Female body with a wide bone in the hips. The widest hips of a woman from the Guinness Book of Records

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How should the most feminine figure that distinguishes the fair sex look like? Who is today the standard of beauty? Kim Kardashian breaks Instagram popularity records, and Monica Bellucci and Jennifer Lopez are sure to be named among the most captivating images. Their figures are united by one thing - a narrow waist, wide hips. The 21st century has become a real revolution in the approach to understanding female attractiveness.

Shape types

It has long been noticed that even with a change in weight category, the same woman has an even distribution of additional kilograms. The contours of the figure remain the same. This made it possible to single out certain types of female constitution. It directly depends on the genetic predisposition and is slightly adjusted with the help of the nutrition system and physical activity. The most common classification, in which six variants of different figures are distinguished: “apple”, “rectangle”, “pear”, “inverted triangle”, asthenic type, and also “hourglass”. The penultimate one is the choice of fashion designers who brought thin teenage girls with long arms and legs to the podium.

But today, plus size models are becoming increasingly popular - women with a narrow waist and wide hips that have mouth-watering shapes. With no less grace, they demonstrate new clothing lines for the fair sex. Two types of figures out of six are distinguished by a narrow waist, wide hips - “pear” and “hourglass”. Let's dwell on them in more detail.


This type is often called gynecoid, because it is absolutely not typical for the strong half of humanity and shows all the advantages of female beauty: narrow, slightly sloping shoulders, a graceful waist and a flat stomach, but at the same time a captivating steep bend in the hips. Representatives of this type are rarely tall and can be both broad-boned (Irina Rodnina) and thin-boned (Salma Hayek). Sometimes different widths of the bones of the skeleton are observed in the same woman: thin arms and massive legs. Due to low metabolism, extra pounds "settle" in the buttocks, upper legs and chest. At the same time, a narrow waist is maintained. Wide hips differ in the direction of increase by at least 30 cm.

The emphasis on the upper body (shoulders, decorations on the neck and décolleté, bright colors of blouses, neckerchiefs and breast pockets) will make it possible to present a woman’s figure more proportional, because it’s no secret that the “sandy” figure is truly coveted by many. watch".


Approximately the same size of the hips and shoulders against the background of a thin waist (the difference is 25 or more centimeters) characterizes representatives of this type. An example can be called Lyudmila Gurchenko, who retained enviable proportions until the last years of her life, and the incredible Audrey Hepburn, just as fragile and feminine. The figure of Monica Bellucci can also be put on a par with them, but it is distinguished by luxurious forms. A narrow waist, wide hips (photo can be seen in the article) make her a breathtaking beauty even at the age of 50+. Rounded buttocks and bust, a curved line from the waist to the hip - what could be more feminine? It is an indicator that extra pounds are extremely evenly distributed throughout the body, while maintaining exciting lines. The owners of this type of figure suit any outfit, in this regard they can be called real lucky ones.

The most graceful waist and the widest hips

New fashion trends force individual representatives of the female part of the population to make incredible efforts in the struggle for beauty. Singer Rupa Boyko once weighed about 90 kg. Her dream was a thin waist and feminine proportions. Despite the fact that her performance was 40 cm, she is not a world record holder. Cathy Jung, whose age is in the 75+ category, did not take off her corset for almost 50 years, becoming the owner of a waist of 38 cm. At the same time, she did not need to remove the ribs or resort to other surgical interventions. Her achievement is a narrow waist.

Wide hips measuring 2.5 meters belong to the American Mikel Ruffinelli. In order for her to fly, the airline has to make up one or two seats. With a height of 156 cm, the proportions of Ruffinelli cannot be admired. Rather, sympathy. Where is the line that should separate feminine forms from excessive fullness? There is only one criterion - it is the preservation of health, and with it elastic and delicate skin, devoid of cellulite.

Once the owners of wide hips were considered the standard of female beauty. But fashion is a fickle thing, and today girls with roundness in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe figure often experience complexes.

And what if you try to adjust your silhouette with the help of modern fashion and proudly flaunt your luxurious thighs? Moreover, against the background of full hips, with the right choice of clothes, the waist will look much narrower. And this is the notorious silhouette of an hourglass, which no man can resist.

So that full hips are not conspicuous, their owners should choose a wardrobe that would visually correct non-standard body proportions. What should be worn in this case?

  • First of all, you need avoid overly loose, baggy and layered clothing, which adds even more volume to the figure. You should choose things in calm, solid colors with a tight-fitting (but not constricting) silhouette.
  • Do not wear high-waisted trousers and breeches, such models only further emphasize the imbalances in the figure. It is better to choose trousers and jeans with a low waistline.
  • Avoid bulky patch pockets both front and rear products.
  • In the color palette it is better to choose dark shades, because, as you know, they are able to visually stretch the figure and “remove” a couple of extra centimeters. This does not mean that you have to wear exclusively black, you can choose beautiful dark green, dark blue or burgundy models.
  • Don't forget to add original accessories. They help to harmoniously complete the image and attract attention, focusing on the neckline or face, distracting the eye from non-standard hips. So, a bright wide belt, located just above the waist, will emphasize the beauty of the chest, and a thin belt, left in a slightly loose position (do not tighten the belt too much so as not to create unnecessary folds), will put emphasis on the waist and make you forget about the hips.
  • put on long earrings and beads to draw attention to the top of the figure.
  • As is known, heeled shoes able to give the silhouette of harmony, so feel free to wear heels. This may not necessarily be a stiletto heel, you can choose a more stable wide heel. In any case, your figure will noticeably tighten up, and your legs will lengthen.
  • Oddly enough, but even with the help of a bag, you can change the visual proportions of the figure. choose bags with long straps, but not too large models.

What clothes to choose for girls with wide hips?

The first option for correcting the figure is a visual increase in the volume of the upper part of the body.

A scarf or stole draped over the shoulders will suit almost any outfit. This will give the image additional femininity.

Bright and unusual top draws attention to itself.

You can focus on the beautiful collar of a blouse or dress. Also, clothing with shoulder pads will help to visually expand the shoulder area.

Just keep in mind: do not wear too short blouses or jackets, the length should reach at least the beginning of the hips. The V-neck of a cardigan or dress will also help shift the focus to the chest and distract from the main problem area.

The V-shaped neckline favorably emphasizes the beauty of the chest, visually stretches the silhouette and distracts attention from the bottom.

Kimono sleeves and pockets at the top of the garment can also solve the problem of wide hips. Skillful use of contrasting colors (black and white) can distract from non-standard proportions. All these methods are ideal for girls of medium and tall height.

With low growth, you need to work on the hips - visually reduce their volume. To do this, you can choose things of a free cut with vertical stripes. You can add a good accessory to a skirt or trousers - a belt with hanging ends.

Jeans for fat girls with wide hips

Prefer a casual style of dress? Jeans will help create the right image.The most successful color is dark blue.

Properly selected jeans will make the silhouette slimmer and visually reduce the hips. It is recommended to complement them with an elongated top (T-shirts, shirts, cardigans).

When choosing denim trousers, make sure that the fabric does not stretch too much, otherwise you risk buying jeans that are a size too small. And this is not allowed in the presence of wide hips.

Perfect dress for full hips

Would you like to choose a feminine look? Then give preference to a dress of a simple style, medium length, complement it with a wide belt. The presence of a vertical fold in the style of the dress is welcome.

Wrap dresses focus attention on the upper body, while the lower part remains “behind the scenes”.

Shoes with medium heels are suitable for such images.

Rules for choosing outerwear

In outerwear, give preference to a coat of a straight silhouette. In it, you can look more slender and tall, and the line of the hips will not be evident.

You can also opt for A-line silhouettes. It is better to give preference to models of medium length - to the middle of the knee.

Choosing a swimsuit

For the beach season, you can choose a closed swimsuit with a dark bottom.

A translucent flying tunic or a beautiful pareo tied along an oblique line will complete the look.

What should be discarded with wide hips?

Girls with too prominent hips should avoid:

  1. trousers narrowed down;
  2. obliquely tailored skirts, as well as pleated skirts;
  3. patch pockets and other voluminous elements on trousers and dresses in the hip area (the exception is skirts and dresses with peplum - such models can (and even should!) be worn by girls with lush hips).

When choosing trousers, pay attention to the groin area. If folds gather there, then the model does not suit you.

Too large a drawing can turn the situation not in your favor. It is better to choose plain clothes in darker shades. But for the top, you may well choose brighter colors.

As you can see, wide hips are no reason to hide under baggy clothes. Properly selected styles of clothing will help you look stylish and elegant. And then you will feel confident and catch admiring glances!

It seems that the time of skinny models is passing, which is successfully proved by recognized beauties with a very voluminous fifth point.

Hollywood sets the tone for everything, including standards of sex appeal and fashion for certain body types.

Many stars are trying to achieve the coveted size zero (XXS), exhausting themselves with fitness training and paying a lot of money to personal diet gurus. Others, on the contrary, enjoy the forms presented by nature and enjoy life.

WomanJournal.ru presents top ten stars with lush hips, who are not only not shy about this feature, but also emphasize it in every possible way.

Kim Kardashian

A luxurious brunette of Armenian origin became famous after a very explicit video was leaked to the network. Since then Kim Kardashian superbly got used to the role of a temptress, since her outstanding forms turned out to be most welcome.

Perhaps the most famous part of her body provided the oriental beauty with a place in our top. Fifth point Kim Kardashian does not fit into the golden standards of Hollywood at all, which, however, does not prevent its owner from being included in the list of the most desirable women on the planet.

Although recently the Internet was flooded with photos of Kim Kardashian, who has noticeably lost weight and lost her former fullness of forms. But we still hope that this is a mastery of Photoshop.

Anfisa Chekhova

Anfisa always had problems with being overweight: from childhood, the girl exhausted herself with diets and even took diet pills. Nothing brought lasting results, and then Anfisa Chekhova I decided to stop fighting with nature and left everything as it is.

According to unofficial data, the volume of the bust and hips of Anfisa Chekhova reaches 110 cm, which looks very proportional. Anfisa Chekhov skillfully emphasizes her dignity, not embarrassed to wear revealing outfits. This girl proudly declares with all her appearance that there is life beyond the notorious model standards!

Jennifer Lopez

This beauty a few years ago insured her ass for several million dollars. It was even said that Jennifer Lopez managed to receive compensation, because during childbirth her once-perfect figure was badly damaged.

The actress and singer herself comments on such rumors with humor: “When this newspaper came out with a huge headline on the first page, I also thought: I should save the article for my children - they will laugh.” It doesn't matter if it's true or just another duck, but one thing is clear: the thighs of Jennifer Lopez what is needed.


Beyoncé figure causes a lot of controversy: some admire her feminine forms, others believe that the singer should lose weight. Beyoncé admitted that she was not entirely satisfied with her natural data: “I think that my butt looks quite natural. I like to have “forms”, but sometimes they appear in the wrong place.”

Perhaps this is a simple girlish coquetry, because her photographs adorn the best glossy magazines, and hundreds of men freeze from one glance at her roundness. Anyway beyoncé especially does not suffer due to the fact that her fifth point does not fit in the 38th US size. Her husband, however, also does not worry about this. Although for some reason the singer has tabooed photographers to shoot from behind.

Cornelia Mango

smile girl Cornelia Mango became famous thanks to her participation in the reality show "Star Factory", where she stood out noticeably against the background of thin neighbors on the set. They say that on the project the girl was even forbidden to lose weight.

The most colorful participant in the TV show is not at all complex due to the fact that her figure is far from the ideal of skinny beauty. The star regularly visits a fitness club, loves to swim and just loves to dance! Probably, shaking her steep hips to the beat of the music, Cornelia Mango makes men's hearts flutter. And let them be larger in volume than modern fashion requires.


Recently, the press leaked the news that Bianca, in the life of Yana Lipnitskaya, decided on liposuction. Allegedly due to a hormonal failure, the singer recovered greatly and stopped fitting into her skimpy concert costumes.

What part of the body the girl decided to degrease is unknown. Maybe after a while Bianca will appear, for example, in the ranking of the worst stars. But in recent photo shoots and clips it is clearly seen that nature has not completely deprived Bianca of feminine forms.

The singer herself says that she inherited rounded shapes from her mother and grandmother, which she is very proud of. Why then liposuction?


Gorgeous Colombian singer Shakira with an equally chic voice, does not believe that she has problems with her figure. And who said that an outstanding fifth point is a problem? Many men really like oversized girls, especially if they can move in the dance as gracefully as Shakira. The singer even immortalized her luxurious hips in the famous hit "My hips don't lie". Shakira says her hips help her tell good music from bad music. How? They begin to move to the beat if the music is incendiary.

Victoria Lopyreva

beautiful american singer Alicia Keys does not consider the lack of a large breast size a problem, it seems to her that her fifth point attracts no less admiring glances.

When choosing outfits, the girl does not avoid frank necklines, short skirts and tight styles. And rightly so, many fashion critics recognize Alicia's good taste. The absence of the Hollywood gold standard 90-60-90 did not prevent the girl from winning 9 Grammy awards and 11 Billboard Music Awards. That's really really - in hindsight is strong!

Monica Bellucci

This beautiful lady has long been the standard of beauty, the subject of admiration for both men and women. Few can believe that the once sultry Italian Monica Bellucci exhausted herself with diets, and modeling agents considered her mouth-watering forms too chic.

Ever since the actress walked, shaking her steep hips, through the Italian streets in Malena, it has become clear to everyone: the era of skinny clone models is over. Monica Bellucci showed the world new standards - hot Italian beauty, multiplied by femininity.

Hips are considered one of the most striking indicators of sexuality., since looking directly at a woman from the front, appreciating the beauty of the neckline is a little uncomfortable. And nothing prevents you from looking at girls from behind. The standards of beauty and fashion canons are constantly changing, while rushing from one extreme to another. But one thing remains unchanged - these are beautiful hips that beckon, attract and attract men's admiring glances.

The world catwalks are pretty linger for a long time to the female and male society, the opinion that only long-legged tall beauties are beautiful, with parameters set by fashion, in which there is no place for wide hips. But, despite this, the opinion of men in this case was divided. A tight little butt can be quite attractive, but at the same time it does not arouse any interest in terms of sexuality.

A girl with very narrow hips looks beautiful only when her chest is relatively small and her waist is very thin, in other words - proportional figure. But studies show that most women with narrow hips do not have a pronounced waist, despite the fact that they are very thin. The men, for the most part, agreed that women look more sexy, if they have a pronounced waist, as well as proportionally beautiful, wide hips.

Wide hips primarily attract men because they are associated with the girl's puberty. The flat one is more like a child's figure, so not all men like such forms. And even more so * plank * forms do not cause much attraction. But do not forget about the individuality of opinions, because it is impossible to say something unambiguously.

Men generally try not to focus on only one part of the body, but evaluate the overall silhouette. If the gaze falls on wide hips, then attention is immediately drawn to how harmoniously the hips look against the background of the waist and, of course, with the chest.

Average scores, obtained through surveys and studies in which men of different ages, professions and nationalities took part, say this - seventy-five percent of all men surveyed prefer women with wide hips, rounded, even slightly plump, booty, but without cellulite and hanging fat. Eleven percent prefer thin women and fashion models, another eleven answered that the shape of such a part of the body as the hips should be proportional to the whole figure and not have *ears* on it. And the remaining three percent assured that the shape of women's hips is not at all important to them, since they consider other parts of the body as sexual stimuli.

Finally, it is worth noting that no matter what a woman's hips are - wide or narrow, the main thing is that they look beautiful, sexy and attractive. This is easy to achieve by keeping your body in excellent physical shape and, of course, choosing the right one.
