of the face. We place the base of the palms under the corners of the mouth, fingers are turned to the sides, with pressure we lead the palms to the wings of the nose, fix for 3 seconds. Then we lead the palms along the zygomatic bone to the temples. From there we make the main movement. Repeat 3 times.

The second part is performed with the base of the palms from the corners of the lips on both sides, while the head is tilted forward down. We hold the palms with pressure along the zygomatic bone to the temples, then we straighten the head and do the main movement of the Asahi massage. We repeat 3 times.

Step 9 - second chin

This movement is aimed at smoothing the second chin and jowls.

Performance: we put the base of the palm in the middle of the chin and with pressure we lead along the border of the lower jaw to the earlobe. The movement is performed first with one hand and then with the other 3 times.

10 step - face tone

This movement is aimed at creating a lifting effect and eliminating wrinkles.

Performance: place the thumbs of both hands in the hyoid fossa, place closed fingers with palms facing each other at the back of the nose. You should get a triangle. Move your index finger (with all the rest) and the tip of your palm along the cheekbones and cheeks to the temples, fix the position there for 2 seconds and perform the main movement of the Japanese facial massage.

Step 11 - transverse wrinkles on the forehead

This massaging movement smoothes the transverse wrinkles on the forehead.

Performance: movement has two parts. The first part consists of zigzag movements that are performed over the entire surface of the forehead from one side to the other and back. The forehead massage is performed with one hand. Repeats 3 times.

The second part is performed with all the phalanges of the fingers of both hands, which should be placed in the middle of the forehead, then with pressure move them to the temples and at the end of the Japanese massage the main movement is done.

Information for women over 30, 40, 50 years old

On young, toned skin, the results of massage can not be seen. But for women over 30, 40, 50, 60 years old, daily performance of this rejuvenating massage complex can bring a visible effect. The effect is achieved due to the lymphatic drainage action, and improved blood circulation. In addition, Japanese Asahi facial massage is based on acupressure and elements of osteopathy.


Japanese facial massage, like any other, can lead to undesirable consequences. Familiarize yourself with them so that you know how to respond to them if they arise.

Skin rash (pimples, rash)

If you have rashes, then any massage is contraindicated, otherwise you can aggravate the situation and get a completely sprinkled face.

If before the massage you had clean skin, then minor rashes may occur, as you actively influence the skin and speed up the metabolism. Massage can be continued, but anti-inflammatory agents should be used in skin care.
If you have a lot of rash, then the massage should be stopped for a while and the rash should be treated. In addition, the cause of acne may not be the massage itself, but a massage tool that is not suitable for your skin or neglect of cleansing your face before and after the procedure.

Edema in the morning

Do not massage before bed, as this can lead to swelling and puffiness of the face. The best time for a Japanese massage is in the morning.


This is a very serious problem that can occur with any active massage. Couperosis and rosacea are contraindications for Asahi massage. If you have small manifestations of these pathological conditions (spider veins on the wings of the nose, single ones on the cheeks), then you can perform massage with the least pressure and bypass these places, but the risk of a new vascular network is still very high. As a massage agent, it is better to use a nourishing cream for rosacea.

The appearance of sunken cheeks

For women with a thin layer of fat and sunken cheeks, such a massage is not indicated, since it can lead to significant weight loss of the face and sunken cheeks, which will visually make him older.

Facial massage is a way to make the face look younger and fresher in just 10-15 treatments lasting no more than half an hour. Japanese Asahi facial massage has been known for many years in the Land of the Rising Sun. Its second name is Zogan massage. It is considered a necessary element during the skin care complex, as it has an amazing effect on it, which cannot be achieved with the help of various creams and masks. To become 10 years younger without much effort allows the technique, the video of which can be found at the end of this page. In the meantime, look at the results in the photo:

Recently, Japanese facial massage Zogan (which means “creating a face”), which in Russian-speaking countries is commonly called Asahi, has gained immense popularity. This technique has been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times, its effectiveness can be judged by the appearance of Japanese women. After all, it is known that the inhabitants of this country are famous for their clear skin and the absence of wrinkles. However, in the 20th century, the Zogan technique was forgotten. We owe its revival to the cosmetologist Hiroshi Hisashi, who adopted this massage technique from her grandmother. Currently, it is actively practiced by the famous Japanese Yukuko Tanaka, a professional stylist who has already published several books on this topic. However, Japanese Asahi facial massage can be done at home. The main thing is to know the basic rules and movements.

The mechanism of the effect of Asahi massage on the skin of the face

Asahi massage is a unique technique that affects not only the skin of the face, but also the bones of the skull. The mechanism of action on the skin is quite complex. Being osteopathic, he corrects them, returning them to their normal position. Techniques and techniques allow you to influence the deep layers of the muscles of the face, affect their connective tissue, and revitalize them. "Revitalization" occurs due to the improvement of blood circulation and, as a result, the nutrition of tissues, as well as the removal of toxins in them. As a result, after a regular course of Japanese massage procedures, the face can look 10 years younger, taking only 6-10 minutes of your time.

Asahi massage also affects the lymph nodes, which improves their outflow, and this, in turn, contributes to a better appearance of the face. To restore the water balance after the procedure, it is recommended to prescribe a glass of pure water.

The difference between Asahi massage and European types of massage

The difference from European species lies in the increased trauma. Asahi's Japanese facial massage technique is more aggressive - the massage therapist significantly affects the tissues of the face in order to achieve a positive effect even in the deepest layers of the muscles. We can say that this massage is on the verge of the threshold of sensitivity, however, it is absolutely painless and safe. Although the techniques of such a massage may scare some women who are unfamiliar with it, at first glance it seems that it can cause wrinkles.

In addition, the Japanese facial massage Zogan ignores the generally accepted laws of massage - it has its own rules. The basis of the Asahi technique is a thorough study of the lymphatic pathways, because it is these elements of the body that play a key role in achieving the desired effect. Stagnation of lymph provokes many cosmetic problems.

When doing a facial massage, the massage therapist affects both the superficial and deep layers of the skin, as well as the muscles and even the bones of the skull. Therefore, it is performed quite aggressively, however, in spite of everything, it is a rather pleasant procedure, devoid of any unpleasant sensations. During the procedure, the client feels the maximum relaxation of the muscles of the face, which has a positive effect not only on the condition of the tissues, but also on the mental work of the brain.

Self-massage of the face according to the Asahi scheme is quite simple to do, however, it should be borne in mind that incorrect movements, combined with a high intensity of pressure, can cause wrinkles and circles under the eyes.

Indications and contraindications for Asahi and Zogan massage

Indications and contraindications for the procedures are described in detail further on the page. They must be taken into account. Asahi and Zogan massage is indicated for women to prevent wrinkles. It is also prescribed to achieve the following results:

  • Remove the double chin and bags under the eyes;
  • Smooth out mimic wrinkles;
  • Narrow pores and improve lymph flow;
  • Strengthen the muscles of the face;
  • Rejuvenate your face.

Like any other type of massage, Zogan has its contraindications. These include:

  • skin diseases;
  • herpetic infections;
  • Acute infectious diseases, including ENT organs;
  • Oncological diseases or benign tumors;
  • Lymphatic pathologies;
  • Bad feeling. It also includes critical days.

Technique and step-by-step instructions for Asahi massage

The proposed technique and step-by-step instructions will allow you to do everything right, without mistakes, even for a novice master. Before the Japanese Asahi facial massage, it is recommended to clean the contaminated pores and apply milk or cream to the face so that the hands glide over the skin better. It is better that this remedy be prepared on the most natural basis, without numerous chemical additives. You can use baby cream, olive oil or even fruit juice.

Zogan facial massage lasts up to 15 minutes and alternates between a gentle effect on the lymph nodes with a fairly strong pressure on the muscles of the face. Asahi is performed mainly with 2-3 fingers (index, middle and ring fingers). Massage movements are performed not only on the surface of the face, affecting the neck to the collarbones. Each movement is performed 3 times. Stroking reception is transitional and is carried out after each reception.

To learn how to do Asahi facial massage yourself, you can use the following instructions.

Step 1. Place 3 fingers of both hands in the middle of the forehead, then begin to slowly slide towards the temples, lingering for a few seconds at the lymph nodes of the parotid region. From the ears, go down to the lymph nodes in the neck.

Step 2. Initial position of the fingers. With an effort, take your fingers to the temples and turn your palms 90 degrees, then lower yourself to the ears and the side of the neck without strong pressure. These techniques allow you to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead.

Step 3. Press the pads of your fingers to the outer corners of the eyes and stretch them to the inner corners, carefully bypassing the delicate area around the eyes. In exactly the same movement, treat the area under the eyebrows, stopping at the lymph nodes.

Then lower your fingers to the collarbone. This technique removes the stagnation of venous blood in the area under the eyes and, as a result, dark circles under them.

Step 4. Place 3 fingers of both hands on the center of the chin and lift them to the corners of the mouth. Stop. Then move to the area above the lip. The exercise helps to lift the corners of the mouth and remove wrinkles on the chin.

Step 5. From the center to the cheeks, massage the bridge of the nose and nasolabial folds, working through the entire length of the nose. This smoothes out the nasolabial folds.

Step 6. From the center of the chin, move your fingers to the corners of the lips, fix, then pull to the nasolabial folds and fix again. After that, move your fingers to the inner corners of the eyes and return to the parotid region, going down to the collarbone. Massaging the jaw removes the second chin and tightens the face.

Step 7. Place your fingers on the area between the jaw and cheeks. With effort, pull the skin to the corners of the eyes. Next, the movement of the lymph current from the ears to the neck is carried out. Thus, you perform a lifting (pulling up) of the cheeks.

Step 8. Place the fingertips at the wings of the nose and pull the skin to the ears, and then go down to the neck. This technique smoothes the skin around the mouth.

Of course, the above steps are far from all the techniques that Zogan Japanese facial massage specialists have. For those who want to master the technique, you can sign up for special courses or watch the Japanese Asahi facial massage tutorial video with Russian voice acting, recorded by stylist Yukuko Tanaka, which clearly demonstrates all the movements.

The effectiveness of Asahi massage and technique on video

Our women, who have already experienced this type of massage (both independently and with the help of a specialist), for the most part speak positively about it. Women note the effectiveness of Asahi massage, improvement of the skin condition and even correction of the oval of the face - the cheeks are tightened, the second chin is removed, mimic wrinkles disappear. Moreover, such a massage can be practiced both for young girls (the above technique is suitable for them), as well as for older women, for whom Yukuko has developed a different scheme of techniques.

Professionals say that after 2-3 sessions you will notice the first results. Also, judging by the reviews of those who have tried doing massage at home, it can be argued that it is not difficult to do it, the results are visible after a week.

Watch the Asahi massage technique in the video with Russian voice acting:

The first notes of envy for the younger sister (a difference of fourteen years) sounded four years ago. Prior to this, the "malyavka" was simply not perceived as a woman. And then you wake up in the morning and you realize that something close to the category “leave me a nightmare vision” is looking at you from the mirror, and your sister blooms and smells right in the morning, even without washing.

With each new half-year, I had to get up earlier and earlier for about fifteen minutes to bring myself into a “presentation”. And such stress for a person who values ​​morning sleep above morning sex and breakfast combined is an exorbitant burden.

It was all the more insulting that I had to get up two hours before leaving the house and cajole my face with five or six various cosmetic procedures, my youngest slept happily and sweetly. Her smooth and velvety skin was not affected either by nightly gatherings with beer and friends, or many hours of vigil in social networks (when there was an hour and a half left to sleep, no more), neither spicy dishes, nor tons of chocolate mixed with liters of coffee. While I had a thirty-three-year-old beauty, all this was written on the face, and in large block letters.

One day, by no means beautiful, my nerves, thinned from an inconclusive battle in the name of beauty, could not stand it - and I burst into such bitter tears with such loud sobs that the youngest instantly woke up (although usually you just had to pull her from the bed by her legs and water cold water) and ran to my aid. For about five minutes they wiped my eyes, and with the help of torture technologies of experienced journalists, they found out the reason for the sobs. And, having learned, my sister immediately advised me to try the Japanese facial massage "Asahi Zogan" after 50 years.

Hearing the age of those who are helped by this massage, I was offended to the ends of my hair - and tried to remain the only daughter of my own parents. But the younger one turned out to be agile and with better physical training. Having locked herself in the room, she began to give me our mother as an example, who looks outwardly the same age as her third husband (at the same time, I remembered for sure that he was ten years younger than our mother for sure).

At the end of the seventeenth minute, I realized that it would not work to quickly pick out the impudent because of the closed door, I began to get ready for work. Having brought a slight semblance of a marafet completely without a soul. But at the same time, I decided that at the first opportunity I would collect as much information as possible about the miraculous Japanese massage or even try it, but I would never admit it to my sister.

Japanese rejuvenating massage

“Traditional massage involves lightly applying a massage cream or oil to the skin. You should touch the face only with your fingertips, apply stroking movements strictly along the massage lines. In this way, cosmetologists act on the upper part of the skin, while the muscles and connective tissues remain unused and slowly but surely wither ”- in fits and starts, between the performance of my work duties, I studied the article “Become 10 years younger!”, Dedicated to Japanese massage.

Surfing through various women's resources showed that: 1) approximately 80% of the reviews were positive, 2) another 15% consisted of the question "Has anyone rejuvenated using this technique?", 3) the remaining 5% of the reviews were classified as fast and successful weight loss without diets and any effort.

What did you find out? Japanese facial massage involves an active effect on the skin, and on the facial muscles, and on connective tissues, and even on the bones of the skull. Asaha (as this technique is called) is performed not with the fingers, but with the whole palm. ZOGAN massage< (еще один вариант названия) благотворно влияет на мышцы лица, укрепляет их, тонизирует кожу, формирует контур лица, разглаживает морщины, улучшает внешний вид, а еще производит детоксикационный эффект – то есть очищает лицо и шею от шлаков и токсинов.

Zogan is a panacea:
1) from edema on the face, and to stimulate the outflow of lymph from the neck and face.
2) for the prevention of aging and the appearance of age wrinkles.
3) to correct facial contours and improve the color and appearance of the skin.
4) to eliminate the "second chin".
5) in the fight against mimic wrinkles.

Execution technique

I found a very good instruction on how to perform Japanese massage on Alena Sobol's video channel. What Alena taught seemed to me more adapted for a domestic woman than the original from the author of the technique, Yukoku Tanaka. Along the way, I discovered another version of massage - the ancient Japanese technique of preserving youth and skin elasticity while getting rid of dry and oily skin, acne, age spots, headaches and depression - kobido.

Based on the results of online viewing of three dozen videos, fifteen video lessons downloaded from a torrent, and one full-fledged video course found on YouTube, I started a free practice at home. Because at the current moment of financial existence, she simply could not be generous to pay for specialists.

I laid out the diagrams in front of me, looked through the short version of the lesson again, and went ... to wash off the nourishing cream applied out of habit. Because the first rule of Japanese massage says: you can massage only cleansed skin, without a gram of cosmetics and without a drop of moisturizers. You can only use a massage base to improve the sliding of hands on the skin. Well suited:
- cosmetic cream or cosmetic milk for washing,
- linseed, olive, grape oil,
- oat milk, which is easy to get at home: pour cereal with very hot water,
- mineral water mixed with a drop of essential oil.

You can learn the basic techniques in one or two times:
1) three fingers work: index, middle and ring fingers,
2) it is necessary to press on the points where the lymph nodes are located (for this you need to learn their location well),
3) perform pressing along the entire length of the fingers, press firmly for 2-3 seconds,
4) all movements should be of the same intensity and in the direction down to the collarbones.

How I do it to myself - self-massage

So, massage in the format of point pressure, the technique is almost studied. About the lymphatic drainage effect, four articles were read with a claim to being scientific. More than 60 photos and under a hundred pictures were studied, and almost all found videos were viewed, where Yukoku herself does the massage. Even a telephone consultation was held with my mother on the subject of skin rejuvenation, gymnastics according to the Revitonika system, and even an answer was received from some anonymous, but very eminent doctor.

It would seem that everything was ready for a favorable start of the procedure. But I was able to start the massage only after five hours. At first, I was drawn into the wilds of Yandex, then I was fascinated by the Japanese “shiatsu” therapy (according to which acupressure can heal all diseases and ailments), and as a result, I spent another hour and a half in Evgenia Baglyk’s virtual Facebook building school. At the end of this five-hour epic, I thought about why I should study recommendations for tsoghan massage for a thin face if my face does not fit into this beauty standard on either side.

In fact, when you train, such a massage takes 12-16 minutes on the strength. You can also develop a simplified version for yourself, so to speak, a light version that lasts 5-7 minutes. You can try two-finger massage instead of three-finger massage. I personally found it much more convenient to do “lymphatic drainage of the skin of the face” with two fingers. Difficulties were mostly with work near the nasolabial folds, and then because there my skin reddened more.

In two weeks of practice, I didn’t notice any harm to my body from massage, but my face skin began to look healthier (even without two layers of makeup plaster), and by the end of the third week, even a lifting effect appeared - my cheeks and everything attached to them tightened. But this is a personal result - for other women, each can be different. The massage turned out to be useful for the neck as well - transverse folds or wrinkles became less noticeable. From the negative - I only remember that I have to skip the favorite series - since lying on the couch with a nourishing mass has changed to self-massage in front of the mirror.

Even with my mother, we had a common theme for instructions to the younger sister: “that you need to start taking care of yourself at the age of twenty in order to look effective and effective at thirty, forty, fifty without any mesotherapy, Botox injections, and hyaluronic acids.”

As a means of self-massage-lymphomassage, it turned out to be very budgetary, because by trial I realized that oat milk or natural washing gel is best suited as the basis for my face. Yes, and it takes not so much time, much less than the right makeup.

Japanese face massage video

Being engaged in Japanese facial massage according to the Asahi Zogan system, at first I used Russian voice acting for video tutorials. Then, in the mood, I wrote down my comment and posted the video on the blog along with the massage. Now I have been practicing Japanese massage on myself for the sixth month, it took about two weeks to learn. I began to look younger, my skin almost shines, and unfamiliar people no longer believe that I am older than my sister so many years. It is assumed that we have a maximum difference of 3-4 years. This, of course, flatters me, especially since I have lost ten kilograms over the past six months, just in time for the summer season. And most importantly, I began to get enough sleep in the morning, ceasing to spend several hours on a marafet.
