What to do in bed to surprise your lover. How to make a guy pleasant, effective recommendations for action

How to get a man right and quickly? How to make a man want a woman? Ways.

Relations between two opposite "poles" have never been considered simple. Rather, on the contrary, because for some it is sometimes similar to communicating with a Martian. Many articles and various publications have been written on this topic. But, despite this, people continue to "break their foreheads" against the wall of misunderstanding.

What do men want in bed? What and how to do it right so that a man wants?

The most annoying thing is that the inability to hear your partner often leads to the fact that good and eligible unions are literally shattered. According to statistics, the famous phrase “they didn’t get along” very often means precisely the fact that the partner’s sexual desires remained misunderstood. It cannot be unequivocally stated that sex is simply less important for a woman than for a man. It's just that people often do not deign to waste time asking the nuances of each other's sexual needs and the peculiarities of the perception of a partner. Although for many it is far from a secret that a harmoniously adjusted sexual life significantly adds to life expectancy. So maybe it's still worth a little strain and sort out yourself and the interests of your loved one? Find out what men and women want in bed? Then it will become clear how to get a loved one or a loved one. In fact, everything is not so confusing as it seems at first glance.

One of the differences between the sexes in terms of intimate relationships is already manifested in the very attitude to the word "sex". If men do not have any “troubles” with this, then for women the situation is somewhat different. They divide it into "making love" with a loved one and "just sex", as a way of discharge that has nothing to do with feelings. And if the first option is extolled, then the second one is deliberately, in most cases precisely because of upbringing, taken from the category of “bad girls” behavior and therefore, as a rule, is less attractive to the female half of humanity.

Many young girls complain about that in relation to them. Or maybe this is just the same response to their peculiar coldness. Scientists have long proven the fact that there is a certain discrepancy in terms of the growth of sexual desire and activity. For representatives of the stronger sex, the peak of desire, so to speak, falls precisely at an early age: 17-28 years old, and then gradually declines and may disappear altogether by the age of 50.

But with beautiful creatures, the situation is somewhat different. Developing faster in mental development from birth, they mature sexually much later, namely, their desire is gaining momentum only from about 30 years old. A man up to this age needs to have sex at least 2 times more often than a woman. At the same time, they are afraid to put pressure on their beloved and be branded as a “sexual maniac”. So we have to hush up quiet discontent, which only increases with time and eventually results in an open conflict or banal treason. A man wants, just like a woman, but only in a more uncomplicated form, to feel desired. This is a kind of nourishment for his ego, which is quite normal. After all, a woman also demands recognition from her half of her “most-most”. Although, compared to a woman, men often have requirements for bedding nuances that are not at all as great as the weaker sex might suggest.

How to get a man in bed right and quickly? How to make a man want? - Ways and means.

To understand them, you simply need to remember his centuries-old instincts that have not lost their relevance.

  1. The man was and remains to some extent an animal. And any animal, as you know, reacts to movement. Passively lying "food" is of little interest to him. Likewise, in bed they need a living active woman, and not a "log" (sorry). At the same time, it is not necessary to know all the tricks of the Kamasutra, it is simply enough even to respond to them - stroking, biting, etc. In addition, do not forget that at the same time, a man is also a conqueror, therefore, many are turned on by some inaccessibility of the desired object, which they want to see after some resistance to the conquered one's will. This element of "struggle" also excites men, the most important thing is not to overplay.
  2. By its natural essence, a man is polygamous, that is, he needs a variety of images, mind you, it is images, and not necessarily women, this may explain the passion of many men for games with dressing up. With the help of reincarnations, a woman alone can easily compete with a whole harem.
  3. Almost all representatives of the stronger sex prefer clarity in relationships, as well as in sex. Unlike women who love mystery and twilight, men want to see everything in a real light. The presence of light is mandatory, because in this way they receive additional visual stimulation. And, as you know, nothing can excite so much as the closeness of contemplating the naked body of a beloved woman. At the same time, some looseness is expected from a woman. Forget about insecurity about the beauty of your forms or cellulite, ladies. He already decided on the first date whether he wants you or not.
  4. It is wrong to believe that men are indifferent to beautiful underwear. It just the same and can serve as an additional stimulus to arousal. At the same time, dear ladies, try to make it really feminine, that is, with lace, bows, ruffles, stockings and garters are welcome. A little covered, but at the same time alluringly open body will not leave indifferent almost any "male".
  5. A man in bed can easily transfer the “reins of power” into weak female hands. The main thing is to know the right direction. To do this, you must know what your partner really wants at the moment. Moreover, it has been proven that sometimes a man finds it difficult to fully open up and tell about his secret desires, being afraid to be simply misunderstood. Women, you need all the ability to untie tongues and "rubbed" into confidence in order to find out this "military secret". If you understand what your man needs and can fulfill his desire, consider that you have tied him to you with an iron chain. Never laugh at his desires, but this does not mean that you should indulge him in everything. If something makes you uncomfortable, be tactful but candid about it, it may be possible to find some alternative.
  6. We used to think that only women love with their ears, but this is far from the case. A huge number of men directly tremble when erotic tales of Scheherazade are whispered into his ear. Maybe this is due precisely to the fact that initially not everyone has a well-developed fantasy, but under the inspired plot, like comics, pictures are already being drawn in the head, the result is amazing.
  7. In sex, men definitely want to see the return, that is, having brought a woman to orgasm, they feel like real "macho". If a woman lies silently or, even worse, makes grimaces, then this will discourage hunting, having worked like an ice shower. Moreover, voice guidance is welcome. Maybe this is due to an intuitive understanding at the level of instincts that "the goal has been achieved" and ejaculation can be carried out. Or maybe it's just the stereotype imposed by porn products.

In general, every man wants to have an active, understanding, relaxed, seductive woman next to him in bed. Most importantly, learn to listen and hear each other, and then you will not ask yourself this question: “What do men want in bed?”.

Men, just like women, like to be touched very gently. Therefore, one of the easiest ways to please a man is to give him a massage. If you want him to give you pleasure later, then instead of putting him to sleep, awaken desire in him.

This does not require anything special, just use aromatic and essential oils, ylang-ylang essential oil is especially effective, it has a very strong effect on the sexual desire of men. Therefore, when massaging any part of your man's body and using these oils, make sure that it is completely absorbed.

Try to understand and accept as true that all men remain children in their souls, and at least sometimes let your man feel like a child next to you, to whom everything is possible. Do not forbid him childish pranks, because they are harmless.

You should not constantly demand seriousness from him, this will make the man feel constantly constrained, and if you do not allow him to relax, he will look for other ways or even another woman to do this.

If a man does not require compliments, this does not mean that he does not need them at all. By complimenting your loved one, you thereby demonstrate your attention to him and stimulate his work on himself, he will want to be even better in order to please you even more.

You should not avoid this, thinking that you still won’t be able to say beautifully what you think, simple and even banal compliments are enough to please your loved one - this will help increase his self-esteem and affection for you. If you don’t see each other all day long, this doesn’t mean at all that you should forget about your loved one, and if you don’t have the opportunity to call him, you can send a message saying how much you miss and constantly think about him and even those words that are sometimes hard to say in person.

Even if it’s not quite a woman’s job to bring breakfast to bed, you have no idea what pleasure this unexpected gesture on your part can bring, and you can very well count on a pleasant enough continuation of the whole day for you.

You should not always look for a reason for a kiss or a special setting, let your kisses be unexpected at least sometimes and at the same time it is very important to pretend that this is quite normal. This behavior of yours will say a lot, especially about your attitude towards your man, and from this he will draw the appropriate conclusions.

Usually in many couples it is accepted that the guy and only he is the support and support for his half. This, of course, is correct, because a man is a strong half of your couple, but sometimes and even often they need support and understanding.

And from whom do they expect it? Of course, from you, not from a neighbor. And your task is to provide him with such an opportunity, to listen to him, to support him in difficult times. Let him talk, listen carefully.

While in bed with your loved one, do not be constrained and give vent to feelings, move, try to release more and transfer your energy to your partner, even though you are very modest in life. By doing this, you will show your passion for him, and he will be very impressed with you and, of course, pleased.

Being his girlfriend, don't be afraid to ask what he really wants. And if suddenly this seems surprising or funny to you, then in no case should you show it to him, you risk that he will hide his desires from you and try to fulfill them on the side. Therefore, it will be better if you try to fulfill his desire, then you will definitely not leave him indifferent.

The chest of a man, as well as a woman's, is very sensitive to caresses. A man will be very pleased if you move your hand or kiss his chest, and the more energetically you do this, the more you excite him.

During intercourse, a man wants first of all to please his partner, and feeling that she gets great pleasure, he himself enjoys it. If you remain silent during sex, then you will not be able to demonstrate the pleasure you receive, so do not hesitate to express your feelings through sound, scream, moan, whisper something, the main thing is that your man knows that you feel good with him.

Read more about pleasing men

For her beloved man, a woman must be attractive and sexy. She must be able to use secret tricks so that her lover cannot even think about other girls.

A man likes in a woman:

Studying the addictions of a beloved man

The partner's sexual preferences are primarily affected by his work and lifestyle. It is worth considering that men with different types of character have different addictions:

  1. Conqueror. Such guys love to examine the body of their chosen one, slowly giving themselves to caresses. They remember the poses that the girl liked, caresses, in order to repeat them again. With such a man, you need to behave mysteriously, not to reveal all the secrets, so that the desire does not disappear, to conquer again and again;
  2. Extreme lover. A man who likes to take risks prefers quick sex, without long preludes, in the most unusual places. To maintain a relationship with such a person, you need to become the same "crazy";
  3. Romantic. For subtle romantic natures, it is not so much sex itself that is important, but the feeling of falling in love with your partner. Such men love long kisses, caresses. They do not tolerate rudeness in a woman, vulgarity. A girl for such a guy should be feminine, affectionate.

The addictions of a loved one should coincide with your own. If something categorically disgusts another partner, then such an alliance is doomed to failure.

How to please a man in bed: ways and practical tips

To bring her beloved man to a state of complete bliss, women have to resort to the following methods:

How to give pleasure in bed to your beloved man: secret tricks

Secret tricks will help to fill the relationship with a partner with passion:

Possible mistakes of women

The most common female mistakes in relationships with a man:

Building a harmonious sexual relationship is not an easy task for both partners. The most important thing in any union is to respect each other's opinion and trust. Without trust, even the strongest feelings will fade away from constant reproaches and doubts.

And more information in the next video.

It is not difficult to please a guy if you learn to understand and guess his desires. In addition, men are greedy for attention and tenderness, which can be shown both in bed and in the kitchen, at the time of preparing a romantic dinner for him.

How to please a guy?

Not a single love spell can bind a guy to a girl as much as care, tenderness and passion do. These secret components, coupled with the ability to guess the guy’s desires, catch him on the fly, and understand the most subtle hints, are especially effective. If a girl learns to do this, then she will not have to be afraid of the betrayal of a loved one or a break in relations on his initiative. A reasonable man will not let such a woman go anywhere and will not be able to betray her.

Don't be discouraged if you haven't learned how to do really nice things for a guy yet, this wisdom can be comprehended in just a few steps.

Find out what pleases your loved one

To do this, you do not need to extort all his secrets from his friends. It is enough to become a little more attentive to his behavior. So, men who prefer to dominate in bed often try to take the reins of government into their own hands in relationships. Soft guys, on the contrary, love hot lovers in bed. In addition, it is believed that almost all men enjoy the fact that their significant other takes the first step towards the direction in bed.

Offer your loved one an intimate movie show at home

Only you will not watch “Love and Doves”, but something more frank. Choose a good erotic movie like "9 1/2 weeks" and put on lacy underwear and lure the guy into the bedroom. Most likely, you will not even watch the movie halfway through, but by his reaction to the broadcast scenes of the film, you can find out what he would not mind trying with you in bed.

Of course, you include the film not for enlightenment, but solely as a subtle hint of a sequel. So, everything that made the guy excited, repeat in practice. He will be delighted. Especially if you guess right with the film, and it will show what you want.

Become more proactive

The very fact that a girl provokes a guy into making love is already pleasant for any guy. And if this also happens not in moments of good mood or as praise, but completely spontaneously, as a guy should think. For example, in the morning before work, give your loved one a few minutes of oral sex. This will be a good help for his career achievements, and he will be in a good mood for the whole day.

Another option for an intimate pleasant surprise for a lover is a personal striptease. Just before the presentation of your erotic dance, rehearse in front of a mirror to look really exciting, and not just move to the music. Music, by the way, should also be selected as melodic as possible, but so that it does not resemble a lullaby. And think about clothes so that they can be easily removed and look erotic.

And if a misunderstanding slips in a relationship, and it affects the intimate life of a couple, then it's time to go to the extreme - role-playing games. This kind of foreplay is by no means a perversion. On the contrary, many family psychologists recommend that couples practice role-playing in bed to strengthen relationships and improve mutual understanding. Trying on various images and playing scenes, the lovers tune in to a certain common wave that can radically change their sexual relationship and rekindle even the extinguished fire of passion.

Be sure to discuss the themes and costumes for role-playing games so that both you and your boyfriend like the chosen scene for the foreplay

Feel free to be frank alone with your loved one

Alone, everything is possible, happy lovers believe, and they are right. After all, with whom, if not with your loved one, you will embody all sexual fantasies. Experiment. If what you do is pleasant to your partner, then in return he will also give you unearthly pleasure.

To be the one and only is the ideal that every seductress aspires to.

Wise women know how to always remain loved and desired for their chosen one.

Little "tricks" and knowledge of how to make a man feel good in bed and at home can maintain harmony and sensuality even in long-term relationships.

How to make a man nice: psychological subtleties

Scientists have long proven that women are sensitive and impressionable, while men are less vulnerable, prudent, cold-blooded creatures. In practice, things are a little different. Representatives of the stronger sex, no less than their emotional halves, need tenderness, care and affection. Compliments to listen to or a nice gift to accept, they are also not averse. Therefore, psychological "tricks" should be given special attention.

Respect. Even the last loser blooms next to the woman who reveres him. It is known that for the fair sex, the most important thing is the care of the second half. For men, the direct proof of love is respect. It is important to accept his life position, opinion, friends. Be sensitive to personal space, interests and habits.

Regular insults and attempts to humiliate dignity are incompatible with the concept of tact, so angry statements should be kept to yourself. A woman herself can feel secure and happy only with her chosen one, so in the absence of this important criterion in a relationship, you should think about parting.

Attention. Strict control can scare anyone. Otherwise, things are with unobtrusive care. The question of how the working day went or who won yesterday's match will let a man know that he is interesting to his beloved. Is the chosen one sick? Who will cook the broth and tuck in the blanket, if not a charming girlfriend?

It will not be superfluous to show interest in the form of flirting and coquetry. Men adore proactive and playful women! To maintain interest in a relationship, it is necessary to find the strength and time every day to pay attention to the object of adoration. Otherwise, the forgotten partner will start looking for him on the side.

Compliments and flattery. Who said that only women love with their ears? Representatives of the strong half of humanity are vain and need approval, admiration, compliments. The object of praise can be character traits, appearance, actions. Subtle flattery is also appropriate (not to be confused with obvious lies), in which the abilities of the chosen one will be slightly exaggerated.

Subordination. The role of a man as a dominant is determined by nature. He should feel in charge, even if most of the decisions are made by the second half. True femininity is inseparable from moderate humility and the ability to compromise, so that your obstinacy should be pacified as often as possible. It doesn't matter who has the decisive opinion. The main thing is how a woman gives the arrangement of roles in the family. A man can be henpecked for his beloved, but at the same time he must feel dominant in a relationship.

How to make a man pleasant: joint life

It is easy to charm a man you like, but not every seductress can do it so that he feels good and comfortable. Representatives of the stronger sex love comfort, and they have certain requirements for living together.

1. Satiety. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." The well-known truth is 100% true. It is not necessary to come up with amazing recipes - even fried potatoes and delicious pies cooked with love will help win a man's heart.

2. Romance at home. It is believed that a man should take care of the object of love. However, the strong halves of humanity also do not mind receiving a touching SMS, a nice note with a confession or a nice gift. Maintaining a romantic "spirit" contributes to harmony in any relationship.

3. Comfort. Many single men live in their apartments like bears in a den. Scattered things, confused socks, unwashed dishes ... The appearance of a woman in the house is associated with bringing coziness and comfort to housing, because it is not for nothing that the representatives of the weaker sex are called "keepers of the hearth."

4. Personal space. Every person needs privacy with himself. It is important to give the chosen one time for personal interests and hobbies, saving him from annoying control. The freer a man feels, the more he becomes attached to his beloved.

At the beginning of a relationship, it is unlikely that anyone would think of checking their beloved for “professional suitability” in economic affairs. And yet, there are relatively fewer lovers of sloths and egoists than those who prefer to put on a shirt ironed by their second half in the morning and return home in the evening, where a delicious, hearty dinner awaits.

Washing, ironing and cooking are not forced actions, but what man would not be happy with washed and paired socks, ironed clothes and freshly prepared dishes?

We please the eye or how to make a man pleasant with his appearance

The contemplation of the female body gives great pleasure to the representatives of the stronger sex. To make viewing even more exciting, you need to carefully monitor your appearance.

Women have heard a lot about the fact that a skilled seductress is obliged to meet her missus in sexy clothes, with makeup and elegant styling. This, of course, is a win-win option, but its constant maintenance is almost impossible. However, even in a long relationship, a woman should remain beautiful. What do men pay attention to?

Hair must be washed and tidy. Unpainted roots, tangled strands and dandruff can scare away the most persistent suitor.

Nails must be clean and tidy. An intricate manicure is a whim of a woman, men usually notice either a torn off or a bright acid varnish.

Properly selected cloth emphasizes the merits and hides the flaws, besides attracts the representatives of the stronger sex. It should be neat - torn and dirty branded items are significantly inferior to clean and ironed wardrobe items purchased somewhere on the market.

A woman must smell delicious. Not a single perfume is able to "interrupt" the smell of sweat and unwashed body.

Each man has his own preferences for the parameters of the female figure. Someone loves slender beauties, give others girls with "curvy" forms. However, the proportionality of the body, its neatness and elasticity is encouraged by everyone without exception.

Clean and well maintained leather always attractive without makeup. Problems that a woman herself cannot eliminate should be solved with the help of specialists (beautician, dermatologist).

To always look good, you do not need to visit beauty salons every day and stand in front of a mirror for half a day. It is enough to regularly maintain neatness and beauty, steadily devoting at least an hour a day to self-care.

Do not neglect the tricks available only to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Lace lingerie, sexy stockings, thin heels and other “things” drive any man crazy! Seductive wardrobe items can add passion to relationships for both newly-made and "experienced" couples.

How to make a man feel good in bed?

Representatives of the stronger sex quickly “turn on” and do not need lengthy preparations for an act of love, like their partners. But this does not mean that you can deprive your chosen one. foreplay and games. Erotic dance, relaxing massage and gentle kisses will make the seductress even more desirable in the eyes of her beloved.

Cold and closed partners during sex reduce a man's self-esteem and interest. The realization that the second half experiences pleasure during intimate contact inflames the passion of the lover even more. Furiously screaming and replaying, of course, is not worth it. But languid groans, barely restrained screams and other manifestations of ardent emotions will drive the partner crazy.

How more active and assertive the impulse of a mistress, the more desirable she is in the eyes of a man. No need to be ashamed of feelings, you can and even need to declare your erotic desires to your beloved! But the lack of initiative will make the partner doubt his own sexual attractiveness for a woman.

Every man has a love scenario in reserve, which he dreams of realizing in life. As a rule, fantasies are simple in execution: sex with a maid, in a public place or in handcuffs. Realize the erotic dream of a partner it is not difficult, besides, a bold act will help bring variety to intimate life, and a woman will feel even more desirable.

The naked body of a partner excites and drives a man crazy, so during sex you should not hide under the covers and turn off all light sources. Complexes associated with the imperfection of the figure should be removed with clothing. In a fit of passion, a lover will not notice cellulite or stretch marks, since the image of a woman is perceived by him holistically. From shyness and timidity in bed must be abandoned. Experiment with positions, influence the erogenous zones of your partner, do not disdain oral caresses and fantasies of your man, and then he will consider you the best lover.

Working on relationships and improving in love science helps to always maintain the interest of the object of adoration. However, theoretical knowledge about how to make a man feel good in bed and beyond is not enough without sincere feelings and emotions. Love, be relaxed during sex, benevolent in society, housekeeping at home, attentive to the chosen one, and then he will not go anywhere from you!
