What to do if there is a brown spot on the nail. A dark spot formed on the nail of the big toe

Brown spots on the nails are one of the symptoms of a certain number of diseases that in most cases require treatment. Normally, the nail plate should be smooth, without additional elements (stripes, bumps, etc.), dull pink in color and with a moon-shaped hole.

With its visual changes, it is necessary to consult a doctor to diagnose possible diseases that cause such metamorphoses. Brown spots on the nails of the feet and hands may indicate the presence of serious diseases of the internal organs that require full treatment.

Quite often, patients with various forms of metabolic diseases do not know how to behave if a brown spot appears on the nail. What is it, how to deal with it and is it worth worrying about? Here are some common questions asked by patients. It’s worth starting by determining the reason why brown spots appeared on the nails. Further already in an individual order there is a selection of a method of therapy.

The most common causes that provoke the appearance of a corresponding change in the nail plate remain:

  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Addison's disease.
  • Onychomycosis, which is caused by red trichophyton.

In all these cases, it is necessary to conduct a qualitative differential diagnosis in order to establish what brown spots on the nails of a particular patient mean.

However, the above diseases remain only a part of those factors that can potentially cause a characteristic change in the nail plate. There are many situations in which brown spots appear on the nails. The reason may lie in the following pathological and physiological conditions:

  • Pregnancy. Against the background of hormonal changes in the body and changes in the nature of metabolism, problems with hair, skin and nails are often observed, which can be manifested by darkening of the corresponding plate.
  • Gynecological operations which are carried out about a variety of diseases of the internal genital organs.
  • Diabetes. A brown spot under the toenail or handnail may be the result of trophic changes and metabolic disorders. Very often, the nail plate becomes coarse and gradually begins to crumble.
  • Malnutrition, a variety of excessive diets, anorexia. Lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals leads to a general deterioration in the condition of the body, which can be manifested by darkening of the nails.
  • Frequent use of low-quality varnishes or violation of the manicure procedure. Improper nail care contributes to the appearance of problems with them.
  • Taking certain medications. Gold-based medications or zidovudine can cause brown discoloration of the nails as a side effect.

One way or another, but in all cases when such spots appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor for differential diagnosis and selection of the appropriate method of treatment.

Brown spot on big toe nail

Nails on the hands often signal some problems inside the body. At the same time, the nail plates of the toes change mainly due to the influence of external factors.

The most common causes that can provoke the appearance of corresponding dark and brown spots on the big or any other toe remain:

  • Injuries.
  • fungal infection.
  • Diabetes
  • All other internal diseases mentioned above.

It is important not to miss the beginning of the problem and start treating it in time.

Brown spots on nails in children

Quite often there are situations when brown spots appear on the nails in children. What do such changes mean and what should we be afraid of?

A brown spot on a child's fingernail may be the result of a recent injury or evidence of the presence of one of the previously listed diseases. Sometimes such changes occur against the background of hypo- or beriberi. Accordingly, to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to correct the diet with an increase in the number of missing trace elements.

Sometimes a brown spot on a child's nail is a congenital feature. However, you need to understand that in this case it is not located on the nail plate itself, but under it or simply on the adjacent skin. Nevertheless, this happens extremely rarely, and if a child has a brown spot under the nail, you should definitely consult a doctor to rule out dangerous diseases.


Malanonychia is another process that can manifest itself as a characteristic darkening of the nail plate. In this case, regular and even stripes of brown color often appear. Their appearance is due to the deposition of melanin pigment in the nail plate. This symptom is not a separate disease. It accompanies other diseases, the most dangerous of which remains subungual melanoma.

An interesting fact remains that approximately 70% of the black population of the United States (according to relevant studies) have some form of melanonychia. This is due to the racial characteristics of the distribution of pigment throughout the body. However, in fair-skinned people, such darkening of the nails is almost always a pathology and requires appropriate treatment.

Melanonychia can sometimes appear as painful brown spots on the fingernails. In this situation, the addition of a secondary bacterial or fungal infection is not excluded. The most common causes of this condition are:

  • Contact with chemicals (potassium permanganate, silver nitrite and others).
  • Psoriasis, scleroderma.
  • Fungal infection of the nail plate.
  • Chronic nail trauma.
  • Epidermal nevus.
  • Taking certain medications (antimalarial drugs and drugs used in chemotherapy).
  • Subungual melanoma.

In any case, the appearance of a brown color of the nail plate should alert the person. The best solution in this situation is to contact a doctor for medical help.

Many people are faced with the fact that they have darkened toenails on their big toes. For effective treatment, the cause must be eliminated. It can be caused by external factors: trauma, frostbite, bruise. These situations are not critical and safe. The blackened nail will grow back and will not bother the person.

But sometimes blackening is caused by internal factors: diseases or fungal infections. In these cases, the patient needs timely treatment.

Causes of blackening

Large toenails can turn black for two main reasons: external and internal.

External factors include the following:

  • bruised toe - after a microtrauma, the vessels under the nail plate burst, resulting in a small hemorrhage;
  • wearing narrow and tight shoes - uncomfortable shoes or boots constantly put pressure on the toes, this damages the vessels and leads to the formation of spots on the big toes;
  • external staining of the nail - poor-quality shoes or bad varnishes can cause the nail to turn dark;
  • exposure to aggressive chemicals on the nail;
  • blue spots on the nails appear as a result of frostbite.

If the nail on the fingers has darkened due to external factors, then these cases are not terrible and safe for life. They will not harm the body.

When bruised, it is worth monitoring the condition of the toe and nail to avoid complications. In the most serious situations, a bruise can lead to gangrene of the big toe.

Internal causes say that this darkening is due to various diseases. Blackening of the nails is a symptom that the body is failing and you should consult a doctor. Internal factors include the following:

  • a tumor of the big toe, which is benign in nature - blood vessels begin to grow under the nail plate, which causes blackness. The tumor must be treated, perhaps the doctor will remove it. As tissues grow, a person feels severe discomfort, turning into pain;
  • fungal diseases of the nails - in these cases, there are also additional signs. The nail crumbles and exfoliates, becomes brittle. The skin around the nail is red, constantly inflamed, sometimes painful cracks and wounds appear on it. Fungal infections are characterized by the defeat of several nails, and not just on the thumb. In parallel, the nails on the hands also suffer;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular or endocrine system. Often, the nail on the big toe turns black with diabetes.

Photo of blackened nails:

Other reasons

Spots on the nails can be of different shades.

  1. Green color indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. A brown spot under the toenail indicates a malfunction of the central nervous system, the main changes take place in the brain.
  3. Blue shades appear due to the fact that the normal blood supply to the nail plate is disturbed.

If the nails turn black due to fungus

Often the causes of blackening are associated with. The causative agents of the genus Candida are localized on the nails. The plates change color, become thick, black or brown spots stand out under the nails. However, nails break easily. The skin of the fingers also suffers from microorganisms. She blushes that bleed. In these situations, you should consult a dermatologist.

What to do in case of injury

One of the main causes of spots on toenails is a bruise. If you accidentally hit your finger or dropped something heavy on your foot, first aid should be given. This will help to avoid hemorrhage under the nail plate.

First of all, you should put cold on the bruised finger. It can be an ice pack, any ice object. If there is no ice, then dip your foot in cold water or put your finger under the stream.

If blood oozes from under the nail, carefully remove it. But do not forget about antiseptic measures. Any item should be treated with an alcohol solution. If external pathogens enter, the infection will only intensify. Gradually, the plate will grow back, black spots on the toenails will come off as they grow.

How to treat black nails

If the toenail has turned black due to a bruise or caused by other external factors, then the defect is easy to eliminate. A person can wait several months for the nail to grow back. If desired, you can seek help from a surgeon. The doctor will suggest going through and then removing the entire nail or piercing it to relieve pressure. The procedure consists in the fact that the nail plate is pierced with a sterile hot needle, blood flows out of the recess. Within a month, the toe nail dies off, and a new one grows in its place. Piercing is a painless and safe procedure.

The entire nail plate is removed under local anesthesia. If the nail is not removed, then it can interfere with the growth of a new, whole plate. It is also possible to splice both nails, which will lead to complications. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe drugs that relieve pain and promote healing. It is recommended to include a wide range of foods containing calcium in the menu.

To effectively eliminate fungi, it is recommended to use antimycotic ointments or creams. These include "", "Nizoral". In addition, it is recommended to take antifungal drugs orally: "", "Fluconazole" "" (basically, tablets of the azole group are prescribed).

In the initial stages of the appearance of the fungus, protective nail polishes help: “”, “”, or you can use Oflomil. But these remedies are powerless when the fungus has affected most of the nail plate.

Folk methods

If the nails on the big toes have darkened due to fungi, then the disease is amenable to complex treatment. But it is worth using folk recipes after consulting a doctor. They should be combined with conventional medicine without replacing it.

  1. The most efficient method is . A sick nail is lubricated twice a day with a solution of iodine. After a while, the pain will go away.
  2. Foot baths help in the treatment. You can add vinegar, potassium permanganate or essential oils to the water. Tea tree oil shows the best results.
  3. Black spots on the nails should be lubricated with Kalanchoe juice or eucalyptus tincture.

Preventive measures

Black nails are just a symptom of the disease. It is impossible to protect yourself from all diseases due to which the nail on the fingers has darkened. The only way to reduce the risk of getting sick is to strengthen the immune system. It consists in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, regular sports training, and a proper diet.

Additional preventive measures that will protect against external factors are the following:

  • do not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, it causes dark and brown spots on the nails;
  • carefully approach the choice of a pedicure master, make sure that the tools are treated with antiseptic agents:
  • do not use low-quality foot cosmetics - it can be bad varnish or acetone. Their use can lead to spots appearing under the toenails.

Often, the nail on the big toe turns black due to the presence of a fungus of the genus Candida. To avoid this disease, follow the rules of personal hygiene. Do not wear someone else's shoes, do not go barefoot in public places. At the first symptoms of a fungus, visit a dermatologist.

The pathogens live in humid environments. Be careful when visiting a bath, sauna, swimming pool (wear only personal shoes).


Black nails indicate that a hemorrhage has occurred under the nail plate. Brown spots on the nails can indicate not only a possible bruise or injury, but also serious disorders in the body. Do not ignore the black spot on the nail. Be sure to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the pathology.

If the blackness is caused by internal factors, then the doctor will find them out and prescribe the necessary treatment. Timely therapy will help to achieve a full recovery.

Nails are a kind of mirror that can show a lot of the lifestyle and character of a person. Their appearance depends not only on the state of human health, but also on nutrition.

The nails of a healthy person should be strong, with a pink tint, not exfoliate or break. In addition, they can change color and become covered with all sorts of spots. Or vice versa, become soft and fragile. Therefore, human nails need regular care and attention. They should always be kept clean, monitor the condition of the cuticle. It is also recommended to use special creams for nails and around them.

The health of nails can be determined by their appearance, color and shape, as well as the condition of the nail bed. We should not forget about the thickness of the nail. Changes in the appearance of the nail plate indicate disorders and a weakened immune system in the human body. One such change is dark spots on the nails. The possibility of this or that disease depends on the appearance of the spots, the density of color and the time of manifestation of the spots. So signs of what diseases can such spots on the nails indicate? Some common causes of the disease should be considered.

Bruising under the nail plate. They look like various dark and purple spots of various sizes. Basically, this is a sign of injury to the nail. In this case, you can notice dark spots under the nails. Although this is not a serious problem, you should be careful. Even slight pressure at the site of the bruise can separate the nail from the nail bed. This is quite painful, and not very aesthetically pleasing. But don't worry too much. The nail will grow back on its own in 6 to 8 weeks.

The effect of "dark nails" may indicate a deficiency of vitamins in the human body, in particular B12. This problem is solved with the help of a doctor and a change in diet.

Sometimes, dark spots on the nails are found in people with heart disease.

A change in the color of the nail plate and the appearance of brown spots at the end of the nail, in some cases, indicate kidney disease.

Glomus tumor. A very serious disease of the nail. It looks like a small bruise or a dark blue bruise. Treatment of such neoplasms is carried out only surgically. Moreover, after removal, relapses of the disease are possible. If you have examined such manifestations on your nails, and are sure that there can be no injury, you should immediately consult a doctor.

One of the manifestations of dark spots on the nails is a disease such as malignant melanoma. With the progression of the disease, cracking of the nail occurs. Dark blue growths form in the cracks, somewhat reminiscent of warts. Treatment is surgical. The main thing to remember is that the sooner you see a doctor, the easier and more effective the treatment will be.

Sometimes so-called pigment anomalies lead to black spots on the nails. This disease looks like dark longitudinal stripes on the nail plate. With such manifestations, a medical examination is required, since a violation of nervous activity in the area of ​​​​the nail bed is possible. Such an anomaly is treated with the help of surgical intervention.

It should be remembered that dark spots are just a symptom of a possible, it must be emphasized - a possible disease. The diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. In 95%, black spots on the nails of the hands are the result of improper and untimely care. Careful and caring attitude to your hands, proper nutrition, good sleep - this is the main "treatment" that is required in most cases. If we talk about dark spots on the toenails, then according to experienced specialists and cosmetologists, this is mainly the problem of tight shoes. Such shoes cause microtrauma to the nails and interfere with normal blood circulation in the toes. It is solved, as you can understand, this problem is very simple. Comfortable shoes and foot massage, use of cream to soften the skin and improve the blood supply to the nails and nail bed.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that the use of calcium and protein, multivitamins and fiber in the diet will make human nails beautiful, strong and shiny. Protecting nails from injuries and cuts, a person protects them from spores of various fungi and infections. To do this, you should follow some rules: if a person likes to take a steam bath and often visits a bath, it is always necessary to walk in personal changeable shoes, since it is possible to get sick with such a disease as nail fungus. After walking on the street, always wash your hands with antibacterial agents.

Nail health always starts with hand health. You should take care of your hands, in the cold season, before you go out, you need to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream and do not forget to wear gloves.

Every person should monitor the condition of their nails and immediately respond to changes in their condition. In our body, they act as a kind of indicator of emerging disorders in the work of internal organs. At the same time, spots on the nails of the hands require special attention, because they are the first messengers of serious problems.

Two kinds of signals

Most often, spots of two groups appear on the nail plate - dark and light. It is worth noting that the appearance of saturated and dark pigmentation of the plate should be considered the most dangerous, because it indicates many serious diseases.

It is also worth noting that dark spots include colors such as red, purple, brown, and even green. Each of the presented colors signals the appearance of a certain ailment or deviation in the functioning of the body.

The main causes of saturated spots

Dark spots on the nails appear due to various reasons, among which the most common is mechanical damage. As a result of impact or strong compression, blood vessels burst in large quantities under the plate - red spots and smudges appear, which then darken and can turn brown and even purple.

However, if you do not remember hitting or squeezing your finger, then you should seriously worry about your health, because heart disease, skin fungus and rheumatoid arthritis have the same symptoms.

Another common reason why dark spots appear on the fingers is a lack of vitamin B12.

It, in turn, occurs when following strict weight loss diets or when the gastrointestinal tract does not work properly. You should review your diet or contact a gastroenterologist.

If you have brown spots that look like bruises, then you should think about the health of your liver. If dark formations first look like a small dot, and then begin to grow, then this may indicate a tumor disease. With its development, cracking of the nails on the fingers and the appearance of dark blue growths are observed.

Dark blue spots usually mean problems with the respiratory system, in particular the lungs and bronchi. The same color signals a glomus tumor - a serious disease of the hearing organs.

Causes of yellowing nails

It is generally accepted that yellow spots appear most often in smokers. The negative impact of nicotine on the body causes similar unpleasant consequences. However, non-smokers, especially girls, are also at risk. Varnishes and chemicals (dishwashing detergents, washing powder) do not allow the nail plate to breathe, which is why it begins to turn yellow.

However, if you have exactly yellow spots, then you should think about visiting doctors, because they indicate quite serious diseases:

  1. Hepatitis. With it, yellow pigmentation is one of the first signs.
  2. Weakened immunity, which is provoked by poor functioning of the lymphatic system.
  3. Violations of the endocrine glands. In this case, you will be told to contact an endocrinologist.
  4. Malignant tumors are often accompanied by present pigmentation of the nails.

Yellow spots can appear as messengers of anemia - anemia - and diabetes.

All diseases are serious and require immediate intervention by specialists. Don't delay visiting your doctor.

An ancient adversary

Needless to say, a fungal infection causes serious problems and undermines human health. Effective methods of combating nail fungus have not yet been developed. A favorable outcome should be expected with the timely detection of a problem that various spots can tell about:

  1. A green spot usually means damage to the surface of the stratum corneum by mold spores.
  2. Surface spots of a dark color - purple, brown, black - indicate the defeat of the plate by yeast fungi.
  3. speaks of the initial stage of infection: dead cells of the finger begin to accumulate under the plate, due to which it turns yellow in appearance.

If you find such pigmentation in large quantities on your fingers, you should immediately sound the alarm. The success of treatment depends primarily on timely treatment.

When dark spots appear on the nails of the hands, you must first consult a doctor. It is best if you go directly to a dermatologist - he knows the problems of the skin and the stratum corneum of a person. In the absence of such a specialist, contact a therapist. Remember: your health depends solely on you.

Everyone would like to have perfect manicures and pedicures all the time, but sometimes there are problems with this. Internal diseases can be identified by external changes. Nails can also be an indicator. If you have any health problems, spots may appear on the nails of your fingers and toes. As soon as you notice this, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Remember that if the body is healthy, then spots will never appear on the plates.

Reasons for the appearance

Depending on the color of the spots, the following causes of their occurrence are distinguished:

  • beriberi - dark;
  • kidney or stomach problems - white;
  • problem skin - yellow;
  • liver disease - black;
  • injury - blue.

It must be remembered that getting rid of the stain, you will not solve the problem. It lies inside your body, and you need to treat the cause. And all external manifestations mean that you need to change something in your lifestyle, and then you will get the result. Those. spots on the nails should be an alarm bell, after which you need to find out and eliminate the cause of their appearance.


Let's look at each type of spots on the nails of the hands and feet separately. This will help guide you on your path to treatment.

  1. Yellow spots on your fingernails may mean that you have some skin problems. To get rid of this consequence, you need to eliminate the cause, i.e. heal the skin. And for this, figure out if everything is good with health, because the skin can also show what internal problems there are. Also, the spots on the nails have yellow tints when the fungus appears.
  2. A blue spot under the nail is most often a consequence of a bruise. It is a blood clot that formed there. In this case, you need to check if everything is fine with the fingers, if they are broken. If this is not serious, then you just need to wait until the nail grows back. But if new spots appear on the nails and have dark shades, then you need to consult a doctor.
  3. If there was no bruise, but a black spot appeared under the nail, then this may be an indicator of liver problems. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.
  4. Brown spots on the nails, if they are dark, indicate a lack of protein and folic acid in the body. You need to rethink your diet.
  5. A green dot is a sign of fungus. You need to change your lifestyle.
  6. If you have red spots on your nails, then this is either the consequences of an injury or a sign of psoriasis or heart disease.

Wearing uncomfortable shoes can cause a dark spot on the big toe nail. In this case, you need to be careful with this and it is better to change shoes so that you no longer
injure the tissues of the nail, because this can lead to more complex and serious consequences and stains on the nails will turn into your constant problem.

If you have dark spots on your toenails, then this may be the beginning of the development of the fungus. Consult a doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis. In cases where the spots on the nails are quite dark, this can lead to detachment of the nail, which in itself is not very pleasant.

Some varnishes can provoke the appearance of spots on the nails. If you notice this, then it is better to throw away such funds.

Removal methods

If spots appear, you need to contact the skin and venereal department of the hospital and consult a doctor.

The easiest way to remove stains on nails that have dark shades. It is easy for them to determine the cause of the appearance. In the cabin, everything will be cleaned quickly and efficiently, but only after you eliminate the cause.

At the same time, if the spots on the nails are not very dark, then this means that the disease is progressing and has not yet reached its peak. It is at this moment that you need to do treatment so as not to miss the moment.

Remember: to always look and be healthy, you need to be attentive to details. As they say, the devil is in the details. And so that he does not get to your health, you will have to pay attention to the slightest changes.

Some of the above problems can be solved at home. To do this, you need to cut off the surface of the nail a little with a nail file with great abrasiveness, and then apply a remedy. In such cases, it is recommended to use olive oil with the addition of a vitamin complex, a decoction of parsley with sea salt, a decoction of oak bark and chamomile. All these components have a good effect on the condition of your hands and feet.
