The upcoming holidays are in June.

June 2017 will please us not only with beautiful weather, but also with an additional holiday day off. This month, Russians celebrate Russia Day. What other holidays await us in the first month of summer, how many weekends there are in June 2017 in Russia - in our article.

Weekend in June 2017 in Russia

For June 2017, he promises us eight days off plus one holiday, on which we will also rest. These are 3-4, 10-11-12, 17-18 and 24-25.

Holidays in June 2017 in Russia

The first month of hot summer is rich in all kinds of holidays - there are state, national, and Orthodox holidays. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

  • June 1 – Children's Day

Why the most important children's holiday is celebrated in June is still not known exactly. However, this day received international status for a reason: besides Russia, Children’s Day is celebrated all over the world, especially actively in the countries of the former USSR.

On this day, all kinds of shows, competitions, performances and fairs are organized in all cities and villages of the country - everything that can please a little child’s heart. Drawings on the asphalt and family relay races, balloons and cotton candy, carousel rides and trampoline jumping - city authorities and ordinary residents are preparing maximum surprises for kids.

  • June 4 –

Trinity, one of the most important holidays in Russian Orthodoxy, one of the twelve, is considered perhaps the most beloved among the people. This holiday still combines both Christian and folk traditions.

Trinity does not have a fixed date: every year it is celebrated on a new day. The time of celebration depends on Easter: according to tradition, Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter Sunday. That is why it received its second name - Pentecost. On the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, the followers of the Savior gathered in Jerusalem: on this day the Holy Spirit descended on them. The apostles received the gift of understanding many languages ​​- so they were able to go out to people and preach the word of God among different nations.

  • June 6 – Russian Language Day/Pushkin Day

It is not for nothing that Russian Language Day is celebrated on the birthday of the great poet - it is Pushkin who is considered the founder of modern Russian speech. The center of the celebration becomes Mikhailovskoye, the poet’s native village. Despite the fact that the holiday is quite new - the tradition of celebrating Russian Language Day began only in 1997 - year after year, celebrations dedicated to the native language are becoming larger and larger.

  • June 12 – Russia Day

The holiday dedicated to the new Russian statehood is celebrated throughout the country and is one of the non-working days. The reason for this holiday was an important event in the history of the country: on this day the Congress of People's Deputies approved the Declaration of Sovereignty. Thanks to this document, our country became independent and received its current name.

Initially, Russians perceived Russia Day solely as an additional day off, without really delving into the essence of the holiday. However, over time, in the minds of people, this holiday began to acquire patriotic features, and today we celebrate it as a day of national harmony and unity.

  • June 22 – Memorial Day

In 1941, on this day, the troops of Nazi Germany crossed the border of the Soviet Union. Thus began one of the most terrible periods in our history - the Great Patriotic War. On June 22, we honor the memory of all those who died in this terrible war, we remember those who gave their lives for the lives of future generations.

  • June 27 – Youth Day

A holiday for those who live looking to the future, for those who are full of optimism and love of life - for the youth of our country. Competitions, festivals, performances, competitions and concerts - all events on this day are designed to remind that youth are the future of our country.

in June 2017: weekends and weekdays, holiday dates. When and on what days do we rest in June 2017, dates of international and professional holidays in the first summer month.

The beginning of the summer month promises us not only good weather, but also a good mood, and the dates of working days and weekends will help us plan our time correctly. In June, Russians will enjoy 108 holidays, including 32 international and 20 professional. The list of holidays for June 2017 will tell you about the significant events of the month, memorable dates, and professional days of representatives of various fields of activity.

Holiday calendar in June 2017: weekends and working days, dates of holidays.

June 2017 will give us 9 non-working days, out of 30 calendar days, of which 8 are legal days off with a five-day working week and 1 is a public holiday. The official day off in the country will be June 12, Russia Day or Russian Independence Day. The holiday symbolizes freedom and unity of the nation and is celebrated by all citizens of the Russian Federation.

Holiday calendar in June 2017: weekends and working days, dates of holidays.

In June, Russians will have a long weekend - 3 days, since June 12, Russia Day falls on Monday and is officially considered a day off, so we will have a rest on 10, 11, 12 inclusive.

In June, the Russian Federation celebrates the national holiday Russia Day. In this regard, Russians receive an additional day off. The production calendar will help you plan your vacation for the holidays. He will tell you how we work and relax in June 2017. Will inform you about working hours for this month.

  • weekends and holidays
  • pre-holiday days
    (with a reduced working day of 1 hour)
29 30 31 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2

Working time standards

How to relax in June

According to the Russian production calendar, there are 9 holidays and weekends in June 2017:

  • June 10, Sat. - day off
  • June 11, Sun. - day off
  • June 12, Mon. - Russia Day, an official non-working holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Work days

In June 2017, Russians work 21 days:

ThuFri MonWWedThuFri WWedThuFri MonWWedThuFri MonWWedThuFri
1 2 ... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 13 14 15 16 ... 19 20 21 22 23 ... 26 27 28 29 30

Working time standards

According to the Russian production calendar, in June 2017 the country has 21 working days and 9 weekends and holidays.

Standard working hours:

  • with a 40-hour work week – 168 hours (21 x 8, where 21 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift);
  • at 36 hours – 151.2 hours (21 x 7.2);
  • at 24 hours – 100.8 hours (21 x 4.8).

Public holidays in June 2017

In June, Russia celebrates 1 public holiday - Russia Day (June 12). It symbolizes the unity of the entire country. People call the holiday Independence Day of Russia. This is an official day off (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Holidays in June 2017 in Russia begin immediately on the first day. In the church calendar this will be Spiritual Day, but in the secular calendar we are waiting for Children's Day. Even though the holidays fall on Monday, you should definitely find time to celebrate these events.

In addition to the traditional weekends - Saturday and Sunday, in Russia in June there will be only one official public holiday, which falls every year on June 12 - Russia Day. But, anyway, there will be a series of holidays within a month, so every week you will find a reason to get together with a cheerful group, go to barbecue and just have a good time.

Holiday calendar in June 2017 in Russia

Children's Day is celebrated all over the world. This is an international holiday that comes in handy on the same date every year: the first day of summer.

Day of the Russian Northern Fleet. The country's northern sailors are looking forward to the first day of summer with more impatience than children. This is their professional holiday, which is widely celebrated in narrow circles. When going on a picnic, prepare.

Ecologist Day. A professional holiday of Russian environmentalists, as well as those who are involved in environmental protection and are simply activists. The holiday has another, international name: World Environment Day.

Pushkin day. On this day, many events are dedicated to the work and life of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. To this day, this writer and poet unites Russians of all ages and professions. The popularity of the poet and writer around the world continues to this day.

Kiss day. A wonderful holiday that not everyone knows about. If you noticed that June 6th is kissing day in Russia, then be sure to spend this time with your other half.

Reclamation Day. Next professional holiday. On this day, people who work to improve agroclimatic, soil, and hydrological living conditions are congratulated.

Social Worker's Day. It is not for nothing that at the very beginning of the article we wrote that the weekend holidays in June 2017 in Russia are represented by only one day, but there are many holidays themselves, and many are dedicated specifically to professional days.

International Friends Day. Yes, there is such an interesting day that simply calls for getting together in a merry company and having a lot of fun. Be sure to add this wonderful date to your personal holiday calendar for the summer.

Birthday of the Soyuzmultfilm film studio. There is not a single person in our country who has not seen cartoons made by the country's oldest film studio. So, this film studio also has a professional day and is always celebrated on the tenth day of the first summer month.

Russia Day. Holidays in June 2017 in Russia, non-working days will include Russia Day. This year it falls on Monday, so it turns out to be a short holiday of three days. In the summer, this is enough to have a great time and relax.
The holiday has been celebrated since 1992, although this day became a non-working day back in 1991, when the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted. The holiday received the name “Russia Day” only 10 years later, in 2002. In honor of the holiday, it is worth preparing.

Brewer's Day. Another professional holiday of the first summer month. All workers in this industry should be congratulated.

Day of textile and light industry workers. This holiday does not have an exact date every year. It should be celebrated on the second Sunday of summer. But it’s even more pleasant that this year the holiday falls on a beautiful date.

Furniture Maker's Day. Brewers share the date of their professional holiday with Russian furniture makers. We hope that you will have enough kind words and pleasant congratulations for everyone.

Day of Migration Service Workers. This is a professional holiday; it is celebrated on this day by all employees of the Federal Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country.

Blood Donor Day. It cannot be said that this is a holiday when congratulations are given in the usual sense of the word. On this holiday, we thank people who donate blood and help doctors save lives.

Medical Worker's Day. After a long period of calm, the country is celebrating. Despite the fact that this is a professional holiday, it is widespread. People congratulate doctors and all people whose work is related to medicine. The holiday does not have an exact date; it must be celebrated every year on the third Sunday of summer.

Day of the canine units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Because Dog Handler’s Day has an exact fixed date: June 21st.

Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. As everyone knows, on this day the Great Patriotic War began on the territory of the former USSR. Germany attacked the Soviet Union on this summer day 70 years ago.

International Olympic Day. Russia has always loved this holiday. After the country hosted the Olympics again, its importance became even greater.

Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs.

Day of the Inventor and Innovator. Next professional holiday. This holiday does not have an exact date; it is assigned to the last Saturday of the first summer month of each year.

Day against drug addiction. In principle, this is not a holiday, but the date is important and special. This day not only celebrates the fight against drug addiction, but also against drug trafficking throughout the world. The holiday is international and was established in 1987 by the UN.

Day of Partisans and Underground Workers

The partisans did a lot to liberate the country from the Nazis. True, a holiday in honor of them was established only in 2010, but it’s great that it was done.

These are the holidays celebrated in Russia in June 2017. If you're looking for a reason to get together for any summer weekend. This calendar will definitely help you with this.

We bring to your attention a calendar of significant events and memorable dates celebrated in June. Don't miss the most important days in your life and the life of our country!

  • 205 years since the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812;
  • 105 years ago the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. was opened in Moscow. Pushkin (June 13, 1912);
  • 95 years ago the first issue of the magazine “Peasant Woman” was published (1922);

June 1, 2017 is World Milk Day. Celebrated since 2001 at the suggestion of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

June 2, 2017 - Healthy Eating Day (the day of giving up excess food has been celebrated since 2011).

June 7, 2017 - 145 years since the birth of L.V. Sobinov (1872-1934), Russian opera singer;

June 8, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of I.N. Kramskoy (1837-1887), Russian artist, critic;

June 9, 2017 - 345 years since the birth of Peter I the Great (1672-1725), Russian emperor, statesman;

June 9, 2017 - 205 years since the birth of I.G. Halle (1812-1910), German astronomer who was the first to see Neptune;

June 10, 2017 is World Knitting Day in Public. Celebrated every second Saturday in June 2017 - since 2005. It was held for the first time in Paris. This fun, which has become a tradition, was invented by knitting enthusiast Danielle Landss. It takes place in an unusual way: everyone who loves to knit or crochet gathers in some public place - in a park, in a public garden, in a cafe - and indulges in their favorite pastime.

June 11, 2017 - Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers (second Sunday in June).

June 13, 2017 - 205 years since the birth of I.I. Sreznevsky (1812-1880), Russian philologist, ethnographer, paleographer;

June 15, 2017 is the Day of the creation of the Yunnat movement. On June 15, 1918, the first out-of-school institution for young nature lovers was opened in Moscow.

June 15, 2017 - 150 years since the birth of K.D. Balmont (1867-1942), Russian poet, essayist, translator, critic;

June 18, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of V.T. Shalamov (1907-1982), Russian writer and poet;

June 18, 2017 - 75 years since the birth of D.P. McCartney (1942), English musician, one of the founders of the Beatles;

June 20, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of V.M. Kotenochkin (1927-2000), Russian animator director;

June 20, 2017 - 85 years since the birth of R.I. Rozhdestvensky (1932-1994), Soviet poet, translator;

June 21, 2017 - 220 years since the birth of V.K. Kuchelbecker (1797-1846), Russian poet and public figure;

June 22, 2017 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. Established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on June 8, 1996 in honor of the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

June 23, 2017 is International Olympic Day. Celebrated on the initiative of the International Olympic Committee since 1948.

June 23, 2017 - Balalaika Day - an international holiday of folk musicians. Balalaika Day was first celebrated in 2008.

June 24, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of S.N. Filippov (1912-1990), Soviet film actor;

June 25, 2017 - 165 years since the birth of N.E. Heinze (1852-1913), Russian prose writer, journalist and playwright;

June 26, 2017 is the International Day against Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

June 28, 2017 - 440 years since the birth of Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), the great Flemish painter;

June 28, 2017 - 305 years since the birth of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), French writer and philosopher of the Enlightenment;

June 28, 2017 - 150 years since the birth of Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936), Italian writer and playwright;

June 28, 2017 - V.V. died 90 years ago. Khlebnikov (1885-1922), Russian poet and prose writer, futurist theorist;

