English rib 4 knitting pattern. What is knitting "English gum"

July 15th, 2016 Anna Supper

Good afternoon dear friends! I am extremely glad to welcome you to the new master class of the site! I hope that it will be useful and interesting for you, because, which we will talk about today, we love not only the needlewomen of Foggy Albion, but also ours, domestic ones, that is, all of us.

So, we will talk about the English gum. And, to be honest, when preparing this master class, I fell into a stupor. After all, the fact is that the English gum is a very specific pattern, and speaking about it in detail, you need to tell which typesetting methods are suitable for this pattern, tell (and show!) How to make a neat edge for open parts, and which one for stitching , how to close an English elastic band so that it is elastic, or vice versa, inelastic, how to knit an English elastic band in a circle. But it can still be knitted in several ways! In general, if I started to show you all this in one master class, then in 100 photos, I definitely wouldn’t fit in. And I decided to do several master classes, where I will tell not only about all of the above, but also show how to add and decrease loops for English gum, that is, to give the fabric connected by this pattern a shape, how to knit English gum in two colors (and even how to pick up and close loops beautifully when knitting with this pattern in two colors), for the most skewed (like me), I will show you how to pick up loops when knitting with an English rubber band, and, most interestingly, we will talk about an interesting technique, or even a subspecies of patterns, which are called "brioche" (brioche), and are formed precisely from English gum, I will teach you how to knit such patterns, and we will even try to knit some product with such a pattern. So it will be interesting soon on the Magic Threads website, so I advise you to definitely subscribe to new master classes at the end of the article.

Well, today we will talk exclusively about the basics of knitting an English gum, or a classic (full) patent pattern. And first, let's move on to practice.

We collect the number of loops, a multiple of 3. I scored loops.

In this master class, I will knit an English elastic band without edge loops, I will immediately start with a pattern. This method, by the way, is great for open edges, for example, for a scarf. We make a straight line (the thread is in the direction “away from you”).

We remove the first loop untied, the thread after knitting. (In some pattern descriptions, you may see "slip a loop with a crochet", this is exactly what we did just now.)


Now we need to knit a loop together with the crochet from the previous row. It's pretty easy - because they "lie" quite side by side. We pass the knitting needle into the loop along with the crochet.

We knit a loop together with a crochet. And these three steps (yarn over, remove the loop untied, knit the loop with the crochet from the previous row together) you will need to repeat until the end of the row, and in each subsequent row (English elastic band - double-sided pattern). Is it really easy?

Symbols for the scheme:

Well, for those who like to knit with purl loops (I'm sure there are some), the second way to knit English gum.

And we knit two loops together.

And finally, a little theory.

The loop that we have just knitted with you is called English loop, in foreign literature it is called patent loop, and patterns containing such loops - patent(English gum - classic or full patent pattern).

The patent loop is knitted in two rows: in the first row we remove the loop with the crochet, and in the second we knit the yarn over with the loop. The fact that the English loop is knitted in two rows is very important and will come in handy when building brioche patterns.

Patent patterns are not only English gum and brioche, but also a whole large group of patterns that I have already shown on the site Magic threads, and I will definitely show them both in the Master classes section and in the Patterns section (where I show patterns , and I give them diagrams and descriptions). Here are links to those articles:

Due to the fact that its properties are similar to English, although it does not contain patent loops, but is formed only by front and back, they call false patent.

And once again I advise you to subscribe to new master classes, because very soon I will be doing a master class on one of the most popular patent patterns - mesh patent(it is found under the names Honeycomb pattern, Honeycombs, Small honeycombs, etc.).

The fabric, knitted with patent patterns, is elastic and voluminous, thanks to which it retains heat well.

But you need to take into account what the fabric is, with too loose (not tight) knitting, it can turn out to be loose, so if you knit freely, use smaller needles.

Also, the elasticity of the fabric must be taken into account when knitting samples, you need to measure the sample in a slightly stretched state so that the product is not too large.

Due to the volume of patent patterns, they require a lot, the fabric often comes out heavy, this must be taken into account when knitting large products, and when knitting outerwear, side seams must be used (refuse), otherwise the fabric will “sag”.

For knitting patent patterns, it is preferable to use woolen yarn.

And, of course, you should not steam such patterns - they will lose their shape.

Watch my video - English gum!

That's all, I hope I didn't forget to tell you anything, and that my master class was useful to you, and if you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. See you!

Thanks to new textile technologies, the clothes of a modern person have become very comfortable and light, but at the same time, very similar. Owning the art of hand knitting, you can create your own unique designs of clothing, in accordance with the new trends of the fashionable modern industry.

The use of English gum

Needlewomen claim that knitting English rib with knitting needles is one of the easiest ways that beginners should master. Detailed descriptions and diagrams will help in this not tricky art. This method can be called the "universal soldier". It can be used both for finishing products and as a complete knitted fabric.

Rules and tricks of knitting English gum

Despite the simplicity of this pattern, before starting work, it is worth remembering some rules:

English knitting gum: technique step by step

There are many different options that describe knitting English gum with knitting needles. The scheme for beginners will help you optimally determine the desired technique.

English gum 1/1

In order to get an English gum ornament, any amount of loops is dialed, which can be divided by two. The first line is knitted with alternating one front loop and the wrong one.

In the second line, the front loops are made over the front loops, and the purl loops are made over the purl loops. Further, the odd lines are entirely knitted like the first line, and the even ones are completely knitted like the second line.

English gum 2/1

Any even number of loops is dialed. The first chain is knitted, with the alternation of two facial and one purl loop. The next chain is passed with facial loops over the front, and purl loops over the purl. Then all the odd stripes go, repeating the initial chain, and the even ones completely repeat the second chain.

English gum 2/2

Such the ornament comes out very elastic and embossed. To begin with, the sum of the nodes is a multiple of two.

English rib 3/2 turns out to be very embossed.

Starting chain:

Second chain:

  • throw the first loop on the opposite knitting needle;
  • then, repeat the pattern: facial over the loops of the front, and purl - over the purl.

English gum 3/2

Such a pattern is very embossed.


  • gain the sum of loops divisible by 5;
  • one loop is removed;
  • then alternate three wrong side and two front;
  • finish - edge;

In subsequent rows, the pattern is observed.

English gum 5/1

The knitting of this version bears little resemblance to the English gum, but it basically has the same pattern.

Knit like this:

  • start with such a sum of loops that will be divisible by six;
  • edge loops along the edges;
  • alternate purl and five facial loops;
  • subsequent rows are knitted, following the pattern.

Simplified English gum

The pattern is created by alternating the front and back loops.. However, the front loop is always knitted, capturing the upper part of the lower loop. Along the edges of the rows, edge loops are necessarily made.

False English gum: 2 options

This double-sided pattern knits quickly and saves yarn. They collect the required amount of loops divisible by 4 + edging.

False English ribbing knits fairly quickly and saves yarn

Option number 1.Row one:

  • the initial loop is removed;
  • alternate three facial loops with one wrong side;

Row two:

  • after the edge, make two facial loops: 1p. for the far thread, and the second for the front;
  • then knit the purl loop, followed by the front loop;
  • and repeat again: 2 facial, purl, facial, to the edge.

The third stripe copies the drawing of the initial stripe, and the fourth - the drawing of the second stripe.

Option two.

The pattern is embossed with tubercles, in the center of which is a path from a pigtail.

Copying the first option, perform the initial strip.

Changes occur in the second row:

  • after the edge, make a pair of facial loops: the first for the back thread, and the second for the front;
  • purl loop;
  • then 3 facial: the first for the back thread, the second for the front and the third again for the back thread;
  • the pattern is copied to the edge loop.

Complex English gum

Having mastered knitting on simple patterns, start trying your hand at more complex patterns of English gum. Knit an even amount of stitches. Ornament 1/1 is gaining the initial line.

  • after the hem knit the front knot for the inner slice;
  • then the loop is re-shot, putting the working thread in front. In this way, work up to the final edge loop.

Working further, the actions are exactly repeated. This method is called double or hollow, since the parts of the product are divided into 2 halves. Used for knitting cuffs, necklines, straps and belts in children's and adult products.

Faceted English gum

Working on this method, make an odd amount of loops.

Working with a faceted English rubber band, they make an odd amount of loops.


  • the initial one is removed;
  • then alternate a pair of facial with a pair of purl;
  • finish with 1 front and edge loop.

Second line:

  • after the hem, the entire line is alternated with a pair of purl and a pair of facial, at the end 1 purl and 1 hem loop.

The third line repeats 1, and the 4th line repeats 2, and so on. The product is embossed with beautiful convex edges.

Fluffy English gum

Similar knitting stretches well, is the same on both sides and looks voluminous. The initial chain is knitted one to one, doing alternately, then the front, then the wrong side.


  • the original node is removed;
  • the latter is knitted inside out.

Next chain:

  • the initial loop is removed;
  • then the front loop is knitted as follows: the knitting needle is inserted, descending into the lower chain.
  • the inside is done as usual.
  • the front is taken again from the previous chain.

Two-tone English gum

Products knitted with English rib on knitting needles look very bright when two multi-colored threads are used. First, for convenience of description, colors will be indicated in the scheme. Pink will be color #1 and blue will be color #2. Collect an odd amount of blue loops on knitting needles with two working ends. Along the edges of each strip, edge loops are made.

Products knitted with English rib on knitting needles look very bright when two multi-colored threads are used.

Front page:

In the second strip we introduce pink color:

  • we pass the pink thread through the first blue loop and tie;
  • knit 2 strip with pink thread;
  • 1 p. is removed, the thread is thrown on and the next loop is again removed without knitting;
  • a blue loop with a crochet is knitted with the front for the inner thread;
  • repeat the steps to the end of the strip, where they make the edge.

Move the stripes to the other side of the needle and make 3 blue rows:

  • 1 p. is removed, a pink-blue loop with a yarn is knitted on the wrong side;
  • throw a thread and remove the loop without knitting;

Move the stripes to the other side of the needle and make 4 pink rows:

  • 1 p. is removed, thread is thrown on and one loop is re-shot without knitting it;
  • a pink-blue loop with a yarn is knitted purl; copy the pattern to the edge of the strip, where they make the edge.

Move the stripes to the other side of the needle and make 5 blue rows:

  • 1 p. is re-shot, a pink-blue loop with a crochet is knitted with the front one for the inner thread;
  • throw on the thread and reshoot one loop without knitting it;
  • copy this order to the end of the strip, where they make the edge.

The sixth row copies the actions of the second strip. The rapport of the ornament is 2, 3, 4, 5 stripes. Rapport is a complex of stripes that makes up a repeating unit of a pattern.

English gum in a circle

In order to knit this English gum, an even amount of loops is collected on any circular knitting needles.

Start according to the scheme:

  • add an additional loop for connection, which will then disappear;
  • to do this: slip the loop on the left side to the right side. The left knitting needle is passed into the penultimate loop of the right knitting needle. And through it they pull out the loop with the right knitting needle, which was on the left knitting needle;
  • the resulting loop is tightened by the ends of the threads and thrown back to the left side. The ring has formed. This loop is considered as the first.
  • for convenience, they hang a marker that delimits the beginning and end of the row;
  • the thread is thrown before work and removed. It turns out a loop with a crochet;
  • the second is knitted front;
  • then they make a loop loop and again the front one;
  • copy this order to the extreme front loop.

Second row:

  • a pair with a cap thread is knitted inside out;
  • the front is removed with a crochet;
  • and copy the pattern in a circle.

The third row repeats the first, and the fourth the second, and so on.

Two-tone elastic all around

The ornament of two colors gives a beautiful product that can be worn on two sides.. For ease of description, color #1 will be blue, color #2 pink.


  • an even amount of blue knots is collected on circular knitting needles;
  • add an additional loop, which will disappear when connected.

The first ring is knitted with the English rubber band option. Moving on to the second round, pink wool is tied up.

  • the pink thread is placed in front of the knitting needle and removed along with the blue front loop;
  • inside out, a blue pair of “knot-nakid” is tied;

The third circle is made with a blue thread:

  • a pink-blue pair is knitted front;
  • the pink purl loop is re-shot with a cap thread;
  • repeat the steps until the end of the circle.

The fourth circle repeats the ornament of the second ring. The fifth circle repeats the pattern of the third ring. The rapport of the ornament is 2, 3 rings.

English gum 1/1 round


  1. On circular knitting needles, an even amount of knots is collected.
  2. Close the ring according to the method of "circular English gum".
  3. Next, interleave the front with the wrong side.
  4. On the next ring, continue alternating according to the pattern. Wrong slings, removing the back thread, and the front ones for the front.

We knit products with an English rubber band

For such things as a women's hat, a children's scarf, and even a stylish men's pullover, English rib knitting is quite suitable. The scheme for beginners will help to realize the creative idea of ​​the needlewoman. It is best to start with a simpler piece of clothing - a scarf.


A long scarf knitted with a fluffy elastic band is suitable for those who like to combine this accessory with various types of clothing.

For a scarf, you will need merino wool 800 m and knitting needles No. 5.

Knitting pattern:

  1. Cast on 26 stitches.
  2. Knit according to the scheme "Luminous English gum" to the desired length.
  3. In order to make brushes, take any hardcover book.
  4. The book is evenly wrapped with threads in a circle and cut at one end.
  5. One brush equals 4 threads. The threads of the brush are folded in half. With the help of a hook, they are pulled into the lower edge of the scarf like a loop. Thread the ends of the brush into this loop and gently tighten.
  6. So make out both sides of the product.

A cap

For a hat size 52, you will need 100 meters of yarn (acrylic 25%, wool 75%) and circular knitting needles No. 6.

Knitting pattern:

  1. Cast on 47 stitches. The second knitting needle is pulled out and the wool is distributed in a circle. In order not to be confused with the beginning, a marker is attached.
  2. To connect the product in a circle, the loop from the left knitting needle is transferred to the right side. And the first loop on the right side is pushed through the removed loop and transferred to the left side.
  3. Knit with a circular English rubber band about 20 centimeters.
  4. In order to knit the top of the head, they switch to a circular elastic band 1/1. Knit in this way 3 rows.
  5. Then the loops are gradually reduced, knitting a ring over a pair of loops with a front pattern. To keep a beautiful pigtail, the front loop is turned over, the front thread is made back.
  6. The next four rows are knitted.
  7. Using a hook, pull the remaining thread through all the loops.
  8. The needles are pulled out. The product is turned inside out and the crown is tightened with a working thread.

At the top of such a hat, you can attach a pompom made of natural fur.


For a fashionable, voluminous snud, you will need 300 g of wool mixture.


  • 100 lines are cast on size 6 circular needles. Knit with a circular English elastic band to the desired length. Having tied the slings, they close:
  • a couple of knots are knitted together with the front;
  • the resulting loop is thrown back to the left side;
  • this combination is repeated until the end of the row.

Men's sweater

Before undertaking such a large subject you need to take measurements and build a pattern. When performing work, periodically check the product with it. Since the yarn is different, the density is checked on the sample. The main pattern of this sweater will be the second version of the false English gum. Ring knitting needles are selected according to the recommendation for yarn.

You need to start from the back of the sweater:

  • for size L, 70 loops are cast on smaller needles and knitted with an ornament 2/2, seven centimeters. In the final row add three loops (73 p.);
  • further, changing the knitting needles to larger ones, continue with the main pattern;
  • in rows under No. 9.10, add a loop on both sides (77 p.) For side slopes;
  • after knitting 33 cm from the elastic band, seven loops (63 p.) are closed for the armhole on both sides;
  • for a collar neckline, after 62 cm from the elastic band, the middle 35 are closed. Each side is completed separately;
  • to round the neck from the inside of the cutout in every second row, close twice 4 loops;
  • close the shoulders after 65 cm from the elastic.

The front section of the sweater is knitted like a back, only with a deeper notch in the collar zone. To do this, after knitting 57 cm from the elastic, 21 loops are closed in the middle. To round the neck, in every second row, it is necessary to close once 3 loops, five times a pair of loops and two times 1 loop.


  • dial 30 loops on the needles and knit with a pattern 2/2 seven centimeters;
  • in the last row, evenly add six loops (36 p.);
  • then knit with the main pattern;
  • further, counting from the gum, make bevels. To do this, add at the same time: in each 4 row fifteen times one loop and a couple of times 1 loop in each 2 row, including the loops added to the pattern (70 p.);
  • after 49 cm from the elastic, close all loops.

Assembling the sweater:

  • dial 108 loops along the neckline of the collar on circular knitting needles and knit 5 cm with option 2/2, after which all loops are completed according to the pattern;
  • fold the neckline in half on the inside and sew;
  • sew in ready-made sleeves, completing the seams on the sides and on the sleeves.

Looking at this diagram, you can start knitting a sweater using any version of the English gum.

This pattern is basic in mastering the art of knitting. Rare thing does without his participation. Often this ornament performs the function of an element of clothing. Collar zones, cuffs, belts, finishing of the lower edge are mostly carried out with its help. At the same time, the English drawing looks great when creating a whole voluminous thing.

Video on how to knit English ribbing

English rib knitting lesson for beginners:

Knitting a children's scarf-snood with English rubber:

English gum "- very soft, fluffy and ideal for any product. With it, you can create a chic sweater, a fashionable scarf and an original hat for the cold season.

If we talk about knitting, English gum - the scheme is not difficult for those who follow all the instructions.

English rib knitting pattern

This pattern has become very popular, so today there are various options, interpretations and ways to knit it. I propose to move from the simplest to more complex options.

Simple English gum (the easiest way with a description)

So, the “English gum” pattern with knitting needles (knitting pattern).

Cast on an odd number of stitches and knit as follows:

1st row - knit in the sequence: 1 persons. loop, straight yarn over, remove the next loop without knitting while the working thread should be behind the work. Then repeat in the same sequence until the end of the row.

2nd row - knit in the sequence: straight yarn over, remove the next loop without knitting (working thread at the back of the work), knit the loop and yarn over of the previous row together with the left one. Then we repeat everything to the end of the row.

3rd row - knit in the sequence: knit the loop and yarn over of the previous row together with the front one, make a straight yarn over, remove the next loop without knitting. Repeat the pattern to the end of the row.

Simplified false or fake gum

To facilitate the process, the masters came up with an imitation of this pattern, which will not visually differ from the original, but the knitting technology is greatly simplified.

This pattern will be to your liking.

Volumetric two-tone

With the use of two colors, an amazing combination is created, which is suitable for bright and cheerful products. Two colors that harmonize well will help to give the image originality and originality.

The principle of knitting a two-color English gum is that the same row is knitted 2 times: once with a dark thread, and another time with a light one.

The purl loops should be knitted as purl classic. The number of loops must be odd.

1 row: we knit with a dark thread - * 1 front, 1 yarn over, 1 loop to remove without knitting *, 1 front

2 row: knit with a light thread - * 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting, knit 1 loop together with the yarn over with the front loop *, 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting

3 row: we knit with a dark thread - Attention! Knitting is moved to the opposite end of the knitting needle * 1 loop together with the crochet, knit with the wrong loop, 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting *, knit 1 loop with the yarn with the wrong loop

4 row: we knit with a light thread - * 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting, knit 1 loop together with the yarn over with a wrong loop *, 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting

5 row: we knit with a dark thread - Attention! We move the knitting to the opposite end of the knitting needle * 1 loop together with the yarn over, knit the front loop, 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop *, 1 loop together with the yarn over, knit the front loop. 2-5 rows are repeated.

Double ribbing - detailed knitting technology from scratch

For a 2 × 2 elastic, the number of loops is taken, divisible by 4 plus two hem:

  • 1 row. It is knitted as for a regular elastic band, two facial, two purl in sequence. The last two loops of the row are knitted with front loops.
  • 2 row. We repeat: we make a crochet, the next two loops are transferred to the right knitting needle not knitted, two facial ones. At the end of the row, a yarn is made and the last two loops are removed without knitting.
  • 3 row. We knit the yarn over and the loop of the previous row together with the front one, knit 1, yarn over, leave two loops not knitted. At the end of the row, we knit the penultimate loop with a front crochet and the last one also front.
  • 4 row. We knit according to the rapport: yarn over, two not knitted loops, the next loop is knitted together with the front yarn, then again the front one. The row ends with one crochet and two unknitted loops.

By the same principle, starting from the third row, further knitting continues until the required size of the fabric is obtained.

How to subtract, add and close


In order not to violate the sequence of loops of the patent pattern, knit three loops together for decreases. For decreases on the right, knit 3 loops (= 1 knit, 1 out, 1 knit): remove the 1st as in knitting, knit the 2nd and 3rd together with the front one and stretch the first loop through it. For decreases on the left: knit three loops together.


Cast on loops, knit 5 rows, in the 6th, add 1 loop on each side. Then in the 12th row, 18th, etc.


If it is necessary to finish the product, the loops must be closed correctly. So, you need to finish the English gum in the following way:

Knit to the last row. The peculiarity of the English gum is that some of the loops are first removed untied with a crochet, and on the next row they are knitted together with the same crochet. That is, the first row is knitted like a regular 1x1 elastic band, in the second the front loop is knitted with the front one, and the wrong one is dropped with a crochet on the right knitting needle.

In the next row, the front is knitted together with the front crochet, and the wrong side is removed with the double crochet. As a result, before the last row on the needles, there are about 1/3 more loops than it should be in size. If you close them in the usual way loop to loop, then the last row will be longer than all the others by the same third. If you knit the last row with a regular elastic band without making yarn, then it will be thinner than the rest. Therefore, it is better to close them with a double thread.

products connected with English rubber band (photo)

If you want to please yourself and your family with stylish things, our lessons will help you create beautiful new clothes for the cold season.

Versatile fluffy scarf

It does not matter for whom you knit this product, for a boy or for a girl, it is important to invest love, then your thing will be worn with great pleasure.

If you knit such a scarf, you should remember that after washing it can stretch significantly in length.

Knitting a hat or beret in this way simplifies the process as a whole, and wearing such a model on your head, you definitely will not go unnoticed. You can also experiment with it and turn it into a variant with a lapel.

From all of the above, I would like to conclude that patent knitting allows you to knit anything: sweaters, hats, jumpers, sweaters and cardigans. A men's angora sweater will fit the figure very nicely, and the bandage will become the main decoration of the image. Therefore, if you still do not know how to knit such a beautiful and simple pattern, feel free to grab the knitting needles, threads and surprise your loved ones with chic new clothes.

Many knitwear uses elastic bands to keep it from looking baggy. They are also simply necessary in those things where there are elements of fitting. These can be cuffs, the bottom of products, a high neck in women's and. Thus, the made part can be inserted to highlight any part of the body, for example, the waist. With the help of this manufacturing principle, independent things can be obtained, for example, or for adults and children.

Some types of rubber bands are used in decorative finishes, due to their extraordinary originality. But how to knit an elastic band with knitting needles for a beginner? This is what we will consider next. But to make it beautiful, you need to take into account that the knitting needles are needed with a thread thickness or only one and a half times more than it. It should also be borne in mind that products knitted in this way should not be steamed or ironed, otherwise they will lose their convex texture and elasticity.

Types of elastic bands

The most commonly used are the following types of knitting needles:

  • English rubber bands.
  • Simple - 1x1, 2x2, etc.
  • Double.
  • Polish.
  • French.

As a rule, their names depend on the region where they first appeared for use.

Their name speaks for itself, they are made very easily. A simple pattern is knitted with various repetitions of the main loops. Usually, knitting with such a pattern is used where it is necessary that the part fits snugly against the body, as a rule, these are stockings, cuffs, sleeves, the bottom of products, as well as when. It is necessary to take into account the quality of the threads used, wool gives elasticity and good stretch, while cotton does not give the desired volume, and the product will appear flat.

Numbers are used in the designation of such products. Where the number 1 is facial, and 2 is purl. The only problem with knitting things in this way is maintaining the proportions of the part being made so that it is extensible. An example of a knitting fragment is shown in the photo:

The following diagrams show how to knit elastic with knitting needles for beginners:

  • 1x1 - with this method: the first type follows the wrong side, and when changing the row, they are located one above the other.
  • 2x2 - knitting practically repeats the first principle, only the loops here come in pairs, respectively, their number in the canvas should be divided by two. And we must not forget about the two edging. This pattern looks the same on both sides of the resulting product.
  • 2x1 - in this case there is also a pair of edging. And the rows are knitted as follows:
  1. the first - two of the first type, 1 purl;
  2. the second - do the same as the first, but change places;
  3. the third - completely repeats the first row.

Which option to choose for knitting with your own hands, you need to decide based on the final parameters of the product. On small ones, there will be a product with a finer knit. And on larger ones, the corresponding one.

English gum is very popular. Also, its pattern is compared with pearls, hence it is also called pearl. Since when knitting in this way, the resulting products will be very soft and stretch remarkably, it is used for scarves and even sportswear. As a result, to tie such a product, they use the main ones, and also with a crochet.

Instructions for making gum 1x1:

  • You will need the number of loops not dividing by half. Then the knitting scheme initially looks like this: take the thread towards you with the end of the right knitting needle, remove it, and the thread itself goes behind the knitting, front.
  • Then it repeats, only the last two are already captured.
  • After all this, again two facial ones, a yarn is made, 1 is removed.

There is a small nuance of closing the pearl look, which, having trained, it is quite possible to cope on your own:

  • Use this method: without a crochet, climb onto another knitting needle and a loop with a crochet of the previous row is connected with one and so on to the end.
  • After that, the usual closing method is used.
  • But if the pearl type is performed in the ring, it closes a little differently:
  • Facial, double crochet, removable.
  • A thread is thrown over, a loop is taken without changes, purl.
  • Two things are taken and knitted together, and the next one is simply taken without knitting.

Wonderful pearl gum in the performance of 2x2. The number of required loops in it can be divided by the number four and there are two edge ones.

Elastic band 2X2 step by step:

  • Knitting begins, like classic English, the end is two loops of the first type.
  • The thread is thrown over, after which 2 loops are removed on the second knitting needle, 2 facial ones. At the end, the thread is thrown off to itself and two are taken without changes.
  • Throughout the series, facial ones are used. It connects the crochet and the loop of the previous row, the next with the crochet, we remove two. At the end there is 1 with a crochet and one without.
  • Rapport is used: on the second knitting needle, the working thread to itself, two removed loops, 1 together with the yarn are connected to the front, and one more is the same. The end of the row ends as in the second case.
  • Next, we do the opposite.

English rib knitting pattern

Double elastic band

Where it is necessary for the element to keep its shape and have a rigid base, this knitting elastic is used, since it is a fabric folded twice. It is so easy to make that it is equally easy for a beginner and already knowledgeable people. How to knit an elastic band with knitting needles, we will consider further:

  • The dialed loops should be divided by four, and of course, do not forget the edge loops.
  • Next, the front is behind the front, then the next one is thrown onto the knitting needle, not knitted, the thread goes in front of the canvas
  • Then so - purl, then remove, working thread behind the product
  • Let's start from the first point

In this video you can see in detail how to knit an elastic band with knitting needles with your own hands:

For knitting snoods, belts or gloves, a hollow elastic band is knitted in a circle using special knitting needles. At the same time, all the rows look very simple - the front and then the next one is removed.

Polish rib for knitting is quite popular in the manufacture of children's things and scarves, the resulting things are always soft, light and comfortable. The main advantage of this type of gum is versatility. There are two ways to make such an elastic band yourself:

Polish rib knitting pattern

  • The beginning looks the same as before. Then all the odd rows: two facial, two purl, then even: we change everything in places, in the middle - as odd.
  • The set is the same as in the first case, then 1 front, after it the wrong side, then the first two. When turning the fabric, one purl and three of the first type are knitted.

You can learn more about this from the master class on the video:

Quite spectacular, French elastic will look beautiful in the finishing of ready-made wardrobe items, and when knitting, for example, children's skirts. If you want to successfully make a French one, we collect loops with a number that can be divided into four and edge loops on both sides. To get what you need:

  • Alternately knit two purl and two opposite behind the back wall
  • We continue a little differently - the wrong side, two front ones and again the first type.
  • Then everything repeats.

There is another method of knitting French gum:

  • Loops in multiples of three, as well as three for the edge, so that everything is symmetrical.
  • Then all the rows that cannot be divided into two do this: one purl, the next one is thrown off without fastening, then it is captured through the back wall, and the loop thrown off before is taken onto the knitting needle and also captured by the back wall of the first type with a loop, we do the last one like the first.
  • All rows, dividing in half, are made in the same way as the previous ones, only instead of purl ones, they are knitted with facial ones and vice versa.

Due to the fact that there are a lot of varieties and types of elastic bands, but in order for knitted products to look beautiful and organic, there are a number of principles that must be followed in order to obtain all the desired results.

  • The main requirement is to keep the pattern and density of knitting on the elastic band and on the main product, so that everything looks harmonious in the final form.
  • They are only suitable for knitting with circular knitting needles with a certain knitting, because some have a beautiful pattern on both sides.

In general, such a variety gives a very large choice when working with different types of threads and in the manufacture of the widest selection of products. Even the most inexperienced people will be able to pick up what they like and will be very easy to manufacture. And if you follow the available videos and patterns for knitting elastic bands, then everything will definitely turn out great.

English knitting gum can get around in popularity. It is considered a classic, which means it should be mastered by every needlewoman aimed at a serious result. Hats, scarves, snoods are knitted with this pattern, cuffs are made for sweaters and jumpers. English gum is universal: it is based on minimalism that fits into almost every thing.

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pattern repeat- 2 loops. For knitting, you can dial any odd number of loops. The scheme does not take into account edge loops.

The diagram is shown below. But using it is not very convenient, it is much easier to read the description of the English gum.


In this description, we will not take into account edge loops. Instructions for their number and knitting method are usually indicated in the description of the product you want to knit.

LP- face loop IP- purl loop.

Preparatory row: *1 LP, yarn over, remove the next loop (without knitting, thread at work)* - repeat to the end of the row.

1 row: *yarn over, remove the next loop (without knitting, the thread is at work), knit the yarn over and the loop of the previous row together as a LP* - repeat to the end of the row.

2 row: *knit the yarn over and the loop of the previous row together as a LP, yarn over, remove the next loop (without knitting, the thread is at work)* - repeat to the end of the row.

Repeat 1-2 rows to the end of knitting.

Video lesson

There are several ways to knit English rib with knitting needles. If everything is done correctly, the result will not depend on which method you used. The video tutorial below shows all the options. The master class is suitable for beginners, but will be useful for experienced craftswomen.

English rib for knitting in the round

Earlier, we considered the option of knitting English gum in rotary rows. But sometimes circular knitting of English gum is required. For example, when performing cuffs on a jumper. When knitting in a circle, the same principle is used, but there are some peculiarities. About them - in the video tutorial.

How to close the English elastic at the end of knitting

For beginners, not only the method of knitting the English gum raises questions, but also the method of closing the loops. It has its own peculiarities - the loops close differently than in ordinary knitting. If you listen carefully to the explanation, there will be no difficulties.
