What can you anoint when burned in the sun. What to do if the face is badly burned in the sun

Sunburn causes inflammation of the surface of the skin. They are due to the genetic characteristics of a person, skin type, time of day, climate, duration of insolation.

The characteristic signs of a burn may be redness (erythema), burning, dizziness, weakness, nausea. The mild form passes in two to three days, the complex one will require enhanced treatment.

It is worth staying a little longer on a sunny beach, as you notice that you are a little burned. In this case, the skin acquires a reddish tint and begins to ache. You can protect yourself from the negative effects of sunlight with the help of special creams with a UV filter, hats (hats, Panama hats).

Initial burn symptoms can be noticed within half an hour. If timely measures are not taken, then the vacationer risks getting an unpleasant clinical picture:

  • the skin becomes dry, hot,
  • excessive sensitivity to touch increases, soreness, swelling appears in places,
  • itching is replaced by an increase in the number of white blisters of different sizes,
  • from overheating, the body loses a lot of moisture, dehydration can lead to a state of shock,
  • chills begin, the person falls into a feverish state,
  • headache in the temples and crown.

In children, a change in behavior is a sign of sunburn. They become lethargic, constantly want to sleep, eat poorly, act up.

What not to do with a burn

The initial symptoms of a burn can be relieved through competent actions. In this case, it is prohibited:

  • Wipe the body with ice cubes, as the death of the epithelial layer will begin from the temperature contrast. The restoration of skin health will be long-term, with the use of cosmetics.
  • Use soap containing alkali for washing. This substance destroys the protective cover. Significant mechanical impact from a washcloth or the use of scrubs can provoke inflammation.
  • Alcohol-based products are also harmful because they stimulate the dehydration process.
  • It is undesirable to apply fat, vaseline immediately, they will not allow the skin to breathe, closing the pores.
  • Piercing blisters opens access to pathogenic bacteria, leads to the development of a skin infection.
  • Long exposure to the sun without protection.
  • Drink a lot of alcohol, strong coffee, tea. These drinks remove moisture from the body, are diuretics.

The first steps to eliminate the consequences of a burn

If a person is badly burned, then he should do this:

  • quickly hide from the sun in the shade of trees or under a canopy,
  • return to the hotel, take a cool shower, you can make lotions on the damaged areas - put napkins moistened with water, apply gauze bandages,
  • with local burns, cool baths help well, if burned parts of the body are lowered into them from time to time,
  • simultaneously with all the above procedures, you need to drink more mineral water, but not directly from the refrigerator.
  • when you feel chills, your head starts to hurt and feel dizzy, nausea sets in, call an ambulance, as there is a possibility of getting a sunstroke,
  • take painkillers - aspirin, analgin.

Parents' actions when the baby is sunburned

Children's burns can appear after 8-10 hours of exposure to the open sun. Especially unprotected is the thin skin of babies under 1 year old. Lack of headgear leads to heat stroke. If the baby has a fever, he is shivering, his head hurts, blisters appear, immediately call an ambulance.

What to do when the baby is burned in the sun:

  • wet his skin with cool water,
  • apply a special baby cream after sunburn,
  • treat the skin with an aerosol that does not cause allergies,
  • clothing should be loose, made of cotton fabrics,
  • put the baby in the shade,
  • take your baby to the doctor as soon as possible.

If a pregnant woman burns in the sun, then she needs to go to an appointment with a gynecologist. You need to make sure that everything is in order with the embryo. Medical intervention may be required. In hot weather, in this position, it is better not to sunbathe at all, otherwise your health will worsen. For the intrauterine development of the baby, overheating is especially dangerous.

Child burned in the sun

A baby suffers more from sunburn than an adult. It is desirable to protect him from such problems as far as possible. Burns in children are dangerous because they appear after 8-10 hours. Prior to this, it is impossible to notice any special signs of malaise. Then the temperature rises sharply, the skin turns red, the body and head are very sore. The child becomes whiny, restless.

What to do in such cases? First you need to relieve pain. Dr. Komarovsky advises using a cool compress, moisturizing children's kerm, burn ointments, drinking plenty of water. The body of the baby should breathe, be as open as possible. An excellent tool is the Panthenol sprayer.

What to do if your back is burned in the sun

If a person has a badly burned back, he should be placed in the shade, give him cool water to drink. Taking a shower without the use of gel-like and other hygiene products helps relieve itching, as they dry the skin even more. Swelling, pain, itching helps taking painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines - paracetamol, ibuprofen, loratadine.

Eat foods containing vitamins E, C, A. This will help the epithelium recover faster.

When the back burns in the sun, various ointments are often used. One of the most popular is Panthenol. The presence of vitamin F allows you to soften the skin, quickly heal wounds. Thanks to the use of the product, a new layer of skin is quickly formed.

The Rescuer ointment also gives a cooling effect. It will also help relieve irritation. Sea buckthorn oil allows wounds to heal, to protect against infection. This is a great antioxidant. Soak a sterile gauze or napkin in it, apply it to the affected areas. Gel "Eplan" has an antibacterial effect, relieves pain, increases the process of tissue regeneration.

Several healing remedies can be found in your refrigerator. For example, curdled milk, egg whites, grated potatoes with cucumber. Cooling baths with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, burdock, nettle are used.

If your face is burned in the sun

The skin of the face is the most sensitive, it burns out in the sun instantly, even if you don’t sunbathe on the beach, but just stay outside for a long time in the heat.

What to do in such cases? Green tea helps relieve burn symptoms. It contains many catechins and other beneficial acids. Chilled tea can be used to lubricate the skin or make lotions.

When your face is badly burned in the sun, do cool compresses. Gradually, the pain will subside, and you will feel significant relief. Pharmacies sell sprays, creams based on panthenol. They are good for soothing burned areas. Oatmeal is good. It is poured into a cotton bag, moistened with water and applied to sore spots.

Turmeric can relieve inflammation, pain, fight blistering. Several tablespoons of the powder are poured with water until a slurry is formed. This mixture is then applied to the burnt area of ​​the skin.

Masks made from aloe juice, large leaves of sauerkraut, based on fermented milk products are excellent help. It is enough to hold them on the skin for several minutes, as the effect will be achieved.

Burnt shoulders in the sun

Hydrated skin is most exposed to UV radiation. Swimming in the sea, you can not notice that the shoulders are reddened. They often receive the highest dose of radiation.

What to do if you are worried about severe shoulder pain? There are several types of emergency assistance:

  • Buy a spray with panthenol at the pharmacy, which relieves pain, speeds up the recovery of the skin.
  • Cucumber or potato gruel wrapped in gauze soothes hot skin, promoting its healing.
  • A mixture of watermelon and cucumber juice also helps to recover faster.
  • The usual baby cream makes the skin of the shoulders softer, relieves irritation, itching, burning.

Burnt legs

The pursuit of a beautiful bronze tan of the legs sometimes ends in getting burns.

If your legs are badly burned in the sun, then they hurt quite noticeably. The pain is especially pronounced when a person is standing. With increased redness of the legs, immediately go to a shady place so that the skin calms down. Otherwise, blisters will subsequently appear on the places of redness, which will take much longer and more difficult to treat. Do not hesitate to go to the doctor when your legs are swollen. This indicates problems with the veins.

What to do to relieve pain, eliminate the feeling of tightness of the skin of the legs? Use moisturizing creams, cold lotions. Today, special after-sun products are sold.

Burnt nose in the sun

Most often, during a stay on the beach, the nose burns, because this is the most protruding part of the face. When you see a pink nose in the mirror, take immediate action. Redness is the first sign that the nose has suffered from the sun, it needs help.

To protect it from additional radiation, put a hat on your head. Move from an open area to the shade of trees or a canopy. A slightly cooled body can be rinsed with cool water. The nose can be gently wiped with aloe lotion. The product must be alcohol-free. It is better to use a sponge or a cotton swab in this case, so as not to injure the skin.

A severely burned nose requires serious treatment. A visit to the doctor will help solve the problem.

What to do at home

If during the summer vacation a person was burned in the sun, then you can try home remedies to eliminate the consequences of the burns. To prevent the skin from burning completely, try not to go out into the open sun often, especially in the middle of the day, when the sun is most active.

Folk remedies help to successfully treat sunburn at home:

  • Baking soda. She is always at hand. Mix a couple of tablespoons of baking soda with water to a paste consistency. Lubricate the affected areas. The tool cools the skin, taking away excess heat.
  • Black tea. A strong drink can also heal the affected skin. Usually wraps are made from the infusion of black tea.
  • St. John's wort. Pour a spoonful of chopped grass with a glass of boiling water, put the container on the fire, bring to a boil, insist. The broth will need to be cooled to room temperature. It is used to make lotions for the skin. Within an hour, compresses should be changed every 10 minutes. Such procedures should be carried out 3-4 times a day.
  • Chamomile. We brew 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical chamomile in a glass of boiling water. This remedy relieves irritation, protects against infection entering the skin.
  • Oak bark. With a serious burn, this is the best healer. A decoction of the bark has a beneficial effect on the skin, is used in many cases.

In addition to all of the above, you need to drink more water, take herbal baths, give up tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics. In general, for the heat, you should always have dresses, T-shirts, cotton shorts in your wardrobe.

To do this, you need to follow only a few points:

  • You need to start sunbathing according to the duration of being under the sun from 5 minutes, each time add 5-7 minutes of time. Thus, after 10 days you will already be under the sun for 1 hour and already get an even, gentle tan. After that, you can add 20-30 minutes, and after another 5 days you can already fully sunbathe.
  • It is not recommended to spend more than 2 hours a day under the open sun. If you spend more than 2 hours on the beach, then outside of this period, you need to be in the shade or dressed (including a hat and sunglasses).
  • From the first day until the appearance of a light tan, regardless of skin type, it is mandatory to use sunscreens with a high protection index (SPF-60 - 30, depending on the territory where you rest) After the appearance of a tan, the protection index can be reduced to SPF-20-5 already depending on skin type. For light-skinned and light-eyed people, the protection index should be as high as possible from 60 at the beginning to 30-20 at the end of the sunbathing season. For swarthy and dark-eyed people, the protection index is lower.

In addition, these creams must protect against UV rays of the A and B spectra (UVA and UVB).

  • If you use protection from only one rays, you can get burned from others.
  • The cream must be rubbed in a thin even layer over the entire surface of the body for 10-20 minutes (depending on the instructions on the cream) before going outside.
  • After bathing, if the cream is washed off with water or wiped off with a towel, you need to apply a new layer of cream.
  • The best time for an even tan without burns is before 11 am and after 4 pm.
  • Near water, tanning is faster, as you get a double dose of sun, consisting of rays incident and reflected from the water.
  • After bathing, it is better to dry yourself with a towel, as a lot of droplets form on you - many small convex lenses that concentrate the sun's rays on your skin in a point, and the risk of sunburn increases significantly.
  • Immediately after coming back from the beach, you need to wash yourself (use a shower gel with a neutral pH) and apply a moisturizer or moisturizing body milk.
  • Sunbathing is strongly not recommended when taking drugs * (see at the end of the article), as they can cause photodermatosis, an allergic skin disease that will have to be treated. Moreover, some drugs cause skin pigmentation, which is difficult, and sometimes impossible to get rid of.

What to do if you get burned in the sun?

It depends of course on the symptoms, how severe the burn is.
1. If there is redness, a slight burning sensation and sensitivity when touched, a temperature of up to 37.2 is possible, in these cases you can handle it at home.

  • Adults aspirin 1 tab. up to 3 times a day (read the instructions, for some people there may be contraindications), if the temperature is above normal.
  • Cool baths or lotions with starch. For the bathroom 1.5 - 2 cups of dry starch, the procedure takes 20 minutes. Per liter of water - 2-3 teaspoons, moisten gauze in 4 layers or a towel in 1 layer, wring out so that it does not flow, apply to hot areas. When the gauze or towel warms up, moisten again, wring out, attach, so for 40 minutes. The temperature of the water should be 2 degrees below the temperature of the burnt body. This procedure can be done 2 max. 3 times until the disappearance of acute inflammation.
  • After carrying out water procedures, pour the inflamed areas of the skin with Panthenol spray, leave until absorbed. This should be done 2-3 times a day until the redness disappears.
  • Drink more liquid up to 2 - 2.5 liters.
  • Do not go out in the sun until the redness disappears.

2. If blisters, swelling of the skin, erosion, weeping, hemorrhages in the skin appear, the temperature rises above 37.5, there is a headache, nausea, vomiting, you need to immediately contact a general practitioner or call an emergency.

Attention: the active substance is written, not the commercial name of the drug. What is the true name of the drug (active substance) - it is written in its instructions.

Many people are familiar with the sensations after a sunburn or excessive tanning. Few would say it's nice. But, one way or another, people continue to burn in the sun every year for various reasons, whether it's an unsuccessful tan on the seashore or an afternoon walk around the city on a hot summer day. In any case, it is very important to know what immediate measures can be taken after a sunburn.

Pain relief for burnt skin

In order to get rid of pain, it is worth taking inside analgesic pill.
It could be:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
  • Paracetamol.
  • Nurofen.
  • Analgin.

These drugs, in addition to the main analgesic effect, also counteract the production and distribution further along the body of substances that contribute to the spread and increase in edema in the burn area.
Has a good analgesic effect a compress of gauze soaked in a 0.25-0.5% novocaine solution , or rubbing the skin ordinary vodka.

Skin healing and inflammation relief

To get rid of inflammation on the skin in the form of redness, swelling and burning, it is necessary to have a preparation based on the substance in the medicine cabinet. panthenol, which is available in the form of ointments, creams or sprays. The name is also different: D-Panthenol, Panthenol, Bepanthen etc. In addition to the local effect in the healing of burnt skin, thanks to this drug, general well-being will also improve. It is recommended to apply the cream, ointment or spray very often until the skin looks visibly better. This usually needs to be done once every 20-30 minutes .
Also possible alternating layers of the drug with an anesthetic or cooling compress , which is a simple soft cloth, towel or gauze soaked in cold water. Of course, you must first make sure that the tissue used is clean, especially if there are blisters on the affected skin.

Traditional medicine recipes: ways to eliminate the effects of sunburn

After removing critical inflammation or in the absence of the necessary ointments or creams at hand, you can turn to traditional medicine. These recipes have been tested by time and thousands of people who have tested their beneficial effects. natural components of nature.

After the winter cold, people are looking forward to the summer to go to the sea coast and soak up the rays of the lacquered sun, get an attractive even tan that emphasizes the beauty of the body. But very often, a long-awaited vacation and a great pastime are overshadowed by getting a sunburn, and in this regard, everyone needs to know what to do if they are very sunburnt in the sun.

Before talking about first aid for a sunburn and the subsequent treatment of this uncomfortable condition, you should consider the signs that indicate that a person has really sunburnt. So, the first symptoms of a sunburn, which include pain, redness, swelling of the skin, the formation of bubbles on them, make themselves felt after a few hours after contact with direct sunlight. Since in most cases, sunburn affects large areas of the skin, it is not uncommon for a person to experience weakness, malaise, headaches, and an increase in body temperature.

If sunburn occurs, what should be done in this case, what should be the first aid to the victim to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of this condition? First of all, it is necessary to immediately hide from exposure to sunlight in a cool room, if this is not possible, then you can hide under a canopy or in the shade of trees. If a person does not feel well at the same time, he has a severe headache, nausea and dizziness are observed, indicating a heat stroke, it is recommended to call an ambulance team. If the general well-being is not affected, it is necessary to take a number of measures that can help the body and skin to overcome the damaging effects of sunlight. For this purpose, a gauze bandage pre-soaked in cold water should be applied to the affected areas of the skin and changed after 10-15 minutes. If the affected area is significant, you can wrap the victim in a wet sheet, and if conditions are available, it would be nice to provide the person with a cool shower. Such saving measures immediately have a double effect - they help reduce burning sensation, pain and moisturize the skin, preventing the subsequent destruction of its layers. Along with this, to prevent dehydration of the body, it is necessary to provide the victim with plenty of fluids, which can be ordinary water, tea, fruit drinks.

When the skin is burned due to exposure to sunlight, it is strictly forbidden to carry out the following activities:

Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with ice. After such a procedure, a person will feel significant relief, but he will have to pay a heavy price for it: the death of the epithelium and a long recovery period;

Wash damaged skin with alkaline soap, which destroys its protective layer;

Rub the skin with a washcloth, apply scrubs on it. The fact is that any maceration greatly enhances the inflammatory response;

Apply to the skin products that contain alcohol, as this component can cause additional dehydration;

Treat the affected areas with petroleum jelly, which clogs the pores and makes it difficult for the skin to breathe;

Pierce the blisters that form as a result of burning the skin;

During the entire period of treatment is under the direct rays of the sun;

Drink alcoholic beverages, strong coffee or tea.

When you are badly burned in the sun, what should folk methods offer in this case, how to alleviate the condition of the victim with the help of improvised means and methods? Fermented milk products such as cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt (applied in a thin layer on the skin) have proven themselves well in the treatment of sunburn, relieving burning, cooling inflamed areas and reducing redness due to the formation of a protein film on the surface of the skin.

A compress from strong tea leaves will relieve unpleasant pain symptoms, for the preparation of which it is necessary to brew 4 tea bags in a glass of boiling water, cool the resulting product, moisten gauze in it abundantly, which is applied to the affected areas (the procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day).

Potato juice is considered to be a magical effect in the fight against skin burning, for which the root crop should be grated, the resulting potato mass should be wrapped in gauze, squeezed well and applied to the skin.

Among other folk remedies, the following are very popular:

Raw egg white. Lubricate the affected skin and do not rinse until the product is completely dry, until the victim feels a feeling of tightening of the skin surface. Next, the burn area must be wiped with a napkin or gauze folded in several layers, previously moistened with water.

Aloe. An important condition for this therapeutic recipe is to use a houseplant older than three years. Cut about 10 leaves from aloe, wash them, pass through a meat grinder to obtain a mushy mass, into which pour 2-3 tablespoons of milk. Treat the burnt areas of the skin with a ready-made therapeutic composition and do not rinse off the product for 30-40 minutes.

Olive oil. Enriched with a whole complex of various vitamins, this remedy will help activate the processes of restoring damaged skin and promote the formation of a protective film that prevents moisture from evaporating from the skin.

Pumpkin. Pass the pulp of the pumpkin through a meat grinder, apply the resulting slurry to the affected areas of the skin and cover the compress with gauze on top, otherwise, under the influence of oxygen, the pulp of the vegetable will dry out and lose its healing properties.

Many people, experiencing severe pain from sunburn and not wanting to self-medicate, come to the doctor with the question “I got burned, what should I do?”. A specialist to alleviate the patient's condition will recommend the use of the following drugs:

Panthenol is a wound healing drug available in the form of an ointment, cream and gel. It is used for any degree of sunburn, while in the early stages of skin burning it is recommended to use a gel, in the later stages - an ointment. The drug moisturizes the skin, protects it and activates the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues.

Methyluracil, which is a paraffin-based ointment. Its use is relevant at the stage of healing. The product stimulates the regenerative processes of the skin.

Fastin is a fat-based ointment, a combined drug, which contains synthomycin, anestezin and furatsilin.

Rescuer - ointment, the constituent components of which are sea buckthorn oil, beeswax and plant extracts, form a protective film on the burned surface, have a wound healing, softening, analgesic and protective effect.

Kremgen - a cream, which includes an antibiotic and a hormonal substance, is recommended for use in sunburns that occur with swelling of the skin.

In order to avoid burning the skin and all the unpleasant symptoms associated with this condition, you must:

Before going outside in sunny weather, apply sunscreen to exposed skin;

After swimming in a pond, be sure to wipe the body with a towel, as moisture attracts the sun's rays;

Plan a trip to the beach either in the afternoon or in the evening, since from 12 to 16 hours there is maximum solar activity and a short stay in the sun may be enough to get a burn.

Thus, easy-to-use folk recipes and effective medicines will help eliminate the symptoms of sunburn, relieve pain and return a person to good health. By following these sunburn prevention tips, you can minimize the chances of sunburn and enjoy your long-awaited summer vacation to the fullest.

Overlapped on the beach? Chose the wrong sunscreen? Or applied the cream as needed? And now, let's guess, you're sitting with your epidermis tightened, all red as a tomato. I just want to exclaim: but we told you “All about sunscreens”! If you missed it, be sure to read it later.

Now, run into the shade and learn how to quickly fix a sunburn situation. Teaches Svetlana Romanova, dermatologist-cosmetologist at the Beauty Style beauty salon in Krasnaya Presnya.

  1. Immediately drink as many glasses of water (warm - not icy!) as you can. It will cool your body from the inside. And go to the shower, with the same intention - to cool off. (Our nutritionist tells about what is better to drink in the heat).
  2. Now your main goal is to reduce inflammation. If you have stocked up on a product with the neck of After Sun, feel free to put it into action. In general, regular body milk is also suitable. Just make sure it contains restorative ingredients like aloe vera and collagen. If you find moisturizing hyaluronic acid on the label of your copy, consider yourself lucky. Without hesitation, smear it on skin affected by UV radiation as often as possible. The doctor advises to give preference to creamy textures. It hurts to touch the body - save yourself with a spray.
  3. Whoever says anything cooling products, alas, will not save you. According to Svetlana Romanova, they do not cure, but only alleviate the symptoms, temporarily relieving discomfort. So don't waste your time on them.
  4. You feel that you can’t get rid of cosmetic methods - fly to the pharmacy for panthenol, which doctors prescribe for all types of burns. It contains vitamin B5, which accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. Actovegin will also cope with the problem with a bang: this drug is available in tablets and capsules.
  5. There was nothing suitable in the suitcase, and the nearest pharmacy seems to be just around the corner? Do not panic: the dermatocosmetologist advises to spread the affected areas of the body with ordinary sour cream. Or sea buckthorn oil: you can add it to your cream or apply it in its pure form.

1. After-sun balm SOS, Ambre Solaire, Garnier
2. Vitamin B5 Body Moisturizer, (Malin+Goetz)
3. Two-Phase After Sun Spray With Aloe, Special Perfect Tanning, Collistar
4. Moisturizing and soothing balm Aloe Vera Soft, Melvita


At the same time, we asked the doctor what you definitely should not do so as not to aggravate the situation.

  • Appear in the sun during peak hours (from 12:00 to 16:00), especially in a swimsuit. For outings from under an umbrella, choose light-colored cotton clothes for yourself - you'll see, your skin will like it.
  • Smother with perfume, especially with bergamot: it can provoke the appearance of age spots.
  • Smear with retinol cream and drink carrot juice in glasses. Remember, this couple seriously increases the photosensitivity of the skin.
