Santa Claus bouquet of sweets. New Year's crafts from candies

What will allow a child to learn how to choose the right size of objects, combine colors, and place different shapes in space correctly? Of course, these are applications made from circles of colored paper, and in general applications from geometric shapes.

If you think about it and use your imagination, you can imagine any object as round, consisting only of round elements. Let's get creative and see what animals made up of circles and semicircles might look like!

Preparation of materials

First, let's decide what exactly we need to make such applications.

  • First of all, colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Compass.

Templates may also come in handy, so we suggest you carefully look at the options with templates:


In order to make a bear figurine, we will take the materials and tools necessary for the work.

For the teddy bear, cut out circles in four sizes. The body is the largest circle, the head is a medium-sized circle, five small circles are the paws and muzzle, and two identical small circles are the ears. In total we need 9 circles.

You can prepare templates for children in advance so that they do not have to work with dangerous compasses.

All that remains is to assemble the bear into one solid figure. First, glue the body circle to a plain sheet of paper, then the head. Then the paws, the muzzle. We will make the ears from one circle, cutting it into two semicircles. Using a felt-tip pen, draw eyes, a nose and a mouth.

The bear made from circles and semicircles is ready!

Elephant and owl

For the baby elephant, we will also need the materials and tools for work described above. You will need 3 circles: the body - the largest circle, the head a little smaller and the ear. And there are 4 semicircles: two for the trunk and two for the feet.

First we glue the body, then glue the head and ear to it. From below to the body we glue circles and semicircles that form the legs. We will assemble a trunk from two semicircles and glue it to the head.

Draw the eyes and tail with felt-tip pens or paints. The elephant made of circles and semicircles is ready!

For the owlet, take a large circle for the body, two medium ones for the wings, two semicircles for the ears and three quarter circles for the paws and nose.

The gluing process is the same as usual: we start with a large element and glue the head to it. Then we glue the ears and beak to the head. Draw the eyes with a felt-tip pen or paint.

Glue the wings and legs. You can draw or glue a branch on which the owl is sitting.


We will need the parts shown in the picture: one large black circle, a smaller pink circle, a black semicircle and one black circle divided into six parts.

Glue the bullfinch figurine onto cardboard or paper. As usual, we start with the body, then glue on the pink breast. We also glue the black wing with an overlap.

Then we glue the paws, tail, and decorate the bullfinch’s face with eyes and beak. The bird is ready!


Let's prepare 4 circles of different diameters. Choose contrasting colors, for example, black and red. First of all, we glue the body of the ladybug onto the cardboard, that is, a larger circle. For the head, take a second black circle, fold it in half and glue it to the first one at the edge.

Now let's make the wings. To do this, take red circles, fold them in half and glue them on one side to the body near the head so that the tips of the wings barely touch.

We finish the work: with a felt-tip pen we draw eyes, paws and dots on the wings. Ladybug is ready to fly!

You can make not just appliqués, but entire paintings with their help. For example, we can put a ladybug on a flower or a green lawn, we can place an elephant or a bear cub in a circus arena, adding some balls or a bicycle.

Experiment with the setting, with the animals themselves on the applique, and they will sparkle with new colors!

So, we see that circles and semicircles can create a whole zoo with a variety of animals. Here's a pelican:

And the chicken:

And the pig:

And even a lion:

If you give children imagination, you can make a wide variety of animals, and more! There are a lot of ideas. For some applications, you will need to prepare templates for the lesson in advance; children can cut out some parts themselves. The main thing is not to be afraid to try, fantasize, invent, because imagination is the key to successful appliqué and crafts!

Video on the topic of the article

Let's watch a video tutorial on appliques made from circles of colored paper.

Application made of velvet colored paper “Baby Elephant”. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Travneva Olga Yuryevna, primary school teacher, KSU “Secondary school No. 21, village. Saryozek" Osakarovsky district Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: This master class can be used by primary school teachers, creative people and parents in their work. The work is designed for children 7-9 years old. Making appliqué from colored paper develops accuracy, perseverance, and imagination.
Purpose of the master class: gift, work for an exhibition.
Target: making an applique from velvet colored paper “Baby Elephant”.
- develop practical skills in working with velvet colored paper, scissors, glue, and the ability to work with templates;
- develop aesthetic taste, creativity, fantasy, imagination, fine motor skills;
- cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, love for animals.
Materials and tools needed to make the applique:
colored cardboard,
velvet colored paper,
sample work.

He is huge, but obedient,
He has big ears
Legs are pedestals, like a house,
He has a small tail,
Long trunk instead of arms:
Carries logs and bamboo.
Maybe take the kids for a ride,
If you treat it deliciously.
He is brave and strong.
Did you guess it? This is... (elephant)

The elephant dances and sings
And he sits down and stands up,
Having stretched out his trunk, he lies down,
Wags his thin tail,
- Why not a bird?
I was born
What about an elephant?

If I had been born a bird,
I would sit on a branch.
If I had been born a bird,
I would fly to the sea.

On the back of a large whale
I sat and rested.
- Hello, Keith! Such an elephant
Have you ever seen it?

"Is it really this bird
Did the Elephant manage to become a huge one? -
Keith thought. - Not good
I’ll remain a whale.”

Released a fountain to the sky,
Dispersed the wave with his tail,
"Oh, and I would
Turn into a bird too -
What's the joy of being a whale?

We would take off and fly
Whale Bird and Elephant Bird,
And we were tired - we sat,
Relaxed among the waves."

Before he had time to think so -
Neither the Whale nor the Elephant,
Only rocks the birds
Ocean wave.

Just then the Elephant woke up,
- What a dream!..
Sergey Kozlov

I would like to suggest making an applique from velvet colored paper “Baby Elephant”. If velvet paper is not available, you can make an applique from plain colored paper.
We will be working with scissors, so we need to remember how to handle scissors while working.
When working with scissors, observe the following rules:
1. Keep your workplace tidy.
2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
3. Do not use loose scissors. Use scissors with rounded ends.
4. Work only with serviceable tools: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
5. Use scissors only in your own workplace.
6. Watch the movement of the blades while working.
7. Place the scissors with the rings facing you.
8. Feed the scissors rings forward.
9. Don't leave scissors open.
10. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.
11. Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.
12. Use scissors as intended.

Making the “Baby Elephant” applique.

Let's prepare the templates.

Using templates, we will cut out the parts necessary for the applique from velvet colored paper.
For the baby elephant we will need paper of gray, yellow, white, black, red. For the baby elephant's hat we will take paper of yellow, green, red, blue. We choose any color of cardboard on which the applique will be, the main thing is that the applique is clearly visible.
So, let's start making our application.
1. Cut out the body (with ear) of the baby elephant and glue it to cardboard.

2. Cut out the head with the trunk and glue it on.

3. Cut out the baby elephant’s second ear and glue it on.

4. Glue the hooves onto the baby elephant’s legs.

5. Cut out the baby elephant’s leg and glue it as if it were raised.

6. Glue the hooves onto the raised leg. Let's glue the baby elephant's eye.
Glue on the white part of the eye.

Glue on the black part of the eye.

Glue a white spot onto the eye.

This is the kind of eye the baby elephant got. Enlarged view.

7. Cut and glue the tongue.

8. “Let’s put a hat on the baby elephant.”
Cut out the yellow part of the cap and glue it on.

Cut out the green part and glue it.

Cut out the flower and glue it to the hat.

Glue the top of the hat:
yellow oval,

green oval,

red flower.

Cut out six pieces for the cap's border and glue along the edge of the cap.

Cut out seven bells and glue them along the edge of the hat. Glue the borders between the parts.

Enlarged view of the cap.

9. Cut out the bow and glue it to the tail.

10. Using a black pen or felt-tip pen, draw eyelashes.

Applications for children are one of the most favorite games and fun. But it’s by playing that the little ones learn! They gradually become accustomed to the world of colors and shapes. And they also get satisfaction from the fact that they themselves, with their own hands, can create beauty. And if parents want to help their child, we will give you ideas for appliqué made from colored paper.

What we can offer:

  • Schemes and stencils for applications of different figures: flowers, animals, insects and fairy-tale characters.
  • We'll show you what interesting, non-traditional appliqué techniques there are.
  • And, of course, we will give you a lot of positive emotions! We are sure you will have fun with us!
And most importantly, all these children's applications are for toddlers of different ages. And in one year the child will be interested in playing, and the older one will enjoy this activity. Why? Because we have prepared a collection that includes applications for children with different abilities.

For the little ones

Who said that plot application is difficult? Even the younger group can cope with some types of applications. Now we will create a beautiful basket with flowers in it.

What we may need for the application:

  • Colored thin paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Stencils;
  • Glue.


Applications for the little ones are creativity, where the abilities of even the tiniest fidget are taken into account. And this example with the “hedgehog” is just right for toddlers who, by the age of three, still cannot cut and glue, but they will be great at participating in the work. How?

Volumetric ladybug

This application is perfect for children 3-4 years old. It is very easy to make.

Application execution sequence:

Flower meadow

This clearing is an application for the younger group for children 4 years old. It can be any size and color. And several kids can work on it together at the same time. It is only important for each of them to indicate his area of ​​​​work.

Lesson in 3 stages:

Little funny chicken

You can prepare holiday cards in a very original way. The application in the preparatory group will help with this.

You need to cut out the following parts:


Kids think abstractly; for them, such a trifle as the color or shape of a character does not matter, if at the same time his image conveys child-like emotions. But how can you make an applique just like this so that your baby feels a kindred spirit? Here's a great example of this!

Meet Tsypa! He has:

  • Body - square;
  • Eye – 2 circles (black and white, and a little more white);
  • Beak - triangle;
  • The paws are also triangular;
  • The wing is a semicircle;
  • Tuft - crescent.

Now, trust the little one, let him choose what color will be! Explain what each figure means and why the bird needs it. Isn't that interesting? So, finding the right stencils for applications is already a game. All that remains is to glue everything together!


Let's complicate the task. We have to help the children learn how to make an applique panel. There are many details that are both a background and an independent part of the picture. The central part is the mischievous face of the smiling Sun.

Leave the work on your kitten's smile. Or you can print ready-made faces:

And start preparing yellow, golden and orange circles of different sizes.

We assemble a picture on a blue background.

You can stick circles in the form of rays, or in a circle, the main thing is to alternate their colors. The Sun itself will be placed in the middle of the panel.


Probably, a broken applique is the sweetest and most tender thing you can imagine. She just looks so fluffy that I can’t believe it was all created. A torn applique achieves this effect due to small uneven parts assembled into one composition.


These are not just flowers, but a structure that will stand. In this case, we will make all parts of the plant. The flowers themselves, leaves and stems. Children in the middle group will master this simple applique very quickly.


We made greeting cards, invitations to celebrations, paintings, and even memories of your little one’s childhood. But now we will try to make a Christmas tree toy.

And since it consists of two bases and 16 circles, we print out templates for applications, this will allow you to quickly, and without delaying the preparatory work, move on to constructing the toy.

Read more about blanks. The basis is 2 circles of the same size, drawn as a figure eight. The additional circles are equal in diameter to those in the base.
We also need a rope 4 times the length of the base. And decorative beads.


Polyana is a multi-composition application in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old. Here we will get acquainted with models that need to be made first, and only then fixed to the base. Volumetric types of applications are made with such an original sample.

Our base is blue cardboard. This is heaven. The sun is shining. The grass grows and flowers bloom in it. And butterflies and dragonflies flutter above them. All parts are made of accordion-folded paper.

A collection of applique master classes + interesting ideas

It's nice to know that different types of appliques made by children, such as appliqué made from torn paper or from corrugated material, are a good memory. And irrefutable evidence that our little ones have talent. The child is developing. And we help him with this.

Elena Evgenievna Safronova

Target: Expand children’s knowledge about representatives of the animal world of hot countries. Learn to transfer fantasy to a picture using imagination and thinking. Introduce drawing techniques - applique, an image made up of many details. Strengthen the skill of working with scissors. Develop color perception and sense of composition.

Material: silhouette prepared in advance on cardboard elephant, glue brush, PVA glue, napkins, felt-tip pen, scissors.

Progress of the lesson.


Guess who he is:

Very strong and big

He has a very long nose

And a short thin tail

Tusks are called fangs

The ears are very wide. (Elephant)

Demonstration of pictures elephant, both in wildlife and in the circus.

The elephant is so big that you have to climb the ladder on him in order to get on his back. He has a trunk coming from his head, and he can twist and bend his trunk in any way he wants.

The trunk collects dust from the ground, and then blows all the dust onto its back, and the stomach also blows dust. He does this to prevent insects from biting him. He has no hair and very thick, folded skin. And on his head he has big ones, right up to his entire head. And he shakes and claps them, and his eyes are very small. Tell me, what else is it for? elephant do you need such a long trunk?

Children: take leaves from trees, douse yourself with water in hot weather.

Educator: That’s right, and it’s also related to the structure of the body elephant. U elephant very short neck and he cannot reach the ground. This is where his trunk comes to the rescue.

Elephant It takes a long time to pick young shoots from tall trees and nibble the grass.

In fact elephants are very good-natured, are easy to train, so they can be found not only in the zoo, but also in the circus.

Tell. What color elephant?

Children: Gray.

Educator: Right. And I’ll tell you an excerpt from a poem by G. Gorbovsky "Pink elephant» .

Preface: It was at the zoo, in a cage with elephant a girl came up and saw that elephant sad and she says to him:

….You shouldn’t be discouraged, there’s no trouble.

I know that: you're pink!

Maybe by chance, somewhere in a dream

You leaned against a gray wall?

My good one elephant, you're sorry.

There are gray days in life

Soon the sun will give dawn,

Turns your skin pink!

Educator: Guys. I think you've already guessed that even in your fantasies you can imagine elephant in different colors. Which one elephant in your fantasies?

Children: red, green, blue, etc.

Educator: Showing silhouette elephant, and this one what an elephant?

Children: grey, white.

Educator: Let's do this elephant Let's turn it into the colors of our imagination?

Children: Yes

Practical part.

We cut napkins of different colors into small squares. Take the outline thick paper elephant, separate ear and tail.

Apply glue to the surface with a brush elephant and glue the pieces of napkin overlapping in any order to create a mosaic effect. Separately cover the ear and tail with pieces of napkin.

Glue the ear and tail into elephant. Here we are ready elephants.

Publications on the topic:

“Aksanka Art Tales” Series “White Elephant” You are my friend! One day, while walking through the forest, Chari the Elephant heard someone chomping in the bushes. The Elephant was scared, what could be there. And he imagined it.

Dora Lux. Rainbow Elephant (fairy tale) Rainbow elephant. Once upon a time there lived an elephant. Only it was not an unusual elephant, but a rainbow one. He could fly and had two translucent iridescent and bright wings.

To interest children, make learning interesting and varied, turn boring work into lively and creative work, and maintain interest.

A comprehensive lesson in a preparatory group on the topic “Elephant” based on the work of A. Kuprin Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive.

Goal: To teach children to glue a birdhouse from geometric shapes. Formation of elementary ideas about the life of birds in the spring.

Program content. Teach children to cut out and create a rocket in a rational way: divide the square into three triangles. Develop combinatorial.

Instructions for making and examples of candy gifts for children and colleagues.

With the New Year holidays approaching, many people strive to please their loved ones and colleagues with pleasant little things and gifts. For this purpose, expensive kits are purchased. But it is not at all necessary to spend a huge amount of money on ready-made gifts; you can do everything yourself. All you need to do is purchase candy and all the necessary materials.

How to make a sweet gift for the New Year with your own hands from candies and sweets for friends and colleagues: ideas, templates, diagrams, photos

There are many options for sweet gifts for adults. Very often they are given along with alcohol. Very often, rows of candies are glued to a bottle of champagne with tape, and then the attachment points are masked with New Year's tinsel. Below are step-by-step instructions for making a Christmas tree from candies. You can decorate bottles of alcohol using the same principle.


  • Take a rectangle of thick cardboard and roll it into a cone
  • Fasten with a stapler and, starting from the bottom, attach the New Year's tinsel
  • Attach a row of sweets a little higher, then again a row of tinsel
  • So continue until the very top
  • Attach 3 candies to the top and decorate with tinsel

VIDEO: Christmas tree on champagne

Many people consider gifts with alcohol to be in bad taste. In this case, you can give a combined bouquet of sweets, tea or coffee to a non-drinking colleague or friend. Usually all this is packaged in a beautiful box and decorated with tinsel.

How to make a sweet New Year's gift from chocolates and sweets for friends and colleagues: ideas, templates, diagrams, photos

It is not necessary to make gifts in the form of a Christmas tree or New Year's paraphernalia. You can make something quite familiar, for example, a bouquet of candies in a New Year's style.


  • Take the candies and attach them to the skewers with tape
  • After this, wrap it with corrugated paper, imitating a rose or bud
  • Gather the buds together into a bouquet, decorate with New Year's tinsel and beads
  • In this way you can assemble a New Year's ikebana, into which you can insert fresh spruce branches

Bouquet of sweets for the New Year

An excellent option for tea and flowers. The buds are made of corrugated paper and candies. The composition is decorated with artificial fir branches.

If you have many colleagues, then you can choose a more budget option. To do this, a chocolate bar is taken as a basis, which is decorated with flowers made from sweets and corrugated paper. Every colleague will be pleased to receive such a gift.

How to make a sweet New Year's gift from candies and sweets for children: ideas, templates, diagrams, photos

If you don’t want to glue or assemble anything, you can buy a small basket and put a soft toy with candies in it. But this is not the only option.

Gift options for children:

  • In the form of a typewriter
  • In the form of a bouquet
  • In the form of a cake

VIDEO: Sleigh and sweets for children

How to make a sweet New Year's gift from chocolates and sweets for children: ideas, templates, diagrams, photos

In general, the best idea for children is to make gifts in the form of a car, steering wheel or dumbbell. Conventionally, the production of such a gift can be divided into several stages.

  • Making a base from cardboard or foam. In this case, a frame is formed, which is then decorated with sweets
  • After this, the frame is covered with tissue or corrugated paper to match the color of the candies.
  • Next, chocolates and sweets are attached with double-sided tape

Below are the most interesting and unusual options for gifts made from sweets and chocolate.

The best sweet gifts for the New Year for friends, colleagues, children: ideas, photos

In fact, it is worth choosing fairly simple gifts for all colleagues. If there are a lot of colleagues, then pay attention to inexpensive gifts. They are quite cute and will keep your budget intact for the New Year. The simplest options are those with a chocolate bar decorated with a flower made of corrugation and sweets. Bouquets of tea and sweets can also be considered inexpensive.

Making sweet gifts is not at all difficult, all you need is a little patience and time.

VIDEO: Steering wheel made from candies
