How to treat wet cough in pregnant women. What can you drink for a cough during pregnancy so as not to cause harm?

The topic of the article is cough during pregnancy. Let's talk about the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment.

Why does cough occur during pregnancy?

Typically, a cough occurs due to the presence of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, ear, larynx, nose or pharynx.

Sometimes it appears due to severe nervous tension or stress. Allergies can also cause coughing, especially when the expectant mother is systematically exposed to the allergen.

Certain stomach disorders, such as reflux, can cause a cough.

It is also worth noting the negative impact of smoking on both the development of the fetus and the female body. Often, addiction to tobacco products becomes the cause of chronic cough.

Cough in early pregnancy

During pregnancy, be more attentive to your health. After all, how your baby will feel in the womb depends on how you feel.

If in a non-pregnant state various medications can be used for any disease, then during pregnancy only certain medications can be taken.

If you experience a cough in early pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor before treatment.

Independent and irregular attempts to cope with the disease can cause increased uterine tone, as well as insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus.

When coughing, the abdominal wall tenses and contracts, and this causes the uterus to contract. Severe coughing that occurs in attacks increases uterine tone. This condition is dangerous due to the threat of miscarriage.

With a constant cough, a pregnant woman receives less oxygen than needed, and this leads to a failure of blood circulation in the placenta and its insufficient blood supply. And this entails the impossibility of the fetus receiving all the necessary microelements for the development and growth of the child in the womb. All these deviations in women's health can cause fetal hypoxia.

Another unpleasant consequence of a strong cough is vomiting. If you are not trying to cure a cough, then regular vomiting after it can cause dehydration and remove many beneficial microelements from the body.

Cough in late pregnancy

In late pregnancy, coughing is just as dangerous as in early pregnancy, especially if the pregnant woman has low placentation.

This is due to the fact that the muscle contraction that occurs during coughing can cause bleeding.


To prevent the disease, be sure to take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.

Take vitamins, try to avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes. Follow the right lifestyle.

Minimize or completely avoid contact with sick people.

You can increase your immunity with the help of vitamins and a healthy lifestyle. Avoiding any contact with sick people will help you avoid various ailments.

How to treat cough during pregnancy

You can eliminate cough during pregnancy using traditional medicine, medications and inhalations.

Sometimes you can get rid of it, especially if it is a symptom of pneumonia, only with the help of antibiotics.

Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • Amoxil;
  • Ospamox;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Flemoxin;
  • Macrolen.

Sometimes a cough is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In such cases, it is permissible to take paracetamol, for example, Panadol, as well as Aspirin.

The use of drugs containing analgin is strictly prohibited - such drugs cannot be used in all trimesters of pregnancy.

1st trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the formation of the neural tube and the inclinations of the fetal spine occur. At the same time, the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus is maximally sensitive to any chemical influences.

Therefore, many medications are contraindicated for pregnant women in the 1st trimester.

At this time, it is allowed to use Sinekod, Chest Elixir for the treatment of dry cough.

If you have a wet cough, you can use Lazolvan, Flavamed or Ambrobene with caution.

2nd and 3rd trimester

In addition to Chest Elixir and Sinecode, you can additionally take Stoptusin, Coldrex Knight, Liibexin and Falimint to eliminate dry cough.

When treating a wet cough, first consult with a specialist and only then start taking the medications prescribed by him. Usually the doctor prescribes Mucaltin, Bronchicum, Tussin. You can also take Gedelix, Doctor Mom, Prospan for treatment.

Prohibited drugs

While carrying a child, it is prohibited to take the following medications:

  • Codelac, Glycodin and similar medications containing a large dose of codeine;
  • ACC, Bronholitin - these drugs provoke a wet cough, which leads to contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall;
  • Ascoril - contains an aggressive composition that is able to penetrate the placental barrier;
  • Thermopsis - provokes strong contractions of the uterus.

Dry cough during pregnancy

For severely irritated throat and dry cough, gargling, which should be done up to 6 times a day, will help eliminate these symptoms.

Below are recipes for rinses.

Sage, eucalyptus and calendula


  • sage - 10 g;
  • eucalyptus - 5 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • calendula inflorescences - 5 g.


  1. Mix the ingredients, then take 20 g of the composition and pour boiling water.
  2. Place the container with the product in a water bath and cook it for 10 minutes, without allowing the composition to boil.
  3. Strain the resulting mixture.

Usage: Gargle with warm broth only for the first 2 hours, as after this time the product loses its healing properties.

Plantain leaves


  • rose hips - 10 g;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • spring primrose - 10 g;
  • plantain leaves - 10 g;
  • chamomile - 10 g.


  1. Mix the herbs, then take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and add hot water.
  2. Place the product in a water bath and cook it for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the product from the heat and let it sit for half an hour in a warm room.

Usage: Take ⅓ glass 4 times a day.

Wet cough during pregnancy

To eliminate the disease, use the recipe below. Use the inflorescences of the plant to prepare it.

Decoction of coltsfoot


  • coltsfoot - 60 g;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Pour the inflorescences into a thermos, then pour boiling water over them.
  2. Let the broth brew for 90 minutes, then strain it.

Usage: Take ⅓ of a glass of the decoction half an hour before meals three times a day.

If desired, add 20 g of honey to the medicine.


Typically, a compressor inhaler is used for the procedure. It is convenient to use and any medications can be used for treatment. Disadvantages include bulkiness, noise and mains operation.

Many people also use ultrasonic inhalers. They use cold steam for treatment. The main advantage of such a device is the ability to use it at elevated body temperatures. The disadvantages include the need to use only certain medications made specifically for this type of device. Therefore, before performing inhalation using an ultrasonic inhaler, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of suitable medications, since not all of them can be used while carrying a child.

Also, before using inhalation devices, you should consult your doctor so that he can select the right medications and their optimal dosage.

If you don’t have an inhaler in your home medicine cabinet, then you can use any container of water for the procedure.

Inhalations will help cure dry cough.

How to do inhalations

Proper implementation of the inhalation procedure is the key to a speedy recovery.

Below is a diagram of the preparation and implementation of inhalation:

  1. For inhalation, use water with a temperature no higher than 40 degrees.
  2. Breathe in pairs, leaning over the container at a distance of 30 cm from it.
  3. To enhance the results of the procedure, cover your head with a towel.
  4. Inhale the vapors through your mouth.
  5. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes, and you should experience no discomfort.
  6. Perform no more than 6 procedures per day and monitor your well-being. If you feel worse, stop inhaling.

If your body temperature is elevated, avoid inhalation. This is due to the fact that additional exposure to heat can provoke an even greater increase in temperature.

Mustard plasters should not be used during treatment, as they can cause an increase in body temperature. But it is permissible to use compresses made from cabbage leaves and grated potatoes.

After inhalation, do not smoke; if possible, refrain from going outside or into cold rooms.

Also, do not drink cold drinks and try not to talk for 2-3 hours.

Recipes for inhalations during pregnancy

Below are recipes for inhalation products.

With honey


  • honey - 20 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

Preparation: Heat the water to 40 degrees, then dissolve honey in it.

Usage: Inhale the product vapor first through your nose and then through your mouth.

With sage


  • water - 250 ml;
  • sage - 40 g.

Preparation: Pour boiling water over the chopped sage, let the mixture brew for 20 minutes, covering it tightly with a lid.

Usage: Breathe the vapors of the resulting composition.

With eucalyptus


  • eucalyptus - 10 g;
  • validol - 1 tablet;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • pine oil - 1 drop.


  1. Grind the garlic using a garlic press, take 1 tsp. the resulting composition.
  2. Mix the ingredients, then place the composition in the liquid for inhalation.

Usage: Breathe in pairs.

With baking soda

This inhalation helps eliminate cough and bronchial asthma, while it is harmless and does not cause an allergic reaction.


  • soda - 60 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Preparation: Pour the water into boiling water.

Usage: Breathe over the vapors

Folk remedies for cough during pregnancy

In folk medicine, there are many remedies that help cope with coughing attacks.

But consult your doctor before using them. You can use the recipes below only if you are not allergic to the components included in the medicinal products.

Mouth rinse


  • water - 250 ml;
  • baking soda - 3 g.

Preparation: Dissolve baking soda in warm boiled water.

Usage: Rinse your mouth with the prepared mixture until the cough disappears.

Cabbage leaf compress


  • cabbage leaf - 1 piece;
  • honey - 20 g.

Preparation: Spread the leaf with honey.

Usage: Place the sheet on the chest, wrap it with cellophane and a warm towel, and leave this compress overnight.

Potato compress


  • honey - 20 g;
  • potatoes - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - 20 g.


  1. Boil the potatoes, then grate them.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the potato pulp and form a flat cake from the resulting mixture.

Usage: Apply the resulting cake to your chest, place polyethylene on top, then wrap your chest with a warm towel.

Carry out this procedure at night.

With milk


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • honey - 5 g;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • soda - 1 g.

Preparation: Heat the milk until it is warm, add the rest of the ingredients.

Usage: Drink the milk mixture 3 times a day until you feel better and the cough goes away.

A woman’s pregnancy is an important period when the expectant mother is responsible not only for her health, but also for the development of the baby.

Throughout the entire period, there is a risk of contracting various diseases. It increases at the beginning of pregnancy, when a natural decrease in immunity occurs. A common sign of a cold is a cough. It can be quite dangerous for a woman and her new condition.

A cough is a reflex forced exhalation caused by irritation of the walls of the respiratory tract. How to treat a cough during pregnancy depends on its nature and the nature of its occurrence.

The main cause of a sore throat and gurgling in the lungs is an inflammatory process:

  • influenza or ARVI;
  • bronchitis (acute, chronic, obstructive);
  • pneumonia;
  • pathologies of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis);
  • measles or whooping cough.

The symptom also occurs due to irritation of the respiratory tract by external factors. In this case, we are talking about an allergy or a physiological cough. By nature, they are distinguished between acute and chronic, dry and wet, dull and voiced.

Danger for pregnant women

Cough is a symptom, not an independent disease. The pathologies that cause it can lead to dangerous complications.

A severe cough during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon. Dry is considered more serious, posing a threat to the new position, than wet. Doctors are seriously worried about the condition of the expectant mother for several reasons.

  • Hypertonicity of the uterus.

With frequent hysterical cough, the anterior abdominal wall becomes tense. This, in turn, leads to increased uterine tone. This prospect threatens detachment of the membranes in the early stages of pregnancy and premature birth in later stages.

  • Hypoxia.

With bronchospasm, which often results from an allergic reaction, a lack of oxygen occurs. This process is fraught with impaired blood circulation and metabolic processes in the placenta. Hypoxia affects the formation of the embryo, causing irreversible consequences in the brain.

  • Bleeding.

Women with placenta previa should be wary of increased uterine tone. Periodic contraction of muscle tissue can cause bleeding.

What can pregnant women do for a cough?

Treatment of cough during pregnancy should begin with a visit to the doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and determine the main causes of the symptoms. Further tactics will depend on this.

There are several treatment options for airway irritation:

  1. medicinal (use of medications aimed at eliminating the cause of cough, and compounds that alleviate it);
  2. physiotherapy (massage, inhalations);
  3. folk recipes;
  4. maintaining favorable environmental conditions.

Many medications are contraindicated for expectant mothers. Only a doctor can prescribe medications, sensibly assessing the likely risks and benefits, taking into account the duration of pregnancy.

Use of medications

Which cough medicines to use for pregnant women depends on the gestational age. For the first trimester, most pharmaceutical products are on the prohibited list. Even herbal remedies made from natural ingredients can harm the developing fetus.

At any stage of pregnancy, taking medications must be agreed with your doctor.

Until 12-14 weeks, almost all medicinal substances taken orally penetrate into the fertilized egg.

From the second trimester, this process is prevented by the placenta, so treatment is carried out more boldly.

By the end of the third trimester, doctors also try not to prescribe medications that act for a long time, since labor can begin at any time. Preserved in breast milk, the active component of the medicine will not allow you to feed your baby.

First trimester therapy

Cough during early pregnancy often occurs due to a cold. Decreased immunity allows you to quickly catch a viral infection. During this period, the use of medications is not recommended, so doctors recommend that women take homeopathic remedies and resort to traditional recipes.

  • Oscillococcinum is a granule that is marketed as a remedy for flu and colds for expectant mothers. They should be taken at the first signs of cough, twice a day for three days.
  • Aflubin is a complex homeopathic drug that has anti-inflammatory, detoxification and immunomodulatory effects. Used at the first symptoms of the disease three times a day for 10 days.
  • Stodal is a cough syrup that has a symptomatic effect. Apply up to 5 times a day.
  • Tonsilgon is a remedy for cough caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Apply up to 6 times a day for at least one week.

For coughs of viral origin and in order to increase the body's resistance, expectant mothers in the first trimester are prescribed immunomodulators: Grippferon, Genferon, Viferon and other safe drugs.

Therapy at a later date

Cough remedies during pregnancy used during extended periods are different from those used in the first trimester.

Now the placenta reliably protects the fetus from the negative influence of external factors and minimizes the consequences of drug use. Despite this, the expectant mother should not take pharmaceutical products on her own.

Any appointment must be made by a specialist. If, while taking the recommended remedy, a woman feels worse or the medicine does not help within 3-7 days, then it is necessary to consult a doctor again to reconsider the prescription.

Acceptable cough medications for the second and third trimester:
Characteristics of medicationsTrade namesIndications for useAdditionally
Herbal remediesMucaltin, Preparations Althea, Eucabal, Bronchipret, HerbionDry, nonproductive cough, sore throat
Herbal remediesDoctor Theis, Bronchipret, Prospan, GerbionWet cough with difficulty producing sputumDrugs can cause an allergic reaction, are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity and have individual restrictions
VitaminsVitamins for pregnant women (Vitrum, Elevit or others), an additional portion of vitamin CCough of any etiology, lack of nutrients, vitamins and microelementsIt is unacceptable to exceed the daily dose of each vitamin established for pregnant women; you should consult your doctor before use
Synthetic drugsLibexin, Falimint, Bromhexin, Stoptussin, Tussin, AmbroxolSymptomatic treatment of dry, spasmodic or wet non-productive cough of various originsThey are used only when the intended benefit outweighs the danger to the embryo; require prior medical consultation
Homeopathic remediesStodal, Aflubin, Broncho-Gran, PulsaillaTreatment of dry and wet coughs of various origins, used as drugs that complement and enhance the effect of basic medicationsAvailable for independent use for the purpose of treatment or prevention; have unproven effectiveness

For coughs caused by irritation of the larynx, local remedies are used: Tantum Verde, Doctor Mom, Miramistin, Hexoral. The active components of the drugs act directly on the inflamed lesions, practically without being absorbed into the bloodstream, which minimizes the adverse effects of therapy.

Inhalations for cough during pregnancy

A dry cough during pregnancy can be easily relieved with inhalations, which can be cold or hot. The latter are prohibited when the expectant mother’s body temperature rises.

Cold inhalations are carried out using special devices - nebulizers. If you don’t have such a device at home, then you should think about purchasing one, since a small child will also need it during illness.

  • Steam inhalations using potatoes, onions, and garlic warm the respiratory tract, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. The addition of aromatic oils is not encouraged, as some of them can be very dangerous for a woman’s new position. For dry coughs, it is useful to inhale the vapors of honey dissolved in hot water. Soda inhalation will help relieve an attack of dry cough.
  • Cold inhalations are performed using a nebulizer. They can be carried out even at elevated body temperatures. Mineral water and saline solution have become safe cough remedies. Alkaline inhalations help during paroxysmal coughs, bronchospasms, and they also help to liquefy difficult-to-separate mucus.
  • For a prolonged or complicated cough, doctors prescribe medications for inhalation. To thin and expectorate mucus, ambroxol-based products are used. In the second trimester of pregnancy, Berodual can be used, but only for health reasons. You should not use medications through an inhaler unless your doctor recommends it.

Find out more!

Drinking treatment

What pregnant women can do for a cough is drink plenty of fluids. You can drink whatever you want. The bigger, the better. Traditional remedies used for colds are welcome: decoctions, fruit drinks, teas.

  • Figs with milk. Dip a few cloves of figs into boiling milk and cook until the drink acquires a dark shade. Take half a glass.
  • Mix onion with sugar in equal proportions, add a couple of tablespoons of honey. Boil the mixture in a liter of water for three hours. Take a tablespoon.
  • Bake black radish with honey, dilute the resulting juice with hot water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Drink half a glass before bed.
  • Warm milk with butter and honey, taken at night, will help relieve coughing attacks that usually occur during sleep.
  • Fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, with the addition of raspberries will have a softening effect and eliminate pathogenic bacteria.
  • Of the herbs, you should prefer chamomile, as others can negatively affect pregnancy.

Even simple water, consumed regularly and in sufficient volume, will bring the recovery stage closer. Drinking plenty of fluids removes toxins from the body, cleanses the larynx of pathogenic fluid, and also helps to liquefy phlegm.

Low immunity combined with hypothermia or contact with a sick person and a pregnant woman is already asking the question: what can you drink for a cough during pregnancy? After all, it is important to bear a strong child who will not have complications as a result of his mother taking too strong drugs.

A cough cannot occur on its own. Often it is a symptom of another disease. This is how the body reacts to excess fluid entering the respiratory tract. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to treat not the cough itself, but the reason that caused it.

Since a cough only signals the presence of some disease, it can be caused by the following ailments:

  • bronchitis(cm. );
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • flu;
  • measles;
  • ARVI;
  • whooping cough;
  • allergic reactions of the body.

As a result of pregnancy, changes occur in the body that are necessary to bear a child. But they also affect her well-being.

Immunity becomes an order of magnitude lower than usual, so the appearance of various ailments, primarily viral, is not uncommon. Therefore, you should be as careful as possible about your health.

Why is coughing not safe for a pregnant woman?

Cough is very often accompanied by infectious diseases, so it is dangerous for both pregnant women and the child. If it is not treated in time, both the mother and the fetus may experience complications.

It carries fundamental serious health consequences. It causes a lot of inconvenience to the mother, but can also affect the course of the pregnancy itself.

It carries the following danger:

  1. Constant coughing increases tension in the abdominal muscles, which has a very undesirable effect on the tone of the uterus. As a result, the risk of miscarriage increases.
  2. Coughing attacks, which occur frequently, disrupt the flow of blood in the placenta. Because of this, oxygen starvation of the fetus occurs.
  3. Pregnant women with a low-lying placenta or placenta previa, prolonged attacks should be avoided. At these moments, strong muscle tension occurs, which can cause bleeding in the uterus.

Not everything you can drink during pregnancy for a cough can quickly and effectively cope with the disease. After all, it’s not just the cough itself that is dangerous. The diseases that cause it are also dangerous. Therefore, treatment must be approached with the utmost care and strictly follow the instructions of gynecological specialists.

Features of cough treatment in pregnant women

Pregnant women should absolutely not self-medicate. Incorrect diagnosis and lack of doctor's prescriptions can only aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.

Features of cough treatment in the first trimester

Only a gynecologist can know exactly what pregnant women can drink for cough. After all, it is during this period that the body of the future person is formed. Any intrusion into this process is fraught with subsequent complications.

In the first months of pregnancy, you need to turn to traditional medicine methods (see). But this cannot be done without the doctor’s permission. After all, not everyone knows which herbs pregnant women can drink when coughing and which ones they cannot.

You can use the following traditional methods:

  1. It is fashionable to make inhalations from boiled herbs(chamomile, linden, sage, plantain, wild rosemary, string, millennial) and essential oils (eucalyptus, mint). This procedure can be carried out a couple of times a day (see).
  2. The same list of healing herbs can be drunk in the form of decoctions and tinctures. To do this, take a spoonful of herbs and brew it in hot water.
  3. You can also make compresses that are placed on the chest. A compress made from cabbage leaves has proven effective. You need to take a simple cabbage leaf, grease one side with honey and apply it to your chest. Apply with a towel and leave overnight.
  4. Drinking hot milk with honey is very beneficial. You can add a few drops of onion juice to it, but then you need to drink the mixture in small portions.

But in case of complications or severely reduced immunity, folk remedies may be ineffective. Then circumstances force you to turn to drug treatment. But what pregnant women can drink when coughing can only be determined by a qualified gynecologist.

The video in this article will tell you in detail about the actions that must be carried out.

Treatment of cough in pregnant women in the second and third trimester

Already from the beginning of the second trimester, pregnant women are allowed to take medications. But, unlike traditional medicine, they can have many more side effects - their instructions for use clearly indicate this.

What pregnant women can drink for a cough is determined by the doctor individually for each woman. It is not preferable to use medications in tablet form for this purpose. They take a long time to digest and have many side effects.

To minimize the risk to the child, it is better to use tablets of herbal origin. Mucaltin or Bronchipret are suitable for this. Various syrups have become more widely used in the treatment of cough in pregnant women.

If the question is about what you can drink for a cough during pregnancy, then it is better to choose from the following list:

  • Herbion vegetable syrup;
  • Sinecode;
  • Althea;
  • syrup based on ivy extract Gedelix;
  • Stodal.

Of course, the price of drug treatment is several times higher than the cost of traditional medicine, but it works much faster, and when used correctly, even more effectively.

Products prohibited for use by pregnant women

Not all manipulations that ordinary people do can be applied to pregnant women.

You should never do this:

  • take a hot bath;
  • hot foot baths can increase uterine tone;
  • install mustard plasters;
  • carry out physiotherapy;
  • if there is a high temperature, inhalation should not be done;
  • use drugs prohibited by a doctor.

There are also medicinal plants whose substances have a bad effect on pregnancy.


  • comfrey;
  • coltsfoot (pictured);
  • St. John's wort;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • echinacea;
  • ginseng.

Some of them reduce blood clotting, which leads to bleeding; the latter have a mutagenic effect; still others cause allergies, etc.

Prevention of cough in pregnant women

In order not to think about what to drink during pregnancy for a cough, you need to take steps to increase immunity.

You also need to monitor your health:

  1. avoid public places with large crowds of people;
  2. Always cover your mouth and other airways in public places;
  3. after visiting public places, immediately wash your hands, nose, and gargle;
  4. ventilate living rooms, humidify the air;
  5. take daily walks;
  6. avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  7. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, consult a doctor.

We can conclude that pregnant women can only drink proven remedies prescribed by the doctor for cough. Otherwise, there is a danger of complications for both the baby and his mother. And their health should be a priority.

If it noticeably weakens, a woman can catch a cold at any time. Sometimes even short contact with a patient or slight hypothermia can provoke colds or ARVI .

However, if we talk about the dangers of coughing during pregnancy, it should be noted that it is only a symptom of the disease, and can be evidence of a variety of ailments. This is a reflex reaction aimed at clearing the airways from bronchial secretions. Consequently, it is not the symptom itself that requires treatment, but the disease that provoked it. Sometimes a person coughs due to allergic reaction , manifested in response to external stimuli.

Pregnancy and cough - this combination can be a problem, because during the period of bearing a baby, especially in the early stages, a woman should not take effective expectorants or cough suppressants. By the way, most herbal remedies should not be taken during pregnancy. Therefore, those expectant mothers who prefer folk remedies when coughing so as not to harm the child also often risk harming the baby. After all, such drugs also have side effects.

Children's cough syrup should not be used either. Despite the fact that such medications seem safe at first glance, because they are given to children under 3 years of age, in fact, the drug approved for children can negatively affect the fetus.

Therefore, in order to protect the health of mother and baby, medications allowed for pregnant women should be prescribed by a doctor, as well as the regimen for taking them.

Why is coughing dangerous?

In most cases, cough is a sign of a bacterial or viral respiratory disease. Therefore, in the absence of proper treatment, the disease can gradually become chronic, and complications are also likely to develop. In such conditions, the likelihood of premature birth and intrauterine infection increases. The risk of developmental defects in the baby also increases.

In addition, immediately at the moment when the expectant mother coughs, the tone of her uterus increases. And this condition threatens miscarriage.

If the expectant mother has low placentation or placenta previa, then due to strong muscle tension during coughing, bleeding from the uterus may begin.

And coughing attacks can significantly increase the severity of nausea and aggravate the condition.

Treatment of cough during pregnancy

We will discuss below what you can drink when you cough in order to quickly cure the disease that caused it.

The most important period in the process of fetal formation is the first months after conception. It is at this time that all systems and organs of the unborn child are actively formed. Accordingly, then there is a high risk of developing severe pathologies and malformations of the fetus, which can be caused by prohibited drugs. Of course, at this time it is better not to get sick at all, so the expectant mother needs to be very conscious about her health. But if a woman still gets sick, she can only take medications approved by her doctor. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat a cough during pregnancy, after conducting all the necessary research and making a diagnosis.

If the question arises about how to treat cough in the 1st trimester during pregnancy, the doctor will recommend the most gentle treatment methods that are safe for the woman and baby.

However, during this period all medications are only relatively safe. Sometimes a woman, without thinking about how to treat her throat during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, sucks lozenges. But even they contain active ingredients, the effect of which can negatively affect the fetus. Cough lozenges sold in stores contain extracts of eucalyptus, mint, as well as preservatives and flavorings that are not at all beneficial for the baby.

During the first trimester, it is acceptable to use some medications, as can be found in the table below.

Treatment of dry cough during pregnancy

Herbal remedies Homeopathic remedies dietary supplements Synthetic products
Can be used freely
  • Syrup based on marshmallow root,
  • Broncho-gran ,
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force ,
  • Pregnacare ,
  • Mamavit .
  • Lollipops Doctor Mom ,

How to treat a wet cough

How to cure a severe cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester?

The second and 3rd trimester is the time when all systems and organs of the fetus are finally formed and mature. During this period, the child is actively preparing for birth and life after it. Therefore, in both the second and third trimesters, it is better not to take large amounts of medications.

However, if we talk about what can be used in the 2nd trimester if you need to get rid of a cough or treat a throat, then it should be noted that during this period the restrictions are no longer so strict. If necessary, the doctor may advise that pregnant women can also take some synthetic drugs for cough.

The tables indicate how to cure a cough in the 3rd trimester and in the second.

For dry cough

Herbal remedies Homeopathic remedies dietary supplements Synthetic products
Can be used freely
  • Marshmallow root syrup ,
  • Broncho-gran ,
  • Pulsatilla ,
  • Stodal .
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force ,
  • Pregnacare ,
  • Mamavit .
Can be used, but there is little information on the effect on the fetus
  • Gedelix ,
  • Bronchicum ,
Used only when the benefit to the woman outweighs the likely risk to the fetus
  • Akodin ,
  • Libexin .

If the cough is wet

Herbal remedies Homeopathic remedies dietary supplements Synthetic products
Can be used freely
  • Dr. Theiss
  • Stodal ,
  • Broncho-gran ,
  • Pulsatilla .
  • Pregnacare ,
  • Mamavit ,
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force .
Can be used, but there is little information on the effect on the fetus
  • Bronchicum ,
  • Bronchipret ,
  • overslept .
Used only when the benefit to the woman outweighs the likely risk to the fetus

However, only the attending physician can correctly determine how to treat a dry cough during pregnancy or what to take if you have a sore throat.

Physiotherapy – treatment at home and in medical institutions

The safest way to treat cough while carrying a baby is physical therapy, since it is a non-drug method. This method is most effective for dry cough.

However, some methods still cannot be used.

Allowed methods:

  • gargling;

Should not be used:

  • radiation treatment;
  • banks;
  • mustard plasters;
  • foot baths;
  • electrotherapy;
  • hot baths.

However, expectant mothers should not once again visit medical institutions where a lot of patients are concentrated. Moreover, a number of physiotherapy procedures can be successfully carried out at home. Almost every forum where treatment problems for pregnant women are discussed contains advice on how to carry out inhalations or how to treat a throat with gargles.


To carry out inhalation, you can use nebulizer or use the most ordinary teapot. The vapors are inhaled through the spout of the kettle, onto which a funnel twisted from cardboard is placed. To carry out inhalation, you need to adhere to some important rules:

  • body temperature should not be elevated;
  • the solution for inhalation should have a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees;
  • the duration of inhalation is about 10 minutes, such “sessions” need to be carried out 3-6 times a day;
  • After the session you need to not talk or eat anything for about half an hour.

The following mixtures can be used as solutions for inhalation:

  • Dilute 50 g of baking soda in one liter of boiling water, then cool the mixture slightly.
  • Dilute 10 g of honey in one glass of warm water. Whether honey can be used during pregnancy in any medicinal product depends on whether the woman has had allergic reactions to this product.
  • Dissolve 10 g of pre-chopped garlic and eucalyptus leaves in one liter of boiling water. After this, you need to cool the mixture a little.
  • Dilute 20 g of sage in one glass of boiling water and cool slightly.


If you are a pregnant woman or just have a sore throat, gargling is an excellent treatment method in this case.

You need to prepare this product before you start rinsing. When the liquid becomes homogeneous, it should be cooled. You need to gargle up to 8 times a day; for one gargle, one glass of the prepared solution is enough. Rinse after meals.

Expectant mothers can use the following rinsing solutions:

  • An infusion of 10 g of chamomile flowers poured into one glass of boiling water.
  • A solution of half a teaspoon of baking soda in one glass of warm water.
  • An infusion of 10 g of plantain leaves poured into a glass of boiling water.
  • An infusion of 10 g of linden leaves poured with a glass of boiling water.

Traditional methods for treating cough during pregnancy

You can learn about what you can drink for a cough during pregnancy from numerous traditional medicine recipes. However, even when talking about traditional methods of treating an expectant mother, you need to know that you should consult a doctor about what you can take.

In addition, it is important not only to know what to drink, but also to clearly monitor how the body perceives this or that treatment method. After all, sometimes even a seemingly ordinary radish with honey can cause undesirable effects if an allergic response develops.

Products with honey

You can use products with honey both externally and internally, provided that the woman does not have access to bee products. After all, honey is a strong allergen, and if any negative effects occur, its use should be stopped.

The use of honey internally helps dry cough gradually become productive. However, you can also use products with honey when it is wet. This treatment will help speed up the process of clearing the bronchi from mucus.

External use

  • You can rub the chest area with honey - this procedure is carried out in the morning and evening.
  • At night, you can put compresses on your chest using warmed honey. The compress is covered with cling film.

Application internally

  • Three times a day before meals you need to slowly dissolve 1 tsp. honey, slightly warmed.
  • Honey can be added to tea and other drinks - 1 teaspoon per glass of liquid.
  • You can prepare a remedy from honey and black radish juice (1:2), which you drink three times a day, 2 tbsp. l.

Onion garlic

These are very strong natural antiseptics, phytoncides which effectively destroy bacteria and viruses. Therefore, both onions and garlic can simply be cut and placed indoors to ensure air disinfection. If you put several cut cloves of garlic and onion on plates, you get the so-called indirect inhalation.

You can also use onion and garlic juice separately. To get juice, you need to chop onion or garlic and mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey After half an hour, strain the released juice and take 1 tsp several times a day.

As for whether pregnant women can eat garlic, there are different opinions. After all, some experts claim that it can increase the tone of the uterus and also cause allergic manifestations. But still, most doctors agree that it can be consumed in very small quantities.


You can soothe a throat that is inflamed due to illness with warm milk. It will also help cope with coughing attacks and calm the nerves.

Milk should be drunk in small sips, it should be warm.

  • If you mix it with alkaline still mineral water (1:1), then this mixture will promote the separation of phlegm.
  • You can boil milk with sage (1 tablespoon of herb per 200 g of milk). Drink 1 tbsp before bed. l.
  • A drink made from milk and figs helps with colds. To prepare it, four dried figs are boiled in half a liter of milk until it turns brown. Drink 100 g of this product warm three times a day.
  • Folk remedies with comfrey And coltsfoot : these plants contain alkaloids pyrrolizidine , which are carcinogenic and can cause mutations during development.
  • Products with ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, since they increase, cause allergic manifestations. If tablets or medicine contain such drugs, you must inform your doctor about this.
  • Medicines with ginkgo biloba - they impair blood clotting and can cause uterine bleeding.
  • Medicines with St. John's wort: reduce the effectiveness of painkillers and can worsen the effect of anesthesia during the procedure.

How to prevent coughing in expectant mothers

Every woman expecting a child is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the condition of the unborn baby throughout the entire nine months. It is very important to try not to get sick at this time and to prevent the development of those unpleasant symptoms that can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. How cough affects the fetus has already been discussed above. To avoid negative effects, you need to take maximum care of yourself during pregnancy:

  • Avoid contact with people with colds and stay as little as possible in places where there are many people at the same time. The latter is especially relevant during periods of epidemic colds.
  • If you need to visit any public place, you need to lubricate the nasal mucosa Vaseline or, try to keep your mouth closed. After returning home, you should wash your hands very well, rinse your nose and rinse your mouth with saline or boiled water.
  • The room in which a woman stays needs to be ventilated as often as possible and wet cleaned.
  • Daily walks in the fresh air are very important - they should be long.
  • It is necessary to prevent hypothermia and overheating, and not to change the climate sharply.

As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor. You can practice inhalations, traditional methods, or suck on lollipops only if the woman is sure that she is developing a cold.


Thus, every expectant mother should take care of her health and try by all means to prevent illness. If the cold still prevails, you should definitely consult a doctor about whether pregnant women can take any cough tablets during pregnancy. Even those cough tablets for pregnant women or cough syrup during pregnancy, which, according to the instructions, can be used by expectant mothers, it is better not to drink without a doctor’s prescription. By the way, if after treatment the cold begins to bother you, you should not take products like. You should also consult a doctor with such symptoms.

If you have a strong cough, you should not follow advice on forums about what kind of cough syrup you can use during pregnancy. And even pharmacists’ recommendations on which cough syrup to choose for pregnant women should not become a guide to action. Only safe means described above and prevention methods will not harm the health of mother and baby. All other drugs can be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

When a woman learns that she is going to become a mother in the near future, she begins to be especially attentive to her health. Despite this, many pregnant women suffer from viral and bacterial diseases. And all due to the fact that immunity during this period is somewhat reduced. The most common cause of concern is a dry cough. During pregnancy, how to treat this symptom? You will know about this after reading the article.

during pregnancy

The 1st trimester is the period that accounts for up to 80 percent in expectant mothers. This all happens because the immune defense is reduced. This is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Otherwise, the body will reject the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body.

A dry cough while expecting a baby may be a consequence of an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. Expectant mothers are also prone to allergies. In this case, a dry cough may develop. Irritation in the throat is sometimes a consequence of bacterial infection of the tonsils and parapharyngeal ring. This most often occurs when eating cold foods. may cause a dry cough.

Correction of pathology

If you have a dry cough during pregnancy, a specialist will tell you how to treat it. Remember that any independent prescription can lead not only to a complication of the expectant mother’s condition, but also to a negative impact on the fetus. Most medications are prohibited from being used during this period. However, doctors know the list of approved drugs and prescribe them if necessary. There is another way to eliminate dry cough during pregnancy. Treatment can be carried out using traditional methods. In this case, you also need to be careful.

First, it’s worth finding out what causes a dry cough during pregnancy. Treatment is chosen only after this. An incorrectly selected correction will only contribute to the development of symptoms. Let us consider in detail what causes a dry cough during pregnancy and how to treat it in different situations.

Allergic reaction

Quite often, expectant mothers encounter allergies. The reaction may occur when certain plants bloom or to chemicals. Also, some pregnant women experience food allergies. For the treatment of this pathology, for example, “Tavegil”, “Suprastin”, “Zyrtek” and so on are prescribed.

It is worth noting that almost all antiallergic drugs are prohibited while expecting a child. However, doctors can choose a certain gentle regimen, taking into account the development period of the embryo. Remember that self-prescribing these medications can lead to disastrous consequences.

Cold or viral infection

What to do if the expectant mother catches the virus and develops a dry cough during pregnancy? How to treat this pathology? Of course, you first need to visit a therapist and make sure that the cause is the disease. Most often, doctors prescribe immunomodulators to women, for example: Arbidol, Oscilococcinum, Interferon, and so on.

Therapy can also be symptomatic. In this case, remedies are used to relieve dry cough during pregnancy. The most common medications are: “Tantum Verde”, “Lizobakt”, “Inhalipt” and others. When prescribing certain medications, you should always take into account the duration of pregnancy.

Bacterial disease or pathology in the bronchi

If inflammation occurs in the lungs and bronchi, resulting in a dry cough during pregnancy, how to treat this pathology? In most cases, doctors prescribe medications that come in the form of syrups and suspensions. Such drugs include: “Stodal”, “Gerbion”, “Gedelix” and many others.

With a bacterial disease, the body temperature often rises. While expecting a baby, this can be very dangerous. during pregnancy in this case? You can use Teraflu, Coldrex Knight, and so on. In this case, it is worth considering the period and possible risks.

Dry air

In addition to all the reasons listed, a dry cough may occur during pregnancy due to insufficiently humidified air. How to treat this phenomenon in this case?

The impact of dry air on the respiratory system can be enormous. However, this reason is the most harmless. Treatment in this case is not prescribed. Doctors strongly recommend using special devices or humidifying the air in the room with improvised means. Usually within a few hours a woman begins to feel improvements.

Use of inhalations

If you have a dry cough during pregnancy, how can you treat it without medication? Inhalations are an excellent option. This method is quite safe and does not have a negative effect on the fetus and the woman’s organs. It must be remembered that inhalation should not be carried out when body temperature rises. You can use a special device (inhaler) for the procedure or use improvised means.

You can use a variety of cough syrups for your inhaler. You can also pour regular mineral water or saline solution into the device. If you don’t have an inhaler at hand, then use other methods. Heat the kettle and breathe in the steam. To enhance the effect, you can use a homemade cardboard tube. Potato steam also treats dry cough very well.

Healing teas and decoctions

How to safely treat dry cough during pregnancy? People know many different “grandmother’s” recipes. Almost all of them contain various herbs. It is worth noting that some components can negatively affect the fetus. Many compounds even have an abortifacient effect. That is why before starting any treatment it is necessary to consult a specialist. Here are some proven and most harmless recipes for making teas.

  • Take dried thyme and linden in equal proportions. Infuse the herbs with one liter of boiling water. After this, cover the container with a lid and wait 20 minutes. Next, strain the solution and take it one glass at a time before bed. The prepared composition should be stored in the refrigerator and reheated before use.
  • Use 2 tablespoons of dried meadow clover (florets) with 300 milliliters of boiling water. Cook the decoction for about 15 minutes, then strain and cool the mixture. You need to take the medicine half a glass three times a day.
  • Take two tablespoons of raspberry jam and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Let the product sit for about 10-20 minutes and drink warm. You need to know that raspberries help to some extent soften the cervix. That is why you should not use this method if there is a high probability of premature birth.
  • Lemon helps remove the virus from the body and improve immunity. If a dry cough is caused by a cold, then feel free to use this recipe. Take a few slices of peeled lemon and mash it. Pour half a glass of boiling water and cool slightly. Drink tea after meals.


How else can you treat dry cough during pregnancy without taking medications? You can safely gargle. This treatment has no effect on the fetus due to the fact that the drugs are not absorbed into the blood.

You can gargle using a wide variety of means. Salt and soda are an excellent antiseptic and regenerating agent. Chamomile relieves inflammation and soothes irritated mucous membranes. Sage has an astringent effect, relieving redness.

It is better to gargle after eating. You can do this several times a day. In this case, after the manipulation you should refrain from drinking for about half an hour.

Tips for treating dry cough during pregnancy at different periods

Many expectant mothers turn to doctors with the words: “I developed a dry cough during pregnancy. How to treat? Help!" Surely you know that the entire period of bearing a child is divided into three parts, which are called trimesters. The first period of this time is the most dangerous for colds. If at this time you have a dry cough, then you should give preference to using safe remedies: decoctions, teas, inhalations and rinses. At this stage, important organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed. Uncontrolled use of medications can lead to various damages and irreversible consequences.

How can you treat dry cough during pregnancy (2nd trimester) in later stages? During this period, treatment involves mostly medications. At this time, the unborn child is reliably protected by the placenta. It is worth noting that during this period you can even use antibacterial and antimicrobial agents, but this should only be done on the recommendation of a doctor.

There are several limitations to late treatment. A dry cough during pregnancy (3rd trimester) can be especially dangerous. This period brings the expectant mother closer to meeting her baby every day. That is why doctors are wary of prescribing certain drugs for correction. Many medications should not be used less than a month before giving birth. This is explained by the fact that the drugs are absorbed into the blood and can be excreted in breast milk. This is why it is so important not to make independent prescriptions, but to turn to doctors for help.

Summary and conclusion

You now know how you can treat dry cough during pregnancy. Remember that in some cases the disease can be very dangerous. When the abdominal wall is tense, the tone of the uterus increases and the pressure inside the reproductive organ increases. All this can lead to temporary oxygen starvation in the unborn baby.

If symptoms occur, contact a gynecologist or therapist and get qualified prescriptions. Always listen to your doctor's advice and stay healthy!
