A woman's purpose is to be a woman. What is the main purpose of a woman or the negative side of female emancipation

Hello, dear readers!

Today I would like to talk to you about a very serious topic - about Destination. The issue of self-realization, Destination is of interest to almost every person at the moment, with the exception of those lucky ones who managed to find harmony and find their own Path. However, most of us do not have such a strong connection with the Higher Mind, such sensitivity to the desires of our own hearts, and also the courage to easily understand what our intended role in this world is and play it.

Let me make a reservation right away that we will be talking about women’s destiny. Since I have been interested in Vedic knowledge for more than a year, it is from the perspective of the Vedas that I want to tell you about the Women’s Path.

Vedic sources say that there are several levels of a woman (and a man) fulfilling their Destination. And without realization at all levels, a woman cannot feel true happiness. What are these levels?

The first part of a person’s purpose on this planet is related to his gender. This means that in order to fully realize herself, a woman must become a woman (a man - a man), i.e. At the first level of fulfilling her Destiny, a woman must become a good wife and give birth to children. Let's look at these two points in more detail.

In order to become a good wife, a woman first of all needs to find a husband and fulfill her feminine responsibilities towards him. Basic women's responsibilities in marriage:

  1. Take care of your body – cleanliness and beauty. This is necessary in order to pacify the mind of the husband, who is busy with realization in the outside world. After numerous stresses at work, a man needs to relax, and a good wife helps him forget about the difficulties with her attractive appearance, soft smile, etc.
  2. Treat your husband right. This can include a whole range of women’s responsibilities - from accepting your beloved man as he is, to not criticizing him, to showing true admiration for him and expressing gratitude for everything that he does for the woman and the family.
  3. Be obedient to your husband. This means respecting your husband's word, accepting his authority, obeying him, trusting him.
  4. Be faithful to your husband and maintain purity of mind. Here we are talking about loyalty to the beloved man not only on the physical, but also on the mental level. In fact, this is a magical point that can work real miracles in family relationships. When a man feels on a subtle, invisible plane (and men feel this, believe me) that a woman is faithful to him with all her being, his behavior changes very much - the man feels more confident in his abilities, is imbued with greater tenderness for his woman, his earnings increase ... By the way, Vedic knowledge says that the power of female fidelity is so powerful that it can change the bad fate destined for a man.
  5. Prepare food with love. Despite the fact that the majority of high-class chefs in the world are men, according to the Vedas, cooking is a purely female task and a purely female asceticism. This is due to the fact that feeding loved ones with love is not only the main task of a woman, but also her main talent, and through food, as we know, all the energy invested in cooking, all the love, is transmitted.
  6. Create a cozy atmosphere in the house. This means regularly monitoring the cleanliness of the house and ensuring relative order (those who have children know that it is impossible to achieve ideal order with them, and it is not necessary). Ideally, decorate the house with hand-made items - napkins, curtains, tablecloths, pictures, etc. Place fresh flowers on the tables.
  7. Cleanliness and tidiness. This means being careful in your clothes and the clothes of your loved ones, taking care not to leave behind dirt and disorder. This also applies to respect for the environment (do not throw garbage, sort waste, etc.).

Further. A woman must realize herself as a mother. This point is beyond doubt in connection with female physiology. I would like to add that, according to Vedic knowledge, to fully realize motherhood, a woman needs to have at least three children. In the modern world, such cases, unfortunately, are quite few and not only because of the low standard of living, but also because of women’s lack of understanding of their purpose, stereotypes and orientation towards external values, and reluctance to “steam” all their lives. And I honestly, sincerely admire those women who have many children, live in harmony with them and understand that there is nothing more important than raising worthy individuals, that no career, no bank accounts and no “freedom” can compare with the importance this task.

This is the first level of female self-realization. Without its implementation, one cannot talk about true satisfaction and women's happiness. So if you don't know what your purpose in this world is, go to this level and see what you can do to increase your satisfaction in serving others in your life.


At the second level, female self-realization lies in the manifestation of a woman’s talents and inclinations in the outside world. However, this does not mean that a woman should be absent from work all day. Ideally, a woman should have a favorite (definitely favorite!) activity to which she devotes time every day without compromising the fulfillment of her responsibilities in the family. Those. it is desirable that this be work from home (near the children) and that it does not take more than 3-4 hours.

Have you noticed, by the way, that many women find a way to realize themselves in the outside world after having children? I know enough such cases. This is explained by the fact that the woman has already fulfilled her destiny on the first level and the second becomes available to her.

The last level of Destination is related to our relationship with God (the Higher Mind, the Universe, Life). The task of every person - both women and men - is to remember that we are all, first of all, not bodies, but Souls.

I hope you found today's topic interesting and useful. I wish each of you to understand and find your feminine purpose at all levels!

  • If a woman implements them, everything in her life will be fine. And these destinations are not to become a qualified specialist in any industry, a good accountant or a super-famous TV star. The main task of every woman is, firstly, to create a space of love around herself, and secondly, to create a space of beauty around herself.
    . This is the main thing that girls should learn from an early age and the main thing that women should do in adult life, then family happiness and health, and social success, and prosperity will find them themselves.

    Happiness, joy, optimism are solar energies, and they are more characteristic of men. Lunar energies are peace, harmony, sincerity, caring, sensitivity, mercy - this is exactly what a woman’s love should be. When a woman loves, that is, exudes the energy of love around herself, in her rays everyone finds peace and harmony, a quiet joy of life. When a man loves, he generously scatters laughter, happiness, and lively optimism around him. This is the difference between our love.

    So, a woman should strive to open up to love, both to receive it and to give it. This is the purpose of a woman. Women should not search so hard for knowledge and practices, constantly read, develop themselves, and work on themselves. It’s better to just calm down, stop loading yourself with information, and start doing what you incarnated for - creating a space of love around you, giving love, care, kindness, smiles. This is our spiritual path, this is our self-realization and self-improvement.

    When a woman strengthens herself in a state of love, she will enter an amazingly beautiful space of peace, she will notice that the pace of her life has slowed down, along with this the processes in the body have slowed down, and therefore, her youth continues, her natural beauty has manifested itself from the inside out, a heavenly glow, the condition of the skin and hair has improved, because hormonal levels have normalized. And, of course, such a woman has turned into a fragrant, wild flower, to which other people, men, women, and children, flock to enjoy the sweetest ethers it exudes and bask in the warm rays of this woman’s goodwill.

    Agree that a sincerely loving person is very attractive to others. He seems to live in his own unknown world, where everything is calm, beautiful and good, he smiles mysteriously, as if he sees a manifestation of the divine in everything. And people are drawn to him because his heart can heal, his pure look and touch can give peace and faith in the best. A loving woman who has managed to open herself to love is capable of all this. No one will ever want to leave such a woman, no one will ever dare to be rude to her, fate will never deprive such a woman and will give her all the best: the best husband, the best children, the best living conditions. Because a mystery is happening in her space - next to her people feel God.

    And the second task of a woman is to create a space of beauty around herself. Beauty that turns one's gaze to higher things, the highest values ​​of life. Our world needs beauty. Debauchery, vulgarity, base manifestations of feelings, rudeness, greed, self-interest, animal relations so denigrate this beautiful world. But women have the power to change this state of affairs. Women are given the powerful energy of the universe - the energy of inspiration. Women are able to show men that they admire spirituality, good deeds, nobility, family values, charity, and so on. They can inspire men to do these good deeds!

    The man moves in the direction where the woman looks with admiration. So let's admire the beautiful! In their thoughts, create a perfect, kind world, and strong, noble men with their own hands, inspired by female beauty, will try to create this world.

    Every woman is the energy of God's grace, she is a miniature of the goddess, so her entire appearance should sing about this. Feel what kind of goddess you are? Someone will feel like a chaste, humble goddess, someone bright and cheerful, someone mysterious and omniscient. Let your image become a self-expression of your divine essence, let it sing about the heavenly beauty and perfection of creation, let it elevate the consciousness of other people, and not lower it, causing base desires. Give beauty with your appearance, create beauty around you, let your whole life be devoted to beauty. Maria mavela.

    The purpose of a man. The man is a conqueror

    When interpreting the concept of “a man’s purpose,” many incorrectly believe that this includes the possession of unquestioning authority. It is true that most men are attracted to leadership, ambition and power, but the right to lead or command is not granted solely by biology. You can earn authority and respect for yourself only by establishing yourself as conscientious, honest and uncompromising in your moral principles. It is also worth noting that true male predestination lies in power, dominion, but not in domination.

    As it may seem at first glance, these two words have identically equal meanings, but this is not at all the case. Dominion represents complete submission, obedience and, unlike dominion, does not imply any obligations on the part of the ruler. In a full-fledged happy family, there can be no place for dominance, but where the head of the family has nevertheless assigned himself the role of “master,” manifestations of tyranny, aggression, and hatred often occur. Spouses, entering into a trusting partnership, complement each other, thereby maintaining harmony and complete family idyll.

    The purpose of women and men. Female and male purpose

    We must fulfill our role from the point of view of nature - male or female. From the internal structure of the male and female psyches, two laws of the destiny of male and female nature arise. A man’s task is to set goals and be independent of any life circumstances.

    The nature of a man is leadership, it is the nature of goals, the nature of will, the nature of achieving something. A man’s mission is to achieve a lot in this world, to succeed on the external, social plane. The more goals, the more inspired a man is.

    The nature of a woman is relationships, an exchange of feelings. A woman lives in an emotional space. Relationships are a woman's function. It is impossible to build a relationship with a person without allowing him to realize his nature. If a man has any emotional difficulties, this means only one thing: he has no mission in life. Therefore, when a man has a real job, then there will only be completeness, satisfaction and happiness. All a man's problems are solved when he finds a mission.

    In modern society, the mood of “eat, drink and enjoy” is cultivated. And this destroys men first of all, because the nature of a man is not to live on the platform of feelings. As soon as a man descends onto this platform, his energy immediately dissipates, as if it is wasted and goes away, meaninglessness and uselessness of life appear. A man is not meant for this world. It is intended to reveal high values ​​and high ideas in this world.

    That is why he is given a mind, divorced from matter, a strong mind - to know his highest destiny. The task of a man is to take these highest values: nobility, love, support, protection of all members of society - from the Supreme whole and lower them into this world. The man lives with lofty ideas. And if there are no such lofty ideas in his life, the man simply degrades and becomes an unknown person. This is the very high nature of a man.

    Therefore, first of all, a man must receive spiritual education, knowledge of how life works, and practice meditation and prayer. Spiritual practice is primarily for men.

    Modern culture is built on the level of sense satisfaction. She destroys a man. Women are becoming more and more strong, independent, leaders, and men are becoming more and more weak and weak-willed.

    A woman lives for two purposes: to raise a man and to raise a woman. To raise a man means to help him reveal his best qualities with unconditional love, unconditional support and acceptance. A man measures his life by achievements, and when something doesn’t work out for him, it is a very deep crisis for him, and he needs a woman’s love, support, and complete acceptance.

    The law of female chastity is that a woman remembers her man all the time. Her man is always on her mind, he is her hero. And if a man feels such an attitude from a woman, then he will move mountains and will never leave such a woman, because next to her he becomes a real man. This is what he wants first of all - to gain strength, authority, because for this he comes into this world.

    But a woman does not raise a man for herself. A man can never live only in a family; he needs to be released into the world. She should not feel a sense of ownership, but this does not mean that she has no right to it.

    A man’s mind is weak, and therefore she protects his mind with jealousy and scandals so that the man does not become carried away by other women. Being attracted to other women means failure. This is not what he lives for.

    A man is a warrior who came into this world to establish values. He is given one woman to protect his mind, to calm him down, to teach him sensitivity, because the nature of a man is a separation from feelings, and he will not be able to fulfill his mission for the benefit of others if he does not even feel one woman next to him, he cannot support her and give her protection.

    Therefore, in these relationships he learns to feel the needs of others. This is his role in a relationship with a woman - to be sensitive, attentive, gentle and affectionate in order to truly realize his great task.

    A woman trains a man in the ability to be sensitive and emotional. Just as a woman raises her man, she should raise her son in the same way. At some point you have to let him go. Only then will he respect his mother and take care of her. If a mother ties her son to herself, then he will either become a rag or will move away more and more.

    A man’s task is to live for the benefit of everyone and at the same time be as attentive as possible to those around him.

    The nature of a woman is not a sexual nature, it is a maternal nature. Sexuality is as a part, as a certain element of female nature, so that children come to protect the mind of a man.

    Therefore, the woman becomes the most beautiful for him, but this is not the main thing. But the modern woman is brought up as if her sexual nature is the most important. A family is a mechanism in which a man and a woman gain integrity, each acquires a mechanism for realizing their highest destiny.

    Both male and female natures are not our property, they are given to us from a Supreme source. The law of supreme love is built into this nature. Love means selflessness, service to others. Feminine and masculine natures act for the benefit of others, for the benefit of all humanity. The meaning of life is not invented - it is accepted. It already exists. Happiness lies in accepting these laws as they are and implementing them.
    (from the Internet)

    Men and women are born with different goals and objectives in life, and a man's purpose is different from a woman's. We’ll talk about this in this article.

    Some people believe that a man and a woman can live absolutely the same way: with the same desires, the same aspirations, etc. But this is the deepest misconception. What brings happiness and completely satisfies a woman does not always bring happiness to a man, this is a fact.

    And if speaking about women, in most cases topics related to love, feelings, and emotions may arise, then with men the situation is completely different. A man is much less emotional, and his love can be shown somewhat rudely and awkwardly.

    Frankly speaking, men do not and cannot have emotional problems if he lives in accordance with his masculine nature.

    The most important condition for a man’s happiness and success

    If a man has big goals in life, which are aimed at the benefit of the whole world, then he simply has neither the time, nor the strength, nor the desire for any useless and stupid actions, he does not waste time, he does not worry about anything , he is serious and reserved.

    A man should have a mission in life that will inspire him to act every day. This mission should bring happiness, benefit, and good to the world around us.

    If this condition is met, a man’s problems will automatically disappear. He becomes purposeful and persistent, generous and merciful. Such a man is doomed to happiness, success and recognition.

    What should the mission look like?

    This is some kind of activity that is done for others. And it doesn’t have to be a huge project. It can be ordinary work that is done with love and selflessness.

    For example, for me it’s writing articles and posting on video on topics of psychology and self-development, conducting consultations and trainings, performing sublime and spiritual songs. This is what really inspires me and drives me to take action every day.

    I don’t know what the mission of life will look like in your case. I recommend, first of all, to find your life’s work, which is destined for you from birth and connect your mission with it.

    Without a mission in life, a man’s purpose is closed and he will never become happy and successful. Think about it.

    Selfless service as an eternal companion of male destiny

    In continuation of the above, let's talk about the importance and necessity of external selfless activity for a man.

    This is our masculine nature: we are truly happy and successful when we serve the world around us and God, of course. Then the most sublime and truly masculine qualities begin to manifest themselves in a man.

    Selfless service should be performed at all levels of life:

    In external activities, through our work, through our mission, we bring benefit to all living beings. In a family, we care for, protect and provide for our loved ones. In our inner life we ​​purify our hearts and strive to surrender ourselves completely to the Lord.

    Only in this case can we say that a man lives in the full sense of the word and follows his destiny.

    The main purpose of a man in life

    Life in a female body is intended for love and relationships, without this a woman cannot see happiness. But a man has completely different tasks.

    Life in a male body is intended for self-improvement or, in other words, for working on oneself. I'll try to explain what this means.

    In order to be satisfied with his life, it is not enough for a man to have a family, a job, the opportunity to relax, etc. No amount of money, pleasure, or beautiful women can give him real happiness. Whether fortunately or unfortunately, this is how it is.

    This may be surprising, but

    A man gets real happiness from conquering himself spiritually, mentally and physically. The main purpose of a man is self-development, and above all, spiritual self-development.

    Developing spiritually, striving to understand God and relationships with Him is literally a man’s responsibility. In a family, it is the man who is responsible for spiritual progress. Without this, a man will NEVER be able to experience the real taste of life and true happiness.

    This also includes working on your character qualities, eradicating gross and subtle bad habits. It is important for a man to constantly struggle with his weaknesses, which are an obstacle to happiness and prosperity.

    It is also important to conquer oneself physically: maintaining a daily routine, hardening, periodically abstaining from food and reasonable limitation of sexual life, physical activity. All this gives a man confidence in himself and his abilities.

    What is the main thing to take away from this article?

    A lot has been written and said. Now I will summarize and group the information in a convenient and understandable format.

    We were talking about the purpose of a man. From the article you can understand that following this purpose is the key to a man’s happiness, success, and health.

    What is important to remember:

    • most of men’s problems arise as a result of inactivity and lack of goals in life;
    • a man simply does not have the strength and desires to waste time and other nonsense if he has any mission in life that benefits the world around him and is related to his purpose in activity;
    • a man’s main responsibility is to work on himself spiritually, mentally and physically;
    • when a man begins to give all of himself to those around him: to God, society, family, then everything around him will begin to take care of him;
    • masculine nature manifests itself in its entirety as a result of selfless external activity.

    This is the main thing I wanted to say about the purpose of a man. Try to use these recommendations in your life.

    If you have anything to add, write a comment below.

    The purpose of a woman according to the Bible. What should a girl, a woman be like according to the Bible?

    Lately, many people have been focusing on how a girl or woman should look, how she should dress, talk, behave, and very often we sometimes put emphasis on appearance, without noticing the inner beauty.

    Today I would like to raise the following questions: What should a girl and a woman be like according to the Bible? Should we focus our attention only on external beauty? What does God say about this? Is the inner beauty of every girl and woman valued in our world?

    And so, as I have already said, many people focus their attention on external beauty, I would like to focus on internal beauty.

    I will name those qualities that determine the inner beauty of every girl and woman:

    1. Fear the Lord - that is, every girl, woman should have the fear of God, that is, if she has the fear of the Lord, she will hate evil, will not be proud, will not be arrogant, and deceit will not come out of her mouth. (Prov. 31:10-30)

    2. Chaste - that is, she preserves herself until marriage and in marriage, be faithful to her husband. That is, every girl who has not yet gotten married must keep herself pure and pure, and a woman who already has a husband must not cheat on him, but lead her life purely and immaculately. (Titus 2:3-5)

    3. Honest - that is, every girl, woman should be honest, first of all, with herself, this is very valuable. I would also include integrity and loyalty, oddly enough, but in our time unmarried girls must be principled, that is, be able to say “yes” and “no” when necessary, and it is very important to be faithful in everything, as before marriage , so in marriage. (1 Tim. 2:11)

    4. Not a slanderer - that is, do not tell lies that discredit the honor and dignity of other people. Be honest and tell the truth. (1 Tim. 2:11)

    5. Reasonable - that is, approach any situation with wisdom. (Prov. 19:14)

    6. Hardworking - that is, one who does not waste her time, but is ready to give her time and energy to something useful that will benefit her and those around her. (Prov. 11:16)

    7. Respect and obedience to God, parents, husband - that is, every girl and woman should have respect for their parents, no matter how old they are, and most importantly, they should have respect for God. For example, when a girl has a husband, she must also honor and obey him, that is, show due favor, remembering that the Lord stands over her husband. A great example for us is Sarah, who was submissive and obedient to her husband (Abraham), she even called him lord. (Eph. 5:22, Col. 3:18, 1 Cor. 7:3, 1 Tim. 2:11-15, 1 Pet. 3:6)

    8. Be able to remain silent - many girls and women like to talk a lot and sometimes this leads to bad things. That's why sometimes you just need to be silent, knowing when to speak and when to keep your mouth shut. (1 Cor. 14:34-35, 1 Pet. 3:3-6)

    There are many other qualities, but I focused my attention on the most common ones.

    The Bible says:

    Let your adornment be not the external braiding of your hair, not gold jewelry or finery in clothing, but the innermost person of the heart in the imperishable beauty of a meek and silent spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. (1 Pet. 3:3-4)

    We should not only think about how to decorate ourselves externally, we must not forget to decorate ourselves internally, because internal beauty is valued much more than external beauty. We must not forget that by decorating ourselves internally, God greatly appreciates this.

    In our world, no matter how it is, the most valuable thing is inner beauty. Time passes and our external beauty deteriorates, but what is inside remains forever and has no price.

    I think that this article will be useful not only for believing girls and women, but also for non-believers.

    We very often focus our attention on appearance, and this very often happens in churches, forgetting that the Lord teaches us to dress internally, we rush to judge someone for their clothes, not paying attention to what our actions are, what our heart is, and How are we even dressed internally?!

    Therefore, in conclusion, I will say, decorate yourself with what cannot be worn out in a year, that cannot become small or tear, decorate yourself with what remains eternal!

    What is the purpose of a Woman? Be the keeper of the hearth? Be in love? Create? Create beauty? Give birth to children and raise them?

    All these answers lie on the surface and have long become hackneyed stereotypes for us.

    Today the world has changed a lot, there are so many opportunities, so many interesting things. And we women are no exception, we also want to be in the center of events, we also want to do something important, and not just be housewives.

    So what is the purpose of a woman? How do you answer this question for yourself? I thought a lot about this, and the above answers did not suit me. Yes, they all relate to women’s destiny, but only partly.

    After all, there must be something important in a woman’s purpose. Yes, many will say – isn’t having children important? Important. But by giving birth to children, a woman becomes a mother, and fulfills the purpose of a mother, not a woman. And today I want to talk to you specifically about the purpose of a woman. Having given birth to a child, a woman can be a mother without a man. But she can only be a woman next to a man.

    “A woman needs a man, because without a man she is not a woman.” B. Hellinger. One is not possible without the other: it’s like down and up, right and left, cold and hot, etc. One thing exists only when its opposite exists.

    And a woman is not a weak likeness of a man, but an equal opposite. And her role is as important as the male one. AND GREAT! Would God really give a woman so much beauty, tenderness, wisdom, intuition just to be a housewife or give birth to children?

    Each of us has potential inherent in nature. A man has a masculine one, and a woman has a feminine one. This is our purpose - to reveal our potential. The word potential is Latin and one of the meanings of this word is force. So what is the strength of a woman?

    Let me remind you once again of the Steve Harvey quote: “It is in our DNA to be a provider and a protector, and everything we do is aimed at putting this into practice. The essence of a man's vocation is to be a breadwinner and provider. Sometimes we just need to meet a real woman who will bring out our best qualities. We are learning to be providers for you, and you are learning to look for signs of a provider in us.” Read more here.

    A man's destiny is to reveal his strength. And a man’s strength is to be a breadwinner, a provider, a protector and achieve his goals. This is its purpose. And it is also difficult for a man to follow him. For one reason or another, a man may not believe in his masculinity. And only a woman can connect a man with his strength.

    But for this, a woman needs to agree with her feminine nature, she simply needs to fade into the background and stop leading a man, babysitting him and being responsible for him. That's why a woman should be weak! Do you understand? Hallelujah! It finally dawned on me. Not in order to be simply weak and passive, but in order to consciously allow a man to be active and strong. This is what our feminine destiny is. By cultivating and revealing our feminine potential, we reveal our masculine potential.

    Remember, a man does everything for the sake of a woman, he doesn’t need anything for himself, a bed and a bedside table are enough for him in his life. So, everything he does is for the sake of the woman. “In a world without women, the following will happen: men will not wash and shave, men will not work. You are the force that motivates us to wake up every morning.” Steve Harvey.

    Imagine a dance, such as tango - it is only possible when both partners follow each other. The man leads and the woman “submits.” There is beauty and strength in this.

    And the woman takes the first step, she agrees to be led. And thereby indicates to the man his role. But here there can only be complete agreement on this role; half measures cannot be done here. The dance will not work if a woman suddenly, like a mother, starts doing something for a man, teaching him how to dance. He himself knows that this is inherent in nature. Our task is to connect him to his strength, not to his weakness.

    Therefore we must be patient. A woman must let her man know that she believes in him and trusts him. A woman must show that she needs a protector and provider. Being needed is one of the basic needs of a man. And if a woman does everything herself or does not fully believe in her man’s abilities, nothing good will come of it.

    Yes, many women ask: what about children? What if a man doesn’t have time to connect with his natural strength? What if they go hungry?

    First of all, no one will die. And secondly, the initial stage is the most difficult. But here, as they say, we either move forward or stay where we were, with the same results.

    A real woman consciously makes the decision to step into the background and allow the man to come forward. She becomes “weak” only to connect with her strength and fulfill her destiny. By helping a man open up, she fulfills her feminine destiny.

    A woman who believes and trusts masculine power reveals her inner strength. Behind all this humility, acceptance, trust, “weakness” lies enormous strength. It is in subordination to a man and transferring to him the role of leader that a woman finds her true strength. And you know, I’m not afraid of this word, power over a man. Is any man capable of leaving such a woman?

    As soon as a man feels his masculinity and begins to reveal his masculine potential, he will throw everything at your feet. Where should he take his prey, if not to you? That’s when a woman becomes a Muse and Inspirer for a man. But this is the topic of the next article. To avoid missing out, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter!

    Each of us is born either a man or a woman. And by nature we have potential, that is, strength - male or female. This is the law. We always have a choice: to go against or obey these laws and get the maximum.

    Now do you understand why a woman who has discovered her destiny gets everything in life easily and simply?

    Leave comments, hit the like buttons, and be sure to share what you learned with your friends.

    Every woman sooner or later begins to think about what her purpose is in this life. She is looking for the meaning of her existence. For many, this is a job, a career. For some, the loyalty of friends is important. Over time, a woman begins to understand that her main purpose is in the family.

    Since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth. She raised children and did housework. Currently, the role of women in the family has changed little. Her main concern is children and housework. She does all this, in addition to her work. The daily carousel of worries is exhausting. The woman begins to wonder if she is living correctly.

    Life passes, and she runs along the “work-home” route. Such thoughts are a consequence of accumulated fatigue. Denying herself proper rest, a woman sinks more and more into hopelessness. She subconsciously begins to look for a way out of this situation. Some women begin to immerse themselves in work, directing all their efforts towards building a career. The family fades into the background at this time. Conflict situations begin to arise. A woman must make a choice - family or career. Rarely does anyone succeed in combining both.

    By choosing a career, a woman risks being left alone. A man does not always support a woman in her desire to succeed in professional growth. The reason for this is male complexes. Occupying a position higher than his wife, the husband thus asserts himself in his own eyes. On the other hand, he is right that a full-fledged family cannot exist without a loving and caring mother.

    Having made her choice in favor of a family, a woman has the opportunity to instill family values ​​in her children. Mutual help and support in life is sometimes much more important than career achievements. By showing care for her family, a woman thereby sets an example of dedication and love. Knowing that in the family they will receive help and support from their parents, children feel protected and psychologically comfortable. In the future, having a good example, they will transfer this behavior model to their family.

    The purpose of a woman according to the Vedas. For women seeking to gain strength

    List of things to do that give Strength:

    1. Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body simply needs touching. Our body needs to be moved and stretched. Otherwise, the energy stagnates, puts pressure on the body from the inside and causes illness.
    2. Visit to the hairdresser. A beautiful hairstyle is not just a way to cheer yourself up. A woman's hair is a reflection of her thoughts. Therefore, in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such importance is attached to women's hair.
    3. Manicure. You want to kiss beautiful hands! That's what men say.
    4. Communication with other women. The mutual exchange of energy greatly enhances the energy of women. A man needs silence to become aware of himself. A woman understands her experiences better when communicating with her friends.
    5. Long conversations and conversations with positive friends and family (even on the phone). This is the very burst of energy that a woman needs. If words accumulate in a woman, then she will certainly throw them out on a man. And this is not the best way.
    6. Walks. A woman simply needs to go outside at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are keepers of the hearth, connection with nature is very important!
    7. Music. You need to listen to music every day. Meditative, classical, just the one you like. Make it a habit to play music, for example, in the morning with a cup of herbal drink. It will be very good if mantras sound.
    8. Refusal of difficult topics for reflection and negotiation. It is good for a woman to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of a girl gives invincible youth. This point is especially important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and stop bringing them into the house.
    9. Bath with rose petals and oils. This is not pampering, but a necessity! By giving such a little to your body, you will be surprised by your own radiance and excellent mood.
    10. Meditation. Like any relaxing practices, it raises the level of feminine power. You need to meditate at least once a day before going to bed. Meditation in nature is very useful.
    11. Vocal lessons. Singing cleanses the throat chakra. In Sparta in ancient times, one of the compliments for a woman was the words “she is like a song.”
    12. Visiting shops. Learn to go shopping even if you don't buy anything. Try things on. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - feminine energy is so strong that sometimes it’s enough to see and touch a thing for it to soon migrate into your wardrobe. And the money for it comes naturally.
    13. Visiting a mentor (teacher). A wise, experienced woman can help you look at the situation differently and understand it. Wisdom is passed down from older women. For the same reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
    14. Dancing. In any form, it is an excellent thing for enhancing female strength and sexuality. Arabic and Latin dances are especially good.
    15. Yoga. The practice of yoga calms the mind and gives strength. It is advisable to study with a woman, and a married one. A male trainer only teaches how to load the body; he cannot share energy, simply because he is a man.
    16. Regular get-togethers with friends. By going somewhere together, you create a strong background of feminine Power, and an exchange of missing qualities also occurs.
    17. Plant care. A small garden at home or a vegetable garden is an additional way to stock up on feminine energy.
  • Dear, lovely women, I dedicate this article to you. I hope it will touch your heart and you will follow the right path for you, since the topic is relevant to everyone.

    Purpose (life purpose)- this is the life path assigned to a person even before his birth. Previously, purpose was understood simply and unambiguously, as a social purpose, as your life path, which was prescribed to you by your family and environment.

    If it’s simpler “before” - “appointment” - that is, something assigned before something. A task assigned to the soul at the moment preceding its incarnation.

    I personally understand Purpose as certain tasks, tasks of the soul in the human body, after completing which self-development and self-knowledge occurs, and purpose also includes helping others through certain activities.

    Oleg Gadetsky, relying on Vedic knowledge, says that 3 levels of purpose can be distinguished:

    • The first level is related to our body.

    Each of us is either a man or a woman by birth. Men and women have different roles. He transforms reality through active actions. And her main tool for influencing the world is her feelings and ability to inspire a man. If a woman does not want to realize herself in the context of feminine nature, she will certainly encounter certain difficulties. Following your natural nature is normal, good and a priori successful. Look at yourself dears, what kind of body do you see in the mirror? A woman's figure, a braid and a charming smile - then forward to achievements. But not external achievements, that is the destiny of a man, but to internal ones, to domestic ones, to sensual ones.

    Many people are now writing about the woman, if not everyone who is not too lazy. They write because it is relevant, because this is the era. Previously, our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, due to circumstances, politics, war, social order (communism), were forced to perform male functions and tasks and were so accustomed to doing this that you couldn’t even kill them with sticks. After all, these “skills” are passed on from generation to generation. It’s sad when you see these generic programs in a family, which really interfere with living happily and successfully with your husband and children in the family and in harmony. As a family psychologist, I set myself the task of helping girls and women and removing this scenario from life, creating a new one - where a woman is, first of all, a Wife, then a Mother, a housewife, and then a worker. You can also work in different ways, because... Everyone's situation is different. You can work for your uncle in a decent company in a position you more or less like and at the same time have some kind of permanent income that will allow you to feed your family and clothe your child. Or you can work for your own pleasure, and for the joy and help of others, to bring good into the world. That is, in fact, a woman sits at home, she is not assigned to any place of work, she is a housewife, takes care of the house, her husband, children, family, loved ones, animals - believe me, this is also the kind of work that is sometimes so exhausting that the strength remains to quickly put the children to bed and stay next to each other on the same pillow until the morning. Well, that means work, at the same time a woman has a place where she goes not 8-10 hours a day, but perhaps 10-12 hours a week, she always goes there as if on a holiday, to relax and help other people who is not part of her actual family. There are quite a few such examples, and now this direction is very developed among you and me, dear ones. Some write articles, books, some teach Vedic culinary courses, some teach childbirth preparation courses, some sew eco-friendly pillows on which it’s a pleasure to sleep, and some make healthy cosmetics from natural products (that’s all, by the way). , from my friends girls, i.e. I list real examples). In a word, each of us, of you, is busy with what we love as much as our family and does it with pleasure and even receives money for it (some kind of salary), as a rule, it is small, but sufficient, because I remind you and myself that the breadwinner in the family is still a man (husband).

    And the more and sincerely a woman fulfills her primary feminine destiny, the closer she will be to the next stage - her destiny in society.

    • The second level is related to our professional activities.

    Just 200 years ago the concept of “hobby” did not exist. Hobby and work were one and the same. Those who liked to sew - sewed, those who liked to cut wood - became carpenters.

    If we turn to the same Vedas, maybe ours, maybe Indian, we will come across some descriptions of modern professions. There are 4 areas of human activity, and previously they were listed as establishing the goodness of the world.


    1. Scientists(in Rus' they were called Magi, and in India - Brahmans). These are teachers, doctors, priests, ministers of science. Their calling is to transmit knowledge.
    2. Managers( in Rus' these are knights, and in India kshatriyas). This includes directors, bosses, warriors, leaders. Their calling is to lead. And therefore it is very important that they lead in the right direction. A real leader cares about his employees, understands their problems, and helps them.
    3. Merchants(in Rus' they were called merchants, and in India vaishyas). Their calling is to make money. They can do this easily, see profitable projects, feel the profitability of the idea. The most important thing for them is to understand that increasing their wealth is needed not only for themselves.
    4. Creators(masters and artisans in Rus' and Shudras in India). These are people who create with their own hands. They know how to create things, fill the world with beautiful crafts and creations created from the gifts of nature. They are the ones who grow fruits and vegetables, weave and sew clothes, create furniture and dishes. If they know how to do all this with love, then everything they do becomes priceless.

    Sources of wisdom of millennia tell us that our deepest professional purpose does not need to be sought under the influence of external circumstances, since it is already embedded within us, it just needs to be remembered.

    Now is the time when there are various ways to help us remember, recognize and realize exactly our purpose and do the work that will be the most useful, effective and joyful for ourselves and for the world. Only I already have two women acquaintances who are dealing with this issue. With the help of astrology or calculation by date of birth through the arcana, tarot or Bazi (Chinese astrology), they help to find the optimal occupation and business in society, and for a person personally. Or you can simply ask yourself a question: “What would I continue to do for others even if no one paid me for it?” Ask and give him time, the answer will come later. Of course, the inner voice will not name a profession or specialty, but will choose actions and directions that will be closest to your nature.

    • And there is more third level of purpose. It relates to our soul, to our subtle energetic nature.

    We are all children of God. And our purpose here is to remember this. Follow the divine commandments and follow his plan, bringing with you love and gratitude to the world, nature, soul and everything that exists. Of course, this topic is very extensive, and it cannot be described or revealed in a nutshell. The main thing is to understand that if we have not realized the first and second levels of purpose, we will not be able to jump to the highest level, and doing this will be much more difficult than preparing Tula-style stew. After all, what kind of love for God can there be if we do not know how and do not want to serve his children, his manifestations, that is, other people. However, it is worth remembering that if we are not ready to take care of our loved ones, serve and help our mother, father, husband and children, then simply serving others at once will also not work well and efficiently. Everything comes gradually, over time, like in school: first first grade, then fifth, and then graduation.

    In 2013, we had a planned, conscious son. His birth story was not very smooth, but, nevertheless, he himself was born, and what he brought with him cannot be expressed in words. It was with his appearance that everything went along some interesting, smooth road - this was, is and will be the path to my destiny. When my child was 7 months old, we went to a club birthday "Under the Heart" I really liked it there, I joined his work, and after a short time I was already an administrator, a club teacher and a family psychologist. And I really like all this, I enjoy the process and the help. Now I am surrounded by people who are very interesting in character, the content of their inner world and the activities in which they are engaged. It turns out that as soon as I saw myself in a certain activity, I saw women around me who were doing their favorite thing, their purpose. For example, Svetlana, who organized a club, conducts courses in preparation for childbirth and helps pregnant women and mothers. And there are more and more people like her. It all starts with a woman, I’ll tell you: a family begins with a girl’s desire to get married, children begin with a girl’s desire to be pregnant and be a mother, happiness begins with a desire to love, care and inspire. Of course, not everything entirely depends and revolves around us; there are also men. However, it is much easier for us, women, to do this than for them, simply because we were born women, and all this is embedded in us from childhood, with milk and love, and no matter how we pass it all on and materialize it.

    For two years now I have been living with the thought that life is beautiful and amazing, and I look forward to further events with trepidation and excitement. The wave of my destiny carries me into an amazing reality, into a beautiful world that we create ourselves, of course, not without the help of God.

    To clarify my purpose, I turned to an astrologer for help. She helped me by describing some provisions and recommendations, as a result of which the concept came to me internally, instinctively. Now I know and try to follow my destiny.

    There are always and everywhere exceptions to the rules: no one has canceled the conditions and habitat, the tasks of a particular incarnation and the experience of the soul. Therefore, how, where, in what way and what you will do is your choice, but if you have found it, then do it efficiently, with love and kindness, and, if possible, help others find, understand and follow this purpose.

    Dear women, girls, those who doubt or don’t know where to go and what to do, this story and words are for you. Let's use our destiny to make the world a better, cleaner, brighter, fairer and happier place. First, this peace is made within oneself, then within the family, then within the city, country, planet, world, and so on. Let's become that cell that carries within itself a piece of universal love, light, care and gratitude.

    We all have the same ultimate goal, but the paths are different, each has its own individual and unique path.

    I wish everyone a successful search! And finally, a few useful points from Max Simon .

    14 signs that you are doing business in accordance with your purpose:

    • You simply complete your tasks. Very fast. When you follow your purpose and live your life to the fullest, your creativity, focus, and productivity are at their peak. Brilliant results literally pour out of you. And you don’t even consider the option of putting something off until later.
    • People ask you to help them do what you are doing or have already done. When you have found the purpose of your life, people look at you as a special person, and they really want you to teach them the same, they are ready to pay for it. And this is not as a result of the fact that you are trying to convince them of something. They simply see you as an amazing model of what is possible and want to create the same result in their own lives.
    • Money comes into your life even when you don't think about it. Lately, I have been a big advocate of focusing in any activity, including money and wealth, because it helps develop healthy relationships with them. But I've noticed that the more we follow our purpose, the less money-oriented or worried we become. Almost every week new people express their desire to work with us, encourage us, or do something else that brings us money. So I concluded that the more you follow your destiny, the more money will come to you.
    • You wake up with new ideas almost every day. This is both a blessing and a curse. In fact, I often drive my team crazy. But it's true. When you find your purpose, you begin to see more and more opportunities for how you can further expand your vision and make an impact on the world. It's like you become an idea factory, constantly coming up with new ways to grow and expand. To some extent, you can no longer stop it from working.
    • You feel fully prepared to deal with all the problems and challenges that come your way. When you are on the path of your destiny, you begin to solve problems and tasks much faster instead of dwelling on them, complaining or regretting that you did not see them earlier. You just solve them.
    • You see yourself getting better and better at your craft. No one ever becomes a Master overnight. This takes time. First you realize your purpose, and then you start practicing, continue, try, manifest. Then slowly, over time, you suddenly discover that you have become the best in this world. And suddenly everyone starts to see it.
    • High level people ask how they can help you. When you follow your destiny, other famous people and leaders are the first to offer you their help. This may come as a bit of a shock at first. But you will get used to it. And then it will become a powerful beacon showing you that you are moving in the right direction.
    • You strive to become healthier and more vibrant because you know energy will help you be a better leader. When you follow your purpose, you simply don't allow yourself to waste any time or energy. In fact, keeping your mind, body and energy at its highest level will be your priority. Because your mission in the world is too important to allow yourself to do anything less than up to par.
    • You feel happy and lucky simply because you live this way. There are millions and millions of people in the world who hate what they do. But when you follow your purpose, you may be shocked by the fact that people themselves want to pay you for what you do. In fact, you may even be amazed: "I can't believe I'm getting paid for this."
    • People promote your services or products even if you don't ask them to. Because when you follow your purpose, the quality and content of your products and services is incredible. And when you create something this great, people start sharing.
    • You feel proud of what you create. When you find the purpose of your life, you create a lot of stuff. You constantly test what you create, you are not afraid to try new things. And although not everything you come up with will be exceptional, you will still feel proud of what you create.
    • As a result of your work, people's lives change. You get fan mail out of nowhere. People come to your social media pages to tell you how you have changed their lives. You know that what you do is very valuable to the world. The realization of your purpose will always affect the lives of other people, no matter what you do.
    • The people around you will not let you go astray. Whether it's your team, your clients, or your fans, there are people around you who will inspire you to keep going, to keep growing, to keep showing up, even when it gets really hard (and it will be hard for you). Following your purpose is not easy. But when other people push you to keep going, you know you're on the right path.
    • When you find your purpose, all your doubts will disappear. Because at this moment a subtle, barely noticeable, but deepest presence will appear in your life, which will whisper to you: "Keep going." Like I said, finding your purpose is not something that happens overnight. In fact, I've been working on this for decades because "finding purpose" is not an event, it's more of a process. But what I do know is that every time I tried to do something other than what I was doing, I always heard a voice inside me reminding me to keep going. Perhaps your outer life does not yet reflect the greatness that is within you. But this does not mean that this greatness does not exist. It takes time to build something deep. So listen to your inner wisdom, which will always tell you whether you are moving in the right direction. I will repeat: finding your purpose is not an event. It's a process.

    Almost every religion, many philosophical treatises and teachings raise the question of why we come into this world. Is there a purpose for human existence, is there a specific purpose for every rational being, what is the maleand feminine purposein this world. There are many opinions on this matter and they are extremely multifaceted - some great minds believe that one must surrender completely into the hands of God and trust only in his decisions, others adhere to the theory that man, the crown of nature and the creator of all things, is born with a specific purpose.

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    According to most psychologists, the main purpose of every individual is to be happy. And to achieve this, the entire path of life must be based on constant self-development. The main life goal of every person should be the realization of their capabilities, their inner potential. After all, if each person is in his place and doing what he does best, then the results of his work will undoubtedly benefit all of humanity.

    But this is if we talk about individuals. Any society is divided into groups - by gender, ethnicity, age. And in this article we will talk specifically aboutfeminine purpose. What are its differences from men’s, what functions and responsibilities are considered exclusively female in the modern world, in what areas of activity the weaker sex can be most successfully realized.

    “A people cannot be conquered if the hearts of women preserve its roots. And as long as this is so, it does not matter how strong the conquerors are or how powerful their weapons are.”

    From the folklore of the Cheyenne Indians

    It has long been believed that it is female energy that has creative power. A woman is unique if only because she is capable of childbearing, so to speak, of creating new people. After all, what can be considered a miracle, if not the birth of a new person? Since ancient times, women have rightfully been given the title of homemaker. Mother, housewife, wife - a classic manifestation of the female hypostasis at all times. The world of women is radically different from the world of men. Representatives of the stronger sex, who are softer and more flexible by nature, have long directed all their efforts to creating and protecting family and home, in contrast to men, whose nature is more geared towards engaging in physical labor, military craft, or those areas of social structures that require strength and strength of character.

    Of course, in world history there have been female warriors (for example, Joan of Arc, as a specific person, or a tribe of Amazons, as a generalized image), and heads of state (an impressive list, you can start, for example, with the ancient Egyptian queen Neithotep to today's female presidents, such as Kersti Karjulaid in Estonia or Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic in Croatia), and female scientists (for example, the famous radioactivity researcher Marie Sklodowska-Curie or Gertrude Eliot, the great biochemist thanks to whom the world found a cure for malaria , leukemia and herpes). But rather, such examples are exceptions to the generally accepted modelfeminine purpose.

    Traits of a woman's image, behavior and character that are distinctive from men's

    The role of women in patriarchal society

    From ancient times until the end of the 18th century, society had a generally accepted family model, where the husband was unconditionally considered the head of the family, and the wife and children were subordinate to him. The patriarchal position of the entire society did not give women the opportunity to realize themselves in a man's world.

    The main and only, according to the society of past years, the task of every woman was to get married and give birth to healthy offspring. There was no question of any education or prestigious job - these were privileges only for men. Cases of domestic violence were not uncommon in a patriarchal society. Many women were content only with the role of keeper of the hearth, but there were others who did not want theirfeminine purposelimited only to family and everyday life. The emergence and development of such a movement as feminism has radically changed the role of a woman and her place in the world. Feminists strongly disagree thatfeminine purpose- please the stronger half of humanity, be a housewife and give birth to children.

    “Contrary to popular belief, love does not occupy so much space in a woman’s life. Her husband, children, home, pleasures, vanity, social and sexual relationships, and advancement up the social ladder mean much more to her.”

    Simone de Beauvoir, ideologist of the feminist movement

    Feminism is a political and intellectual movement, inin which women fought for equality with men. This term first appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, but the main ideas and theories are found both in ancient culture and in the Middle Ages, and during the Renaissance.

    Women of the first wave of feminism demanded the right to vote and political equality with men. Their demands were satisfied in 1920 in the United States, when the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution was adopted. In the 60s, the second wave of the women's rights movement rolled in, which led to a kind of social revolution. This time the topic of the rallies is domestic violence, free exploitation of female domestic labor, and restrictions on the choice of place of work. Women rebelled against the limitation of their lives only to domestic duties and caring for the family, while men owned the whole world.

    Most men do not accept and reject the idea of ​​feminism. Perhaps this is due to echoes of ancient stereotypes, or perhaps the male gender has been presented with a misunderstanding of the essence of women’s demands. After all, there is an opinion that outwardly unattractive women who are simply unable to find a husband, and therefore are embittered towards the entire stronger half of humanity, become feminists. Of course, this opinion is far from the truth. Here's how well-known feminists respond to this opinion:

    “There are many ridiculous myths about what it means to be a feminist: all feminists supposedly hate men, demand that members of the movement give up everything “girly” (for example, dresses, heels and hair removal), despise housewives and want to take all the power in the world for themselves. None of these myths are true, or at least they are not true in all situations.”

    Danica Johnson

    “Feminism is not a dirty word. It doesn't mean hating men, it doesn't mean you hate girls with beautiful legs or tans. It doesn't mean you're a bitch or a lesbian. It only means that you believe in equality.”

    Kate Nash

    In our time, women have gained complete independence - they have the right to education, can choose their place of work, have sexual freedom, and independently decide on issues of marriage and childbearing. In the modern world, any woman can choose who she should be - a mother or a housewife, a politician or a businesswoman.

    Women's purposein the modern world it is no longer limited to patriarchal clichés. But more often you don’t have to choose one thing, but combine everything together. Housekeeping and family care remained largely in the care of women. Plus, work and social activities were added to this. But even such social multitasking does not detract from the enormous achievement of humanity - gender equality.

    Guided by Michelle Obama's words that “no country in the world can truly prosper if it suppresses women's potential and disempowers half of its citizens,” we can say that gender equality is a big plus not only for women, but also for society and the state as a whole. Since, for example, the number of labor resources has increased, and along with this, productivity began to grow upward.

    In conclusion, we can conclude that the mainfeminine purposeafter all, there is procreation, for the simple reason that there is no one else in the world to perform this function except women. But this is not the only goal in the life of any of the fair sex.Women's purposeFirst of all, it is to live your life honestly and with dignity, and also to find your place in society. Some people see happiness in having children, and others in doing science or politics. The only and main responsibility of every person is to be happy and benefit society.
